
Open letter to Time Warner, March 2014

Mar 7th, 2014
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  1. Dear Robert, or whom it may concern,
  3. This quote of yours:
  5. >In the meantime, all of us at Time Warner Cable remain committed to
  6. providing you with [...] ultra-fast Internet
  8. You haven't done that. "Ultra-fast internet" would literally require your
  9. customers to upgrade their networking hardware to get the entire product.
  10. That's not the case. The bandwidth I get today can be handled lazily by
  11. networking hardware that's almost 20 years old; Fast Ethernet (100 Mb/sec)
  12. was introduced in 1995. Your top-tier service runs at 50.
  14. Bandwidth is changing lives. Today, we live in a world that simply could
  15. not exist if dialup were still the norm. And I know that the world is a
  16. better place because of it.
  18. I challenge you to put your money where your mouth is. _Sell us that life
  19. changing product._ Sell us the bandwidth that will revolutionize how we
  20. live, work, and play. _Be the foundation upon which the new paradigm is
  21. built._ Enable _others_ to create the products that cannot exist on the
  22. tiny pipes we have now by providing the infrastructure to deliver products
  23. we can't even begin to dream of.
  25. In 2001, I _literally_ thought that YouTube and Netflix couldn't exist
  26. because the internet wasn't fast enough---the pipes were too small. What
  27. is the product that can't exist right now for the same reason? The hell if
  28. I know. I'm pretty sure that you don't know it either. But one thing is
  29. for sure... once it's possible, those products _will_ come to pass. Those
  30. services _will_ change our lives. And not just my life. They'll change
  31. your life, your employees lives, and your customers' lives.
  33. If you build it, they will come. And if you offer it _before_ Google beats
  34. you to the punch, or only once a competitor drags you kicking and screaming
  35. into the future, you'll look back with sorrow on the head start you
  36. willingly gave up, possibly cursing yourself for ignoring the portent in
  37. this very email. Be the company that brings the future head-first into our
  38. homes, and we'll remember you for it. Every single month when we pay our
  39. bills.
  41. The way people talk with envy about how Google might be coming to town to
  42. lay fiber.... People _could_ be saying the same about Time Warner. But
  43. they're not.
  45. You should change that. Now.
  47. Here's to the future! I hope you want to be a part of it as much as I do.
  49. Best Regards,
  50. Andrew Bobulsky
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