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Aug 28th, 2016
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  1. (function(a, v, k, D) {
  2. var c = {
  3. safeWindow: {},
  4. safeDocument: {},
  5. eval: eval,
  6. Context: {
  7. D: D
  8. },
  9. exec_fn: function(a, b, I) {
  10. m(new c.safeWindow.Function(a), b, I)
  11. },
  12. exec_csp: function(a, b, I) {
  13. var g = "__u__" + 19831207 * c.Context.M_r();
  14. c.Message.send("csp", {
  15. id: g,
  16. src: a
  17. });
  18. c.exec_script(g, b, I)
  19. },
  20. exec_script: function(a, b, c) {
  21. var g = window[a];
  22. delete window[a];
  23. m(g, b, c)
  24. }
  25. }, m, b, x, A, l;
  26. (function() {
  27. var d = function(a) {
  28. var b = function(b) {
  29. return m(a, b, m(x.wrappedJSObject, arguments, [1]))
  30. }
  31. ;
  32. b.wrappedJSObject = a;
  33. return b
  34. }
  35. , K = {
  36. F_a: m = function() {
  37. var b = a.Function.apply;
  38. return function(a, c, d) {
  39. a.apply === b ? c = a.apply(c, d) : (a[k] = b,
  40. c = a[k](c, d),
  41. delete a[k]);
  42. return c
  43. }
  44. }(),
  45. E_u: function(b, d) {
  46. var k = "__u__" + (19831206 * c.Context.M_r() + 1);
  47. if (c.exec_eval) {
  48. var m = k + "_";
  49. window[m] = d;
  50. var e = c.Context.F_c(c.Context.eval, window, "(function() {" + b + '}).apply(window["' + m + '"])');
  51. delete a[k];
  52. delete a[m];
  53. return e
  54. }
  55. c.exec_csp(b, d)
  56. },
  57. F_c: d(,
  58. F_b: b = d(a.Function.bind),
  59. F_tS: d(a.Function.toString),
  60. A_fE: d(a.Array.prototype.forEach),
  61. A_sl: x = d(a.Array.prototype.slice),
  62. A_sp: d(a.Array.prototype.splice),
  63. A_sh: d(a.Array.prototype.shift),
  64. A_j: d(a.Array.prototype.join),
  65. A_pu: d(a.Array.prototype.push),
  66. A_po: d(a.Array.prototype.pop),
  67. A_m: d(,
  68. A_c: d(a.Array.prototype.concat),
  69. A_f: d(a.Array.prototype.filter),
  70. A_iO: d(a.Array.prototype.indexOf),
  71. O_k: a.Object.keys,
  72. O_dP: a.Object.defineProperties,
  73. O_gOPN: a.Object.getOwnPropertyNames,
  74. O_gOPD: a.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
  75. O_dG: d(a.Object.prototype.__defineGetter__),
  76. O_dS: d(a.Object.prototype.__defineSetter__),
  77. O_tS: d(a.Object.prototype.toString),
  78. J_p: l = a.JSON.parse,
  79. J_s: A = a.JSON.stringify,
  80. c_l: a.console.log.bind(a.console),
  81. c_i:,
  82. c_w: a.console.warn.bind(a.console),
  83. c_e: a.console.error.bind(a.console),
  84. c_d: a.console.debug.bind(a.console),
  85. M_f: a.Math.floor,
  86. M_r: a.Math.random,
  87. M_m: a.Math.max,
  88. N_tS: d(a.Number.prototype.toString),
  89. R_rAAB: d(a.FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer),
  90. S_fCC: a.String.fromCharCode,
  91. S_m: d(a.String.prototype.match),
  92. S_su: d(a.String.prototype.substr),
  93. S_sp: d(a.String.prototype.split),
  94. S_r: d(a.String.prototype.replace),
  95. S_cCA: d(a.String.prototype.charCodeAt),
  96. S_tLC: d(a.String.prototype.toLowerCase),
  97. S_tUC: d(a.String.prototype.toUpperCase),
  98. D_pFS: d(a.DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString),
  99. X_o: d(,
  100. X_sRH: d(a.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader),
  101. X_oMT: d(a.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.overrideMimeType),
  102. X_gARH: d(a.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.getAllResponseHeaders),
  103. X_gRH: d(a.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader),
