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May 23rd, 2013
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  1. ------ Build started: Project: libapr, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  2. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\libapr.vcxproj(110,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\libapr.vcxproj (100,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  3. Creating apr.h from apr.hw
  4. apr_atomic.c
  5. dso.c
  6. buffer.c
  7. copy.c
  8. dir.c
  9. fileacc.c
  10. filedup.c
  11. filepath.c
  12. filepath_util.c
  13. filestat.c
  14. filesys.c
  15. flock.c
  16. fullrw.c
  17. mktemp.c
  18. open.c
  19. pipe.c
  20. readwrite.c
  21. seek.c
  22. tempdir.c
  23. proc_mutex.c
  24. Generating Code...
  25. Compiling...
  26. thread_cond.c
  27. thread_mutex.c
  28. thread_rwlock.c
  29. apr_pools.c
  30. charset.c
  31. env.c
  32. errorcodes.c
  33. getopt.c
  34. internal.c
  35. misc.c
  36. otherchild.c
  37. rand.c
  38. start.c
  39. utf8.c
  40. version.c
  41. common.c
  42. mmap.c
  43. inet_ntop.c
  44. inet_pton.c
  45. multicast.c
  46. Generating Code...
  47. Compiling...
  48. sendrecv.c
  49. sockaddr.c
  50. sockets.c
  51. socket_util.c
  52. sockopt.c
  53. apr_getpass.c
  54. poll.c
  55. pollcb.c
  56. pollset.c
  57. select.c
  58. apr_random.c
  59. sha2.c
  60. sha2_glue.c
  61. shm.c
  62. apr_cpystrn.c
  63. apr_fnmatch.c
  64. apr_snprintf.c
  65. apr_strings.c
  66. apr_strnatcmp.c
  67. apr_strtok.c
  68. Generating Code...
  69. Compiling...
  70. apr_hash.c
  71. apr_tables.c
  72. proc.c
  73. signals.c
  74. thread.c
  75. threadpriv.c
  76. time.c
  77. timestr.c
  78. groupinfo.c
  79. userinfo.c
  80. Generating Code...
  81. Creating library Release\libapr-1.lib and object Release\libapr-1.exp
  82. libapr.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\.\Release\libapr-1.dll
  83. ------ Build started: Project: libapriconv, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  84. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\libapriconv.vcxproj(84,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\libapriconv.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  85. iconv.c
  86. iconv_ces.c
  87. iconv_ces_euc.c
  88. iconv_ces_iso2022.c
  89. iconv_int.c
  90. iconv_module.c
  91. iconv_uc.c
  92. Generating Code...
  93. Creating library Release\libapriconv-1.lib and object Release\libapriconv-1.exp
  94. libapriconv.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\.\Release\libapriconv-1.dll
  95. ------ Build started: Project: xml, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  96. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj(82,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj (76,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  97. xmlparse.c
  98. xmlrole.c
  99. xmltok.c
  100. Generating Code...
  101. xml.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\.\LibR\xml.lib
  102. ------ Build started: Project: gen_test_char, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  103. gen_test_char.c
  104. gen_test_char.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\server\.\gen_test_char.exe
  105. ------ Build started: Project: libaprutil, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  106. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.vcxproj(80,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.vcxproj (77,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  107. Creating apr_ldap.h from apr_ldap.hw
  108. Creating apu.h from apu.hw
  109. Creating apu_config.h from apu_config.hw
  110. Creating apu_select_dbm.h from apu_select_dbm.hw
  111. Creating apu_want.h from apu_want.hw
  112. apr_brigade.c
  113. apr_buckets.c
  114. apr_buckets_alloc.c
  115. apr_buckets_eos.c
  116. apr_buckets_file.c
  117. apr_buckets_flush.c
  118. apr_buckets_heap.c
  119. apr_buckets_mmap.c
  120. apr_buckets_pipe.c
  121. apr_buckets_pool.c
  122. apr_buckets_refcount.c
  123. apr_buckets_simple.c
  124. apr_buckets_socket.c
  125. apr_crypto.c
  126. apr_md4.c
  127. apr_md5.c
  128. apr_passwd.c
  129. apr_sha1.c
  130. crypt_blowfish.c
  131. crypto\crypt_blowfish.c(894): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'char', possible loss of data
  132. getuuid.c
  133. Generating Code...
  134. Compiling...
  135. uuid.c
  136. apr_dbd.c
  137. apr_dbm.c
  138. apr_dbm_sdbm.c
  139. apr_base64.c
  140. apr_hooks.c
  141. apr_ldap_stub.c
  142. apr_ldap_url.c
  143. apr_memcache.c
  144. apr_date.c
  145. apu_dso.c
  146. apr_queue.c
  147. apr_reslist.c
  148. apr_rmm.c
  149. apr_thread_pool.c
  150. apu_version.c
  151. sdbm.c
  152. sdbm_hash.c
  153. sdbm_lock.c
  154. sdbm_pair.c
  155. Generating Code...
  156. Compiling...
  157. apr_strmatch.c
  158. apr_uri.c
  159. xlate.c
  160. apr_xml.c
  161. Generating Code...
  162. Creating library Release\libaprutil-1.lib and object Release\libaprutil-1.exp
  163. libaprutil.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\.\Release\libaprutil-1.dll
  164. ------ Build started: Project: libhttpd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  165. Creating include/ap_config_layout.h
  166. Creating include/mod_cgi.h
  167. Creating include/mod_dav.h
  168. Creating include/mod_include.h
  169. Creating include/mod_proxy.h
  170. Creating include/mod_so.h
  171. Creating include/os.h
  172. Generating test_char.h from gen_test_char.exe
  173. byterange_filter.c
  174. chunk_filter.c
  175. config.c
  176. server\config.c(1712): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  177. connection.c
  178. core.c
  179. server\core.c(4774): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'apr_uint16_t', possible loss of data
  180. core_filters.c
  181. http_core.c
  182. http_etag.c
  183. http_filters.c
  184. http_protocol.c
  185. http_request.c
  186. log.c
  187. protocol.c
  188. server\protocol.c(674): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  189. request.c
  190. vhost.c
  191. mod_so.c
  192. mod_win32.c
  193. modules.c
  194. eoc_bucket.c
  195. eor_bucket.c
  196. Generating Code...
  197. Compiling...
  198. error_bucket.c
  199. util.c
  200. server\util.c(421): warning C4018: '<=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  201. server\util.c(1017): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  202. util_cfgtree.c
  203. util_cookies.c
  204. util_expr_eval.c
  205. util_expr_scan.c
  206. util_expr_scan.c(1756): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  207. util_expr_parse.c
  208. util_filter.c
  209. util_md5.c
  210. util_mutex.c
  211. util_pcre.c
  212. util_regex.c
  213. server\util_regex.c(195): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  214. util_script.c
  215. util_time.c
  216. util_win32.c
  217. util_xml.c
  218. ap_regkey.c
  219. child.c
  220. listen.c
  221. mpm_common.c
  222. Generating Code...
  223. Compiling...
  224. mpm_winnt.c
  225. nt_eventlog.c
  226. provider.c
  227. scoreboard.c
  228. service.c
  229. Generating Code...
  230. buildmark.c
  231. Creating library .\Release\libhttpd.lib and object .\Release\libhttpd.exp
  232. libhttpd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\.\Release\libhttpd.dll
  233. ------ Build started: Project: apriconv, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  234. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\apriconv.vcxproj(77,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\apriconv.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  235. iconv.c
  236. iconv_ces.c
  237. iconv_ces_euc.c
  238. iconv_ces_iso2022.c
  239. iconv_int.c
  240. iconv_module.c
  241. iconv_uc.c
  242. Generating Code...
  243. apriconv.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\.\LibR\apriconv-1.lib
  244. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  245. mod_proxy.c
  246. proxy_util.c
  247. Generating Code...
  248. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy.exp
  249. mod_proxy.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  250. ------ Build started: Project: mod_dbd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  251. mod_dbd.c
  252. Creating library .\Release\mod_dbd.lib and object .\Release\mod_dbd.exp
  253. mod_dbd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\database\.\Release\
  254. ------ Build started: Project: mod_watchdog, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  255. mod_watchdog.c
  256. Creating library .\Release\mod_watchdog.lib and object .\Release\mod_watchdog.exp
  257. mod_watchdog.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\core\.\Release\
  258. ------ Build started: Project: mod_session, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  259. mod_session.c
  260. Creating library .\Release\mod_session.lib and object .\Release\mod_session.exp
  261. mod_session.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\session\.\Release\
  262. ------ Build started: Project: mod_cache, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  263. cache_storage.c
