
NextUI 1.7 BETA

Jan 24th, 2020
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Lua 56.71 KB | None | 0 0
  1. local function s(...) return sleep(...) end
  2. local function w(...) return write(...) end
  3. local function p(...) return print(...) end
  4. local function tw(...) return term.write(...) end
  5. local function scp(...) return term.setCursorPos(...) end
  6. local function sbc(...) return term.setBackgroundColor(...) end
  7. local function stc(...) return term.setTextColor(...) end
  8. local function tc(...) return term.clear(...) end
  9. local function tcl(...) return term.clearLine(...) end
  10. local function r(...) return end
  11. local function sp(...) return textutils.slowPrint(...) end
  12. local function sw(...) return textutils.slowWrite(...) end
  13. local function fse(...) return fs.exists(...) end
  14. local function pul(...) return paintutils.loadImage(...) end
  15. local function pud(...) return paintutils.drawImage(...) end
  16. local function pfb(...) return paintutils.drawFilledBox(...) end
  17. local function su(...) return os.shutdown(...) end
  18. local function re(...) return os.reboot(...) end
  19. local function pdp(...) return paintutils.drawPixel(...) end
  21. function cus()
  22. scp(1,10)
  23. fs.delete("/os/.tapus")
  24. r("pastebin get 3KBhKn53 /os/.tapus")
  25. r("paint /os/.pulpit")
  26. system()
  27. end
  30. function folder()
  31. while true do
  32. if colr == "" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, elseif colr == "colors.magenta" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.magenta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, elseif colr == "colors.gray" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, elseif colr == "colors.brown" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, elseif colr == "" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, elseif colr == "" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then pfb(1, 2, 51, 18, colors.white) stc(  end
  33. pfb(1, 2, 51, 2,
  34. stc(colors.white)
  35. scp(1,2)
  36. p("Aplikacje nextStore")
  37. pdp(51,2,
  39. if fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then
  40.  pfb(15, 4, 15, 6, colors.gray)
  41.  pfb(16, 4, 16, 6, colors.gray)
  42.  pfb(17, 4, 17, 6, colors.lightGray)
  43.  pdp(16, 5, colors.lightGray)
  44.  pdp(17, 5, colors.gray)
  45.  stc(colors.white)
  46. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(  end
  47.  scp(15,7)
  48.  p("DGStatistics")
  49. end
  52. if fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") then
  53.  pfb(28, 4, 30, 6, colors.gray)
  54.  pfb(28, 4, 30, 4, colors.lightGray)
  55.  pdp(29,5, colors.lightGray)
  56.  pdp(29,6, colors.lightGray)
  57.   stc(colors.white)
  58. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(  end
  59.  scp(28,7)
  60.  p("TimeMachine")
  61. end
  63. if fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") then
  64.  pfb(2, 8, 4, 8,
  65.  pfb(2, 9, 4, 10, colors.cyan)
  66.  stc(colors.white)
  67.  if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr ==
  68.  "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then
  69.  sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr ==
  70.  "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then
  71.  sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr
  72.  == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr ==
  73.  "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(  end
  74.  scp(2,11)
  75.  p("Kalkulator")
  76. end
  78. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then
  79. pfb(2, 4, 2, 6,
  80. pfb(3, 4, 3, 6, colors.yellow)
  81. pfb(4, 4, 4, 6,
  82.  if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr ==
  83.  "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then
  84.  sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr ==
  85.  "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then
  86.  sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr
  87.  == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr ==
  88.  "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(  end
  89. scp(2,7)
  90. p("Eksplorator")
  91. end
  93. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  94. if x>1 and x<5 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then r("/nshop/.exp") end
  95. if x>14 and x<18 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then r("/nshop/.dg") end
  96. if x>27 and x<31 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") then r("/nshop/.tm") end
  97. if x>1 and x<5 and y>7 and y<11 and fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") then r("/nshop/.calc") end
  98. if x>0 and x<6 and y == 19 then start() end
  99. if x == 51 and y == 2 then system() end
  100. end
  101. end
  104. function tapetaust()
  105. local tapust ="/os/.tapus", "r")
  106. tapust1 = tapust.readLine()
  107. tapust.close()
  108. if tapust1 == "default" then
  109.  sbc(colors.gray)
  110.  stc(colors.white)
  111.  scp(1,9)
  112.  p("NextUI")
  113.  scp(9,9)
  114.  sbc(colors.lightGray)
  115.  p("Prosta")
  116.  scp(16,9)
  117.  p("Wlasna")
  118.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  119.  if x>8 and x<15 and y == 9 then
  120.   fs.delete("/os/.pulpit")
  121.   fs.delete("/os/.tapus")
  122.   r("pastebin get vwG8AryW /os/.pulpit")
  123.   r("pastebin get uTedutxS /os/.tapus")
  124.   s(1)
  125.   system()
  126.  end
  127.  if x>15 and x<23 and y == 9 then cus() end
  128. end
  129. if tapust1 == "custom" then
  130.  stc(colors.white)
  131.  sbc(colors.lightGray)
  132.  scp(1,9)
  133.  p("NextUI")
  134.  scp(9,9)
  135.  p("Prosta")
  136.  sbc(colors.gray)
  137.  scp(16,9)
  138.  p("Wlasna")
