
Loss Chapter 2

Mar 5th, 2013
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  1. >Day Plots in Equestria
  2. >You are Fluttershy
  3. >You’ve spent the whole day consoling Twilight
  4. >She feels terrible about what she did to Anon, but you’ve done your best to convince her it was the right thing to do
  5. >A few days without food will teach him fear
  6. >Then you’ll convince Twilight that perhaps she was indeed too harsh on him
  7. >It’s funny; anyone with half a brain would wonder at a pony’s sudden shift from vindictive to forgiveness
  8. >But if that pony is you?
  9. >‘She’s so kind! She really is the element of kindness. Perhaps we should give Anon another chance after all?’
  10. >Hilarious
  11. >It’s only a matter of time until your plan comes to fruition
  12. >You get wet at the thought of Anon in your arms again
  13. >You wonder how he’s handling it all
  15. >You are Anon
  16. >You’re not entirely sure what to do
  17. >You don’t understand why Twilight was so angry
  18. >You know she treasured those books, but to banish you without a second thought?
  19. >Someone framed you, but who?
  20. >You were so sure Ponyville loved you
  21. >You stand up, brushing the dirt of your clothes
  22. >No time for dwelling
  23. >You needed to get back to Equestria and prove your innocence
  24. >‘Never return to Ponyville, Anonymous, or face far worse!’
  25. >…
  26. >Perhaps you should give her some time to calm down first
  27. >You look around
  28. >You see a lot of dirt
  29. >The sun is still moving its way up the sky, so at least you know where east is
  30. >But it doesn’t really matter which way you go; you don’t know which direction Equestria even is
  31. >Hell, you don’t even know where you are
  32. >You’re either going to go the right way and reach Equestria, or go the wrong way and die in the desert
  33. >You like your odds, and setting the sun on your right, you begin walking
  34. >You’re sure you’ll find someone soon enough
  36. >Fucking empty wasteland
  37. >The sun is above you now, and you’ve yet to see anything besides rock and sand
  38. >You haven’t even seen any small animals
  39. >Aren’t lizards supposed to live in environments like this?
  40. >The thought of meat makes your stomach growl
  41. >They sentenced you to exile, but you’re starting to think they really wanted you to starve to death
  42. >Well, they did look pretty mad…
  43. >No, there’s no way they would do that to you
  44. >Not for something so small
  45. >You do your best to ignore your stomach
  46. >And the heat
  47. >You’re not sure what would be worse, the sun on your bare head or the idea of your black hair absorbing the heat
  48. >A tender touch to your scalp confirms that hair would, in fact, be preferable
  49. >You take off your shirt and wrap it around your head
  50. >It’s soaked through from your sweat, but at least it makes your head feel a bit better
  51. >You can feel yourself becoming more and more exhausted; you won’t be able to stand the heat much longer
  52. >Not at this time of day
  53. >You wipe the sweat from around your eyes and look around
  54. >In the distance to your left, you can see what seems to be a large, flat mountain
  55. >Last time you checked, mountains aren’t flat
  56. >More importantly, you see what look like a bunch of holes on its side
  57. >Caves
  58. >Shade
  59. >Shelter
  60. >You start heading towards them
  61. >You try to jog, but it doesn’t work so well, and you soon get that idea out of your head
  62. >The sooner you get there the better, but killing yourself on the way probably won’t help
  63. >After what feels like ages, you reach the mountain
  64. >It’s enormous, even bigger than you thought
  65. >Caves dot its side like some sort of bee hive
  66. >You walk into one of the lower caves, relishing in the release from the heat
  67. >It’s not quite cold, but it’s certainly cooler than outside
  68. >You lay on the wall
  69. >You know you won’t be able to stand the heat of the day
  70. >Probably should wait for night and travel then
  71. >You settle down, trying to get comfy
  72. >You yawn; it’s been a long morning
  73. >You try to fight off the sleep, but within moments, you’re out
  75. >You wake up to total darkness
  76. >You must have slept through the rest of the day
  77. >Wasn’t the moon full last night though?
