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  1. `
  2. ### WordPress Environment ###
  4. WordPress address (URL):
  5. Site address (URL):
  6. WC Version: 7.4.0
  7. REST API Version: ✔ 7.4.0
  8. WC Blocks Version: ✔ 9.6.2
  9. Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.5.4
  10. Log Directory Writable: ✔
  11. WP Version: 6.1.1
  12. WP Multisite: –
  13. WP Memory Limit: 768 MB
  14. WP Debug Mode: –
  15. WP Cron: ✔
  16. Language: es_ES
  17. External object cache: ✔
  19. ### Server Environment ###
  21. Server Info: Apache
  22. PHP Version: 7.4.33
  23. PHP Post Max Size: 256 MB
  24. PHP Time Limit: 120
  25. PHP Max Input Vars: 3000
  26. cURL Version: 7.85.0
  27. OpenSSL/3.0.8
  29. SUHOSIN Installed: –
  30. MySQL Version: 5.7.39-42-log
  31. Max Upload Size: 256 MB
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  35. DOMDocument: ✔
  36. GZip: ✔
  37. Multibyte String: ✔
  38. Remote Post: ✔
  39. Remote Get: ✔
  41. ### Database ###
  43. WC Database Version: 7.4.0
  44. Tamaño total de la base de datos: 76.73MB
  45. Tamaño de los datos de la base de datos: 55.87MB
  46. Tamaño del índice de la base de datos: 20.86MB
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  165. ### Post Type Counts ###
  167. amn_mi-lite: 1
  168. attachment: 2965
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  170. faq: 2
  171. ffw: 1
  172. nav_menu_item: 105
  173. oembed_cache: 18
  174. page: 37
  175. post: 4
  176. product: 1107
  177. product_variation: 938
  178. revision: 6
  179. shop_coupon: 12
  180. shop_order: 196
  181. shop_order_refund: 8
  182. sidebar: 4
  183. sp_wps_shortcodes: 1
  184. ufaq: 1
  185. user_request: 1
  186. wccc: 17
  187. wp_block: 3
  188. wp_global_styles: 2
  189. wp_navigation: 5
  190. wpcode: 2
  191. wptwa_accounts: 1
  192. yith-wcbm-badge: 4
  193. ywcbm-badge-rule: 1
  195. ### Security ###
  197. Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔
  198. Hide errors from visitors: ✔
  200. ### Active Plugins (49) ###
  202. ManageWP - Worker: por GoDaddy – 4.9.16
  203. Gravity Forms: por Gravity Forms – 2.7.2
  204. FiboSearch - AJAX Search for WooCommerce: por Equipo de FiboSearch – 1.22.3
  205. Schema - All In One Schema Rich Snippets: por Brainstorm Force – 1.6.6
  206. Disable Cart Fragments: por LittleBizzy – 1.3.0
  207. Duplicate Page: por mndpsingh287 – 4.5.1
  208. EAN for WooCommerce: por WPFactory – 4.4.4
  209. Enhanced Media Library: por wpUXsolutions – 2.8.9
  210. Export Media URLs: por Atlas Gondal – 1.0
  211. FacetWP: por FacetWP
  212. LLC – 4.1.5
  214. GDPR Cookie Compliance - Premium Add-On: por Moove Agency – 3.4.0
  215. GDPR Cookie Compliance: por Moove Agency – 4.10.2
  216. Google Listings and Ads: por WooCommerce – 2.3.10
  217. Gravity Forms GetResponse Add-On: por Gravity Forms – 1.7
  218. If Menu - Visibility control for menus: por En capas – 0.16.3
  219. Lightweight Accordion: por Andy Feliciotti – 1.5.15
  220. Media Cleaner: por Jordy Meow – 6.5.9
  221. Mis-funciones: por Santiago Frías – 1.0
  222. Perfect Brands for WooCommerce: por QuadLayers – 3.0.4
  223. Personalizar-Woocommerce: por Santiago Frías – 1.0
  224. Preguntas Frecuentes rápidas y sencillas: por Inspiry Themes – 1.3.7
  225. Redirection: por John Godley – 5.3.9
  226. SiteGround Optimizer: por SiteGround – 7.3.1
  227. SiteGround Security: por SiteGround – 1.4.1
  228. Storefront Checkout Customiser: por WooThemes – 1.1.4
  229. Storefront Designer: por WooThemes – 1.8.4
  230. Storefront Parallax Hero: por WooCommerce – 1.5.7
  231. Storefront WooCommerce Customiser: por WooThemes – 1.9.2
  232. Widget Options: por Widget Options Team – 3.8.10
  233. Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce: por ThemeHigh – 1.8.1
  234. WooCommerce Blocks: por Automattic – 9.6.2
  235. Variation Swatches for WooCommerce: por Emran Ahmed – 2.0.18
  236. WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management: por WooCommerce – 2.2.31 (la actualización a la versión 2.2.32 está disponible)
  237. WooCommerce Conditional Content: por Lucas Stark – 2.1.8 (la actualización a la versión 2.2.0 está disponible)
  238. WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: por WooCommerce – 7.1.0
  239. WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration: por WooCommerce – 1.6.1
