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a guest
Oct 20th, 2019
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text 13.32 KB | None | 0 0
  1. PunishGUI:
  2. command: /Ban-Menü
  3. type: ICON_MENU
  4. text:
  6. required_args: 1
  7. register: true
  8. permission-required: true
  9. permission-node: ban.acces
  10. permission-error: "&cBanGUI &8» &7You are not allowed to use that command!"
  11. error-message: "&cbanGUI &8» &7/ban <Player>"
  12. iconmenu_title: '&cPunishGUI &4» &8$arg1'
  13. iconmenu_size: 54
  14. iconmenu_commands:
  15. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  16. # | G L A S S | #
  17. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  18. - '0:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  19. - '1:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  20. - '2:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  21. - '3:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  22. - '4:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  23. - '5:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  24. - '6:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  25. - '7:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  26. - '8:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  27. - '9:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  28. - '11:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  29. - '17:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  30. - '18:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  31. - '20:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  32. - '26:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  33. - '27:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  34. - '29:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  35. - '35:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  36. - '36:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  37. - '38:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  38. - '39:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  39. - '40:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  40. - '41:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  41. - '42:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  42. - '43:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  43. - '44:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  44. - '45:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  45. - '46:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  46. - '47:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  47. - '48:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  48. - '49:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  49. - '51:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  50. - '52:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  51. - '53:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  52. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  53. # | M U T E | #
  54. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  55. - '10:REDSTONE_BLOCK:0:/emute $arg1:&4&lMute:&7Duration &8» &4Permanent'
  56. - '12:BANNER:10:/emute $arg1 5m:&a&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &a5 minutes'
  57. - '13:BANNER:2:/emute $arg1 15m:&2&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &215 minutes'
  58. - '14:BANNER:11:/emute $arg1 30m:&e&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &e30 minutes'
  59. - '15:BANNER:14:/emute $arg1 1h:&6&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &61 hour'
  60. - '16:BANNER:1:/emute $arg1 1d:&c&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &c1 day'
  61. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  62. # | B A N | #
  63. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  64. - '19:TNT:0:/ban $arg1:&4&lBan:&7Duration &8» &4Permanent'
  65. - '21:BANNER:10:/eban $arg1 5m:&a&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &a5 minutes'
  66. - '22:BANNER:2:/eban $arg1 15m:&2&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &215 minutes'
  67. - '23:BANNER:11:/eban $arg1 30m:&e&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &e30 minutes'
  68. - '24:BANNER:14:/eban $arg1 1h:&6&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &61 hour'
  69. - '25:BANNER:1:/eban $arg1 1d:&c&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &c1 day'
  70. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  71. # | W A R N | #
  72. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  73. - '28:PAPER:0:%stayopen%:&4&lWarn'
  74. - '30:BANNER:10:e/tempwarn $arg1 1d:&a&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &a1 day'
  75. - '31:BANNER:2:e/tempwarn $arg1 15d:&2&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &215 days'
  76. - '32:BANNER:11:e/tempwarn $arg1 30d:&e&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &e30 days'
  77. - '33:BANNER:14:e/tempwarn $arg1 6mo:&6&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &66 months'
  78. - '34:BANNER:1:e/tempwarn $arg1 1y:&c&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &c1 year'
  79. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  80. # | K I C K | #
  81. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  82. - '37:IRON_DOOR:0:/ekick $arg1:&4&lKick'
  83. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  84. # | S I L E N T | #
  85. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  86. - '50:INK_SACK:8:%openiconmenu%/spunish $arg1:&c&lSilent mode:&7Click to toggle it &a&lON'
  87. cost: 0
  88. delaytimer: 5
  89. PunishGUI-Silent:
  90. command: /Ban-Menü
  91. type: ICON_MENU
  92. text:
  94. required_args: 1
  95. register: true
  96. permission-required: true
  97. permission-node: punish.silent.acces
  98. permission-error: "&cPunishGUI &8» &7You are not allowed to use that command!"