  78. >You try to get up, only to find yourself unable to move anything but your eyes
  79. >You feel some cloth-like material all around you
  80. >You squirm, but it remains tight around you
  81. >You feel your eyes begin to adjust
  82. >What at first you thought was complete darkness, you realize, is actually filled with a dim green glow
  83. >You definitely aren’t outside
  84. >You strain your eyes more
  85. >You peer into the abyss
  86. >And it stares back at you
  88. >Is what you would have liked to have said
  89. >Unfortunately, your mouth is bound, so it comes out muffled
  90. >The pair of green eyes is soon accompanied by more and more
  91. >Within seconds, what seems like thousands of eyes all stare at you
  92. >Before you’re able to freak the fuck out ever more, a bigger set of eyes appears
  93. >They blink, and the glow brightens
  94. >Oh
  95. >Oh this isn’t good
  96. >You hadn’t seen one personally, but you’d seen pictures of them, and Twilight had talked about them a couple times
  97. >Changelings
  98. >And you seem to have found their nest
  99. >At least you weren’t hot anymore
  100. >The largest pair of eyes, now the largest changeling, walks closer to you
  101. >”Hello there, Anonymous. You appear comfy”
  102. >You mumble
  103. >”Oh my, how rude of me! I guess we should fix that, now shouldn’t we?”
  104. >You feel the cloth release your mouth and head
  105. >You look down, and see that the material is some kind of web
  106. >Not much was known about changelings
  107. >Apparently they could turn into spiders though
  108. >The large changeling is still standing in front of you
  109. Where-
  110. >Oh god your throat is sore
  111. >What you wouldn’t give for some water
  112. >You clear your throat, trying again
  113. Where am I? How do you know my name?
  114. >The changeling laughs, and a moment later, the rest follow suit
  115. >The sound echoes off the cavern walls
  116. >Nice acoustics
  117. >”Oh Anonymous, do you really think I don’t have any spies in Equestria? We’re changelings. Subterfuge and information is what we do”
  118. >Oh.
  119. >Duh.
  120. >”As for where you are, you are in my home. Which, I must say, is quite the impressive feat. However, I didn’t bring you in here for you to question me. In fact, the opposite is true”
  121. >She steps forward, stroking your face
  122. >Her hoof is smooth…
  123. >Focus
  124. >”Tell me, Anon. How did you get here? Why did you sneak into my lair? Did that insufferable sister of my old whipping boy send you?”
  125. Whipping boy? What are you talking about?
  126. >The hoof pulls back and slaps you
  127. >Smooth, yes
  128. >Hard, even more so
  129. >You feel a tooth fly out, and blood fills your mouth
  130. >”I thought I said I was asking the questions here. Now answer me. Did. Twilight. Sparkle. Send. You?”
  131. >You pause for a moment
  132. >You then start to laugh
  133. >Blood dribbles out of your mouth as you do so
  134. >The large changeling stares at you for a moment
  135. >She looks confused
  136. >You try to stop, but you can’t help it
  137. >”Why are you laughing? Are you mocking me?”
  138. >She pulls back her hoof again
  139. N-no! That’s not it at all! It’s just too much, that’s all!
  140. >You’re still snickering a little
  141. >Perhaps you’ve gone mad
  142. >You wouldn’t be surprised
  143. >The changeling’s eyes narrow
  144. >”And what do you mean by that?”
