
Relic of the Future: Chapter 17, Chapter 18

Sep 26th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. The coffin was a simple thing, mostly just a stone box with a heavier slab laid on the top to seal it closed. It was that he placed both hands on, pushing with all his might.
  3. For a moment or two it didn't budge, but eventually it shifted an inch with a sound of stone grating on stone, and then it became easier, loosened from its centuries of rest. Dirt poured down and the giant thing shifted to the side, until the weight overbalanced it and it crashed off the sarcophagus and shattered onto the floor. Jaune winced and Emerald's torch flashed away, watching the entrance in case of an attack.
  5. —Relic of the Future: Chapter 17
  9. "Sorry about this," he said to Bob the Skeleton, before he placed both hands on the sarcophagus and pushed with all his strength. It was heavy, but not as much as it had first looked, since it had to balance atop a hidden passageway and not collapse under its own weight. Now with that knowledge, he continued to strain against it until he heard a tell-tale scrape of stone on stone. "Just… a little more…"
  11. Again, another scrape – and finally some movement. The sarcophagus cracked and groaned as it was pushed backwards, beyond the motor and out the back a foot or so. There was a metallic clink from below as something fell out of the motor and clattered on the stone floor. Such wanton vandalism would have made anyone else shriek. At least with the door stopping anyone from entering unless they had Salem's mark, he could be assured no one would ever find out.
  13. "There, that should stop it closing back up over us," he said, lighting up his own torch once more.
  15. —Relic of the Future: Chapter 18
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