  139.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  140.  if x>8 and x<15 and y == 9 then
  141.   fs.delete("/os/.pulpit")
  142.   fs.delete("/os/.tapus")
  143.   r("pastebin get vwG8AryW /os/.pulpit")
  144.   r("pastebin get uTedutxS /os/.tapus")
  145.   s(1)
  146.   system()
  147.  end
  148.  if x>0 and x<9 and y == 9 then
  149.   fs.delete("/os/.pulpit")
  150.   fs.delete("/os/.tapus")
  151.   r("pastebin get KCNCwuj3 /os/.pulpit")
  152.   r("pastebin get DxMvUVHx /os/.tapus")
  153.   s(1)
  154.   system()
  155.  end
  156. end
  157. if tapust1 == "simple" then
  158.  sbc(colors.lightGray)
  159.  stc(colors.white)
  160.  scp(1,9)
  161.  p("NextUI")
  162.  sbc(colors.gray)
  163.  scp(9,9)
  164.  p("Prosta")
  165.  sbc(colors.lightGray)
  166.  scp(16,9)
  167.  p("Wlasna")
  168.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  169.  if x>0 and x<9 and y == 9 then
  170.   fs.delete("/os/.pulpit")
  171.   fs.delete("/os/.tapus")
  172.   r("pastebin get KCNCwuj3 /os/.pulpit")
  173.   r("pastebin get DxMvUVHx /os/.tapus")
  174.   s(1)
  175.   system()
  176.  end
  177.  if x>15 and x<23 and y == 9 then cus() end
  178. end
  179. end
  180. function cmd()
  181. s(1)
  182. tc()
  183. sbc(
  184. tc()
  185. sbc(
  186. stc(colors.white)
  187. scp(1,1)
  188. p("MineCore Command Prompt")
  189. p("2018 Microcraft")
  190. p("Wpisz 'help', aby uzyskac pomoc")
  191. while true do
  192. w("./minecore/>")
  193. comm = read()
  194. if comm == "help" then
  195.  p("'ver' - wersja MineCore")
  196.  p("'next' - powrot do NextUI")
  197.  p("'nextver' - wersja NextUI")
  198.  p("'run' - uruchom plik")
  199.  p("'log' - zmiana hasla")
  200.  p("'reboot' - uruchom ponownie")
  201.  p("'shutdown' - wylacz komputer")
  202.  p("'store' - sklep z aplikacjami")
  203.  p("'craft' - powrot do CraftOS")
  204.  p("'update' - aktualizuj NextUI")
  205.  p("'dir' - lista plikow w danym folderze")
  206. end
  207. if comm == "reboot" then re() end
  208. if comm == "shutdown" then su() end
  209. if comm == "update" then r("/os/.update") end
  210. if comm == "dir" then
  211.  w(".Podaj sciezke>")
  212.  dir1 = read()
  213.  r("dir", dir1)
  214. end
  215. if comm == "store" then sklep() end
  216. if comm == "ver" then
  217.  p("Microcraft MineCore 1.65 2020.")
  218.  p("Microcraft MineUI D 1.0 2018.")
  219. end
  220. if comm == "nextver" then
  221.  p("Microcraft NextUI 1.7 2nd UI Update 2020.")
  222. end
  223. if comm == "next" then system() end
  224. if comm == "run" then
  225.  w("Wpisz sciezke pliku: ")
  226.  plik = read()
  227.  if fs.exists(plik) then r(plik) end
  228. end
  229. if comm == "log" then
  230.  w("Wpisz nowe haslo: ")
  231.  passw = read()
  232.  r("rm /os/.log2")
  233.  local pas ="/os/.log2", "w")
  234.  pass = pas.writeLine(passw)
  235.  pas.close()
  236.  p("Uruchamianie ponownie...")
  237.  s(1)
  238.  re()
  239. end
  240. end
  241. end
  244. function apps()
  245. while true do
  246. sbc(
  247. tc()
  248. sbc(
  249. pfb(6, 19, 49, 19,
  250. sbc(
  251. stc(colors.white)
  252. scp(1,19)
  253. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(  end
  254. w("Start")
  255. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1,
  256. pdp(51, 1,
  257. pdp(50, 19,
  258. pdp(51, 19,
  259. scp(1,1)
  260. sbc(
  261. stc(colors.white)
  262. p("Zarzadzanie aplikacjami")
  263. pfb(3, 3, 5, 3, colors.gray)
  264. pdp(3, 3, colors.lightGray)
  265. scp(6,3)
  266. stc(colors.white)
  267. sbc(
  268. miejsce = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  269. p("Dysk twardy   Wolne miejsce: ", miejsce, "KB")
  270. scp(1,6)
  271. p("Aplikacje:")
  272. scp(6,8)
  273. stc(colors.white)
  274. sbc(
  275. if fs.exists("/nshop/") then rozmiar = math.ceil(getSize("/nshop/")/1024) else
  276. scp(1,7) sbc( stc(colors.white) p("Brak zainstalowanych aplikacji") end
  277. scp(1,5)
  278. p("Laczny rozmiar aplikacji na dysku: ", rozmiar, "KB")
  279. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then pfb(3, 8, 5, 8, scp(6,8) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("Eksplorator") scp(1,8) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("X") end
  280. if fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then pfb(3, 10, 5, 10, colors.gray) scp(6,10) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("DGStatistics") scp(1,10) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("X") end
  281. if fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") then pfb(3, 12, 5, 12, scp(6,12) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("TimeMachine") scp(1,12) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("X") end
  282. if fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") then pfb(3, 14, 5, 14, colors.cyan) scp(6,14) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("Kalkulator") scp(1, 14) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("X") end
  283. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  284. if x>0 and x<6 and y == 19 then start() end
  285. if x == 1 and y == 8 then fs.delete("/nshop/.exp") s(1)  end
  286. if x == 1 and y == 10 then fs.delete("/nshop/.dg") s(1)  end
  287. if x == 1 and y == 12 then fs.delete("/nshop/.tm") s(1)  end
  288. if x == 1 and y == 14 then fs.delete("/nshop/.calc") s(1) end
  289. if x == 51 and y == 1 then nust() end
  290. end
  291. end
  294. function pol()
  295. pfb(50, 13, 50, 18, colors.white)
  296. pfb(51, 13, 51, 18,
  297. end
  299. function calc()
  300. scp(16,2)
  301. sbc(colors.white)
  302. stc(
  303. p("Kalkulator NextUI to prosta")
  304. scp(16,3)
  305. p("aplikacja pozwalajaca na")
  306. scp(16,4)
  307. p("wykonywanie dzialan matematycznych")
  308. scp(16,5)
  309. p("Wyprobuj juz dzis!")
