
Text Adventure Chapter 68 Log

Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. >You decide to wait and let them speak first.
  2. >AJ and Pinkie’s faces are contorted with laughter as they see you and Iron come back, with the rest of the group completely out of the loop.
  3. >”Hi Nonnyhahahaha..!”
  4. >”How was it, partner? Everythin’ ya’ll ever dreamed, of?”
  5. >As you start to speak, Iron suddenly brushes past you and starts pushing Berry into the bathroom.
  6. >”H-hey! Where are we… Oh, well, damn, at least let me get ready~”
  7. >The sounds coming from behind that door make your party back away a few feet.
  8. >Redheart gains the upper hoof on the silence and asks the first real question.
  9. >”So, what did you think of it, Anon?”
  10. “She gave me and Iron tickets to Elsa’s Estrus.”
  11. >Gable involuntarily snorts in laughter, immediately covering his beak and clearing his throat.
  12. >”Well now. I bet you had a fun time, huh?”
  13. >Wheaties stares in surprise.
  14. >”B-but, we went to see Colt of Steel… Didn’t you?”
  15. “No.”
  16. >You look at the openly giggling AJ and Pinkie.
  17. “So, I bet you guys think you're pretty clever, huh? I'll admit it took us a minute to get a BEAD on the situation,”
  18. >You raise your eyebrows on every subsequent word you emphasize.
  19. “With you STRINGING us along like that, but I can still get BEHIND a good prank. Just don't be surprised if you're the BUTT of the next joke.”
  20. >Applejack looks completely confused.
  21. >Pinkie, however, quickly goes from giddy to completely paranoid, sweating bullets and genuine laughter turning nervous.
  22. >”Eheheh, s-sure Nonny, uh, did you want another ticket to see Colt of Steel…?”
  23. “I’m alright, but thanks for asking.”
  24. >...
  25. >To get your minds off of certain things taking place in the lavatory, you all decided to spend a few bits at the arcade.
  26. >You won against Pinkie at some good ol’ fashioned air hockey, but you know she let you win.
  27. >After what seems like an eternity, Berry and Iron come back out, scaring a random mare that just saw a bulging Minotaur come out of the mare’s room.
  28. >The rest of you watch as they come up with their legs weak and the smell they’re carrying even stronger.
  29. “Ready?”
  30. >”Er, yeah. Hey, Redheart, you got a minute…?”
  31. >Red blinks and they start whispering to each other, and whatever Berry tells her makes her quite embarrased.
  32. >Iron looks happy, now.
  33. >You don’t want to know why.
  34. “Alright, Pinkie, where next?”
  35. >”You can take over, Nonny, I know you wanna go do some things you wanna do, right?”
  36. >Being nice to you will not lower the severity of her impending doom.
  37. >Should you take the offer and pick the next spot, or let Pinkie choose the next destination?
  41. >You take a moment to think about where you’d like to go, while something else creeps up in your mind.
  42. >Used Window of Reality
  44. >The window begins to gleam, the light reflecting off of your face beginning to sizzle and shrink into nothingness.
  45. >Two paths then split out from the blackness, a thick fog overtaking each separate path.
  46. >Only then does the fog for the first path begin to dissipate, followed by the second.
  47. >The first path shows what will happen if you try to get Wheaties and Gyro Gear together. There is an image of a golden coin dropping off of a high cliff, into a sea of radiant, soothing pink light. The splash blossoms into the shape of a heart before quickly fading into stagnancy.
  48. >The second path shows what will happen if you abstain from bringing Wheaties and Gyro Gear together. The same coin from the first path instead rolls down the hill of the cliff, moving into a mountain of coins, being assaulted by heavy storm clouds and rainfall.
  49. >...
  51. >You decide it’s time to get a bit of business done before the day’s over.
  52. >Taking a look at the clock, you see that it’s already 3:45 P.M.
  53. “Alright, we had some fun, but I need to stop at another store while I’m thinking about it. You guys wanna go to the Wither again?”
  54. >The group looks at each other, seeing no conflict.
  55. >”I’m fine with that.”
  56. >”Ya’ll better get them some ammo if you’re going there, at least.”
  57. >”Yay, I get to see Mr. Ironsmith again! He was sooo nice when he made my armor!”
  58. >”Ooh, this’ll be fun. Think they got a firing range?”
  59. >”Uh, s-sure.”
  60. >”Oh my, I don’t think I’ve ever been in that store… Always up for something new, I guess?”
  61. >Redheart and Berry finally get done talking and simply nod at you.
  62. >Berry has a relieved smile on her face, and Redheart looks like she’s about to throw up her lunch.