  145. I’m sorry, but just this morning, I was banished from Equestria, and now I’m being held captive as a potential spy for them
  146. >The changeling’s eyes widen
  147. >She turns away from you, and her wings extend, vibrating
  148. >A moment later, a smaller changeling appears before her, holding a parchment
  149. >She opens it with her magic and reads it
  150. >A moment later, she turns back to you
  151. >You’ve stopped laughing, having regained control
  152. >You’re lucky she didn’t kill you for that
  153. >She doesn’t look angry right now though
  154. >Just thoughtful
  155. >A moment later, she vibrates her wings again
  156. >A couple of changelings fly over to you
  157. >Oh god
  158. >Her lackeys are going to kill you
  159. >You close your eyes as you hear a ripping sound
  160. >You hope that wasn’t your chest
  161. >You look down, to see yourself free of the cocoon
  162. >You look up at the changeling
  163. >She beckons you with her head, and begins walking away
  164. >Not entirely sure what just happened, but this seems like good news
  165. >You walk after her, trying not to stumble
  166. >God damn pins and needles in your legs
  168. >Soon, you’re inside another large cavern
  169. >Instead of being filled to the brim with changelings, however, this one contains a large stone throne
  170. >It’s simple, with a green cushion on its base for padding
  171. >The walls are covered with mosaics, depicting different events
  172. >Some involve wars, while others show times of peace
  173. >One in particular grabs your interest: a pair of green eyes, hanging in the darkness above what appears to be two ponies kissing
  174. >So they really do feed off love
  175. >Fascinating
  176. >The changeling sits on the throne and vibrates her wings
  177. >You’re positive now she’s the Queen Twilight had spoken of
  178. >Her name was crystal something, you think
  179. >A smaller changeling appears, turning into a chair for you to sit on
  180. >Weird, but ok
  181. >You sit down, waiting for her to talk
  182. >The Queen examines you for a moment, before nodding
  183. >”So, you speak the truth. You were banished this morning, after being accused of burning down Twilight’s library. Quite harsh, I must say.”
  184. >You open your mouth to argue, but she cuts you off
  185. “Ah ah! I don’t care if you did it or not. What I care about is you, Anonymous.”
  186. >What
  187. >The Queen laughs at what you assume must be a dumbfounded expression on your face
  188. >”Oh yes, that’s right. Anonymous, I don’t think you realize what a creature like you means for us changelings. We’re a race that excels at information gathering, and yet never in our thousands of years of existence have we encountered something such as you.”
  189. >She sighs, slumping down dramatically
  190. >”Imagine our surprise when, one day, one of our Ponyville spies reports back that a sentient, hairless monkey appeared!”
  191. >Ah yes, the days of being known as the hairless monkey
  192. >It had taken you months to get them to call you a human
  193. >”So, Anonymous. What I want you to do is to tell me everything you know about humans. Most importantly, their physical characteristics. The more forms we have at our disposal, the greater our infiltration of the other races will become.”
  194. And if I refuse?
  195. >The Queen flies down to you
  196. >She gets right in front of you, and you notice your changeling chair now has binds on your hands and feet
  197. >”Well, imagine what kind of pain we can inflict on something when we can turn into any creature we wish”
  198. >Well
  199. >Can’t argue with that logic
  200. >You clear your throat again
  201. In that case, your wish is my command, Your Highness.
  202. >The Queen’s eyes flash, and she smiles
  203. >”Oh please, Anonymous. Call me Chrysalis”
  205. >The chair releases you, and you get to your feet
  206. >The chair disappears a moment later, though the changeling doesn’t reappear
  207. >You look back at Chrysalis
  208. If you don’t mind me asking, I didn’t think changelings could turn into inanimate objects?
  209. >Chrysalis looks at you for a moment
  210. >”They can’t.”
  211. >Without any further explanation, she walks away, signalling once again for you to follow
  212. >The two of you make your way through the caves, until finally you reach a small room
  213. >The door is made of the same green goop that gives off the light, but hardened more and given a hinge
  214. >Inside are a desk, ink, several quills, and a large amount of parchment
  215. >”This will be where you work. Any questions?”
  216. Um, one. You have any food or water?
  217. >Chrysalis smiles at you
  218. >”I’m afraid not, Anonymous. We only eat love here. However, I suppose I can look into it.”
