
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 4

Oct 24th, 2013
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  1. >The chancellor seems to drone on and on, and your attention slips by the moment.
  2. >This is most unusual for you.
  3. >Usually, you're right at attention, soaking up all of the information you need for your royal duties and applying them.
  4. >You'll need to do so if you wish to inherit that land.
  5. >But lately...
  6. >Ever since you met that yellow pegasus a few days ago... Fluttershy...
  7. >You haven't been able to get her out of your thoughts.
  8. >You prop your head up with your hoof on the round table, zoning out onto the wall in front of you, just thinking about her.
  9. >Fantasizing about spending time with her... asking her out...
  10. >Becoming her very special somep0ny...
  11. >You smile at the thought.
  12. >"...and this should help relieve some guards even in the event of an anticipated invasion. What do you think, Prince Blueblood?"
  13. >You snap to attention at the mention of your name.
  14. >All of the p0nies at the round table look to you, waiting for a response.
  15. >You lift your head up and swallow, shifting your eyes around the meeting room.
  16. "...Umm... well, I think that maybe... we should... uhh..."
  17. >The chancellor sighs, placing his hoof to his face and shaking it.
  18. >"Prince Blueblood, you haven't been with us completely these past couple of days, have you?"
  19. >You grit your teeth a little bit.
  20. >"You know we value and need your input. What has been preoccupying you all this time?"
  21. >"Is it your friend leaving?" one of the other p0nies asks.
  22. "No, it's not that, it's just... well... it's hard to explain, really."
  23. >You rub one foreleg with your hoof and laugh softly.
  24. >The chancellor sighs again.
  25. >"Well whatever it is, I suggest you take care of it post-haste." He burrows his eyes into you. "Do you need a moment? Perhaps you should take ten to gather your thoughts."
  26. >You bite your lip and look to all of the other p0nies, seemingly staring daggers into you.
  27. "...Of course, I'm sorry. I'll take ten minutes, and I will return completely focused. You have my word."
  28. >The chancellor nods. "Right. Off you go, then," he adds, waving his hoof.
  29. >You nod a sort of bow with your head, then get up off your seat and leave the room, taking a short stroll down some of the corridors.
  30. >You sigh.
  31. >Your thoughts have been preoccupying you far too much. Your work is very important to the kingdom.
  32. >Perhaps there is something you can do to get this off your chest...
  33. >You take a moment... then, it comes to you.
  34. >Of course!
  35. >If Anon could help you out...
  36. >Yes, that'd be splendid!
  37. >You quickly head over to one of the many studies, grab a scroll and pen, and begin writing...
  39. >You are absolutely exhausted.
  40. >It's around 11:00am, with the sun almost sitting at the top of the sky, but you were up hours before it.
  41. >Today was your third day at Sweet Apple Acres.
  42. >Rising bright and early at 4:00am, you headed over to the Apple Family Orchard to get some work done.
  43. >Like the other times, you met Applejack and her brother, Big Mac, out at the barn at 4:30 sharp, then headed out to the fields.
  44. >Applejack took care of the harvesting, bucking the trees with her powerful legs and letting the apples fall perfectly into their bins.
  45. >This is where you came in.
  46. >You'd grab a bin when it was full and haul it up, quickly walk it over to Big Mac and his cart, then place it in.
  47. >When he set off to store the apples, you'd pick up another bin and place it into your own wheelbarrow, following Mac as quickly as you could.
  48. >You'd do this for hours. It was a great workout for sure, and the money was good, but damn was it tiring.
  49. >And you're not even done for the day.
  50. >Now you're heading over to Twilight's to help with her research.
  51. >You didn't always have both jobs on the same day, but occasionally they'd line up, and that's when it'd get taxing.
  52. >At least you have some leisure activities planned afterward.
  53. >You smile, then stretch your arms up, shifting the somewhat heavy backpack around on your shoulders.
  54. >With a satisfying sigh, you cross through the town of P0nyville, approaching Twilight's tree library.
  55. >After two swift knocks, you hear her call you in.
  56. >"Hi Anon!" she says cheerily.
  57. >You smile back, walking over and placing your backpack down.
  58. >She eyes it. "What's that?" motioning to the handle sticking out of it.
  59. >You grip it and pull it out to show her.
  60. "Baseball bat, gonna hit a few at the park with Dash today."
