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a guest
Dec 28th, 2018
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  1. command /cutclean <text>:
  2. aliases: cc
  3. permission: skript.op
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is "enable" or "on":
  6. set {cutclean} to true
  7. broadcast "&5[&6Arcanum&5] &fCutClean has been &aenabled &rby &b%executor%&r!"
  8. if arg 1 is "disable" or "off":
  9. set {cutclean} to false
  10. broadcast "&5[&6Arcanum&5] &fCutClean has been &cdisabled &rby &b%executor%&r!"
  12. on mine of iron ore:
  13. if {cutclean} is true:
  14. cancel the event
  15. damage player's tool by 1
  16. set event-block to air
  17. spawn 1 experience orb at the player
  18. if player has space for (1 of iron ingot):
  19. give player (1 of iron ingot)
  20. else:
  21. drop 1 iron ingot at location 0.5 above player
  22. message "&aYour inventory is full, item dropped on ground"
  24. on mine of gold ore:
  25. if {cutclean} is true:
  26. cancel the event
  27. damage player's tool by 1
  28. set event-block to air
  29. spawn 1 experience orb at the player
  30. if player has space for (1 of gold ingot):
  31. give player (1 of gold ingot)
  32. else:
  33. drop 1 gold ingot at location 0.5 above player
  34. message "&aYour inventory is full, item dropped on ground"
  36. on death:
  37. if {cutclean} is true:
  38. if victim is pig:
  39. clear drops
  40. drop ((random integer between 1 and 3) of 320) at the pig
  41. spawn 1 experience orb at the pig
  42. else if victim is cow:
  43. clear drops
  44. drop ((random integer between 1 and 3) of steak) at the cow
  45. drop ((random integer between 1 and 2) of leather) at the cow
  46. spawn 1 experience orb at the cow
  47. else if victim is chicken:
  48. clear drops
  49. drop ((random integer between 1 and 3) of cooked chicken) at the chicken
  50. drop ((random integer between 1 and 2) of feather) at the chicken
  51. spawn 1 experience orb at the chicken
  52. else if victim is sheep:
  53. clear drops
  54. drop ((random integer between 1 and 3) of cooked mutton) at the sheep
  55. spawn 1 experience orb at the sheep
  56. else if victim is rabbit:
  57. clear drops
  58. drop ((random integer between 1 and 3) of cooked rabbit) at the rabbit
  59. drop ((random integer between 1 and 2) of rabbit hide) at the rabbit
  60. spawn 1 experience orb at the rabbit
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