  104. X_s: d(a.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send),
  105. X_a: d(a.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.abort),
  106. D_n:
  107. };
  108. Object.keys(K).forEach(function(a) {
  109. c.Context[a] = K[a]
  110. });
  111. "String Array Object Number parseInt JSON Math Date Event MutationEvent console location Error Uint8Array Blob FileReader DOMParser XMLHttpRequest Function RegExp frames self top document location".split(" ").forEach(function(b) {
  112. c.safeWindow[b] = a[b]
  113. });
  114. "postMessage addEventListener removeEventListener setTimeout setInterval clearTimeout clearInterval alert prompt confirm encodeURIComponent decodeURIComponent encodeURI decodeURI escape unescape atob btoa close".split(" ").forEach(function(b) {
  115. var d = a[b];
  116. c.safeWindow[b] = function() {
  117. return m(d, a, arguments)
  118. }
  119. });
  120. c.createSafeDocument = function(a) {
  121. ["createEvent", "createElement", "dispatchEvent", "addEventListener", "removeEventListener"].forEach(function(b) {
  122. var d = a[b];
  123. c.safeDocument[b] = function() {
  124. return m(d, a, arguments)
  125. }
  126. })
  127. }
  128. ;
  129. c.createSafeDocument(v)
  130. })();
  131. try {
  132. c.Message = function(a, b) {
  133. var c = function() {
  134. return m(b.dispatchEvent, b, arguments)
  135. }
  136. , g = function() {
  137. return m(b.addEventListener, b, arguments)
  138. }
  139. , k = function() {
  140. return m(b.removeEventListener, b, arguments)
  141. }
  142. , v = function(a, c) {
  143. var d = b.createEvent("MutationEvent");
  144. d.initMutationEvent(a, !1, !1, null , null , null , A(c), d.ADDITION);
  145. return d
  146. }
  147. , e = function(a, b) {
  148. var c;
  149. a && (c = W[a]) && (c(b),
  150. delete W[a])
  151. }
  152. , x, D, J, O, ba = 1, W = {};
  153. return {
  154. init: function(a) {
  155. O || (O = a);
  156. J = "2C_" + O;
  157. D = "2P_" + O;
  158. g(D, function(a) {
  159. var b = l(a.attrName);
  160. "message.response" == b.m ? e(b.r, b.a) : x && x(b, b.r ? function(a) {
  161. a = v(J, {
  162. m: "message.response",
  163. a: a,
  164. r: b.r
  165. });
  166. c(a)
  167. }
  168. : function() {}
  169. )
  170. }, !1)
  171. },
  172. send: function(a, b, d) {
  173. if (d) {
  174. var e = ++ba;
  175. W[ba] = d;
  176. d = e
  177. } else
  178. d = null ;
  179. a = v(J, {
  180. m: a,
  181. a: b,
  182. r: d
  183. });
  184. c(a)
  185. },
  186. onMessage: {
  187. addListener: function(a) {
  188. x = a
  189. }
  190. },
  191. cleanup: function() {
  192. k(D, x, !1)
  193. }
  194. }
  195. }(c.safeWindow, c.safeDocument),
  196. c.Message.init(k),
  197. c.Message.onMessage.addListener(function(a) {
  198. if (c)
  199. if ("load" == a.m)
  200. c.Context.pageLoaded = !0;
  201. else if ("DOMContentLoaded" == a.m)
  202. c.Context.domContentLoaded = !0;
  203. else if ("cleanup" == a.m)
  204. c.Message.cleanup(),
  205. c = null ;
  206. else if ("next" == a.m)
  207. if (
  208. c.exec_script(, c),
  209. c.exec_eval = !1;
  210. else {
  211. if (void 0 === c.exec_eval)
  212. try {
  213. c.exec_eval = b(c.eval, window)("true")
  214. } catch (k) {
  215. c.exec_eval = !1
  216. }
  217. c.exec_eval ? c.exec_fn(a.a.src, c) : c.exec_csp(a.a.src, c)
  218. }
  219. })
  220. } catch (d) {}
  221. })(window, document, "708377e9-7166-40f4-b401-f7cadf06efd2", undefined);
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