
Brigands 1 [mlp]

Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. >Crouching in the bushes of a nearby ledge, you overlook the situation.
  2. >In a forest clearing work several bandits. All ponies, save the minotaur cow leading them.
  3. >They run too and fro, loading the contents of the caravan they had just waylaid onto their own cart.
  4. >For about ten minutes you watch, letting them load up, tire themselves out, and affix some of themselves to the harness to move.
  5. >It's now or never.
  6. >Raising your flintlock pistol you take aim and fire. Pull the next, one, fire. And the next.
  7. >Three shots, three drops. One dead, one hit in the leg, one gut shot.
  8. >A pegasus tries rushing your vantage point, but finds herself plastered against your warhammer as you swat her from the air.
  9. >A pony in chain mail and fur has little chance against a hunk of orichalcum almost a third the size of her body, as it turns out.
  10. >Jumping down the small incline, you charge the minotaur.
  11. >She raises her shield in defense as you bring down your hammer.
  12. >Though obviously fit and strong, the cowoman still stands under five feet compared to your six, and she stands little chance in a one on one confrontation with you.
  13. >The wood and iron shield buckles and splinters under your massive blow, the force knocking the milky maiden onto her ass.
  14. >From her proper place on the ground, she can only look up to you in fear as she finally gets a good look at her superior.
  16. >Over a base of strong leathers, you wear a mix of various armor plates and mails, made of several materials. Some common, some rare. Some mundane, some arcane. All enchanted.
  17. >Above that, you wear trophies meant for intimidation. Pieces of sapients who ran afoul of you, horns, skull fragments, bones, teeth, scales, skins, feathers.
  18. >Even certain body parts such as dried out fingers and ears.
  19. >Most notably, you wear a necklace of teeth from an adult cave troll, and the skull of a teen dragon over one pauldron.
  20. >Morbid, but terrifying.
  21. >Raising your hammer, the cow raises her arms in defense, resigned to her perceived fate.
  22. >Instead of death, she receives a disorienting kick to the head.
  23. "Alright! She's down! Collar her!"
  24. >Instantly your assistants are on her. Two well trained ex-bandits. One a griffon, the other a unicorn.
  25. >They slap her collar onto her, the one way locks permanently snapping shut with a loud click.
  26. >As expected, its enchantment kicks in, quickly sapping her strength and draining all the fight from her until she's almost unable to lift her arms.
  27. >Without being told, your slaves begin stripping your new acquisition of her armor, weapons, and anything else on her person.
  28. >She's not bad looking for a brigand. Cute face, small horns, lean muscle under ashen gray fur, breeder hips, black and white mottled skin.
  29. >And, as is normal for minotauresses, a hefty bust that even now has faint traces of milk leaking from it.
  31. >Unsurprising. They had what could only be described as a milk culture. It was a staple in their food, their crafts, their arts, their everyday life.
  32. >The more a cow could produce, the more desirable she was.
  33. >Thus, to avoid needing to wait until pregnancy, many were taught to induce lactation by long, frequent stimulation when they were only young calves.
  34. >Lucky her, if she can behave, it's hard to assign minotaurs as anything besides the lofty job of maid unless they were especially skilled in something else.
  35. >Her companions however, may be a different story. Ponies were highly variable based on race and skill.
  36. >Speaking of, they've already been subdued. Two earth ponies who were trapped in their harnesses by the convulsions of their pegasai companion, and the unicorn you hit in the leg.
  37. >While the gutshot pony was put down, you decide this leg wound would probably not result in permanent injury, and spare her.
  38. "Doctor the wound. Loot the dead and load up anything that's left into their cart. I don't want to have to wait any longer than it takes the laborers to get here."
  39. >"Yes Master!" the two say in unison as they get to work.
  40. >It takes the better part of an hour, but finally your own wagon arrives.
  41. >A covered wagon containing cages and binds for your conquests, pulled by large, strong feral horses and flanked by slaves trained as guards.
  42. >Your servants help the new girls into their cages, being that they're now too weak to walk under their own power.
  44. >As always, you take a seat in the loot wagon to sort through it as some more girls buckle into the harnesses to bring it home.
  45. >When you got home, you would take what you personally wanted to keep, restock your estate, and sell the rest in town.
