
(Gay Clop) Fizzle x Anon (WIP)

Jun 6th, 2013
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  1. You tap your fingers impatiently as the train rumbles from the station. Canterlot to the volcanic mountain range. From civilization to that desolate wasteland.
  3. Funny thing, you're a prospector. Always been, even before coming to Equestria. Of course, almost all your tools from the old world don't work over here, or didn't come at all, so now you use shit that is 'magic'. It's both more and less irritating, so you guess it's a mixed bag. All you can do is sigh, you're going to be stuck sleeping on rocks and eating refried beans for the next few weeks, maybe even months if you find anything. You almost think of lying even if you do find some of the rare volcanic gems and ores, just to get back, but your pure greed prevents you from even hypothetically taking that action. See, if you manage to find something you get commission. Less then 1%. If you find even a small payload there, you'd be set for life. Ponies don't joke about their rare volcanic ores.
  5. Oh, they told you of the dangers. Of the lava and the sharp rocks, and the few large and somewhat dangerous reptiles that lived in the area. "Those" reptiles, were not, in fact, dragons.This they didn't tell you shit about the fucking dragons.
  7. You arrive at Ponyville after just a few hours riding the train. As the train stops, you get out and grab your bags, and your shotgun. Did you mention that before? You carried the thing around with you sometimes, and the ponies don't know what it is or what it is capable of, so you don't even need to hide it or anything. Some of Celestia's royal wizard-techies made you some magic bullets for the thing.
  9. Funny story, you 'poofed' into Pony-Land while driving your car. You appeared in some sort of swamp almost a year back. The car was so stuck in the mud that you were pretty sure it would sink in a few hours. So you got a few of your surveying and prospecting tools out, your metal detector and such, but most importantly you had your shotgun with you. It was more paranoia then anything, but a car full of *very* expensive surveying tools guarded by nothing but a single white guy who doesn't look so tough makes a great target. You're about as American as it gets, so you love your guns. You're also a faggot, but that's hardly relevant.
  11. You carry your supplies, mostly pony/human tech mixed with magic and shit, and step onto the station to be suddenly accosted by a purple pone. She seems to excitedly ask a few questions about your trip, and while you are rather annoyed, you reply semi-honestly. Got to keep some things a secret and all. She bugs off once you reach town limits, at the very least.
  13. Finally, you are alone again. Time to make the trip. It's a long one.
  15. You walk over rivers and valleys and mountains, bouncing your pack on your back and shotgun at your side in case of dangerous wilderness, you walk and walk. You make camp a few times, sleeping under the stars and eating some of your rations and such. You also keep a special glass ball carefully packed away in your pack; you can send an emergency S.O.S. if needed.
  17. Finally, you reach the foot of the mountain and sigh. Almost there.
  19. Step by step, you ascend the mountain. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Though technically, you're over half way through your 'journey', so this wouldn't even be close to the first step. Anyway.
  21. You climb up the brown rocky slopes, finally reaching a flat landing. You wished you had some fancy pegasus wings for this, would have made things much easier. But you are stuck being a human plebeian in a world of the fantastic. Ironic that you're a unique creature, but so incredibly mundane.
  23. You make camp. You clear the debris and set up a magic 'instant tent', throwing the ball on the ground and having it pop up with a poof. Magic.
  25. It's one of those big free-standing tents. You can walk right in the flap. Inside is a little furniture and instead of a rickety cot, you find a rather nice bed! That was a pleasant surprise after all that shit you had to go through to get here.
  27. You admire the tent's color, it's a nice, dark green color. Blends in with a forest, but in the mountain it really stood out. You stretch and take a piss, setting up more of your equipment, and settle down in your coat for some shuteye. The sun had already set, and you were bone tired.
  29. You weren't sure what time it was you awoke, but you could see some light streaming in so it had to be at least morning. You could hear a few voices talking. Who were they? Pony hikers? No, not all the way out here... Only other thing you could think of was some surveyors, set to explore this land with you, but why wouldn't Celestia give you a head's up?
  31. "....Maybe we should burn it?"
  33. Ok, asshole. You've got my attention.
  35. You scramble out of bed, grabbing your shotgun and clicking off the safety, before stepping towards the flap to the outside. *Whoever* was out there didn't hear you coming.
  37. "...Yeah, I'm gonna burn it!"
