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chaincode instantiation error

a guest
Dec 18th, 2019
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  1. 2019-12-18 10:59:18.924 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5164 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 540 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  2. 2019-12-18 10:59:18.924 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5165 Exiting
  3. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [endorser] ProcessProposal -> DEBU 5166 Entering: request from
  4. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [protoutils] ValidateProposalMessage -> DEBU 5167 ValidateProposalMessage starts for signed proposal 0xc0023e5360
  5. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [protoutils] validateChannelHeader -> DEBU 5168 validateChannelHeader info: header type 3
  6. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [protoutils] checkSignatureFromCreator -> DEBU 5169 begin
  7. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [msp] GetManagerForChain -> DEBU 516a Returning existing manager for channel 'twoorgschannel'
  8. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [msp] DeserializeIdentity -> DEBU 516b Obtaining identity
  9. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [msp.identity] newIdentity -> DEBU 516c Creating identity instance for cert -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  10. MIICxDCCAmugAwIBAgIURWUe+o9eFonULZ4SyeT4z5sjwnswCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw
  16. BgcqhkjOPQIBBggqhkjOPQMBBwNCAATl1kPuCSroihn8/DunCjb7PHeytikV5hng
  17. w51yVFl/XJ9bcaDU8+YqHZJTctgp5O47CKxYYuxDck9fcN7Z9Zomo4H5MIH2MA4G
  19. VxxWiGxE9UifDTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBR5R0b+erAnqMLlttprKIf0TzkDtDAWBgNV
  20. HREEDzANggtTMDNLdWJlbm9kZTB+BggqAwQFBgcIAQRyeyJhdHRycyI6eyJhYmFj
  21. LmluaXQiOiJ0cnVlIiwiYWRtaW4iOiJ0cnVlIiwiaGYuQWZmaWxpYXRpb24iOiIi
  22. LCJoZi5FbnJvbGxtZW50SUQiOiJhZG1pbi1vcmcxIiwiaGYuVHlwZSI6ImFkbWlu
  23. In19MAoGCCqGSM49BAMCA0cAMEQCID99+WPjiJNWTfya5eO0Y+A5Gl+o/rrVk/sf
  24. zEBygIBmAiAao5CA1dyIEXsjyHTS+dvY2cEUtwAgF3ZnAdYy3bz95w==
  25. -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  26. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [protoutils] checkSignatureFromCreator -> DEBU 516d creator is &{org1MSP d4bd05456acf939060ce26112e8de7a78cf6b9f5e5cdc6af231c142a199ea3db}
  27. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.456 UTC [msp] Validate -> DEBU 516e MSP org1MSP validating identity
  28. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [protoutils] checkSignatureFromCreator -> DEBU 516f creator is valid
  29. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5170 Verify: digest = 00000000  be f3 6a c9 84 6d 5a 73  62 91 11 aa f1 bc d2 58  |..j..mZsb......X|
  30. 00000010  38 f5 24 7c 66 55 c2 13  a8 ae 44 cc b3 41 8c 6a  |8.$|fU....D..A.j|
  31. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5171 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9a 2a a8  99 94 6a 07 0e 6e 05 56  |0E.!..*...j..n.V|
  32. 00000010  7c fd 71 6c 46 4a 03 36  c9 5f 35 8b af c9 18 8e  ||.qlFJ.6._5.....|
  33. 00000020  9f 28 26 ad 20 02 20 31  5f 30 b2 90 e7 d5 ae e6  |.(&. . 1_0......|
  34. 00000030  e1 01 45 04 19 51 db 36  c3 16 b2 d3 02 66 e0 17  |..E..Q.6.....f..|
  35. 00000040  ac 3b 33 66 81 fb b7                              |.;3f...|
  36. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [protoutils] checkSignatureFromCreator -> DEBU 5172 exits successfully
  37. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [protoutils] validateChaincodeProposalMessage -> DEBU 5173 validateChaincodeProposalMessage starts for proposal 0xc0027a7570, header 0xc0023e58b0
  38. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [protoutils] validateChaincodeProposalMessage -> DEBU 5174 validateChaincodeProposalMessage info: header extension references chaincode name:"lscc"
  39. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [endorser] preProcess -> DEBU 5175 [twoorgschannel][4836cac1] processing txid: 4836cac1f247005f384580be13296811848395baa35c01ec8532dc2488adb49e
  40. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [fsblkstorage] retrieveTransactionByID -> DEBU 5176 retrieveTransactionByID() - txId = [4836cac1f247005f384580be13296811848395baa35c01ec8532dc2488adb49e]
  41. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [lockbasedtxmgr] NewTxSimulator -> DEBU 5177 constructing new tx simulator
  42. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [lockbasedtxmgr] newLockBasedTxSimulator -> DEBU 5178 constructing new tx simulator txid = [4836cac1f247005f384580be13296811848395baa35c01ec8532dc2488adb49e]
  43. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [endorser] SimulateProposal -> DEBU 5179 [twoorgschannel][4836cac1] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
  44. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 517a [twoorgschannel][4836cac1] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
  45. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.457 UTC [chaincode] Execute -> DEBU 517b Entry
  46. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.473 UTC [chaincode] handleMessage -> DEBU 517c [4836cac1] Fabric side handling ChaincodeMessage of type: GET_STATE in state ready
  47. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.473 UTC [chaincode] HandleTransaction -> DEBU 517d [4836cac1] handling GET_STATE from chaincode
  48. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.473 UTC [chaincode] HandleGetState -> DEBU 517e [4836cac1] getting state for chaincode lscc, key sacc, channel twoorgschannel
  49. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.473 UTC [statecouchdb] GetState -> DEBU 517f GetState(). ns=lscc, key=sacc
  50. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.473 UTC [couchdb] ReadDoc -> DEBU 5180 [twoorgschannel_lscc] Entering ReadDoc()  id=[sacc]
  51. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.473 UTC [couchdb] handleRequest -> DEBU 5181 Entering handleRequest()  method=GET  url=http://couchdbp1o1:5984  dbName=twoorgschannel_lscc
  52. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.473 UTC [couchdb] handleRequest -> DEBU 5182 Request URL: http://couchdbp1o1:5984/twoorgschannel_lscc/sacc?attachments=true
  53. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.473 UTC [couchdb] handleRequest -> DEBU 5183 HTTP Request: GET /twoorgschannel_lscc/sacc?attachments=true HTTP/1.1 | Host: couchdbp1o1:5984 | User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1 | Accept: multipart/related | Authorization: Basic cGVlcjEtb3JnMTpwMW8xY2RicHc= | Accept-Encoding: gzip |  |
  54. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.476 UTC [couchdb] handleRequest -> DEBU 5184 Error handling CouchDB request. Error:not_found,  Status Code:404,  Reason:missing
  55. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.477 UTC [couchdb] ReadDoc -> DEBU 5185 [twoorgschannel_lscc] Document not found (404), returning nil value instead of 404 error
  56. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.477 UTC [chaincode] HandleGetState -> DEBU 5186 [4836cac1] No state associated with key: sacc. Sending RESPONSE with an empty payload
  57. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.477 UTC [chaincode] HandleTransaction -> DEBU 5187 [4836cac1] Completed GET_STATE. Sending RESPONSE
  58. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.477 UTC [msp] GetManagerForChain -> DEBU 5188 Returning existing manager for channel 'twoorgschannel'
  59. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.477 UTC [cauthdsl] func1 -> DEBU 5189 0xc00218ee60 gate 1576666759477832622 evaluation starts
  60. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.477 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 518a 0xc00218ee60 signed by 0 principal evaluation starts (used [false])
  61. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.477 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 518b 0xc00218ee60 processing identity 0 with bytes of 1151890
  62. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.478 UTC [msp] satisfiesPrincipalInternalPreV13 -> DEBU 518c Checking if identity satisfies ADMIN role for org1MSP
  63. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.478 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 518d 0xc00218ee60 principal matched by identity 0
  64. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.478 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 518e Verify: digest = 00000000  be f3 6a c9 84 6d 5a 73  62 91 11 aa f1 bc d2 58  |..j..mZsb......X|
  65. 00000010  38 f5 24 7c 66 55 c2 13  a8 ae 44 cc b3 41 8c 6a  |8.$|fU....D..A.j|
  66. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.478 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 518f Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9a 2a a8  99 94 6a 07 0e 6e 05 56  |0E.!..*...j..n.V|
  67. 00000010  7c fd 71 6c 46 4a 03 36  c9 5f 35 8b af c9 18 8e  ||.qlFJ.6._5.....|
  68. 00000020  9f 28 26 ad 20 02 20 31  5f 30 b2 90 e7 d5 ae e6  |.(&. . 1_0......|
  69. 00000030  e1 01 45 04 19 51 db 36  c3 16 b2 d3 02 66 e0 17  |..E..Q.6.....f..|
  70. 00000040  ac 3b 33 66 81 fb b7                              |.;3f...|
  71. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 5190 0xc00218ee60 principal evaluation succeeds for identity 0
  72. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 5191 0xc00218ee60 signed by 1 principal evaluation starts (used [true])
  73. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 5192 0xc00218ee60 skipping identity 0 because it has already been used
  74. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 5193 0xc00218ee60 principal evaluation fails
  75. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [cauthdsl] func1 -> DEBU 5194 0xc00218ee60 gate 1576666759477832622 evaluation succeeds
  76. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [chaincode] handleMessage -> DEBU 5195 [4836cac1] Fabric side handling ChaincodeMessage of type: PUT_STATE in state ready
  77. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [chaincode] HandleTransaction -> DEBU 5196 [4836cac1] handling PUT_STATE from chaincode
  78. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [chaincode] HandleTransaction -> DEBU 5197 [4836cac1] Completed PUT_STATE. Sending RESPONSE
  79. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [lscc] putChaincodeCollectionData -> DEBU 5198 No collection configuration specified
  80. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.479 UTC [chaincode] handleMessage -> DEBU 5199 [4836cac1] Fabric side handling ChaincodeMessage of type: COMPLETED in state ready
  81. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.480 UTC [chaincode] Notify -> DEBU 519a [4836cac1] notifying Txid:4836cac1f247005f384580be13296811848395baa35c01ec8532dc2488adb49e, channelID:twoorgschannel
  82. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.480 UTC [chaincode] Execute -> DEBU 519b Exit
  83. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.510 UTC [chaincode] LaunchConfig -> DEBU 519c launchConfig: executable:"chaincode",Args:[chaincode,-peer.address=peer1-org1.inuit.local:7052],Envs:[CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_LEVEL=debug,CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_SHIM=debug,CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_FORMAT=%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.000 MST} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message},CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=sacc:1.2,CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=true,CORE_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PATH=/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.key,CORE_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_PATH=/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.crt,CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=/etc/hyperledger/fabric/peer.crt],Files:[/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.crt /etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.key /etc/hyperledger/fabric/peer.crt]
  84. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.510 UTC [chaincode] Start -> DEBU 519d start container: sacc:1.2
  85. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.510 UTC [chaincode] Start -> DEBU 519e start container with args: chaincode -peer.address=peer1-org1.inuit.local:7052
  86. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.510 UTC [chaincode] Start -> DEBU 519f start container with env:
  89.     CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_FORMAT=%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.000 MST} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}
  90.     CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=sacc:1.2
  91.     CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=true
  92.     CORE_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PATH=/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.key
  93.     CORE_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_PATH=/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.crt
  94.     CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=/etc/hyperledger/fabric/peer.crt
  95. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.510 UTC [container] lockContainer -> DEBU 51a0 waiting for container(sacc-1.2) lock
  96. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.510 UTC [container] lockContainer -> DEBU 51a1 got container (sacc-1.2) lock
  97. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.510 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 51a2 stopping container id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  98. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.511 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 51a3 stop container result error="No such container: dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2"
  99. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.511 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 51a4 killing container id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  100. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.512 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 51a5 kill container result id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2 error="No such container: dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2"
  101. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.512 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 51a6 removing container id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  102. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.513 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 51a7 remove container result id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2 error="No such container: dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2"
