
A nice day in the park

Aug 22nd, 2015
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  1. 22:56 Eridana It was a fine day in Neon that day, the birds were chirping, the trees were swaying, the people were scared and there was a miniature twister tearing up the park. An ideal day, one could say. At the foot of the wild wind was a lithe female figure, garbed in a bright pink wind-breaker, an electric blue shirt and a pair of white white khakis. On her head seemed to be an ushanka, and on her feet were a pair of basketball
  2. 22:56 Eridana shoes. She was waving her arms and laughing maniacally, like a schoolgirl on the playground. Was she conducting this whole affair, with the wind and the tearing up of the grounds? She turned to the distant, but still gathered crowds and gazed with her golden eyes. Her face was covered by a respirator, but it was easy to see her bronze skin and curly black hair beneath her hat. She swiped her hand at the crowd and with it
  3. 22:56 Eridana came a gust of wind, pushing those at the front back and into the air. She seemed almost obsessed with keeping people away from the twister.
  4. 23:40 Eric-the-Everliving slept in the middle of the deepest part of the park. It seemed the most familiar place to Eric, and anyone who wondered there would feel his wrath. His sword stuck to the ground, old and rusted and bones of cattle, deer even sharks were around him.. The insane laughter, screaming and wind woke him up. "Gruuhg?" He slowly made his way to see the tornado.
  5. 23:42 McGoFuckYourself The gust of wind yanked the back of snacks out of his hand, spilling the microwavable pizza-based foodstuffs and bottles of soda across the sidewalk. He sighed, reaching down and stepping onto the grass to pick up his scattered snacks as the wind whipped up around him. Look at the ground. Look at the sidewalk. Don't look at the lady tore the damn place up. Plausible deniability. You weren't...
  6. 23:42 McGoFuckYourself ...there! You had already passed the park back home when it happened! You missed it entirely! You weren't shirking your responsibilities, you just happened to miss it. It's your day off, but that doesn't seem to matter a damn bit, people are always expecting you to help out whether or not you were actually on the clock.
  7. 23:42 McGoFuckYourself He sighed as the wind started pulling at his wings and pulled the snacks he had spent his hard-earned money away from his grasp. This was just gonna be one of those weekends.
  8. 23:42 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as Prince
  9. 23:43 *** Prince is now known as Prince_
  10. 23:43 Prince_ The angel sighed, and straightened up. Goddammit. With a grumble and a sigh, he started walking towards the lady ruining his day.
  11. 23:43 Tectonic wasn't on her best condition, having more late nights than she's used to and starting to develop cold, the latter might came from too many tubs of ice cream she had lately. Dressed in a forest green shirt with dark grey hoodie and yoga pants, she was peacefully strolling around.
  12. 23:46 Tectonic -- However, that was 5 minutes ago, and now she's trying her best to not fall over and injure herself. Her feet, firmly ankered to the ground, is struggling to keep Stephanie up, while her eyes tries to see what is happening around here. She only wanted a nice walk
  13. 23:55 AnnaClaskovic ... of all this wind. She saw it. The mini-tornado making havok for those around it.
  14. 23:59 Eri The woman turned to the winged Evolutionary, then to the other approaching figures. The girl in green behind the tree and the other girl. On fire. What a strange sight. Nearly as strange as the man approaching garbed in old armor, like some sort of larper or war costume actor. Skylar, the woman, turned her gaze back to the angel man and shook her head. "Hmmmmmm... Nah. Why don't you come over here and make me, feathers?" She
  15. 23:59 Eri giggled, voice cracking slightly as she swiped her arm again, sending a weaker gust at the advancing group. More of a joke than an attack.
  16. 00:02 Tectonic "Gee.. I, I have to do this, but.. ah damnit." She slowly advances into Skylar, hoping that she can somehow help.
  17. 00:03 Eric-the-Everliving didn't even notice the gust. Just continued to walk, not really to attack her, just to see what was even going on
  18. 00:06 AnnaClaskovic wasn't nearly as affected by it as the others, as soon as the wind hit her face, she hid behind the tree she was behind. But, she had an idea. She didn't know if this would work, but, she managed to climb above the canopy of the tree, flying up and avoiding the gusts of winds made by the woman. "...What do I do now?" Anna didn't really think this one out.
