
Twilight Hour of the Twelfth Year

Nov 21st, 2013
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  1. >Be yourself.
  2. >Be 10 years after Twilight has become princess.
  3. >You left Ponyville shortly after Twilight took the throne to rule over the land so Celestia could give her life force to revive the sun.
  4. >The others wondered why you up and decided to go.
  5. >You simply stated that since you were given a new start on life here in Equestria, you wanted to experience everything it had to offer.
  6. >You never did tell Twilight about it but you were sure she would find out eventually.
  7. >You never told her a lot of things.
  8. >During your travels, you met many exotic creatures and made quite a few bits.
  9. >The enemies of Equestria called you a demon while tales of your heroics spread faster than your legs could carry you.
  10. >And yet, as you stand outside the door to the golden oaks library just as the sun disappears over the horizon with no pony else in sight, you can't help but feel like a child as the tears run down your cheeks.
  11. >Standing before your eyes is none other than Princess Twilight.
  12. "I-I... Fuck."
  13. >"Foul language is the sign of a weak intellect Anon."
  14. "Fuck you and the horses that pulled your carriage." You say wiping your face on your sleeve.
  15. >"I missed you too." She smiles softly knowing that you're just flustered from the surprise.
  16. "How'd you know I'd be here?"
  17. >"Because twelve years ago to the day is when you fell head first into Equestria and through my library's window. This is also where for the next two years after that we celebrated your anniversary with us."
  18. "And that explains how you knew I'd be here?"
  19. >She shakes her head gently.
  20. >"No, it just so happened that for the following nine years after that I would always come back here on this day hoping to find you so we could celebrate again. This year I just happened to get lucky by having you show up."
  21. "I'm sorry it took me so long."
  22. >"It's okay Anon, in fact-"
  23. "No, I'm sorry it's taken me this long to say it."
  24. >"What are you talking about?"
  25. "Twilight. It was just when I had realized it myself but long before I had the courage to do anything about it that you became princess. And now here we stand together after so long apart that I can tell you that I love you Twilight. I never wanted my emotions to get in the way of your royal duty so I held my tongue and ran away but not a day went by that you weren't in my thoughts. Even the impure ones." She blushes heavily but says nothing. "Now I know it's far too late but seeing you again like this just gave me the strength I never knew I had. That's all I wanted to say."
  26. >She stands there completely silent before a small chuckle escapes her lips.
  27. >You were expecting rejection but this hits harder than you would've liked.
  28. >"Well Anon, while I'm happy you think so highly of me to do what you think is best, I wish you would've been more honest with yourself sooner. For all I've accomplished on the throne and off it, not a day went by that I didn't think about you too."
  29. >The pain in your chest is interrupted as your heart skips a beat.
  30. >"All the worrying for your safety, especially when news started to spread of a rabid ape man, taking out threats to my nation and of a jolly giant who would do good deeds for those in need. You're a hard person to keep up with Anon, I guess it's that human willpower you always spoke so proudly of to me back when I was just a student."
  31. "So then you feel the same way?"
  32. >"I'm sorry Anon but I don't."
  33. >Just as your head begins to fall, your chin is caught in her magical aura and she lifts your head to meet her gaze.
  34. >"Now that I see you standing here before me, I realize that I love you now more than ever."
  35. >You run forward to embrace her just as the last glimmer of sunlight fades from view.
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