  61. >Twilight smiles. "Anon, barely here a week and already making so many friends!"
  62. >You laugh a little, giving a wide, joking shrug, then reach into your bag and grab some clothes.
  63. "What can I say? I'm a friendly guy. Now, can I use your shower real quick? I'm kind of sweaty from Applejack's."
  64. >She nods, then points you in the right direction.
  65. >Swiftly, you grab a spare towel and head to the shower, determined to make it a quick one so you can get to work.
  66. >You strip down and enter the rather small shower, then turn on the shower and get a-scrubbin'.
  67. >"Oh, Anon!" Twilight calls over the hiss of the water. "A letter came for you this morning from Canterlot!"
  68. "Great!"
  69. >You call, lathering your hair and wiping down your body simultaneously.
  70. >A few moments later after a good rinse, you step out of the shower, feeling very refreshed.
  71. "I think it's safe to assume that's from Blueblood."
  72. >"I believe it is!"
  73. >You dry off and change into your spare duds, heading back out into the library, which feels cool now after your warm shower.
  74. >Twilight looks to you and smiles, levitating the scroll. "Do you want to read it now?"
  75. "Yeah, why not?"
  76. >You say, grabbing the letter as you take a seat.
  77. >Unrolling the letter, you give it a read.
  79. Dear Anonymous,
  80. So sorry to be bugging you like this when I know you must be very busy still settling in. I do hope that is going well for you. It's just that I can't get that night out of my head. The night of the party, that is. It was very fun, but that yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, has been in my thoughts ever since!
  81. I know you said you'd take care of it and "wingman" me, as you put it, but I just can't wait much longer. My work here is slipping, I find myself instead constantly thinking of her beauty. Is this love? Surely not, not so quickly, right? But it might be... should it develop. Does she feel the same for me? I must find out.
  82. I was thinking, perhaps, we could go out to dinner? Not to make it sound so much like a date, but, at the same time, I would like that. I would be forever in your debt if you could arrange something like that. With you there of course, like a double date. Do you know any mares you could bring along? I know you aren't attracted to our species like that, but you could still bring one along to make it seem like an official double date. The day is young, after all, it could even be tonight.
  83. It would mean the world to me, my friend.
  84. Prince Blueblood
  86. >You laugh under your breath.
  87. "Well when you put it that way, my man, how can I say no?"
  88. >"What was that, Anon?" Twilight asks.
  89. >You look up to her, a little surprised. Perhaps you were louder than you thought.
  90. "Oh, nothing."
  91. >You answer, rolling up the scroll.
  92. "But, can I borrow a pen and paper to send off?"
  93. >She smiles, then levitates over the equipment you requested.
  94. >You scribble down your answer. Not much to it this time, just a confirmation that he can count on you, and that you'll see him tonight.
  95. >You finish it off, then hand it to Twilight.
  96. >"Spiiiiike!"
  97. >"Just toss it up here!"
  98. >She flings the letter with magic up and over the railing, and you hear the burst-like whoosh of flame, sending away the letter just like before.
  99. >"Alright... shall we get started then?" she asks, setting up the various papers and books before you.
  100. "Sounds like a plan to me. Before that, though, would you like to go to dinner tonight?"
  101. >Twilight looks to you, then smirks.
  102. >"Does this have something to do with Blueblood?"
  103. >You laugh a little.
  104. "Maybe."
  105. >She giggles. "I'm sorry, Anon, but I actually have plans tonight."
  106. "Ah, alright. No worries, then."
  107. >She's probably fooling around with a giant fucking book of magic and shit or something.
  108. >Not to worry, you can find someone else.
  109. >Then you'll have to go talk to Fluttershy.
  110. >But you'll worry about that in a few.
  111. "Alright, so we were scanning through the Starswirl era of Practical Magic, right?"
  112. >You ask, pen in hand.
  113. >Twilight beams.
  114. >"Yes, we were!" she exclaims, levitating a book up. "Ready?"
  115. "Always."
  117. >"Why do you want to know about Fluttershy?" Dash asks, mere moments before a loud, metal "ping!" sounds off.
  118. >She bolts through the clear blue mid-day sky, catching the baseball you hit lightning fast with her glove.
  119. >"You got a thing for her or something?"
  120. >You laugh, the bat resting over your shoulder, and shake your head.
  121. "I don't. I'm just curious..."