  264. cache_util.c
  265. mod_cache.c
  266. Generating Code...
  267. Creating library .\Release\mod_cache.lib and object .\Release\mod_cache.exp
  268. mod_cache.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\cache\.\Release\
  269. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy_balancer, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  270. mod_proxy_balancer.c
  271. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy_balancer.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy_balancer.exp
  272. mod_proxy_balancer.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  273. ------ Build started: Project: mod_auth_basic, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  274. mod_auth_basic.c
  275. Creating library .\Release\mod_auth_basic.lib and object .\Release\mod_auth_basic.exp
  276. mod_auth_basic.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  277. ------ Build started: Project: apr, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  278. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\apr.vcxproj(114,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\apr.vcxproj (100,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  279. Creating apr.h from apr.hw
  280. apr_atomic.c
  281. dso.c
  282. buffer.c
  283. copy.c
  284. dir.c
  285. fileacc.c
  286. filedup.c
  287. filepath.c
  288. filepath_util.c
  289. filestat.c
  290. filesys.c
  291. flock.c
  292. fullrw.c
  293. mktemp.c
  294. open.c
  295. pipe.c
  296. readwrite.c
  297. seek.c
  298. tempdir.c
  299. proc_mutex.c
  300. Generating Code...
  301. Compiling...
  302. thread_cond.c
  303. thread_mutex.c
  304. thread_rwlock.c
  305. apr_pools.c
  306. charset.c
  307. env.c
  308. errorcodes.c
  309. getopt.c
  310. internal.c
  311. misc.c
  312. otherchild.c
  313. rand.c
  314. start.c
  315. utf8.c
  316. version.c
  317. common.c
  318. mmap.c
  319. inet_ntop.c
  320. inet_pton.c
  321. multicast.c
  322. Generating Code...
  323. Compiling...
  324. sendrecv.c
  325. sockaddr.c
  326. sockets.c
  327. socket_util.c
  328. sockopt.c
  329. apr_getpass.c
  330. poll.c
  331. pollcb.c
  332. pollset.c
  333. select.c
  334. apr_random.c
  335. sha2.c
  336. sha2_glue.c
  337. shm.c
  338. apr_cpystrn.c
  339. apr_fnmatch.c
  340. apr_snprintf.c
  341. apr_strings.c
  342. apr_strnatcmp.c
  343. apr_strtok.c
  344. Generating Code...
  345. Compiling...
  346. apr_hash.c
  347. apr_tables.c
  348. proc.c
  349. signals.c
  350. thread.c
  351. threadpriv.c
  352. time.c
  353. timestr.c
  354. groupinfo.c
  355. userinfo.c
  356. Generating Code...
  357. apr.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\.\LibR\apr-1.lib
  358. ------ Build started: Project: aprutil, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  359. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\aprutil.vcxproj(80,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\aprutil.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  360. Creating apr_ldap.h from apr_ldap.hw
  361. Creating apu.h from apu.hw
  362. Creating apu_config.h from apu_config.hw
  363. Creating apu_select_dbm.h from apu_select_dbm.hw
  364. Creating apu_want.h from apu_want.hw
  365. apr_brigade.c
  366. apr_buckets.c
  367. apr_buckets_alloc.c
  368. apr_buckets_eos.c
  369. apr_buckets_file.c
  370. apr_buckets_flush.c
  371. apr_buckets_heap.c
  372. apr_buckets_mmap.c
  373. apr_buckets_pipe.c
  374. apr_buckets_pool.c
  375. apr_buckets_refcount.c
  376. apr_buckets_simple.c
  377. apr_buckets_socket.c
  378. apr_crypto.c
  379. apr_md4.c
  380. apr_md5.c
  381. apr_passwd.c
  382. apr_sha1.c
  383. crypt_blowfish.c
  384. crypto\crypt_blowfish.c(894): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'char', possible loss of data
  385. getuuid.c
  386. Generating Code...
  387. Compiling...
  388. uuid.c
  389. apr_dbd.c
  390. apr_dbd_freetds.c
  391. apr_dbd_mysql.c
  392. apr_dbd_odbc.c
  393. apr_dbd_oracle.c
  394. apr_dbd_pgsql.c
  395. apr_dbd_sqlite2.c
  396. apr_dbd_sqlite3.c
  397. apr_dbm.c
  398. apr_dbm_berkeleydb.c
  399. apr_dbm_gdbm.c
  400. apr_dbm_sdbm.c
  401. apr_base64.c
  402. apr_hooks.c
  403. apr_ldap_init.c
  404. apr_ldap_option.c
  405. apr_ldap_rebind.c
  406. apr_ldap_stub.c
  407. apr_ldap_url.c
  408. Generating Code...
  409. Compiling...
  410. apr_memcache.c
  411. apr_date.c
  412. apu_dso.c
  413. apr_queue.c
  414. apr_reslist.c
  415. apr_rmm.c
  416. apr_thread_pool.c
  417. apu_version.c
  418. sdbm.c
  419. sdbm_hash.c
  420. sdbm_lock.c
  421. sdbm_pair.c
  422. apr_strmatch.c
  423. apr_uri.c
  424. xlate.c
  425. apr_xml.c
  426. Generating Code...
  427. aprutil.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\.\LibR\aprutil-1.lib
  428. ------ Build started: Project: mod_ldap, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  429. util_ldap.c
  430. util_ldap.c(502): warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'timeval *' to 'PLDAP_TIMEVAL'
  431. util_ldap.c(937): warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'timeval *' to 'l_timeval *'
  432. util_ldap.c(1688): warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'timeval *' to 'l_timeval *'
  433. util_ldap.c(1946): warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'timeval *' to 'l_timeval *'
  434. util_ldap_cache.c
  435. util_ldap_cache_mgr.c
  436. Generating Code...
  437. Creating library .\Release\mod_ldap.lib and object .\Release\mod_ldap.exp
  438. mod_ldap.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\ldap\.\Release\
  439. ------ Build started: Project: libapriconv_ces_modules, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  440. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\ces\libapriconv_ces_modules.vcxproj(146,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\ces\libapriconv_ces_modules.vcxproj (143,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  441. _tbl_simple.c
  442. Creating library ..\Release\iconv\_tbl_simple.lib and object ..\Release\iconv\_tbl_simple.exp
  443. _tbl_simple.obj : error LNK2011: precompiled object not linked in; image may not run
  444. ..\Release\iconv\ : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
  445. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\link.EXE"' : return code '0x460'
  446. Stop.
  447. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: The command "NMAKE /nologo /f BUILD_MODE="Win32 Release" BIND_MODE=shared" exited with code 2.
  448. ------ Build started: Project: mod_dav, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  449. liveprop.c
