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a guest
Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. KuroSword:
  2. Item_Information:
  3. Item_Name: "&l&8Kuro&fSword"
  4. Item_Type: 267
  5. Item_Lore: "&bLa Mitica e leggendaria KuroSword|Forgiata con il ferro di Valchiria in un era passata|Usata dal antico guerriero &lKurochan|per fermare l' avanzata del malvagio Dr.Go!|Secondo fonti non confermate, avolta la spada avrebbe parlato con la voce del suo padrone"
  6. Melee_Mode: true
  7. Sounds_Acquired: CAT_MEOW-1-1-0
  8. Backstab:
  9. Enable: true
  10. Bonus_Damage: 50
  11. Critical_Hits:
  12. Enable: true
  13. Bonus_Damage: 200
  14. Chance: 20
  15. Message_Shooter: "KuroSword: &9Ora ho perso la pazienza... &lMEGA SFURIATA!"
  16. Message_Victim: "KuroSword: &l&cEH-EH! TI HO FATTO A PEZZETTINI... BABBEO!!"
  17. Potion_Effects:
  18. Activation: hit
  19. Potion_Effect_Shooter: HEALTH_BOOST-600-2, REGENERATION-800-3
  20. Potion_Effect_Victim: CONFUSION-600-2, SLOW-1200-3, POISON-800-2
  21. Particels:
  22. Enable: true
  23. Particle_Player_Shoot: flames-10,smoke,block_break-55
  24. Particle_Critical: block_break-264
  25. Fireworks:
  26. Enable: true
  27. Firework_Headshot: CREEPER-TRUE-TRUE-255-128-64
  28. Hit_Events:
  29. Enable: true
  30. Sounds_Victim: CAT_HIT-1-1-0
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