  122. >You reach into your backpack and grab another baseball, toss it into the air, and swing down hard on it.
  123. >The "ping!" sounds off again, and the ball soars two dozen feet above the lush, green grass of the field.
  124. >Dash zips down with great speed, her rainbow trail left behind her, and snatches it out of the air.
  125. >It makes you smile. She really is as fast as she says.
  126. >"Well there's gotta be some reason!" she calls, tossing the ball near you. "Come on, spit it out!"
  127. "Well, if you must know, I..."
  128. >*PING!*
  129. "sort of have a friend that's into her."
  130. >Even from far away, you can see her eyes widen.
  131. >"Oh wow. It's not Blueblood, is it?"
  132. >You laugh, then repeat your process of tossing a ball in the air and hitting it. Dash again catches it with her lightning reflexes.
  133. "Of course it is. He was quite fond of her at the party... I figured you'd know her best, after all."
  134. >She kind of scratches behind her head, dropping the ball to the ground.
  135. >"Well... she's never really had a boyfriend before..."
  136. "Do you think she'd like Blueblood?"
  137. >"I don't know... I--"
  138. >*PING!*
  139. >A pop fly. She bolts straight up into the air and catches it before it even begins to fall.
  140. >"--remember him being a prick during the Gala, but... well, he seemed like a good guy at the party."
  141. >You hold up on the next one for a second.
  142. "Well maybe you can get to know him a tad better... would you be interested in going to dinner tonight with me?"
  143. >She smirks. "Oh, okay, I get it. You aren't into Fluttershy, you're into me."
  144. "Yeah, you wish."
  145. >You fire off one more baseball.
  146. "He's just nervous and wants it to be a double date. Come on, he's a good guy. Don't you want Fluttershy to have a nice boyfriend?"
  147. >She shrugs, descending back down to the ground.
  148. >"I don't know..." She takes a moment, as if thinking over her friend's life. "...I guess it wouldn't hurt for her to at least go on a date or two with him," She walks over to you.
  149. "Sweet, so you're in?"
  150. >"Yeah, alright, I'll be your date." She punches you lightly with her hoof. "You're paying for me, though."
  151. >You laugh a little.
  152. "What kind of savage do you take me for? A gentleman like me always pays."
  153. >"Oh you're a gentleman now, are you?"
  154. "I'm the classiest human you'll ever know, right?"
  155. >She chuckles. "Fair enough."
  156. >You both begin to walk back into town.
  157. >"Thanks for playing ball with me. I guess I'll meet you at your place tonight?"
  158. >You nod.
  159. "You got it. Let's say 7:00?"
  160. >"Sounds good."
  161. >You both say your goodbyes, and you continue down through town.
  162. >Now to just ask Fluttershy...
  163. >Heh... you got a date for yourself, but you haven't even asked if the main mare herself wants to go out.
  164. >You shrug, carrying your bag in one hand and your baseball bat slung over your other shoulder.
  165. >She'll say yes, you're sure of it.
  166. >You continue your stroll through P0nyville, and quickly enough make your way to the pathway to Fluttershy's.
  168. "Now now Angel Bunny, you can share your food, can't you?"
  169. >The little white demon glares daggers into you and crosses his little rabbit arms.
  170. "Awh, come now,"
  171. >You coo, scooping him up and giving him a cuddle.
  172. "don't be grouchy, there's plenty more where it came from."
  173. >He does a little rabbit sigh, all the while some other rabbits begin to nibble on the carrots he was so securely guarding.
  174. "There we go..."
  175. >You place him back down with a pat, and he hops off around a corner to play.
  176. >Or whatever it is Angel does when you aren't looking.
  177. >You exhale contently.
  178. >Today's been great so far.
  179. >All of these days have.
  180. >Ever since... HE moved here.
  181. >You smile just thinking about him.
  182. >He's put you in such an upbeat mood, and you haven't even seen him in a few days.
  183. >You'll need to change that...
  184. >Maybe he'll want to do something sometime?
  185. >You stroke your mane with each hoof over and over, just thinking about it.
  186. >You close your eyes and hum softly to yourself.
  187. >...Suddenly, a knock on the door snaps you from your fantasies.
  188. >You give it your attention and trot over.
  189. "Y-Yes? Who is it?"
  190. >"Hey Fluttershy, it's me, Anon."
  191. >Your heart skips a beat in your chest.