  19. 00:07 Prince_ Prince's wings were pulled back from the gust, and staggering him back a moment. "Come on, man, it's my day off. I got better stuff I could be doing than gettin' into a slap-fight with some tornado lady."
  20. 00:20 Eric-the-Everliving looked down at Skylar, and Prince in front of her he was tired and she woke him up
  21. 00:22 AnnaClaskovic "Hey!" She shouts down at the girl. "By order of Aegis, I'm going to have to ask you to please stop, or I will suppress you! This is a warning!" Good job, Anna, is the first thing she thought to herself. She thought she had the situation handled.
  22. 00:24 Eri Skylar's arms came down slow, and the twister dissipated. She stared at each of the braver people in turn, three on the ground and one in the sky. A nice spread and a nice day to rock some worlds. She shrugged at the angel and the flying woman, before continuing to raise her hands. "Well okay, since you both asked nicely. Though, I think I'll give you a little tailwind, to get you all back home quicker." As she raised her
  23. 00:24 Eri arms, she winked, and the air around her began to swirl violently. Then a great squall kicked up, sending dirt and grass into the air. The girl looked like she was sweating.
  24. 00:26 Tectonic "Oh God, not this..." Tectonic raised her hands and a dome made of earth slowly builds around her. She doesn't know what she's doing right now and it's best to not ask her that.
  25. 00:29 Eric-the-Everliving "GRAH!" This caught him off guard, and while it wasn't about to blow him away, it did move him a bit. He grabbed the ground with his giant hands
  26. 00:31 AnnaClaskovic gets knocked back, along with the grass and earth flying up through the air. The wind knocks her out of her flight, having Anna being met with the idea of becoming a pancake on the ground, Anna panics in the air until she can get herself back up. She jets up, and frowns at the girl. "That, you, y-you could've killed me!"
  27. 00:44 Eric-the-Everliving looked up at Skylar, he was now mad. Slowly he walked towards her, wind slowing him down even more then he was normally
  28. 00:47 --- Tectonic is away (Food)
  29. 00:49 Prince_ Prince was yanked right into the air, flying up a good five meters straight up as his wings were caught by the massive gust. "Fuuuuuuuuuck shiiit!"
  30. 00:49 Prince_ For a second, he teetered, hitting the apex of the squall and hanging in the air for for a brief eternity. Then the fall came. And the ground came rushing up, all too eager to smash into the poor guy. Lucky Prince, he's been trained for shit like that! The wings weren't just for show, you know! As he fell, he twisted his body, taking deep breaths to keep from panicking from the drop. Aim...
  31. 00:49 Prince_ ...face first, straighten out, press your feet together, oh god I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna di-SPREAD YOUR WINGS.
  32. 00:49 Prince_ With a snap, his wings unfurled to their maximum width, an easy six-feet span from tip to tip. Catching the residue wind from the squall, they flared, and he managed to pull out of the dive barely five feet from smashing into the ground. He glided, swooping forward and launched towards the lady in pink. Had to pull up a bit, so he wouldn't clip his wings on that massive fuckoff viking...
  33. 00:49 Prince_ ...motherfucker, but he managed to get the scepter out and ready as he flew straight at her.
  34. 00:57 Eri Skylar saw Anna fall and then rise again, nodding her head. "Yeah, but you can fly, baby. Its fine!" The dome of earth went up around the other woman, and Skylar frowned. A problem, that would be. But as for more immediate problems, the angel and the zombie were far more concerning. "Awww, hate to burst your bubble, but this is going to suck for you." With a swirl of her arms above her head, the outward wind become an inward
  35. 00:57 Eri funnel that lead towards Skylar herself and then up. Like a radial vacuum it pulled matter toward her and up into the air. Momentum would be the enemy.
  36. 00:59 --- Tectonic is back
  37. 00:59 AnnaClaskovic "I-I don't want to hurt you! Don't make me do it!" Anna was angry, but she wasn't going to let loose. She isn't really keen on hurting people, not her thing. She usually tries to stop things from happening that do bad things.