  63. >”Yeah, let’s do it!”
  64. >”Mhm…”
  65. >With the party’s unanimous decision, you lead them out of the theaters back into the steadily warmer afternoon of the Crystal Empire.
  66. >As much as you like this place and the way it looks, you’re actually starting to get a little homesick for Ponyville.
  67. >Or maybe just Redheart’s home, it’s hard to tell.
  68. >You’re all walking down the street, the Protected Wither already in sight.
  69. >Is there anything you’d like to do on the way there?
  74. “You okay? You don’t look so well.”
  75. >You direct this question at Redheart, who’s more or less composed now.
  76. >”Oh, I’m fine. I’ve had many, many years of nursing and plenty of experience that has desensitized me from certain things… But there’s still some issues that I have a… hard time handling.”
  77. “Is it with what Berry was talking to you about?”
  78. >”Yes… Just don’t ask me, okay?”
  79. >You didn’t see anything out of the ordinary with Berry, but your curiosity gets the better of you.
  80. “...I’m gonna ask anyways, and you know it.”
  81. >She sighs, giving you a look as if she warned you.
  82. >”If you want to know… She was asking if I had any special creams to help with rashes that doesn’t cause infection… down there.”
  83. “...Oh. Oh!”
  84. >”It’s not a disease, babe. They’ve just been at it, like…”
  85. >You clear your throat, and she nods in silence, dropping the subject.
  86. >To get your mind off of that image, you fall back to Gyro as you look handily at the F.L.A.R.E. he created.
  87. “So, this gun can fire spells as bullets, huh? Like, I could cast a fire-based spell through it and it'd catch whatever it hit on fire? Does it work on spells with positive effects too, like shielding or power-ups? This is a cool little gadget, Gyro.”
  88. >”Err, t-thanks. I didn’t really, uh, make it changeable like that, since… y-you know, that’d be impossible. See, there’s a little dial, h-here.”
  89. >He taps his hoof on the underside of the barrel, and you can see a set of different icons with a switchdial.
  90. >”If you, um, turn that knob, it changes from fire t-to ice, and ice to arcane, and so on…”
  91. “Oh, I see.”
  92. >”Actually, I was t-trying to make these little… cartridges, that hold specific spells i-inside them so you c-could cast a spell, um, without a horn, and it’d work as intended… It didn’t work out, though…”
  93. >Interesting.
  94. >”But anyways, w-we’re here.”
  95. >You look up, and you suddenly see the Protected Wither right in front of you.
  96. >You open the door for the rest of the members, Wheaties last.
  97. >”Oh, this doesn’t look so safe… It’ll be safe, right?”
  98. “Of course it will. I don’t think he’d let anypony start swinging weapons left and right.”
  99. >She breaths in and wills herself to go in, and you walk in behind her, waving at the everpresent Mr. Ironsmith.
  100. >His store was a good deal more packed than last you saw, but not nearly as much as Gyro’s.
  101. >”Well, hello there young fella! I was hoping you’d come back once… Oh, well look who the moneybag dragged in, Gyro! How’s it hangin’?”
  102. >”Uh… g-good.”
  103. >The shopkeep twirls his mustache a bit, chuckling at the green stallion’s social ineptitude.
  104. >”Good to hear. So, what brings you all here today?”
  106. -Buy
  107. -Sell
  108. -Modify
  109. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  110. -Exit
  114. >Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  115. “So, since I’ve been shopping here a lot and I’m definitely giving you more money, I don’t suppose you could give us a disco-”
  116. >”Nope.”
  117. “...Even after all the business I br-”
  118. >”No.”
  119. “...Could I at least have another marker?”
  120. >”... Well…. yea-No.”
  121. >Fucking tease.
  122. “Okay, fine, fine. Real question, how much would it be to make an armor out of this yeti hide base that my friend Iron Will here is wearing?”
  123. >”I think I’ll take a look at it after we do business. I see you’re not just here for that, so I’d like to save the modifications for last, if that’s alright.”
  124. “Sure.”
  126. >Sell
  127. “I’d like to sell back the armor I bought here, as I won’t be needing it anymore, along with a few other things.
  128. >”Oh, that’s a darn shame. I was wonderin’ why you were wearing this frilly little dress.”
  129. “...It’s a robe.”
  130. >”It’s a big blue dress!”
  131. “Why, I ask? Just doesn’t make much sense that a man of my stature should have to wear a dress? It’s a robe!”
  132. >”I don’t know, but that’s what it is to me, anyways.”
  133. “Also, is it alright if I sign them to boost the value like last time?”
  134. >Mr. Ironsmith rubs his tufted chin.
  135. >”On the armor, sure. Not that other stuff you got there.”
