
ulc staff intro

May 22nd, 2016
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  1. /staffintro <div style="background-image: url(; background-size: 100%"><br><br><center><button name = "receive" value = "|html|<div class = &quot;infobox&quot;><center><font size = 2><u><b>Staff Tips</b></u></font></center><br><li>Please try to be active during every ULC day (every Saturday and Sunday American Time 2pm), tell us if you can't make it that day.<li>Please monitor the games closely and save the replays, we will use these to verify if a participant is cheating or not.<li>Do not let users advertise any other room(s) in the room.<li>Be kind and approachable to users.<li>Provide help for the leagues during preparation.<li>Make sure you understand the rules before explaining to users.<li>Last but not least, please do not abuse your powers or show favoritism towards any league.</div>" style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #FFF ; padding: 5px ; color: #FF17D1 ; background: rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.8)"><b>Staff Tips</b></button></center><br><center><button name = "send" value = '/join monotypestaff' style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #FFF ; padding: 5px ; color: aqua ; background: rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.8)"><b>Join Staff Room</b></button></center><br><br><div style="padding: 5px ; border: 2px solid blue ; background: rgba(0, 153, 255, 0.3) ; border-radius: 5px ; margin: 3px;"><a style="color: lime;"><marquee behaviour=scroll direction=left><font color="black"><b>Good work everyone~!</b></font></marquee></a></div></div>
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