

Dec 6th, 2018
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  1. Demoria: Hai Sarah.
  2. Demoria: Well Nelly is back on stage but i dont want to just clock out in 2 minutes i was there xD
  3. Demoria: will just sit 10 more and then bed. IT is super late here
  4. Demoria: and i slept only 3 hrs last night.
  5. LioraeSaeihr: alright haha I must say my mood isn't entirely on working either but I'll do it if you need me..
  6. SarahAndrast: v.v Am sad
  7. LioraeSaeihr: ugh I know, same here, it's been late way too often
  8. LioraeSaeihr: how so Sarah?
  9. Demoria: and i am not in best mood too :/
  10. Demoria: but oh well
  11. Demoria: will leave you 2 to talk
  12. SarahAndrast: About Aika
  13. LioraeSaeihr: okay babes, thanks for coming in.. I'll let you know when she comes back
  14. LioraeSaeihr: oh poof
  15. SarahAndrast: I also wanted to talk to you a little
  16. LioraeSaeihr: I only heard she had to take an loa for consult at the hospital right? not really sure what happened, didnt want to pry you know
  17. LioraeSaeihr: of course, my door is always open
  18. SarahAndrast: Yeah, but doctor gave bad news so she's resigned v.v
  19. SarahAndrast: I wanted to ask about Krissy?
  20. LioraeSaeihr: ah alright, wish her the best for me if you happen to speak to her
  21. SarahAndrast: I let her know 6^
  22. SarahAndrast: ^^*
  23. LioraeSaeihr: Thank you, and yess.. what about Krissy?
  24. SarahAndrast: I was just curious as to why I wasn't let know she was brought back until she was invited to the server??
  25. SarahAndrast: I'm not mad, I'm really just curious
  26. LioraeSaeihr: I understand babes, but I usually do not discuss the people hired, that's why we have the files and such too.. not really sure why it's such a big problem?
  27. SarahAndrast: I just figured that since Krissy was being rehired I would at least be told?? I'm not saying its a big problem, I just would have liked to have been there for the interview process as I've only shadowed one ><
  28. LioraeSaeihr: I understand, I'll try to draw you in next time, there are two more I hope to interview this week, depends a bit on what time they can be on
  29. SarahAndrast: /me nods
  30. SarahAndrast: I mean, I expected back but Krissy kinda surprised me lol
  31. LioraeSaeihr: I understand, I've been talking with her on and off during her move, I'll let you know next time but not really have any rehires planned right now
  32. SarahAndrast: /me nods a bit
  33. SarahAndrast: Okay, Thank you Lio
  34. LioraeSaeihr: I have one thing I need to speak to you about too, if you have a few moments..
  35. SarahAndrast: Of course
  36. LioraeSaeihr: I don't want to stir up new trouble, but did you see the annoucement about the rule ammendment?
  37. SarahAndrast: You mean about no more relationships with employees and Kiddie avis are prohibited?
  38. LioraeSaeihr: *nods* that's the one..
  39. SarahAndrast: Yes, I did see it
  40. LioraeSaeihr: So I hope you can also see that showing off that you are married to Jay is a bit of a problem for a manager? whatever your relationship is
  41. SarahAndrast: I can, however Jay paid for the marriage pack with her own money and it was before she was at cuffs
  42. LioraeSaeihr: I realize that, I don't want to force anything but if we're all going to be held to the same standards, that is also an issue.. I'm flexible in resolving it, really.. but for any newcomes coming in it will look weird.. I just ask your understanding
  43. LioraeSaeihr: *newcomer
  44. SarahAndrast: How would you suggest resolving it?
  45. LioraeSaeihr: I have no idea what it means to either of you, I thought you married mira tbh.. you don't need to explain yourself.. it's your personal life not Cuffs but it conflicts the rule here.. if it is just for fun, easiest would be to end it if it has a deeper meaning, I honestly don't know.. open for suggestions.
  46. SarahAndrast: I'm in a relationship with Mira, Deeply adore her and I find her admirable as hell, Jay is really just my friend, We got married because we had jokingly called each other wife/waifu
  47. LioraeSaeihr: Do me a favour, talk this over with Jay, my only concern is that I cannot have a manger openly defying rules in place like that..