  219. >She leans in close enough for you to feel her breath on your ear
  220. >”I can’t have you dying yet”
  221. >And with that, she leaves
  222. >You look at the door for a moment
  223. >’..yet’
  224. >Yeah, you aren’t getting out of here alive
  225. >You sit down at the desk
  226. >You stare at the parchment for a while, trying to decide what to do
  227. >Torture doesn’t sound so fun
  228. >But the moment you’re done your work, you’re sure Chrysalis will have you killed
  229. >She may even torture you beforehand for fun anyways
  230. >So why even bother helping her? It’ll only put Equestria at more of a disadvantage at stopping them
  231. >You grow bitter at the thought
  232. >Those ponies are the whole reason you’re in this mess in the first place
  233. >They left you in the middle of a wasteland with nothing
  234. >And there’s no way they didn’t know changelings lived in this part
  235. >Plus, you doubt the changelings being able to turn into humans would make much difference to Equestria’s well being
  236. >It’ll hurt them less a lot than your inevitable torture will hurt you
  237. >Strengthening your resolve, you rack your memory and get to work
  239. >After a while, you hear a sound as your door opens
  240. >You stop writing as a changeling walks in
  241. >It looks… nervous?
  242. >It doesn’t say anything, just stares at you for a bit
  243. Um. Hello?
  244. >It starts, as if it forgot you could talk
  245. >”O-oh! Sorry Mr. Human Anonymous Sir but I just wanted to visit and talk to you and I had something I wanted to give you but I wasn’t sure if I could make it here safe because I’m not-“
  246. >Holy
  247. Whoa there, slow down. Now, what’re you doing here? Did Chrysalis send you?
  248. >The changeling winces at the name
  249. >”Not at all, Mr. Human Anonymous Sir, in fact it’s the opposite. If Chrysalis knew I was here I’d be dead.”
  250. So she kills her own people for minor things?
  251. >Oh yeah, you’re definitely getting tortured
  252. >The changeling shakes his head
  253. >”Nope, nope, Chrysalis is a fair Queen to her subjects. I’m just not considered one of them. Plus, this isn’t a minor thing. I’ve brought you a gift.
  254. >A gift?
  255. >Please be food or water
  256. >The changeling’s mouth opens, and it makes a slight sound as it begins to regurgitate whatever is inside
  257. >Please don’t be food or water
  258. >A rolled up parchment covered in green slime falls out
  259. Uh, ok. What’s this?
  260. >The changeling looks up at you, and smiles
  261. >”Well you see, it’s a-“
  262. >He cuts off, his head snapping to attention
  263. >He looks at the door for a moment, then turns back to you
  264. >He looks terrified
  265. >”Oh no, she’s coming! I have to hide!”
  266. >The changeling runs to a couple corners of the room, before remembering the parchment
  267. >It grabs it in its mouth, swallowing it whole, then looks back at you
  268. >”Put me somewhere safe!”
  269. >What?
  270. >The changeling jumps up, but before he lands on your desk, he turns into a quill
  271. >What
  272. >You hear footsteps approaching
  273. >You grab the quill and put it with the rest, and get back to work
  274. >A moment later, Chrysalis opens the door
  275. >”So, Anonymous! How has your work progressed?”
  276. >You look up from your work, trying your best to look annoyed at the interruption
  277. >If there was anything you had learned when it came to working for super powerful creatures doing something only you could do, it was how to make the perfect look of annoyance
  278. >Made them less likely to interrupt you in the future if you got that scowl just right
  279. It’s going just fine, Chrysalis.
  280. >You motion to a small pile of parchment
  281. >Both sides of each is filled with text describing different traits and mannerisms of humans
  282. >She looks at them greedily, grabbing them
  283. >She flips through them
  284. >Once she’s finished, she puts them back on the table, and looks at you
  285. >”I want a drawing.”