  38. 01:06 Eric-the-Everliving Even with his colossal weight He wasn't safe from the wind, he was blown up about 30 feet, he saw Anna eye to Eye for just a sec before falling back to the ground
  39. 01:07 AnnaClaskovic "I... I-I... uhh... uhh. Please, stop?"
  40. 01:07 Tectonic -- Meanwhile, Stephanie was trying her best to keep the dome up, though the massive current of winds can and will break it down sooner or later. Cracks began to form around her dome as the wind changes its direction and she fears of her safety. Using her 'vision' would be a problem too, since she still doesn't know how to distinguish enemy from allies..
  41. 01:08 Tectonic their movements alone. Now, she can only fix her dome and hope that an opportunity comes up soon.
  42. 01:13 Prince_ Prince was yanked upwards. Again. As much as he tried sticking to the ground, he couldn't actively break aerodynamics, and the upward funnel pulled him helplessly along. He even tried reaching out and taking a swing at her with the scepter! The thing was only so long, though, and he didn't want to risk losing it in the gale, so he ended up missing her by a foot. And he went up. And up, and...
  43. 01:13 Prince_ ...up and up higher and higher and higher. In fact, he let the momentum carry him, and tried to get as far away from her as he could, heading straight up. She seemed to have at least some kind of range to it, so he lifted as close towards heaven as he could to avoid her assault.
  44. 01:20 Eric-the-Everliving landed in a tree, well not really in the tree was destroyed when he landed. getting up he roared at the girl, he was /pissed/ "RRAAURRG"
  45. 01:22 Eri Skylar's arms came down as she took a knee. She was overreaching a bit, but she could keep going. Her next target after the dead-man and the angel-man, were the Earth-woman and the flying woman. Getting her breath back took a moment, but soon she was back on her feet and flowing forward in a great leap. Her arm swirled with miniature air currents as she neared the dome and pointed at it. "Should have read the news, there is a
  46. 01:22 Eri rockin' hurricane on the way!" With a chuckle, the air around her arm launched toward the dome in the form of a pocket of compressed air, like a small cannonball. So concentrated on the dome, she was, that she forgot about the flying woman and the dead man in the tree.
  47. 01:25 AnnaClaskovic had enough of it. She threw down a a fury of fireballs down at the Skylar when she had the chance, in doing so, she dived down, getting up and close to Skylar, the wind was tough but she dealt with it. She whipped a wave of fire straight at Skylar's face, in doing so, she flew away, getting distance between her and the tornado lady.
  48. 01:26 Tectonic -- The dome shattered and Stephanie was thrown away a good 15-20 feet away from the other side of the dome, completely off-guard. Her body fell and rolled a few times before stopping, and all she can feel is pain, agony, and a faint smell of hot dog somewhere.
  49. 01:27 Tectonic "Mmmmmrrrghh.... I.. I knew something is coming.. but /fuck/, that was hard."
  50. 01:32 Eric-the-Everliving picked up some of the tree he landed on, tossing it at Skylar
  51. 01:33 Prince_ Prince twisted in midair again, this time /considerably/ higher above the park than he was last time. For a moment, everything seemed still, frozen in time. He had a decent view of the city skyline from here, all the massive glass and metal monoliths that scraped the sky. The massive X of the Xenon Headquarters, the Aegis tower, the Gulf of Mexico off in the distance. He took a breath,...
  52. 01:33 Prince_ ...feeling the warmth of the sun on his face. A flap of his wings, and he faced downward again. One shot. One shot that was probably not gonna work. On that'd hurt just as bad whether or not it did. The young principality adjust his position one last time, and pulled in his wings as close to his body as he could as he closed his eyes and aimed downward.
  53. 01:33 Prince_ The Angel began to fall to the Earth.
  54. 01:56 Eri Skylar had but a moment to laugh before she was assailed by a hail of fire. The flames hit the current swirling around her and while some of it was whisked away, the rest of the heat was agitated by the rushing wind, blistering her skin and causing her hands to cover her eyes. With her eyes covered, she couldn't see the wooden projectile sailing towards her from the dead man's grasp. It struck her in the legs and sent her
  55. 01:56 Eri falling head over heels into the dirt. The air currents stopped, and she was prone, the perfect target for a dive-bombing from the Angel.