  450. mod_dav.c
  451. props.c
  452. providers.c
  453. std_liveprop.c
  454. util.c
  455. util_lock.c
  456. Generating Code...
  457. Creating library .\Release\mod_dav.lib and object .\Release\mod_dav.exp
  458. mod_dav.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\dav\main\.\Release\
  459. ------ Build started: Project: httpd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  460. main.c
  461. httpd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\.\Release\httpd.exe
  462. ------ Build started: Project: ApacheMonitor, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  463. ApacheMonitor.c
  464. CVTRES : fatal error CVT1100: duplicate resource. type:MANIFEST, name:1, language:0x0409
  465. LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
  466. ------ Build started: Project: mod_socache_shmcb, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  467. mod_socache_shmcb.c
  468. Creating library .\Release\mod_socache_shmcb.lib and object .\Release\mod_socache_shmcb.exp
  469. mod_socache_shmcb.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\cache\.\Release\
  470. ------ Build started: Project: mod_speling, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  471. mod_speling.c
  472. Creating library .\Release\mod_speling.lib and object .\Release\mod_speling.exp
  473. mod_speling.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  474. ------ Build started: Project: mod_status, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  475. mod_status.c
  476. Creating library .\Release\mod_status.lib and object .\Release\mod_status.exp
  477. mod_status.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\generators\.\Release\
  478. ------ Build started: Project: ab, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  479. ab.c
  480. ab.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\ab.exe
  481. ------ Build started: Project: mod_substitute, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  482. mod_substitute.c
  483. mod_substitute.c(250): warning C4018: '<=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  484. Creating library .\Release\mod_substitute.lib and object .\Release\mod_substitute.exp
  485. mod_substitute.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  486. ------ Build started: Project: mod_unique_id, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  487. mod_unique_id.c
  488. Creating library .\Release\mod_unique_id.lib and object .\Release\mod_unique_id.exp
  489. mod_unique_id.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  490. ------ Build started: Project: mod_userdir, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  491. mod_userdir.c
  492. Creating library .\Release\mod_userdir.lib and object .\Release\mod_userdir.exp
  493. mod_userdir.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  494. ------ Build started: Project: mod_usertrack, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  495. mod_usertrack.c
  496. mod_usertrack.c(352): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
  497. Creating library .\Release\mod_usertrack.lib and object .\Release\mod_usertrack.exp
  498. mod_usertrack.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  499. ------ Build started: Project: mod_version, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  500. mod_version.c
  501. Creating library .\Release\mod_version.lib and object .\Release\mod_version.exp
  502. mod_version.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  503. ------ Build started: Project: mod_vhost_alias, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  504. mod_vhost_alias.c
  505. Creating library .\Release\mod_vhost_alias.lib and object .\Release\mod_vhost_alias.exp
  506. mod_vhost_alias.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  507. ------ Build started: Project: rotatelogs, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  508. rotatelogs.c
  509. rotatelogs.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\rotatelogs.exe
  510. ------ Build started: Project: wintty, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  511. wintty.c
  512. wintty.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\win32\.\Release\wintty.exe
  513. ------ Build started: Project: mod_slotmem_shm, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  514. mod_slotmem_shm.c
  515. Creating library .\Release\mod_slotmem_shm.lib and object .\Release\mod_slotmem_shm.exp
  516. mod_slotmem_shm.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\slotmem\.\Release\
  517. ------ Build started: Project: mod_allowmethods, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  518. mod_allowmethods.c
  519. Creating library .\Release\mod_allowmethods.lib and object .\Release\mod_allowmethods.exp
  520. mod_allowmethods.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  521. ------ Build started: Project: apr_ldap, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  522. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\ldap\apr_ldap.vcxproj(84,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\ldap\apr_ldap.vcxproj (77,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  523. apr_ldap_init.c
  524. apr_ldap_option.c
  525. apr_ldap_rebind.c
  526. Generating Code...
  527. Creating library Release\apr_ldap-1.lib and object Release\apr_ldap-1.exp
  528. apr_ldap.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\ldap\.\Release\apr_ldap-1.dll
  529. ------ Build started: Project: htcacheclean, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  530. htcacheclean.c
  531. htcacheclean.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\htcacheclean.exe
  532. ------ Build started: Project: htdbm, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  533. htdbm.c
  534. passwd_common.c
  535. Generating Code...
  536. Creating library .\Release\htdbm.lib and object .\Release\htdbm.exp
  537. htdbm.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\htdbm.exe
  538. ------ Build started: Project: htdigest, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  539. htdigest.c
  540. htdigest.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\htdigest.exe
  541. ------ Build started: Project: htpasswd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  542. htpasswd.c
  543. passwd_common.c
  544. Generating Code...
  545. htpasswd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\htpasswd.exe
  546. ------ Build started: Project: httxt2dbm, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  547. httxt2dbm.c
  548. Creating library .\Release\httxt2dbm.lib and object .\Release\httxt2dbm.exp
  549. httxt2dbm.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\httxt2dbm.exe
  550. ------ Build started: Project: libapriconv_ccs_modules, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  551. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\ccs\libapriconv_ccs_modules.vcxproj(146,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\ccs\libapriconv_ccs_modules.vcxproj (143,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  552. adobe-stdenc.c
  553. Creating library ..\Release\iconv\adobe-stdenc.lib and object ..\Release\iconv\adobe-stdenc.exp
  554. adobe-stdenc.obj : error LNK2011: precompiled object not linked in; image may not run
  555. ..\Release\iconv\ : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
  556. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\link.EXE"' : return code '0x460'
  557. Stop.
  558. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: The command "NMAKE /nologo /f BUILD_MODE="Win32 Release" BIND_MODE=shared" exited with code 2.
  559. ------ Build started: Project: logresolve, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  560. logresolve.c
  561. logresolve.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\logresolve.exe
  562. ------ Build started: Project: mod_actions, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  563. mod_actions.c
  564. Creating library .\Release\mod_actions.lib and object .\Release\mod_actions.exp
  565. mod_actions.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  566. ------ Build started: Project: mod_alias, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  567. mod_alias.c
  568. Creating library .\Release\mod_alias.lib and object .\Release\mod_alias.exp
  569. mod_alias.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  570. ------ Build started: Project: mod_asis, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  571. mod_asis.c
  572. Creating library .\Release\mod_asis.lib and object .\Release\mod_asis.exp
  573. mod_asis.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\generators\.\Release\
  574. ------ Build started: Project: mod_access_compat, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  575. mod_access_compat.c
  576. Creating library .\Release\mod_access_compat.lib and object .\Release\mod_access_compat.exp
  577. mod_access_compat.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  578. ------ Build started: Project: mod_auth_digest, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  579. mod_auth_digest.c
  580. Creating library .\Release\mod_auth_digest.lib and object .\Release\mod_auth_digest.exp
  581. mod_auth_digest.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  582. ------ Build started: Project: mod_auth_form, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  583. mod_auth_form.c
  584. Creating library .\Release\mod_auth_form.lib and object .\Release\mod_auth_form.exp
  585. mod_auth_form.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  586. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authn_anon, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  587. mod_authn_anon.c
  588. Creating library .\Release\mod_authn_anon.lib and object .\Release\mod_authn_anon.exp
  589. mod_authn_anon.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  590. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authn_core, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  591. mod_authn_core.c
  592. Creating library .\Release\mod_authn_core.lib and object .\Release\mod_authn_core.exp
  593. mod_authn_core.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  594. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authn_dbd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  595. mod_authn_dbd.c
  596. Creating library .\Release\mod_authn_dbd.lib and object .\Release\mod_authn_dbd.exp
  597. mod_authn_dbd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  598. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authn_dbm, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  599. mod_authn_dbm.c
  600. Creating library .\Release\mod_authn_dbm.lib and object .\Release\mod_authn_dbm.exp
  601. mod_authn_dbm.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  602. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authn_file, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  603. mod_authn_file.c
  604. Creating library .\Release\mod_authn_file.lib and object .\Release\mod_authn_file.exp
  605. mod_authn_file.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  606. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authn_socache, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  607. mod_authn_socache.c
  608. Creating library .\Release\mod_authn_socache.lib and object .\Release\mod_authn_socache.exp
  609. mod_authn_socache.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  610. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authnz_ldap, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  611. mod_authnz_ldap.c
  612. Creating library .\Release\mod_authnz_ldap.lib and object .\Release\mod_authnz_ldap.exp
  613. mod_authnz_ldap.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  614. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authz_core, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  615. mod_authz_core.c
  616. Creating library .\Release\mod_authz_core.lib and object .\Release\mod_authz_core.exp
  617. mod_authz_core.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  618. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authz_dbd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  619. mod_authz_dbd.c
  620. Creating library .\Release\mod_authz_dbd.lib and object .\Release\mod_authz_dbd.exp
  621. mod_authz_dbd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  622. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authz_dbm, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  623. mod_authz_dbm.c
  624. Creating library .\Release\mod_authz_dbm.lib and object .\Release\mod_authz_dbm.exp
  625. mod_authz_dbm.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  626. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authz_groupfile, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  627. mod_authz_groupfile.c
  628. Creating library .\Release\mod_authz_groupfile.lib and object .\Release\mod_authz_groupfile.exp
  629. mod_authz_groupfile.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  630. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authz_host, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  631. mod_authz_host.c
  632. Creating library .\Release\mod_authz_host.lib and object .\Release\mod_authz_host.exp
  633. mod_authz_host.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  634. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authz_owner, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  635. mod_authz_owner.c
  636. Creating library .\Release\mod_authz_owner.lib and object .\Release\mod_authz_owner.exp
  637. mod_authz_owner.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  638. ------ Build started: Project: mod_authz_user, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  639. mod_authz_user.c
  640. Creating library .\Release\mod_authz_user.lib and object .\Release\mod_authz_user.exp
  641. mod_authz_user.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\aaa\.\Release\
  642. ------ Build started: Project: mod_autoindex, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  643. mod_autoindex.c
  644. Creating library .\Release\mod_autoindex.lib and object .\Release\mod_autoindex.exp
  645. mod_autoindex.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\generators\.\Release\
  646. ------ Build started: Project: mod_buffer, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  647. mod_buffer.c
  648. Creating library .\Release\mod_buffer.lib and object .\Release\mod_buffer.exp
  649. mod_buffer.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  650. ------ Build started: Project: mod_cern_meta, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  651. mod_cern_meta.c
  652. Creating library .\Release\mod_cern_meta.lib and object .\Release\mod_cern_meta.exp
  653. mod_cern_meta.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  654. ------ Build started: Project: mod_cgi, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  655. mod_cgi.c
  656. Creating library .\Release\mod_cgi.lib and object .\Release\mod_cgi.exp
  657. mod_cgi.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\generators\.\Release\
  658. ------ Build started: Project: mod_charset_lite, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  659. mod_charset_lite.c
  660. Creating library .\Release\mod_charset_lite.lib and object .\Release\mod_charset_lite.exp
  661. mod_charset_lite.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  662. ------ Build started: Project: mod_data, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  663. mod_data.c
  664. mod_data.c(112): warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from 'apr_off_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
  665. Creating library .\Release\mod_data.lib and object .\Release\mod_data.exp
  666. mod_data.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  667. ------ Build started: Project: mod_dav_fs, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  668. dbm.c