  39. You step out, shotgun first, and point it at the first fucking thing you see. It happens to be a fucking dragon.
  41. Your gun is directly pointed at the first of the fucking dragons. He was red, orange sort of crest thing going on on his head. He seemed the sort of 'leader', and you recognize his voice as the one from before. The other two looked different. The first was purple and had blond hair, he had sort of this skater/stoner faggot thing going on. The final one looked a bit like an 'albino' sort, white with pink eyes, pink hair, pink nostrils... He had a bit of a soft image to him. You actually liked how he looked a bit, he was aesthetically pleasing to the eye. But your focus was on the fucking dragon that was front and center. And right down the sights of your shotty.
  43. "What?! Who-"
  45. You interrupt him, his stereotypical jock teenager voice is already getting on your nerves.
  47. "This area has been claimed by Equestria by order of Princess Celestia for geological survey and potentially excavation. Leave at once." You command in a very boring and monotone voice. Best to not show any emotion. You are just a little worried about these three dragons. Sure, a shotgun is devastating to most unarmored targets at a close to medium range, but you weren't sure how 'armored' these dragons were, and if all three attacked you at once, you'd be fucked either way.
  49. "Hey man, you can't tell us what to do." The purple one spoke up. You ignore him.
  51. "Yeah!" The red one says, sticking his chest out. "You can't tell us where to go or what to do! And stuff!"
  53. "Leave." You reply curtly. You want this to end quickly.
  55. "Oh yeah? You and what army?' The red one says, thinking he was clever. You sigh, raising your shotgun.
  57. "I've killed dragons twice your size with this, you'll be no problem. Get. Lost." You lie, trying to intimidate the fucking dragons to leave.
  59. The red one looks a little confused for a second, then scared, then doubtful. But he seemed unwilling to try his luck. He nods his head in another direction.
  61. "Let's go, leave the monkey here."
  63. The red dragon jumps and takes off, giving you a wide berth. The purple one also takes off, following shortly after with a huff of disgust. You too, dickhead.
  65. The last of the three fucking dragons doesn't take off though. He point your gun at him for a second. He seems to step back a little, seeming to swallow nervously. He doesn't say anything, and the look of concern makes you a bit curious. You lower your weapon a bit, looking over at the dragon from across the clearing. You don't speak, he knows that you wanted them all gone. He had to have something to say, and he doesn't seem to be holding his ground out of arrogance or anything.
  67. "H-Hey." He says with a stutter, waving at you with one hand, awkwardly. It would be a bit cute if you hadn't just lapsed into a murder mode a few seconds ago. You drop your weapon further, to your hip.
  69. You raise an eyebrow at the dragon, who seems to be looking over. Curious dragon. He then spoke again, holding his claws together over his chest in a insecure and girly way, clicking them together and looking down as he speaks nervously.
  71. "S-Sorry about my friends. They are trouble makers."
  73. "You can say that again." You say, nearly rolling your eyes. This fucking dragon had earned some major cool points with you for being civil and nice to you. You wonder why, you just hope it's not all part of some plan to earn your trust and destroy you or something. Truth be told, you're a little starved for contact anyway, and knowing your long stay here, it would be nice to have someone to talk to.
  75. "I-I said they are trouble makers." The albino dragon spoke again, his words quiet. You snap your face to look at his, giving him a confused look. Did he not know what you said was a figure of speech?
  77. "Fizzle! You coming? Don't waste your time talking to that monkey!" The red dragon shouts down at the two of you. This "Fizzle" dragon blushes and looks over at you. Why was he sticking around so long?
  79. Fizzle looks a bit indecisive. It seemed he wanted to talk to you, or even ask you something on his mind, but he steps back awkwardly and flies away with another word, joining his friends in the sky. They fly off somewhere, and you sigh. Your heart finally stops pounding after a few good minutes.
  81. Fucking dragons.
  83. You set up camp further, but you keep getting a nagging filly in your mind because of that albino dragon. The one they called "Fizzle". He seemed rather nice, friendly even. And way cuter then the other two fucking dragons he was with.
  85. After that little adventure, you set up shop. Your old metal detector has been replaced by a pair of literal dousing rods. You hold the fuckers and walk around in circles hoping for them to cross. When they do, you take out a trusty shovel and dig. Most of the time, you pick up an old horseshoe. That made you chuckle.
  87. You had little luck with the dousing rods until a few hours later, when the rods seem to fucking jump across each other. Something really juicy had to be buried here, and sure enough you dig up the spot to reveal a smokey blue gem. Unlike regular gems, volcanic gems had black and smoky lines across their clear and shiny surfaces, and had many magical properties that made them hardly sought after. You grin as you wipe from the sweat off your brow, jackpot. Now you know that some good shit is up here, makes the whole trip worth.