  136. >You take your marker out of your inventory and sign each piece of armor with your name and Redheart’s Cutie mark before handing it to him.
  138. >You have selected Coal (1), Iron Ingot (4), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Cap, Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail, Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Talons, and Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Sabatons to sell.
  139. >”Hmm… I was thinking 10% resell for what you bought, but with the signatures of the tournament winner, I think I can go to 25%.”
  141. >Transaction:
  142. -Coal (2 bits)
  143. -Iron Ingots (24 bits)
  144. -Avian Chainmail Set, Signed (40 bits)
  145. Total: 66 bits
  147. >Do you want to sell these items? Y/N
  151. >Items sold!
  152. >Your bit pouch: (10,174 bits, 3 small gems, 7 medium gems, 3 large gems)
  154. >”Pleasure doing business with ya. What else were you lookin’ for?”
  156. -Buy
  157. -Sell
  158. -Modify
  159. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  160. -Exit
  162. >Buy
  164. >”Alright, hairless. Show me the money.”
  166. [ARMOR]
  167. [Gryphon armor] (Use for Gryphons and Humans)
  168. >“Some of this armor might just fit ya!”
  169. >(AL) Avian Leather Set (+10 PD) {75 bits}
  170. -Avian Leather Salet (2)
  171. -Avian Leather Harness (3)
  172. -Avian Leather Gloves (1)
  173. -Avian Leather Greaves (2)
  174. [Extras: Avian Leather Boots - No armor, but lowers exhaustion rate and looks very nice.] {15 bits}
  176. >(AC) Avian Chainmail Set (+20 PD/+5 MD) {180 bits}
  177. -Avian Chainmail Cap (5)
  178. -Avian Chainmail (7)
  179. -Avian Chainmail Talons (5)
  180. -Avian Chainmail Sabatons (3)
  181. [Extras: Avian Buckler (+10 PD)] {40 bits}
  183. >(AP) Avian Plate Set (+40 PD/+20 MD/+15 HP) {600 bits}
  184. -Avian Plate Helmet (8)
  185. -Avian Platemail (15)
  186. -Avian Plate Gauntlets (8)
  187. -Avian Plate Cuisses (7)
  188. [Extras: Avian Kiteshield (+40 PD)] {200 bits}
  190. >[New!] (LR) Lionheart Regalia (+100 PD/+70 MD/+25 HP) {2,200 bits}
  191. -Lionheart Helmet (20)
  192. -Lionheart Cuirass (30)
  193. -Lionheart Protectors (25)
  194. -Lionheart Stompers (25)
  195. -Lionheart Aegis (+75 PD/+ 30 MD)
  196. [Extras: Lionheart Amulet (Raises HP by 40 and Grants ability Heroic Shout)] {500 bits}
  198. [Pony-made Armor]
  199. >(CL) Crystalline Leather Set (+10 PD) {65 bits}
  200. -Crystal Leather Salet (2)
  201. -Crystal Leather Protector (3)
  202. -Crystal Leather Shoes (1)
  203. -Crystal Leather Flankguards (2)
  204. [Extras: Crystal Leather Cloak - No armor, but lower exhaustion rate and completes the set’s aesthetics.] {12 bits}
  206. >(CL) Crystalline Chainmail Set (+20 PD/+5 MD) {160 bits}
  207. -Crystal Chainmail Coronet (4)
  208. -Crystal Chainmail Breadth (6)
  209. -Crystal Chainmail Sabatons (4)
  210. -Crystal Chainmail Flankguards (6)
  211. [Extras: Crystal Buckler (+10 PD)] {36 bits}
  213. >(CP) Crystalline Plate Set (+40 PD/+20 MD/+15 HP) {550 bits}
  214. -Crystal Plate Helmet (8)
  215. -Crystal Platemail (15)
  216. -Crystal Plate Flankguards (10)
  217. -Crystal Plate Hoofguards (7)
  218. [Extras: Crystal Squareshield (+40 PD)] {180 bits}
  220. >(HG) Highguard Plate Set (+100 PD/+70 MD/+25 HP) {2,500 bits}
  221. -Highguard Plate Helmet (20)
  222. -Highguard Platemail (30)
  223. -Highguard Flankguards (25)
  224. -Highguard Hoofguards (25)
  225. [Extras: Highguard Shield Wall (+75 P.D./+30 M.D.)] {360 bits}
  227. >”Also, there’s medic-issued armor for each of the pony armor and avian sets, for a small 10% embroidery fee.”
