
Druggist Caravan Game Transcript 1

Jan 10th, 2018
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  1. Transcripts from the Druggist Caravan Game.
  2. GM: Snacky
  3. Player: Red M.
  4. Some formatting is lost in copy/pasting the text, most notably italics for emphasis and "/me" commands.
  6. Excerpt 1, the meeting of Red and Prof. Danes
  8. [12:08 AM] Snacky: A secure capital city in a wild and lewd world. The guilds in the capital train and employ specialists in a number of fields, including chemistry. Two years of learning, one for the basic, a second for specialization, before the license to ply the trade under guild contract. The first day of chemistry. The campus is big with new buildings, and the introductory classes have at least thirty students to a teacher. You may have heard about the beauty chemistry teacher, but seeing her in person for the first time was a different matter.
  9. [12:18 AM] Snacky: But what about you? To a random student in class, who are you? Did you show up early? Where did you sit? What did you look like? Before the teacher came in and turned heads what were you doing and what was on your mind?
  10. [12:27 AM] Red M.: is a scrawny runt of a cat, barely five feet tall and on the cusp of adulthood. His plain traveler's cloak is a bit frayed at the edges, and his shoes well-worn. His fur is a common cream with darker "socks" on the extremities, and his bag has been sitting next to his front-row seat long before the other students arrived. He looks barely awake even though it's nearly noon.
  11. [12:37 AM] Snacky: The big doors open and heads turn. "Sorry I'm late~" teacher says, her voice like warm syrup that numbs you. This black-furred, white-haired feline is big and stacked, a little discheveled in her tight little teacher's get-up. A white blouse with frilled sleeves and the top buttons open to let her heavy chest breathe, pencil skirt, see-through stockings, and heels. On every step down the aisle between the tiered seats of the lecture hall she jiggles and when she comes round to the front of the class, where you are sitting, you can smell the complex smell of a myriad of reagents beating out her floral perfume. "Phew, this is my first class in the new building, isn't it nice and clean and orderly?" she laughs and so students laugh alone with her even though she hasn't told a joke. She lets her eyes roam around the room, and she gives Red his time too, smiling and looking him right in the eyes as she introduces herself and the course work. "My name is Professor Danes, but you can call me Judy." When she bends to put things down beside her sleek desk the weight of her breasts are even more pronounced, swaying beneath her in an inspiring way. How does a teacher get away looking like this? Well, in the capital ther motto is 'if you've got it, flaunt it.' How do you react to this vision of loveliness? Are you able to pay attention with your thing twitching away under your desk?
  12. [12:43 AM] Red M.: can scarcely pay attention to anything but Judy now that he's seen her. It takes a moment, but he realizes he's pitching a heck of a tent, and tries to adjust his clothing. He's not sure if his shifting about makes his captivation more apparent, but at least he's awake now.(edited)
  13. [12:49 AM] Snacky: "You can rest easy for this morning session, we're just reviewing the syllabus, but by the afternoon we'll be in the lab, where it will be vital that you pay attention. We'll be brewing basic health potions and mana restoratives..." Judy runs through all her terms and expectations for the course and then she hands out a pop quiz to gauge everyone's knowledge going into the course. She hopes you at least know the basics of chemistry, the components of the most common, easy-to-produce chemist items, but she also includes advanced questions to sniff out any star pupils early. What knowledge do you have of chemistry from before entering the guild academy?
  14. [12:55 AM] Red M.: lived across the street from a chemist's shop as a child, and was always fascinated by the subject. When he was young, his hands were frequently blistered, burned, or otherwise irritated from various and thankfully nonlethal leisurely experiments. His adolesence saw him working under the grouchy old dog who ran the shop, and by the time he'd left for school he was already well-read and versed in the details of common ingredients and mixtures.(edited)
  15. [1:03 AM] Snacky: "Time's up~" Judy teased some frustrated students in the back with a wink. "It's alright if you didn't get to the more complicated questions, but if you struggled my office hours are on the syllabus and there are daily chemistry labs available..." With the time delay ended, the chemical reaction she'd planted on the quiz sheets takes place. Pencil marks in the right fields glow and pencil marks in the wrong field smolder. Judy notices your sheet glowing all over. She looks at you with fascination, and now she's the one that has to take a moment from her train of thought. She shoots you little looks all day through the lecture and the lab assignment. She calls on you to answer difficult questions, she shows off your potions, she brings her cheek close to yours looking over your shoulder, touching you about the arms and shoulders as you work. After the lab session you are released for the day, but Judy asks you to walk with her to her office. How do you respond? How have you reacted to her praise and attention all day?
  16. [1:10 AM] Red M.: isn't used to this kind of attention, much less from his superiors, so his cheeks burn whenever Judy says his name. He manages not to stammer too much when she calls on him to speak, and by the time class is over he wishes it weren't. He's reluctant to pack up his things, until the professor summons him, then he speeds up considerably. He certainly doesn't want to keep the lovely professor waiting.