  103. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.513 UTC [dockercontroller] createContainer -> DEBU 51a8 create container imageID=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2-744acade9a8d74a268e5412c9253783f0240001a0a0ba6258334674863707d8e containerID=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  104. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.513 UTC [dockercontroller] getDockerHostConfig -> DEBU 51a9 docker container hostconfig NetworkMode: fabric-proj_fabric-host2
  105. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.523 UTC [chaincode.platform] GenerateDockerfile -> DEBU 51aa
  106. FROM hyperledger/fabric-baseos:amd64-0.4.18
  107. ADD binpackage.tar /usr/local/bin
  108. LABEL"sacc" \
  109."1.2" \
  110.       org.hyperledger.fabric.chaincode.type="GOLANG" \
  111.       org.hyperledger.fabric.version="1.4.4" \
  112.       org.hyperledger.fabric.base.version="0.4.18"
  114. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.523 UTC [dockercontroller] getDockerHostConfig -> DEBU 51ab docker container hostconfig NetworkMode: fabric-proj_fabric-host2
  115. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.527 UTC [chaincode.platform.golang] GenerateDockerBuild -> INFO 51ac building chaincode with ldflagsOpt: '-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-static'"'
  116. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.527 UTC [chaincode.platform.util] DockerBuild -> DEBU 51ad Attempting build with image hyperledger/fabric-ccenv:latest
  117. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.997 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 51ae Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\321\206\276}I\257\243\006\0315V\225\360,\200h\257\223\356\206I}/\206\010\245\312\374\330\367\325\232" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  118. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.997 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51af Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\321\206\276}I\257\243\006\0315V\225\360,\200h\257\223\356\206I}/\206\010\245\312\374\330\367\325\232" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  119. 2019-12-18 10:59:19.997 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51b0 Exiting
  120. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.000 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51b1 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: Channel: twoorgschannel, nonce: 0, tag: CHAN_OR_ORG StateInfoSnapshot with 2 items, Envelope: 374 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  121. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.001 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51b2 Verify: digest = 00000000  b0 17 1b a0 19 a5 2d 3a  a5 59 f3 76 37 97 16 89  |......-:.Y.v7...|
  122. 00000010  ce 94 13 60 5e 39 a8 a8  22 2d 4d d5 02 63 18 81  |...`^9.."-M..c..|
  123. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.001 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51b3 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9f 02 8f  82 92 fe 97 7c 6d 0d 54  |0E.!........|m.T|
  124. 00000010  d6 77 a7 e2 0b ad b2 f8  d6 63 1a 59 16 9b 40 61  |.w.......c.Y..@a|
  125. 00000020  93 f8 90 61 91 02 20 64  71 e1 cd 2c 10 6d 6c c9  |...a.. dq..,.ml.|
  126. 00000030  c4 96 ec 52 4b fd 01 68  ef 4a 19 d7 df 12 2f ef  |...RK..h.J..../.|
  127. 00000040  25 6a 38 6e e3 b0 b3                              |%j8n...|
  128. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.001 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51b4 Verify: digest = 00000000  3f 0a 0a 27 ce 33 82 3f  5c e1 6e ee 19 ff ba 55  |?..'.3.?\.n....U|
  129. 00000010  6e f0 cd b9 53 46 d2 20  43 5f 34 ec 17 ec 3d 6c  |n...SF. C_4...=l|
  130. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.001 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51b5 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9d ed 88  f7 81 84 a6 bf 3f 0d bb  |0E.!.........?..|
  131. 00000010  26 16 94 3a 56 1c bf a9  10 60 85 27 1b 92 a7 f4  |&..:V....`.'....|
  132. 00000020  df b1 b5 18 85 02 20 6a  d0 ff 3a a1 c6 67 7f 43  |...... j..:..g.C|
  133. 00000030  f5 ba 42 36 23 9f 00 9d  38 ac 43 01 67 46 2e 22  |..B6#...8.C.gF."|
  134. 00000040  88 ea 88 d9 b4 cd 91                              |.......|
  135. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.001 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51b6 Exiting
  136. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.088 UTC [gossip.pull] Hello -> DEBU 51b7 Sending IDENTITY_MSG hello to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051
  137. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.088 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 51b8 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:12856883564099284519 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 17 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  138. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.088 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51b9 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:12856883564099284519 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 17 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  139. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.088 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51ba Exiting
  140. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.089 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51bb Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY data_dig:<nonce:12856883564099284519 digests:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" digests:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  141. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.089 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 51bc GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY data_dig:<nonce:12856883564099284519 digests:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" digests:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  142. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.089 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51bd Exiting
  143. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.090 UTC [gossip.pull] Hello -> DEBU 51be Sending BLOCK_MSG hello to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051
  144. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.090 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 51bf Entering, sending GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:9071047537927104274 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  145. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.090 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51c0 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:9071047537927104274 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  146. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.090 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51c1 Exiting
  147. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.273 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 51c2 Obtaining default signing identity
  148. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.273 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 51c3 Sign: plaintext: 18012A500A3F0A1B70656572312D6F72...D0120D08C8B3E9A1F6A8DCF015108603
  149. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.273 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 51c4 Sign: digest: 66C296CDF0C3CC23F34CE9AF11E2C1BCE5EE11F73752DB836116F56E26B48153
  150. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.274 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 51c5 Obtaining default signing identity
  151. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.274 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 51c6 Sign: plaintext: 0A1B70656572312D6F7267312E696E7569742E6C6F63616C3A37303531
  152. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.274 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 51c7 Sign: digest: 1201D5A522A21D540EC432BCDA95A3F0561516424028EA95334E3E81FA8BD97A
  153. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.274 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 51c8 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\206\003" signature:"0E\002!\000\344\353[\347\267\262M\314\267d\320\270L\006\264\251\354c\357^u\205\317\321\267\304;\364\t\344\333%\002 \010\233\317 \240\032\227P\276\246@9\034\235\365\022\342\247/\026Q;&\000\376\305\337\352\313\244i1" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 i\323\027sxp#\202\315\355|D\372\357\307\216{\334s\233g\367\t5\200\375af\347\331\343\334\002 :g oj\214\017U\333*\344\326H/.\331.\332\367\215S\226\034R\277\264Nw)\027\364\334" > > > , Envelope: 272 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  154. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.274 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51c9 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\206\003" signature:"0E\002!\000\344\353[\347\267\262M\314\267d\320\270L\006\264\251\354c\357^u\205\317\321\267\304;\364\t\344\333%\002 \010\233\317 \240\032\227P\276\246@9\034\235\365\022\342\247/\026Q;&\000\376\305\337\352\313\244i1" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 i\323\027sxp#\202\315\355|D\372\357\307\216{\334s\233g\367\t5\200\375af\347\331\343\334\002 :g oj\214\017U\333*\344\326H/.\331.\332\367\215S\226\034R\277\264Nw)\027\364\334" > > > , Envelope: 272 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  155. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.274 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51ca Exiting
  156. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.277 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51cb Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 541 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  157. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.277 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51cc Exiting
  158. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.277 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 51cd Got message: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 541 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  159. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.277 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 51ce Fetched identity of [28 251 72 116 88 102 173 44 211 71 59 27 246 112 246 232 209 182 195 131 79 248 104 228 3 230 45 85 53 63 255 208] from identity store
  160. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.277 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51cf Verify: digest = 00000000  66 c2 96 cd f0 c3 cc 23  f3 4c e9 af 11 e2 c1 bc  |f......#.L......|
  161. 00000010  e5 ee 11 f7 37 52 db 83  61 16 f5 6e 26 b4 81 53  |....7R..a..n&..S|
  162. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.277 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51d0 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 e4 eb 5b  e7 b7 b2 4d cc b7 64 d0  |0E.!...[...M..d.|
  163. 00000010  b8 4c 06 b4 a9 ec 63 ef  5e 75 85 cf d1 b7 c4 3b  |.L....c.^u.....;|
  164. 00000020  f4 09 e4 db 25 02 20 08  9b cf 20 a0 1a 97 50 be  |....%. ... ...P.|
  165. 00000030  a6 40 39 1c 9d f5 12 e2  a7 2f 16 51 3b 26 00 fe  |.@9....../.Q;&..|
  166. 00000040  c5 df ea cb a4 69 31                              |.....i1|
  167. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.278 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51d1 Verify: digest = 00000000  12 01 d5 a5 22 a2 1d 54  0e c4 32 bc da 95 a3 f0  |...."..T..2.....|
  168. 00000010  56 15 16 42 40 28 ea 95  33 4e 3e 81 fa 8b d9 7a  |V..B@(..3N>....z|
  169. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.278 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51d2 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 69 d3 17 73  78 70 23 82 cd ed 7c 44  |0D. i..sxp#...|D|
  170. 00000010  fa ef c7 8e 7b dc 73 9b  67 f7 09 35 80 fd 61 66  |....{|
  171. 00000020  e7 d9 e3 dc 02 20 3a 67  20 6f 6a 8c 0f 55 db 2a  |..... :g oj..U.*|
  172. 00000030  e4 d6 48 2f 2e d9 2e da  f7 8d 53 96 1c 52 bf b4  |..H/......S..R..|
  173. 00000040  4e 77 29 17 f4 dc                                 |Nw)...|
  174. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.278 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 51d3 Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:390 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  175. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.278 UTC [gossip.discovery] isSentByMe -> DEBU 51d4 Got alive message about ourselves, GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:390 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  176. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.278 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 51d5 Exiting
  177. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.278 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 51d6 Exiting
  178. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.315 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51d7 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231709 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  179. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.315 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51d8 Exiting
  180. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.315 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 51d9 Got message: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231709 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  181. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.315 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 51da Fetched identity of [36 34 16 221 152 156 70 227 55 219 241 91 22 108 112 225 100 166 237 9 99 21 12 196 165 119 155 217 3 117 231 240] from identity store
  182. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.316 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51db Verify: digest = 00000000  9d ec b7 fb 23 0e 45 a0  b1 0d 34 d2 32 b3 43 f3  |....#.E...4.2.C.|
  183. 00000010  99 d5 ea ac bd 84 ba 36  32 67 2e 3d 8f 26 a5 42  |.......62g.=.&.B|
  184. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.316 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51dc Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 74 29 de b8  ed 0c a0 59 f3 74 f3 72  |0D. t).....Y.t.r|
  185. 00000010  b5 45 76 d4 e7 cc 13 f5  b3 69 ad bf 9b 43 2a 0f  |.Ev......i...C*.|
  186. 00000020  aa 37 d5 2d 02 20 2a d9  e2 34 b4 a8 c0 4c e2 d5  |.7.-. *..4...L..|
  187. 00000030  08 af 4a b1 86 91 3e 42  47 e8 57 88 60 81 c9 2b  |..J...>BG.W.`..+|
  188. 00000040  2e f9 e7 4c 2d 2e                                 |...L-.|
  189. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.316 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51dd Verify: digest = 00000000  0e 17 4c 13 36 7a d1 37  34 e5 60 76 13 18 85 a2  |..L.6z.74.`v....|
