
Conor farewell

Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. conorToday at 2:06 PM
  2. I have to leave TTC.
  3. Remove my roles and demote me
  4. I wish to still talk to some people
  5. MithandirToday at 2:11 PM
  6. er,./
  7. thats pretty out of the blue man,.
  8. conorToday at 2:13 PM
  9. I know, sorry.
  10. MithandirToday at 2:13 PM
  11. Ok.
  12. conorToday at 2:13 PM
  13. Demote me or keep me as master in credz studios
  14. When this shit passes over I can continue again, but, I'm not going to give you false hope
  15. MithandirToday at 2:14 PM
  16. Sounds good, thanks for letting me know
  17. I hope you can get on a few times a week the next few weeks to quickly review code for me
  18. because without you its hopeless on finding a new candidate
  19. conorToday at 2:14 PM
  20. Just send it and I'll review it
  21. The other guy was like a 5
  22. No roblox lua I could evaluate properly
  23. But the lua that was there was shit
  24. MithandirToday at 2:16 PM
  25. thanks
  26. conorToday at 2:19 PM
  27. If the group still hasn't progressed anyway when I'm available again
  28. I'll continue my work
  29. I will be back, just not sure when
  30. MithandirToday at 2:19 PM
  31. Okay good luck
  32. Thanks for your time here
  33. conorToday at 2:19 PM
  34. I don't want to have a spot for someone who can do much more then I can hourly
  35. MithandirToday at 2:19 PM
  36. I respect your decision
  37. I actually appreciate you being honest
  38. conorToday at 2:27 PM
  39. Don't forget to remove me from the pay
  40. thing
  41. MithandirToday at 2:34 PM
  42. oh thanks
  43. conorToday at 3:13 PM
  44. Ah, thought that would happen haha
  45. Promoting back useless operators
  46. MithandirToday at 3:13 PM
  47. ?
  48. conorToday at 3:13 PM
  49. :eyes:
  50. MithandirToday at 3:13 PM
  51. Wasn't me./
  52. conorToday at 3:13 PM
  53. I know
  54. Nice profile pic
  55. MithandirToday at 3:13 PM
  56. Its me
  57. In jerusalem
  58. conorToday at 3:14 PM
  59. oh
  60. i knew it was you
  61. didn't think it was jerusalem
  62. MithandirToday at 3:39 PM
  63. Could you like
  64. Test this guy
  65. on his scripting knowledge
  66. conorToday at 3:46 PM
  67. the fuck was that
  68. MithandirToday at 3:47 PM
  69. :shrug:
  70. Cant you just ask him like
  71. a couple questions
  72. to make sure hes not retarded
  73. doesnt have to be a full review
  74. i just want to make sure im not wasting my time
  75. conorToday at 3:51 PM
  76. he can legit
  77. just google it
  78. the wiki is a powerufl thing lmao
  79. powerful
  80. MithandirToday at 3:51 PM
  81. a
  82. conorToday at 3:52 PM
  83. if you think you're wasting your time
  84. you're wasting your time
  85. MithandirToday at 3:52 PM
  86. I have no idea how to fucking tell do I ?
  87. conorToday at 3:59 PM
  88. I know you're annoyed at me for leaving
  89. But I didn't want this man
  90. MithandirToday at 3:59 PM
  91. I'm not annoyed at anyone but myself
  92. conorToday at 3:59 PM
  93. You weren't the one who gave my mum an illness
  94. It happens, and it unfortunately happened at the wrong time, not that there is a right onw
  95. one
  96. But you get the point
  97. MithandirToday at 4:03 PM
  98. I'm just a failure if I cant get this game done
  99. conorToday at 4:03 PM
  100. No man
  101. It would've all worked out if it wasn't for life being an asshole, yet again
  102. You're not a failure at all
  103. If this whole situation passes earlier I'll let you know
  104. This isn't me leaving, this is me opening doors for someone else until I'm back
  105. MithandirToday at 4:06 PM
  106. Ok
  107. conorToday at 4:07 PM
  108. If you truly can't find someone, I'll come back but I won't be able to do much at all like I said
  109. An hour a day max, if that
  110. That is last resort, cause I really don't want that pressure
  111. conorToday at 4:36 PM
  112. you know what
  113. im not letting you down
  114. fuck it
  115. give my shit back
  116. i'm going to work
  117. give me manager as well, I'll sign a new contract or whatever
  118. I just want to fucking complete something
  119. mith babe
  120. @Mithandir
  121. @Mithandir
  122. MithandirToday at 4:49 PM
  123. Bruh
  124. You cant keep toying with me like this man
  125. conorToday at 4:49 PM
  126. Fuck you mean
  127. If you think I was toying with you then don't bother
  128. MithandirToday at 4:50 PM
  129. You cant be changing your mind every 6 hours
  130. Its confusing me man
  131. conorToday at 4:50 PM
  132. ..