  46. >The trip is fairly uneventful, and you find some decent stuff in of your haul.
  47. >Money, including some silver and gold coins. Some copper jewelry. Furs. A decorative dagger. A small bolt of silk. Some trinkets. And a log of a rare, valuable wood.
  48. >Not the most you've ever found, and nothing arcane or enchanted, but certainly something worth putting in the vault loot pile.
  49. >Finally arriving, your house keepers quickly unload and begin the process of stocking the home, jailing the slaves, and preparing what you don't want or need for sale.
  50. >Meanwhile, you clean yourself of gore, get a drink, and pick out a cockwarmer for the night.
  51. -
  52. "Alrighty girls! Rise and shine!" You shout, clanging a cup against the bars of their cells.
  53. >Responding to your desires their collars glow faintly, weakening the enchantment that prevented their movement.
  54. >Not enough for them to physically fight, but enough for them to function.
  55. >Slowly getting to their hooves, the girls pace and groan as they slowly begin remembering what happened, angry eyes soon on you.
  56. >"W..WHAT DID YOU DO?"
  57. >"RELEASE US!"
  58. "Well you're some feisty girls! I hate feisty. I'll make it simple. I've enslaved you, I own you now, and you will never be free again."
  60. >"I am a slave to nobody!" Yells your minotaur. "When I get out of this cell, I'm going to break you in half."
  61. >You watch her vent her rage against the bars for a moment before the enchantment catches up, winding her so badly she has to sit.
  62. "You're not the first to feel that way. You're unlikely to be the last. You'll accept it eventually."
  63. >"Let me out....take this collar off of me....or else."
  64. "Or what? I don't believe you understand the gravity of your situation, brigand. That collar is permanent."
  65. "It's two halves that snap together. No hinges to undo, no locks to pick. And it's bound to me, enchanted. It responds to my wishes."
  66. >"You....what gives you the right?!"
  67. "Same thing that gives you the right to attack innocents. To rob them, kidnap them. Enslave them yourselves. I'm stronger than you. You can't stop me and I don't care about you."
  68. "I'd advise you to accept your new life. If you run, if you attack me, if I were to die, those collars will kill you. All of you."
  69. "Behave, and you might earn an easy life as a simple house keeper, cook, or bed warmer."|
  70. >"And what if we don't? Huh?"
  71. >You simply look the cow girl up and down, taking in her features.
  72. "Tell me cow. What is your name?"
  73. >She simply ignores your question.
  74. "Hmm. You four would do well to remember that, unless you can give me some reason to feel otherwise, I don't really care if you live or die."
  76. "Let me tell you about two of my trouble cases. I once had this cute diamond puppy. Or so she seemed. In actuality, she was a vampire, a very stubborn one at that."
  77. "When she refused to learn her place, I had enough, and I bound her in leathers, in chains. I cursed her with an acute awareness and I stuck her in a thick padded metal box and melted the locks."
  78. "That was two years ago. I can still hear the undead wretch sobbing sometimes. Unable to move and unable to escape into sleep."
  79. >Your four new toys look at you in fear. Certainly, the blood suckers received no love and little sympathy, but knowing that such a thing could be done to them is a frightening prospect.
  80. >"Why would you..."
  81. "I have a chimera here too. Caught her stalking white tail. She was far too uncontrollable though, so I had my alchemist whip up an experimental potion to change her personality."
  82. "Worked a bit too well. Fried their brains. They just do what they're told, but can't really get complex orders. Or really take care of themselves."
  83. "Useless. So I made them a stable girl. Now she just wanders the estate, fucking and sucking animals all day."
  84. "Have you ever seen a snake deepthroat a feral shire stallion? Because I have."
  85. >"You disgusting freak! That, that's just....I actually hope the guards find you!"
  86. "The local guards know what's happening here. They don't care. They like someone doing the dangerous work for them. Giving them some free time."
  87. "And the people? About a third of the town knows someone who was killed or robbed by your ilk. Help is not coming."
  88. >They're silent. Dead silent.
  89. "Take your time. I'll give you a day to let your situation sink in."
  90. >You start back up the stairs.
  91. "Oh, and minotaur. I'll send someone with a jug shortly. Do be a dear and fill it with milk for me."
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