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Jul 19th, 2011
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  1. Due to the takeover of PSX-SCENE by QJ.NET, transfer of ownership and a newly injected terms of service agreement we are leaving. All major ps3 emulator development coming from Squarepusher, TheMaister and I will no longer be posted on this site. Anyone posting news about our emulators on this site are not the true owners and therefore do not have direct permissions to post the news. We will not go after people posting about our work. Instead we are making it very clear that those people do not own them and therefore the new TOS agreement part of QJ.NET does not apply.
  3. "User Provided Content, License. You are solely responsible for all content or materials that you post, submit to, or transmit through the Service. By submitting materials or content to PSX-SCENE.COM, you grant PSX-SCENE.COM a license to copy, use, display and create derivative works of the material or content submitted for any purpose, including, without limitation, the promotion and marketing of the Service and the operation of the PSX-SCENE.COM system. By submitting materials or content, you automatically agree (or, to the extent you do not own all rights to such materials or content, you represent and warrant that the owner of the content or materials has expressly agreed) that without any particular time limit, and without the payment of any fees, PSX-SCENE.COM and anyone it permits may reproduce, display, distribute and create new works of authorship based on and including the content or materials. You may not submit content or materials trademarked or copyrighted by anyone other than yourself."
  5. The part in particular which is dangerous:
  6. "By submitting materials or content, you automatically agree (or, to the extent you do not own all rights to such materials or content, you represent and warrant that the owner of the content or materials has expressly agreed) that without any particular time limit, and without the payment of any fees, PSX-SCENE.COM and anyone it permits may reproduce, display, distribute and create new works of authorship based on and including the content or materials."
  8. All developers who use this site to post their work should be aware of this.
  10. We are generally unhappy in the direction this site has taken over the past year. Now with a service agreements only designed to cause legal trouble or steal work we chose not to fuel an owner who is making a business out of community supported work. I come here to get away from big business not help create it.
  13. Halsafar
  16. P.S. Squarepusher has already been banned for standing up for developers.
  22. ----
  23. It is true, and while I honestly had no involvement (or knowledge) in what he did/attempted, I agree with what halsafar says.
  25. My Work, no matter how minor the ones I actually put my name to, (The PSL1GHTv2 VM, Rockbox compiles, work, etc) are mine as well the original submissions were made under a different TOS and are thus not the property of the new psx-scene, nor will they ever be. They were made to benefit the scene as a whole, not one particular company. When I made the posts I had no intention of assigning the rights to them to ANY one.
  27. Therefore, I too will not be posting to this site. Also, like halsafar anyone posting my work here may do so-- but they are NOT authorized to assign ownership to psxscene by making such a post, therefore, the TOS will NOT apply.
  29. Admins, you will likely delete this post. Know that a sceenshot has been taken of it and by you deleting it-- you also agree that my previous posts are not the property of PSXSCENE.
  31. (Now, How do YOU like being placed inside a box?)
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