  192. >Oh my goodness... could he read your thoughts?
  193. >Is he really here to visit you? Already?
  194. >You open the door quickly, and sure enough, the tall human stands before you.
  195. >"Hey, how's it going?" he asks cheerfully.
  196. >You find yourself near-speechless in his presence.
  197. "I-I'm g-good..."
  198. >You manage to spit out.
  199. >He's just so... handsome. Beautiful. The way his body just... IS...
  200. >He stands before you, a hand on his hip and a smile on his face.
  201. >"Great to hear. So, listen..." He glances off to the side. "I was just wondering..."
  202. >You lean in closer.
  203. >"Are you free tonight?"
  204. >...Really?
  205. >Is this a dream?
  206. >Don't p0nies usually ask that when they... they...
  207. "Y-Yes, I believe I am... h-how come?"
  208. >"Great," he says happily, "I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go out to dinner tonight."
  209. >Your mouth gapes.
  210. >You can't stop it, your wings unfold and you begin to hover up above the ground in an excited manner.
  211. >It makes him smile and laugh a little.
  212. >"It'd be me, you, Blueblood, and Rainbow Dash," he says. "You in?"
  213. >You drop back down to the ground in an instant, and your smile wipes from your face.
  214. >...What?
  215. >...Why do Blueblood and Rainbow Dash need to be there?
  216. >"Something wrong?" he asks, his face also having changed. "You wouldn't mind going out to dinner with Blueblood, right?"
  217. "N-No!"
  218. >You blurt before you can even think.
  219. >Your desire to go out with Anon overwrites any conflicting thought.
  220. >Even if... apparently... you're supposed to be going with Blueblood...
  221. >"Great!" he exclaims, ruffling your mane a bit.
  222. >You can't help but smile.
  223. >"Do you mind meeting at my place? 7:00 tonight?"
  224. >You nod.
  225. "I can do that..."
  226. >"Perfect." He turns, smiles, and waves. "I'll see you then!"
  227. >You wave goodbye as he turns back around and heads down the path.
  228. >Once he's out of sight, you drop your hoof and sulk back into your house.
  229. >...Well, it's still kind of going out with Anon, right?
  230. >He'll be there...
  231. >...With Rainbow Dash...
  232. >...Maybe you can get his attention tonight? And he'll focus some interest on you?
  233. >Your little animal critters all pile up to you, rubbing and snuggling with their feathers and fur.
  234. >It warms you up a little inside.
  235. >Yeah...
  236. >It'll work out just fine.
  238. >At about 6:30, you just finish putting on your nice, button-up collared shirt.
  239. >You're looking slick, if you don't say so yourself.
  240. >You begin to comb your hair, something you don't often do too extensively, when you hear the doorbell ring.
  241. >You drop the comb down on the counter and give yourself one last look before you take off and hustle down the stairs.
  242. >Opening the door, you see your buddy, all dressed up in a black sort of collar and blue bowtie.
  243. "Hey hey, man, looking sharp."
  244. >You step to the side and allow him inside.
  245. >"Many thanks, Anon, you as well." He gives you a look. "It's not often we see you dressed up, is it?"
  246. >You shut the door and shake your head, walking over to the living room area with your friend.
  247. "Nope, it isn't. Count your blessings, I'm trying to make this legit for you."
  248. >He takes a seat and laughs.
  249. >"So... where are we going to dinner tonight?"
  250. >You plop down on the couch as well.
  251. "I spotted a nice looking pasta place on my way back from Fluttershy's, I was thinking there."
  252. >He nods.
  253. >"Not too fancy as to imply things are moving too fast... but just the right amount to imply it's a sort of date... Anon, you're a genius!"
  254. >You wave him off with a laugh.
  255. "Neither of those things crossed my mind, Blueblood, you're giving me too much credit."
  256. >"I think they have and you just haven't realized it," he says with a chuckle.
  257. >You scrunch your face and shake your head, then reach your arm up and over behind the couch.
  258. >You're just about to open your mouth, but the doorbell interrupts you.
  259. >Looking at Blueblood with a smile, you get up and answer the door.
  260. >There, the same cyan p0ny you played ball with earlier greets you, wearing a rather nice dress. Nothing Gala worthy, but still formal.
  261. "You in a dress? I never thought I'd see the day."
  262. >She rolls her eyes with a smile, and steps inside.