  669. lock.c
  670. mod_dav_fs.c
  671. repos.c
  672. Generating Code...
  673. Creating library .\Release\mod_dav_fs.lib and object .\Release\mod_dav_fs.exp
  674. mod_dav_fs.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\dav\fs\.\Release\
  675. ------ Build started: Project: mod_dav_lock, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  676. locks.c
  677. mod_dav_lock.c
  678. Generating Code...
  679. Creating library .\Release\mod_dav_lock.lib and object .\Release\mod_dav_lock.exp
  680. mod_dav_lock.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\dav\lock\.\Release\
  681. ------ Build started: Project: mod_dir, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  682. mod_dir.c
  683. Creating library .\Release\mod_dir.lib and object .\Release\mod_dir.exp
  684. mod_dir.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  685. ------ Build started: Project: mod_cache_disk, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  686. mod_cache_disk.c
  687. Creating library .\Release\mod_cache_disk.lib and object .\Release\mod_cache_disk.exp
  688. mod_cache_disk.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\cache\.\Release\
  689. ------ Build started: Project: mod_dumpio, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  690. mod_dumpio.c
  691. Creating library .\Release\mod_dumpio.lib and object .\Release\mod_dumpio.exp
  692. mod_dumpio.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\debugging\.\Release\
  693. ------ Build started: Project: mod_env, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  694. mod_env.c
  695. Creating library .\Release\mod_env.lib and object .\Release\mod_env.exp
  696. mod_env.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  697. ------ Build started: Project: mod_expires, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  698. mod_expires.c
  699. Creating library .\Release\mod_expires.lib and object .\Release\mod_expires.exp
  700. mod_expires.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  701. ------ Build started: Project: mod_ext_filter, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  702. mod_ext_filter.c
  703. Creating library .\Release\mod_ext_filter.lib and object .\Release\mod_ext_filter.exp
  704. mod_ext_filter.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  705. ------ Build started: Project: mod_file_cache, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  706. mod_file_cache.c
  707. Creating library .\Release\mod_file_cache.lib and object .\Release\mod_file_cache.exp
  708. mod_file_cache.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\cache\.\Release\
  709. ------ Build started: Project: mod_filter, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  710. mod_filter.c
  711. mod_filter.c(608): warning C4090: 'function' : different 'const' qualifiers
  712. Creating library .\Release\mod_filter.lib and object .\Release\mod_filter.exp
  713. mod_filter.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  714. ------ Build started: Project: mod_headers, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  715. mod_headers.c
  716. Creating library .\Release\mod_headers.lib and object .\Release\mod_headers.exp
  717. mod_headers.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  718. ------ Build started: Project: mod_heartbeat, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  719. mod_heartbeat.c
  720. Creating library .\Release\mod_heartbeat.lib and object .\Release\mod_heartbeat.exp
  721. mod_heartbeat.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\cluster\.\Release\
  722. ------ Build started: Project: mod_heartmonitor, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  723. mod_heartmonitor.c
  724. Creating library .\Release\mod_heartmonitor.lib and object .\Release\mod_heartmonitor.exp
  725. mod_heartmonitor.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\cluster\.\Release\
  726. ------ Build started: Project: mod_ident, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  727. mod_ident.c
  728. Creating library .\Release\mod_ident.lib and object .\Release\mod_ident.exp
  729. mod_ident.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  730. ------ Build started: Project: mod_imagemap, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  731. mod_imagemap.c
  732. Creating library .\Release\mod_imagemap.lib and object .\Release\mod_imagemap.exp
  733. mod_imagemap.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  734. ------ Build started: Project: mod_include, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  735. mod_include.c
  736. Creating library .\Release\mod_include.lib and object .\Release\mod_include.exp
  737. mod_include.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  738. ------ Build started: Project: mod_info, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  739. mod_info.c
  740. Creating library .\Release\mod_info.lib and object .\Release\mod_info.exp
  741. mod_info.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\generators\.\Release\
  742. ------ Build started: Project: mod_isapi, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  743. mod_isapi.c
  744. Creating library .\Release\mod_isapi.lib and object .\Release\mod_isapi.exp
  745. mod_isapi.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\arch\win32\.\Release\
  746. ------ Build started: Project: mod_lbmethod_bybusyness, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  747. mod_lbmethod_bybusyness.c
  748. Creating library .\Release\mod_lbmethod_bybusyness.lib and object .\Release\mod_lbmethod_bybusyness.exp
  749. mod_lbmethod_bybusyness.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\balancers\.\Release\
  750. ------ Build started: Project: mod_lbmethod_byrequests, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  751. mod_lbmethod_byrequests.c
  752. Creating library .\Release\mod_lbmethod_byrequests.lib and object .\Release\mod_lbmethod_byrequests.exp
  753. mod_lbmethod_byrequests.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\balancers\.\Release\
  754. ------ Build started: Project: mod_lbmethod_bytraffic, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  755. mod_lbmethod_bytraffic.c
  756. Creating library .\Release\mod_lbmethod_bytraffic.lib and object .\Release\mod_lbmethod_bytraffic.exp
  757. mod_lbmethod_bytraffic.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\balancers\.\Release\
  758. ------ Build started: Project: mod_lbmethod_heartbeat, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  759. mod_lbmethod_heartbeat.c
  760. Creating library .\Release\mod_lbmethod_heartbeat.lib and object .\Release\mod_lbmethod_heartbeat.exp
  761. mod_lbmethod_heartbeat.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\balancers\.\Release\
  762. ------ Build started: Project: mod_log_config, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  763. mod_log_config.c
  764. Creating library .\Release\mod_log_config.lib and object .\Release\mod_log_config.exp
  765. mod_log_config.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\loggers\.\Release\
  766. ------ Build started: Project: mod_log_debug, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  767. mod_log_debug.c
  768. Creating library .\Release\mod_log_debug.lib and object .\Release\mod_log_debug.exp
  769. mod_log_debug.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\loggers\.\Release\
  770. ------ Build started: Project: mod_log_forensic, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  771. mod_log_forensic.c
  772. Creating library .\Release\mod_log_forensic.lib and object .\Release\mod_log_forensic.exp
  773. mod_log_forensic.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\loggers\.\Release\
  774. ------ Build started: Project: mod_logio, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  775. mod_logio.c
  776. Creating library .\Release\mod_logio.lib and object .\Release\mod_logio.exp
  777. mod_logio.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\loggers\.\Release\
  778. ------ Build started: Project: mod_mime, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  779. mod_mime.c
  780. Creating library .\Release\mod_mime.lib and object .\Release\mod_mime.exp
  781. mod_mime.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\http\.\Release\
  782. ------ Build started: Project: mod_mime_magic, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  783. mod_mime_magic.c
  784. Creating library .\Release\mod_mime_magic.lib and object .\Release\mod_mime_magic.exp
  785. mod_mime_magic.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  786. ------ Build started: Project: mod_negotiation, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  787. mod_negotiation.c
  788. Creating library .\Release\mod_negotiation.lib and object .\Release\mod_negotiation.exp
  789. mod_negotiation.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  790. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy_ajp, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  791. mod_proxy_ajp.c