  133. *what8
  134. I've done this twice
  135. First time was an obvious joke
  136. This was the VERY first serious choice
  137. MithandirToday at 4:50 PM
  138. Ok, slow down
  139. Why did you leave earlier?
  140. conorToday at 4:51 PM
  141. what
  142. bro and you say you're confused
  143. LMAO
  144. so uh we gonna commit or what
  145. ok cool
  146. you gonna talk..
  147. MithandirToday at 4:54 PM
  148. Im thinking.
  149. And cooking. I havent eaten today
  150. conorToday at 4:55 PM
  151. Ok well fuck your food
  152. Can we talk?
  153. I'd like you to please point out where I've done this more than today
  154. Today was a hard but serious choice, and I felt bad when you said you feel like a failure
  155. And you can't find another scripter
  156. So I am just going to suffer to get it done
  157. Then you tell me I've done this more than once
  158. ???
  159. alright man whatever
  160. enjoy your food
  161. MithandirToday at 4:58 PM
  162. Dont suffer
  163. Im literally cooking over a stove
  164. I cant talk immediately
  165. conorToday at 4:58 PM
  166. fuck your stove
  167. MithandirToday at 4:58 PM
  168. You'll have to be patient
  169. conorToday at 4:58 PM
  170. wow lmao
  171. MithandirToday at 4:58 PM
  172. Bruh
  173. conorToday at 4:58 PM
  174. so when you wanna talk to me i have to respond instantly!
  175. but it's ok because you're cooking
  176. got it chief
  177. MithandirToday at 4:58 PM
  178. No.
  179. conorToday at 4:58 PM
  180. mith do you want me back or not
  181. simple yes and no so I can move on without worrying
  182. if you have to think about it, that's a no
  183. MithandirToday at 5:01 PM
  184. Of course I want you back
  185. What kind of question is that
  186. conorToday at 5:01 PM
  187. then it's setlled
  188. i can't spell
  189. MithandirToday at 5:02 PM
  190. You think I enjoy going through scripters like boxes of eggs at a farm?
  191. conorToday at 5:02 PM
  192. yeah
  193. but I don't wanna just come back as a fucking architect
  194. if im going to commit i want to commit fully
  195. and you know the first thing im going to do
  196. MithandirToday at 5:05 PM
  197. What
  198. conorToday at 5:05 PM
  199. you know exactly
  200. mith seriously stop fucking touching up your stove
  202. conorToday at 5:17 PM
  203. jesus
  204. and you say im slow to answer
  205. MithandirToday at 5:35 PM
  206. I dont feel well
  207. We should talk about this later
  208. conorToday at 5:38 PM
  209. Nah
  210. It's fine
  211. Just promote me to manager, I'll get back to work in like 20 minutes
  212. Just have ot check on my mum
  213. I'll send progress pics
  214. after
  215. We can talk about the new contract or whatever when you're better
  216. conorToday at 6:00 PM
  217. yoo
  218. can you like answer
  219. MithandirToday at 6:09 PM
  220. Yeah. Feeling better be on soon
  221. conorToday at 6:10 PM
  222. bruh moment
  223. MithandirToday at 6:21 PM
  224. You there brug
  225. conorToday at 6:21 PM
  226. yes
  227. BRO
  228. YOU DON'T
  229. omg
  230. MithandirToday at 6:22 PM
  231. Hello
  232. conorToday at 6:23 PM
  233. rank me manager
  234. lets get committed
  235. MithandirToday at 6:23 PM
  236. Hey there buckaroo
  237. Go ahead tie my shoe?
  238. Oh you want manager too?
  239. well WOOP dee doo
  240. conorToday at 6:24 PM
  241. bruh
  242. MithandirToday at 6:24 PM
  243. did you like my poem
  244. conorToday at 6:24 PM
  245. you gonna be serious or you gonna be gay
  246. MithandirToday at 6:24 PM
  247. Lets be serious
  248. conorToday at 6:24 PM
  249. i am serious
  250. i was serious this entire time
  251. whilst you were cooking on a fucking stove
  252. MithandirToday at 6:24 PM
  253. Yeah
  254. Sometimes even mith has a life
  255. Its rare, though
  256. conorToday at 6:24 PM
  257. no you don't
  258. now can we get this show on the road
  259. MithandirToday at 6:25 PM
  260. Alright listen fuckass
  261. wait sorry, too aggressive
  262. Now listen here friend
  263. conorToday at 6:25 PM
  264. :face_palm:
  265. MithandirToday at 6:25 PM
  266. ok, thats better
  267. conorToday at 6:25 PM
  268. do I need to ask again
  269. MithandirToday at 6:25 PM
  270. What do you mean exactly by "coming back"
  271. conorToday at 6:25 PM
  272. coming back to work
  273. our original plan
  274. sure it will be 1-2 hours a day
  275. if that
  276. but it's work
  277. and it relives you of trying to find a scripter
  278. MithandirToday at 6:26 PM
  279. Will you do the 1-2 hours a day?
  280. conorToday at 6:26 PM
  281. when my mum recovers more I can put more hours in
  282. no i just said that because i'm a comedian
  283. yes you dumb fuck
  284. MithandirToday at 6:26 PM
  285. Right okay but I'm going to hold you to that standard
  286. Because I need to for this project
  287. conorToday at 6:26 PM
  288. that's kind of gay to hold another man
  289. MithandirToday at 6:26 PM
  290. Of course I trust your word
  291. Yeah well, we are gay
  292. conorToday at 6:26 PM
  293. point taken
  294. MithandirToday at 6:26 PM
  295. We're pretty much eternally linked in hell together at this point
  296. I dont think we could get rid of the other if we wanted to
  297. conorToday at 6:27 PM
  298. ok lord of the rings
  299. what other
  300. MithandirToday at 6:27 PM
  301. Okay, what was up with kai randomly being an administrator today
  302. conorToday at 6:27 PM
  303. idk
  304. funny
  305. MithandirToday at 6:27 PM
  306. Is that really it
  307. conorToday at 6:27 PM
  308. nah
  309. i just think he should be one
  310. was gonna trial him
  311. cause the current ones are fucking gay and we have a very unhealthy relationship
  312. MithandirToday at 6:28 PM
  313. Okay juro thats a good idea
  314. But you cant do it without consulting me
  315. conorToday at 6:28 PM
  316. i did tell you
  317. sure it was telepathically
  318. MithandirToday at 6:28 PM
  319. where
  320. conorToday at 6:28 PM
  321. but i told you
  322. MithandirToday at 6:28 PM
  323. Okay yeah, telepathically wont fly from now on
  324. conorToday at 6:28 PM
  325. oh must've not got my message
  326. MithandirToday at 6:28 PM
  327. You message me
  328. we discuss
  329. and then we execute
  330. conorToday at 6:28 PM
  331. wait
  332. what
  333. MithandirToday at 6:29 PM
  334. Okay, adding an administrator is like a huge deal
  335. Its not like adding an operator
  336. conorToday at 6:29 PM
  337. ok fine
  338. i PROMISE
  339. from now on
  340. MithandirToday at 6:29 PM
  341. Personally all the current operators I trust more than anyone else
  342. conorToday at 6:29 PM
  343. big things like that
  344. to consult you first
  345. MithandirToday at 6:29 PM
  346. And considering kai just lied to me about something last week
  347. conorToday at 6:29 PM
  348. just so you know im removing jeg/recoil again
  349. the ones i removed
  350. MithandirToday at 6:29 PM
  351. and has been just leaking our convos to the seraphs
  352. I'm not sure its a good idea
  353. conorToday at 6:29 PM
  354. ok that's fine
  355. MithandirToday at 6:29 PM
  356. Listen, operator shit
  357. You can remove operators/add them
  358. conorToday at 6:29 PM
  359. I
  360. WON'T
  361. DO
  363. ABOVE
  365. WITHOUT
  367. YOU
  368. FROM
  369. NOW
  370. ONE
  371. OK
  372. SIR
  373. MithandirToday at 6:30 PM
  374. Yeah I still want to be informed of the operator stuff
  375. conorToday at 6:30 PM
  376. ok
  377. MithandirToday at 6:30 PM
  378. such as "I removed x guy"
  379. conorToday at 6:30 PM
  380. when you promote me
  381. im removing jeg/recoil
  382. MithandirToday at 6:30 PM
  383. Because I get a lot of DMs about this, believe me
  384. conorToday at 6:30 PM
  385. they were added back (which by the way is a pathetic move)
  386. when I removed them previouslly
  387. previously
  388. MithandirToday at 6:30 PM
  389. Here is what the moderators and admins have expressed to me
  390. conorToday at 6:31 PM
  391. he admin abuses
  392. bla bla bla
  393. yes i get told it too
  394. it's funny
  395. cause they're all dense man children
  396. MithandirToday at 6:31 PM
  397. you didnt even let me finish
  398. not what I said
  399. conorToday at 6:31 PM
  400. it's what you're going to say
  402. MithandirToday at 6:31 PM
  403. It wasnt
  404. actually
  405. I got a call from tim
  406. Got distracted
  407. conorToday at 6:31 PM
  408. nigga who is tim
  409. MithandirToday at 6:31 PM
  410. My fucking boyfriend
  411. Got a problem with that?
  412. conorToday at 6:31 PM
  413. you're actually gay?