  263. >She spies Blueblood in the living room, who looks over with a warm expression.
  264. >"So you're Fluttershy's date tonight, huh?"
  265. >He smiles, and stands to his hooves.
  266. >"Yes, I am. I'm sorry," he approaches and bows to Dash, "but I don't believe we've formally met, neither at last year's Gala nor the party earlier in the week."
  267. >She gapes her mouth a little bit, then giggles.
  268. >"Well good on you, Blueblood. I'm Rainbow Dash."
  269. >"It's a pleasure."
  270. >She leans in to you and meets your eyes, then winks.
  271. >Blueblood notices this completely, but doesn't seem to mind.
  272. >You smile and laugh a bit.
  273. >You think she approves.
  274. "Now all we need is your date, Blueblood."
  275. >Dash did show up a little early, after, all, so you three sit down in the living room and talk about things for a while.
  276. >Then, right on time at 7:00, you hear the doorbell again.
  277. >You all cease talking, and you look over to Blueblood with a smile.
  278. >He gazes at you for a moment before clueing in.
  279. >"...Oh, who, me?" he stammers.
  280. >You nod, and motion to the door.
  281. >"But it's your home!"
  282. >You motion to the door again, this time with more vigor.
  283. >He groans, obviously a little nervous, then gets up and goes to the door.
  284. >You and Rainbow Dash share a silent laugh.
  285. >You look over and see him build confidence, then open the door.
  286. >"Good evening, Fluttershy," he says, in a tone you'd have never guessed was uncertain.
  287. >You can't see Fluttershy from here, but you do hear her.
  288. >"Y-Yes, to you too, Prince Blueblood..."
  289. >He looks over to you. "Are we ready to go, you two?"
  290. "Yup."
  291. >You get up from your chair. Dash also rises.
  292. >You both head to the door and spot Fluttershy, also in a very attractive dress.
  293. >Dash nudges Blueblood with her elbow.
  294. >Or, whatever the p0ny equivalent of that would be.
  295. >"Doesn't Fluttershy look good, Prince Blueblood?"
  296. >His eyes widen.
  297. >Fluttershy blushes and looks to the ground.
  298. >"Oh! Um, yes, you look very beautiful, Fluttershy."
  299. >"...Th-Thank you..."
  300. >Rainbow Dash quickly looks to you and gives you another wink.
  301. >You return a thumbs-up.
  302. >You knew she was the right one to take along.
  303. "Alright, so shall we?"
  304. >You all leave the house and begin walking.
  305. >It's not a particularly far walk, but you and Rainbow Dash strategically cut off ahead, leaving Blueblood and Fluttershy together a little farther back.
  306. >With this, you lean in to Dash's ear.
  307. "Thanks for helping me out with this, you're a gem."
  308. >She laughs a little.
  309. >"It's actually kind of fun... and hey, Fluttershy needs a little loving. Blueblood seems like a fine stallion."
  310. >You glance back, looking at a happy Blueblood making conversation with the very bashful Fluttershy.
  311. >She looks up to see you looking, which makes her smile.
  312. >You smile back, unsure why, then turn your attention back to Dash.
  313. "He is, trust me. Let's try to really bring it home tonight."
  314. >"You mean bring THEM home?" she says with a nudge.
  315. >You can't help but laugh.
  316. "Now you're talking!"
  317. >In not much time, the pairs of you arrive at the restaurant.
  318. >It's not too busy, and doesn't take very long at all to get a table.
  319. >A booth along the wall of the building, next to a window of which to gaze outside.
  320. >Dash and you slide into one side, and Blueblood and Fluttershy to the other.
  321. >Fluttershy seems almost reluctant at first, but she does soon get into the seat with her date.
  322. >That shyness should clear up soon.
  323. >Both you and her are across from each other, near the entrance of the booth.
  324. >You need the extra room with your long human legs, after all.
  325. "Not a bad place, huh?"
  326. >You say, folding your hands on the table and giving a smile.
  327. >"I definitely like it," Dash chimes.
  328. >"Yes Anon, a fine choice."
  329. >Fluttershy looks off to the side bashfully.
  330. >Blueblood kind of glances over at you.
  331. >He raises his eyes in a "sad" kind of way. As if he's unsure about something.
  332. >You put up your hand in a "halt" manner and a smile, to convey "don't worry about it."
  333. >He understands you, and takes a breath.
