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Jul 7th, 2017
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  1. <squibbles> ...a 14 year old on another server just asked me to cyber with him, thinking that I'm a chick
  2. <squibbles> >_>
  3. <Inspired> cyber?
  4. <squibbles> as in...have cyber-sex. .___.
  5. <Inspired> Oh. They still do that?
  6. <RandomDigits> O.o
  7. <squibbles> not with me
  8. <squibbles> ._.
  9. <Aidiera> You should have given him some to freak him out.
  10. <Inspired> Don't discount that he may be gay
  11. <Aidiera> Oh, good point.
  12. <@rennaT> I take off my robe and wizard hat.
  13. <Inspired> Hahahaha tanner
  14. <Aidiera> I take out a tray of nachos and insert my flaccid penis into the warm gooey nacho cheese.
  15. <squibbles> he wanted it on scype
  16. <squibbles> *skype
  17. * Vyacheslav ( Quit (Quit: )
  18. <Aidiera> Oh, yeah, don't do that.
  19. <squibbles> and I cannot be fucked getting out my dress
  20. <squibbles> also, my hair is shorter now
  21. <squibbles> so I can't tie it up to look like a chick from behind
  22. <squibbles> ...or honestly, the front, when it's tied back >_>
  23. <Inspired> Make the camera fuzzy
  24. <squibbles> "I'm getting all steamy"
  25. <squibbles> <_<
  26. <Inspired> But, before that. How did you even get onto that topic?
  27. <squibbles> he just randomly asked
  28. <squibbles> <Mattttttttttt> we should
  29. <squibbles> <Mattttttttttt> cyber on skype
  30. <squibbles> that was it
  31. <squibbles> :/
  32. <Inspired> Maybe he wants to cyberzone
  33. <squibbles> <@squibbles> matt, take a guess quickly
  34. <squibbles> <@squibbles> how large do you think my breasts are?
  35. <squibbles> <Mattttttttttt> um
  36. <squibbles> <Mattttttttttt> C size
  37. <squibbles> <_<
  38. <@rennaT> Ha!
  39. <@rennaT> squibbles is gonna break his first heart.
  40. <Inspired> Guilt him
  41. <squibbles> pfft, not my first
  42. <squibbles> :/
  43. * Blackson (matt@EA24A2BA.419EFC2.D37A83C1.IP) has joined #n
  44. <Sunset> O_o
  45. * Blackson is now known as Festive_Blackson
  46. <Sunset> what am I reading
  47. * Bio ( has joined #n
  48. <Inspired> Man, it would be funny if Sunset was this Matt guy
  49. <Inspired> But Sunset is 6
  50. <Sunset> c:
  51. <Inspired> 8 years too young
  52. <Sunset> I'm actually 14
  53. <squibbles> aha
  54. <Inspired> Hey squibbles,
  55. <Inspired> Wanna cyber?
  56. <squibbles> :/
  57. <squibbles> no
  58. <squibbles> actually
  59. <squibbles> maybe
  60. <squibbles> but not now
  61. <squibbles> I'm too tired
  62. <squibbles> MORE COFFEE
  63. <Inspired> We don't have to do it on skype
  64. <Inspired> We could just do it on IRC
  65. <squibbles> hmmm
  66. <squibbles> Inspired
  67. <squibbles> I have returned
  68. <Inspired> Okay
  69. <squibbles> and I have to say, I find your offer...acceptable
  71. <Inspired> Inspired walks into the dimly lit bedroom and takes a seat on the bed.
  72. <Inspired> The room is quiet
  73. <BFG10K> Dude you'll be outside inward when I'm through with you.
  74. <Inspired> Inspired waits for his companion.
  75. <squibbles> I step out of the shower and begin to dry myself
  76. <Snuggletummy> Dude you'll be inside outward when I'm through with you.
  77. <squibbles> little did Inspired know, his companion was already there
  78. * BFG10K pulls Inspired's intestines out through his middle eye socket
  79. <Snuggletummy> Oh, Bio, want to see my amazing armor in Spiral Knights?
  80. <Snuggletummy> Also, I can make you a magic hood if you give me 2 Frayed Cloths
  81. <Inspired> I hear a door slowly close
  82. <BFG10K> Dude fuck that Snuggletummy, you'll be leftside south when I'm done with you.
  83. <Inspired> I shuffle uncertain
  84. <BFG10K> Oh, what?
  85. * BFG10K sits on bed with Inspired
  86. <Snuggletummy> Dude fucj that Biom you'll be rightside north when I'm done with you.
  87. * Inspired stabs BFG10K in throat and stows under bed.