  89. As you turn to make your way back to your tent, you notice something odd. It's a white shape sitting on a nearby rock. You nearly drop the precious gem and grip your shovel tight, raising it like a club. The dragon you knew as Fizzle raised his hand worriedly and shook them.
  91. "No no! Please! I was just watching! Sorry! Please don't be mad!" He said hurriedly. You lower your shovel-club, but are nearly panting. He nearly scared you half to death. He sits there, silent as he watched you, looking concerned but curious. You stare up at him, demanding an explanation.
  93. You blink slowly, before you shake your head.
  95. "...You're not getting a bite of this gem, if that's what you're thinking." You say, unsure, but it was the first thing that made sense in your head. Dragons at gems, you knew that, so maybe volcanic gems had a really nice smoky flavor that they loved?
  97. Fizzle shakes his head.
  99. "No Sir! I wasn't even thinking of that, I was just... interested. In you. I-I mean! W-What you're d-doing and all!" Fizzle says, clicking his claws together nervously after he had misspoken. You force yourself not to smile.
  101. "Digging, I guess." You reply, not too sure how much small talk or information you want to give this dragon. You lean on your shovel now, tapping your foot impatiently. You kinda hope he'll just leave, so you can return to camp and get this thing cleaned and polished and send a message back to Canterlot. But he doesn't seem phased. He just stays there, sort of expecting something, or something.
  103. "Well, Fizzle, if you'd like to talk, we can talk inside my tent. It's warmer and out of the wind. Just try not to burn it down, ok?" You say, starting to walk without another word. Fizzle looks totally blindsided by that, and for good measure. You already knew his game though, and you weren't one to pass up on a delicious boi whenever you got the chance to do so. Not saying that is where it will lead, but you never know.
  105. Within just a few minutes, Fizzle has joined you in your tent as you get out the polish, starting to mindlessly rub the stone, looking up at him. He really does like to play with his claws, seeming really nervous at everything.
  107. "W-Why did you invite me...?" He tries to ask, obviously confused with the gesture.
  109. "You seemed to be interested. Besides, I know you aren't like those other two, you are a nice guy." You reply honestly, finally cracking him a smile. He gave his own little nervous smile in return, with a blush on his face.
  111. The dragon nods after you compliment him.
  113. "T-Thanks! You're nice yourself... for a dragon at least. Or monkey- you are a monkey right?" The dragon asked, not wanting to offend you. He was being really nice about it, at least. You smile and shake your head.
  115. "Yeah, close enough. I'm a 'human' though, specifically. A 'homo-sapian'." You say with a smile. Fizzle hears that and suddenly gains an even deeper blush. You actually laugh out loud.
  117. "W-What!?" He says, raising his voice just slightly. You shake your head and stand up, putting the gem aside. You step over to Fizz, and reach down, grabbing his shoulder and rubbing it gently.
  119. "Much too obvious, my boy." You say with a grin. Fizzle turns an almost bright red.
  120. "I can read you like a book, young dragon. You're like a... teenager right? More of a 16-19 teenager then a 12-15 year old one... but I guess it doesn't matter." You say aloud, your hand reaching to the dragon's scaly back and rubbing it slightly, just above the base of his wings.
  122. "W-Why are you asking?" he says, a bit nervously and confused.
  124. "Well, I just don't want what I'm about to do to be considered pedophilia. Or foalphilia, or whatever..." You say, your hand gripping his soft and smooth scales. He seems to freeze up, looking up at you in confusion, but it was certainly something you wanted. And so did he.
  126. You turn the both of you, now facing the bed. You growl, he shivers.
  128. This expedition trip really was working out for the best!
  130. With arm around the young dragon, you walk towards your bed. He makes a little cry of panic as you cross the tent. That just makes you smile. You reach the bed and push him down gently, him falling and sitting on his rear, looking up at you, his face crimson in a blush. You say nothing for a few moments, and he looks down, a bit intimidated by your gaze. He clicks his claws together before looking up at you again expectantly.
  132. He was inexperienced and young, and awkward, but he seemed willing to try.
  134. You laughed.
  136. Sitting down next to the dragon, you pat him on the shoulder.
  138. "Haha! Just kidding, Fizzle. This is the only place to sit down, though. My name's Anonymous. Everyone just calls me Anon." You say, reaching over and offering up your hand to shake. The dragon looks relieved suddenly, sighing, his body slumping quiet a bit in relaxation. He reaches over a clawed hand and shakes yours.
