Guest User


a guest
Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. Game:
  2. StartCancelled: '&cWe don''t have enough players!Start cancelled.'
  3. AlreadyInGame: '&cYou''re already in a game.'
  4. GameFull: '&cThis arena is full.'
  5. NullGame: '&cThis game doesn''t exist.'
  6. AlreadyStarted: '&cThis arena is in game.'
  7. PlayerLeft: '&7<player>&e left the game (&b<inGame>&e/&b<max>&e)!'
  8. PlayerJoin: '&7<player>&e has joined (&b<inGame>&e/&b<max>&e)!'
  9. StartingIn: '&eThe game is starting in <seconds> seconds.'
  10. StartMessage:
  11. - '&a&l--------------------------------------'
  12. - '&f&lThe Bridge &7- &a<gameType>'
  13. - ''
  14. - '&eCross the bridge to score for your team'
  15. - '&eFend off opposing players that get in your way.'
  16. - ''
  17. - '&eFirst team to score 5 goals wins!'
  18. - ''
  19. - '&a&l--------------------------------------'
  20. GameEnd:
  21. - '&a&l--------------------------------------'
  22. - '&f&lThe Bridge &7- &a<displayMode>'
  23. - ''
  24. - <winnerTeamColor><winnerTeamName> WINS!
  25. - <firstTeamGoals> &7- &f<secondTeamGoals>
  26. - ''
  27. - '&a&l--------------------------------------'
  28. PlayerKilled: <playerTeamColor><playerName> &7killed <killerTeamColor><killerName> .
  29. PlayerSniped: <playerTeamColor><playerName> &7was sniped into the void by <killerTeamColor><killerName> .
  30. PlayerKnocked: <playerTeamColor><playerName> &7was knocked into the void by <killerTeamColor><killerName> .
  31. PlayerDied: <playerTeamColor> <playerName> &7died .
  32. PlayerFell: <playerTeamColor> <playerName> &7fell into the void .
  33. GoalScored:
  34. - '&6--------------------------------'
  35. - '&f<player> &escored!'
  36. - <firstTeamGoals> - <secondTeamGoals>
  37. - ''
  38. - '&6--------------------------------'
  39. BlockPlace: '&cYou can''t place blocks here'
  40. MatchRestart: "&e\u21e8 The match has been end due to restart/reload."
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