  310. pfb(16, 19, 51, 19,
  311. if fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") then
  312.  scp(16,19)
  313.  sbc(
  314.  stc(colors.white)
  315.  w("Usun      Uruchom")
  316.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  317.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == 19 then fs.delete("/nshop/.calc") end
  318.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == 19 then r("/nshop/.calc") end
  319. else
  320.  scp(30,19)
  321.  w("Pobierz")
  322.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  323.  if x>29 and x<40 then
  324.   if pass == "" then r("pastebin get dMjjSaKY /nshop/.calc")
  325.   else
  326.   pfb(10, 5, 30, 9,
  327.   scp(10,5) stc(colors.white)
  328.   p("Wymagana autoryzacja.")
  329.   scp(10,6)
  330.   p("Wpisz haslo:")
  331.   scp(10,7)
  332.   w("")
  333.   haslo = read()
  334.   if haslo == pass then r("pastebin get dMjjSaKY /nshop/.calc")
  335.   end  
  336.   end
  337.   end
  338. end
  339. end
  341. function ep()
  342. scp(16,2)
  343. sbc(colors.white)
  344. stc(
  345. p("Eksplorator dla NextUI to potezne")
  346. scp(16,3)
  347. p("a zarazem proste narzedzie do")
  348. scp(16,4)
  349. p("przegladania zawartosci dysku")
  350. scp(16,5)
  351. p("twardego. Pobierz za darmo dzisiaj!")
  352. pfb(16, 19, 51, 19,
  353. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then
  354.  scp(16,19)
  355.  sbc(
  356.  stc(colors.white)
  357.  w("Usun      Uruchom")
  358.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  359.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == 19 then fs.delete("/nshop/.exp") end
  360.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == 19 then r("/nshop/.exp") end
  361. else
  362.  scp(30,19)
  363.  w("Pobierz")
  364.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  365.  if x>29 and x<40 then
  366.   if pass == "" then r("pastebin get zbzF7Zu4 /nshop/.exp")
  367.   else
  368.   pfb(10, 5, 30, 9,
  369.   scp(10,5) stc(colors.white)
  370.   p("Wymagana autoryzacja.")
  371.   scp(10,6)
  372.   p("Wpisz haslo:")
  373.   scp(10,7)
  374.   w("")
  375.   haslo = read()
  376.   if haslo == pass then r("pastebin get zbzF7Zu4 /nshop/.exp")
  377.   end  
  378.   end
  379.   end
  380. end
  381. end
  384. function rc()
  385. scp(16,2)
  386. sbc(colors.white)
  387. stc(
  388. p("ReactorControl to aplikacja,")
  389. scp(16,3)
  390. p("stworzona dla latwiejszej")
  391. scp(16,4)
  392. p("kontroli reaktorow z modyfikacji")
  393. scp(16,5)
  394. p("do Minecraft nazwanej BigReactors.")
  395. scp(16,6)
  396. p("Pobierz juz dzis!")
  397. pfb(16, 19, 51, 19,
  398. scp(16,19)
  399. w("Aplikacja nie jest jeszcze dostepna")
  400. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  401. end
  404. function tm()
  405. scp(16,2)
  406. sbc(colors.white)
  407. stc(
  408. p("TimeMashine to aplikacja")
  409. scp(16,3)
  410. p("uruchamiajaca starsze wersje")
  411. scp(16,4)
  412. p("MineCore oraz Minedows dzieki")
  413. scp(16,5)
  414. p("NextUI API! Poznaj starsze")
  415. scp(16,6)
  416. p("systemy Microcraft bez zbednego")
  417. scp(16,7)
  418. p("zajmowania miejsca na dysku!")
  419. scp(16,8)
  420. p("Aplikacja stworzona na rocznice")
  421. scp(16,9)
  422. p("wydania MineCore 1.0!")
  423. pfb(16, 19, 51, 19,
  424. if fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") then
  425.  scp(16,19)
  426.  sbc(
  427.  stc(colors.white)
  428.  w("Usun      Uruchom")
  429.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  430.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == 19 then fs.delete("/nshop/.tm") end
  431.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == 19 then r("/nshop/.tm") end
  432. else
  433.  scp(30,19)
  434.  w("Pobierz")
  435.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  436.  if x>29 and x<40 then
  437.   if pass == "" then r("pastebin get kCQLpZQS /nshop/.tm")
  438.   else
  439.   pfb(10, 5, 30, 9,
  440.   scp(10,5) stc(colors.white)
  441.   p("Wymagana autoryzacja.")
