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Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. options:
  3. # DROP
  5. sd: 5 # % diamentow
  6. se: 2 # % emeraldow
  7. sg: 4.5 # % zlota
  8. si: 5 # % zelaza
  9. sc: 5.5 # % wegla
  10. ss: 2 # % piasku
  11. sen: 2 # % perel endermana
  12. sgun: 3.5 # % prochu
  13. apple: 5.5 # % prochu
  15. serv: &8&l[&2&lRichCraft&8&l]
  17. # EXP
  19. sde: 5 # % expa z diamentow
  20. see: 5 # % expa z emeraldow
  21. sge: 5 # % expa ze zlota
  22. sie: 5 # % expa z zelaza
  23. sce: 5 # % expa z wegla
  24. sse: 5 # % expa z piasku
  25. sene: 5 # % expa z perel endermana
  26. sgune: 5 # % expa z prochu
  27. appleex: 5 # % expa z prochu
  31. sdd: 10 # % diamentow na TurboDropie
  32. sed: 4 # % emeraldow na TurboDropie
  33. sgd: 10 # % zlota na TurboDropie
  34. sid: 10 # % zelaza na TurboDropie
  35. scd: 11 # % wegla na TurboDropie
  36. ssd: 4 # % piasku na TurboDropie
  37. send: 4 # % perel endermana na TurboDropie
  38. sgund: 7 # % prochu na TurboDropie
  39. appled: 11 # % prochu
  42. # TURBOEXP
  44. sdee: 10 # % expa z diamentow na TurboExpie
  45. seee: 10 # % expa z emeraldow na TurboExpie
  46. sgee: 10 # % expa ze zlota na TurboExpie
  47. siee: 10 # % expa z zelaza na TurboExpie
  48. scee: 10 # % expa z wegla na TurboExpie
  49. ssee: 10 # % expa z piasku na TurboExpie
  50. senee: 10 # % expa z perel endermana na TurboExpie
  51. sgunee: 10 # % expa z prochu na TurboExpie
  52. applee: 10 # % expa z prochu na TurboExpie
  57. variables:
  61. {td} = off # NIE ZMIENIAJCIE!
  62. {turbod.%player%} = false # NIE ZMIENIAJCIE!
  64. # TURBOEXP
  66. {te} = off # NIE ZMIENIAJCIE!
  67. {turboexp.%player%} = false # NIE ZMIENIAJCIE
  69. # GLOWNY KOD
  71. on mine of stone:
  72. if player's gamemode is survival:
  73. if player's tool is pickaxe:
  74. If {td} is off: # Kiedy TurboDrop jest nie aktywny
  75. If {te} is off: # Kiedy TurboExp jest nie aktywny
  76. chance of {@sd}%:
  77. give 1 diamond to the player
  78. drop {@sde} xp
  79. chance of {@apple}%:
  80. give 1 apple to the player
  81. drop {@appleex} xp
  82. chance of {@se}%:
  83. give 2 emeralds to the player
  84. drop {@see} xp
  85. chance of {@sg}%:
  86. give 1 gold ingot to the player
  87. drop {@sge} xp
  88. chance of {@si}%:
  89. give 1 iron ingot to the player
  90. drop {@sie} xp
  91. chance of {@sc}%:
  92. give 1 obsidian to the player
  93. drop {@sce} xp
  94. chance of {@ss}%:
  95. give 1 tnt to the player
  96. drop {@sse} xp
  97. chance of {@sen}%:
  98. give 1 ender pearl to the player
  99. drop {@sene} xp
  100. chance of {@sgun}%:
  101. give 1 Bookshelf to the player
  102. drop {@sgune} xp
  103. If {te} is on: # Kiedy TurboExp jest aktywny
  104. chance of {@sd}%:
  105. give 1 diamond to the player
  106. drop {@sdee} xp
  107. chance of {@appled}%:
  108. give 1 apple to the player
  109. drop {@applex} xp
  110. chance of {@se}%:
  111. give 2 emeralds to the player
  112. drop {@seee} xp
  113. chance of {@sg}%:
  114. give 1 gold ingot to the player
  115. drop {@sgee} xp
  116. chance of {@si}%:
  117. give 1 iron ingot to the player
  118. drop {@siee} xp
  119. chance of {@sc}%:
  120. give 1 obsidian to the player
  121. drop {@scee} xp
  122. chance of {@ss}%:
  123. give 1 tnt to the player
  124. drop {@ssee} xp
  125. chance of {@sen}%:
  126. give 1 ender pearl to the player
  127. drop {@senee} xp
  128. chance of {@sgun}%:
  129. give 1 Bookshelf to the player
  130. drop {@sgunee} xp
  131. If {td} is on:
  132. If {te} is off:
  133. chance of {@sdd}%:
  134. give 1 diamond to the player
  135. drop {@sde} xp
  136. chance of {@sed}%:
  137. give 2 emeralds to the player
  138. drop {@see} xp
  139. chance of {@sgd}%:
  140. give 1 gold ingot to the player
  141. drop {@sgee} xp
