
Jian - Reunion of Soul and Heart

Feb 12th, 2014
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  1. [00:05] <Earthflame> Jian knocks on the door of his home, introducing Rin to his mother before hurrying on, towards the black and white spires of the Metal Temple...
  2. [00:20] <Deedles> Taishin looked up at the spire that was the Metal Temple, studying it carefully as he followed behind Jian. If he was curious about what this was about he wasn't voicing or showing it.
  3. [00:21] <Earthflame> Jian bows his head as he enters, and then glances around for Meilin...
  4. [00:23] <Deedles> He would find his mentor over by one of the torches on the wall furthest in, in the middle of replacing it as the old one burnt out during the night. Taishin looked with Jian, making a visible pause as he spotted Meilin.
  5. [00:24] <Earthflame> Jian speaks up. "...Teacher. I have brought someone here to see you."
  6. [00:25] <Deedles> The Gentle Blade, her back currently to him, turned her head in his direction, her whole body freezing as she dropped the metallic torch on the plated floor with a loud clatter. Taishin glanced at Jian, before he slowly moved forward, studying the Metal Mentor with a curious look.
  7. [00:27] <Earthflame> Jian holds his breath, unable to say anything to break the silence...
  8. [00:28] <Deedles> Meilin slowly turned to face Shin, blinking as she stared. She raised her hands to her eyes, rubbing them to make sure it wasn't just a mirage. "... Shin?" she uttered breathlessly. "... You know me..." The tall man stated as he looked intently at her.
  9. [00:31] <Earthflame> Jian speaks softly. "He came to the village with a friend of Yoshi's, a girl who was very sick... As he was here, I felt I should let you two meet."
  10. [00:33] <Deedles> She moved forward slowly at first, taking a couple of steps before suddenly she rushed forward to Taishin, her hands coming up to touch his face as she looked deeply into his eyes. "It... it really is you..." she whispered, her voice filled with disbelief as her eyes welled with tears. "How... How did we know each other?"
  11. [00:35] <Deedles> Taishin asked slowly
  12. [00:40] <Deedles> "We were friends, once, years ago." Meilin told him as she gently held her hands at his cheeks "Not just friends... lovers. You saved my life, when I went corrupted, but I... it was too late, my sword had already pierced your heart." one of her hands came to rest above his heart, Taishin's eyes widening; he knew he had a scar there. He took a staggering step backwards with a groan, gripping his head as it began to hurt,
  13. [00:40] <Deedles> memories flashing through his mind, an infinite amounts within the span of a single second.
  14. [00:47] <Earthflame> Jian stands and watches, unable to say anything in this moment...
  15. [00:52] <Deedles> Taishin fell onto his knees, Meilin uttering a gasp as she came down in front of him, gripping his shoulders. "W-what... is this?" he stuttered as he panted for breath.
  16. [00:53] <Earthflame> Jian curses under his breath. "...I didn't think this would happen so easily, without... Meilin, where is the sword?"
  17. [00:54] <Deedles> Meilin looked down, the katana hanging from her belt as always.
  18. [00:54] <Deedles> Taishin's presence was still in the sword, it hadn't moved...
  19. [00:56] <Earthflame> Jian walks over, putting a hand on Taishin's shoulder. "Taishin... I brought you here more than just to see Meilin... Because her sword holds a fragment of your soul."
  20. [00:56] <Earthflame> He bites his lip. "...But I was afraid that if you were reunited with it... The Emperor could realize. Hopefully memories are not enough, but a completed soul... Would he sense that?"
  21. [01:00] <Deedles> Taishin growled, his grip of his head tightening "N-no... my-my armour... ke-keeps him out... without hii... his knowing...!" he replied, his voice strained as the world around him began to blur. Meilin unsheathed her katana, holding it between her and him.
  22. [01:01] <Earthflame> Jian looks to Meilin. "...I think this must happen."
  23. [01:02] <Deedles> The Gentle Blade leaned forward, pressing the flat side of her sword against Taishin's heart as she focused, starting to mumble something beneath her breath.
  24. [01:04] <Earthflame> Jian closes his eyes, raising a hand and muttering words of prayer...
  25. [01:08] <Deedles> Meilin concentrated on her task, keeping the blade tightly in place as she pushed the spirit out of her blade and back into the man to whom it belonged. Meanwhile Taishin did his best to remain still and not break her focus, but his breathing got heavier and the grunts he tried to stiffle louder until he threw back his head into a cry as he felt something, a part he'd been missing for a long time, surge inside him.
  26. [01:13] <Deedles> She pulled away from him as he fell forward, catching himself with his hands as he heaved for breath, his brow covered in sweat as his eyes were shut tight.
  27. [01:14] <Earthflame> Jian does his best to break his fall, but he's not strong enough to do much for the older, rather larger man.
  28. [01:17] <Deedles> Taishin's whole body was shaking, his head still hurting, but it was starting to lessen as the return of his missing pice seemed to calm the rush of memories. Meilin slowly kneeled down in front of him again, one of her hands gently coming to wipe his forehead. "... Taishin?" she spoke softly. "Mei-... Meilin..." he gasped in return, but his tone was different from before, he was no longer a stanger uttering her
  29. [01:17] <Deedles> name simply because he knew it... He knew her.
  30. [01:18] <Earthflame> ...A smile of relief and joy crosses Jian's face... But he backs away. This was a moment for the two of them.
  31. [01:29] <Deedles> Shin slowly pushed himself off the floor until he sat straight, looking down at the smaller female in front of him. "... Meilin..." he repeated, one of his hands coming up to cup one of her cheeks, but he looked confused, conflicted. Meilin smiled up at him, broadly and happily. "Shin... It's really you..." she threw her arms around him, hugging him tight, he holding her close in return. "Meilin I... I remember it all, but..."
  32. [01:29] <Deedles> she interrupted him as she shook her head "You don't need to tell me, I could feel it, as your soul returned..." she told him quietly "And I don't care, I know that you're alive now..."
  33. [01:29] <Earthflame> Jian watches, trying to unravel their words... What had she sensed?
  34. [01:31] <Deedles> Jian could feel that the metal chi inside Taishin was stronger, seemed he'd gotten a burst from his soul becoming whole, but aside from that he couldn't sense anything new.
  35. [01:37] <Earthflame> He remains silent for now... In fact, he actually begins to retreat. Perhaps some time alone between them might be best...
  36. [01:39] <Deedles> Taishin pulled away slightly to look down at Meilin, his hands gripping her face gently as he looked down at her with a guilty expression "... I'm sorry..." he said apologetically, Meilin giving his head a light whack. "I told you not to apologize..." she scolded him gently, tears streaming down her cheeks as she smiled at him, her expression happy, yet heartbroken.
  37. [01:40] <Earthflame> Jian pauses in his retreat. This wasn't right. What was...
  38. [01:45] <Deedles> The tall man pulled the Mentor in for a tight hug, stroking her hair. She burried her face in his shoulder "She... she's worthy of it." she murmured, Taishin nodding faintly "But she doesn't feel the same..." he mumbled in return, his voice dull.
  39. [01:46] <Earthflame> ...This was too much, too personal. He turns to leave.
  40. [01:48] <Deedles> Taishin and Meilin remained where they were, the Warrior silently keeping the Mentor in his embrace as she cried and Jian exited the temple.
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