
Pastebin Monday 10/02/2017

Oct 2nd, 2017
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  1. ==Pastebin Monday for 10/02/2017==
  3. Hello everybody. It has been a while, but I have enough updated info to where I can share what’s going on with my streaming and stuff that affects it.
  7. Since I made my last pastebin, many of you have noticed I haven’t been streaming as much. I made a mention in my last pastebin that I was working on a ‘secret project’, and I am far enough to let everybody know what that was. If you have been watching my streams lately, I’ve noted I have been learning Japanese.
  9. I’ve always wanted to learn a new language ever since I took Spanish 3 times in high school. However, I never really used it outside of class, so it never really clicked. With the short amount of time I’ve been learning Japanese, I already feel as though it’s clicking well. It’s quite enjoyable learning a new language from the ground up, especially when you look forward to using it.
  11. However, as one hobby builds up and takes more time, one kind of dies. This is the way my reading has been. I went from reading a book a week to not having finished a book since the beginning of August. But, with A Certain Magical Index (ACMI) announcing a 3rd season coming up soon, I will try to get back into reading a bit more.
  13. I took a week off from work from August 6th-13th just as a ‘use my vacation time’. In all honestly, I wanted to use this for SGDQ, but I couldn’t get it approved enough ahead of time to guarantee my spot. Regardless, I enjoyed my vacation, and watched a lot of DotA2. In addition, I was hooked onto a new game during that time, Warframe (you can thank EmoArbiter for that).
  15. Since I started playing the game at the beginning of August, I have put nearly 450 hours into the game, and was averaging over 10 hours a day for the better part of a month. I REALLY love grinding games like that. Not completely mindless afk farm, but enough to keep it interesting. Plus, some challenging stuff from time to time. It’s likely why I like speedrunning….
  17. Anyway, after DotA2 TI was over on the 13th, I had planned on streaming more, but Warframe kind of put the nix on that. I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted to return to speedrunning with how addicting the game was, and I didn’t even pick up my SNES controller for a couple of weeks in the middle of August.
  19. But now, I have it down to the point where I play for like 2 hours a day doing dailies and the occasional alert, and a bit more if I find a relic mission I want to grind materials for. However, I’d say this game has taken a slight backburner to where it was in the middle of August. So, obviously with Warframe taking up so much of my time, something else had to take a hit right?
  21. Well, this time, it was both my speedrunning and writing. Honestly, the speedrunning one was easy, since it took up the same time period I would use for runs/practice. But, with how much I was playing, it also took up most of my writing time. In all honestly, the writing I’ve done for the past 3 weeks has been only what I’ve done at work with spare time (<5k words since the beginning of the month).
  23. However, I wouldn’t say this is all due to Warframe. I’d say the bigger majority of it is due to a lack of motivation. In all honestly, even though I told my friends about my problems that I was writing about, it has really boosted me mentally for this entire year. However, the only side effect from that was losing that passion and drive to push those feelings out to make my writing harder and harder to do, to where now I struggle to sit down for more than 15 minutes at a time with ideas.
  25. Now, I’m to the point where I’m not really writing to relieve stress, but because I want to see this story though to whatever end that may be. I struggle with truly ‘finishing’ activities, whether that be with my speedrunning times or other activities I have in the past. I still have tons of ideas, but I just need to get them down on paper in a way that makes me satisfied. Will I ever edit it to be a decent story? Even I’m not sure of it. But, I do want to at least finish with the story ideas and ending I have in mind, even if it takes me a long time to do so.
  27. I plan on making myself sit down 5 nights a week and write for at least an hour like I did in the past, which should make it easier for me to get my thoughts down and get things done. We’ll see though.
  31. Now that we’re all caught up with life related stuff, where does that leave my streaming? Same place as always. I kind of just do it when I can, and when I feel like it. Since I haven’t been playing Warframe as much in the afternoons before I go to work, I have been practicing again, which is nice. I did finish a 42 run that was only +13 seconds of my PB with some glaring mistakes, so that’s good.
  33. However, I have a question that pertains to my audience. Would the majority of you prefer I stream at like 1pm-4pm central time? Unlike at night when my schedule varies a lot, I can keep a set schedule, which I know is better for people that want to watch. However, I’m not sure how this will go with my audience. I can also do like 12pm-4pm if the time needs to be lengthened, but I think 3 hours is a good sweet spot for starting out.
  35. If I don’t do it like this (either way works for me), I would just go back to streaming when I can later at night, depending on what time I get off from work and how I feel after work. You can just leave a reply on Twitter when I post with your opinion. After all, I stream for you guys.
  37. ===
  38. That’s all I have for this week. I’ll make another one when I have much more info to share. Thanks for reading!
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