  792. ajp_header.c
  793. ajp_link.c
  794. ajp_msg.c
  795. ajp_utils.c
  796. Generating Code...
  797. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy_ajp.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy_ajp.exp
  798. mod_proxy_ajp.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  799. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy_connect, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  800. mod_proxy_connect.c
  801. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy_connect.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy_connect.exp
  802. mod_proxy_connect.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  803. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy_express, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  804. mod_proxy_express.c
  805. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy_express.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy_express.exp
  806. mod_proxy_express.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  807. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy_ftp, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  808. mod_proxy_ftp.c
  809. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy_ftp.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy_ftp.exp
  810. mod_proxy_ftp.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  811. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy_http, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  812. mod_proxy_http.c
  813. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy_http.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy_http.exp
  814. mod_proxy_http.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  815. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy_scgi, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  816. mod_proxy_scgi.c
  817. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy_scgi.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy_scgi.exp
  818. mod_proxy_scgi.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  819. ------ Build started: Project: mod_ratelimit, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  820. mod_ratelimit.c
  821. Creating library .\Release\mod_ratelimit.lib and object .\Release\mod_ratelimit.exp
  822. mod_ratelimit.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  823. ------ Build started: Project: mod_reflector, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  824. mod_reflector.c
  825. Creating library .\Release\mod_reflector.lib and object .\Release\mod_reflector.exp
  826. mod_reflector.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  827. ------ Build started: Project: mod_remoteip, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  828. mod_remoteip.c
  829. Creating library .\Release\mod_remoteip.lib and object .\Release\mod_remoteip.exp
  830. mod_remoteip.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  831. ------ Build started: Project: mod_reqtimeout, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  832. mod_reqtimeout.c
  833. Creating library .\Release\mod_reqtimeout.lib and object .\Release\mod_reqtimeout.exp
  834. mod_reqtimeout.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  835. ------ Build started: Project: mod_request, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  836. mod_request.c
  837. Creating library .\Release\mod_request.lib and object .\Release\mod_request.exp
  838. mod_request.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  839. ------ Build started: Project: mod_rewrite, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  840. mod_rewrite.c
  841. Creating library .\Release\mod_rewrite.lib and object .\Release\mod_rewrite.exp
  842. mod_rewrite.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\mappers\.\Release\
  843. ------ Build started: Project: mod_sed, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  844. mod_sed.c
  845. regexp.c
  846. sed0.c
  847. sed1.c
  848. Generating Code...
  849. Creating library .\Release\mod_sed.lib and object .\Release\mod_sed.exp
  850. mod_sed.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  851. ------ Build started: Project: mod_session_cookie, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  852. mod_session_cookie.c
  853. Creating library .\Release\mod_session_cookie.lib and object .\Release\mod_session_cookie.exp
  854. mod_session_cookie.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\session\.\Release\
  855. ------ Build started: Project: mod_session_dbd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  856. mod_session_dbd.c
  857. Creating library .\Release\mod_session_dbd.lib and object .\Release\mod_session_dbd.exp
  858. mod_session_dbd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\session\.\Release\
  859. ------ Build started: Project: mod_setenvif, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  860. mod_setenvif.c
  861. Creating library .\Release\mod_setenvif.lib and object .\Release\mod_setenvif.exp
  862. mod_setenvif.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\metadata\.\Release\
  863. ------ Build started: Project: mod_slotmem_plain, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  864. mod_slotmem_plain.c
  865. Creating library .\Release\mod_slotmem_plain.lib and object .\Release\mod_slotmem_plain.exp
  866. mod_slotmem_plain.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\slotmem\.\Release\
  867. ------ Build started: Project: mod_proxy_fcgi, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  868. mod_proxy_fcgi.c
  869. Creating library .\Release\mod_proxy_fcgi.lib and object .\Release\mod_proxy_fcgi.exp
  870. mod_proxy_fcgi.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\.\Release\
  871. ------ Build started: Project: mod_socache_dbm, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  872. mod_socache_dbm.c
  873. Creating library .\Release\mod_socache_dbm.lib and object .\Release\mod_socache_dbm.exp
  874. mod_socache_dbm.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\cache\.\Release\
  875. ------ Build started: Project: mod_socache_memcache, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  876. mod_socache_memcache.c
  877. Creating library .\Release\mod_socache_memcache.lib and object .\Release\mod_socache_memcache.exp
  878. mod_socache_memcache.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\cache\.\Release\
  879. ------ Build started: Project: BuildBin, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  881. Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 11.00.60315.1
  882. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  884. for %d in (odbc ) do devenv Apache.sln /useenv /build Release /project apr_dbd_%d
  886. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4>devenv Apache.sln /useenv /build Release /project apr_dbd_odbc
  888. Microsoft (R) Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Version 11.0.60315.1.
  889. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
  891. The evaluation period for Visual Studio Trial ends in 15 days.
  892. ------ Build started: Project: libapr, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  893. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\libapr.vcxproj(110,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\libapr.vcxproj (100,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  894. apr_atomic.c
  895. dso.c
  896. buffer.c
  897. copy.c
  898. dir.c
  899. fileacc.c
  900. filedup.c
  901. filepath.c
  902. filepath_util.c
  903. filestat.c
  904. filesys.c
  905. flock.c
  906. fullrw.c
  907. mktemp.c
  908. open.c
  909. pipe.c
  910. readwrite.c
  911. seek.c
  912. tempdir.c
  913. proc_mutex.c
  914. Generating Code...
  915. Compiling...
  916. thread_cond.c
  917. thread_mutex.c
  918. thread_rwlock.c
  919. apr_pools.c
  920. charset.c
  921. env.c
  922. errorcodes.c
  923. getopt.c
  924. internal.c
  925. misc.c
  926. otherchild.c
  927. rand.c
  928. start.c
  929. utf8.c
  930. version.c
  931. common.c
  932. mmap.c
  933. inet_ntop.c
  934. inet_pton.c
  935. multicast.c
  936. Generating Code...
  937. Compiling...
  938. sendrecv.c
  939. sockaddr.c
  940. sockets.c
  941. socket_util.c
  942. sockopt.c
  943. apr_getpass.c
  944. poll.c
  945. pollcb.c
  946. pollset.c
  947. select.c
  948. apr_random.c
  949. sha2.c
  950. sha2_glue.c
  951. shm.c
  952. apr_cpystrn.c
  953. apr_fnmatch.c
  954. apr_snprintf.c
  955. apr_strings.c
  956. apr_strnatcmp.c
  957. apr_strtok.c
  958. Generating Code...
  959. Compiling...
  960. apr_hash.c
  961. apr_tables.c
  962. proc.c
  963. signals.c
  964. thread.c
  965. threadpriv.c
  966. time.c
  967. timestr.c
  968. groupinfo.c
  969. userinfo.c
  970. Generating Code...
  971. Creating library Release\libapr-1.lib and object Release\libapr-1.exp
  972. libapr.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\.\Release\libapr-1.dll
  973. ------ Build started: Project: libapriconv, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  974. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\libapriconv.vcxproj(84,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\libapriconv.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  975. iconv.c
  976. iconv_ces.c
  977. iconv_ces_euc.c
  978. iconv_ces_iso2022.c
  979. iconv_int.c
  980. iconv_module.c
  981. iconv_uc.c
  982. Generating Code...
  983. Creating library Release\libapriconv-1.lib and object Release\libapriconv-1.exp
  984. libapriconv.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\.\Release\libapriconv-1.dll
  985. ------ Build started: Project: xml, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  986. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj(82,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj (76,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  987. xmlparse.c
  988. xmlrole.c
  989. xmltok.c
  990. Generating Code...
  991. xml.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\.\LibR\xml.lib
  992. ------ Build started: Project: libaprutil, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  993. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.vcxproj(80,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.vcxproj (77,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  994. apr_brigade.c
  995. apr_buckets.c
  996. apr_buckets_alloc.c
  997. apr_buckets_eos.c
  998. apr_buckets_file.c
  999. apr_buckets_flush.c
  1000. apr_buckets_heap.c
  1001. apr_buckets_mmap.c
  1002. apr_buckets_pipe.c
  1003. apr_buckets_pool.c
  1004. apr_buckets_refcount.c
  1005. apr_buckets_simple.c
  1006. apr_buckets_socket.c
  1007. apr_crypto.c
  1008. apr_md4.c
  1009. apr_md5.c
  1010. apr_passwd.c
  1011. apr_sha1.c
  1012. crypt_blowfish.c
  1013. crypto\crypt_blowfish.c(894): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'char', possible loss of data
  1014. getuuid.c
  1015. Generating Code...
  1016. Compiling...
  1017. uuid.c
  1018. apr_dbd.c
  1019. apr_dbm.c
  1020. apr_dbm_sdbm.c
  1021. apr_base64.c
  1022. apr_hooks.c
  1023. apr_ldap_stub.c
  1024. apr_ldap_url.c
  1025. apr_memcache.c
  1026. apr_date.c
  1027. apu_dso.c
  1028. apr_queue.c
  1029. apr_reslist.c
  1030. apr_rmm.c
  1031. apr_thread_pool.c
  1032. apu_version.c
  1033. sdbm.c
  1034. sdbm_hash.c
  1035. sdbm_lock.c
  1036. sdbm_pair.c
  1037. Generating Code...
  1038. Compiling...
  1039. apr_strmatch.c
  1040. apr_uri.c
  1041. xlate.c
  1042. apr_xml.c
  1043. Generating Code...
  1044. Creating library Release\libaprutil-1.lib and object Release\libaprutil-1.exp
  1045. libaprutil.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\.\Release\libaprutil-1.dll
  1046. ------ Build started: Project: apr_dbd_odbc, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1047. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\dbd\apr_dbd_odbc.vcxproj(77,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\dbd\apr_dbd_odbc.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1048. apr_dbd_odbc.c
  1049. Creating library Release\apr_dbd_odbc-1.lib and object Release\apr_dbd_odbc-1.exp
  1050. apr_dbd_odbc.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\dbd\.\Release\apr_dbd_odbc-1.dll
  1051. ========== Build: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  1052. for %d in ( x) do if not %d == x devenv Apache.sln /useenv /build Release /project apr_dbm_%d
  1054. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4>if not x == x devenv Apache.sln /useenv /build Release /project apr_dbm_x
  1055. -----
  1056. mod_lua will not build unless lua is installed in srclib\lua.