  190. 00000010  8e 21 e9 b3 da 7e 2d a0  de 3a db d2 47 1c 9d 10  |.!...~-..:..G...|
  191. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.316 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51de Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 71 e8 33 92  23 42 d7 2a bd 42 3a f3  |0D. q.3.#B.*.B:.|
  192. 00000010  c1 d1 b1 5f c3 58 81 e1  db fe 98 aa 20 dd a0 d0  |..._.X...... ...|
  193. 00000020  67 6b 9d ff 02 20 5d 2d  71 b1 d6 69 e0 eb af a6  |gk... ]-q..i....|
  194. 00000030  67 61 b0 cd 54 d9 d9 0b  b1 e0 58 67 2d 0d d3 ea  |ga..T.....Xg-...|
  195. 00000040  d3 af ce 57 e8 cf                                 |...W..|
  196. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.316 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 51df Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231709 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  197. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.317 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 51e0 Entering: learnedMembers={[GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231709 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes]}
  198. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.317 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 51e1 updating membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231709 >
  199. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.317 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 51e2 Updating aliveness data: membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231709 >
  200. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.317 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 51e3 Replacing GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231708 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 71 bytes in aliveMembership
  201. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.317 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 51e4 Exiting
  202. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.317 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 51e5 Exiting
  203. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.317 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 51e6 Exiting
  204. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.618 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51e7 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:15706030290595077947 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 33 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  205. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.618 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 51e8 GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:15706030290595077947 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 33 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  206. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.618 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51e9 Exiting
  207. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.640 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51ea Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\032\372\367\3519xo\250I/.;E2\0215\361\007\231\376\037r\"\211\026\000\371\204\222\353\344a" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  208. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.640 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51eb Exiting
  209. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.773 UTC [gossip.election] follower -> DEBU 51ec 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : Exiting
  210. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.773 UTC [gossip.election] IsLeader -> DEBU 51ed 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : Returning false
  211. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.773 UTC [gossip.election] follower -> DEBU 51ee 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : Entering
  212. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.791 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51ef Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG leadership_msg:<pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" timestamp:<inc_num:1576153276682643723 seq_num:100884 > is_declaration:true > , Envelope: 73 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes
  213. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.791 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51f0 Verify: digest = 00000000  ca 30 7a bb e4 4b a6 60  23 4f f0 ef 2b de 8a fe  |.0z..K.`#O..+...|
  214. 00000010  de 03 84 5c 1b 67 4d 84  10 3e 25 e9 74 9d 22 ae  |...\.gM..>%.t.".|
  215. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.791 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 51f1 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 a7 00 d2  3c c8 ce 37 bf 77 52 de  |0E.!....<..7.wR.|
  216. 00000010  0d 6c b2 f2 9c f3 85 5f  cb b7 24 bf a0 22 91 70  |.l....._..$..".p|
  217. 00000020  b6 9b eb 8e c5 02 20 4e  72 c3 9b 09 c2 ff 88 ac  |...... Nr.......|
  218. 00000030  19 66 be 4c b0 e4 55 9f  57 1c 1a 9b 64 69 55 e1  |.f.L..U.W...diU.|
  219. 00000040  68 94 c2 a2 be e7 ea                              |h......|
  220. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.791 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51f2 Exiting
  221. 2019-12-18 10:59:20.791 UTC [gossip.election] handleMessage -> DEBU 51f3 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us declaration
  222. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.190 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 51f4 Obtaining default signing identity
  223. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.190 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 51f5 Sign: plaintext: 18012A500A3F0A1B70656572312D6F72...D0120D08C8B3E9A1F6A8DCF015108703
  224. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.190 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 51f6 Sign: digest: D2467E7DF784243DE6291187105959FD740174908E39EAE6AD76FBE4C54565AE
  225. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.191 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 51f7 Obtaining default signing identity
  226. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.191 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 51f8 Sign: plaintext: 0A1B70656572312D6F7267312E696E7569742E6C6F63616C3A37303531
  227. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.191 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 51f9 Sign: digest: 1201D5A522A21D540EC432BCDA95A3F0561516424028EA95334E3E81FA8BD97A
  228. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.191 UTC [gossip.discovery] periodicalSendAlive -> DEBU 51fa Sleeping 5s
  229. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.198 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 51fb Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:391 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes to  1 peers
  230. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.199 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51fc Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:391 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  231. 2019-12-18 10:59:21.199 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 51fd Exiting
  232. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.596 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 51fe Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:882587798842980693 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  233. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.596 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 51ff GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:882587798842980693 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  234. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.596 UTC [gossip.pull] SendDigest -> DEBU 5200 Sending IDENTITY_MSG digest: [1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0] to 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0
  235. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.597 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5201 Exiting
  236. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.922 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5202 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\236\222\016" signature:"0E\002!\000\352^\013\3112\230\250\361zr\237}\306Y\030~ ,\306L{\225\022\304\327\342\025\322\004\2529?\002 \027\337|ru\360\336\016\347\343\202\2166=3h\210\225\333\213\\%\260\330\275\205\353\252[\030\377\274" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 -E\335\034\226Gu\367tn\3633\3547\366\350&\375\223\323\255\230\365\314*\356m/\335\331\360\216\002 %\231\255:\220\313[\236k1\014\243\r\031\360\311\330W\210}\230?blR\204&|\376\354\351\226" > > > , Envelope: 273 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  237. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.922 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5203 Exiting
  238. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.923 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 5204 Got message: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\236\222\016" signature:"0E\002!\000\352^\013\3112\230\250\361zr\237}\306Y\030~ ,\306L{\225\022\304\327\342\025\322\004\2529?\002 \027\337|ru\360\336\016\347\343\202\2166=3h\210\225\333\213\\%\260\330\275\205\353\252[\030\377\274" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 -E\335\034\226Gu\367tn\3633\3547\366\350&\375\223\323\255\230\365\314*\356m/\335\331\360\216\002 %\231\255:\220\313[\236k1\014\243\r\031\360\311\330W\210}\230?blR\204&|\376\354\351\226" > > > , Envelope: 273 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  239. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.923 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 5205 Fetched identity of [36 34 16 221 152 156 70 227 55 219 241 91 22 108 112 225 100 166 237 9 99 21 12 196 165 119 155 217 3 117 231 240] from identity store
  240. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.923 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5206 Verify: digest = 00000000  c2 7d a4 fe fd 17 ca 11  32 38 38 ed a6 89 a3 d4  |.}......288.....|
  241. 00000010  0e ff 30 7c 76 3e 25 6b  1d 4b dc 83 32 b1 ad 81  |..0|v>%k.K..2...|
  242. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.923 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5207 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 ea 5e 0b  c9 32 98 a8 f1 7a 72 9f  |0E.!..^..2...zr.|
  243. 00000010  7d c6 59 18 7e 20 2c c6  4c 7b 95 12 c4 d7 e2 15  |}.Y.~ ,.L{......|
  244. 00000020  d2 04 aa 39 3f 02 20 17  df 7c 72 75 f0 de 0e e7  |...9?. ..|ru....|
  245. 00000030  e3 82 8e 36 3d 33 68 88  95 db 8b 5c 25 b0 d8 bd  |...6=3h....\%...|
  246. 00000040  85 eb aa 5b 18 ff bc                              |...[...|
  247. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.923 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5208 Verify: digest = 00000000  0e 17 4c 13 36 7a d1 37  34 e5 60 76 13 18 85 a2  |..L.6z.74.`v....|
  248. 00000010  8e 21 e9 b3 da 7e 2d a0  de 3a db d2 47 1c 9d 10  |.!...~-..:..G...|
  249. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.923 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5209 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 2d 45 dd 1c  96 47 75 f7 74 6e f3 33  |0D.|
  250. 00000010  ec 37 f6 e8 26 fd 93 d3  ad 98 f5 cc 2a ee 6d 2f  |.7..&.......*.m/|
  251. 00000020  dd d9 f0 8e 02 20 25 99  ad 3a 90 cb 5b 9e 6b 31  |..... %..:..[.k1|
  252. 00000030  0c a3 0d 19 f0 c9 d8 57  88 7d 98 3f 62 6c 52 84  |.......W.}.?blR.|
  253. 00000040  26 7c fe ec e9 96                                 |&|....|
  254. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 520a Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231710 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  255. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 520b Entering: learnedMembers={[GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231710 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes]}
  256. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 520c updating membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231710 >
  257. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 520d Updating aliveness data: membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231710 >
  258. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 520e Replacing GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231709 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes in aliveMembership
  259. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 520f Exiting
  260. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 5210 Exiting
  261. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 5211 Exiting
  262. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] sendMemResponse -> DEBU 5212 Entering endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360"
  263. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.924 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5213 Entering, sending GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 539 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  264. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.925 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5214 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 539 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  265. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.925 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5215 Exiting
  266. 2019-12-18 10:59:22.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] sendMemResponse -> DEBU 5216 Exiting, replying with alive:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\236\222\016" signature:"0E\002!\000\352^\013\3112\230\250\361zr\237}\306Y\030~ ,\306L{\225\022\304\327\342\025\322\004\2529?\002 \027\337|ru\360\336\016\347\343\202\2166=3h\210\225\333\213\\%\260\330\275\205\353\252[\030\377\274" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 -E\335\034\226Gu\367tn\3633\3547\366\350&\375\223\323\255\230\365\314*\356m/\335\331\360\216\002 %\231\255:\220\313[\236k1\014\243\r\031\360\311\330W\210}\230?blR\204&|\376\354\351\226" > > alive:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\207\003" signature:"0D\002 _\302\367I[pB\177@hh\243KN#\216\332\024\201\347\037\2142\253\331\021\373^\351Y^\307\002 \"7v\345i|\363Ww\335\245\007\021v\331\207\014r\301\033\304s\333\222\255E]#\264\250'Y" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 <?k\327\257\007'\375\330Lh\337r\"\330\354\313R\303\222pMA\327\203\017B\310\001|c2\002 \013\207\301/..\241\364\310\014>vQ\213c\207\366uxd\025h\t\242\222\"\360ab\250\343\341" > >