  442.   scp(10,6)
  443.   p("Wpisz haslo:")
  444.   scp(10,7)
  445.   w("")
  446.   haslo = read()
  447.   if haslo == pass then r("pastebin get kCQLpZQS /nshop/.tm")
  448.   end  
  449.   end
  450.   end
  451. end
  452. end
  455. function dg()
  456. scp(16,2)
  457. sbc(colors.white)
  458. stc(
  459. p("DGStatistics to aplikacja,")
  460. scp(16,3)
  461. p("stworzona we wspolpracy z ")
  462. scp(16,4)
  463. p("serwerem Darkness Grounds ")
  464. scp(16,5)
  465. p("pokazujaca statystyki broni")
  466. scp(16,6)
  467. p("Z ich autorskiej modyfikacji!")
  468. scp(16,7)
  469. p("Pobierz juz dzis!")
  470. pfb(16, 19, 51, 19,
  471. scp(16,19)
  472. if fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then
  473.  scp(16,19)
  474.  sbc(
  475.  stc(colors.white)
  476.  w("Usun      Uruchom")
  477.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  478.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == 19 then fs.delete("/nshop/.dg") end
  479.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == 19 then r("/nshop/.dg") end
  480. else
  481.  scp(30,19)
  482.  w("Pobierz")
  483.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  484.  if x>29 and x<40 then
  485.   if pass == "" then r("pastebin get qRNinxW4 /nshop/.dg")
  486.   else
  487.   pfb(10, 5, 30, 9,
  488.   scp(10,5) stc(colors.white)
  489.   p("Wymagana autoryzacja.")
  490.   scp(10,6)
  491.   p("Wpisz haslo:")
  492.   scp(10,7)
  493.   w("")
  494.   haslo = read()
  495.   if haslo == pass then r("pastebin get qRNinxW4 /nshop/.dg")
  496.   end  
  497.   end
  498.   end
  499. end
  500. end
  503. function sklep()
  504. while true do
  505. sbc(colors.white)
  506. tc()
  507. sbc(colors.white)
  508. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1,
  509. pfb(15, 1, 15, 19,
  510. pdp(51, 1,
  511. scp(1,1)
  512. sbc(
  513. stc(colors.white)
  514. p("nextStore")
  515. sbc(colors.white)
  516. stc(
  517. p("Eksplorator")
  518. p("DGStatistics")
  519. p("ReactorControl")
  520. p("TimeMashine")
  521. p("Kalkulator")
  522. scp(1,18)
  523. p("Wolne miejsce:")
  524. miejsce = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  525. w(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024, "KB")
  526. shell.exit()
  527. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  528. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 2 then ep() end
  529. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 3 then dg() end
  530. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 4 then rc() end
  531. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 5 then tm() end
  532. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 6 then calc() end
  533. if x == 51 and y == 1 then system() end
  534. end
  535. end
  538. function shop()
  539. pfb(41, 17, 51, 18,
  540. stc(colors.white)
  541. scp(41,17)
  542. p("Sklep")
  543. scp(41,18)
  544. p("Wyczysc")
  545. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  546. if x>40 and x<52 and y == 17 then sklep() end
  547. if x>40 and x<52 and y == 18 then fs.delete("/nshop/") end
  548. end
  551. function dysk()
  552. while true do
  553. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(  end
  554. scp(13,4)
  555. p("Kiedy w stacji bedzie ")
  556. scp(13,5)
  557. p("kompatybilna dyskietka")
  558. scp(13,6)
  559. p("nacisnij OK           ")
  560. scp(13,7)
  561. p("[OK]                  ")
  562. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  563. if x>12 and x<17 and y == 7 and fs.exists("/disk/.nsetup") then r("/disk/.nsetup")
  564. elseif x>12 and x<17 and y == 7 and not fs.exists("/disk/.nsetup") then scp(13,8) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("Blad! Nie znaleziono instalatora") s(2) system()
  565. else s(1) system()
  566. end
  567. end
  568. end
  570. function pierwszeu2()
  571. if fs.exists("/os/.log1") and fs.exists("/os/.log2") and fs.exists("/os/.tapus") then logo()
  572. else
  573. while true do
  574. tc()
  575. sbc(colors.white)
  576. tc()
  577. sbc(colors.white)
  578. stc(
  579. scp(1,1)
  580. p("Konfiguracja NextUI      Krok 2/2")
  581. p("Witamy w NextUI!")
  582. p("Wybierz tapete Twojego pulpitu NextUI.")
  583. p("NextUI | Prosta")
  584. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  585. if x>0 and x<8 and y == 4 then
  586.   fs.delete("/os/.pulpit")
  587.   fs.delete("/os/.tapus")
  588.   r("pastebin get KCNCwuj3 /os/.pulpit")
  589.   r("pastebin get DxMvUVHx /os/.tapus")
  590.   p("Konfiguracja NextUI zostala zakonczona.")
  591.   s(1)
  592.   system()
  593. end
  594. if x>8 and x<16 and y == 5 then
  595.   fs.delete("/os/.pulpit")
  596.   fs.delete("/os/.tapus")
  597.   r("pastebin get vwG8AryW /os/.pulpit")
  598.   r("pastebin get uTedutxS /os/.tapus")
  599.   p("Konfiguracja NextUI zostala zakonczona.")
