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Jan 26th, 2015
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  1. Task: create an application that imports the provided YAML config file (which containins Control parameters, Species parameters and Habitat Parameters) and then simulates the passage of time for each species in each habitat.
  2. At the end of each run, provide the following data:
  3. Species:
  4. Habitat:
  5. a) Average Population: x
  6. b) Max Population: x
  7. c) Overall Mortality Percentage: x%
  8. d) Causes of Death:
  9. x% starvation
  10. x% age
  11. x% cold_weather
  12. x% hot_weather
  14. Rules/Notes:
  15. Passage of Time:
  16. - The passage of time should be in months. Animals only eat/drink/mate/die at 1 month intervals & habitats only refresh their food/water/temperature at 1 month intervals.
  17. - The Years value in the config should control how many years the simulation should run.
  18. - The Iterations value in the config should control how many times you run the full simulation from beginning to end. When running multiple iterations, final stats should represent stats from all iterations combined.
  19. Species:
  20. - Each month individual animals should consume food/water, age, and survive temperature conditions
  21. - You only need to run one species at a time inside of a habitat (no need to run species side-by-side)
  22. - Assume animals are not monogamous
  23. - There is no need to keep track of parent/child relationships
  24. Death Types:
  25. - Starvation: 3 consecutive full months without food
  26. - Thirst: 1 full month without food
  27. - Old Age: age > life_span
  28. - Extreme Temperature: 1 full month above or below threshold for species
  29. Breeding:
  30. - When a species starts in a new habitat it should begin with exactly 1 male and 1 female
  31. - Breeding is controlled by
  32. - available females (not pregnant and within the breeding age range)
  33. - a supportive habitat
  34. - there should be more food/water currently available in habitat than is required to support the current population
  35. - HOWEVER, even when there is not enough food, allow breeding to occur at a 0.5% rate.
  36. - gestation period (# of months a female is pregnant before giving birth)
  37. - When a female gives birth, the sex of the offspring should be chose 50:50
  38. Habitat:
  39. - The Habitat should refresh its food/water supply every month.
  40. - Seasons/Temperature
  41. - Use this Season/Month mapping 12,1,2=Winter 3,4,5=Spring 6,7,8=Summer 9,10,11=Fall
  42. - The temperature should be updated for every new month and should fluctuate above/below the average by 5 degrees with a 0.5% chance of having a 15 degree fluctuation
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