  229. [WEAPONS]
  230. >Swords
  231. -Crystal Rapier (1 handed, +10 Physical Attack, Grants Parry) {50 bits}
  232. -Crystal Zweihander (2 handed, +35 PA, Grants ability Crush) {80 bits}
  233. -Highguard Longsword (½ handed, +40 P.A., Grants Parry, Grants ability Precision Strike) {140 bits}
  234. -Hurricane’s Hoofblade (Pony only, 2 handed, +50 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Boundless Strikes) {250 bits}
  235. [New!] -Blade of Maretonia (Pony only, 1 handed, +75 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Core Shot) {1,800 bits}
  237. >Spears
  238. -Crystal Lance (1 handed, +10 PA, Grants Parry) {50 bits}
  239. -Crystal Poleaxe (2 handed, +35 PA, Grants Parry) {80 bits}
  240. -Highguard Glaive (½ handed, +40 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Downforce) {160 bits}
  241. -Renovated Pirouette (½ handed, +36 PA, Grants Block, Grants ability Intercept) {120 bits}
  242. [New!] -White-Tail Trident (2 handed, +126 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Manadrill) {2,000 bits}
  244. >Hammers/Maces
  245. -Crystalforge Mace (1 handed, +15 P.A.) {50 bits}
  246. -Crystalforge Hammer (2 handed, +40 PA, Grants ability Hammertime) {85 bits}
  247. -Highguard Morningstar (½ handed, +55 PA, Grants ability Whirlwind) {175 bits}
  248. -Empire Express (2 handed, +50 PA, Grants ability Cyli-Spin) {150 bits}
  249. [New!] -Puddinghead’s Warhammer (2 handed, +175 PA, Grants ability Centrifuge Slam) {2,400 bits}
  251. >Axes
  252. -Crystalline Hacker (1 handed, +12 Pa) {40 bits}
  253. -Clarion Battleaxe (2 handed, +36 PA, Grants Block) {85 bits}
  254. -Highguard Sparthaxe (½ handed, +50 PA, Grants Block, Grants ability Battlestorm) {145 bits}
  255. -Crystalforge Cutter (2 handed, +45 PA, Grants ability Chop) {100 bits}
  256. [New!] -Bullion’s Waraxe (2 handed, +160 PA, Grants ability Goreslice) {2,400 bits}
  258. >Daggers
  259. -Crystal Stiletto (1 handed, +5 PA) {20 bits}
  260. -Clarion Twins (DW, +12/+12 PA, Grants ability Backstab) {70 bits}
  261. -Highguard Poniards (DW, +25/+25 PA, Grants ability Ambush) {125 bits)
  262. -Sir Prize and Miss Direction (DW, +60/+40 PA, Grants ability Darkstrike, Grants Parry) {Sold Out}
  264. >Ranged
  265. -Quiver (“Required to hold arrows properly! It holds 24 with our special space-expanding pattern.”) {20 bits}
  266. -Longbow (R, +10 PA, +5 Balsa) {25 bits}
  267. -Crossbow (R, +20 PA, +7 Balsa) {40 bits}
  268. -Crystal Composite Bow (R, +36 PA, +10 Balsa or +3 Crystal) {80 bits}
  269. -Highguard Recurve (R, +64 PA, +1 quiver of Balsa or +20 Yew or +10 Crystal or +3 Hollowmetal) {185 bits}
  270. [New!] -Jen’rai (R, +96 PA, +full quiver of Hollowmetal, grants ability Homing Arrow) {750 bits}
  272. -Balsa Arrows (R) {10 bits per 4 / 40 bit fill}
  273. -Yew Arrows (R, +3 PA) {15 bits per 4 / 75 bit fill}
  274. -Crystal Arrows (R, +10 PA) {20 bits per 4 / 90 bit fill}
  275. -Triple-reinforced Hollowmetal Arrows (R, +20 PA) {40 bits per 4 / 185 bit fill}
  276. -Hunting tips (Adds +5 PA and 75% chance to bleed) {+25% bits to arrow price}
  277. -Four-Barrel Lead Ammo (Adds +25 PA, set of 24 shells (shell = 4 shots), only usable with shotgun and slingshot) {150 bits per box}
  278. [New!] -Rifle Lead Slug (Adds +50 PA, set of 12 cases (1 case per shot), only usable with rifles and slingshot) {250 bits per box}
  279. [New!] -Concise Lead Ammo (Adds +25 PA, set of 72 bullets, only usable with pistols and slingshot) {100 bits per box}
  281. >”That’s my entire selection, plus the same embroidery cost if you desired. The ranged shelf is full so please feel free to buy plenty! Now, what’ll it be?”
  283. -Buy item(s)
  284. -Inspect item(s)
  285. -Back to Menu
  286. -Exit
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