
#PastebinMonday 08/07/2023 Pokémon Puzzle Week Edition

Aug 7th, 2023
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  1. 'Sup, doods!
  3. It happened last Tuesday during lunch while doing the same thing that I am doing as I write this update, riding my mini-bike and watching YouTube videos. I got to thinking about different things I could do to shake up the channel. When I couldn't come up with anything, I thought ahead to my birthday and reminded myself how little I did anything special for the occasion. I don't do special occasions all that much, but something came over me to try something for this occasion. The one thing I knew I wanted to do was something to do with Pokémon Puzzle League.
  5. Then it hit me. “League” sounds vaguely like “week.” “Pokémon Puzzle Week” has a ring to it and... *checks X posts* no one has done something like that before? Well, sign me up! I'll play the game for a week straight—well, as much as my day job will allow, at least. Sounds like a great idea.
  7. Yesterday nearly filled me with regret on the path I took. Starting with the combos only bonanza was not the best for my mental health. I plan to do this again next year and, looking over the calendar, would probably want to end on Sunday with the big bang bonanza. It's something to think about.
  9. Pokémon Puzzle Week was not the only idea that came to me that day. Stay tuned on Saturday for another eventful announcement on what I will be doing next.
  11. Today's (permanent) extra streaming goals:
  13. Goal #2: edit my personal best runs. This week is giving me more for the backlog. It'll be fine for reasons I will explain on Saturday.
  14. Goal #3: update the LPS Pokémon Puzzle League broadcast layout to be better automated like the Tetris Attack layout. In my head, this shouldn't take too long, but if the crawl of the Kirby's Avalanche layout was any indication, it could very well take a whole month, not leaving me much time to do anything else. I can promise to start working on this in three weeks.
  15. Goal #5: script and record footage for my Puzzle League tutorial series. I have some scripts left to touch up before feeling comfortable with moving on to recording gameplay. Then I will need to record my talking points and edit it all together. I will still want to take time during the week to do all of that instead of stream when I decide to get serious about it. Whether I will be able to get around to it anytime soon remains to be seen.
  16. Goal #6: clean up my own stream layout. I am brainstorming how I want the final theming to be. I probably want to give people multiple options, maybe allow spending bits to change the look. I don't have anything written down yet. I don't expect to get to this anytime soon.
  17. Goal #7: maybe make a universal LPS broadcast layout. I have a base, but perhaps I should stylize one for the LPS brand. Let's just say I have plans. Hopefully I wouldn't over-homogenize it like SpeedGaming did.
  18. Goal #8: release the Puzzle League tutorial series YouTube shorts once a day until they're all done. I really do think I need to time the release of the series with a ramping up of my streaming schedule so that I can take advantage of whatever there is to gain from releasing the shorts.
  20. This week's schedule:
  22. (All broadcasts begin at 7pm CT unless otherwise stated)
  24. Monday – Day 2 – 1P Stadium Easy (x5 in a row, at minimum)
  25. Tuesday – Day 3 – 1P Stadium Normal (x5 in a row, at minimum)
  26. Wednesday – Day 4 – 1P Stadium Hard (x5 in a row, at minimum)
  27. Thursday – Day 5 – 1P Stadium V-Hard (x5 in a row, at minimum)
  28. Friday – Day 6 – 1P Stadium S-Hard & Races (Can I get anyone to race x5?)
  29. Saturday @ 1pm CT – Day 7 – 100% Speedrun!
  31. That’s my life story for the week. Later, doods!
  33. --Cards
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