
Gabriel Ortega LANCER Pilot Profile

Feb 12th, 2019
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  1. "So who's your next recruit?" "Fresh blood in the engineering scene. Take a look" *Dead Air Omitted* "You have to be kidding me." "I'm not. He may be a little rough around the edges but I can see promise. Give him a little structure, a reason to stick around, I think he could excel." "He's been charged with 10 counts of assault." "Against people who threatened to hurt his little brother. Every charge on his record has one linking factor." "...Anger at some slight against him or people close to him." "Exactly. Now imagine what that could do when the slight is an enemy pilot." "Okay I see your point, but he's a wild card." "You couldn't have put it better. He's a wildcard. Someone we can shape into whatever we want him to be." "Let's assume I'm willing to play ball here, what skills does he have that we can call on?" "A fair few. He's a talented inventor, even if his creations can be less than safe to the general public. This includes various improvised and specialized explosives, of which he's very familiar with the use of. In addition he's a very capable brawler and able to hold his own in a brawl, a useful talent if he gets caught out of his mech. And finally, before his untimely death, his father was a Pilot as well, and we have various Omni-net searches for black market distributors of mech production. He's gifted, he has an interest in the field, and he's in a position where he cant afford to say no." "I'm picking the next recruit." "Deal. I'll make a call to the Correctional Facility."
  4. *Dossier*
  5. Pilot Name: Gabriel Ortega
  6. Age: 26
  7. Physical Description:
  8. Personality Review:
  9. Role: Demolition and Engineering
  10. History: Gabriel comes from a small, close knit household consisting of his younger brother and parents. His mother worked as a nurse until her health issues came to a head and she was forced to quit. His father on the other hand was a Pilot of local fame. After obtaining a License from HORUS from unspecified methods he obtained the Mech he became known for, a Balor Class Mech with modifications including but not limited to exchanging the mandibled headpiece for a white skull piercing through the nanobot cloud. This Mech was known as the Baron 4, and he completed a variety of missions in it until a mission gone wrong ended in his death. The Mech was collected by a HORUS team and it's current location is unknown. The death hit Gabriel rather hard and is the likely cause of the various personality issues he currently has. This caused him to turn to less than normal activities to vent his emotions. He began turning his limited engineering knowledge towards homebrew explosives, although he never hurt anyone with one. He began getting into fights with other youths for various reason, and after a time began stealing and pawning off his ill gotten gains. He used this money to fund his engineering and to give to his mom for her treatments. Eventually however the law caught up to him and he was arrested, however he was scouted as a possible pilot and offered to be freed in exchange for becoming one, an offer he accepted quickly.
  11. Mech Deignation: Auge 5 V1
  12. Mech Model: Modified GMS Everest Standard Model I.
  13. Mech Description: A 578 Everest that has undergone extensive modification after Ortega complained about "A lack of anything fucking worthwhile!" The Auge 5 is a average sized mech standing in at 10 feet tall. The chassis has been painted a metallic black and addition arms have been added, changing the overall silhouette of the mech. On the back a white ring has been spray painted on with the number 5 in the middle painted in bright yellow. Grenadier belts have been attached to the shoulders and wrap around the mech to give easy access to his explosives at all times. In addition a white grinning skull has been painting onto the face of the mech with white floodlights attached where the eyeholes were painted on, giving the appearance of glowing eyes in the darkness.
  20. Gabriel Ortega(Level 0)
  22. HP: 6
  23. E-Defense: 10
  24. Evasion: 10
  25. Speed: 4
  27. Talents:
  28. Engineer: 1
  29. Duelist: 1
  30. Stormbringer: 1
  33. Pilot Skills:
  34. Blowing Shit Up! (+2/+1 Accuracy)
  35. Inventing Shit! (+2/+1 Accuracy)
  36. Punching Fools! (+2)
  37. Assaulting Fools! (+2)
  38. Charming People! (+1 Difficulty)
  39. Reading People! (+1 Difficulty)
  43. Gear:
  44. Alloy Axe: Medium Melee
  45. Signature Grenade Launcher: Heavy Gun
  46. Clothing
  47. Assault Hardsuit
  48. Frag Grenade
  49. Personal Drone
  54. Mech:
  55. Frame: The Auge 5 V1(Everest)
  56. Traits: Initiative(The very first turn the Everest takes in any combat, it can take an extra Quick Action as a free
  57. action)
  58. Core System: GMS Hyperspec Fuel Injector(This turn only, you can make an additional Full Action as a free action or 2 Quick actions as free actions.)
  59. Mounts:
  60. Flex Mount: Assault Rifle
  61. Main Mount: Charged Blade
  62. Heavy Mount: Howizter
  64. SP Buys: 6
  65. Manipulators: 1
  66. Jericho Cover System: 2
  67. Apple Fragmentation Grenade x2: 2
  68. Filter Smoke Grenade x2: 2
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