  140. "O-Oh! Haha, yeah, erm, I knew that!" He looks up at you with a guilty and ashamed look on his face. It was pretty cute. You stop looking at him for a moment, and turn your head a bit to notice that his tail had now snaked its way around your back, encircling you on the bed.
  142. Awww.
  144. You sit in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company, before Fizz speaks up.
  146. "I just thought... you would be lonely..." Fizz says, quietly. You smile and nod at him.
  148. "Thanks, I appreciate it very much, Fizz."
  150. "Fizzle."
  152. "I know. Fizz is cuter."
  154. Fizzle blushes and looks away, clicking his claws again. You grin, you could read him like a book. You didn't want to toy with him, but you felt like a puppet master or something when he was around.
  156. "So... Anon... Why are you up in the volcanic mountains? There isn't much here, and most other creatures avoid the dragon migration for obvious reasons. I'm guessing it has something to do with that gem you dug up earlier?" He asks, then pointing to the smokey gem.
  158. You nod in response. He seemed genuinely curious enough, and wasn't malicious.
  160. "Well, I'll tell you. I'm prospecting this part of the mountains for the volcanic gems. They are worth quite a bit back in Equestria, and I have been sent by the Princess herself to go check it out. Of course, don't tell anyone about this." You look at him with a serious expression, pointing an accusing finger at him.
  162. In a playful bout, he raises both his hands up in the air.
  164. "Ok! Ok!" He says, his face slowly turning into a smile. You grin in return, rewarding him for his cleverness. It would be bad to just leave the joke without any closure, you'd just make him feel even more like a drooling retard.
  166. Fizzle lowers his hands after, beaming happily after making you smile. He pops back and forth a little, swaying as if rocking to the beat of music only he can hear.
  168. That gives you an idea.
  170. Without saying anything, you stand up. Fizz looks surprised and stands as well, not wanting to outstay his welcome. You look back and shake your hand at him limp-wristedly, and he sits back down. Out of a box of the instead tent, you pull a gramophone.
  172. He looks a bit confused, but seems to know what it is. Or so you hope.
  174. You place a record on the table and it get it started. Within just a few short seconds, the device starts playing some of that old school pony music, similar to swing from your own world.
  176. Fizz starts to rock back and forth as he hears the music.
  178. "Wow Anon, that's really nice!" He says, before suddenly being silenced as you stand before him. You reach a hand down to him, and his blush explodes as you speak.
  180. "Fizz, care for a dance?"
  182. Fizz reaches up, almost daintly, as he gently places his hand in yours. You grin, and pull him to his feet, before wrapping an arm around his waist and walking backwards towards the center of the tent. He was practically dyed red at this point, but you step back and give him a little space.
  184. You start to move your legs back and forth. You knew how to dance in the old ways, old swing and tap. Your mom and pop taught you that, you never danced much to the new age nigger music, but that was fine by you. If you can even call that 'dancing'.
  186. As you move, you look over to Fizzle expectantly, and he just stands there, watching your feet in a mix of amusement and confusion. To break the spell, you reach over and grab his hand, and start to swing.
  188. "Come on Fizz! Just move your legs!" You say with a grin, starting to really breath as you move, your body swinging about. Fizz watches and tries to copy as best as he can, though he's pretty clumsy. You were pretty sure all dragons were clumsy, or something. Maybe it was the heavy scales. But he certainly got an A for effort.
  190. As the dance goes on, he grins up at you, his face red now from both a mix of embarrassment and the heat generated from the dancing. It was funny really, his blush was really bright and visible due to how white his scales were- it was pretty cute. All things considered.
  192. Finally, the dance keeps going on and on, and soon enough the music starts to reach the climax, both of you swinging around like mad. However, you notice that Fizz might have got a little to into it, and was moving a bit to close to the edge of the tent. You didn't want him to knock your tent over, or hurt himself, so you yell and reach out. When you do, he slips his foot, suddenly tumbling forward and landing on you, the both of your crashing to the ground right as the record's music fades out. You shake your head as you look at him, his face on your chest, and he slowly opens his eyes through his daze.
  194. When he sees where he is, Fizz jumps back with a small cry and sits a few feet away from you, looking away in embarrassment. Still tomato red. He looks over at you with puppy-dog eyes, looking guilty.
  196. "S-Sorry Anon! Please don't be mad at me..." He says, his voice nearly a whisper. You chortle and smile at him, shaking your head.
  198. "Heh. Just be more careful next time."
  200. Fizz looks at you with a grateful smile. He looks outside the flap to the tent, and looks a little sad, before standing up. You stand up at the same time.
  202. "Anon, I think it's about time for me to go... But it was really fun hanging out with you. C-Could..."