  414. MithandirToday at 6:31 PM
  415. Faggot?
  416. conorToday at 6:32 PM
  417. sorry this can't work out
  418. i can't have homosexuals on my dev team
  419. you have to leave the group
  420. MithandirToday at 6:32 PM
  421. Then you should probably kick yourself out
  422. Alright lets get serious again
  423. conorToday at 6:32 PM
  424. ok
  425. what were you talking about
  426. with admins
  427. mods
  428. whatever
  429. MithandirToday at 6:32 PM
  430. You can make punishments thats fine
  431. the mods and admins will deal with it
  432. but you dont POST the punishment
  433. They have no idea why
  434. and then they just unban the person
  435. conorToday at 6:33 PM
  436. i honestly could care less about the shitty administration team
  437. MithandirToday at 6:33 PM
  438. I dont care if the reason is like "He harrassed me" or some BS
  439. conorToday at 6:33 PM
  440. their standard is horribel
  441. MithandirToday at 6:33 PM
  442. needs to be a reason
  443. conorToday at 6:33 PM
  444. horrible
  445. i'll just dm you the reason
  446. you can tell them
  447. MithandirToday at 6:33 PM
  448. :face_palm:
  449. conorToday at 6:33 PM
  450. bro I am not
  451. vesp is a fucking moron
  452. he is nothing but a lickass and a cunt
  453. desiredfreq
  454. is actually chill
  455. only admin I get along with
  456. rob I hate with a passion because he is total egocentric asshole
  457. who acts smart but is lowkey autistic
  458. animo i like
  459. anoimo
  460. or whatever
  461. he is cihll
  462. chill
  463. i like a fair amount of the operators
  464. MithandirToday at 6:34 PM
  465. Well you can't expect them to not unban people if you ban them without given reason
  466. conorToday at 6:34 PM
  467. most of them infact
  468. MithandirToday at 6:34 PM
  469. Logically
  470. conorToday at 6:34 PM
  471. ok then i'll just ban them again
  472. MithandirToday at 6:34 PM
  473. Do you think that is a good long term solution?
  474. conorToday at 6:34 PM
  475. yes
  476. MithandirToday at 6:34 PM
  477. Or maybe you can just post in the admin punishments for everyone to see
  478. conorToday at 6:34 PM
  479. a good long term solution would be to get rid of the dumbass admins
  480. MithandirToday at 6:34 PM
  481. and then they wont be unbanned
  482. conorToday at 6:34 PM
  483. except they will
  484. i've done that a couple times
  485. and vesp still unbans them
  486. MithandirToday at 6:34 PM
  487. We're not getting rid of the admins, next idea
  488. conorToday at 6:34 PM
  489. so I have to remove his fucking role until he stops
  490. he is a moron
  491. MithandirToday at 6:35 PM
  492. Conor, you have power in TTC
  493. conorToday at 6:35 PM
  494. i know
  495. MithandirToday at 6:35 PM
  496. But you cant do whatever you want.
  497. conorToday at 6:35 PM
  498. the fuck do you mean
  499. MithandirToday at 6:35 PM
  500. Not even I fucking do that
  501. conorToday at 6:35 PM
  502. guess what
  503. it worked, cause he stopped
  504. you should really go outside your box sometimes
  505. you can't be nice to everyone
  506. people think im a cunt, sure
  507. but my point gets across
  508. and I get what I want
  509. powerthirsty? most likely
  510. MithandirToday at 6:36 PM
  511. I mean, I hold myself to the standards we post publicly. I do not administer punishments, I send evidence to the admins.
  512. conorToday at 6:36 PM
  513. but it's for the betterment
  514. i'm not you
  515. MithandirToday at 6:36 PM
  516. Its for the betterment, but of who?
  517. conorToday at 6:36 PM
  518. look around
  519. MithandirToday at 6:36 PM
  520. Of yourself, or the game..? Perhaps both
  521. conorToday at 6:36 PM
  522. both
  523. sometimes me
  524. sometimes game
  525. MithandirToday at 6:36 PM
  526. but the thing is that people care about this community
  527. conorToday at 6:36 PM
  528. i don't care about the community ever since they stopped caring about me
  529. MithandirToday at 6:36 PM
  530. And you cant just be unjustly banning people without given reason
  531. conorToday at 6:36 PM
  532. there is like 15 people I like in the community
  533. the rest can go die
  534. i have reasons
  535. i just don't disclose them to the admisn
  536. i tell you if you ask
  537. would you prefer it if I at least told desiredfreq
  538. MithandirToday at 6:37 PM
  539. Why would I want you as a manager if you think everyone but 15 people in the community "should go die"
  540. conorToday at 6:37 PM
  541. guess I'll leave then
  542. MithandirToday at 6:37 PM
  543. You already left
  544. conorToday at 6:37 PM
  545. nah im still the group
  546. MithandirToday at 6:37 PM
  547. This is us talking about you coming back
  549. conorToday at 6:38 PM
  550. you would've done it by now instead of making a dumbass excuse that you're "not feeling well"