  1057. Version 5.1 includes an etc\luavs.bat that will satisfy this requirement.
  1058. -----
  1059. mod_proxy_html and mod_xml2enc will not build unless libxml2 is
  1060. built in srclib\libxml2. Version 2.7.7 and later available from
  1061. will satisfy this requirement.
  1062. devenv Apache.sln /useenv /build Release /project mod_ssl
  1064. Microsoft (R) Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Version 11.0.60315.1.
  1065. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
  1067. The evaluation period for Visual Studio Trial ends in 15 days.
  1068. ------ Build started: Project: libapr, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1069. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\libapr.vcxproj(110,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\libapr.vcxproj (100,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1070. apr_atomic.c
  1071. dso.c
  1072. buffer.c
  1073. copy.c
  1074. dir.c
  1075. fileacc.c
  1076. filedup.c
  1077. filepath.c
  1078. filepath_util.c
  1079. filestat.c
  1080. filesys.c
  1081. flock.c
  1082. fullrw.c
  1083. mktemp.c
  1084. open.c
  1085. pipe.c
  1086. readwrite.c
  1087. seek.c
  1088. tempdir.c
  1089. proc_mutex.c
  1090. Generating Code...
  1091. Compiling...
  1092. thread_cond.c
  1093. thread_mutex.c
  1094. thread_rwlock.c
  1095. apr_pools.c
  1096. charset.c
  1097. env.c
  1098. errorcodes.c
  1099. getopt.c
  1100. internal.c
  1101. misc.c
  1102. otherchild.c
  1103. rand.c
  1104. start.c
  1105. utf8.c
  1106. version.c
  1107. common.c
  1108. mmap.c
  1109. inet_ntop.c
  1110. inet_pton.c
  1111. multicast.c
  1112. Generating Code...
  1113. Compiling...
  1114. sendrecv.c
  1115. sockaddr.c
  1116. sockets.c
  1117. socket_util.c
  1118. sockopt.c
  1119. apr_getpass.c
  1120. poll.c
  1121. pollcb.c
  1122. pollset.c
  1123. select.c
  1124. apr_random.c
  1125. sha2.c
  1126. sha2_glue.c
  1127. shm.c
  1128. apr_cpystrn.c
  1129. apr_fnmatch.c
  1130. apr_snprintf.c
  1131. apr_strings.c
  1132. apr_strnatcmp.c
  1133. apr_strtok.c
  1134. Generating Code...
  1135. Compiling...
  1136. apr_hash.c
  1137. apr_tables.c
  1138. proc.c
  1139. signals.c
  1140. thread.c
  1141. threadpriv.c
  1142. time.c
  1143. timestr.c
  1144. groupinfo.c
  1145. userinfo.c
  1146. Generating Code...
  1147. Creating library Release\libapr-1.lib and object Release\libapr-1.exp
  1148. libapr.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\.\Release\libapr-1.dll
  1149. ------ Build started: Project: libapriconv, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1150. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\libapriconv.vcxproj(84,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\libapriconv.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1151. iconv.c
  1152. iconv_ces.c
  1153. iconv_ces_euc.c
  1154. iconv_ces_iso2022.c
  1155. iconv_int.c
  1156. iconv_module.c
  1157. iconv_uc.c
  1158. Generating Code...
  1159. Creating library Release\libapriconv-1.lib and object Release\libapriconv-1.exp
  1160. libapriconv.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\.\Release\libapriconv-1.dll
  1161. ------ Build started: Project: xml, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1162. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj(82,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj (76,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1163. xmlparse.c
  1164. xmlrole.c
  1165. xmltok.c
  1166. Generating Code...
  1167. xml.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\.\LibR\xml.lib
  1168. ------ Build started: Project: libaprutil, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1169. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.vcxproj(80,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.vcxproj (77,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1170. apr_brigade.c
  1171. apr_buckets.c
  1172. apr_buckets_alloc.c
  1173. apr_buckets_eos.c
  1174. apr_buckets_file.c
  1175. apr_buckets_flush.c
  1176. apr_buckets_heap.c
  1177. apr_buckets_mmap.c
  1178. apr_buckets_pipe.c
  1179. apr_buckets_pool.c
  1180. apr_buckets_refcount.c
  1181. apr_buckets_simple.c
  1182. apr_buckets_socket.c
  1183. apr_crypto.c
  1184. apr_md4.c
  1185. apr_md5.c
  1186. apr_passwd.c
  1187. apr_sha1.c
  1188. crypt_blowfish.c
  1189. crypto\crypt_blowfish.c(894): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'char', possible loss of data
  1190. getuuid.c
  1191. Generating Code...
  1192. Compiling...
  1193. uuid.c
  1194. apr_dbd.c
  1195. apr_dbm.c
  1196. apr_dbm_sdbm.c
  1197. apr_base64.c
  1198. apr_hooks.c
  1199. apr_ldap_stub.c
  1200. apr_ldap_url.c
  1201. apr_memcache.c
  1202. apr_date.c
  1203. apu_dso.c
  1204. apr_queue.c
  1205. apr_reslist.c
  1206. apr_rmm.c
  1207. apr_thread_pool.c
  1208. apu_version.c
  1209. sdbm.c
  1210. sdbm_hash.c
  1211. sdbm_lock.c
  1212. sdbm_pair.c
  1213. Generating Code...
  1214. Compiling...
  1215. apr_strmatch.c
  1216. apr_uri.c
  1217. xlate.c
  1218. apr_xml.c
  1219. Generating Code...
  1220. Creating library Release\libaprutil-1.lib and object Release\libaprutil-1.exp
  1221. libaprutil.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\.\Release\libaprutil-1.dll
  1222. ------ Build started: Project: gen_test_char, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1223. gen_test_char.c
  1224. gen_test_char.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\server\.\gen_test_char.exe
  1225. ------ Build started: Project: libhttpd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1226. Generating test_char.h from gen_test_char.exe
  1227. byterange_filter.c
  1228. chunk_filter.c
  1229. config.c
  1230. server\config.c(1712): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1231. connection.c
  1232. core.c
  1233. server\core.c(4774): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'apr_uint16_t', possible loss of data
  1234. core_filters.c
  1235. http_core.c
  1236. http_etag.c
  1237. http_filters.c
  1238. http_protocol.c
  1239. http_request.c
  1240. log.c
  1241. protocol.c
  1242. server\protocol.c(674): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1243. request.c
  1244. vhost.c
  1245. mod_so.c
  1246. mod_win32.c
  1247. modules.c
  1248. eoc_bucket.c
  1249. eor_bucket.c
  1250. Generating Code...
  1251. Compiling...
  1252. error_bucket.c
  1253. util.c
  1254. server\util.c(421): warning C4018: '<=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1255. server\util.c(1017): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1256. util_cfgtree.c
  1257. util_cookies.c
  1258. util_expr_eval.c
  1259. util_expr_scan.c
  1260. util_expr_scan.c(1756): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1261. util_expr_parse.c
  1262. util_filter.c
  1263. util_md5.c
  1264. util_mutex.c
  1265. util_pcre.c
  1266. util_regex.c
  1267. server\util_regex.c(195): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1268. util_script.c
