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Jan 23rd, 2020
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  1. #######################################################################################################
  2. # __ __ _ __ __ _ _____ #
  3. # | \/ | | | | \/ | | | / ____| #
  4. # | \ / |_ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ _ _| \ / | ___ | |__| (___ _ __ __ ___ ___ __ ___ _ __ #
  5. # | |\/| | | | / __| __/ _ \ '__| | | | |\/| |/ _ \| '_ \\___ \| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _ \ '__| #
  6. # | | | | |_| \__ \ || __/ | | |_| | | | | (_) | |_) |___) | |_) | (_| |\ V V /| | | | __/ | #
  7. # |_| |_|\__, |___/\__\___|_| \__, |_| |_|\___/|_.__/_____/| .__/ \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___|_| #
  8. # __/ | __/ | | | #
  9. # |___/ |___/ |_| by RyujiX(ryu) #
  10. #######################################################################################################
  11. settings:
  12. hooks:
  13. silkspawners: true
  14. epicspawners: false
  15. economy-settings:
  16. # Enable this setting to be able to enable the MysteryMobSpawner shop system.
  17. # Vault will be needed for this feature to work!
  18. use-economy: true
  19. # Enable this setting to use the default mms-cost below, keep in mind the default cost will only appear if
  20. # you leave the cost line blank on the sign, but if you enable the allow-buy-command it'll automatically use
  21. # the mms-cost for that command to buy a MysteryMobSpawner.
  22. use-default-cost: false
  23. # This is the value of the cost for both mms-sign cost & allow-buy-command, or just for the allow-buy-command
  24. # if use-default-cost is disabled.
  25. ms-cost: 5000000
  26. # Enable this to allow users to buy MysteryMobSpawners via command in-game.
  27. allow-buy-command: false
  28. # Configure this however you see fit, this is the style of the MysteryMobSpawner sign when you create it in-game.
  29. sign-design:
  30. - '&4[Buy]'
  31. - '{amount}'
  32. - '{tier}'
  33. - '${price}'
  34. ####################################################################################################################
  35. # 'example':
  36. # settings:
  37. # chance-system: [true/false]
  38. # price: [tier price]
  39. # item:
  40. # id: '[Item Name]:[Item Data]'
  41. # display: '[Display name]'
  42. # lore:
  43. # - '[Item Lore]'
  44. # enchants:
  45. # - '[Enchantment]:[Level]'
  46. # amount: [Item Amount]
  47. # effects:
  48. # - '[Potion Name]:[Duration]:[Amplifier]'
  49. # spawner: '[Mob Name]'
  50. # colours: 'Red:Green:Blue'
  51. # skull-owner: '[Players name]'
  52. # texture: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGViODFlZjg5MDIzNzk2NTBiYTc5ZjQ1NzIzZDZiOWM4ODgzODhhMDBmYzRlMTkyZjM0NTRmZTE5Mzg4MmVlMSJ9fX0'
  53. # ^^^^^ <-- Gif showing how to use the texture.
  54. ####################################################################################################################
  55. mystery-spawners:
  56. 'tier1':
  57. settings:
  58. chance-system: true
  59. price: 5000000
  60. item:
  61. id: 'MOB_SPAWNER'
  62. display: '&4&lMystery Spawner Tier I &7(Right Click)'
  63. lore:
  64. - '&7This &nMysterious Spawner&7 was lost &nEcons&7 ago'
  65. - '&7but will provide &nGreat Riches&7 once activated!'
  66. - ' '
  67. - '&4Possible Rewards:'
  68. - ' &4&l* &7Zombie Spawner'
  69. - ' &4&l* &7Chicken Spawner'
  70. - ' &4&l* &7Enderman Spawner'
  71. - ' &4&l* &cSpider Spawner'
  72. - ' &4&l* &cSkeleton Spawner'
  73. - ' &4&l* &cCow Spawner'
  74. - ' &4&l* &cBlaze Spawner'
  75. - ' '
  76. - '&4&l(!) &4Right-Click to reveal the &nSpawner&4!'
  77. rewards:
  78. '0':
  79. mob: 'ZOMBIE'
  80. chance: 50.0
  81. # item: - Create a custom spawners (Mainly used when MysterySpawners is a standalone plugin.)