  551. like come on man
  552. MithandirToday at 6:38 PM
  553. I question everyone
  554. I was feeling sick so I rested, and I feel better
  555. That has nothing to do with this, lol
  556. conorToday at 6:38 PM
  557. and that is your downfall
  558. your questions get very irritating
  559. MithandirToday at 6:38 PM
  560. Right... my personal problems are my downfall.
  561. I don't care much if they are irritating, they must be asked.
  562. conorToday at 6:38 PM
  563. no
  564. they don't need to be asked at all
  565. i offer to come back
  566. and you're literally attacking me
  567. why would I want to come back now
  568. why didn't I just say nothing about the paty
  569. pay
  570. and keep getting 15 percent
  571. why would I still offer to review scripters for you so you can find a good one
  572. don't know man
  573. MithandirToday at 6:39 PM
  574. I'm not questioning your integrity
  575. conorToday at 6:39 PM
  576. sure sounds like it
  577. MithandirToday at 6:39 PM
  578. I'm not
  579. I'm saying of course it makes sense to you that you can ban people that are hurting the genre or you in your opinion
  580. But without providing reason, it doesn't make sense to anyone else
  581. So they will attack you
  582. and then DM me
  583. several times
  584. conorToday at 6:40 PM
  585. they don't attack me
  586. MithandirToday at 6:40 PM
  587. which frankly, I'm tired of dealing with
  588. conorToday at 6:40 PM
  589. which you fail to mention
  590. MithandirToday at 6:40 PM
  591. Well, when I mention it, it usually results in you saying "you're attacking me"
  592. conorToday at 6:40 PM
  593. twisting my words
  594. i said the questions feel like a personal attack
  595. not you saying you're bored of dealing with idiots
  596. MithandirToday at 6:41 PM
  597. Some of them are my friends.
  598. conorToday at 6:41 PM
  599. boo hoo dude
  600. MithandirToday at 6:41 PM
  601. Some of them are intelligent
  602. You're being fairly difficult to converse with
  603. conorToday at 6:41 PM
  604. so are you
  605. MithandirToday at 6:41 PM
  606. How so?
  607. conorToday at 6:42 PM
  608. i just gave you the reason
  609. can we discuss actual things or are you just going to question why I ban people more
  610. MithandirToday at 6:42 PM
  611. To me, that is important
  612. conorToday at 6:42 PM
  613. to you
  614. MithandirToday at 6:43 PM
  615. Yep. I'm 50% of this conversation
  616. conorToday at 6:43 PM
  617. cute
  618. MithandirToday at 6:43 PM
  619. Let's consider this, friendo
  620. conorToday at 6:43 PM
  621. i'm a friend now
  622. MithandirToday at 6:44 PM
  623. If you can't* differentiate a discussion from a personal attack, then its going to be difficult for us to talk.
  624. Please understand that this is a discussion and not a personal attack
  625. Unless you have a better solution for how I can bring up things that are bothering me?
  627. conorToday at 6:44 PM
  628. and please understand sometimes how you word things people must understanddifferently
  629. you are straight questioning my just for banning people
  630. MithandirToday at 6:45 PM
  631. I do understand that. I have been crafting my words very carefully.
  632. Actually, I was more asking you to simply inform me and everyone else when you ban someone
  633. conorToday at 6:45 PM
  634. i'll inform you then
  635. MithandirToday at 6:45 PM
  636. Which can easily be done in #administrator-punishments
  637. conorToday at 6:45 PM
  638. i already said i would
  639. MithandirToday at 6:46 PM
  640. I didn't remember you saying that. I apologize.
  641. If you post the punishments in that channel, we have no quarrel.
  642. conorToday at 6:46 PM
  643. we have a quarrel?
  644. what happened to this being a discussion
  645. MithandirToday at 6:47 PM
  646. I didn't say we had a quarrel, I only implied we might if this should continue.
  647. It's a pretty light phrase
  648. to describe a disagreement
  649. conorToday at 6:47 PM
  650. fine if you want me to post in
  651. the fucking punishments channel
  652. don't be surprised if the reasons are a bit vague
  653. told you before i suck at explaining things
  654. MithandirToday at 6:48 PM
  655. A vague reason is a lot better than no reason, so that would be fine
  656. as long as it is clear you displayed some effort to give one
  657. conorToday at 6:49 PM
  658. anything else?