  48. LioraeSaeihr: we'll talk about it when you get back from loa
  49. SarahAndrast: I mean, We can talk now about it, doesnt bother me, I would just like to know what resolve you are looking for?
  50. LioraeSaeihr: if you can break it off that would have my preference, but as I said before, if there is an emotional value with it, I'd never ask that.. hide badges perhaps, it's not fool proof but alright.. I realize it's also a bit of history
  51. SarahAndrast: I can tell you right here and right now, That I'm not breaking off my marriage to Jay. There is emotional value because she is my friend, I care about her and we've been close since before cuffs but we have no history aside from us being purely friends
  52. LioraeSaeihr: than we've reached a bit of an impasse.. curious to hear your suggestion then.
  53. SarahAndrast: I could understand if she had done it after joining Cuffs, but she did it when she was apart of Cheeks, IE It was a pre-existing thing, Not newly formed within Cuffs?
  54. LioraeSaeihr: I realize that, but it's been obvious that the rule as it was couldn't be maintained either.. it caused enough drama as it has already.. I could maybe wing it for a while if you weren't a manager, but you are.. so, how do you suggest we fix this?
  55. SarahAndrast: So... Did you ah, just suggest I step down from being a manager?? And I think if it isn't causing issues then it isnt a problem, Perhaps the rule should more over be changed to no collaring girls within cuffs because that *is* what the issue was that mandated the new rule
  56. SarahAndrast: Sorry, brb for a moment
  57. LioraeSaeihr: no I suggest you take responsibility if you want the position, how are you going to reprimand anyone about this rule when you it shows on your profile you break this, you are HR, it's not an unlikely scenario..
  58. LioraeSaeihr: yes tyt
  59. SarahAndrast: Okay, but why not adjust the rule to collaring within cuffs?
  60. SarahAndrast: Employees within cuffs cant collar cuff employees?
  61. LioraeSaeihr: because that wasn't the only problem.. but I don't need to explain you.
  62. SarahAndrast: It was one of the main problems though
  63. xDjBiohazardx: Hi there :)
  64. LioraeSaeihr: Hi dj, now is not really the best time, can I catch you later perhaps?
  65. xDjBiohazardx: Ah right. Come join my room then? :)
  66. LioraeSaeihr: sure thing.. ^^
  67. xDjBiohazardx: You know the place.
  68. xDjBiohazardx: Alright.
  69. xDjBiohazardx: Cya :)
  70. LioraeSaeihr: yess, you bet
  71. LioraeSaeihr: catch you later ?
  72. xDjBiohazardx: Hope you do ^^
  73. SarahAndrast: I actually messaged Jay, She said she'll come in so we can talk ^^
  74. LioraeSaeihr: sorry about that.. anyway, I feel it's not just the collaring that is a problem, besides putting it in the rules like that leaves a ton of loopholes.. no sorry, no relationships, period.
  75. SarahAndrast: Okay but me and her arent in an actual relationship?
  76. SarahAndrast: And I feel everyone in cuffs knows this
  77. LioraeSaeihr: that's fine.. no I realize that, but how is anyone to know that? you know how many new people we get
  78. LioraeSaeihr: Heey Jay, welcome..
  79. SarahAndrast: Hey Jay
  80. StrangelyDeaf: Hey love.
  81. StrangelyDeaf: You know it's a friendship package, not an actual marriage package, right?
  82. StrangelyDeaf: Me and Sarah are not together. xD
  83. LioraeSaeihr: yes I know.. I know that
  84. StrangelyDeaf: Then whoever is making it an issue should be told of that
  85. StrangelyDeaf: I have no problem letting them know tbh
  86. LioraeSaeihr: this isn't about the fact you two are married.. that's not it..look
  87. SarahAndrast: You just said it was though?
  88. LioraeSaeihr: I have a new rule in place that bans these relationships within alright? and on the other hand I have a manger and employee who have on their interest card that they are married.. on top of that, my manager is in HR too, so dealing with matters like this sooner or later..