  600.   s(1)
  601.   system()
  602. end
  603. end
  604. end
  605. end
  608. function pierwszeu()
  609. if fs.exists("/os/.log1") and fs.exists("/os/.log2") then pierwszeu2()
  610. else
  611. tc()
  612. sbc(colors.white)
  613. tc()
  614. sbc(colors.white)
  615. stc(
  616. scp(1,1)
  617. p("Konfiguracja NextUI      Krok 1/2")
  618. p("Witamy w NextUI!")
  619. p("Wpisz nazwe uzytkownika:")
  620. w("")
  621. uzytkownik = read()
  622. p("Wpisz haslo: ")
  623. w("")
  624. haslo = read()
  625. local p ="/os/.log1", "w")
  626. p.write(uzytkownik)
  627. p.close()
  628. local h ="/os/.log2", "w")
  629. h.writeLine(haslo)
  630. h.close()
  631. print("Ponowne uruchamianie....")
  632. sleep(1)
  633. os.reboot()
  634. end
  635. end
  638. function logobraz()
  639. pfb(1, 1, 51, 5,
  640. pfb(1, 6, 51, 14, colors.lightBlue)
  641. pfb(1, 15, 51, 19,
  642. pfb(15, 7, 17, 9, colors.gray)
  643. scp(1,1)
  644. p("Logowanie NextUI")
  645. scp(1,2)
  646. p("Prosze wpisac dwukrotnie haslo.")
  647. end
  650. function pliki()
  651.  local u ="/os/.log1", "r")
  652.  user = u.readLine()
  653.  u.close()
  654.  local h ="/os/.log2", "r")
  655.  pass = h.readLine()
  656.  h.close()
  657. end
  660. function log()
  661. if pass == "" then system() else
  662. sbc(colors.lightBlue)
  663. stc(colors.white)
  664. scp(18,7)
  665. p(user)
  666. scp(18,8)
  667. w("")
  668. haslo = read()
  669. if haslo == pass then ok = 1 else scp(18,9) stc( p("Bledne haslo") s(2) re() end
  670. end
  671. end
  674. function logo()
  675. logobraz()
  676. pliki()
  677. log()
  678. end
  681. function kolor()
  682. local col ="/os/.kol", "r")
  683. colr = col.readLine()
  684. col.close()
  685. end
  688. function kolorw()
  689. scp(1,5)
  690. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  691. p("Obecny kolor wiodacy: ", colr)
  692. p("Wybierz nowy kolor wiodacy:")
  693. pdp(1, 7,
  694. pdp(2, 7, colors.lightBlue)
  695. pdp(3, 7, colors.yellow)
  696. pdp(4, 7, colors.lime)
  697. pdp(5, 7,
  698. pdp(6, 7, colors.gray)
  699. pdp(7, 7, colors.lightGray)
  700. pdp(8, 7, colors.purple)
  701. pdp(9, 7,
  702. pdp(10, 7, colors.brown)
  703. pdp(11, 7,
  704. pdp(12, 7,
  705. pdp(13, 7,
  706. pdp(14, 7, colors.white)
  707. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  708. if x == 1 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  709. if x == 2 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lightBlue") colw.close() end
  710. if x == 3 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.yellow") colw.close() end
  711. if x == 4 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lime") colw.close() end
  712. if x == 5 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  713. if x == 6 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.gray") colw.close() end
  714. if x == 7 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lightGray") colw.close() end
  715. if x == 8 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.purple") colw.close() end
  716. if x == 9 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  717. if x == 10 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.brown") colw.close() end
  718. if x == 11 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  719. if x == 12 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  720. if x == 13 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  721. if x == 14 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.white") colw.close() end
  722. end
  725. function getSize(path)
  726.   local size = 0
  727.   for _, file in ipairs(fs.list(path)) do
  728.     if fs.isDir(fs.combine(path, file)) then
  729.       size = size + getSize(fs.combine(path, file))
  730.     else
  731.       size = size + fs.getSize(fs.combine(path, file))
  732.     end
  733.   end
  734.   return size
  735. end
  738. local wer ="/os/.ver", "r")
  739. ver = wer.readLine()
  740. wer.close()
  743. function ust()
  744. while true do
  745. kolor()
  746. tc()
  747. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  748. tc()
  749. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  750. pfb(1, 1, 50, 1,
  751. pdp(51, 1,
  752. pol()
  753. sbc(
  754. stc(colors.white)
  755. scp(1,1)
  756. p("Ustawienia")
  757. stc(
  758. scp(1,2)
  759. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  760. p("Informacje i ustawienia | Biurko")
  761. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  762. if x == 51 and y == 1 then system() end
  763. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 1 then tryb = 4 end
  764. if x>0 and x<25 and y == 2 then tryb = 1 end
  765. if x>24 and x<33 and y == 2 then tryb = 3 end
  766. scp(1,3)
  767. if tryb == 1 then
  768.  scp(1,3)
  769. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  770.  p("MineCore Hybrid OS NextUI")
  771.  p("Wersja systemu: 1.7 2nd UI Update")
  772.  zajete = math.ceil(getSize("/")/1024)
  773.  wolne = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  774.  p("Wolne miejsce na dysku:", wolne, "KB")
  775.  print(zajete, "KB uzyte")
  776.  p("[Aktualizacja systemu]")
  777.  p("Jezyk systemu: ", "polski")
  778.  p("Dostepny jezyk: ", "angielski / English")
  779.  p("Zmien jezyk")
  780.  p("Wiersz polecen")
  781.  p("Logowanie wlaczone: ")
  782.  if pass == "" then print("Nie") else print("Tak") end