  659. MithandirToday at 6:49 PM
  660. Sure.
  661. I think that we need to find a way for you to have a better relationship with the community.
  662. Any thoughts on that?
  663. conorToday at 6:50 PM
  664. you know exactly my thoughts on that
  665. MithandirToday at 6:50 PM
  666. Remind me.
  667. conorToday at 6:50 PM
  668. most of the community are dense cunts who do nothing but complain about everything and spam copypastas
  669. they're all fucking stupid besides a select few who are actually competent decent people
  670. MithandirToday at 6:50 PM
  671. It sounds like you are describing the internet in gross.
  672. conorToday at 6:51 PM
  673. far from it
  674. if the internet was that bad I wouldn't be on it
  675. MithandirToday at 6:51 PM
  676. So, our community reform didn't work?
  677. conorToday at 6:51 PM
  678. it worked
  679. MithandirToday at 6:51 PM
  680. Then... The problem?
  681. conorToday at 6:51 PM
  682. the community reform wasn't to change how they acted, it was to change how the genre is controlled
  683. we have more power over choices which is healthier for the group in general
  684. reforged was meant to change how the community behaves
  685. which I'm hoping it still will
  686. bring in new people
  687. new faces
  688. copypastas for a start should be banned
  689. dont' care if it's legacy to the group
  690. they're stupid and getting old
  691. MithandirToday at 6:52 PM
  692. I don't believe in suppressing freedom of speech
  693. If people like copypastas, I really dont care
  694. Personally I find the community funny and annoying depending on the day.
  695. If they are being funny, I interact.
  696. If not.
  697. Then I ignore it.
  698. those are our users, people who spend money and time on the game
  699. conorToday at 6:53 PM
  700. it is'nt freedom of speech at all
  701. it's spam
  702. lol
  703. MithandirToday at 6:53 PM
  704. Perhaps it can be
  705. conorToday at 6:53 PM
  706. so you allow spam?
  707. MithandirToday at 6:53 PM
  708. So removing copypastas will fix the community?
  709. conorToday at 6:53 PM
  710. evne rob wants them gone and he is a dumbasss
  711. it's a step towards fixing it
  712. yes
  713. MithandirToday at 6:54 PM
  714. So if I remove copypastas, now there are more than 15 people who are competent in the community?
  715. And its all better?
  716. conorToday at 6:54 PM
  717. you're doing it again
  718. stop trying to be smart
  719. removing copypastas is a GOOD step towards a better community, even if it's just on discord
  720. less spam, more actual comments and interaction
  721. MithandirToday at 6:54 PM
  722. I'm not trying to be anything. I'm trying to talk to you.
  723. conorToday at 6:55 PM
  724. not spamming some dumb shit from months ago
  725. doesn't matter how small the step
  726. it's a step
  727. MithandirToday at 6:55 PM
  728. Conor, I love the community.
  729. conorToday at 6:55 PM
  730. fine you wanna keep spam
  731. MithandirToday at 6:55 PM
  732. I'm not saying it can't be improved
  733. conorToday at 6:55 PM
  734. fucking go for it
  735. couldn't care less
  736. you asked me and i answered
  737. MithandirToday at 6:55 PM
  738. Stop putting words in my mouth please, its frutstrating
  739. conorToday at 6:55 PM
  740. then stop implying it
  741. i'm giving you some effort on how to change things
  742. MithandirToday at 6:55 PM
  743. I'm not implying I want to keep spam
  744. In fact, spam is banned
  745. conorToday at 6:55 PM
  746. it isn't
  747. clearly
  748. MithandirToday at 6:55 PM
  749. Yes, it is
  750. Copypasta is not
  751. Copypasta isn't defined under spam
  752. It could be
  753. conorToday at 6:56 PM
  754. copypasta is literally spam
  755. MithandirToday at 6:56 PM
  756. The nerve to come in here and criticize me on a bed of lies... In the general chat of the very community I brought together and kept together with my bare hands for the last decade. To criticize me, on the basis of me being corrupt and hoarding money from the community when I had every opportunity with my talents to abandon this and go elsewhere to earn much more for far less. Every single damn person until the last year doubted me and assured me the third crusade would fail, and Im still here. I never gave up on my vision for this genre. It was NEVER based on money. I have fought for that vision, I STILL fight for it. So I really don't give a damn what a couple of programmers who did next to nothing compared to all that have to say.