  99. error-message: "&cBanGUI &8» &7/Ban-Menü <Player>"
  100. iconmenu_title: '&cBanGUI &4» &8$arg1'
  101. iconmenu_size: 54
  102. iconmenu_commands:
  103. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  104. # | G L A S S | #
  105. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  106. - '0:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  107. - '1:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  108. - '2:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  109. - '3:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  110. - '4:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  111. - '5:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  112. - '6:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  113. - '7:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  114. - '8:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  115. - '9:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  116. - '11:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  117. - '17:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  118. - '18:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  119. - '20:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  120. - '26:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  121. - '27:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  122. - '29:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  123. - '35:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  124. - '36:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  125. - '38:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  126. - '39:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  127. - '40:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  128. - '41:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  129. - '42:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  130. - '43:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  131. - '44:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  132. - '45:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  133. - '46:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  134. - '47:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  135. - '48:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  136. - '49:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  137. - '50:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  138. - '51:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  139. - '52:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  140. - '53:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7:%stayopen%:&f'
  141. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  142. # | M U T E | #
  143. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  144. - '10:REDSTONE_BLOCK:0:/emute $arg1 -s:&4&lMute:&7Duration &8» &4Permanent'
  145. - '12:BANNER:10:/emute $arg1 5m -s:&a&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &a5 minutes'
  146. - '13:BANNER:2:/emute $arg1 15m -s:&2&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &215 minutes'
  147. - '14:BANNER:11:/emute $arg1 30m -s:&e&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &e30 minutes'
  148. - '15:BANNER:14:/emute $arg1 1h -s:&6&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &61 hour'
  149. - '16:BANNER:1:/emute $arg1 1d -s:&c&lTempmute:&7Duration &8» &c1 day'
  150. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  151. # | B A N | #
  152. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  153. - '19:TNT:0:/eban $arg1 -s:&4&lBan:&7Duration &8» &4Permanent'
  154. - '21:BANNER:10:/eban $arg1 5m -s:&a&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &a5 minutes'
  155. - '22:BANNER:2:/eban $arg1 15m -s:&2&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &215 minutes'
  156. - '23:BANNER:11:/eban $arg1 30m -s:&e&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &e30 minutes'
  157. - '24:BANNER:14:/eban $arg1 1h -s:&6&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &61 hour'
  158. - '25:BANNER:1:/eban $arg1 1d -s:&c&lTempban:&7Duration &8» &c1 day'
  159. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  160. # | W A R N | #
  161. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  162. - '28:PAPER:0:%stayopen%:&4&lWarn'
  163. - '30:BANNER:10:/etempwarn $arg1 1d -s:&a&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &a1 day'
  164. - '31:BANNER:2:/etempwarn $arg1 15d -s:&2&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &215 days'