  267. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.996 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5217 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\321\206\276}I\257\243\006\0315V\225\360,\200h\257\223\356\206I}/\206\010\245\312\374\330\367\325\232" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  268. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.997 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5218 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\321\206\276}I\257\243\006\0315V\225\360,\200h\257\223\356\206I}/\206\010\245\312\374\330\367\325\232" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  269. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.997 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5219 Exiting
  270. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.998 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 521a Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: Channel: twoorgschannel, nonce: 0, tag: CHAN_OR_ORG StateInfoSnapshot with 2 items, Envelope: 374 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  271. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.998 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 521b Verify: digest = 00000000  b0 17 1b a0 19 a5 2d 3a  a5 59 f3 76 37 97 16 89  |......-:.Y.v7...|
  272. 00000010  ce 94 13 60 5e 39 a8 a8  22 2d 4d d5 02 63 18 81  |...`^9.."-M..c..|
  273. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.998 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 521c Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9f 02 8f  82 92 fe 97 7c 6d 0d 54  |0E.!........|m.T|
  274. 00000010  d6 77 a7 e2 0b ad b2 f8  d6 63 1a 59 16 9b 40 61  |.w.......c.Y..@a|
  275. 00000020  93 f8 90 61 91 02 20 64  71 e1 cd 2c 10 6d 6c c9  |...a.. dq..,.ml.|
  276. 00000030  c4 96 ec 52 4b fd 01 68  ef 4a 19 d7 df 12 2f ef  |...RK..h.J..../.|
  277. 00000040  25 6a 38 6e e3 b0 b3                              |%j8n...|
  278. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.998 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 521d Verify: digest = 00000000  3f 0a 0a 27 ce 33 82 3f  5c e1 6e ee 19 ff ba 55  |?..'.3.?\.n....U|
  279. 00000010  6e f0 cd b9 53 46 d2 20  43 5f 34 ec 17 ec 3d 6c  |n...SF. C_4...=l|
  280. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.998 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 521e Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9d ed 88  f7 81 84 a6 bf 3f 0d bb  |0E.!.........?..|
  281. 00000010  26 16 94 3a 56 1c bf a9  10 60 85 27 1b 92 a7 f4  |&..:V....`.'....|
  282. 00000020  df b1 b5 18 85 02 20 6a  d0 ff 3a a1 c6 67 7f 43  |...... j..:..g.C|
  283. 00000030  f5 ba 42 36 23 9f 00 9d  38 ac 43 01 67 46 2e 22  |..B6#...8.C.gF."|
  284. 00000040  88 ea 88 d9 b4 cd 91                              |.......|
  285. 2019-12-18 10:59:23.998 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 521f Exiting
  286. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.088 UTC [gossip.pull] Hello -> DEBU 5220 Sending IDENTITY_MSG hello to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051
  287. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.088 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5221 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:9135036086854587955 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  288. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.089 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5222 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:9135036086854587955 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  289. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.089 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5223 Exiting
  290. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.090 UTC [gossip.pull] Hello -> DEBU 5224 Sending BLOCK_MSG hello to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051
  291. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.090 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5225 Entering, sending GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:3872799979091888568 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  292. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.091 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5226 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:3872799979091888568 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  293. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.091 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5227 Exiting
  294. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.091 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5228 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY data_dig:<nonce:9135036086854587955 digests:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" digests:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  295. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.091 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 5229 GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY data_dig:<nonce:9135036086854587955 digests:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" digests:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  296. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.091 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 522a Exiting
  297. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.274 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 522b Obtaining default signing identity
  298. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.274 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 522c Sign: plaintext: 18012A500A3F0A1B70656572312D6F72...D0120D08C8B3E9A1F6A8DCF015108803
  299. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.274 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 522d Sign: digest: B4C12ABCD49E88B49602E4D22DA0BC848AF1CD2F353B431114B8CDDCB0CE7CBA
  300. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.275 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 522e Obtaining default signing identity
  301. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.275 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 522f Sign: plaintext: 0A1B70656572312D6F7267312E696E7569742E6C6F63616C3A37303531
  302. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.275 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 5230 Sign: digest: 1201D5A522A21D540EC432BCDA95A3F0561516424028EA95334E3E81FA8BD97A
  303. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.275 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5231 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\210\003" signature:"0D\002 o\227\251!\275\275\300\014O\027Q\000H\247\270\274\030\264\277\006E\351\237<\353\004i\226\013\241\230\356\002 \177\312\276\3312\355\275\343h=\222\3470\227i\312\272C\263\215\t\313%\212h\010U\365\311\017\310\r" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 3w\"\336\017z,$\245\360]l\026ZS\314\242\324a\310\224\235\305\274\377wzo\027%!\377\002 a\0271\352\025h\362\200\360'\355Q\010\352\373\227\342\343\326\2650\n\003\353\317\202\314\360\335|\037f" > > > , Envelope: 271 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  304. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.276 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5232 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\210\003" signature:"0D\002 o\227\251!\275\275\300\014O\027Q\000H\247\270\274\030\264\277\006E\351\237<\353\004i\226\013\241\230\356\002 \177\312\276\3312\355\275\343h=\222\3470\227i\312\272C\263\215\t\313%\212h\010U\365\311\017\310\r" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 3w\"\336\017z,$\245\360]l\026ZS\314\242\324a\310\224\235\305\274\377wzo\027%!\377\002 a\0271\352\025h\362\200\360'\355Q\010\352\373\227\342\343\326\2650\n\003\353\317\202\314\360\335|\037f" > > > , Envelope: 271 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  305. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.276 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5233 Exiting
  306. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.279 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5234 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 538 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  307. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.279 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5235 Exiting
  308. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.279 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 5236 Got message: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 538 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  309. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.279 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 5237 Fetched identity of [28 251 72 116 88 102 173 44 211 71 59 27 246 112 246 232 209 182 195 131 79 248 104 228 3 230 45 85 53 63 255 208] from identity store
  310. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.280 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5238 Verify: digest = 00000000  b4 c1 2a bc d4 9e 88 b4  96 02 e4 d2 2d a0 bc 84  |..*.........-...|
  311. 00000010  8a f1 cd 2f 35 3b 43 11  14 b8 cd dc b0 ce 7c ba  |.../5;C.......|.|
  312. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.280 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5239 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 6f 97 a9 21  bd bd c0 0c 4f 17 51 00  |0D. o..!....O.Q.|
  313. 00000010  48 a7 b8 bc 18 b4 bf 06  45 e9 9f 3c eb 04 69 96  |H.......E..<..i.|
  314. 00000020  0b a1 98 ee 02 20 7f ca  be d9 32 ed bd e3 68 3d  |..... ....2...h=|
  315. 00000030  92 e7 30 97 69 ca ba 43  b3 8d 09 cb 25 8a 68 08  |..0.i..C....%.h.|
  316. 00000040  55 f5 c9 0f c8 0d                                 |U.....|
  317. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.281 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 523a Verify: digest = 00000000  12 01 d5 a5 22 a2 1d 54  0e c4 32 bc da 95 a3 f0  |...."..T..2.....|
  318. 00000010  56 15 16 42 40 28 ea 95  33 4e 3e 81 fa 8b d9 7a  |V..B@(..3N>....z|
  319. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.281 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 523b Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 33 77 22 de  0f 7a 2c 24 a5 f0 5d 6c  |0D. 3w"..z,$..]l|
  320. 00000010  16 5a 53 cc a2 d4 61 c8  94 9d c5 bc ff 77 7a 6f  |.ZS...a......wzo|
  321. 00000020  17 25 21 ff 02 20 61 17  31 ea 15 68 f2 80 f0 27  |.%!.. a.1..h...'|
  322. 00000030  ed 51 08 ea fb 97 e2 e3  d6 b5 30 0a 03 eb cf 82  |.Q........0.....|
  323. 00000040  cc f0 dd 7c 1f 66                                 |...|.f|
  324. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.281 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 523c Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:392 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  325. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] isSentByMe -> DEBU 523d Got alive message about ourselves, GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:392 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  326. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 523e Exiting
  327. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 523f Exiting
  328. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.619 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5240 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:1517964493694086171 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  329. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.619 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 5241 GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:1517964493694086171 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  330. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.619 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5242 Exiting
  331. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.643 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5243 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\032\372\367\3519xo\250I/.;E2\0215\361\007\231\376\037r\"\211\026\000\371\204\222\353\344a" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  332. 2019-12-18 10:59:24.643 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5244 Exiting
  333. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.320 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5245 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231711 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 71 bytes
  334. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.321 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5246 Exiting
  335. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.321 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 5247 Got message: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231711 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 71 bytes
  336. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.321 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 5248 Fetched identity of [36 34 16 221 152 156 70 227 55 219 241 91 22 108 112 225 100 166 237 9 99 21 12 196 165 119 155 217 3 117 231 240] from identity store
  337. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.321 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5249 Verify: digest = 00000000  f0 45 64 a5 b8 06 56 2a  13 fb f8 26 9c 9a 5f f9  |.Ed...V*...&.._.|
  338. 00000010  4e 8a d8 86 97 a4 74 2c  30 e7 00 4b e0 fa df 01  |N.....t,0..K....|
  339. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.321 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 524a Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 59 60 d7 3f  45 38 f0 76 6d 93 42 1e  |0D. Y`.?E8.vm.B.|
  340. 00000010  13 a9 fc b8 fa 10 b0 bb  a0 13 76 d9 3b ca eb e2  |..........v.;...|
  341. 00000020  3b bf aa e1 02 20 75 fe  1d 93 ce 6c f8 49 68 f9  |;.... u....l.Ih.|
  342. 00000030  96 84 8d 67 f5 fb 57 0e  84 b8 04 12 21 32 7f 63  |...g..W.....!2.c|
  343. 00000040  f4 e3 7d 7a 3a aa                                 |..}z:.|
  344. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.321 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 524b Verify: digest = 00000000  0e 17 4c 13 36 7a d1 37  34 e5 60 76 13 18 85 a2  |..L.6z.74.`v....|
  345. 00000010  8e 21 e9 b3 da 7e 2d a0  de 3a db d2 47 1c 9d 10  |.!...~-..:..G...|
  346. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.321 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 524c Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 b4 55 88  38 ca 42 af e6 7f a6 fb  |0E.!..U.8.B.....|
  347. 00000010  63 1f 31 59 c5 03 fc 04  e0 cc 38 75 0a d8 84 b5  |c.1Y......8u....|
  348. 00000020  1f ed 27 c1 ec 02 20 62  dc c7 7c c8 e8 3a 31 b4  |..'... b..|..:1.|
  349. 00000030  3f 97 fb 8e cb c7 ac 9d  85 7b f5 d7 63 35 8e 61  |?........{..c5.a|
  350. 00000040  3c e5 4f dd d6 52 f1                              |<.O..R.|
  351. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.322 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 524d Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231711 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 71 bytes