  757. conorToday at 6:56 PM
  758. shit like this
  760. Gyazo
  761. Gyazo
  763. is literaly spam
  764. MithandirToday at 6:56 PM
  765. Okay, thats spam
  766. conorToday at 6:57 PM
  767. just because one person does it once each time
  768. doesn't mean it isn't spam
  769. people who send the same scam emails to you
  770. with the same format just a few different changes names and numbers
  771. where does it go
  772. spam
  774. conorToday at 6:57 PM
  775. i never said it was my only issue
  776. MithandirToday at 6:57 PM
  777. Its a rather trivial issue
  778. conorToday at 6:58 PM
  779. everything is trivial to you
  780. if you're too lazy to change small things don't expect big changes
  781. MithandirToday at 6:58 PM
  782. I'm definitely not lazy
  783. So don't say that
  784. conorToday at 6:58 PM
  785. then prove me wrong
  786. nigger
  787. MithandirToday at 6:58 PM
  788. Epic gamer moment
  789. conorToday at 6:58 PM
  790. must I whip you into place?
  791. -whip-
  792. -whip-
  793. MithandirToday at 6:59 PM
  794. Epic bro
  795. conorToday at 6:59 PM
  796. i'm trying to cut the tension
  797. because we're clearly both heated
  798. MithandirToday at 6:59 PM
  799. I'm not heated moreso confused
  800. brb pee
  801. conorToday at 6:59 PM
  802. confused
  803. again
  804. about what this time
  805. MithandirToday at 7:00 PM
  806. I'm confused on why you don't like the community
  807. Because I like it
  808. conorToday at 7:01 PM
  809. it's more so the high ranks
  810. the low rank community don't really talk
  811. most of them im fine with
  812. MithandirToday at 7:02 PM
  813. Okay, now be specific
  814. what about the high ranks?
  815. conorToday at 7:02 PM
  816. you couldn't pull the stick out of their ass quick enough
  817. they're all dense assholes
  818. hypocrites
  819. egocentric
  820. annoying
  821. MithandirToday at 7:03 PM
  822. Can you give me examples?
  823. conorToday at 7:03 PM
  824. they think they're fucking untouchable because they've been in the group for ages
  825. take jeg for example
  826. a TOTAL man child
  827. likes to talk shit about people especially xxr
  828. MithandirToday at 7:03 PM
  829. Jeg is a problematic character
  830. conorToday at 7:03 PM
  831. yet when I argued with him
  832. he straight cried to the seraphs for help
  833. MithandirToday at 7:03 PM
  834. I agree that he is problematic in a lot of ways
  835. conorToday at 7:03 PM
  836. then got annoyed whne they didn't help him in an argument
  837. yet literally tells xxr he is a pussy for jumping in arguments
  838. not to mention everything and anything
  839. he complains about
  840. issak is just really two faced
  841. MithandirToday at 7:03 PM
  842. Wait, slow down
  843. conorToday at 7:04 PM
  844. dan is an ok guy
  845. but he deadass wants nothing but uniforms added all the time
  846. abbadon is ok, I like him
  847. cristi, dense as fuck
  848. cant' take a joke
  849. total fucktard
  850. yet likes to give jokes
  851. most if not all the cursus's are fucking annoying
  852. MithandirToday at 7:04 PM
  853. Is it possible that you really don't hate the community, you just think certain people are off or not beneficial?
  854. conorToday at 7:04 PM
  855. egotistical little children
  856. yeah I guess
  857. cursus family do nothing but cause problems
  858. comd commander of cw
  859. tries to arrest rob
  860. for doing his job
  861. by punishing another cwe
  862. cw
  863. he deadass
  864. AOS a fucking admin
  865. for doing his job
  866. name clans aren't healthy for groups
  867. MithandirToday at 7:05 PM
  868. I agree, which is why I regulate them.
  869. conorToday at 7:05 PM
  870. cursus are troublemakers
  871. they're a bootleg cini bro
  872. MithandirToday at 7:05 PM
  873. I think reforged is the solution to most of this
  874. conorToday at 7:05 PM
  875. all useless
  876. MithandirToday at 7:06 PM
  877. It takes power away from the community and puts it into the games systems itself
  878. conorToday at 7:06 PM
  879. which is what I want
  880. the community shouldn't have much control over things other than their group
  881. the fact they demand I change the fucking capital of AC to thessa
  882. thinking they have the authority to do so
  883. is beyond fucking dumb
  884. then rook the dumbass goes 'guys we have to do it'
  885. god you've got me in a pissed off mood
  886. MithandirToday at 7:07 PM
  887. Well conor we need to work this out
  888. So it doesnt become a big problem
  889. I got a solution, so calm yourself.
  890. conorToday at 7:07 PM
  891. it is'nt a big problem
  892. i ignore them unless they talk shit
  893. then i talk shit back
  894. MithandirToday at 7:07 PM
  895. exactly
  896. conorToday at 7:07 PM
  897. i rarely ban people
  898. surprisingly
  899. much to my reputation
  900. and the solution is simple
  901. they need to learn their place as *community members8
  902. they don't run this group anymore
  903. MithandirToday at 7:08 PM
  904. That will happen.
  905. conorToday at 7:08 PM
  906. the admins + do
  907. MithandirToday at 7:08 PM
  908. Let's get reforged done
  909. and watch it.