  142. chance of {@sid}%:
  143. give 1 iron ingot to the player
  144. drop {@sie} xp
  145. chance of {@scd}%:
  146. give 1 obsidian to the player
  147. drop {@sce} xp
  148. chance of {@ssd}%:
  149. give 1 tnt to the player
  150. drop {@sse} xp
  151. chance of {@send}%:
  152. give 1 ender pearl to the player
  153. drop {@sene} xp
  154. chance of {@sgund}%:
  155. give 1 Bookshelf to the player
  156. drop {@sgune} xp
  157. If {te} is on:
  158. chance of {@sdd}%:
  159. give 1 diamond to the player
  160. drop {@sdee} xp
  161. chance of {@sed}%:
  162. give 2 emeralds to the player
  163. drop {@seee} xp
  164. chance of {@siee}%:
  165. give 1 gold ingot to the player
  166. drop {@sgee} xp
  167. chance of {@sid}%:
  168. give 1 iron ingot to the player
  169. drop {@siee} xp
  170. chance of {@scd}%:
  171. give 1 obsidian to the player
  172. drop {@scee} xp
  173. chance of {@ssd}%:
  174. give 1 tnt to the player
  175. drop {@ssee} xp
  176. chance of {@send}%:
  177. give 1 ender pearl to the player
  178. drop {@senee} xp
  179. chance of {@sgund}%:
  180. give 1 Bookshelf to the player
  181. drop {@sgunee} xp
  182. If {turbod.%player%} is true:
  183. If {turboe.%player%} is false:
  184. chance of {@sdd}%:
  185. give 1 diamond to the player
  186. drop {@sde} xp
  187. chance of {@sed}%:
  188. give 2 emeralds to the player
  189. drop {@see} xp
  190. chance of {@sgd}%:
  191. give 1 gold ingot to the player
  192. drop {@sgee} xp
  193. chance of {@sid}%:
  194. give 1 iron ingot to the player
  195. drop {@sie} xp
  196. chance of {@scd}%:
  197. give 1 obsidian to the player
  198. drop {@sce} xp
  199. chance of {@ssd}%:
  200. give 1 tnt to the player
  201. drop {@sse} xp
  202. chance of {@send}%:
  203. give 1 ender pearl to the player
  204. drop {@sene} xp
  205. chance of {@sgund}%:
  206. give 1 Bookshelf to the player
  207. drop {@sgune} xp
  208. If {turboe.%player%} is true:
  209. chance of {@sdd}%:
  210. give 1 diamond to the player
  211. drop {@sdee} xp
  212. chance of {@sed}%:
  213. give 2 emeralds to the player
  214. drop {@seee} xp
  215. chance of {@siee}%:
  216. give 1 gold ingot to the player
  217. drop {@sgee} xp
  218. chance of {@sid}%:
  219. give 1 iron ingot to the player
  220. drop {@siee} xp
  221. chance of {@scd}%:
  222. give 1 obsidian to the player
  223. drop {@scee} xp
  224. chance of {@ssd}%:
  225. give 1 tnt to the player
  226. drop {@ssee} xp
  227. chance of {@send}%:
  228. give 1 ender pearl to the player
  229. drop {@senee} xp
  230. chance of {@sgund}%:
  231. give 1 Bookshelf to the player
  232. drop {@sgunee} xp
  233. If {turboe.%player%} is true:
  234. If {turbod.%player%} is false:
  235. chance of {@sd}%:
  236. give 1 diamond to the player
  237. drop {@sdee} xp
  238. chance of {@se}%:
  239. give 2 emeralds to the player
  240. drop {@seee} xp
  241. chance of {@siee}%:
  242. give 1 gold ingot to the player
  243. drop {@sgee} xp
  244. chance of {@sid}%:
  245. give 1 iron ingot to the player
  246. drop {@siee} xp
  247. chance of {@scd}%:
  248. give 1 obsidian to the player
  249. drop {@scee} xp
  250. chance of {@ss}%:
  251. give 1 tnt to the player
  252. drop {@ssee} xp
  253. chance of {@sen}%:
  254. give 1 ender pearl to the player
  255. drop {@senee} xp
  256. chance of {@sgun}%:
  257. give 1 Bookshelf to the player
  258. drop {@sgunee} xp
  259. If {turbod.%player%} is true:
  260. If {turbod.%player%} is true:
  261. chance of {@sdd}%:
  262. give 1 diamond to the player
  263. drop {@sdee} xp
  264. chance of {@sed}%:
  265. give 2 emeralds to the player
  266. drop {@seee} xp
  267. chance of {@siee}%:
  268. give 1 gold ingot to the player
  269. drop {@sgee} xp
  270. chance of {@sid}%:
  271. give 1 iron ingot to the player
  272. drop {@siee} xp
  273. chance of {@scd}%:
  274. give 1 obsidian to the player
  275. drop {@scee} xp
  276. chance of {@ssd}%:
  277. give 1 tnt to the player
  278. drop {@ssee} xp
  279. chance of {@send}%:
  280. give 1 ender pearl to the player
  281. drop {@senee} xp
  282. chance of {@sgund}%:
  283. give 1 Bookshelf to the player
  284. drop {@sgunee} xp
  286. if player's gamemode is creative:
  287. if player's tool is pickaxe:
  288. send "&2DROP ZE STONE NA CREATIVE - &eOFF"
  291. # KOMENDY
  293. command /drop [<text>]:
  294. trigger:
  295. arg 1 is not set:
  296. open chest with 3 rows named "&1Drop" to player
  297. wait 1 ticks
  298. format slot 0 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  299. format slot 1 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  300. format slot 2 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  301. format slot 3 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  302. format slot 4 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  303. format slot 5 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  304. format slot 6 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  305. format slot 7 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  306. format slot 8 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  307. format slot 9 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aDiament" with lore "&8>> &6Drop &8>> &6{@sd}" to close
  308. format slot 10 of player with 1 of emerald named "&aEmerald" with lore "&8>> &6Drop &8>> &6{@se}" to close
  309. format slot 11 of player with 1 of golden ingot named "&aZloto" with lore "&8>> &6Drop &8>> &6{@sg}" to close
  310. format slot 12 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&aZelazo" with lore "&8>> &6Drop &8>> &6{@si}" to close
  311. format slot 13 of player with 1 of obsidian named "&aObsydian" with lore "&8>> &6Drop &8>> &6{@sc}" to close
  312. format slot 14 of player with 1 of tnt named "&aTNT" with lore "&8>> &6Drop &8>> &6{@ss}" to close
  313. format slot 15 of player with 1 of ender pearl named "&aPerla" with lore "&8>> &6Drop &8>> &6{@sen}" to close
  314. format slot 16 of player with 1 of Bookshelf named "&aBiblioteczka" with lore "&8>> &6Drop &8>> &6{@sgun}" to close
  315. format slot 17 of player with 1 of paper named "&aWyjscie" to close
  316. format slot 18 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  317. format slot 19 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  318. format slot 20 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  319. format slot 21 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  320. format slot 22 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  321. format slot 23 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  322. format slot 24 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  323. format slot 25 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  324. format slot 26 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  326. command /exp [<text>]:
  327. trigger:
  328. arg 1 is not set:
  329. open chest with 3 rows named "&1EXP" to player
  330. wait 1 ticks
  331. format slot 0 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  332. format slot 1 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  333. format slot 2 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  334. format slot 3 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  335. format slot 4 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  336. format slot 5 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  337. format slot 6 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  338. format slot 7 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  339. format slot 8 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  340. format slot 9 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aDiament" with lore "&8>> &6EXP &8>> &6{@sde}" to close