  165. - '32:BANNER:11:/etempwarn $arg1 30d -s:&e&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &e30 days'
  166. - '33:BANNER:14:/etempwarn $arg1 6mo -s:&6&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &66 months'
  167. - '34:BANNER:1:/tempwarn $arg1 1y -s:&c&lTempwarn:&7Duration &8» &c1 year'
  168. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  169. # | K I C K | #
  170. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  171. - '37:IRON_DOOR:0:/kick $arg1 -s:&4&lKick'
  172. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  173. # | S I L E N T | #
  174. # + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + #
  175. - '50:INK_SACK:10:%openiconmenu%/punish $arg1:&a&lSilent mode:&7Click to toggle it &c&lOFF'
  176. cost: 0
  177. delaytimer: 5
  178. rang_cmd:
  179. command: /rang
  180. type: RUN_COMMAND
  181. required_args: 2
  182. register: true
  183. runcmd:
  184. - '/pex user $arg1 group set $arg2'
  185. text:
  186. - '&cRangSystem &8| &aDu hast dem Spieler &c$arg1 &aden Rang &c$arg2 &agegeben'
  187. error-message: '&cRang&8| &cBenutze&8: &7/&cRang &8<&cSpieler&8> &8<&cGruppe&8>'
  188. permission-required: true
  189. permission-node: system.rang
  190. Bewerbung:
  191. command: /bewerbung
  192. type: TEXT
  193. text:
  194. - "&7× &8&m----------&7 × &6Bewerbung &7× &8&m----------&7 ×"
  195. - "&7"
  196. - "&8» &4Admin &8× &aOffen &8× &b10 Seiten"
  197. - "&8» &bDev &8× &aOffen &8× &b7 Seiten"
  198. - "&8» &cMod &8× &aOffen &8× &b4 Seiten"
  199. - "&8» &2Builder &8× &aOffen &8× &bVorbauen"
  200. - "&8» &9Sup &8× &aOffen &8× &b2 Seiten"
  201. - "&7"
  202. - "&7× &8&m----------&7 × &6Bewerbung &7× &8&m----------&7 ×"
  203. permission-required: false
  204. broadcast:
  205. command: /bc
  206. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  207. text:
  208. - '&c&lInfo &8┃ &a$multiargs'
  209. broadcast:
  210. command: /C-C
  211. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  212. text:
  213. - '&c&lCookie&7-&c&1Maker &8┃ &a$multiargs'
  214. event:
  215. command: /event
  216. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  217. text:
  218. - '&d&lEvent &8┃ &a$multiargs'
  219. news:
  220. command: /news
  221. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  222. text:
  223. - '&a&lNews &8┃ &d$multiargs'
  224. changelog:
  225. command: /cl
  226. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  227. text:
  228. - '&c&lChangelog &8┃ &a$multiargs'
  229. clear_chat:
  230. command: /cc
  231. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  232. text:
  233. - '%Repeat%100% '
  234. - '&b&lChat &8┃ &eDer &cChat &ewurde von &c$player &egeleert&8!'
  235. permission-required: true
  236. permission-node:
  237. pl:
  238. command: /pl
  239. type: TEXT
  240. text:
  241. - '&dPlugins (&r1&d)&c: &aSystem by &4ImWxnted/Luna&7!'
  242. permission-required: false
  243. joinme:
  244. command: /ejoinme
  245. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  246. text:
  247. - '&b&lJoinMe &8┃ &e$player &aspielt auf &eMS-32375&7'
  248. permission-required: false
  249. vote:
  250. command: /evote
  251. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  252. text:
  253. - '&c&lVote &8┃ &e$player &7hat gevotet!'
  254. - '&c&lVote &8┃ &7Vote auch du mit &6/evote'
  255. permission-required: false
  256. ebuy:
  257. command: /ebuy
  258. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  259. text:
  260. - '&c&lBuy &8┃ &e$player &7hat 250 Slots gekauft!'
  261. - '&c&lBuy &8┃ &7Kauf du auch welche mit &6/ebuy'
  262. permission-required: false
  263. system:
  264. command: /system
  265. type: TEXT
  266. text:
  267. - '&6MyServer &aSystem &aBy &4ImWxnted/Luna&7!'
  268. permission-required: false
  269. Teampannelwl:
  270. command: /wl
  271. type: ICON_MENU
  272. iconmenu_title: '&f&lTeampannel &8by &b&lImWxnted'
  273. iconmenu_size: 27
  274. iconmenu_commands:
  275. - '11:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14:/warp :&c&lCmd'
  276. - '12:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14:/whitelist off:&c&lWhitelist aus!'
  277. - '13:BOOK:0:/ekickall:&e&lAlle kicken!'
  278. - '14:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14:/whitelist on:&a&lWhitelist an!'
  279. - '15:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14:/Vanish on:&a&1Vanish an!'
  280. permission-required: true
  281. permission-node: system.teampannelwl
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