
Reigniting the Fire (Anon/Aria)

Nov 25th, 2019
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  1. >”Hey idiot, why don’t I have my water yet?”
  2. >You sigh as you walk through the backstage area.
  3. >You’re Anonymous, and right now you’re the stagehand for the Dazzlings, the trio of sister singers who aim to win the Battle of the Bands tonight.
  4. >You don’t exactly recall seeing them around school before, but you didn’t exactly care about that either way.
  5. >They just came up to you earlier today and asked for you to be their, in their words, “bodyguard for the big event tonight”.
  6. >You didn’t exactly know if you were bodyguard material, but you can think of 2 reasons why they came to you instead of others.
  7. >For one, you were pretty tall.
  8. >You were one of the few handful of kids at this school above 6 ft, and you often stood out because of it.
  9. >And two, you weren’t a slouch when it came to strength.
  10. >While you weren’t even close to something like Bulk Biceps, the biggest lifter in school who looks like a crossbreed between the Hulk and Frosty the Snowman, you had visible muscle and was one of the best athletes in the school.
  11. >So since you didn't have anything better to do on your Friday night, you decided to agree to the Dazzlings’ offer of protection for the night.
  12. >Not sure what they’d need protection from since the only people there was supposed to be students, but you could care less.
  13. >There was a whole other reason why you agreed to do this.
  14. >As you’re walking towards the girl who insulted you, you pass by the other 2 girls who will be singing tonight.
  15. >The first is Sonata Dusk, the “cute” one of the group.
  16. >She was ditzy, air headed, and maybe just the tiniest bit dumb, but she sure as hell was adorable.
  17. >When she wasn’t busy sucking down tacos like a vacuum cleaner, she was often butting into other people’s conversations, no matter how much it annoyed them.
  18. >Doesn’t help that her sisters don’t hold back when telling her how dumb she is.
  19. >Thankfully, she didn’t let it get to her too much.
  20. >She was the type of girl who could find fun in anything, or always find a way to smile.
  21. >So in other words, adorable.
  22. >”Hey Anon, what’s this kite looking thingie Dagi said I have to wear? I can’t figure out how to put it on.”
  23. >She says to you as she holds out a tie in her hand, currently intertwined and wrapped in her fingers every which way.
  24. “That’s a tie Sonata, you wear it around your neck. Here, give it to me and I’ll put in on for you.”
  25. >You carefully remove the tie from Sonata’s hands and straighten it out, then beckon for her to come close to you.
  26. >You wrap the fabric around her neck, overlapping and looping it so that it eventually fits snug around her neck and rests right above her chest.
  27. >You take her pendant and hook it into the loop of the tie, so that it covers it perfectly and makes it look like they were always meant to go together.
  28. >You stand back a bit and look at Sonata’s completed outfit, and the wide smile on her face.
  29. >Again, adorable.
  30. >”Oooh, so that’s how you put it on! I thought it was like some type of sleeve for your arm or something. Thanks for helping me Anon!”
  31. >She pulls you in close for one of the strongest bear hugs you’ve ever received.
  32. >You find it difficult to breath, how can someone with such a small frame be this strong?
  33. >She eventually lets go, letting the air get into you again, before heading off towards the stage curtain.
  34. >You continue walking towards the girl who screamed at you earlier when you finally reach the second of the sisters.
  35. >Adagio Dazzle, the leader of the group as well as the one you’d describe as the “sexy” one.
  36. >She was sultry, she was cunning, she had the voice of a succubus, and she had ways to make anyone in the world kneel down before her.
  37. >She might not look that way at first glance, mainly because of that absolutely gigantic head of poofy orange hair reaching all the way down to her thighs, and her less than average height for a girl her age.
  38. >But just listen to her speak once and you’ll immediately know that she’s way more than she looks to be.
  39. >So to sum it up, pretty damn sexy.
  40. >”Hey Anon, I need your help putting my headband on. Hold it please while I get my hair ready?”
  41. >She hands you what looks to be half of a dog collar - a black half circle lined with long, purple spikes from end to end.
  42. >You put your finger to the tip of one of the spikes and feel a prick without even pushing down.
  43. “Adagio, is this a headband or some sort of kink collar? You could seriously kill someone with these spikes.”
  44. >She looks up at you while she’s still getting her hair ready.
  45. >”Well, if you want to say things like that, maybe I could try fitting it around your throat and we’ll see how good it looks on you? Might choke you a little though, but you probably like that sort of thing, don’t you?”
  46. “Uh yeah, nevermind. I’m not really interested in having these things anywhere near a vital point.”
  47. >”Good boy, now come here and put it on before my arms get a cramp from holding this for so long.”
  48. >You look down and carefully place the headband on top of the section of hair separating Adagio’s head and the massive pillow of poof behind it.