  204. "Yeah, come over tomorrow, next week, whenever. I'm not going anywhere." You reply. There is a sort of deep gratitude in his face. He reaches over with his clawed hands, and very slowly and gently grabs one of your hands, as if he was handling something so delicate and dangerous. He rubs your hand a little, looking up at you since he was shorter then you anyway.
  206. "T-Thanks, Anon. I'll be over tomorrow- whenever you want! Every day if you want! Or not- if I annoy you..." He says, looking down again. With a grin, you reach down to his chin and raise his face to meet your eyes, and your eyes meet.
  208. "You don't annoy me, don't be so hard on yourself."
  210. Fizzle nods happily, smiling, and soon stepping back from you. He exits the tent flap, his tail wiggling like a kitten. You'd be lying if you said you didn't check out his backside and figure anyway, it was pretty choice stuff. Dragon had a nice figure, you give him that.
  212. "Bye Anon! S-See you later!" He said, before flying away. He grin, shaking your head. You caught up that kid in a worldwind romance, he was totally head over heels for you. Poor guy. But... you would make it work. As you first and only shot at love thus far in Equestria, it certainly could be worse. Much, much worse.
  215. You stir and awaken after your night of rest. Last night's memories are fresh in your mind. You danced with Fizz, you spent some time together... it was really nice, actually. You felt a bit of a crush coming on for him. You were pretty sure he liked you three times as much as you liked him, you could just tell the way he looked at you, and that cute little pink tint on his face whenever you looked right at him.
  217. Of course, reality has its way of rearing its ugly head. You had to work *eventually*, so you forced yourself out of bed. After dealing with the customary morning mood (read; letting it go away.) You left your tent with your tools, approaching the rocky crag where you'll get to work. Shifting through the pebbles with a sort of magical gem-panning device, looking for traces of gems to see if this spot was good digging.
  219. You heard the gentle 'swoosh' of wings behind you. You grin, turning around to see Fizz, wondering what he wanted. Then, you clutched your shovel tightly, taking a step back, and scowled.
  221. It wasn't Fizz. It was those fucking dragons.
  223. One was the red 'leader' one from before, the other was the purple dragon. You growl, the shovel still in your hands.
  225. "Go away." You command, with the red dragon stomping his foot angrily.
  227. "No! We don't like Fizzle off here and hanging out with you. You leave him alone!"
  229. "I don't choose when he comes to visit. Why do you think you can tell him what to do?"
  231. The dragon scowled at you, his tongue flicking out for a moment threateningly.
  233. "You watch your back, monkey." He said, pointing at you with a sharp claw, before he and his friend jumped and flew off.
  235. You shook your head, watching them leave. You crack your knuckles as you turn and stick your shovel into the ground angrily, you know those two will be trouble.
  237. Fucking dragons.
  239. You finish digging up a smoky ruby right as hear the sounds of another pair of flapping wings. You know who it is, but that doesn't stop you from grasping your shovel tighter in reflex.
  241. "Hi!" Fizzle says with a smile, waving at you as you turn your head and nod at him. He walks over to you, his tail flicking back and forth like a happy kitty.
  243. "Hi, Fizz." You say as you stick your shovel in the ground, a bead of sweat falling off your face. You realize that at this moment, you were probably rather strapping in appearance. Sweating and flexing your minimal muscles... Maybe Fizzle liked that sort of thing.
  245. You turned your head, seeing him looking at your body closely, blushing like mad when he sees you caught him. You just give a little chuckle. He looks away, holding one arm flat against his side and the other wrapped around, giving him a cute little insecure stance.
  247. With a grin, you throw your shovel down with a clang and walk over to him, him looking up at you with some confusion.
  249. In a bold move, you grab his shoulders, and look into his eyes. Fizzle freezes up, his face burning, a look of utter fear and hesitation in his eyes, his mouth open just a tiny bit, starting to breath heavy.
  251. Those fucking dragons want you to leave Fizz alone? How about instead, you take it up to the next level?
  253. You move your head down, mashing your lips against Fizzle's snout, puckering and giving him a little peck.
  255. He is frozen in place, not drawing back but not seeming to be acknowledging the kiss. You open your mouth and let your tongue slither out, poking his scaly lips and piercing his lips and shoving your tongue inside his mouth. His hands finally move to your arms, grasping as you kiss him deeply, sliding your wet tongue all over the insides of his mouth. He sighed, and moaned lightly, the spontaneous and romantic gesture obviously being something he enjoyed greatly.