  240. WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons: por Element Stark – 3.3.26 (la actualización a la versión 3.4.1 está disponible)
  241. WP Menu Cart: por WP Overnight – 2.13.1
  242. PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce: por WP Overnight – 3.4.0
  243. WooCommerce Zapier: por OM4 Software – 2.3.1
  244. WooCommerce: por Automattic – 7.4.0 (la actualización a la versión 7.4.1 está disponible)
  245. Yoast SEO: por Equipo Yoast – 20.1
  246. WP Mail Logging: por SendLayer – 1.10.5
  247. WP Rollback: por – 1.7.3
  248. WP-Sweep: por Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan – 1.1.5
  249. Yoast SEO: WooCommerce: por Equipo Yoast – 14.8
  250. WhatsApp Click to Chat: por Indie Plugins – 2.2.12
  251. YITH WooCommerce Badge Management Premium: por YITH – 2.10.0
  252. YITH WooCommerce Featured Audio and Video Content Premium: por YITH – 1.14.0
  254. ### Inactive Plugins (0) ###
  257. ### Dropin Plugins (1) ###
  259. object-cache.php: Memcached
  261. ### Must Use Plugins (1) ###
  263. ManageWP - Worker Loader: por GoDaddy – 1.0.0
  265. ### Settings ###
  267. API Enabled: ✔
  268. Force SSL: –
  269. Currency: EUR (€)
  270. Currency Position: right
  271. Thousand Separator: .
  272. Decimal Separator: ,
  273. Number of Decimals: 2
  274. Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
  275. grouped (grouped)
  276. simple (simple)
  277. variable (variable)
  279. Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
  280. exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
  281. featured (featured)
  282. outofstock (outofstock)
  283. rated-1 (rated-1)
  284. rated-2 (rated-2)
  285. rated-3 (rated-3)
  286. rated-4 (rated-4)
  287. rated-5 (rated-5)
  289. Connected to ✔
  290. Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: –
  291. Order datastore: WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
  293. ### WC Pages ###
  295. Base de la tienda: #1961 - /tienda/
  296. Carrito: #9 - /carrito/
  297. Finalizar compra: #10 - /finalizar-compra/
  298. Mi cuenta: #11 - /mi-cuenta/
  299. Términos y condiciones: #6081 - /terminos-y-condiciones/
  301. ### Theme ###
  303. Name: Homestore
  304. Version: 2.0.34
  305. Author URL:
  306. Child Theme: ✔
  307. Parent Theme Name: Storefront
  308. Parent Theme Version: 4.2.0
  309. Parent Theme Author URL:
  310. WooCommerce Support: ✔
  312. ### Templates ###
  314. Overrides: homestore/woocommerce/checkout/thankyou.php
  315. homestore/woocommerce/single-product/title.php
  318. ### Admin ###
  320. Enabled Features: activity-panels
  321. analytics
  322. coupons
  323. customer-effort-score-tracks
  324. import-products-task
  325. experimental-fashion-sample-products
  326. shipping-smart-defaults
  327. shipping-setting-tour
  328. homescreen
  329. marketing
  330. multichannel-marketing
  331. mobile-app-banner
  332. navigation
  333. new-product-management-experience
  334. onboarding
  335. onboarding-tasks
  336. remote-inbox-notifications
  337. remote-free-extensions
  338. payment-gateway-suggestions
  339. shipping-label-banner
  340. subscriptions
  341. store-alerts
  342. transient-notices
  343. woo-mobile-welcome
  344. wc-pay-promotion
  345. wc-pay-welcome-page
  347. Disabled Features: minified-js
  348. product-variation-management
  349. settings
  351. Daily Cron: ✔ Next scheduled: 2023-03-03 07:44:51 +01:00
  352. Options: ✔
  353. Notes: 72
  354. Onboarding: completed
  356. ### Action Scheduler ###
  358. Completo: 3.478
  359. Oldest: 2023-01-30 20:56:48 +0100
  360. Newest: 2023-03-02 20:46:10 +0100
  362. Fallida: 554
  363. Oldest: 2022-04-21 09:58:23 +0200
  364. Newest: 2023-03-01 11:50:22 +0100
  366. Pendiente: 4
  367. Oldest: 2023-03-03 04:00:00 +0100
  368. Newest: 2023-03-03 20:01:13 +0100
  371. ### WooCommerce Zapier ###
  373. Database Version: ✔ 14
  374. Detailed Logging Enabled: Yes
  375. Legacy Mode Disabled: ✔ Yes
  376. SSL: ✔ Yes
  377. REST API Authentication Key(s): ✔ 3
  378. Task History Record Count: ✔ 121
  379. Webhook #6: WooCommerce Zapier
  380. - Status: active
  381. - Trigger: order.created
  382. - Delivery Count: 28
  383. Deleted Webhook Delivery Count: 93
  385. ### Status report information ###
  387. Generated at: 2023-03-02 20:52:36 +01:00
  388. `
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