
agkx3 route notes

Mar 7th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Start normal or steel soul save file
  2. Get 30 geo from geo rocks before gruzzer room
  3. Buy Xroads map
  4. s+q
  6. Bench storage from elderbug
  7. Boob to fungal
  8. Shrumal charm notch
  9. Boob to claw
  10. Pick up dashmaster
  11. s+q
  13. mms yesclip to cliffs, equip dashmaster
  14. hazard warp through gorb room and boob to greenpath
  15. kill moss knights, get the geo
  16. open gp stag
  17. kill hornet
  18. s+q
  20. mms noclip
  21. get false knight geo chest and kill false knight, pick up city crest
  22. go to storerooms through the crossroads-storerooms elevator
  23. open storerooms stag
  24. get shade soul
  25. use the city crest in its proper place and open the lever between it and storerooms on the way there
  26. go down to city and then isma's grove
  27. get isma's tear
  28. go down and get wings
  29. s+q
  31. bench at storerooms stag
  32. s+q
  34. mms noclip
  35. go to peak and get ddark
  36. go down to rg and get dnail
  37. room dupe with rg stag
  38. in the dupe kill xero and get at least 1800 essence from him
  39. s+q
  41. mms yesclip to cliffs
  42. light grimm lantern
  43. s+q
  45. get grimmchild from grimm
  46. s+q
  48. equip the child, kill gp grimmkin
  49. s+q
  51. kill storerooms grimmkin
  52. get city simple key and go down to waterways
  53. kill dung defender
  54. s+q
  56. get float and stag to dirtmouth
  57. get dirtmouth bench
  58. float to peak and kill the grimmkin
  59. s+q
  61. grimmchild lv2
  62. kill kp grimmkin
  63. s+q
  65. stag to rg
  66. bench in rg
  67. get awoken dnail
  68. kill rg grimmkin
  69. kill edge grimmkin
  70. s+q
  72. stag to dirtmouth and kill grimm
  73. s+q
  75. mms noclip
  76. get dgate invuln from the lore tablet in kp
  77. go to qg through the mmc/whispering root side
  78. get white fragment from white lady
  79. set dgate in the flower grave room
  80. noclip to fungal core and kill the grimmkin
  81. s+q
  83. go to grey mourner and dgate flower quest
  84. s+q
  86. go down to king's station
  87. get bench storage with hazard early control
  88. set dgate under water outside king's station
  89. dgate noclip
  90. kill hive grimmkin
  91. s+q
  93. dgate noclip again
  94. kill basin grimmkin
  95. noclip to white palace
  96. kill kingsmould with noclip and then bench at the bench to lose noclip (you will keep invuln)
  97. kill second kingsmould and do left atrium as normal
  98. get float and float up to the right atrium lever
  99. do the rest of white palace with float and invlun :yippee:
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