  341. format slot 10 of player with 1 of Emerald named "&aEmerald" with lore "&8>> &6EXP &8>> &6{@see}" to close
  342. format slot 11 of player with 1 of golden ingot named "&aZloto" with lore "&8>> &6EXP &8>> &6{@sge}" to close
  343. format slot 12 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&aZelazo" with lore "&8>> &6EXP &8>> &6{@sie}" to close
  344. format slot 13 of player with 1 of obsidian named "&aObsydian" with lore "&8>> &6EXP &8>> &6{@sce}" to close
  345. format slot 14 of player with 1 of tnt named "&aTNT" with lore "&8>> &6EXP &8>> &6{@sse}" to close
  346. format slot 15 of player with 1 of ender pearl named "&aPerla" with lore "&8>> &6EXP &8>> &6{@sene}" to close
  347. format slot 16 of player with 1 of Bookshelf named "&aBiblioteczka" with lore "&8>> &6EXP &8>> &6{@sgune}" to close
  348. format slot 17 of player with 1 of paper named "&aWiecej Aktalizacji wkrotce" to close
  349. format slot 18 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  350. format slot 19 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  351. format slot 20 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  352. format slot 21 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  353. format slot 22 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  354. format slot 23 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  355. format slot 24 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  356. format slot 25 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  357. format slot 26 of player with 1 of red glass named "&aDrop" to close
  360. command /turbo [<text>] [<text>] [<player>]:
  361. permission: admin.turbodrop
  362. permission message: &2Brak uprawnien &eadmin.turbodrop!
  363. trigger:
  364. if arg 1 is "drop":
  365. If arg 2 is "on":
  366. If arg 3 is not set:
  367. If {td} is off:
  368. set {td} to on
  369. send "&9&lWlaczyles TurboDrop dla wszystkich na 30 minut!"
  370. broadcast "{@serv} &c&lZostal aktywowany TurboDrop na 30 minut dla wszystkich graczy!"
  371. wait 1800 second
  372. set {td} to off
  373. send "&9&lTurboDrop sie skonczyl!"
  374. broadcast "{@serv} &c&lTurboDrop minal!"
  375. If arg 2 is "off":
  376. If arg 3 is not set:
  377. If {td} is on:
  378. set {td} to off
  379. send "&9&lZakonczyles TurboDrop!"
  380. broadcast "{@serv} &c&lAdministrator wylaczyl TurboDrop!"
  381. If arg 1 is "exp":
  382. If arg 2 is "on":
  383. If arg 3 is not set:
  384. If {te} is off:
  385. set {te} to on
  386. send "&9&lWlaczyles TurboExp dla wszystkich na 30 minut!"
  387. broadcast "&8&l{@serv} &c&lZostal aktywowany TurboExp na 30 minut dla wszystkich graczy!"
  388. wait 1800 second
  389. set {te} to off
  390. send "&9&lTurboExp sie skonczyl!"
  391. broadcast "{@serv} &c&lTurboExp minal!"
  392. If arg 2 is "off":
  393. If arg 3 is not set:
  394. If {te} is on:
  395. set {te} to off
  396. send "&9&lZakonczyles TurboExp!"
  397. broadcast "{@serv} &c&lAdministrator wylaczyl TurboExp!"
  398. If arg 2 is "on":
  399. If arg 3 is set:
  400. If {turboexp.%player%} is false:
  401. set {turboexp.%player%} to true
  402. broadcast "{@serv} &2Administrator wlaczyl TurboExp graczowi &e%arg 3% na 30 minut!"
  403. If arg 2 is "off":
  404. If arg 3 is set:
  405. If {turboexp.%player%} is true:
  406. set {turboexp.%player%} to false
  407. broadcast "{@serv} &2Administrator wylaczyl TurboExp graczowi &e%arg 3%"
  408. If arg 1 is "drop":
  409. If arg 2 is "on":
  410. If arg 3 is set:
  411. If {turbod.%player%} is false:
  412. broadcast "{@serv} &2Administrator wlaczyl TurboDrop graczowi &e%arg 3% na 30 minut!"
  413. set {turbod.%player%} to true
  414. wait 1800 second
  415. broadcast "{@serv} &2Graczowi &e%arg 3% skonczyl sie TurboDrop!"