  783.  p("Obecna nazwa komputera: ", os.getComputerLabel())
  784.  p("Zmien nazwe komptutera")
  785.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  786.  if x>0 and x<20 and y == 7 then r("/os/.update") end
  787.  if x>0 and x<20 and y == 10 then r("pastebin run JQvW06m6") end
  788.  if x>0 and x<20 and y == 11 then cmd() end
  789.  if x>0 and x<20 and y == 15 then
  790.   scp(1,16)
  791.   w("Wpisz nowa nazwe: ")
  792.   nazwa = read()
  793.   os.setComputerLabel(nazwa)
  794.   end
  795. end
  796. if tryb == 3 then
  797. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  798.  scp(1,3)
  799.  p("Styl graficzny: Domyslny NextUI")
  800.  p("Brak dostepnych stylow")
  801.  p("Wybierz kolor wiodacy")
  802.  scp(1,8)
  803.  p("Ustawienia tapety")
  804.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  805.  if x>0 and x<25 and y == 5 then kolorw() end
  806.  if x>0 and x<25 and y == 8 then tapetaust() end
  807. end
  808. if tryb == 4 then
  809.  pfb(1,2,15,3, colors.gray)
  810.  stc(colors.white)
  811.  scp(1,2)
  812.  p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  813.  p("2019 Microcraft")
  814.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  815. end
  816. end
  817. end
  820. function ikony()
  821. tc()
  822. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  823. tc()
  824. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  825. stc(colors.white)
  826. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1, colors.gray)
  827. pdp(51, 1,
  828. sbc(colors.gray)
  829. scp(1,1)
  830. p("Tworzenie ikon NextUI")
  831. scp(1,2)
  832. stc(colors.white)
  833. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  834. p("Witamy w kreatorze ikon. Wybierz miejsce na ikone:")
  835. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico1") then iko1 = "Zajete" else iko1 = "Wolne" end
  836. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico2") then iko2 = "Zajete" else iko2 = "Wolne" end
  837. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico3") then iko3 = "Zajete" else iko3 = "Wolne" end
  838. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico4") then iko4 = "Zajete" else iko4 = "Wolne" end
  839. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico5") then iko5 = "Zajete" else iko5 = "Wolne" end
  840. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico6") then iko6 = "Zajete" else iko6 = "Wolne" end
  841. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico7") then iko7 = "Zajete" else iko7 = "Wolne" end
  842. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico8") then iko8 = "Zajete" else iko8 = "Wolne" end
  843. if iko1 == "Wolne" then pfb(1, 7, 2, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(1, 7, 2, 8, end
  844. if iko2 == "Wolne" then pfb(4, 7, 5, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(4, 7, 5, 8, end
  845. if iko3 == "Wolne" then pfb(7, 7, 8, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(7, 7, 8, 8, end
  846. if iko4 == "Wolne" then pfb(10, 7, 11, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(10, 7, 11, 8, end
  847. if iko5 == "Wolne" then pfb(13, 7, 14, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(13, 7, 14, 8, end
  848. if iko6 == "Wolne" then pfb(16, 7, 17, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(16, 7, 17, 8, end
  849. if iko7 == "Wolne" then pfb(19, 7, 20, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(19, 7, 20, 8, end
  850. if iko8 == "Wolne" then pfb(22, 7, 23, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(22, 7, 23, 8, end
  851. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  852. if x == 51 and y == 1 then system() end
  853. if x>0 and x<3 and y>6 and y<9 and iko1 == "Zajete" then
  854.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico1")
  855.  ikony()
  856. end
  857. if x>3 and x<6 and y>6 and y<9 and iko2 == "Zajete" then
  858.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico2")
  859.  ikony()
  860. end
  861. if x>6 and x<9 and y>6 and y<9 and iko3 == "Zajete" then
  862.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico3")
  863.  ikony()
  864. end
  865. if x>9 and x<12 and y>6 and y<9 and iko4 == "Zajete" then
  866.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico4")
  867.  ikony()
  868. end
  869. if x>12 and x<15 and y>6 and y<9 and iko5 == "Zajete" then
  870.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico5")
  871.  ikony()
  872. end
  873. if x>15 and x<18 and y>6 and y<9 and iko6 == "Zajete" then
  874.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico6")
  875.  ikony()
  876. end
  877. if x>18 and x<21 and y>6 and y<9 and iko7 == "Zajete" then
  878.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico7")
  879.  ikony()
  880. end
  881. if x>21 and x<24 and y>6 and y<9 and iko8 == "Zajete" then
  882.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico8")
  883.  ikony()
  884. end
  885. scp(1,10)
  886. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  887. w("Wpisz sciezkie do pliku: ")
  888. sciezka = read()
  889. if x>0 and x<3 and y>6 and y<9 and iko1 == "Wolne" then
  890.  local ikon1 ="/os/iko/.ico1", "w")
  891.  ikon1.writeLine(sciezka)
  892.  ikon1.close()
  893. end
  894. if x>3 and x<6 and y>6 and y<9 and iko2 == "Wolne" then
  895.  local ikon2 ="/os/iko/.ico2", "w")
  896.  ikon2.writeLine(sciezka)