  1269. util_time.c
  1270. util_win32.c
  1271. util_xml.c
  1272. ap_regkey.c
  1273. child.c
  1274. listen.c
  1275. mpm_common.c
  1276. Generating Code...
  1277. Compiling...
  1278. mpm_winnt.c
  1279. nt_eventlog.c
  1280. provider.c
  1281. scoreboard.c
  1282. service.c
  1283. Generating Code...
  1284. buildmark.c
  1285. Creating library .\Release\libhttpd.lib and object .\Release\libhttpd.exp
  1286. libhttpd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\.\Release\libhttpd.dll
  1287. ------ Build started: Project: mod_ssl, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1288. mod_ssl.c
  1289. ssl_engine_config.c
  1290. ssl_engine_dh.c
  1291. ssl_engine_init.c
  1292. ssl_engine_io.c
  1293. ssl_engine_kernel.c
  1294. ssl_engine_log.c
  1295. ssl_engine_mutex.c
  1296. ssl_engine_pphrase.c
  1297. ssl_engine_rand.c
  1298. ssl_engine_vars.c
  1299. ssl_engine_ocsp.c
  1300. ssl_util_ocsp.c
  1301. ssl_scache.c
  1302. ssl_util_stapling.c
  1303. ssl_util.c
  1304. ssl_util_ssl.c
  1305. Generating Code...
  1306. Creating library .\Release\mod_ssl.lib and object .\Release\mod_ssl.exp
  1307. mod_ssl.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\ssl\.\Release\
  1308. ========== Build: 7 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  1309. devenv Apache.sln /useenv /build Release /project abs
  1311. Microsoft (R) Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Version 11.0.60315.1.
  1312. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
  1314. The evaluation period for Visual Studio Trial ends in 15 days.
  1315. ------ Build started: Project: apriconv, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1316. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\apriconv.vcxproj(77,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\apriconv.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1317. iconv.c
  1318. iconv_ces.c
  1319. iconv_ces_euc.c
  1320. iconv_ces_iso2022.c
  1321. iconv_int.c
  1322. iconv_module.c
  1323. iconv_uc.c
  1324. Generating Code...
  1325. apriconv.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\.\LibR\apriconv-1.lib
  1326. ------ Build started: Project: xml, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1327. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj(82,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj (76,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1328. xmlparse.c
  1329. xmlrole.c
  1330. xmltok.c
  1331. Generating Code...
  1332. xml.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\.\LibR\xml.lib
  1333. ------ Build started: Project: aprutil, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1334. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\aprutil.vcxproj(80,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\aprutil.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1335. apr_brigade.c
  1336. apr_buckets.c
  1337. apr_buckets_alloc.c
  1338. apr_buckets_eos.c
  1339. apr_buckets_file.c
  1340. apr_buckets_flush.c
  1341. apr_buckets_heap.c
  1342. apr_buckets_mmap.c
  1343. apr_buckets_pipe.c
  1344. apr_buckets_pool.c
  1345. apr_buckets_refcount.c
  1346. apr_buckets_simple.c
  1347. apr_buckets_socket.c
  1348. apr_crypto.c
  1349. apr_md4.c
  1350. apr_md5.c
  1351. apr_passwd.c
  1352. apr_sha1.c
  1353. crypt_blowfish.c
  1354. crypto\crypt_blowfish.c(894): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'char', possible loss of data
  1355. getuuid.c
  1356. Generating Code...
  1357. Compiling...
  1358. uuid.c
  1359. apr_dbd.c
  1360. apr_dbd_freetds.c
  1361. apr_dbd_mysql.c
  1362. apr_dbd_odbc.c
  1363. apr_dbd_oracle.c
  1364. apr_dbd_pgsql.c
  1365. apr_dbd_sqlite2.c
  1366. apr_dbd_sqlite3.c
  1367. apr_dbm.c
  1368. apr_dbm_berkeleydb.c
  1369. apr_dbm_gdbm.c
  1370. apr_dbm_sdbm.c
  1371. apr_base64.c
  1372. apr_hooks.c
  1373. apr_ldap_init.c
  1374. apr_ldap_option.c
  1375. apr_ldap_rebind.c
  1376. apr_ldap_stub.c
  1377. apr_ldap_url.c
  1378. Generating Code...
  1379. Compiling...
  1380. apr_memcache.c
  1381. apr_date.c
  1382. apu_dso.c
  1383. apr_queue.c
  1384. apr_reslist.c
  1385. apr_rmm.c
  1386. apr_thread_pool.c
  1387. apu_version.c
  1388. sdbm.c
  1389. sdbm_hash.c
  1390. sdbm_lock.c
  1391. sdbm_pair.c
  1392. apr_strmatch.c
  1393. apr_uri.c
  1394. xlate.c
  1395. apr_xml.c
  1396. Generating Code...
  1397. aprutil.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\.\LibR\aprutil-1.lib
  1398. ------ Build started: Project: apr, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1399. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\apr.vcxproj(114,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\apr.vcxproj (100,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1400. apr_atomic.c
  1401. dso.c
  1402. buffer.c
  1403. copy.c
  1404. dir.c
  1405. fileacc.c
  1406. filedup.c
  1407. filepath.c
  1408. filepath_util.c
  1409. filestat.c
  1410. filesys.c
  1411. flock.c
  1412. fullrw.c
  1413. mktemp.c
  1414. open.c
  1415. pipe.c
  1416. readwrite.c
  1417. seek.c
  1418. tempdir.c
  1419. proc_mutex.c
  1420. Generating Code...
  1421. Compiling...
  1422. thread_cond.c
  1423. thread_mutex.c
  1424. thread_rwlock.c
  1425. apr_pools.c
  1426. charset.c
  1427. env.c
  1428. errorcodes.c
  1429. getopt.c
  1430. internal.c
  1431. misc.c
  1432. otherchild.c
  1433. rand.c
  1434. start.c
  1435. utf8.c
  1436. version.c
  1437. common.c
  1438. mmap.c
  1439. inet_ntop.c
  1440. inet_pton.c
  1441. multicast.c
  1442. Generating Code...
  1443. Compiling...
  1444. sendrecv.c
  1445. sockaddr.c
  1446. sockets.c
  1447. socket_util.c
  1448. sockopt.c
  1449. apr_getpass.c
  1450. poll.c
  1451. pollcb.c
  1452. pollset.c
  1453. select.c
  1454. apr_random.c
  1455. sha2.c
  1456. sha2_glue.c
  1457. shm.c
  1458. apr_cpystrn.c
  1459. apr_fnmatch.c
  1460. apr_snprintf.c
  1461. apr_strings.c
  1462. apr_strnatcmp.c
  1463. apr_strtok.c
  1464. Generating Code...
  1465. Compiling...
  1466. apr_hash.c
  1467. apr_tables.c
  1468. proc.c
  1469. signals.c
  1470. thread.c
  1471. threadpriv.c
  1472. time.c
  1473. timestr.c
  1474. groupinfo.c
  1475. userinfo.c
  1476. Generating Code...
  1477. apr.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\.\LibR\apr-1.lib
  1478. ------ Build started: Project: abs, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1479. ab.c
  1480. abs.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\support\.\Release\abs.exe
  1481. ========== Build: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  1482. devenv Apache.sln /useenv /build Release /project mod_deflate
  1484. Microsoft (R) Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Version 11.0.60315.1.
  1485. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
  1487. The evaluation period for Visual Studio Trial ends in 15 days.
  1488. ------ Build started: Project: libapr, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1489. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\libapr.vcxproj(110,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\libapr.vcxproj (100,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1490. apr_atomic.c