  49. >After making sure it’s on correctly, you back away and Adagio lets her hands fall to her sides.
  50. >Her hair stays up perfectly, allowing for her maximum poof levels to be reached.
  51. >”Thank you love, you don’t know how hard it is getting one of my sisters to help me with such a simple task. Now I’m finally ready to finish this dumb little contest and claim total control over this school.”
  52. >There she goes again with that “total control” nonsense.
  53. >Does she think the winner of the music battle becomes the principal or something?
  54. >Either way it doesn’t matter to you.
  55. “Uh, yeah, dunno what that was about but I’m happy to help. And I’m sure you girls will do amazing out there, I mean it’s not like you have any competition le-“
  56. >Suddenly you’re met with one of the most painful headaches you’ve ever had the misfortune of having.
  57. >Your Head is pounding, it feels like someone is repeatedly bashing in your skull with a hammer.
  58. >You fall to the ground, clutching your head and trying not to scream in pain, hell trying to stay alive because you feel like you could drop dead any second now.
  59. >Adagio stumbles back a bit, frightened by your reaction, before looking to the right and speaking to the cause of your immense pain.
  60. >”Aria, I thought I told you to STOP doing that to our bodyguards unless you were in serious trouble. And you wonder why they always leave us after one goddamn night?”
  61. >”I don’t care, I asked him 2 minutes ago for water and I STILL don’t have a water in my hand. Do you expect me to go out and sing with a dry throat? Maybe this moron should’ve thought twice about helping you two before dealing with my issues.”
  62. >”I don’t care about you or your water, stop hurting him now before you actually kill him.”
  63. >”Ugh, fine, whatever. Just get me my damn water.”
  64. >The pain lingers for a few more seconds before it finally starts to fade away.
  65. >You can feel yourself beginning to think straight again.
  66. >Finally, any ounce of pain you were feeling is gone.
  67. >Slowly, you start to stand back up, making sure to keep your balance so you don’t fall flat on your face.
  68. >You finally are back to standing up straight, still rubbing your forehead to put yourself at ease.
  69. >You wipe away a few beads of sweat that formed from your torture, when you suddenly feel something pulling you downwards on your shoulders.
  70. >It’s Adagio, pulling you to her height so that you’re face to face with her.
  71. >”Now look what you did, you made him mess up his hair, and after all the trouble I went to fix it. I’m not going to have my bodyguard look like he just crawled out of a dumpster.”
  72. >While you awkwardly remain huddled over, Adagio runs her hands through your hair, fixing it so that it looked exactly like it did before your session of terror.
  73. “God, I should’ve never let you put those charms on me, or at least made them more difficult to activate.”
  74. >Adagio stops her hand movements for a second and looks deep into your eyes.
  75. >”Ah ah ah, we need to make sure you keep your loyalty to us so you’re not easily persuaded to help some other band win this thing.”
  76. >Aria speaks again, holding up a fist.
  77. >”Yeah, and what better way to keep some mangy mutt in check than to keep him on a tight leash with his very own shock collar?”
  78. “Well last I checked, shock collars only zap you for less than a second, and don’t make you feel like you just took a bullet to your face.”
  79. >”Whatever dumbass, the charms stay until we say you can leave. But who knows, maybe you’ll do such a good job tonight we’ll decide to keep them on forever? Ooh, now THAT sounds like fun.”
  80. >What you’re all talking about, of course, is the 3 charms of the Siren you currently have placed upon you.
  81. >It was part of the agreement they made when asking you to act as their bodyguard.
  82. >You agreed because you thought it was just gonna be some dumb girly thing like a friendship bracelet or something, but when the Dazzlings started singing and you saw some green smoke wrap around your head, it was too late to back out.
  83. >You now have 3 little musical notes branded on the side of your neck, one Yellow, one Blue, and one Purple.
  84. >They’re supposed to serve as a connection between you and the girls, proof that you have sworn an oath under them and will do whatever you can to protect them.
  85. >If they’re ever in danger, their Siren magic will activate on instinct and use the charms on you, basically notifying you that they need your help.
  86. >They’re not exactly supposed to cause head splitting pain, more like a subtle sixth sense that will pass through your mind telling you they need you.
  87. >However, Aria likes to use her charm at full force just because she “finds it funny”.
  88. >They said they’d take the charms off after tonight and the notes would go away with them, and you’re hoping they keep their word.
  89. >Aria’s been the only one to use the charm on you so far though, as Adagio said it’s “exclusively for emergencies” and Sonata didn’t have it in her to put you through that pain, no matter how much Aria tried to get her to do it.
  90. >Aria however acted like it was a controller, and you were the brand new toy it came with.
  91. >Adagio finally finished up with your hair, and ushers you to stand back up.
  92. >”There, looks good as new. Now go help Aria get ready so she can quit her bitching.”
  93. >
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