  897.  ikon2.close()
  898. end
  899. if x>6 and x<8 and y>6 and y<9 and iko3 == "Wolne" then
  900.  local ikon3 ="/os/iko/.ico3", "w")
  901.  ikon3.writeLine(sciezka)
  902.  ikon3.close()
  903. end
  904. if x>9 and x<12 and y>6 and y<9 and iko4 == "Wolne" then
  905.  local ikon4 ="/os/iko/.ico4", "w")
  906.  ikon4.writeLine(sciezka)
  907.  ikon4.close()
  908. end
  909. if x>12 and x<15 and y>6 and y<9 and iko5 == "Wolne" then
  910.  local ikon5 ="/os/iko/.ico5", "w")
  911.  ikon5.writeLine(sciezka)
  912.  ikon5.close()
  913. end
  914. if x>15 and x<18 and y>6 and y<9 and iko6 == "Wolne" then
  915.  local ikon6 ="/os/iko/.ico6", "w")
  916.  ikon6.writeLine(sciezka)
  917.  ikon6.close()
  918. end
  919. if x>18 and x<21 and y>6 and y<9 and iko7 == "Wolne" then
  920.  local ikon7 ="/os/iko/.ico7", "w")
  921.  ikon7.writeLine(sciezka)
  922.  ikon7.close()
  923. end
  924. if x>21 and x<24 and y>6 and y<9 and iko8 == "Wolne" then
  925.  local ikon8 ="/os/iko/.ico8", "w")
  926.  ikon8.writeLine(sciezka)
  927.  ikon8.close()
  928. end
  929. end
  932. function pulpit()
  933. local obraz = pul("/os/.pulpit")
  934. pud(obraz, 1, 1)
  935. kolor()
  936. pol()
  937. pfb(1, 19, 51, 19,
  938. pdp(51, 19,
  939. pdp(50, 19,
  940. scp(1,19)
  941. stc(colors.white)
  942. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  943. w("Start")
  944. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  945. scp(1,1)
  946. p("NextUI 1.7  2nd UI Update. Microcraft              ")
  947. scp(41,19)
  948. w("nextStore")
  949. -- scp(20,19) --
  950. -- w("Aplikacje") --
  951. scp(5,18)
  952. sbc(colors.cyan)
  953. p("Aplikacje nextStore")
  954. pfb(5, 15, 7, 17,
  955. pdp(5, 15, colors.lightBlue)
  956. pdp(7, 17,
  957. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico1") then
  958.  local i1 ="/os/iko/.ico1", "r")
  959.  ii1 = i1.readLine()
  960.  i1.close()
  961.  pfb(44, 2, 46, 3, colors.purple)
  962. end
  963. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico2") then
  964.  local i2 ="/os/iko/.ico2", "r")
  965.  ii2 = i2.readLine()
  966.  i2.close()
  967.  pfb(44, 5, 46, 6,
  968. end
  969. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico3") then
  970.  local i3 ="/os/iko/.ico3", "r")
  971.  ii3 = i3.readLine()
  972.  i3.close()
  973.  pfb(44, 8, 46, 9,
  974. end
  975. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico4") then
  976.  local i4 ="/os/iko/.ico4", "r")
  977.  ii1 = i4.readLine()
  978.  i4.close()
  979.  pfb(44, 11, 46, 12, colors.yellow)
  980. end
  981. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico5") then
  982.  local i5 ="/os/iko/.ico5", "r")
  983.  ii5 = i5.readLine()
  984.  i5.close()
  985.  pfb(49, 2, 51, 3,
  986. end
  987. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico6") then
  988.  local i6 ="/os/iko/.ico6", "r")
  989.  ii6 = i6.readLine()
  990.  i6.close()
  991.  pfb(49, 5, 51, 6, colors.lime)
  992. end
  993. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico7") then
  994.  local i7 ="/os/iko/.ico7", "r")
  995.  ii7 = i7.readLine()
  996.  i7.close()
  997.  pfb(49, 8, 51, 9, colors.lightBlue)
  998. end
  999. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico8") then
  1000.  local i8 ="/os/iko/.ico8", "r")
  1001.  ii8 = i8.readLine()
  1002.  i8.close()
  1003.  pfb(49, 11, 51, 12,
  1004. end
  1005. end
  1008. function start()
  1009. pfb(1, 11, 20, 18, colors.white)
  1010. scp(1,10)
  1011. stc(colors.white)
  1012. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) stc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1013. p("NextUI Start        ")
  1014. scp(1,11)
  1015. if colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc( stc(colors.white) else sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1016. p("Zainstaluj z dysku  ")
  1017. p("Paint               ")
  1018. p("2048                ")
  1019. p("Snake               ")
  1020. p("Edytor              ")
  1021. p("Powrot do CraftOS   ")
  1022. p("Ustawienia          ")
  1023. p("Ikony pulpitu       ")
  1024. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1025. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 11 then dysk() end
  1026. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 18 then ikony() end
  1027. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 16 then error() end
  1028. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 14 then sbc( r("worm") end
  1029. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 12 then r("/os/.paint") end
  1030. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 17 then nust() end
  1031. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 13 then r("/os/.2048") end
  1032. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 15 then r("/os/.luaide") end
  1033. if x == 20 and y == 10 then system() end
  1034. end
  1036. function mysz()
  1037. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1038. -- if x>20 and x<38 and y == 19 then apps() end
  1039. if x == 50 and y == 19 then su() end
  1040. if x == 51 and y == 19 then re() end
  1041. if x>43 and x<47 and y>1 and y<4 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico1") then r(ii1) end
  1042. if x>43 and x<47 and y>4 and y<7 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico2") then r(ii2) end