  416. set {turbod.%player%} to false
  417. If arg 2 is "off":
  418. If arg 3 is set:
  419. If {turbod.%player%} is true:
  420. broadcast "{@serv} &2Administrator wylaczyl TurboDrop graczowi &e%arg 3%"
  421. set {turbod.%player%} to false
  423. If arg 1 is not set:
  424. send "&9<-----------------> POMOC <----------------->"
  425. send "&2 /Turbo Drop On [NICK] - &eWlacza TurboDrop dla gracza na 30 minut"
  426. send "&2 /Turbo Drop Off [NICK] - &eWylacza TurboDrop graczowi"
  427. send "&2 /Turbo Drop On - &eWlacza TurboDrop na 30 minut"
  428. send "&2 /Turbo Drop Off - &eWylacza TurboDrop"
  429. send "&2 /Turbo Exp On [NICK] - &eWlacza TurboExp dla gracza na 30 minut"
  430. send "&2 /Turbo Exp Off [NICK] - &eWylacza TurboExp graczowi"
  431. send "&2 /Turbo Exp On - &eWlacza TurboExp na 30 minut"
  432. send "&2 /Turbo Exp Off - &eWylacza TurboExp"
  433. send "&9<-----------------> POMOC <----------------->"
  434. If arg 1 is not "drop" or "exp":
  435. send "&9<-----------------> POMOC <----------------->"
  436. send "&2 /Turbo Drop On [NICK] - &eWlacza TurboDrop dla gracza na 30 minut"
  437. send "&2 /Turbo Drop Off [NICK] - &eWylacza TurboDrop graczowi"
  438. send "&2 /Turbo Drop On - &eWlacza TurboDrop na 30 minut"
  439. send "&2 /Turbo Drop Off - &eWylacza TurboDrop"
  440. send "&2 /Turbo Exp On [NICK] - &eWlacza TurboExp dla gracza na 30 minut"
  441. send "&2 /Turbo Exp Off [NICK] - &eWylacza TurboExp graczowi"
  442. send "&2 /Turbo Exp On - &eWlacza TurboExp na 30 minut"
  443. send "&2 /Turbo Exp Off - &eWylacza TurboExp"
  444. send "&9<-----------------> POMOC <----------------->"
  445. If arg 2 is not "on" or "off":
  446. send "&9<-----------------> POMOC <----------------->"
  447. send "&2 /Turbo Drop On [NICK] - &eWlacza TurboDrop dla gracza na 30 minut"
  448. send "&2 /Turbo Drop Off [NICK] - &eWylacza TurboDrop graczowi"
  449. send "&2 /Turbo Drop On - &eWlacza TurboDrop na 30 minut"
  450. send "&2 /Turbo Drop Off - &eWylacza TurboDrop"
  451. send "&2 /Turbo Exp On [NICK] - &eWlacza TurboExp dla gracza na 30 minut"
  452. send "&2 /Turbo Exp Off [NICK] - &eWylacza TurboExp graczowi"
  453. send "&2 /Turbo Exp On - &eWlacza TurboExp na 30 minut"
  454. send "&2 /Turbo Exp Off - &eWylacza TurboExp"
  455. send "&9<-----------------> POMOC <----------------->"
  456. If arg 2 is not set:
  457. send "&9<-----------------> POMOC <----------------->"
  458. send "&2 /Turbo Drop On [NICK] - &eWlacza TurboDrop dla gracza na 30 minut"
  459. send "&2 /Turbo Drop Off [NICK] - &eWylacza TurboDrop graczowi"
  460. send "&2 /Turbo Drop On - &eWlacza TurboDrop na 30 minut"
  461. send "&2 /Turbo Drop Off - &eWylacza TurboDrop"
  462. send "&2 /Turbo Exp On [NICK] - &eWlacza TurboExp dla gracza na 30 minut"
  463. send "&2 /Turbo Exp Off [NICK] - &eWylacza TurboExp graczowi"
  464. send "&2 /Turbo Exp On - &eWlacza TurboExp na 30 minut"
  465. send "&2 /Turbo Exp Off - &eWylacza TurboExp"
  466. send "&9<-----------------> POMOC <----------------->"
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