  257. You use your tongue to dominate his mouth, his body relaxing and coming closer to yours. There was a ton of passion between you before, tension. Both knew what they wanted but were afraid to admit it. But now it was out there, and the dragon couldn't be happier.
  259. After a few more minutes of sucking face, you stop and pull back. A trail of saliva connects your two mouths together, hanging in the air sensually as you look into his eyes.
  261. "W-Wow...." Fizzle says, holding a hand up to his chest. His heart must have been fluttering like crazy. How stereotypically girly. You can't help but crack a smile.
  263. You turn around and pick up your shovel, and get back to work. For the next hour and a half, you dig and continue your work as the sun starts to lose intensity, as your dragon buddy sits down nearby and watches you dig, mostly unashamed in admiring your body, and trying to figure out his thoughts after what just happened. You suppose you should feel a little bad, it was your fault he was all shaken up. But it was fun.
  265. As your work finishes, you collect all your gems and collected data, packing it away, and walking over to Fizzle. He stands up, smiling at you.
  267. "M-Maybe we can do more of... that in the t-tent?" he says weakly. You just grin.
  269. Fucking dragons.
  271. Nodding your head, he eagerly follows you back to camp.
  273. You and Fizz walk back to camp. You drop off your gear, and go inside the tent. Fizz stands outside, looking in a bit nervously, before you raise a hand and make a 'come hither' motion with your finger. He smiles and blushes, but comes forward eagerly.
  275. You go deeper inside the tent, sitting on the bed. He comes over and sits by you, hands in his lap and looking down like a nervous schoolgirl. With a grin, you reach a shoulder over his, and look right at his face, until his eyes met yours. He slowly turns to look at you before you lean in, him meeting you half way, and you begin your session of sloppy makeouts.
  277. The dragon's mouth is quite an enjoyable experience, to feel his very smooth tongue rub up against yours and his juicy hot breath all over your face. Your lips touched his scaly lips, the wonderful sensation. You reach your hands up and gently start to touch his shoulders and upper arms, and then his back, and eventually to his chest. You pull back your head and push his chest down hard. He is surprised for a moment, but then lays back obediently, his tail between his legs. He grabs it, pulling it up to his chest and holding it, covering his most private areas, his wings splayed out by his sides, looking up at you with his deep and soft eyes, blushing like mad.
  279. "You're really cute, you know that?" You growl. Fizzle just blushes even more, giggling.
  281. You lay down on top of him, gyrating your body and hips up against his, even when covered by his tail. You press your lips to his snout again, before moving down and nibbling on his neck, breathing hot breath all over his sensitive neck. He shivers at your attentions, panting and giving off soft little cries of arousal and love as you play with his body.
  283. You start to grind your groin against his tail, growling as your hands reach his hips, threatening to reach under his tail of modesty, or maybe between his legs to find the true object of your desires. He squeaks in surprise, and you decide not to press the matter. Extreme heavy petting and loads of teasing are almost as good as sex anyway. What you had to say is that his smooth body felt fantastic against yours, your skin being rubbed just the right way.
  285. Fucking dragons. You would be, soon enough.
  287. For what seemed like hours you played and teased the cute little dragon on your bed, and he returned the gesture by giving you all sorts of sounds of encouragement, and you could sometimes feel his scaly hands rubbing your own sides and back, even the sides of your face as well. (That was, of course, until you decided to pin his arms behind his head on the bed at one point, and enjoying savagely nibbling his chest and neck and depriving him of any way of fighting back!)
  289. As the sun sets, and you start to feel hungry, you begin to slow down your play. You're dick is rock hard now, you get off the dragon and sit, panting and just cooling off. Fizzle gets up slower then you, but sits by your side soon enough, leaning against you.
  291. "That was really fun~..." He whispers in your ear, sounding like he wanted some more. However, you could tell that the both of you needed to cut it out for tonight.
  293. "Well, Fizz, I don't know what you dragons eat, but I'm about to make my dinner. You can have some too, if you'd like."
  295. Fizz shakes his head, he explains that he ate earlier, but he didn't want to leave just yet. In fact, he offered to cook the canned food for you.
  297. "Oh, thanks. I just need to find some fire wood..." You say, before Fizz just grins at you. He takes the can outside, holds it in one hand, and blasts it with his breath for several seconds. You grin back, what a clever dragon.
  299. After your food is nice and warmed up, you thank Fizz and take it, opening the can and eating the shitty food inside. It wasn't good, but it was perfectly heated. He sits next to you, even while you eat, and eventually ends up reclining next to you on a rock, looking up at the stars. You're not very comfortable here, but you don't move for his sake.