  1491. dso.c
  1492. buffer.c
  1493. copy.c
  1494. dir.c
  1495. fileacc.c
  1496. filedup.c
  1497. filepath.c
  1498. filepath_util.c
  1499. filestat.c
  1500. filesys.c
  1501. flock.c
  1502. fullrw.c
  1503. mktemp.c
  1504. open.c
  1505. pipe.c
  1506. readwrite.c
  1507. seek.c
  1508. tempdir.c
  1509. proc_mutex.c
  1510. Generating Code...
  1511. Compiling...
  1512. thread_cond.c
  1513. thread_mutex.c
  1514. thread_rwlock.c
  1515. apr_pools.c
  1516. charset.c
  1517. env.c
  1518. errorcodes.c
  1519. getopt.c
  1520. internal.c
  1521. misc.c
  1522. otherchild.c
  1523. rand.c
  1524. start.c
  1525. utf8.c
  1526. version.c
  1527. common.c
  1528. mmap.c
  1529. inet_ntop.c
  1530. inet_pton.c
  1531. multicast.c
  1532. Generating Code...
  1533. Compiling...
  1534. sendrecv.c
  1535. sockaddr.c
  1536. sockets.c
  1537. socket_util.c
  1538. sockopt.c
  1539. apr_getpass.c
  1540. poll.c
  1541. pollcb.c
  1542. pollset.c
  1543. select.c
  1544. apr_random.c
  1545. sha2.c
  1546. sha2_glue.c
  1547. shm.c
  1548. apr_cpystrn.c
  1549. apr_fnmatch.c
  1550. apr_snprintf.c
  1551. apr_strings.c
  1552. apr_strnatcmp.c
  1553. apr_strtok.c
  1554. Generating Code...
  1555. Compiling...
  1556. apr_hash.c
  1557. apr_tables.c
  1558. proc.c
  1559. signals.c
  1560. thread.c
  1561. threadpriv.c
  1562. time.c
  1563. timestr.c
  1564. groupinfo.c
  1565. userinfo.c
  1566. Generating Code...
  1567. Creating library Release\libapr-1.lib and object Release\libapr-1.exp
  1568. libapr.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr\.\Release\libapr-1.dll
  1569. ------ Build started: Project: libapriconv, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1570. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\libapriconv.vcxproj(84,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\libapriconv.vcxproj (74,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1571. iconv.c
  1572. iconv_ces.c
  1573. iconv_ces_euc.c
  1574. iconv_ces_iso2022.c
  1575. iconv_int.c
  1576. iconv_module.c
  1577. iconv_uc.c
  1578. Generating Code...
  1579. Creating library Release\libapriconv-1.lib and object Release\libapriconv-1.exp
  1580. libapriconv.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-iconv\.\Release\libapriconv-1.dll
  1581. ------ Build started: Project: xml, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1582. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj(82,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.vcxproj (76,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1583. xmlparse.c
  1584. xmlrole.c
  1585. xmltok.c
  1586. Generating Code...
  1587. xml.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\.\LibR\xml.lib
  1588. ------ Build started: Project: libaprutil, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1589. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.vcxproj(80,5): warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\Basel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.vcxproj (77,5)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
  1590. apr_brigade.c
  1591. apr_buckets.c
  1592. apr_buckets_alloc.c
  1593. apr_buckets_eos.c
  1594. apr_buckets_file.c
  1595. apr_buckets_flush.c
  1596. apr_buckets_heap.c
  1597. apr_buckets_mmap.c
  1598. apr_buckets_pipe.c
  1599. apr_buckets_pool.c
  1600. apr_buckets_refcount.c
  1601. apr_buckets_simple.c
  1602. apr_buckets_socket.c
  1603. apr_crypto.c
  1604. apr_md4.c
  1605. apr_md5.c
  1606. apr_passwd.c
  1607. apr_sha1.c
  1608. crypt_blowfish.c
  1609. crypto\crypt_blowfish.c(894): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'char', possible loss of data
  1610. getuuid.c
  1611. Generating Code...
  1612. Compiling...
  1613. uuid.c
  1614. apr_dbd.c
  1615. apr_dbm.c
  1616. apr_dbm_sdbm.c
  1617. apr_base64.c
  1618. apr_hooks.c
  1619. apr_ldap_stub.c
  1620. apr_ldap_url.c
  1621. apr_memcache.c
  1622. apr_date.c
  1623. apu_dso.c
  1624. apr_queue.c
  1625. apr_reslist.c
  1626. apr_rmm.c
  1627. apr_thread_pool.c
  1628. apu_version.c
  1629. sdbm.c
  1630. sdbm_hash.c
  1631. sdbm_lock.c
  1632. sdbm_pair.c
  1633. Generating Code...
  1634. Compiling...
  1635. apr_strmatch.c
  1636. apr_uri.c
  1637. xlate.c
  1638. apr_xml.c
  1639. Generating Code...
  1640. Creating library Release\libaprutil-1.lib and object Release\libaprutil-1.exp
  1641. libaprutil.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\srclib\apr-util\.\Release\libaprutil-1.dll
  1642. ------ Build started: Project: gen_test_char, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1643. gen_test_char.c
  1644. gen_test_char.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\server\.\gen_test_char.exe
  1645. ------ Build started: Project: libhttpd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1646. Generating test_char.h from gen_test_char.exe
  1647. byterange_filter.c
  1648. chunk_filter.c
  1649. config.c
  1650. server\config.c(1712): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1651. connection.c
  1652. core.c
  1653. server\core.c(4774): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'apr_uint16_t', possible loss of data
  1654. core_filters.c
  1655. http_core.c
  1656. http_etag.c
  1657. http_filters.c
  1658. http_protocol.c
  1659. http_request.c
  1660. log.c
  1661. protocol.c
  1662. server\protocol.c(674): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1663. request.c
  1664. vhost.c
  1665. mod_so.c
  1666. mod_win32.c
  1667. modules.c
  1668. eoc_bucket.c
  1669. eor_bucket.c
  1670. Generating Code...
  1671. Compiling...
  1672. error_bucket.c
  1673. util.c
  1674. server\util.c(421): warning C4018: '<=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1675. server\util.c(1017): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1676. util_cfgtree.c
  1677. util_cookies.c
  1678. util_expr_eval.c
  1679. util_expr_scan.c
  1680. util_expr_scan.c(1756): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1681. util_expr_parse.c
  1682. util_filter.c
  1683. util_md5.c
  1684. util_mutex.c
  1685. util_pcre.c
  1686. util_regex.c
  1687. server\util_regex.c(195): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1688. util_script.c
  1689. util_time.c
  1690. util_win32.c
  1691. util_xml.c
  1692. ap_regkey.c
  1693. child.c
  1694. listen.c
  1695. mpm_common.c
  1696. Generating Code...
  1697. Compiling...
  1698. mpm_winnt.c
  1699. nt_eventlog.c
  1700. provider.c
  1701. scoreboard.c
  1702. service.c
  1703. Generating Code...
  1704. buildmark.c
  1705. Creating library .\Release\libhttpd.lib and object .\Release\libhttpd.exp
  1706. libhttpd.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\.\Release\libhttpd.dll
  1707. ------ Build started: Project: mod_deflate, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1708. mod_deflate.c
  1709. Creating library .\Release\mod_deflate.lib and object .\Release\mod_deflate.exp
  1710. mod_deflate.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\filters\.\Release\
  1711. ========== Build: 7 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  1712. ------ Build started: Project: mod_lbmethod_rr, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1713. mod_lbmethod_rr.c
  1714. mod_lbmethod_rr.c(54): error C2039: 'name' : is not a member of 'proxy_balancer'
  1715. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\mod_proxy.h(434) : see declaration of 'proxy_balancer'
  1716. mod_lbmethod_rr.c(63): error C2039: 'name' : is not a member of 'proxy_balancer'
  1717. C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\proxy\mod_proxy.h(434) : see declaration of 'proxy_balancer'
  1718. mod_lbmethod_rr.c(85): warning C4013: 'ap_proxy_retry_worker' undefined; assuming extern returning int
  1719. ------ Build started: Project: mod_bucketeer, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1720. mod_bucketeer.c
  1721. Creating library .\Release\mod_bucketeer.lib and object .\Release\mod_bucketeer.exp
  1722. mod_bucketeer.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\debugging\.\Release\
  1723. ------ Build started: Project: mod_example_hooks, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1724. mod_example_hooks.c
  1725. Creating library .\Release\mod_example_hooks.lib and object .\Release\mod_example_hooks.exp
  1726. mod_example_hooks.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\examples\.\Release\
  1727. ------ Build started: Project: mod_example_ipc, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1728. mod_example_ipc.c
  1729. Creating library .\Release\mod_example_ipc.lib and object .\Release\mod_example_ipc.exp
  1730. mod_example_ipc.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\examples\.\Release\
  1731. ------ Build started: Project: mod_case_filter_in, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1732. mod_case_filter_in.c
  1733. Creating library .\Release\mod_case_filter_in.lib and object .\Release\mod_case_filter_in.exp
  1734. mod_case_filter_in.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\examples\.\Release\
  1735. ------ Build started: Project: mod_echo, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1736. mod_echo.c
  1737. Creating library .\Release\mod_echo.lib and object .\Release\mod_echo.exp
  1738. mod_echo.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\echo\.\Release\
  1739. ------ Build started: Project: mod_case_filter, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1740. mod_case_filter.c
  1741. Creating library .\Release\mod_case_filter.lib and object .\Release\mod_case_filter.exp
  1742. mod_case_filter.vcxproj -> C:\apache\httpd-2.4.4\modules\examples\.\Release\
  1743. ------ Build started: Project: BuildAll, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1745. Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 11.00.60315.1
  1746. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  1748. ========== Build: 123 succeeded, 4 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
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