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Along Came A Spider-Man: Mantis Man's Revenge Pt. 1

a guest
May 6th, 2017
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  1. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2. Goro
  3. I watched the raw for episode 30.
  4. Dan is not technically good, but he is under Poppi's control to an extent
  5. 11:06
  6. Gallibon the Destroyer
  7. *A few hours have passed, as it is now the evening*
  8. 11:06
  9. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  10. gtg
  11. 11:07
  12. Gallibon the Destroyer
  13. Bye.
  14. o/
  15. (FLM) *walks an empty street alone, walking to himself*
  16. (FLM) ooo(Geez, it's almost nighttime already? Time flies when your having fun. I hope I wasn't gone too long though, the Units might be worried about me...)
  17. (FLM) ooo(Mhm.)
  18. Welcome to WZRP Chat!
  19. 11:10
  20. Gallibon the Destroyer
  21. *As (FLM) continues walking, a lone shadowy figure then appears ontop of a building, looking over (FLM) 's area*
  22. *As the strange figure then lands down, it could now be seen more clearly in it's appearance*
  23. *It appeared to be a humanoid insect man with sickles on both hands, appearing to have eyes similar to shades*
  24. *The insectoid figure looked on and spied on (FLM) *
  25. (Mantis Man) *glares blankly down at the area*
  26. (Mantis Man) *breathing heavily, before then quietly flying up, gliding towards his opponent....*
  27. *As (FLM) begins to walk aways, he faintly hears something in the distance*
  28. (FLM) *looks up, turns head around*
  29. (FLM) *looks around, seeing that nothing is there*
  30. (FLM) *looks around some more* ooo(...It may look that nothing is there, but I'm certain there is. It happens all the time with me.)
  31. *Something then flies out of the sky, then heading towards (FLM) *
  32. (FLM) *turns around quick*
  33. (Mantis Man) *appears out of the blue, then performs a flying kick attack against (FLM) *
  34. (FLM) *caught off guard, flies back against a wall*
  35. (FLM) <(OOF!)
  36. (Mantis Man) *leaps up, shades glowing, then pins (FLM) against the wall with his sickle hands*
  37. (Mantis Man) *growls, glaring at (FLM) *
  38. (FLM) <(Back off jack!) *headbutts against Mantis Man in the head*
  39. (Mantis Man) *is hit but is more annoyed if anything*
  40. (FLM) *swings both legs against Mantis Man*
  41. (Mantis Man) *flies off, staggering back*
  42. (FLM) *lands down, gets into a battle position*
  43. *The sounds of some black cars can then be heard, some Mecha-Mobsters were coming*
  44. (FLM) *hears the car sounds* <(Great...)
  45. *Mecha-Mobsters then come out of their cars, heading towards Mantis Man's and FLM's area*
  46. (Mantis Man) *slashes sickles together*
  47. 11:26
  48. Gojiran
  49. *As the Mecha-Mobster's continue to roam to FLM and MM's area...*
  50. 11:26
  51. Gallibon the Destroyer
  52. (FLM) *raises fists* <(Hut!)
  53. 11:26
  54. Gojiran
  55. * of them is suddenly wrapped around in a web.*
  56. *They are completely restrianed from their abilities, and is knocked into another Mecha Mobster, causing the two to explode
  57. 11:26
  58. Gallibon the Destroyer
  59. *A few Mecha-Mobsters then turn around; seeing to who took their guy?*
  60. 11:27
  61. Gojiran
  62. *Someone shoots up in the sky with webs being held in their hands...
  63. *Is it a bird...? No...*
  64. 11:27
  65. Gallibon the Destroyer
  66. *The two Mecha-Mobsters then explode, gaining their attention and baffling them*
  67. 11:27
  68. Gojiran
  69. *Is it a plane... no...*
  70. (SPI) <(It's... some weird guy in a red and blue spandex suit. Otherwise known as your friendly neighborhood... Spider-Man!!) *reveals himself*
  71. 11:28
  72. Gallibon the Destroyer
  73. (FLM) *looks up to see (SPI) * <(And along came the spider.)
  74. (Mantis Man) *loudly growls, though sounding muffled*
  75. *Four Mecha-Mobsters then run up and head to attack (SPI) *
  76. 11:29
  77. Gojiran
  78. (Spi) <(Heeyah!) *shoots around the MM's at super-fast speed, and shoots out webs from his enhanced webshooters; tying them up and moving them around, destroying them one by one*
  79. (spi) *lands down on top of a MM's head* <(Well, actually my hero costume is the Spider-Armor MK 4, so technically I don't wear spandex anymore... armor's new in store. But spandex is still cool too.)
  80. (SPI) *He then jumps off of the MM, and shoots out a web at its head; swinging around it, and moving it into another MM, causing more to explode as Spider-Man flings around
  81. 11:32
  82. Gallibon the Destroyer
  83. (FLM) <(HI-YAH!) *flies up, performs a Flamingo Chop attack against (Mantis Man)*
  84. (Mantis Man) *staggers back*
  85. GyaosKing485 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  86. 11:32
  87. GyaosKing485
  88. o/
  89. 11:32
  90. Gallibon the Destroyer
  91. *Several Mecha-Mobsters explode*
  92. Hiya.
  93. 11:33
  94. GyaosKing485
  95. *Meanwhile, far off in space...*
  96. 11:33
  97. Gallibon the Destroyer
  98. *Two Mecha-Mobsters shoot their laser guns at (SPI) *
  99. 11:33
  100. Gojiran
  101. (SPI) *Swings around the explosions eloquently, before flinging up in the air, letting himself fly down*
  102. (SPI) *Fires two webs from both of his hands simultaneously, sticking to the MM's*
  103. 11:33
  104. GyaosKing485
  105. *A crack in the sky appears, shattering the fabric of space and time as a gigantic ship slowly moves out from it*
  106. 11:33
  107. Gojiran
  108. (SPI) *Flings forwards, avoiding their laser guns*
  109. 11:33
  110. Gallibon the Destroyer
  111. (Mantis Man) *rolls over, shoots a smoke bomb from his mouth at (FLM) *
  112. 11:34
  113. Gojiran
  114. *As he flings past them, the webs cause enough force to push the MM's into each other, causing them to explode*
  115. 11:34
  116. Gallibon the Destroyer
  117. *The smoke bomb then explodes, causing (FLM) 's area to be covered in some smoke*
  118. (FLM) <(WHAT'S WITH THE SMOKE!?) *flails around, trying to see better*
  119. (Mantis Man) *rolls over*
  120. *The Mecha-Mobsters are taken down with ease, only one remains now*
  121. 11:34
  122. GyaosKing485
  123. *It repairs itself as soon as the ship exits, and dozens of others come out from the ship*
  124. 11:34
  125. Gallibon the Destroyer
  126. (Mecha-Moster) <(.....)
  127. 11:34
  128. Gojiran
  129. (SPI) *Flings on top of a building, viewing the single MM*
  130. 11:35
  131. Gallibon the Destroyer
  132. *Mobster
  133. 11:35
  134. Gojiran
  135. (SPI) <(Yo, whoever made you guys--you aren't all that strong. Like, at ALL. I can move you better than Hulk can, and that's saying something!)
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