  301. "...Anon, is it ok if I sleep with you tonight?" He asks, before quickly flushing and stuttering. "J-Just in your bed, you know. I-It's a bit too late to fly back to the others... You know?"
  303. You grin and nod, before reaching over and patting Fizz on the head, running a hand through his cute dragon mane, rubbing his soft scales.
  305. "Of course you can, we can keep each other warm."
  307. Fizzle wiggles into you with a soft smile, a sigh of content. After staying outside a while longer, the night was starting to get cold. You urge him up, and you both retire to the tent. There, you curl up with the dragon, with you playing the much loved role of the "Big Spoon", and you feel Fizzle sigh and fall asleep in your hands, your soft and warm mammal body casting its heat onto Fizz's colder scales, creating a zone of absolute comfort under the covers.
  309. Needless to say, you slept like a baby.
  311. You woke up in the morning feeling a very large, body-temperature lump in your bed. He realize due to the smooth feeling of the lump's scales, that it's a dragon. Fizz, of course.
  313. Since it's so early, you quickly recap what has happened in the last few days.
  315. You came up to the mountains for an expedition to dig for volcanic gems. You met a cute, white dragon named Fizz who took a liking to you. You hung out an danced, before letting him sleep in your bed with you last night.
  317. You look down at the sleeping Fizz, smiling as you do. He was one cute lizard, you'd give him that. You reach down and gently pet him on the head and chest, trying to wake him up. "Psst- Wake up Fizz. Get up~" You say, before fizz slowly stirs. He opens his eyes groggily and looks at you, before he moved a little, smiling at you as he shifted in bed. Up until you felt a warm and hard little thing poke you in the leg. Fizz froze and then quickly curled up, blushing like mad.
  319. "That happens to every guy." You say aloud, grinning at the dragon. He speaks back in a low voice-
  320. "I know."
  322. Satisfied with that answer, you get up and stretch out of bed, putting on more clothes then just your boxer shorts, getting dressed. Fizz looked a little sad that he had to get out of bed, but he had to get going eventually... right?
  324. He yawned and stretched, before getting out himself and smiling at you.
  326. "So Anon... what are we doing today?" He says. You don't look at him as you gather your tools, though you did hear him and you did catch the implication he implied.
  328. "We?" say aloud, turning to look at him. He looked a little put off, turning his head and looking at the ground as you toss him a glance.
  330. "Fizz- shouldn't you be going back to the other dragons for now?" You ask. He slowly nods, but does look disheartened. You walk over to him and raise his chin, forcing him to look you in the eye. "You can just come back tomorrow, buddy. I'll still be here." You say. Fizz looks ecstatic and nods in agreement, before he leaves your tent and flies off with a wave.
  332. Well, that was easier then expected.
  334. Once Fizz left- your day became rather dull. You go out into the fields and dig for more volcanic gems. You get some decent results. Then you go back to camp, eat a quick lunch, and then go out to a new field to see if any gems are there are well. You don't find any, but decide to give it another day or two to make sure, you might have just gotten unlucky.
  336. Making your way back to camp at dusk, you feel exhausted and tired. You eat your own dinner, and then lay back on your cot. You just now realize how lonely it all felt- Fizz really did bring some companionship to your lonely existence up here.
  338. You drift off to sleep again, dreaming of the dragon and spending time with him... Until you reach and grab his thigh, with him gasping and laying back, his tail moving to the side quickly for your access...
  340. You wake up, of course. But are annoyed and disgruntled at the tease that was your dream.
  342. Fucking. Dragons.
  344. You get up that morning, feeling sore from yesterdays work, and feeling a bit more sore in your privates. You were pretty pent up still, something you hoped would be remedied by your dragon friend one of these days...
  346. Without much warning, you hear a flapping of wings and look up, seeing Fizz's white body coming down in front of you. You grin in instinct- he came back the very next day, bright and early. Just as you said.
  348. "Hi Fizz." You say, with him grinning happily.
  350. "Hi Anon~" He says back, in such a happy and affectionate way you thought for a moment you had drifted into an anime. 'Oh Anon-chan~' Cute shit. You can't stand cute shit.
  352. You nod at the dragon, and you two head out for another day. You work in the field, and he decides to help today. He's not nearly as strong, and more importantly not as practiced as you, so he digs slowly and imprecisely. You didn't mind, any help was good help.
  354. You two comb the field, using your shovels and the detector to look for more volcanic gems, before soon enough it was time to pack in and go home. Sore and tired, and your body a little dirty with sweat and soot, you return to camp with the dragon in tow. He seemed to enjoy working though.