  352. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.322 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 524e Entering: learnedMembers={[GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231711 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 71 bytes]}
  353. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.322 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 524f updating membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231711 >
  354. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.322 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 5250 Updating aliveness data: membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231711 >
  355. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.322 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 5251 Replacing GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231710 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes in aliveMembership
  356. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.322 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 5252 Exiting
  357. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.322 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 5253 Exiting
  358. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.322 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 5254 Exiting
  359. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.854 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5255 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG leadership_msg:<pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" timestamp:<inc_num:1576153276682643723 seq_num:100885 > is_declaration:true > , Envelope: 73 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes
  360. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.855 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5256 Verify: digest = 00000000  75 47 08 7c 64 72 fe 84  9c 7c 34 46 8e 4b 09 0b  |uG.|dr...|4F.K..|
  361. 00000010  7a ae 10 94 68 eb 19 98  a5 55 6e 22 19 61 d9 f1  |z...h....Un".a..|
  362. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.855 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5257 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 18 b6 7a fa  4c 97 cb 4e 59 fd 3b e8  |0D. ..z.L..NY.;.|
  363. 00000010  a6 ce 02 ad 6c 4b 78 68  79 8a 99 b0 ea 8c ec f7  |....lKxhy.......|
  364. 00000020  82 6d ed b4 02 20 2a 0a  8d d6 ce 00 c6 ba 24 6a  |.m... *.......$j|
  365. 00000030  1d 23 b2 1d 04 df df 39  14 1d 33 46 59 6f b7 e1  |.#.....9..3FYo..|
  366. 00000040  06 78 5c 82 31 df                                 |.x\.1.|
  367. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.855 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5258 Exiting
  368. 2019-12-18 10:59:25.877 UTC [gossip.election] handleMessage -> DEBU 5259 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us declaration
  369. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.191 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 525a Obtaining default signing identity
  370. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.191 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 525b Sign: plaintext: 18012A500A3F0A1B70656572312D6F72...D0120D08C8B3E9A1F6A8DCF015108903
  371. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.191 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 525c Sign: digest: 5EB6F5170CB4FBB1A1B68FA05BFEA9559ECF69C0261996778389D6A4ECAA135B
  372. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.192 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 525d Obtaining default signing identity
  373. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.192 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 525e Sign: plaintext: 0A1B70656572312D6F7267312E696E7569742E6C6F63616C3A37303531
  374. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.192 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 525f Sign: digest: 1201D5A522A21D540EC432BCDA95A3F0561516424028EA95334E3E81FA8BD97A
  375. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.192 UTC [gossip.discovery] periodicalSendAlive -> DEBU 5260 Sleeping 5s
  376. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.196 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5261 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:393 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes to  1 peers
  377. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.197 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5262 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:393 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  378. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.197 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5263 Exiting
  379. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.596 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5264 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:716049871836707520 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  380. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.597 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 5265 GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:716049871836707520 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  381. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.597 UTC [gossip.pull] SendDigest -> DEBU 5266 Sending IDENTITY_MSG digest: [1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0] to 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0
  382. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.597 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5267 Exiting
  383. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.923 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5268 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\240\222\016" signature:"0D\002 \004~E\370b\342\224\375\242[)K\t\222\240\034\267Of\210F\267\022\364\372[P\234\300\207\376\004\002 1\336\263jdCm\201U_\203\326ti\255\3423\330\225V\034\310&\003;\306\235\320[\013\221T" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 sg\364R7d\374q\262]\374\325YQ@\t\214p\213EDT;\375\213R\364\014\220r[\245\002 L\310\262\001I8K^\037~\033\305\260H\017\n\256R\376\026\201\177\357\370!ut\363\242\260\036\347" > > > , Envelope: 272 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  384. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.923 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5269 Exiting
  385. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.923 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 526a Got message: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\240\222\016" signature:"0D\002 \004~E\370b\342\224\375\242[)K\t\222\240\034\267Of\210F\267\022\364\372[P\234\300\207\376\004\002 1\336\263jdCm\201U_\203\326ti\255\3423\330\225V\034\310&\003;\306\235\320[\013\221T" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 sg\364R7d\374q\262]\374\325YQ@\t\214p\213EDT;\375\213R\364\014\220r[\245\002 L\310\262\001I8K^\037~\033\305\260H\017\n\256R\376\026\201\177\357\370!ut\363\242\260\036\347" > > > , Envelope: 272 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  386. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.923 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 526b Fetched identity of [36 34 16 221 152 156 70 227 55 219 241 91 22 108 112 225 100 166 237 9 99 21 12 196 165 119 155 217 3 117 231 240] from identity store
  387. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.923 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 526c Verify: digest = 00000000  27 fb a2 38 1b 3e ea bb  b3 4b f2 4d 66 ac 44 fd  |'..8.>...K.Mf.D.|
  388. 00000010  29 f0 30 97 4b 8a 66 49  cc ee cf 5c 71 33 28 20  |).0.K.fI...\q3( |
  389. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.923 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 526d Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 04 7e 45 f8  62 e2 94 fd a2 5b 29 4b  |0D. .~E.b....[)K|
  390. 00000010  09 92 a0 1c b7 4f 66 88  46 b7 12 f4 fa 5b 50 9c  |.....Of.F....[P.|
  391. 00000020  c0 87 fe 04 02 20 31 de  b3 6a 64 43 6d 81 55 5f  |..... 1..jdCm.U_|
  392. 00000030  83 d6 74 69 ad e2 33 d8  95 56 1c c8 26 03 3b c6  |..ti..3..V..&.;.|
  393. 00000040  9d d0 5b 0b 91 54                                 |..[..T|
  394. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 526e Verify: digest = 00000000  0e 17 4c 13 36 7a d1 37  34 e5 60 76 13 18 85 a2  |..L.6z.74.`v....|
  395. 00000010  8e 21 e9 b3 da 7e 2d a0  de 3a db d2 47 1c 9d 10  |.!...~-..:..G...|
  396. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 526f Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 73 67 f4 52  37 64 fc 71 b2 5d fc d5  |0D. sg.R7d.q.]..|
  397. 00000010  59 51 40 09 8c 70 8b 45  44 54 3b fd 8b 52 f4 0c  |YQ@..p.EDT;..R..|
  398. 00000020  90 72 5b a5 02 20 4c c8  b2 01 49 38 4b 5e 1f 7e  |.r[.. L...I8K^.~|
  399. 00000030  1b c5 b0 48 0f 0a ae 52  fe 16 81 7f ef f8 21 75  |...H...R......!u|
  400. 00000040  74 f3 a2 b0 1e e7                                 |t.....|
  401. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 5270 Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231712 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  402. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 5271 Entering: learnedMembers={[GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231712 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes]}
  403. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 5272 updating membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231712 >
  404. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 5273 Updating aliveness data: membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231712 >
  405. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 5274 Replacing GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231711 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 71 bytes in aliveMembership
  406. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 5275 Exiting
  407. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 5276 Exiting
  408. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 5277 Exiting
  409. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] sendMemResponse -> DEBU 5278 Entering endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360"
  410. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5279 Entering, sending GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 538 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  411. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] sendMemResponse -> DEBU 527a Exiting, replying with alive:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\240\222\016" signature:"0D\002 \004~E\370b\342\224\375\242[)K\t\222\240\034\267Of\210F\267\022\364\372[P\234\300\207\376\004\002 1\336\263jdCm\201U_\203\326ti\255\3423\330\225V\034\310&\003;\306\235\320[\013\221T" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 sg\364R7d\374q\262]\374\325YQ@\t\214p\213EDT;\375\213R\364\014\220r[\245\002 L\310\262\001I8K^\037~\033\305\260H\017\n\256R\376\026\201\177\357\370!ut\363\242\260\036\347" > > alive:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\211\003" signature:"0D\002 \014\355;r)\246f\240\016\\\006\006\336U|,\247\020\274\311S\216;0\276@\021\225\230\243\210\342\002 m{\205m\226\020\257\240\030\025\340\220E\033\271\344\305'C\275\255qu\260\334\241\356\2008Id\270" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 Y\340\016\377oB\3658\022X\306\241\006\316\371\207\320\365\326[\036\r\201o2T\253Cw\245\304\247\002 x\266RX\200\220\330K![\275\324B\223\016w\312F\215\306\245e\245\227`\345\034-\225\353\324\230" > >
  412. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 527b Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 538 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  413. 2019-12-18 10:59:26.924 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 527c Exiting
  414. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.000 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 527d Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\321\206\276}I\257\243\006\0315V\225\360,\200h\257\223\356\206I}/\206\010\245\312\374\330\367\325\232" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  415. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.002 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 527e Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\321\206\276}I\257\243\006\0315V\225\360,\200h\257\223\356\206I}/\206\010\245\312\374\330\367\325\232" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  416. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.002 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 527f Exiting
  417. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.003 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5280 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: Channel: twoorgschannel, nonce: 0, tag: CHAN_OR_ORG StateInfoSnapshot with 2 items, Envelope: 374 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  418. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.004 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5281 Verify: digest = 00000000  b0 17 1b a0 19 a5 2d 3a  a5 59 f3 76 37 97 16 89  |......-:.Y.v7...|
  419. 00000010  ce 94 13 60 5e 39 a8 a8  22 2d 4d d5 02 63 18 81  |...`^9.."-M..c..|
  420. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.004 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5282 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9f 02 8f  82 92 fe 97 7c 6d 0d 54  |0E.!........|m.T|
  421. 00000010  d6 77 a7 e2 0b ad b2 f8  d6 63 1a 59 16 9b 40 61  |.w.......c.Y..@a|
  422. 00000020  93 f8 90 61 91 02 20 64  71 e1 cd 2c 10 6d 6c c9  |...a.. dq..,.ml.|
  423. 00000030  c4 96 ec 52 4b fd 01 68  ef 4a 19 d7 df 12 2f ef  |...RK..h.J..../.|
  424. 00000040  25 6a 38 6e e3 b0 b3                              |%j8n...|
  425. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.004 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5283 Verify: digest = 00000000  3f 0a 0a 27 ce 33 82 3f  5c e1 6e ee 19 ff ba 55  |?..'.3.?\.n....U|
  426. 00000010  6e f0 cd b9 53 46 d2 20  43 5f 34 ec 17 ec 3d 6c  |n...SF. C_4...=l|
  427. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.004 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5284 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9d ed 88  f7 81 84 a6 bf 3f 0d bb  |0E.!.........?..|
  428. 00000010  26 16 94 3a 56 1c bf a9  10 60 85 27 1b 92 a7 f4  |&..:V....`.'....|
  429. 00000020  df b1 b5 18 85 02 20 6a  d0 ff 3a a1 c6 67 7f 43  |...... j..:..g.C|
  430. 00000030  f5 ba 42 36 23 9f 00 9d  38 ac 43 01 67 46 2e 22  |..B6#...8.C.gF."|
  431. 00000040  88 ea 88 d9 b4 cd 91                              |.......|
  432. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.005 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5285 Exiting