  82. # display: '[Display name]'
  83. # lore:
  84. # - '[Item Lore]'
  85. # enchants:
  86. # - '[Enchantment]:[Level]'
  87. # amount: [Item Amount]
  88. '1':
  89. mob: 'CHICKEN'
  90. chance: 50.0
  91. '2':
  92. mob: 'ENDERMAN'
  93. chance: 45.0
  94. '3':
  95. mob: 'SPIDER'
  96. chance: 40.0
  97. '4':
  98. mob: 'SKELETON'
  99. chance: 30.0
  100. '5':
  101. mob: 'COW'
  102. chance: 30.0
  103. '6':
  104. mob: 'BLAZE'
  105. chance: 20.0
  106. 'tier2':
  107. settings:
  108. chance-system: true
  109. price: 10000000
  110. item:
  111. id: 'MOB_SPAWNER'
  112. display: '&4&lMystery Spawner Tier II &7(Right Click)'
  113. lore:
  114. - '&7This &nMysterious Spawner&7 was lost &nEcons&7 ago'
  115. - '&7but will provide &nGreat Riches&7 once activated!'
  116. - ' '
  117. - '&4Possible Rewards:'
  118. - ' &4&l* &7Spider Spawner'
  119. - ' &4&l* &7Enderman Spawner'
  120. - ' &4&l* &7Sleleton Spawner'
  121. - ' &4&l* &cCow Spawner'
  122. - ' &4&l* &cCreeper Zombie Spawner'
  123. - ' &4&l* &cBlaze Spawner'
  124. - ' '
  125. - '&4&l(!) &4Right-Click to reveal the &nSpawner&4!'
  126. rewards:
  127. '0':
  128. mob: 'SPIDER'
  129. chance: 50.0
  130. '1':
  131. mob: 'ENDERMAN'
  132. chance: 50.0
  133. '2':
  134. mob: 'SKELETON'
  135. chance: 45.0
  136. '3':
  137. mob: 'COW'
  138. chance: 40.0
  139. '4':
  140. mob: 'CREEPER'
  141. chance: 30.0
  142. '5':
  143. mob: 'BLAZE'
  144. chance: 30.0
  145. 'tier3':
  146. settings:
  147. chance-system: true
  148. price: 15000000
  149. item:
  150. id: 'MOB_SPAWNER'
  151. display: '&4&lMystery Spawner Tier III &7(Right Click)'
  152. lore:
  153. - '&7This &nMysterious Spawner&7 was lost &nEcons&7 ago'
  154. - '&7but will provide &nGreat Riches&7 once activated!'
  155. - ' '
  156. - '&4Possible Rewards:'
  157. - ' &4&l* &7Enderman Spawner'
  158. - ' &4&l* &7Zombie Spawner'
  159. - ' &4&l* &7Slime Spawner'
  160. - ' &4&l* &7Chicken Spawner'
  161. - ' &4&l* &cCreeper Spawner'
  162. - ' &4&l* &cGhast Spawner'
  163. - ' &4&l* &cIron Golem Spawner'
  164. - ' &4&l* &cSilverFish Spawner'
  165. - ' &4&l* &cVillager Spawner'
  166. - ' '
  167. - '&4&l(!) &4Right-Click to reveal the &nSpawner&4!'
  168. rewards:
  169. '0':
  170. mob: 'ENDERMAN'
  171. chance: 20.0
  172. '1':
  173. mob: 'SLIME'
  174. chance: 10.0
  175. '2':
  176. mob: 'CREEPER'
  177. chance: 8.5
  178. '3':
  179. mob: 'CHICKEN'
  180. chance: 30.0
  181. '4':
  182. mob: 'GHAST'
  183. chance: 7.5
  184. '5':
  185. mob: 'IRON_GOLEM'
  186. chance: 7.0
  187. '6':
  188. mob: 'PIG_ZOMBIE'
  189. chance: 7.0
  190. '7':
  191. mob: 'SILVERFISH'
  192. chance: 5.0
  193. '8':
  194. mob: 'VILLAGER'
  195. chance: 2.5
  196. '9':
  197. mob: 'ZOMBIE'
  198. chance: 30.0
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