  88. * Snuggletummy sits on bed with Bio and Inspired
  89. * Aidiera records
  90. <BFG10K> Dude enough of that Biome crap you'll be eastside in when we're done.
  91. <squibbles> as I walk out of the bathroom I am suprised to see Inspired...and Bio...AND snugs sitting on the bed waiting for me
  92. <Snuggletummy> Dude, enough of that Biome crap, you'll be westsidde when we're done.
  93. <squibbles> eager for what I knew came next, my nipples grew as hard as cement
  94. <smartalco> and as I return to reading this I am not surprised to see a conversation that makes absolutely no sense
  95. <Inspired> I see a veluptuos woman walking down the hallway
  96. <BFG10K> Inspired, it's dangerous to go alone, take this condom
  97. <Snuggletummy> Inspired, it's dangerous to go alone, take this dildo.
  98. <Inspired> Inspired gains the power of protection!
  99. <BFG10K> voluptuous*
  100. <Snuggletummy> The dildo is a sword
  101. <Snuggletummy> The condom, a shield.
  102. <squibbles> *veloceraptor
  103. <Inspired> Inspired gains the power of strength!
  104. <Snuggletummy> Terminal Velocity*
  105. <BFG10K> Terminal shift in velocity*
  106. <squibbles> aha, a veloceraptor woman. Yes.
  107. <squibbles> that'd make the best cyber-sex ever
  108. <Inspired> Stowing the condom and dildo in the bedside draw I lie back on the rather comfy bed.
  109. <Inspired> Looking up at the glowing lamp above my head
  110. <BFG10K> I always wanted a button that makes my bed catch on fire.
  111. <Inspired> Wondering, "Why is there a gas-lamp in such a modern house?"
  112. <BFG10K> doDONGo dislikes lube
  113. <Inspired> Impatient I begin to bounce around on the bed
  114. <squibbles> walking fully into the bedroom, I notice that Inspired is paying more attention to the light than me. I shout "Oi", and gesture towards my fully naked body, somewhat frustrated at how much I have to force Inspired to retain attention.
  115. <BFG10K> Pull the Master dildriver out of the pedestal.
  116. <Inspired> Stunned, my vision is captured by a beautiful woman
  117. <Snuggletummy> The Legend of Squibbles: A link to the Ass.
  118. <BFG10K> Hehe.
  119. <squibbles> only if you play your cards right ;D
  120. <Inspired> She is standing there, water glistening on her skin
  121. <squibbles> mmmm
  122. <Inspired> She whips her hair
  123. <Inspired> Spraying me with tiny droplets
  124. <BFG10K> Fuck water, I have sulfuric acid on my body. ;-;
  125. <squibbles> I whip my hair
  126. * squibbles nods
  127. <Inspired> Back and forth
  128. <BFG10K> I whip my whip.
  129. <squibbles> yeaaaaahhhhh
  131. <Inspired> I pat the bedspread next to me indicating that she take a seat
  132. <Sunset> NO
  133. <Sunset> DON'T
  134. <Sunset> THAT SONG IS TERRIBL
  135. <Sunset> E
  136. <Sunset> terrible*
  137. <Snuggletummy> As I stare into her warm face, I begin to notice a particular oddity in my pants. It seems my garden snake came down with something fierce last night; Before I can stop what happened next, it vomits all over the sweet girl.
  138. <squibbles> I turn off the radio, silencing the obnoxious music, and lie down on the bed beside Inspired
  139. <BFG10K> I spray Sulfuric acid bye whipping my hair.
  140. <Inspired> I run my fingers through her hair, so smooth
  141. <Snuggletummy> Swiftly, she sucks my cock...I'm confused. Her sweet sucking motion is causing my cock to feel moist.
  142. <Inspired> "I bet she uses Palmolive Ambi-pure"
  143. <squibbles> I stick my hands down the front of his pants - cannot be fucked with foreplay
  144. * OutrightOJ ( Quit (Quit: )
  145. <Snuggletummy> Her saliva is dripping onto the ground...
  146. <Sunset> o_o
  147. <Inspired> I shuffle uncomfortably, removing her hand from my pants.
  148. <Snuggletummy> Suddenly, in a burst of motion, I blow my load further into her mouth.
  149. <Inspired> "Let's take it slow"
  150. <BFG10K> My heart isn't the only muscle capable of pressurizing liquid enough to shoot it 30 feet.
  151. <Snuggletummy> Slowly, she backs off...choking on my cockjuices.
  152. <Snuggletummy> She looks into my eyes and only says two words "TAKE ME!"