  334. >Soon, the waiter comes over and greets you all.
  335. >"Hello, and welcome to Balboa's..."
  336. >...You're taken aback a bit.
  337. >Wait, "Balboa's?"
  338. >Like... Rocky Balboa...?
  339. >...The Italian St--
  340. >"Can I get you anything to drink this evening?"
  341. >You look to everyone else. They all seem to be deciding.
  342. >So you speak up first.
  343. "Yeah, I'll just grab a water, please."
  344. >"Yeah, I'll do the same," Dash adds.
  345. >"Well... I suppose I shall as well, then."
  346. >"Can I get a bottle of wine, please?"
  347. >The sound of you all shifting in your seats towards Fluttershy sounds off.
  348. >She has her eyes focused on the waiter.
  349. >You're all speechless for a second.
  350. >But soon, you throw your hands up playfully.
  351. "...Alright, hey, why not? I'm down."
  352. >You smile and give your attention to the waiter.
  353. "Four glasses and a bottle of wine, please."
  354. >"But of course... any brand you have in mind?"
  355. "Idunfuckingknow..."
  356. >You mumble, turning to the others with a shrug.
  357. >It makes them all giggle a little.
  358. >Even Fluttershy.
  359. >She looks to you with a warm smile.
  360. "Just whatever's good, my man."
  361. >He nods. "Okay, I'll return shortly."
  362. >When he wanders off, you and Dash lean in to the table a bit.
  363. "Booze, huh?"
  364. >"Fluttershy, I didn't know you drank wine."
  365. >She turns away and rubs her hoof a bit.
  366. >"I... I just want a little to calm my nerves..."
  367. >You look at Blueblood, meet his eyes, and give him a wink.
  368. "No worries. Fits the mood, anyway."
  369. >"Yes, I would agree," Blueblood adds. "A fantastic suggestion, Fluttershy."
  370. >Her lips barely curve upward.
  371. >You lean back into your seat and relax.
  372. >Everyone at the table seems to more or less do the same.
  373. >But the lovebirds across the table aren't doing much interacting...
  374. >Rainbow Dash seems to notice this too, and takes action.
  375. >"So Blueblood, why don't you tell us what it is you do?"
  376. >Blueblood adjusts himself in his seat, clears his throat, and nods.
  377. >"Oh, um, yes. Well... as a member of the royal family, I'm often called upon for consultations regarding political moves, strategic military advances, and other things regarding the interests of the citizens and the safety of the kingdom."
  378. >Dash places her head into her hooves on the table.
  379. >"Wow, that's fascinating... isn't it, Fluttershy?"
  380. >She jumps at the mention of her name, and looks up from the table.
  381. >"Y-Yes, it is... you sound very important, Prince Blueblood..."
  382. >He blushes mildly. "Oh, I'm not so sure about that..."
  383. >Fluttershy gives him a soft smile, then redirects her attention to the table in front of her.
  384. >There must be something very fascinating about that table.
  385. >Soon, the waiter returns hovering four glasses and an icebucket of wine onto the table.
  386. >"Enjoy... I will return to take your orders soon."
  387. "Thanks."
  388. >He trots off, and you get ready to reach to the bucket and pour everyone a glass.
  389. >But the p0ny across from you snatches the bottle, pours herself a drink, and tanks it back.
  390. >You're left with your hand in the air and a look of shock on your face.
  391. >You glance over to both Blueblood and Dash, who have more or less the same expression.
  392. >Fluttershy pours herself another glass, then pounds that one back as well.
  393. >The three of you exchange looks.
  395. >Not much longer into the evening, the four of you have your meals and have been enjoying some wine and conversation.
  396. >After Fluttershy downed a few glasses, and then some, she really did open up.
  397. >She was far less shy, and began talking to everyone a lot more.
  398. >Especially you, for some reason.
  399. >...You may have to cut her off soon.
  400. >Her words are starting to slur together, and you and Dash are having trouble directing her attention to Blueblood.
  401. >It's not like they aren't talking though...
  402. >It doesn't seem to help your buddy's nerves, though.
  403. >Every time her and Blueblood have a bit of a conversation, she always ends up throwing her attention your way again somehow.
  404. >You could see Blueblood's face scrunch up in mild frustration.
  405. >But you aren't giving up on him yet.
  406. >In a brief moment of silence as you all take bites of your food, you lean back and address the yellow p0ne.