  17. [1:17 AM] Snacky: The height disparity between you is glaring, and when people look at the beauty teacher as she walks they notice you with her and wonder why. Judy walks you to her office, one of the old brick buildings. She's in the basement in the corner, and two-thirds of her office is a mess of books and ingredients. One third at least is clean, with a chemistry table and sink. Her gravure body sags down into the comfy chair behind her messy desk and there's an open chair on the other side of the desk for you. "Red...You're a very promising chemist. I don't know how your advisor neglected to notice your abilities, but you could skip the entire first year of classes with your knowledge...Have you chosen a specialty in chemistry that you would like to pursue?" she leans over the desk, tits and elbows pressing down on the desktop, her chin in her paws, looking at you with adoratio, her new star pupil.
  18. [1:25 AM] Red M.: tears his eyes away from her cleavage, with no doubts that she noticed him looking. "Ah, I... haven't put much thought into it yet. I don't have much experience besides typical store-front stuff, and as much as the more exotic possibilities excite me, I'm not yet sure what I... ah, want to do."(edited)
  19. [1:32 AM] Snacky: Snap. With an arch of her back a button of her blouse pops off, giving her breasts more room to settle, showing off more and more of them. She makes no point of calling attention to it, she just did it, seeing your desire to stare at her tits and giving up more to ogle in return. "Perhaps you would consider specializing as a druggist. That's my specialty. I'd like to be your mentor, Red. I could teach you a lot, beyond the scope of an ordinary education..."
  20. [1:39 AM] Red M.: turns gradually redder, but doesn't try to hide his interest in his professor's body or his twitching erection. "How, um, how similar is that to pharmacy work...?" He trails off, enthralled by Professor Danes's brazen display.
  21. [1:47 AM] Snacky: "Why, they align quite perfectly. You could open your own pharmacy with a druggist's license, and with me as your mentor you'll have access to reagents and recipes that even graduate students don't..." in the musty quiet of her office you can hear her humming purr in her throat, looking at you with smoldering eyes. In the scant moments you weren't staring at her breasts, you notice an old photo of her in her graduating class. She looked as thin as a rail back then, but her breasts were still pretty big. She's got closed containers stashed away all over the place. Ground up irridescent scales, prickly plants in murky green goo, vibrant colored powders.
  22. [1:49 AM] Snacky: You can surmise that the ground up irridescent scales and black powder were used to mark the day's quizzes, and the plants can make salves for keeping flesh young and moist, but some things you may not know what they are used for.
  23. [1:54 AM] Red M.: finishes glancing around the room and meets Judy's gaze. Transfixed by the look she's giving him, it's a moment before he speaks again. "Where do I begin, Professor?"
  24. [1:57 AM] Snacky: "Here." Judy leans back in her chair and spreads her legs wide, hands under her thick thighs to hook her legs over either arm of her chair, grinding her hips down into her seat. You get a full wiff of her soaked heat through her stockings and panties and it reacts with her perfume, making the lust hit you like a spike of adrenaline.
  25. [2:04 AM] Red M.: grips his seat as the lustful concoction washes over him, setting his pulse racing. He barely keeps himself from leaping out of his chair when gets up to move around the desk. He runs his hands along Judy's thighs, purring and taking in her intoxicating scent before diving between her legs and giving her stockings a long lick.
  26. [2:12 AM] Snacky: "Mmm..." Judy gives a big stretch, clawing herself up with anticipation, letting teacher's pet learn from her body. It had taken a while but it looked like she'd finally found a suitable student to make her apprentice. "I have lots to teach you Red, so much... Oooh, but this lesson is the most important for you to begin your apprenticeship under me..." her thighs are soft and warm under the textured feel of her stockings, yielding under touch, her whole body is pillowy and lewd. "No wasting that precious mind of yours fantasizing about teacher...We share the same fantasy. We'll indulge in it and commit to our work after..."
  27. [2:21 AM] Red M.: is already panting, and trails his hands across her flesh, savoring its give and jiggle. He leans in closer to take in more of that incredible aroma, and ends up with his face just above her chest, dizzy and mindless with arousal. Eventually, a paw makes it to the professor's generous breasts and kneads it while the other presses more of her natural musk from between her legs.
  28. [2:25 AM] Snacky: After failing to stump the student all afternoon she gets extra gratification from getting Red tongue-tied down on his knees between her legs. She reclines the back of her chair further to relax, her breasts splaying out of her top as she shrugs out of it, watching bemused as the kitten rises and paws them up, her big broad nipples stiffened with excitement. She pulls him in to her chest, smothering his fuzzy-eared head between her big, giving breasts.
  29. [2:31 AM] Red M.: heaves a pleased sigh and palms her nipples while he eagerly nuzzles her soft chest. The bulge in his pants rubs against her thighs, and he's barely got the presence of mind to slowly grind his hips against hers.(edited)
  30. [2:37 AM] Snacky: "Are you content wiith just that?" Judy giggles after waiting a few beats, letting Red nuzzle and grind on her. She reaches between their hips, hiking up his garments, holding them crimped up in one hand while the other awkwardly reaches around on her desk for a slippery slave, swabbing it over his penis, feeling cooling on application but quickly warming back up. "I want you to fuck your hot teacher. You can rip my stockings and my panties right open and thrust into my wet pussy, I'm ready for you."