  286. What? Dammit Chrysalis, I’m a chemist, not an artist
  287. >She slams her hoof down on the table
  288. >”I don’t see you having much choice. If a changeling could turn into anything found in text, do you really think we wouldn’t have conquered the world by now?”
  289. >That’s a fine point she’s got there
  290. >”We will need some kind of visualization of a human besides you. Get to it”
  291. >With that, she walks out, leaving you alone
  292. >Suddenly the quill jar explodes, and a changeling is sitting on your desk
  293. >Not alone. Right
  294. >”Phew! That was close Mr. Human Anonymous Sir!”
  295. Ok, first of all, please just call me Anon. Second of all, who are you, and why are you so scared of your own queen?
  296. >Besides the obvious reasons
  297. >The changeling’s head falls, before looking up at you sadly
  298. >”My name is Greg, Mr. Anon. I’m a changeling, but I was born different from the rest. No matter how hard I try, I can’t turn into anything living. You think they’d be impressed that I could turn into objects instead, but…”
  299. >He looks like he might cry for a second, but he regains composure
  300. >”More importantly, I’m the changeling that first found you! I watched as you were brought in by the ponies, how you befriended them despite being different… it made me so happy, until Chrysalis decided you were too important to be watched by something such as myself.”
  301. >He breathes in deeply
  302. >”And that’s why I’m going to help you get out of here! I owe nothing to the changelings, but you?”
  303. >He smiles again, looking visibly better
  304. >He hops off the table, spitting out the parchment again
  305. >”You gave me hope. So I’m returning the favor”
  306. >He wipes off the slime and unrolls the parchment on the table
  307. >On it is a map of the wasteland
  309. >You stare at it for a moment
  310. >The map is mostly empty, except for a few noticeable landmarks
  311. >One is clearly the changeling hive
  312. >Another is a large grouping of what look like rocks
  313. >Most importantly, on the other side of the rocks, is a city
  314. >The map is fairly basic, no headings, just pictures and a scale
  315. >Using the scale, you realize that the city would only take you about a day of walking east from the changeling hive
  316. >If you could just get there before…
  317. >No, there’s no way you could outrun the changelings
  318. >They’d fly after you, bring you back and probably kill you right then and there to avoid you getting away again
  319. >Kill you right then and there
  320. >Suddenly, option 3 is looking pretty promising
  321. >You might escape, and if you don’t, you’re less likely to be tortured!
  322. Greg, this is great! If I know where to go, I might be able to make it to this city! I owe you my life if this works
  323. >Greg smiles at you sadly
  324. >”It’s no problem at all, Mr. Anon. I hope you make it out safe”
  325. >Greg stands up and makes his way to the door
  326. >What, he’s leaving?
  327. Greg, stop!
  328. >Greg turns around, looking at you with a confused expression
  329. >You smile at him; even changelings are adorable in this world
  330. I can’t have my new friend staying behind now, can I? You’re coming with me.
  332. >A few minutes later you and Greg are sneaking your way through the hive
  333. >Apparently you aren’t too far from the exit; there are just a lot of twists and turns
  334. >Greg assures you he knows where he’s going
  335. >He spent most of his life here, having not been deemed worthy to do anything but the lowest of grunt work
  336. >He explained to you that the only reason he was in Ponyville in the first place was because after Chrysalis’s attempt to destroy Canterlot, Ponyville’s security had increased drastically. They’d begun scanning the city’s habitants regularly
  337. >So they sent a chair instead
  338. >Soon, you and Greg see one of the exit holes
  339. >A moment later, and you’re back outside
  340. >You never thought you’d be so happy to be uncomfortably warm
  341. >Greg had planned his visit: changelings, despite having lived in the desert wastes for centuries, still hated the heat
  342. >They stayed inside for the warmest hours of the day, only coming outside for evening and most of the night
  343. >Unfortunately, this means you have two people who hate the heat trekking through a wasteland at high noon
  344. >There’s no time to waste though; you only have so much time before they realize you’re gone and send out a search party to bring you back
  345. >You take a breath, setting towards the rocky plains
  347. >After what feels like ages, but the sun tells you was only a few hours, you reach the rocks