  433. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.089 UTC [gossip.pull] Hello -> DEBU 5286 Sending IDENTITY_MSG hello to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051
  434. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.089 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5287 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:12449440100892925984 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 17 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  435. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.090 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5288 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:12449440100892925984 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 17 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  436. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.090 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5289 Exiting
  437. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.091 UTC [gossip.pull] Hello -> DEBU 528a Sending BLOCK_MSG hello to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051
  438. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.091 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 528b Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY data_dig:<nonce:12449440100892925984 digests:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" digests:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  439. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.091 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 528d GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY data_dig:<nonce:12449440100892925984 digests:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" digests:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  440. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.091 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 528e Exiting
  441. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.091 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 528c Entering, sending GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:15242400410067994677 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 33 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  442. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.167 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 528f Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:15242400410067994677 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 33 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  443. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.167 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5290 Exiting
  444. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.276 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 5291 Obtaining default signing identity
  445. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.276 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 5292 Sign: plaintext: 18012A500A3F0A1B70656572312D6F72...D0120D08C8B3E9A1F6A8DCF015108A03
  446. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.276 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 5293 Sign: digest: 24A5096CD826B5582104638DE33336D831B693C1A298CFCDC619F66B8A11D827
  447. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.276 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 5294 Obtaining default signing identity
  448. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.276 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 5295 Sign: plaintext: 0A1B70656572312D6F7267312E696E7569742E6C6F63616C3A37303531
  449. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.276 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 5296 Sign: digest: 1201D5A522A21D540EC432BCDA95A3F0561516424028EA95334E3E81FA8BD97A
  450. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.276 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5297 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\212\003" signature:"0D\002 O\363\367U\032\333?\2155\005\337k\373-\233A5\253\200\r\027\232\263\3221\330\246\225\252\216u0\002 \037\236\347un3\035\333p\2441\276e\227\242\264H\373\336 \277\262\000\234\211\363{\204(\207C\313" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 w\354w\376iL\201\"Z{4\232\241\223\325E7L\220s7\276\264\222}9\226\350%\241J\306\002 ,\262o\023\307/\245\377\230\200\223'\370\272e\366\2225\331\225\320j\265\353\3679\200\360\356}\265\311" > > > , Envelope: 271 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  451. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.277 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5298 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\212\003" signature:"0D\002 O\363\367U\032\333?\2155\005\337k\373-\233A5\253\200\r\027\232\263\3221\330\246\225\252\216u0\002 \037\236\347un3\035\333p\2441\276e\227\242\264H\373\336 \277\262\000\234\211\363{\204(\207C\313" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 w\354w\376iL\201\"Z{4\232\241\223\325E7L\220s7\276\264\222}9\226\350%\241J\306\002 ,\262o\023\307/\245\377\230\200\223'\370\272e\366\2225\331\225\320j\265\353\3679\200\360\356}\265\311" > > > , Envelope: 271 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  452. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.277 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5299 Exiting
  453. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.280 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 529a Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 539 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  454. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.280 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 529b Exiting
  455. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.280 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 529c Got message: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 539 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  456. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.280 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 529d Fetched identity of [28 251 72 116 88 102 173 44 211 71 59 27 246 112 246 232 209 182 195 131 79 248 104 228 3 230 45 85 53 63 255 208] from identity store
  457. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.281 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 529e Verify: digest = 00000000  24 a5 09 6c d8 26 b5 58  21 04 63 8d e3 33 36 d8  |$..l.&.X!.c..36.|
  458. 00000010  31 b6 93 c1 a2 98 cf cd  c6 19 f6 6b 8a 11 d8 27  |1..........k...'|
  459. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.281 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 529f Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 4f f3 f7 55  1a db 3f 8d 35 05 df 6b  |0D. O..U..?.5..k|
  460. 00000010  fb 2d 9b 41 35 ab 80 0d  17 9a b3 d2 31 d8 a6 95  |.-.A5.......1...|
  461. 00000020  aa 8e 75 30 02 20 1f 9e  e7 75 6e 33 1d db 70 a4  |..u0. ...un3..p.|
  462. 00000030  31 be 65 97 a2 b4 48 fb  de 20 bf b2 00 9c 89 f3  |1.e...H.. ......|
  463. 00000040  7b 84 28 87 43 cb                                 |{.(.C.|
  464. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.282 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52a0 Verify: digest = 00000000  12 01 d5 a5 22 a2 1d 54  0e c4 32 bc da 95 a3 f0  |...."..T..2.....|
  465. 00000010  56 15 16 42 40 28 ea 95  33 4e 3e 81 fa 8b d9 7a  |V..B@(..3N>....z|
  466. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.282 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52a1 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 77 ec 77 fe  69 4c 81 22 5a 7b 34 9a  |0D. w.w.iL."Z{4.|
  467. 00000010  a1 93 d5 45 37 4c 90 73  37 be b4 92 7d 39 96 e8  |...E7L.s7...}9..|
  468. 00000020  25 a1 4a c6 02 20 2c b2  6f 13 c7 2f a5 ff 98 80  |%.J.. ,.o../....|
  469. 00000030  93 27 f8 ba 65 f6 92 35  d9 95 d0 6a b5 eb f7 39  |.'..e..5...j...9|
  470. 00000040  80 f0 ee 7d b5 c9                                 |...}..|
  471. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 52a2 Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:394 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  472. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] isSentByMe -> DEBU 52a3 Got alive message about ourselves, GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:394 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  473. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 52a4 Exiting
  474. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 52a5 Exiting
  475. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.619 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52a6 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:15559048698084452518 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 33 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  476. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.619 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 52a7 GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:15559048698084452518 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 33 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  477. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.619 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52a8 Exiting
  478. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.639 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52a9 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\032\372\367\3519xo\250I/.;E2\0215\361\007\231\376\037r\"\211\026\000\371\204\222\353\344a" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  479. 2019-12-18 10:59:28.639 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52aa Exiting
  480. 2019-12-18 10:59:29.495 UTC [chaincode.platform.util] DockerBuild -> DEBU 52ab Build output is #
  481. /tmp/go-link-188092860/000004.o: In function `_cgo_7e1b3c2abc8d_C2func_getaddrinfo':
  482. /tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog:57: warning: Using 'getaddrinfo' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
  483. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.318 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52ac Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231713 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  484. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.318 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52ad Exiting
  485. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.318 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 52ae Got message: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231713 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  486. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.318 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 52af Fetched identity of [36 34 16 221 152 156 70 227 55 219 241 91 22 108 112 225 100 166 237 9 99 21 12 196 165 119 155 217 3 117 231 240] from identity store
  487. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.319 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52b0 Verify: digest = 00000000  a6 eb 94 6f b5 65 c9 ce  5c 50 6e 38 46 17 4a 2b  |...o.e..\Pn8F.J+|
  488. 00000010  f0 e6 93 82 1f b5 a5 33  fc ed b2 d2 2d d0 13 1e  |.......3....-...|
  489. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.319 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52b1 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 74 de d8 6e  ae cc 73 e5 8c 1c ab 8b  |0D. t..n..s.....|
  490. 00000010  92 dd 8e ee c2 f5 b4 78  84 2e 82 ce dc 46 4f f5  |.......x.....FO.|
  491. 00000020  57 5c 69 85 02 20 5b 46  26 e0 c5 63 79 f3 bf 81  |W\i.. [F&|
  492. 00000030  5a 8e 9e 2b 14 26 b0 77  2e 9e 55 13 72 59 a1 b4  |Z..+.&.w..U.rY..|
  493. 00000040  c5 1a 0d 13 3f 79                                 |....?y|
  494. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.319 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52b2 Verify: digest = 00000000  0e 17 4c 13 36 7a d1 37  34 e5 60 76 13 18 85 a2  |..L.6z.74.`v....|
  495. 00000010  8e 21 e9 b3 da 7e 2d a0  de 3a db d2 47 1c 9d 10  |.!...~-..:..G...|
  496. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.319 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52b3 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 0b b5 75 ba  d0 f0 8e eb 2b 6f 34 fd  |0D. ..u.....+o4.|
  497. 00000010  25 00 96 68 b4 89 03 22  52 74 58 67 8c ac 2f 99  |%..h..."RtXg../.|
  498. 00000020  9d f8 99 d0 02 20 03 ec  d4 d7 46 fb bd 16 3f 91  |..... ....F...?.|
  499. 00000030  de 3c 76 52 9b 9c ac 0c  9e 28 eb 53 46 a8 41 3c  |.<vR.....(.SF.A<|
  500. 00000040  05 5b 58 18 22 ed                                 |.[X.".|
  501. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.319 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 52b4 Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231713 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  502. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.319 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52b5 Entering: learnedMembers={[GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231713 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes]}
  503. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.319 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52b6 updating membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231713 >
  504. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.319 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52b7 Updating aliveness data: membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231713 >
  505. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.320 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52b8 Replacing GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231712 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes in aliveMembership
  506. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.320 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52b9 Exiting
  507. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.320 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 52ba Exiting
  508. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.320 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 52bb Exiting
  509. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.596 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52bc Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:749862531827896812 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  510. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.597 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 52bd GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:749862531827896812 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  511. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.597 UTC [gossip.pull] SendDigest -> DEBU 52be Sending IDENTITY_MSG digest: [1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0] to 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0
