
DGA: Going in blind

Aug 16th, 2017
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  1. New DGA OVA, starring Rei and Sayeka. Canon.
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. “Stand up. Let's try again.”
  5. Sayeka shakes her head as she pulls herself up from the gravelly ground outside the school, fumbling around to find the hilt of the blade that was once in her hand. She grips it, and rises to her feet... but just as quickly, she's down again.
  7. “Stand up. Let's try again.”
  9. Rei's voice rings out in Sayeka's head as she fumbles for the hilt once more. A tough trainer, a tough lesson, but Sayeka is certain to remind herself that this was by her own request. Rei showed reluctance, but Sayeka wanted this. The pain in her back right now is her own fault.
  11. Once more, Sayeka is knocked back with the force of a car ramming into her, the blade flying from her hand yet again.
  13. “Okay, stop. This isn't working.”
  15. Rei lets out a sigh as she helps Sayeka to her feet.
  17. “I requested that you wouldn't go easy on me,” Sayeka mutters, disappointed. “In a real battle, a demon wouldn't take a break.”
  19. “In a real battle a demon wouldn't give you 50 retries, either. Unless you want me to ram my sword into your chest, I think I'm allowed to be a little gentler,” Rei replies.
  21. “If you're concerned for my health-”
  23. “I'm not,” Rei shuts her down. “But I am worried about the heart attack Chihiro will have once she sees all the bruises you've got.”
  25. “Oh dear...” Sayeka mutters. “I am covered in bruises, aren't I?”
  27. “It's not too bad,” Rei shrugs. “Don't worry about it. Just... let's sit down.”
  29. Rei takes Sayeka by the wrist and leads her to the nearest bench. Sayeka dusts herself off and sits on the bench in the most lady-like position. Rei give a sideways glance towards the action and lets out a small scoff.
  31. “I must thank you,” Sayeka states. “When I came to you asking for training, I didn't expect you to agree. After all, it is a lot of work to take on, and I can't promise it's even possible for me to improve in my condition. It's very selfless of you... especially considering your disdain for me.”
  33. “Huh?” Rei asks, as she begins to cool herself down with a bottle of water.
  35. Sayeka hangs her head low. “My actions months back... my decision during the Endless Night. You were just about ready to kill me...”
  37. “Yeah... well I've changed since then,” Rei replies. “I'm not holding a grudge over something that happened what feels like so long ago now... I mean, we're not friends. I don't particularly like you, I'll be honest there.”
  39. “I appreciate that,” Sayeka replies.
  41. “But I don't... hate you. Not a whole lot, at least...” Rei mutters. “But when my classmate asks for help... even if we aren't friends, I'm still gonna help.”
  43. Sayeka nods. “Regardless, than you for your patience.”
  45. Rei shakes her head and waves it off. “It's really nothing... besides, I'm just excited by the idea of getting you fighting again. Once upon a time, before the whole... you know... you were damn good with that sword. As good as me or Saki, even. Maybe better!”
  47. “You're right,” Sayeka mutters. “I was better.”
  49. Rei takes a drink of her water, and the unintended silence that follows worries Sayeka.
  51. “My apologies, I didn't mean to phrase it like that-”
  53. Sayeka is interrupted by the spluttering sound of Rei spitting out her water as she laughs. “Don't be sorry! I'm surprised to see little miss Sayeka showing a cocky side! Don't they teach you how to be all prim and proper and to never speak out of turn in those fancy boarding schools?”
  55. “I wouldn't know,” Sayeka explains. “I never attended one. My father was a carpenter... my parents could barely afford to feed me and my siblings.”
  57. Rei pauses, staring at Sayeka in confusion. “You... huh. With the way you carry yourself I always figured you for a rich girl... I didn't know that.”
  59. “Not many do,” Sayeka explains.
  61. “You know...” Rei mutters. “My family aren't all that well off, neither. I guess we've got that in common, huh?”
  63. “I suppose so,” Sayeka smiles. “Umm... make no mistake. I'm not ashamed of my family. They took good care of me and I love them with all my heart.”
  65. “I get it,” Rei nods. “Have you... have you talked to them since your-”
  67. “No.”
  69. “Right...” Rei mutters. “You know you're gonna have to soon, right? What with us being all over the news...”
  71. “Yes, I know...” Sayeka replies, her voice becoming meeker by the second.
  73. “Well... let's forget about that and get back to action, okay?” Rei smiles. Sayeka smiles as well and stands up.
  75. As the two take their positions, Rei perks up with another question. “You know, it's been bothering me. I know you're blind, but if you can see the future, can't you just see what move I'm about to make?”
  77. “It's not as direct as that,” Sayeka responds. “It's not as simple as seeing what you're about to do then acting to avoid it. For one... I don't just see the future. When I look ahead, I see all possible futures, at once. It's... a terrible overstimulation of my brain most of the time, it's hard to focus on moving my body while also being bombarded with visions. On top of that, predicting a fight is different from other predictions.”
  79. “And how's that?” Rei asks.
  81. “I see all timelines at once,” Sayeka explains. “Take for instance, a situation where I give Akemi the choice between a chocolate fudge cake and a piece of celery. Should I look into the future for this situation, I would be overloaded with an infinite number of futures... however, 99.99% of those futures I see will involve her taking the cake. I'll know the most likely outcome based on any conscious decision made by another person. However... fighting is different. Far, far too many random variables in your actions. The wind, whether you turn right or left, your exact footing for every step, the exact millisecond you choose to move... I'm bombarded with trillions of different variables with no earthly idea which one I should respond to... picking up this sword again will be a near impossible task.”
  83. “Well...” Rei whistles, “There's only one thing for it.”
  85. “And what's that?”
  87. “We get practising,” Rei smirks. “You just presented me with my biggest challenge yet. Now... let's try again.”
  89. END
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