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Thief and Dragon greentext

a guest
May 15th, 2015
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  1. So is anyone going to write a story about a damn thief who goes in to a Dragon's lair, steals something, has her chase him across the land and eventually becomes her husband?
  2. Because I liked that idea.
  3. ___
  5. >Well, isn't this just perfect
  6. >You've been wandering around these damn caves for hours
  7. >The guy in town said this would be easy
  8. >A map to a cave full of riches
  9. >Sounded like a load of crap, but a free map & chance of loot couldn't hurt
  10. >Took forever to decipher the map's outdated landmarks
  11. >Even with your eyesight, you can barely see your hand in front of your face now
  12. >Your torch burned out forever ago, you've had to resort to a mental map
  13. >All thee connecting paths & switchbacks, no way is this natural
  14. >Eventually, you see light
  15. >You come out to the central chamber & your jaw drops
  16. >There's a veritable ocean of treasure before you
  17. >You could come back here over and over for a year not move it all
  18. >You line your sack with gold & gems to rival a king's fortune
  19. >As you make to leave, though, thought crosses your mind
  20. >Who lit the torches?
  21. >You hear a pile of coins shift behind you
  22. >From the sea of gold, she emerges
  23. >She's at least s full head taller than you
  24. >Claws that look like they could rip through a knight's plate mail
  25. >A wingspan at least triple your height
  26. >A toned frame belying impossibly strong muscles
  27. >Fuck...
  28. >Her crimson eyes sweep the room before coming to rest on you
  29. >'THIEF!!!'
  31. >shitshitshitshitshitshit
  32. >Where the hell is the exit?
  33. >You've been running around for almost an hour now
  34. >Most of the treasure's gone, either dropped in your mad dash or burned away
  35. >The air explodes behind you again
  36. >You barely duck behind a rock as a fireball flies past
  37. >'Where are you, my little mouse? You can't scurry away forever.'
  38. It isn't too hard to outrun a scaly lizard like you!
  39. >More fire. Why are you taunting her?
  40. >'Such a cheeky tongue. I'll be sure to rip it out of your skull before I incinerate you.'
  41. >Another blast of flame, a little wide this time. She's attacking by sound.
  42. >In the fading light, you notice something on the ground
  43. >Claw marks, very heavy
  44. >It must be from her coming and going over these years
  45. >Maybe...
  46. Is that all you can do, you over-sized iguana?
  47. >'Such INSOLENCE!!'
  48. >Fire illuminates the floor
  49. >Yes, the claw marks make a definite path. That way!
  51. >Finally, you can smell fresh air
  52. >A good thing too, you're almost out of energy
  53. >How big is this fucking cave?
  54. >You can see light ahead
  55. >You round the corner and...
  56. >Dead end
  57. >Light pours in from a shaft in the ceiling. You're trapped now
  58. >Unless...
  59. >You hear her claws on the ground behind you
  60. >'You've led me on quite the merry chase, my little rat, but now you're cornered in my maze.'
  61. >'Pray to your gods, for you shall see them soon.'
  62. >She takes a deep breath, looking to vaporize you in one go
  64. Wait!
  65. >She stops for just a second
  66. Surely killing a petty thief like me is beneath one as great and mighty as you, right?
  67. >'My, my. First you sling insults at me, now you praise me. Don't we have quite the silver tongue.'
  68. Your kind words are too much for me, Lady Dragon.
  69. >'However, kind words will not save you.'
  70. >She begins to wind up again
  71. Yes, yes, I admit I have wronged you. But has any damage been done?
  72. >You've stumbled her. 'What do you mean?'
  73. I, mean, my lady, that you have already reclaimed your treasure! Look me over. As you can see, our little chase has left my attire in tatters. Why, there's nary space to hide a single gold piece on me.
  74. >She slowly circles you slowly, looking you up and down for signs of treasure
  75. >'What are you proposing, human?'
  76. All I ask of you now is my life, milady. Surely the life of one lowly thief, who can't even abscond with a single coin without being caught, is not worth your energy? Allow me to leave, and I vow never to return.
  77. >She looks her scarlet gaze onto your eyes. 'And what if I were to deny you this?'
  78. Then I would merely request that you make it quick. If I am to die here today, I may at least take solace that it is by one of such radiant magnificence as you.
  79. >She's silent for a moment, never breaking eye contact
  81. >Suddenly the chamber is filled with her booming laughter
  82. >'It has been too long since I've met a human as quick-witted as you! That tongue of yours could make a succubus blush.'
  83. >She seems to have decided to spare you
  84. >'I can hardly remember the last time someone has roused me so. It feels invigorating to be up and about so much!'
  85. So then, I take it you will let me free?
  86. >'Yes, human, you will live.'
  87. Oh, thank you so mu-
  88. >'On one condition.'
  89. O-oh... yes, of course, o gracious Dragon. What would you have of this humble pickpocket?
  90. >'I have been asleep for some time, and I realize now how much I have neglected certain... needs of mine.'
  91. Needs?
  92. >'Surely one as spry and eloquent as you would not object to servicing one with such 'radiant magnificence' as me? I might even let you see that treasure you were so keen for a bit more intimately.'
  93. >Gods above, save my poor soul...
  95. >...
  96. >It took a week of personally dousing the fires of her innermost chambers before you considered leaving
  97. >True to her word, you got a very intimate look at that impressive hoard. Among other things.
  98. >Though after that kind of expedition, what could compare?
  99. >You raided a Dragon's nest, plundered the deepest reaches, grabbed her treasures in both hands, and managed to tame the legendary beast
  100. >Plus finding all this loot wasn't bad
  101. >She definitely doesn't seem to be opposed to the idea of you retiring from your thieving ways
  102. >Settle in, live a comfortable life, hatch an egg or three
  103. >Maybe you ought to go back into town and give that old man a few coins for that map, after all
  104. >A few coins, and a hook square in the jaw
  105. >Fin.
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