  407. "Hey, Fluttershy,"
  408. >She looks up eagerly to you.
  409. "I don't think you ever told Blueblood what it was you did for a living."
  410. >Blueblood perks up a tad.
  411. >Come on... he knows you got his back.
  412. >Fluttershy sways her head in his direction.
  413. >"Oh, well... I take care of animals... you know, little baby bunnies... birdies... critters... thassorta thing..."
  414. >He smiles warmly to her. "That sounds wonderful. Are you an animal lover?"
  415. >"I am... it's why I wentoda Gala when I saw you in the first place..."
  416. >You look over to Dash to share in a moment of success, but she doesn't seem to be on your wavelength.
  417. >She's looking at Fluttershy with what seems like worry, and glances over to you with that same expression.
  418. >...Huh.
  419. >"But Anon!"
  420. >You roll your eyes a bit and smile.
  421. "Yes, Fluttershy?"
  422. >"Can I ask you something?"
  423. "Go right ahead."
  424. >"It needs to be seeecret!" she says a little softer.
  425. >Blueblood furls his brow slightly.
  426. "...Alright, sure."
  427. >This ought to be good...
  428. >She leans in closely, so that only you can hear.
  429. [spoiler]>"...Can you tell me your fetish?"[/spoiler]
  430. >You blink and laugh a little simultaneously.
  431. >The others look to you both, curious as to what's going on.
  432. >Oh man...
  433. >She is so hammered, and so funny.
  434. >You'll play along.
  435. >You lean back in.
  436. [spoiler]"Consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation."[/spoiler]
  437. >Her eyes light up. "Really?"
  438. >You give her an odd, sarcastic look with a smile and shake your head.
  439. >She deflates a little, but soon seems to brighten up when she notices she still has some wine.
  440. >She drinks it gazing at you.
  441. >...Okay, that's a little strange.
  442. >"Anon!" you hear from beside you, along with a push. "Can I talk to you alone for a minute?"
  443. >You lurch toward the exit of the booth, then look over to Dash.
  444. "...Yeah, alright."
  445. >You get up from the table, letting your rainbow date out with you.
  446. "Be back in a sec, okay?"
  447. >"Okay!" Fluttershy slurs.
  448. >Blueblood only nods.
  449. >Dash grabs you by the hand and pulls you over near the restrooms.
  450. >You laugh a little.
  451. "Whoa there, girl, I'm not that kind of guy. We need at least three more dates."
  452. >Dash rolls her eyes. "Anon, this is serious."
  453. >You shrug again.
  454. "What? I think the night's going fine. Flutter's a little drunk, but that's alright, it happens."
  455. >"It's not that." She looks over around the corner, spotting the table from your distant location.
  456. >Blueblood sits silently with Fluttershy, who seems to be looking around in the direction you guys came from.
  457. "What is it?"
  458. >"Are you that oblivious? This isn't good at all..."
  459. "Come on, what's happening?"
  460. >"Fluttershy isn't into Blueblood!"
  461. >Your heart pangs just a bit.
  462. >...Does she really think this?
  463. "Whoa, let's not jump to conclusions like that... they seem to be getting along pretty well. Fluttershy is just--"
  464. >"Fluttershy is into YOU!"
  465. >You almost choke on your own spit.
  466. >It's like your veins run cold.
  467. "Whoa whoa whoa..."
  468. >You give her a stern point with your finger.
  469. "That can't be true."
  470. >Dash glances away.
  471. >It can't... right?
  472. "There's no way... come on, she doesn't like me. I'm not even her species!"
  473. >She sighs.
  474. >"Anon, I just sat in a booth with you guys for over an hour. I know Fluttershy, and how she acts. All that time, I watched her interact with you."
  475. >She bites her lip, and glances out over by the table again.
  476. >"I'm sorry, man.... she's into you. Not Blueblood."
  477. >A confused, perplexed look crosses your face, and you think back to the night's events.
  478. >...Is she?
  479. >The wine...
  480. >The attention...
  481. >The... fetish request?
  482. >...Oh God.
  483. >No, it can't be.
  484. >You join Dash in looking over to the table.
  485. >Fluttershy turns her head a few more times, then locks eyes with you.
  486. >Your heart skips a beat as she enthusiastically waves.
  487. >...Oh fuck.
  488. >This isn't good.
  490. End of Part 4
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