
XRMC - detector_0deg.dat

Nov 17th, 2015
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  1. ; Detector array parameter file
  2. ;
  3. Newdevice detectorarray ; Device type
  4. DetectorArray ; Device name
  5. SourceName Sample ; Source input device name
  6. NPixels 1 1 ; Pixel number (NX x NY)
  7. PixelSize 1.0 1.0 ; Pixel Size (cm)
  8. Shape 1 ; Pixel shape (0 rectangular, 1 elliptical)
  9. dOmegaLim 1e-2 ; Cut on dOmega (default = 2*PI)
  10. X 1 0.4142 0.0 ; detector center coordinates x, y, z
  11. ; Detector orientation :
  12. uk -1 0 0 ; z direction (normal to the screen)
  13. ui 0 -1 0 ; x direction
  14. ExpTime 1 ; Exposure time (sec)
  15. PhotonNum 200 ; Multiplicity of simulated events per pixel 2000
  16. RandomPixelFlag 1 ; Enable random point on pixels (0/1)
  17. PoissonFlag 0 ; Enable poisson statistic on pix. counts (0/1)
  18. RoundFlag 0 ; Round pixel counts to integer (0/1)
  19. HeaderFlag 0 ; Use header in output file (0/1)
  20. ;AsciiFlag 1 ; binary(0) or ascii(1) file format # binario para plotar senao nao funciona
  21. PixelType 2 ; Pixel content type:
  22. ; 0: fluence, 1: energy fluence,
  23. ; 2: fluence(E), 3: energy fluence(E)
  24. Emin 0 ; Emin
  25. Emax 15 ; Emax
  26. NBins 4196 ; Nbins
  27. ;SaturateEmin 0 ; Saturate energies lower than Emin (0/1)
  28. ;SaturateEmax 0 ; Saturate energies greater than Emax (0/1)
  29. ;Rotate 0 0 0 1 0 0 -20 ; rotation around axis x, u, angle theta
  30. ;Rotate 0 0 0 0 0 1 -30 ; rotation around axis x, u, angle theta
  32. End
  34. ;As discussed previously, the total number of generated events is given by the prod-
  35. ;uct of the multiplicities in the spectrum, 1
  36. ;in the interactions with the sample 5000 5000 5000
  37. ;and in the detector pixels. 2000
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