  89. SarahAndrast: And said "Ideally would be to break it off, but I understand not doing that if there is emotional and sentimental value"
  90. LioraeSaeihr: no I don't care.. please.. this is about getting the organization adhering to rules again
  91. StrangelyDeaf: If needed, I'll just quit then.
  92. SarahAndrast: No no, Its okay Jay
  93. StrangelyDeaf: So it's not looked as insubordination.
  94. StrangelyDeaf: Because it's not getting broken off.
  95. StrangelyDeaf: It's my money, so it's mine or Sarah's decision to break it off or not.
  96. StrangelyDeaf: Not a rule, love.
  97. StrangelyDeaf: Sorry, but that's how I truly feel on it.
  98. LioraeSaeihr: I honestly am not sure how to fix it but I feel it will nip me in the butt if I don't.. and it will cause more drama.. I don't want anyone to leave, just hope you see my point in this..
  99. StrangelyDeaf: Especially when you know it's just a friendship package, not an actual marriage package love.
  100. SarahAndrast: Its okay, I can solve this real easy ^^
  101. StrangelyDeaf: I do see your point, love.
  102. LioraeSaeihr: I'm curious to hear your solution
  103. StrangelyDeaf: But, you're going after the two who's marriage package is a friendship package, also with having that knowledge.
  104. StrangelyDeaf: Instead of the two who actually has marriage in their interest.
  105. SarahAndrast: I can just resign, its fine
  106. LioraeSaeihr: I'm not against you being married.. don't think that.. but what am I telling everyone?
  107. LioraeSaeihr: that I make exceptions yes.. and that's where we had issues from just last weekend
  108. StrangelyDeaf: We are not married bb
  109. StrangelyDeaf: x'D
  110. StrangelyDeaf: THink of our marriage package as of like Rhi's and Mira's
  111. LioraeSaeihr: I know what it is, I've seen it plenty and it's fine with me. I just don't know how Sarah is going to correct someone on the no-dating rule if she is breaking it, no matter how the relationship is.. if it is some trial she has no way of knowing.
  112. StrangelyDeaf: Because it's easily explained as a friendship package
  113. StrangelyDeaf: So, she won't be seen as breaking it any longer.
  114. StrangelyDeaf: If someone was just explained that, whoever it is that needs to have that explained to.
  115. LioraeSaeihr: that's not how it works, been there..
  116. StrangelyDeaf: Then it's probably just best to leave, on both accounts, if it's easier said than done with being explained.
  117. StrangelyDeaf: it isn't*
  118. LioraeSaeihr: when a discussion like that flares up there is no difference between a friendship package and marriage badge. I'm sorry, been through that discussion already.
  119. StrangelyDeaf: Sorry Lio, but I'm not going to go the route of being nice when I spent my money on it, it's not for you to decide due to your new rule to ask us to break it off especially when it's a new rule to begin with and not even a marriage as that.
  120. SarahAndrast: Its okay love
  121. StrangelyDeaf: As stated, the only decision to break it off is Sarah's or mine, because it is my mine spent on her in the end.
  122. SarahAndrast: You dont have to go
  123. LioraeSaeihr: You asked me what I wanted and I explained to you how I saw it, then asked your opinion.. don't strap it on me like that please..
  124. LioraeSaeihr: it is.. I'm just giving you the problem I see and ask for a ressolution, so far got nothing but hostility..
  125. StrangelyDeaf: Because you're going to the wrong people to ask to break it off, when it should be your other two employees who actually do have an interest.
  126. StrangelyDeaf: interest in each other*
  127. StrangelyDeaf: We had the marriage package long before this new rule too
  128. LioraeSaeihr: stop pointing to others, we're dealing with this now.. *sighs*
  129. LioraeSaeihr: others will be dealt with
  130. StrangelyDeaf: It involves others??
  131. LioraeSaeihr: apparently
  132. StrangelyDeaf: But you know it's a friendship package, not an actual marriage package
  133. StrangelyDeaf: We're not really dating.
  134. SarahAndrast: Lio, could you be a dear and take me off of timeclock please?
  135. LioraeSaeihr: but it's not about me.. it's about the whole of Cuffs who can see it
  136. StrangelyDeaf: Then I will leave to, if it's not easily explained as done.
  137. StrangelyDeaf: Because I'm not going to be around others who don't have the mindset of understanding it's a friendship package.
  138. StrangelyDeaf: It's ridiculous, I'm sorry.
  139. LioraeSaeihr: fine.. if you want to I'm not holding anyone back.
  140. StrangelyDeaf: /me nods.
  141. LioraeSaeihr: it isn't.. stop making special rules for everyone.. a rule is a rule
  142. LioraeSaeihr: and we're done here.. fix it.. however..
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