  348. >The rocks are spread out, all varieties of sizes
  349. >One of them is practically a hill in its own right
  350. Greg, what exactly is this place?
  351. >”Well, Mr. Anon-“
  352. Greg. Just Anon, remember?
  353. >Greg coughs
  354. >”Sorry, Anon. Anyways, Queen Chrysalis says this was once a mountain, but a powerful spirit once ruled this land as well as Equestria. Before it did, it brought the leaders of the races to this mountain under the ruse of a meeting for peace. When they arrived, he shattered the mountain into pieces, killing them all.”
  355. >You stare at Greg
  356. >Greg continues walking for a bit before noticing
  357. >”Um, what’s wrong, Anon?”
  358. >You sigh
  359. Fucking Magic
  360. >”What?”
  361. Nothing, don’t worry about it
  362. >Greg looks at you for a moment, but before he can say anything else, he stops walking
  363. >He stands straight, his wings stretched outwards
  364. >”Anon, crouch on the ground”
  365. What? Why?
  366. >”Just do it, Anon!”
  367. >You can hear the fear in his voice
  368. >You crouch down, and suddenly something is enveloping you again
  369. >You look up to see… the inside of a rock?
  370. Greg, what is this?
  371. >”Shhhh! They’re coming!”
  372. >You don’t hear anything, but after a moment, you hear buzzing
  373. >It steadily becomes louder, until it’s all you can hear
  374. >After what feels like forever, the buzzing fades away in the opposite direction
  375. >Greg breathes out, and suddenly you can see the sky again
  376. >You and Greg look at each other
  377. >Without having to say anything, you both pick up the pace
  379. >After a few more close encounters, you finally see the city in the distance
  380. >You start walking even faster now; it’s almost morning, and you’re beginning to feel the cold fade away
  381. >You’re incredibly tired, and your feet and throat are planning a coup d’état
  382. >Greg seems to be doing better, but not by much
  383. >You just need to get to the city before-
  384. >In the distance, you hear it again
  385. >That god damn buzzing
  386. >You look around; you left the rocks a couple of hours ago
  387. >There’s no way they won’t notice one rock in the middle of a desert by itself
  388. >You look at Greg
  389. >Time for a brilliant plan of epic proportions
  390. RUN
  391. >Brilliant
  392. >You and Greg start sprinting towards the city
  393. >You didn’t think you had any energy left in your body, but adrenaline is a beautiful thing
  394. >The buzzing continues to grow louder
  395. >It jumps in volume a moment later
  396. >They saw you
  397. Greg, just fly on without me! At least one of us can make it!
  398. >”No! I won’t leave you behind Anon”
  399. >God dammit
  400. >You shouldn’t have asked him to come with you
  401. >Now the changelings will kill you both
  402. >You try to think of a way to get out of this or to convince Greg, but you can’t concentrate
  403. >If only that infernal buzzing would stop
  404. >Wait a second
  405. >The buzzing isn’t getting any louder
  406. >You look behind you, to see a cloud of changelings floating on the spot
  407. >You stop running and look at them closely
  408. >They’re stopped at some kind of invisible line
  409. >Greg comes up beside you
  410. >”We made it…”
  411. What? We’re not in the city yet
  412. >”Doesn’t matter. We’re in their territory, and the changelings aren’t foolish enough to declare war on them by trespassing without reason”
  413. >Something the changelings are scared of, then?
  414. Whose territory is this, anyways?
  415. >You hear a screech, and Greg yelps
  416. >He turns into a quill again
  417. >You pick him up and turn around to see what made the noise
  418. >Oh
  419. >So that’s what they’re scared of
  420. >Griffins
  422. End Chapter 2
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