  31. [2:38 AM] Snacky: What was Red's experience with sexuality to this point?
  32. [2:46 AM] Red M.: blushes furiously when she snaps him out of his reverie. He'd sixty-nined with a girl at a bathhouse once, a few months before leaving for school, but this was the first time he'd go any further than that. He jumps when she slathers his member, but hardly needs any more encouragement than that. Within seconds, he's shredding his professor's undergarments and lining himself up. He can't help but moan a little when he sinks into her, but after a moment to get used to her enveloping warmth, his hips slap a rhythm against her thighs.
  33. [2:51 AM] Snacky: There's a loud, gooey squip of a sound and the professor mewls out right after it, hugging Red to her and sinking her claws into his back, sprawled out just enjoying him slapping his hips away against her, her breasts wobbling away. She seemed to glow from within, as if taking his virginity and taking the brunt of his lust had granted her some special energy.
  34. [2:59 AM] Red M.: fumbles with his cloak and shirt, daring not to totally stop fucking the goddess beneath him. He nearly lays upon her, and looks up at her from within her cleavage while he sings his pleasured moans to her. No longer content to merely grope her soft body, he wraps his arms around her middle and clings to her as he expresses his lust.
  35. [3:03 AM] Snacky: Given his stature versus hers he certainly is nearly laying on her, and she looks down at him with the same sultry smiles she'd gave before in close, but now with added feeling. "Clutching me like that, hammering your hips...My own student, fucking me like this in my office after the first day of classes...What do you think of your new teacher, Red?"
  36. [3:09 AM] Red M.: pants and mewls and moans, and eventually stammers, "A-amazing...! You're amazing... you feel amazing... I--ah... mmnnhh..." He trails off, and bites his lip to stifle a moan. "Aah, professor...!"
  37. [3:13 AM] Snacky: "Mmmmn...!" Judy reacts to the praise of her lewd body, her pussy squeezing him tightly, her wetness left all over his hips as he slaps away at her. She winds her thick legs around Red and holds him there. "When you're ready to cum, just cum inside your professor's hot pussy, let it all out deep inside me..." Judy's panting and moaning to, her hips rocking and rolling beneath him.
  38. [3:21 AM] Red M.: can't even try to quiet his moans anymore, being so embraced in warm flesh. He grinds his hips in as deep as he'll go, rubbing his sack against his professor's sultry body. "I-I'm getting--P-Professor!" With a long, girlish moan, he hilts his twitching cock in his new mentor and fills her womb with his spurting cream.
  39. [3:25 AM] Snacky: Judy lets out a low-pitched yowl, clenching up tight, wringing him for every drop, taking it into her churning hot womb, her confident expression fluttering as she's overcome with primal satisfaction. She can't help but plant a kiss on that cute little runt, muting his girly moans, threading her tongue around in his mouth. She's soaked his balls through until they're dripping with her juices. "Mmf..."
  40. [3:30 AM] Red M.: mewls into her mouth, dazed and shuddering with pleasure. His prick throbs inside her even after he's given her the last drop, and his eyes even cross for a moment before closing so he can try to focus on the kiss.
  41. [3:36 AM] Snacky: Judy pants, progressively relaxing, unwinding, loosening herself up, planting a series of kisses and lightly running her claws over his scalp and the back of his neck, sooner lucid out of his lust-addled daze than he was, but still full of lust telling her to get bred by her student all night.
  42. [3:38 AM] Red M.: purrs when he eventually catches his breath. "Professor..." he mewls, sinking back into her chest.
  43. [3:39 AM] Snacky: "Yes, my apprentice...?" Judy cooes, pillowing his cheek with her breasts.
  44. [3:41 AM] Red M.: looks away, suddenly shameful. "Do you have a husband I need to keep this a secret from...?"
  45. [3:43 AM] Snacky: "Ooh, how shameful that would be...." she giggles. "No, I do not...We could pretend I did though, if it made that pleasant little prick of yours nice and hard. Was that really your only concnern about our tryst?"
  46. [3:46 AM] Red M.: relaxes a bit and sinks back into her fur. "I don't think I need to pretend anything to get hard around you. I just... would have felt bad about it."
  47. [3:49 AM] Snacky: "I was very committed to my studies, no suitable bachelor has approached me. My body that's become so lewd...They must be intimidated. by it" Judy wondered if her cute little kitten would want to marry her, perhaps that was just his cum glutting her womb that made her wonder.
  48. [3:52 AM] Red M.: purrs, vibrating his chest against her. "How strange that they weren't attracted like flies to honey..." He rolls his hips, making a lewd squelch for emphasis.
  49. [3:57 AM] Snacky: "Flies know well enough they have no place being with a queen bee, tasting her honey..." Judy explains. "Mf, now you've done it, you've broken the seal, I'll start leaking...Our union is a reagent that I need so I can't let any of it go to waste." the juices of cats in heat, one of them being a virgin...Such a lewd and esoteric ingredient, at that point Red didn't know what it was for.
  50. [3:57 AM] Snacky: But in time he would learn...
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