  512. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.597 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52bf Exiting
  513. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.773 UTC [gossip.election] follower -> DEBU 52c0 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : Exiting
  514. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.774 UTC [gossip.election] IsLeader -> DEBU 52c1 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : Returning false
  515. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.774 UTC [gossip.election] follower -> DEBU 52c2 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : Entering
  516. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.795 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52c3 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG leadership_msg:<pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" timestamp:<inc_num:1576153276682643723 seq_num:100886 > is_declaration:true > , Envelope: 73 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes
  517. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.795 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52c4 Verify: digest = 00000000  09 11 56 41 07 89 92 dd  92 dd 80 d3 b1 c2 8c 76  |..VA...........v|
  518. 00000010  b6 95 c4 9b d7 11 2d 2a  c4 5e 73 b4 da 9b ee 09  |......-*.^s.....|
  519. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.795 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52c5 Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 79 a8 2b 19  3d 9c b3 ab e8 18 29 c5  |0D. y.+.=.....).|
  520. 00000010  74 5c c7 ca df 3d 8b 27  7a 85 73 89 a5 fc 66 01  |t\...=.'z.s...f.|
  521. 00000020  38 cf 83 d4 02 20 6a b4  2a 36 a0 cc 3f 96 2b 60  |8.... j.*6..?.+`|
  522. 00000030  8b 73 e9 e0 70 ad 0c f4  74 20 f4 43 29 0e c6 f8  |.s..p...t .C)...|
  523. 00000040  0d b9 62 c9 f7 ad                                 |..b...|
  524. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.795 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52c6 Exiting
  525. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.795 UTC [gossip.election] handleMessage -> DEBU 52c7 1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 : 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us declaration
  526. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52c8 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\242\222\016" signature:"0E\002!\000\322/\256]k\245\030>\255\260w\373\rb\234SE\021\262\226\306\254\227\3741\221\254\3620w\2355\002 YF9oA\341\207\247\322\017\013\251\251gM\341\324\314\3777\263\016j\201\206\215'b*\234\222\326" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 N\2212\301\277\327\272\260-Y\216\275\306\350\217\325\311\254Bk\365Crp\353hq2\020\037\320X\002 \037'\177{\262Z?\020a\002\323\263J8\262\206\203\361MbQ\241\301\310\260\357\005@\024\350\337\245" > > > , Envelope: 273 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  527. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52c9 Exiting
  528. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 52ca Got message: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\242\222\016" signature:"0E\002!\000\322/\256]k\245\030>\255\260w\373\rb\234SE\021\262\226\306\254\227\3741\221\254\3620w\2355\002 YF9oA\341\207\247\322\017\013\251\251gM\341\324\314\3777\263\016j\201\206\215'b*\234\222\326" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 N\2212\301\277\327\272\260-Y\216\275\306\350\217\325\311\254Bk\365Crp\353hq2\020\037\320X\002 \037'\177{\262Z?\020a\002\323\263J8\262\206\203\361MbQ\241\301\310\260\357\005@\024\350\337\245" > > > , Envelope: 273 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  529. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 52cb Fetched identity of [36 34 16 221 152 156 70 227 55 219 241 91 22 108 112 225 100 166 237 9 99 21 12 196 165 119 155 217 3 117 231 240] from identity store
  530. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52cc Verify: digest = 00000000  35 44 db 14 db 7f 8b d1  7a 38 22 f1 d4 51 3c bb  |5D......z8"..Q<.|
  531. 00000010  4f bb 33 b9 3f 69 46 a4  04 9c d0 3f 35 94 c4 0a  |O.3.?iF....?5...|
  532. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52cd Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 d2 2f ae  5d 6b a5 18 3e ad b0 77  |0E.!../.]k..>..w|
  533. 00000010  fb 0d 62 9c 53 45 11 b2  96 c6 ac 97 fc 31 91 ac  |..b.SE.......1..|
  534. 00000020  f2 30 77 9d 35 02 20 59  46 39 6f 41 e1 87 a7 d2  |.0w.5. YF9oA....|
  535. 00000030  0f 0b a9 a9 67 4d e1 d4  cc ff 37 b3 0e 6a 81 86  |....gM....7..j..|
  536. 00000040  8d 27 62 2a 9c 92 d6                              |.'b*...|
  537. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52ce Verify: digest = 00000000  0e 17 4c 13 36 7a d1 37  34 e5 60 76 13 18 85 a2  |..L.6z.74.`v....|
  538. 00000010  8e 21 e9 b3 da 7e 2d a0  de 3a db d2 47 1c 9d 10  |.!...~-..:..G...|
  539. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52cf Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 4e 91 32 c1  bf d7 ba b0 2d 59 8e bd  |0D. N.2.....-Y..|
  540. 00000010  c6 e8 8f d5 c9 ac 42 6b  f5 43 72 70 eb 68 71 32  |......Bk.Crp.hq2|
  541. 00000020  10 1f d0 58 02 20 1f 27  7f 7b b2 5a 3f 10 61 02  |...X. .'.{.Z?.a.|
  542. 00000030  d3 b3 4a 38 b2 86 83 f1  4d 62 51 a1 c1 c8 b0 ef  |..J8....MbQ.....|
  543. 00000040  05 40 14 e8 df a5                                 |.@....|
  544. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 52d0 Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231714 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  545. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.924 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52d1 Entering: learnedMembers={[GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231714 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes]}
  546. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52d2 updating membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231714 >
  547. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52d3 Updating aliveness data: membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231714 >
  548. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52d4 Replacing GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576151794326879690 seq_num:231713 > > , Envelope: 85 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes in aliveMembership
  549. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] learnExistingMembers -> DEBU 52d5 Exiting
  550. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 52d6 Exiting
  551. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 52d7 Exiting
  552. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] sendMemResponse -> DEBU 52d8 Entering endpoint:"peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360"
  553. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 52d9 Entering, sending GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 539 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  554. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.discovery] sendMemResponse -> DEBU 52da Exiting, replying with alive:<payload:"\030\001*Q\n?\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 $\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360\022\016\010\312\373\312\247\314\266\347\357\025\020\242\222\016" signature:"0E\002!\000\322/\256]k\245\030>\255\260w\373\rb\234SE\021\262\226\306\254\227\3741\221\254\3620w\2355\002 YF9oA\341\207\247\322\017\013\251\251gM\341\324\314\3777\263\016j\201\206\215'b*\234\222\326" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 N\2212\301\277\327\272\260-Y\216\275\306\350\217\325\311\254Bk\365Crp\353hq2\020\037\320X\002 \037'\177{\262Z?\020a\002\323\263J8\262\206\203\361MbQ\241\301\310\260\357\005@\024\350\337\245" > > alive:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\211\003" signature:"0D\002 \014\355;r)\246f\240\016\\\006\006\336U|,\247\020\274\311S\216;0\276@\021\225\230\243\210\342\002 m{\205m\226\020\257\240\030\025\340\220E\033\271\344\305'C\275\255qu\260\334\241\356\2008Id\270" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 Y\340\016\377oB\3658\022X\306\241\006\316\371\207\320\365\326[\036\r\201o2T\253Cw\245\304\247\002 x\266RX\200\220\330K![\275\324B\223\016w\312F\215\306\245e\245\227`\345\034-\225\353\324\230" > >
  555. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52db Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 539 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  556. 2019-12-18 10:59:30.925 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52dc Exiting
  557. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.004 UTC [gossip.discovery] periodicalReconnectToDead -> DEBU 52dd Sleeping 25s
  558. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.192 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 52de Obtaining default signing identity
  559. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.192 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 52df Sign: plaintext: 18012A500A3F0A1B70656572312D6F72...D0120D08C8B3E9A1F6A8DCF015108B03
  560. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.192 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 52e0 Sign: digest: 9FA56DA2C40A282A4FA24EEC41C6C38E55D984034D912D4A34F80D093E036649
  561. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.192 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 52e1 Obtaining default signing identity
  562. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.192 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 52e2 Sign: plaintext: 0A1B70656572312D6F7267312E696E7569742E6C6F63616C3A37303531
  563. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.192 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 52e3 Sign: digest: 1201D5A522A21D540EC432BCDA95A3F0561516424028EA95334E3E81FA8BD97A
  564. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.192 UTC [gossip.discovery] periodicalSendAlive -> DEBU 52e4 Sleeping 5s
  565. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.200 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 52e5 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:395 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes to  1 peers
  566. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.200 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52e6 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:395 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  567. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.200 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52e7 Exiting
  568. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.997 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 52e8 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\321\206\276}I\257\243\006\0315V\225\360,\200h\257\223\356\206I}/\206\010\245\312\374\330\367\325\232" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  569. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.997 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52e9 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\321\206\276}I\257\243\006\0315V\225\360,\200h\257\223\356\206I}/\206\010\245\312\374\330\367\325\232" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  570. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.997 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52ea Exiting
  571. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.998 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52eb Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: Channel: twoorgschannel, nonce: 0, tag: CHAN_OR_ORG StateInfoSnapshot with 2 items, Envelope: 374 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  572. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.998 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52ec Verify: digest = 00000000  b0 17 1b a0 19 a5 2d 3a  a5 59 f3 76 37 97 16 89  |......-:.Y.v7...|
  573. 00000010  ce 94 13 60 5e 39 a8 a8  22 2d 4d d5 02 63 18 81  |...`^9.."-M..c..|
  574. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.998 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52ed Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9f 02 8f  82 92 fe 97 7c 6d 0d 54  |0E.!........|m.T|
  575. 00000010  d6 77 a7 e2 0b ad b2 f8  d6 63 1a 59 16 9b 40 61  |.w.......c.Y..@a|
  576. 00000020  93 f8 90 61 91 02 20 64  71 e1 cd 2c 10 6d 6c c9  |...a.. dq..,.ml.|
  577. 00000030  c4 96 ec 52 4b fd 01 68  ef 4a 19 d7 df 12 2f ef  |...RK..h.J..../.|
  578. 00000040  25 6a 38 6e e3 b0 b3                              |%j8n...|
  579. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.999 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52ee Verify: digest = 00000000  3f 0a 0a 27 ce 33 82 3f  5c e1 6e ee 19 ff ba 55  |?..'.3.?\.n....U|
  580. 00000010  6e f0 cd b9 53 46 d2 20  43 5f 34 ec 17 ec 3d 6c  |n...SF. C_4...=l|
  581. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.999 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 52ef Verify: sig = 00000000  30 45 02 21 00 9d ed 88  f7 81 84 a6 bf 3f 0d bb  |0E.!.........?..|
  582. 00000010  26 16 94 3a 56 1c bf a9  10 60 85 27 1b 92 a7 f4  |&..:V....`.'....|
  583. 00000020  df b1 b5 18 85 02 20 6a  d0 ff 3a a1 c6 67 7f 43  |...... j..:..g.C|
  584. 00000030  f5 ba 42 36 23 9f 00 9d  38 ac 43 01 67 46 2e 22  |..B6#...8.C.gF."|
  585. 00000040  88 ea 88 d9 b4 cd 91                              |.......|
  586. 2019-12-18 10:59:31.999 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52f0 Exiting
  587. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.090 UTC [gossip.pull] Hello -> DEBU 52f1 Sending IDENTITY_MSG hello to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051
  588. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.090 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 52f2 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:7088246779556022714 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  589. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.090 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52f3 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:7088246779556022714 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  590. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.090 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52f4 Exiting
  591. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.091 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52f5 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY data_dig:<nonce:7088246779556022714 digests:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" digests:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  592. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.091 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 52f6 GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY data_dig:<nonce:7088246779556022714 digests:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" digests:"$\"\020\335\230\234F\3437\333\361[\026lp\341d\246\355\tc\025\014\304\245w\233\331\003u\347\360" msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  593. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.091 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 52f7 Exiting
