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Cold Weather and You - Anon Street Medics

a guest
Oct 30th, 2011
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  1. "Cold is a far greater threat to survival than it appears. It decreases your ability to think and weakens your will to do anything except to get warm. Cold is an insidious enemy; as it numbs the mind and body, it subdues the will to survive."
  3. Winter has officially come, and the first snows have raised the hopes of the State and Elites that the Occupation will be frozen out. They can afford to be patient.
  5. Cold is not a trivial issue, to be sure, but its effects can be mitigated by thoughtful preparation. The winter climate in the Northeast and Great Lakes can be crushing, and precautions must be taken to ensure your safety. We submit a set of tips to help keep warm.
  7. -----
  9. CLOTHING: The necessity for warm clothing needs no explanation, but the manner in which it is used can have a major effect. Enough clothing must be worn, and it must be worn properly to receive the maximum benefit.
  11. The head, neck, wrists, and ankles are major radiators of heat in the body, and extra care should be taken to protect them from the elements. The body loses slightly less than half its heat through the head (far less than the 80-90% statistic often quoted, but still not inconsiderable), so it should be the first point of concern.
  13. -----
  15. Remember this mnemonic: COLD
  17. C - Keep Clothing Clean
  18. If a piece of clothing is dirty, it loses a large portion of its insulating effects. It will allow heat through more easily, and can quickly become a liability. Remember that a piece of clothing does not warm you up, it merely prevents your own body heat from escaping.
  20. O - Avoid Overheating
  21. Overheating means sweating, and sweating means moisture. Moisture and cold weather are a potentially fatal combination. Avoid this by periodically cooling yourself off: Expose your head to the cold for a short time, remove your gloves to allow heat to escape, and pay constant attention to your body temperature. Taking specific care not to overheat and sweat should be a primary concern.
  23. L - Wear clothing Loose and in Layers
  24. Wearing several layers of light, loosely wrapped clothing is more effective than one or two layers of heavier clothing. Tight wrapping restricts circulation and presses out insulating pockets of air, and fewer pieces of clothing allow for less ability to add and remove layers as heat regulation concerns warrant.
  26. D - Keep clothing Dry
  27. This is easier said than done, in snow or rain. It should still be a major consideration, however, and precautions should be taken. Wear water-repellent clothing on outer layers, and be sure to avoid sweating to keep from introducing excess moisture to your clothing. Dry out wet socks and gloves in the sun whenever possible, and try to have clean, dry socks and undergarments available to replace the ones you're wearing.
  29. -----
  31. INJURY
  33. Overexposure to cold weather can easily cause life-threatening injury.
  37. Hypothermia sets in extremely quickly, and care should be taken to remove oneself to warmer climates and hot liquids as soon as the first symptoms begin to appear. The earliest sign of hypothermia's onset is uncontrollable shivering, and symptoms become more dire as the affliction progresses: Sluggish thinking, blue tinge to skin, irrational reasoning, false warmth, muscle rigidity, and eventual death. MEDICS: It is YOUR JOB to watch people for these signs. They can often simply not be paying attention, and the effects of hypothermia on the brain can ensure they do not recognize the danger of their situation. Gently explain the gravity of the situation, and coax them out of the cold as best you can. A short time getting warm with a hot beverage will see them returned to action relatively shortly.
  39. -----
  41. FROSTBITE: Tissue damage caused by extreme cold. Skin will become dull and white in initial stages, while extreme cases see frozen tissue well below the skin. The hands, feet, and face are especially susceptible to frostbite, and care must be taken to protect them. Cover exposed areas of your face as best you can, and try to team up with a buddy to check each other frequently. Often it is enough to merely keep susceptible areas moving to maintain bloodflow and prevent frostbite, but care must still be taken.
  43. Frostbite tips:
  45. DO:
  46. Periodically check for frostbite - The buddy system and attentive medical staff should help here.
  47. Rewarm light frostbite - If frostbite is just beginning, simply rewarming the afflicted area should clear it up.
  48. Keep injured areas from refreezing
  50. DON'T:
  51. Rub injured areas with snow - This can seem natural in the moment, but is counterproductive.
  52. Smoke or drink alcoholic beverages - This can alter bloodflow and increase susceptibility to cold.
  53. Try to thaw out deep frostbite without professional medical care - This can cause major damage. If you suspect deep frostbite, get to a hospital. In colder climates, all professional medical staff should be well-versed in treatment.
  55. -----
  57. TRENCH FOOT: Constant exposure to wet or damp conditions can cause tissue damage. Pins and needles, tingling, numbness, and pain are all symptoms of trenchfoot, and if it is allowed to progress it can get to a point requiring amputation. Keep your feet as warm and dry as possible. Carry extra dry socks with you, and remain mindful of the condition of your feet. Wet socks can be dried against your body if need be.
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  63. Cold weather saps body moisture extremely quickly. Exposure also increases urine output, which will deplete necessary body fluids. It can often be difficult to tell when one is becoming dehydrated, so it is best to keep a regular drinking regimen to avoid the issue entirely.
  65. -----
  67. SUNBURN:
  69. The sun will reflect off bright snow, increasing your exposure. Wear UVA/UVB sunblock to prevent its most harmful effects. Water- or alcohol-based sunblock will be best in protest situations, as oil-based sunblock is capable of trapping pepper spray and teargas against the skin and compounding their effects.
  71. -----
  75. With increased sun exposure comes increased risk of damage to the eyes. Wear sunglasses, or rub soot or other dark matte material (think football player) under the eyes to absorb reduce glare. Improvised sunglasses can be created by cutting slits into a piece of wood or cardboard.
  77. -----
  81. We are all adults here. Go when you have to, or you will wish you had. Stay extra hydrated, and try to include fruit in your diet.
  83. -----
  87. Cold is a major consideration, and members of the elite establishment have been practically salivating while waiting for winter to break the Occupation. Take care of yourself, look out for one another, and keep your wits about you. The advent of winter is a major test for Occupiers in certain areas of the country, and through thought, planning, and partnership you will overcome.
  89. Stay warm.
  90. We are,
  91. the Anon Street Medics
  92. @AnonMedics
  95. SPECIAL THANKS to @shakinamartini for providing us with the materials to write this short guide.
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