  56. 02:05 *** The-Haze quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 40.0.2/20150812163655])
  57. 02:22 Prince_ Prince kept his wings close as he dived. She'd been yanking him around with air currents, so if he kept them furled up, that'd make it harder for her to pull him around, right? Fuck, I dunno man, I ain't some specialist in aerodynamics. But he shot downward, getting faster and faster as he started pushing towards the Earth. This was a fucking /freefall/, man. And it was probably gonna...
  58. 02:22 Prince_ ...fucking /hurt/. He clutched the scepter as he fell and held it as close to his chest as he could. It was out of his hands now. Just gotta have faith and hope for the best.
  59. 02:22 Prince_ When he got as close as possible, he unfurled his wings with a loud snap. The whiplash damn near broke his back, and the sudden air resistance nearly tore his wings right off of him. Immediately, his feet shot down, both of them point right towards Skylar as he smashed into her in a dive-bomb to end all dive-bombs.
  60. 02:27 AnnaClaskovic looked at in awe as the human missile just stomped the wind girl from orbit. "W-woah."
  61. 02:28 Tectonic crawls and sits in the distance, still in pain. There's dirt everywhere in her clothes, some on her hair, and there was the ultimate dive-bomb. She slowly claps her hands.
  62. 02:28 Eric-the-Everliving simply stares, not in awe, just kinds stares
  63. 02:39 Eric-the-Everliving goes up to check the landing spot. Mainly to see if either of them died, all this fighting worked up an apatite
  64. 02:42 Eri Skylar's vision unblurred just as the angelic missle collided with her stomach, foot first. Her gut was absolutely battered by the magnificent stomp, but the impact could have been worse. She felt herself most likely bleeding on the inside. Not good. All the air was knocked from her lungs, but not from around her. Her arms burned, from the fire, as she pulled them up to her chest and clenched her fists. Her breath came back as
  65. 02:42 Eri she funneled air into her mouth and felt it swirl around her. This chump still had those huge wings open. She coughed for a moment, then spoke. "Sorry baby, you've got a slipstream to catch elsewhere." The air began to swirl more violently, before it released in a short gale, straight up.
  66. 02:47 Prince_ Prince gave a howl as he smashed into her, foot colliding with her as he crumpled into Skylar. He would've been paste if he hadn't braked with his wings, and it still felt like he twisted something- at the very least. Then /another/ goddamn burst of wind catching his spread wings, and pushed him right the fuck back up. The sudden stopping and pushing back up jarred him, and lost his grip on...
  67. 02:47 Prince_ ...the iron scepter, giving a start as it fell to the ground and he was shoved upwards for the third damn time in so many minutes.
  68. 02:49 Eric-the-Everliving was caught of guard again falling back, making a loud *THUD*
  69. 03:04 Eri Skylar stood shakily, gut churning as she struggled to keep her lunch down. Standing up straight seemed impossible, as every muscle in her abdomen protested. With a shaky breath, she lifted her arm into the air and lifted off of the ground. She was trying to get away! "Sorry flyboy, flygal, gravebird, dirtnapper. I've gotta jet. Feathers over here stomped me nice and good."
  70. 03:07 Prince_ Rather than trying another fancy maneuver or aerial trick, Prince decided it was a good idea to fake her out by smacking hard into a crumple on the ground. And lying there, pretending to hold onto his knee in pain and trying not to pass out. Good job, champ, you got her on the ropes.
  71. 03:08 *** Breakdown joined #covenger_rp
  72. 03:09 Prince_ "Fucking /hell/. I'm just. Just gonna chill here and wish my days off didn't suck."
  73. 03:10 Eric-the-Everliving gets up, slowly growing in size, trying to grab her out of the air
  74. 03:22 Eri Skylar attempted to swerve to the side, but found herself being clipped by the large hand of Eric, and being sent spinning to a lower altitude.
  75. 03:24 Tectonic is.. at loss of words right now. Her entire body is hurting, but she only got some bruises fortunately. "Aw.. still.. hurting.."