  356. "Anon, that was pretty fun! You think we'll find some gems tomorrow?" He says, once again putting on the 'we'. You roll your eyes, but speak without hint of annoyance.
  358. "I'm not sure- we're digging to see if any gems are in that field, perhaps tomorrow we'll see some." You say. Your answer is accepted by Fizz, for now, and you walk back to camp.
  360. Once you put away your tools you sit outside around the campfire and start it up, Fizz's dragon breath very helpful in that venture. You take out of bag of marshmellows, and a stick, and hand one to the dragon.
  362. "Stick a marshmallow on the end and roast it!" You say with a smile, holding your marshmallow over the flame for only a few seconds before pulling it back to eat it. You didn't really like your marshmallows 'crispy'.
  364. Fizz's mind seemed blown by this discovery of food, eating down several marshmallows rapidly. You look a little concerned.
  366. "Fizz, you might want to slow down there... I only have so many and I'd rather not use them all at once." You say. Fizz stops, but still grabs his stomach and seems to groan.
  368. "Uh oh..." You say, getting up and walking to the dragon.
  370. "Anon- My stomach hurts..." He says, rather pathetically, but it was kinda cute too. You guess he hasn't had much experience in eating sweets- he ate too quickly. You help him too his feet.
  372. "You should go lay down." you say, guiding him to the cot. He nods in agreement, before laying down.
  374. "C-Can I have some water, Anon? Please?" He asked quietly, trying not to make a nuisance of himself. With a nod, you bring him so water and drinks. You didn't have much of that either, but the poor guy needed it, so you might as well. You sit down besides the dragon and rub your hand on his belly, smiling at him. He straightens out, letting you rub, stirring only softly as you do. He seems to enjoy it more and more as you go on, until he eventually moans and crosses his legs, you drawing your hand back in response.
  376. "W-Why did you stop?" He asked, blushing. He seemed to already know the answer.
  378. "You were enjoying that a bit too much, I think." You respond, giving him a smile.
  380. Fizz narrows his eyes at you, giving you a smirk, before answering.
  382. "See- I thought the lonely old man in the mountains wasn't above taking advantage of a poor, sick dragon boy." Fizz said, taunting you a bit.
  384. You can't help but raise an eyebrow- that wasn't really in character for him. He was usually very quiet and shy. Extra virgin.
  386. You grin and reach down to his leg, before getting up on top of him, leaning over the dragon. He blushed, his confident smirk being replaced by that adorable pathetic look he had most of the time.
  388. "A-Anon..." He said, a mix of worry, confusion, and lust in his voice. You just grin, your hands going to work on his hips and thighs, the rather girlish figure he had was only turning you on.
  390. Fizz shuddered and cried out gently, gracefully putting his arms to the side as you molested him, eventually forcing his legs apart. There, you finally got a look at his wonderful pink dragon dick- smooth and looking ready. You can only growl as you reach down and grab it gently, fingers wrapping around the tool and gently pumping up and down, slowly and surely.
  392. Fizz moans- his legs straightening out as you played with his shaft, bucking his hips just slightly and trying to control himself. It was really rather cute. He seemed a little upset by all this, but he didn't raise a claw to stop you.
  394. You keep going as Fizz starts to cry louder. It seemed that only within a few seconds did you hear him cry out, his dick throb, and his hips buck all in unison. He arched his back and with a spurt- his hot seed spilled out onto his chest, the smell of semen quickly rising as you pumped out the rest of his load. Didn't take him very long to get off at all, did it!
  396. Fizz moaned and looked up at you with half-lidded eyes, feeling the sweet release.
  398. "Anon... am I... still a virgin?" He asked, his voice nearly stuttering from the afterglow.
  400. "Not anymore, Fizzle." You respond, before leaning your head over the dragon's and going down, kissing him on the snout. He tenses again, but weakens at your touch, kissing you back as you take control and invade his mouth, enjoying his taste. Soon enough you were done, getting up off of him, and then throwing him a washcloth to wipe his cum off with.
  402. Fizz was careful not to get any on the cot, wiping himself off, and then putting the washcloth where you instructed, his walk looking a little wobbily. You had no idea how pent up he must have been- but it seemed like he really needed that.
  404. Fizz hugged you later after you made dinner and ate (only a few, this time) marshmallows. You guided him into bed and you laid down, the white dragon purring like a kitty as he curled up at your side, greedily stealing your body heat for himself. But you didn't mind, he was just too cute to stay mad at.
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