  594. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.167 UTC [gossip.pull] Hello -> DEBU 52f8 Sending BLOCK_MSG hello to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051
  595. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.167 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 52f9 Entering, sending GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:5818739028796904516 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  596. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.167 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52fa Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:5818739028796904516 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  597. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.167 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 52fb Exiting
  598. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 52fc Obtaining default signing identity
  599. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 52fd Sign: plaintext: 18012A500A3F0A1B70656572312D6F72...D0120D08C8B3E9A1F6A8DCF015108C03
  600. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 52fe Sign: digest: ADC5F5AB3A0CA3791B83F8E14DAA4B5E36080833A4D38B1F860DF80AEE7AB697
  601. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 52ff Obtaining default signing identity
  602. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 5300 Sign: plaintext: 0A1B70656572312D6F7267312E696E7569742E6C6F63616C3A37303531
  603. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 5301 Sign: digest: 1201D5A522A21D540EC432BCDA95A3F0561516424028EA95334E3E81FA8BD97A
  604. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 5302 Entering, sending GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\214\003" signature:"0D\002 Xz\374hO\001V\252\241\345\2560B#\220\324\213\007\020\356\255\252\325w\276\226\035@\320\273)\033\002 \034\203HS\263\024\200\177 1##\306\337,\006@\207\322\246VA\216J\325\232\212I\375w\313\250" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 7\275\362QKzB\245#\205\217\311\025(a\307O\r\306\036\320W\033\300\215\013n\305\36019X\002 \014\243i\223%\250\314\373\034\254LE\004\330K\343\362+\213\277\214kk\263x\366\356\022~\251\023\371" > > > , Envelope: 271 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
  605. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5303 Entering, Sending to peer2-org1.inuit.local:7051 , msg: GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY mem_req:<self_information:<payload:"\030\001*P\n?\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051\032 \034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320\022\r\010\310\263\351\241\366\250\334\360\025\020\214\003" signature:"0D\002 Xz\374hO\001V\252\241\345\2560B#\220\324\213\007\020\356\255\252\325w\276\226\035@\320\273)\033\002 \034\203HS\263\024\200\177 1##\306\337,\006@\207\322\246VA\216J\325\232\212I\375w\313\250" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\033peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" signature:"0D\002 7\275\362QKzB\245#\205\217\311\025(a\307O\r\306\036\320W\033\300\215\013n\305\36019X\002 \014\243i\223%\250\314\373\034\254LE\004\330K\343\362+\213\277\214kk\263x\366\356\022~\251\023\371" > > > , Envelope: 271 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  606. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.277 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 5304 Exiting
  607. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.280 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5305 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 538 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  608. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.280 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5306 Exiting
  609. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.280 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 5307 Got message: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 538 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  610. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.281 UTC [gossip.gossip] ValidateAliveMsg -> DEBU 5308 Fetched identity of [28 251 72 116 88 102 173 44 211 71 59 27 246 112 246 232 209 182 195 131 79 248 104 228 3 230 45 85 53 63 255 208] from identity store
  611. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.281 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 5309 Verify: digest = 00000000  ad c5 f5 ab 3a 0c a3 79  1b 83 f8 e1 4d aa 4b 5e  |....:..y....M.K^|
  612. 00000010  36 08 08 33 a4 d3 8b 1f  86 0d f8 0a ee 7a b6 97  |6..3.........z..|
  613. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.281 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 530a Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 58 7a fc 68  4f 01 56 aa a1 e5 ae 30  |0D. Xz.hO.V....0|
  614. 00000010  42 23 90 d4 8b 07 10 ee  ad aa d5 77 be 96 1d 40  |B#.........w...@|
  615. 00000020  d0 bb 29 1b 02 20 1c 83  48 53 b3 14 80 7f 20 31  |..).. ..HS.... 1|
  616. 00000030  23 23 c6 df 2c 06 40 87  d2 a6 56 41 8e 4a d5 9a  |##..,.@...VA.J..|
  617. 00000040  8a 49 fd 77 cb a8                                 |.I.w..|
  618. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.282 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 530b Verify: digest = 00000000  12 01 d5 a5 22 a2 1d 54  0e c4 32 bc da 95 a3 f0  |...."..T..2.....|
  619. 00000010  56 15 16 42 40 28 ea 95  33 4e 3e 81 fa 8b d9 7a  |V..B@(..3N>....z|
  620. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.282 UTC [msp.identity] Verify -> DEBU 530c Verify: sig = 00000000  30 44 02 20 37 bd f2 51  4b 7a 42 a5 23 85 8f c9  |0D. 7..QKzB.#...|
  621. 00000010  15 28 61 c7 4f 0d c6 1e  d0 57 1b c0 8d 0b 6e c5  |.(a.O....W....n.|
  622. 00000020  f0 31 39 58 02 20 0c a3  69 93 25 a8 cc fb 1c ac  |.19X. ..i.%.....|
  623. 00000030  4c 45 04 d8 4b e3 f2 2b  8b bf 8c 6b 6b b3 78 f6  |LE..K..+...kk.x.|
  624. 00000040  ee 12 7e a9 13 f9                                 |..~...|
  625. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 530d Entering GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:396 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  626. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] isSentByMe -> DEBU 530e Got alive message about ourselves, GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<endpoint:"peer1-org1.inuit.local:7051" pki_id:"\034\373HtXf\255,\323G;\033\366p\366\350\321\266\303\203O\370h\344\003\346-U5?\377\320" > timestamp:<inc_num:1576665895994546632 seq_num:396 > > , Envelope: 84 bytes, Signature: 70 bytes Secret payload: 29 bytes, Secret Signature: 70 bytes
  627. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleAliveMessage -> DEBU 530f Exiting
  628. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.282 UTC [gossip.discovery] handleMsgFromComm -> DEBU 5310 Exiting
  629. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.590 UTC [dockercontroller] deployImage -> DEBU 5311 Created image: dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2-744acade9a8d74a268e5412c9253783f0240001a0a0ba6258334674863707d8e
  630. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.605 UTC [dockercontroller] createContainer -> DEBU 5312 create container imageID=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2-744acade9a8d74a268e5412c9253783f0240001a0a0ba6258334674863707d8e containerID=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  631. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.607 UTC [dockercontroller] getDockerHostConfig -> DEBU 5313 docker container hostconfig NetworkMode: fabric-proj_fabric-host2
  632. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.619 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5314 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:827511413858169439 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  633. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.619 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 5315 GossipMessage: channel:"twoorgschannel" tag:CHAN_AND_ORG hello:<nonce:827511413858169439 msg_type:BLOCK_MSG > , Envelope: 32 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  634. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.619 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5316 Exiting
  635. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.639 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5317 Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info_pull_req:<channel_MAC:"\032\372\367\3519xo\250I/.;E2\0215\361\007\231\376\037r\"\211\026\000\371\204\222\353\344a" > , Envelope: 39 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  636. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.639 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5318 Exiting
  637. 2019-12-18 10:59:32.739 UTC [dockercontroller] createContainer -> DEBU 5319 created container imageID=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2-744acade9a8d74a268e5412c9253783f0240001a0a0ba6258334674863707d8e containerID=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  638. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.101 UTC [dockercontroller] Start -> DEBU 531a Started container dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  639. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.101 UTC [container] unlockContainer -> DEBU 531b container lock deleted(sacc-1.2)
  640. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.214 UTC [container] lockContainer -> DEBU 531c waiting for container(sacc-1.2) lock
  641. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.215 UTC [container] lockContainer -> DEBU 531d got container (sacc-1.2) lock
  642. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.215 UTC [container] unlockContainer -> DEBU 531e container lock deleted(sacc-1.2)
  643. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.597 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 531f Entering, 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0 sent us GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:5434760885149473334 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  644. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.597 UTC [gossip.pull] HandleMessage -> DEBU 5320 GossipMessage: tag:EMPTY hello:<nonce:5434760885149473334 msg_type:IDENTITY_MSG > , Envelope: 16 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
  645. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.597 UTC [gossip.pull] SendDigest -> DEBU 5321 Sending IDENTITY_MSG digest: [1cfb48745866ad2cd3473b1bf670f6e8d1b6c3834ff868e403e62d55353fffd0 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0] to 242210dd989c46e337dbf15b166c70e164a6ed0963150cc4a5779bd90375e7f0
  646. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.598 UTC [gossip.gossip] handleMessage -> DEBU 5322 Exiting
  647. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.638 UTC [chaincode] Launch -> DEBU 5323 stopping due to error while launching: container exited with 0
  649.     /opt/gopath/src/
  650. runtime.goexit
  651.     /opt/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1337
  652. chaincode registration failed
  653. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.638 UTC [container] lockContainer -> DEBU 5324 waiting for container(sacc-1.2) lock
  654. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.638 UTC [container] lockContainer -> DEBU 5325 got container (sacc-1.2) lock
  655. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.638 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 5326 stopping container id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  656. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.640 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 5327 stop container result error="Container not running: dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2"
  657. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.640 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 5328 killing container id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  658. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.640 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 5329 kill container result id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2 error="Container not running: dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2"
  659. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.641 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 532a removing container id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2
  660. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.663 UTC [dockercontroller] stopInternal -> DEBU 532b remove container result id=dev-peer1-org1.inuit.local-sacc-1.2 error=null
  661. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.663 UTC [container] unlockContainer -> DEBU 532c container lock deleted(sacc-1.2)
  662. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.663 UTC [chaincode] Launch -> DEBU 532d launch complete
  663. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.663 UTC [chaincode] Deregister -> DEBU 532e deregister handler: sacc:1.2
  664. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.673 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 532f [twoorgschannel][4836cac1] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc"  (15216ms)
  665. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.673 UTC [endorser] SimulateProposal -> ERRO 5330 [twoorgschannel][4836cac1] failed to invoke chaincode name:"lscc" , error: container exited with 0
  667.     /opt/gopath/src/
  668. runtime.goexit
  669.     /opt/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1337
  670. chaincode registration failed
  671. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.673 UTC [endorser] SimulateProposal -> DEBU 5331 [twoorgschannel][4836cac1] Exit
  672. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.673 UTC [lockbasedtxmgr] Done -> DEBU 5332 Done with transaction simulation / query execution [4836cac1f247005f384580be13296811848395baa35c01ec8532dc2488adb49e]
  673. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.673 UTC [endorser] func1 -> DEBU 5333 Exit: request from
  674. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.675 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 5334 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=15.21928236s
  675. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.679 UTC [grpc] infof -> DEBU 5335 transport: returning. connection error: desc = "transport is closing"
  676. 2019-12-18 10:59:34.679 UTC [grpc] infof -> DEBU 5336 transport: returning. connection error: desc = "transport is closing"
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