  1043. if x>43 and x<47 and y>7 and y<10 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico3") then r(ii3) end
  1044. if x>43 and x<47 and y>10 and y<13 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico4") then r(ii4) end
  1045. if x>47 and x<52 and y>1 and y<4 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico5") then r(ii5) end
  1046. if x>43 and x<47 and y>4 and y<7 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico6") then r(ii6) end
  1047. if x>43 and x<47 and y>7 and y<10 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico7") then r(ii7) end
  1048. if x>43 and x<47 and y>10 and y<13 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico8") then r(ii8) end
  1049. if x>39 and x<49 and y == 19 then shop() end
  1050. if x>0 and x<6 and y == 19 then start() end
  1051. if x>4 and x<8 and y>14 and y<19 then folder() end
  1052. end
  1054. function nust()
  1055. while true do
  1056. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1057. tc()
  1058. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1059. pfb(1, 19, 51, 19,
  1060. scp(1,19)
  1061. sbc(
  1062. stc(colors.white)
  1063. w("Start")
  1064. pdp(50,19,
  1065. pdp(51,19,
  1066. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1,
  1067. scp(1,1)
  1068. p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  1069. pdp(51,1,
  1070. pfb(3, 4, 13, 6,
  1071. scp(3,5)
  1072. stc(colors.white)
  1073. p("Informacje")
  1074. pfb(27, 4, 37, 6, colors.cyan)
  1075. scp(27,5)
  1076. stc(colors.white)
  1077. p("Biurko")
  1078. pfb(15, 4, 25, 6,
  1079. scp(15,5)
  1080. stc(colors.white)
  1081. p("Ustawienia")
  1082. pfb(39, 4, 49, 6,
  1083. scp(39,5)
  1084. stc(colors.white)
  1085. p("Aplikacje")
  1086. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1087. if x == 51 and y == 1 then system() end
  1088. if x>0 and x<6 and y == 19 then start() end
  1089. if x>2 and x<14 and y>3 and y<7 then infust() end
  1090. if x>14 and x<26 and y>3 and y<7 then setust() end
  1091. if x>26 and x<38 and y>3 and y<7 then deskust() end
  1092. if x>38 and x<50 and y>3 and y<7 then apps() end
  1093. end
  1094. end
  1096. function infust()
  1097. while true do
  1098. kolor()
  1099. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1100. tc()
  1101. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1102. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1,
  1103. scp(1,1)
  1104. stc(colors.white)
  1105. p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  1106. pdp(51,1,
  1107. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1108. scp(1,2)
  1109. p("Microcraft NextUI")
  1110. p("Wersja systemu: 1.7 2nd UI Update")
  1111. zajete = math.ceil(getSize("/")/1024)
  1112. wolne = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  1113. p("Wolne miejsce na dysku:", wolne, "KB")
  1114. p("Obecna nazwa komputera: ", os.getComputerLabel())
  1115. if pass == "" then log = "nie" else log = "tak" end
  1116. p("Logowanie wlaczone: ", log)
  1117. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1118. if x == 51 and y == 1 then nust() end
  1119. end
  1120. end
  1122. function deskust()
  1123. while true do
  1124. kolor()
  1125. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1126. tc()
  1127. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1128. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1,
  1129. scp(1,1)
  1130. stc(colors.white)
  1131. p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  1132. pdp(51,1,
  1133. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1134.  scp(1,2)
  1135.  p("Styl graficzny: Domyslny NextUI")
  1136.  p("Brak dostepnych stylow")
  1137.  p("Wybierz kolor wiodacy")
  1138.  scp(1,8)
  1139.  p("Ustawienia tapety")
  1140.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1141.  if x>0 and x<25 and y == 4 then kolorw() end
  1142.  if x>0 and x<25 and y == 8 then tapetaust() end
  1143.  if x == 51 and y == 1 then nust() end
  1144. end
  1145. end
  1148. -- pastebin run JQvW06m6
  1150. function setust()
  1151. while true do
  1152. kolor()
  1153. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1154. tc()
  1155. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1156. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1,
  1157. scp(1,1)
  1158. stc(colors.white)
  1159. p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  1160. pdp(51,1,
  1161. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  1162. p("Zmien nazwe komputera")
  1163. p("Aktualizuj system")
  1164. p("Wiersz polecen")
  1165. p("Zmien jezyk")
  1166. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1167. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 2 then
  1168.  scp(1,2)
  1169.   w("Wpisz nowa nazwe: ")
  1170.   nazwa = read()
  1171.   os.setComputerLabel(nazwa)
  1172.   setust()
  1173. end
  1174. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 3 then r("/os/.update") end
  1175. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 4 then cmd() end
  1176. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 5 then r("pastebin run JQvW06m6") end
  1177. if x == 51 and y == 1 then nust() end
  1178. end
  1179. end
  1180. function system()
  1181. while true do
  1182. kolor()
  1183. pulpit()
  1184. mysz()
  1185. end
  1186. end
  1189. pierwszeu()
  1191. logo()
  1193. system()
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