  153. <squibbles> I pull out rope, look at Inspired mischeiviously, and quickly, before he realises what is going on, tie him to the bed. He cannot move
  154. <Inspired> I struggle helplessly
  155. <squibbles> I rip of his pants revealing a long erect member
  156. <squibbles> I fart
  157. <squibbles> I continue, by removing his shirt
  158. <Sunset> and fart again
  159. <Sunset> ?
  160. <squibbles> no, just once
  161. <squibbles> :S
  162. * Aidiera is now known as Away|Diera
  163. <Inspired> My large breasts now bounce freely
  164. <squibbles> wait what?
  165. <Inspired> I whisper in her ear
  166. <Inspired> "You weren't expecting that"
  167. <Inspired> I grin devilishly
  168. <BFG10K> I rip your chest skin, revealing a stomach.
  169. <squibbles> shocked at this revelation, I take Inspired's phone and wallet and leave the room, leaving him tied up on the bed, fully naked, awaiting room service to find him and release him
  170. <squibbles> I dress and leave the building
  171. <Inspired> I stretch my foot out to the bedside table
  172. * Away|Diera is now known as Aidiera
  173. <squibbles> I get in my car and drive to a thrift store, selling all his goods and taking the cash
  174. <Inspired> Using my littlest toe I dial room service
  175. <Aidiera> Who wants to help me with something?
  176. <smartalco> you guys, are fucking ridiculous
  177. <squibbles> I return to the motel
  178. <Aidiera> Don't make me mute you both.
  179. <squibbles> realising that he still may escape, I light the building on fire
  180. * Aidiera ( Quit (Quit: Aww fudgenuts.)
  182. <Sunset> I sing
  183. <Inspired> A latino lady dressed in a white smock walks in and is surprised by my nakedness
  184. <Snuggletummy> I slowly wrap my cock around her neck and she starts gagging. What she doesn't realize is that I am a hired Hitman. I was contracted by her late husband before she killed him via poisoning. Slowly, as her face starts to turn blue, her eyes begin to fill with blood. I tighten my cock's hold and eventually she suffocates.
  185. * Aidiera ( has joined #n
  186. <smartalco> I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you.
  187. <BFG10K> I use bungee cords to make a contraption that slowly squeezes inspired's dick until it loses blood flow and dies.
  188. <Inspired> The smell of smoke fills our nostrils as she begins to untie me
  189. <squibbles> the latino lady and Inspired are engulfed in the fire
  190. <Sunset> mm, good song smartalco.
  191. <Snuggletummy> I hate this job, but in this dany and age, it's all I can do for a decent buck.
  192. <Sunset> you play forgiveness, watch it now, here he comes!
  193. <Aidiera> Who has iTunes here?
  194. <squibbles> from the outside I hear nought but the satisfying screams of burning immigrants
  195. <Sunset> me.
  196. <@CF> I do
  197. <Aidiera> And will help me?
  198. <Sunset> me.
  199. <Inspired> Free I run to the bedside draw ripping open the condom wrapper
  200. <Snuggletummy> I clean up the mess and leave a rose on her mangled corpse.
  201. <Inspired> I stretch the condom over my head
  202. <Snuggletummy> My work here is done.
  203. <@CF> #itunes , too much noise here
  204. <Sunset> O_O
  205. * BFG10K ( Quit (Client exited)
  206. <squibbles> I wait
  207. <squibbles> enjoying the smell of searing flesh
  208. <Inspired> Then realising that I can not breath while wearing this protection I fall over unconscious
  209. * Bio ( has joined #n
  210. <Inspired> The last thing I see before my eyes finally close is squibbles darting eyes
  211. * Bio is now known as BFG10K
  212. <Inspired> Watching the destruction
  213. <Inspired> The flames surround my body
  214. <Inspired> The latino lady screams in horror
  215. <Inspired> I am dead.
  216. <squibbles> as the fire begins to die down, I grab the katana that I bought using Inspired's money, walk in, and just to be sure, sever his head
  217. <squibbles> I take his mangled corpse, and put it in the passenger seat of my car
  218. <squibbles> I then drive to the lake and dump the body, and his now empty wallet
  219. <squibbles> I drive home and fap
  220. <squibbles> ...
  221. <Snuggletummy> I hear screams in the next room over in the apartment. I slowly walk into the hallway and close in onto the door. As the screams get louder, I hear farting and laughter as well. Quickly, I open the door and pull out my gun.
  222. <squibbles> ok, I remember why I don't cyber anymore
  223. <Inspired> Suddenly I jolt awake, my flesh is burnt to a crisp and my head partially severed.
  224. <squibbles> Inspired, you can't do that
  225. <Sunset> this shit is weird
  226. <Sunset> O___________________________________________________________O
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