  76. 03:27 Eric-the-Everliving stops growing, must be around 45, 50 feet now as he continues to try and grab Skylar.
  77. 03:28 Prince_ "I don't wanna go to school today."
  78. 03:29 AnnaClaskovic flies up and tries a shot against Skylar again. She's out of breath, so it could be just easier to make the air around her uncomfortable to be in. Anna catched up to Skylar, not throwing anything down, just making the air around her a bit more hotter than usual. "How's the weather down there?" Anna made a joke. She's proud of herself now.
  79. 03:36 *** Tectonic quit (Quit: See you next time! Have a nice day folks.)
  80. 03:41 Eric-the-Everliving brings his giant hand down onto Skylar. Completely ignoring Anna near her
  81. 03:42 Prince_ blinked, trying to look around. Jesus, this whole thing was a mess. His knee felt like it was on fire, his wings were all twisted up in wonky angles. He just wanted a damn soda. Was that too much to ask?
  82. 04:03 Eric-the-Everliving grabs Skylar, missing Anna by an inch. He brings her up close to his face. He removes the chainmail covering his mouth giving Sky full view of the rotting corpse underneath. He brings her closer and-oh shit, hes gonna eat her
  83. 04:17 AnnaClaskovic immediately notices that Skylar disappeared along with the giant hand that took hold of her. She looked back. It was Eric, opening his zombie mouth, Anna knew what was going to happen. "W-wait, no wait! Hang on, don't eat her, that's a... t-that's a nono!" Anna shielded Skylar, standing in the way of her and Eric's rotted face.
  84. 04:19 Eric-the-Everliving looked down at Anna. "GRRRAAAAUUGGH"
  85. 04:23 AnnaClaskovic "Don't, do that, please, u-uhh..." Anna was panicking. She never really dealt with situations like this one. So she did what came to instinct. She released a large amount of fire straight into Eric's face, hoping to at least blind him.
  86. 04:23 *** Breakdown quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  87. 04:25 Eric-the-Everliving While most of the armor protected him, he was momentarily blinded "AAARRRGHUG" He doesn't drop Sky but his grip loosens
  88. 04:25 Eri Skylar hadn't been paying attention, and as a result had received a battering from all sides. With Anna in front of her, she shook her head and marveled at the giant undead menace now grasping her like a child's toy
  89. 04:28 AnnaClaskovic quickly grabbed Skylar as soon as she could, and attempted to pull her out of the grip of the giant zombie. "We are going, we are going, we are going..." She kept saying to herself, not wanting to be eaten by a disgusting zombie thing.
  90. 04:29 Prince_ Prince staggered to his feet. Son of a bitch. No breaks, no rests, no nothin'. First he was fighting that wind lady, and now there was this massive fuckoff corpse. He sure as hell didn't like her, but he wasn't about to let her get eaten by a /monster/.
  91. 04:29 Prince_ The young angel ran over towards the giant viking, scooping up the scepter off the ground as he approached. He raised it and gave the beast a solid thwack on the shin with the dull iron. It bounced off, which he more or less expected.
  92. 04:29 Prince_ What he /hadn't/ expected was the thunderous crack, and the bolt of electricity to leap from the holy relic and deliver a nasty 50,000 volts right into the guy's leg.
  93. 04:31 Eric-the-Everliving "GRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" It was the first time in his life [and second life] he ever felt electricity. He dropped Skylar and, doesn't do anything. He doesn't fall over but he doesn't attack again. he slowly starts to shrink back to normal
  94. 04:37 Eric-the-Everliving was back to normal size. which was still big, bout 8, 9 feet. He shakes his head a few times "Graah? Grughg." He turns around and walks to the forest, whatever the shock did to him, he wasn't bout to fight them again
  95. 04:43 Prince_ sits down on the ground. Hard. Last goddamn time he leaves Darwin Hall on a day off. Just gonna order pizza next time, horrendously overpriced drinks or no
  96. 04:44 Eri Skylar hits the ground with a huff and wastes absolutely no time and getting her escape underway again. With a sweep of her arms, she limps, stumbles and takes to the air. Whisking away without a word.
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