  910. conorToday at 7:08 PM
  911. giving them the power to run the group was your worst mistake
  912. now they think they still do regardless of the changes you make
  914. MithandirToday at 7:08 PM
  915. Eh, changes take time to adapt.
  916. They are learning.
  917. Most of the vets know they don't anyway
  918. conorToday at 7:09 PM
  919. you sure they have the brain capacity for that
  920. MithandirToday at 7:09 PM
  921. They know the council didn't give them power either
  922. conorToday at 7:09 PM
  923. i just want reforged to bring in new people
  924. and filter out the fucking trashbags
  925. MithandirToday at 7:09 PM
  926. They are people, conor, human beings
  927. I'm sure their intellects can adapt
  928. conorToday at 7:09 PM
  929. 'new people'
  930. new people
  931. MithandirToday at 7:09 PM
  932. yes
  933. conorToday at 7:09 PM
  934. never once did i say they weren't
  935. MithandirToday at 7:09 PM
  936. I fucking understand
  937. conorToday at 7:09 PM
  938. then why did you comment
  939. wtf
  940. MithandirToday at 7:09 PM
  941. But for that to happen reforged needs to be done
  942. conorToday at 7:10 PM
  943. and for that to happen i need manager
  944. MithandirToday at 7:12 PM
  945. I'll level with you. Making you manager doesn't make sense. I'm fine with you being architect with extended permissions that are basically the same as manager, but in a different field.
  946. conorToday at 7:13 PM
  947. nah im good
  948. MithandirToday at 7:13 PM
  949. So you coming back is conditional on you being a manager?
  950. conorToday at 7:13 PM
  951. you just wasted my time
  952. MithandirToday at 7:13 PM
  953. Not really.
  954. I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying.
  955. conorToday at 7:13 PM
  956. i told you at the start i'll come back but I dont' want to be just an architect
  957. i get it, you don't want to make me manager
  958. say that at the start instead of wasting both our times getting into an argument at the start
  959. really pointless
  960. i'll review code you send me
  961. brb
  962. MithandirToday at 7:15 PM
  963. What do you think that manager even represents?
  964. I don't think it is what you think it is.
  965. conorToday at 7:15 PM
  966. got a drink
  967. MithandirToday at 7:15 PM
  968. It's a position for me, the genre's owner and the founder
  969. conorToday at 7:16 PM
  970. doesn't matter what I think it is
  971. MithandirToday at 7:16 PM
  972. I don't want to share it because it's mine
  973. conorToday at 7:16 PM
  974. i told you I wanted to have that role
  975. you acknowledged that so don't play dumb
  976. then you tell me at the very end you're not willing to apply that rank to me
  977. waste of time
  978. MithandirToday at 7:16 PM
  979. You just want the power?
  980. The ability level is the exact same
  981. conorToday at 7:16 PM
  982. whatever dude
  983. i remember telling you I'm here to stay
  984. you're starting to change my mind
  985. MithandirToday at 7:18 PM
  986. That's fine man, you have the right to change your mind. You changed it several times already.
  987. conorToday at 7:18 PM
  988. nah
  989. MithandirToday at 7:18 PM
  990. If you are only here to stay for the power, then that is really disheartening.
  991. conorToday at 7:18 PM
  992. i made a hard decision
  993. i chose to come back FOR YOU
  994. i felt bad
  995. and YOU changed my mind again by leading me on
  996. and you're a hypocrite too
  997. MithandirToday at 7:18 PM
  998. You shouldn't come back because you feel bad
  999. You should come back because you want to
  1000. If you don't want to, don't come back
  1001. conorToday at 7:19 PM
  1002. ah
  1003. i won't then
  1004. MithandirToday at 7:19 PM
  1005. I don't like working with people who don't want to be here.
  1006. conorToday at 7:19 PM
  1007. lol
  1008. MithandirToday at 7:19 PM
  1009. Then we are all clear
  1010. conorToday at 7:19 PM
  1011. damn man you really are a cunt
  1012. MithandirToday at 7:19 PM
  1013. I doubt you'd be saying that if I gave you your manager role
  1014. conorToday at 7:19 PM
  1015. find someone else to review your code
  1016. MithandirToday at 7:19 PM
  1017. So now you result to name calling?
  1018. ClydeBOTToday at 7:23 PM
  1019. Your message could not be delivered because you don't share a server with the recipient or you disabled direct messages on your shared server, recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends, or you were blocked by the recipient.
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