
Friday Nights at Freddy's : Days before night shift

Aug 25th, 2014
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  1. >Days before night shift starts: Two
  2. >
  3. >It is daytime at this little pizzeria
  4. >You are filling out some papers for your new job
  5. >Security guard
  6. >It's very strange to have a security guard for a family pizzeria
  7. >You guess it's a new regulation they must abide to not so long ago
  8. >As long as the nights are calm and the check clears, you're good as gold
  9. That's the last one, boss.
  10. >You hand the big folder to Tucker, your new boss
  11. >"Excellent! Glad to get these out of the way."
  12. >He places the folder into the filing cabinet
  13. >"Today has been quite productive but we are out of time. I'm going to have to give you the tour tomorrow, rookie."
  14. OK, Tucker. Same time tomorrow?
  15. >"That's right. Don't be late."
  16. I won't, sir. See ya tomorrow.
  17. >"Goodbye, bud."
  18. >You head out the office door and start heading out the door
  19. >The smell of slightly cheap pizza fills the room as well as the sounds of happy children and adults
  20. >On a nearby stage is three automatic robotic characters
  21. >A rabbit, a chicken and a bear
  22. >The only one you know right now is Freddy, the bear
  23. >This place has it's name in the title
  24. >Freddy's Fun-time Pizzeria!
  25. >Maybe it's a female
  26. >The reason for that thought is just because the robot roughly has feminine curves
  27. >In fact, all of them do
  28. >Maybe it's just you
  29. >Either way, they are on stage singing and playing tunes
  30. >Tomorrow, you will learn this place inside and out
  31. >This place will look and feel abandoned when you start your night shift
  32. >
  33. >
  34. >Days before night shift starts: One
  35. >
  36. >You're back at the pizzeria
  37. >Right now, you are at this small room
  38. >Your security station
  39. >The walls are covered in posters of this restaurant
  40. >"This is where you are to be stationed. The cameras are put in every major room, to give you good coverage. When something big happens, the phone is right here."
  41. >This room maybe small but you don't mind
  42. >"Let's show you the rest of the place"
  43. >You were shown the bathroom areas, hallways, the staff lounge, kitchen and spare parts room
  44. >Finally your tours last stop was the "living room"
  45. >You are calling it that because this is where everybody is eating and having fun
  46. >Today is packed with children and adults
  47. >You see the robots singing and playing the same tunes as yesterday
  48. >"If you got any questions, ask away"
  49. >If you're going to know everything inside out, might as well know the robots names
  50. What are the names of the robots on stage there?
  51. >He points as he names them
  52. >"You already know Freddy the bear, the rabbit is Bonnie and the chicken with the bib is Chica."
  53. >Relatively easy names
  54. >Something catches the corner of your eye
  55. >What looks like a red curtain with a sign in the front saying "Sorry, Out of Order"
  56. What's over there behind the curtain?
  57. >"The wizard of oz"
  58. What?
  59. >"Ha Ha, just kidding with ya. Behind there is an old stage and attraction but it had to be shut down."
  60. May I take a look?
  61. >"Go on ahead, you'll get used to the place by exploring."
  62. >You pass by the crowd with your boss not far behind towards the curtain
  63. >Upon entering, there is only the light from behind you to able for you toe see
  64. >What you see is a pirate set to look like a ship
  65. >And in the middle of it is another robot not moving
  66. >It looks like some sort of fox with a pirate hat? It's fur is torn in some places and worn down quite a bit
  67. >"This is 'Pirate Cove' and that robot there is Foxy but the kids called her 'The Pirate'"
  68. >You brush you hand gently across the pirates face to wipe off some dust
  69. Why is this out of order?
  70. >"Foxy here bit someone in '87. Nasty clean up as well."
  71. Wait a minute, lets back up a bit. She's a robot, right? How can she just bite somebody?
  72. >"We don't know why she attacked the guy. Some of us think it's her programming or something along the lines."
  73. >You turn to him
  74. Why not get someone to look inside her?
  75. >"All of these robots were built twenty odd years ago by one man. We don't know what all he put in them."
  76. Why not just get him?
  77. >"He died about two years after he built them. Died in his sleep."
  78. >Damn, this place has a lot history to it!
  79. >"Any more questions before you head out today?"
  80. >You are still in the process of taking in the history lesson
  81. Nope, I'm good for now.
  82. >"Good! I shall see you tomorrow night, kid."
  83. >He turns and leaves
  84. Later, boss!
  85. >You give one final look back at Foxy
  86. >There always a reason for something, right?
  87. See you tomorrow night.
  88. >You leave, preparing for your first night shift!
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