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Nov 12th, 2020
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  1. “Ah! Fucking hell...” Chris swore, struggling with his jeans to pull them over his jumbo bubble booty. “Janie’s fat fucking butt is so fucking big! Just putting on jeans is such a pain in the ass.”
  3. “Literally.” his friend David added, his eyes fixed to the curvy Asian rump as it jiggled in front of him, his cock rapidly hardening in his pants. He was so mesmerized he didn’t even notice that Chris had turned his head and was glaring at him until he was punched in the arm. “Ow! What was that for?”
  5. “No staring, you perv.” spat Chris, “I’m just borrowing Janie’s body for an afternoon while she uses my body to help her cousin move. Apparently she was too weak to carry all the heavy stuff.”
  7. “Well how am I supposed to resist when you’re shaking the school’s hottest ass around in front of me?” said David, a hand snaking into his shorts as his friend turned away again. He began to play with his rock solid penis as he fantasized about reaching forward and giving that perfect caboose a spank.
  9. Letting out a groan as he realized that there was no way his old jeans were going to fit on his current body, Chris gave up and fell forward onto her soft bed, his bare ass pointing into the air. “Ugh... I guess I’ll be stuck inside until...” noticing that David had been silent for a while, he looked over and gasped. “W-WHAT THE FUCK dude! Are you seriously jerking off to my- I mean, Janie’s- ass?”
  11. “I can’t help it!” David protested, just as they both heard the front door open. Janie had returned home early. “It’s just too sexy! Oh god, I think I’m gonna cum!”
  13. “Dude!” exclaimed Chris, panicking internally. If Janie returned and caught David masturbating, or found stains on her sheets or clothes, she would never forgive him. Considering his limited amount of options, desperate for his friend to finish and hide the evidence, he realized what he had to do to avoid getting caught. Wigging his backside, he stood up and pressed his body into David’s lap, his cock burying itself into Janie’s tight pussy. Feeling David tense up, he choked back pained tears and guided his partner’s hand to his waist. “Shut up and cum, asshole!” The feeling of Janie’s Asian vagina was too much for David and soon Chris was fighting back the urge to scream as he felt a torrent of hot, sticky jizz fill him up.
  15. When Janie opened the door to her room, she saw that the two guys were exactly where she’d left them. “Alright Chris, thanks for letting me borrow your body.” Grabbing her wand, she gave it a wave and looked surprised as nothing happened. “Huh...” she said quizzically, trying again to no avail. “It really should be working. Either we’ve got to wait until tomorrow for it to charge again... or you’re pregnant!” She joked.
  17. “Haha, good one!” fake-laughed Chris, trying his best to hide his fear as he crossed his legs, feeling the white goo drip from down his thighs. He wasn’t ready to explain to her that not only had they just had brief sex in her body but that if he really was impregnated, he might be trapped in there for the next nine months. He begged that it wasn't the case: he was terrified of the possibility of being a slutty, pregnant, teenage Asian girl...
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