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Nov 20th, 2019
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  1. class Reservation::DoctorReservationFormLogV210
  2. include ActiveModel::Model
  4. MALE = 'male'.freeze
  5. FEMALE = 'female'.freeze
  6. BPJS = 'bpjs'.freeze
  7. EMAIL_REGEX = /\A[\w\.-]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+\z/
  9. attr_accessor :id,
  10. :user_id,
  11. :key,
  12. :doctor_id,
  13. :hospital_id,
  14. :funnel_name,
  15. :price,
  16. :doctor_name,
  17. :doctor_speciality,
  18. :hospital_name,
  19. :reservation_date,
  20. :reservation_time,
  21. :user_name,
  22. :gender,
  23. :user_phone,
  24. :user_email,
  25. :user_birthday,
  26. :follow,
  27. :source,
  28. :schedule_id,
  29. :feedback_status,
  30. :confirmation_status,
  31. :bitrix_status,
  32. :last_bitrix_update,
  33. :bitrix_id,
  34. :booking_id,
  35. :is_new_patient,
  36. :id_number,
  37. :address,
  38. :payment_method,
  39. :occupation,
  40. :religion,
  41. :fit_to_fly_letter,
  42. :blood_type,
  43. :legal_guardian_name,
  44. :confirmation_url,
  45. :feedback_url,
  46. :confirmation_pdf_url,
  47. :reservation,
  48. :bitrix_schedule_date,
  49. :booking_version,
  50. :is_dashboard,
  51. :is_cancel_acknowledged,
  52. :queue_number,
  53. :form_2_rs_api_status,
  54. :update_booking_rs_api_status
  56. attr_reader :doctor_reservation
  57. # Validations
  58. validate :user_must_valid
  60. def valid?
  61. @doctor_reservation = build_doctor_reservation
  62. super
  63. end
  65. def save
  66. puts "==============ada di doctor reservation save==============="
  67. if valid?
  68. puts "==============lolos validasi==============="
  69. @doctor_reservation = build_doctor_reservation
  70. @doctor_reservation.set_created_at
  71. begin
  73. true
  74. rescue => e
  75. puts e.inspect
  76. puts e.backtrace
  77. errors.add(:base, "Input data failed")
  78. @doctor_reservation.errors
  79. .full_messages
  80. .each{|error_message| errors.add(:base, error_message)}
  81. false
  82. end
  83. else
  84. @doctor_reservation.errors
  85. .full_messages
  86. .each{|error_message| errors.add(:base, error_message)}
  87. false
  88. end
  89. end
  91. def update
  92. begin
  93. @doctor_reservation = Reservation::DoctorReservationLog.find_by(booking_id: self.booking_id)
  94. @doctor_reservation.update_attributes!(
  95. last_bitrix_update: self.last_bitrix_update || @doctor_reservation.last_bitrix_update,
  96. confirmation_pdf_url: self.confirmation_pdf_url || @doctor_reservation.confirmation_pdf_url,
  97. feedback_status: self.feedback_status || @doctor_reservation.feedback_status,
  98. bitrix_status: self.bitrix_status || @doctor_reservation.bitrix_status,
  99. queue_number: self.queue_number || @doctor_reservation.queue_number,
  100. confirmation_status: self.confirmation_status || @doctor_reservation.confirmation_status)
  101. true
  102. rescue
  103. false
  104. end
  105. end
  107. def valid_reservation_additional?
  108. @doctor_reservation = Reservation::DoctorReservationLog.find_by(booking_id: self.booking_id)#, bitrix_status: 'pending')
  109. if @doctor_reservation.blank?
  110. errors.add(:base, "Booking ID harus valid")
  111. return false
  112. end
  113. if @doctor_reservation.bitrix_id.present? && @doctor_reservation.bitrix_status != 'pending'
  114. puts "Booking Sudah disimpan"
  115. errors.add(:base, "Booking Sudah disimpan")
  116. puts "end Booking Sudah disimpan"
  117. return false
  118. end
  120. puts "=============inilah isinya rs api status di valid additional: "
  121. puts self.form_2_rs_api_status
  122. @doctor_reservation[:form_2_rs_api_status] = self.form_2_rs_api_status
  124. prefilling_book_doctors = Reservation::PrefillingBookDoctor.where(show: true)
  125. prefilling_book_doctors.each do|prefilling_book_doctor|
  126. field_value = self.try(prefilling_book_doctor.field_name)
  127. @doctor_reservation[prefilling_book_doctor.field_name] = field_value
  128. if field_value.blank? && prefilling_book_doctor.mandatory
  129. errors.add(:base, "#{prefilling_book_doctor.field_placeholder} harus diisi")
  130. end
  131. end
  132. if errors.full_messages.length > 1
  133. puts "errors"
  134. puts errors.inspect
  136. errors.clear
  137. errors.add(:base, 'Mohon Lengkapi Data Pasien')
  138. end
  139. errors.full_messages.empty? && @doctor_reservation.valid?
  140. end
  143. private
  145. def booking_id_must_valid
  146. if self.booking_id.blank?
  147. errors.add(:base, "Booking ID harus valid")
  148. end
  149. end
  151. def doctor_id_must_not_empty
  152. if self.doctor_id.blank?
  153. errors.add(:base, "Doctor ID harus valid")
  154. end
  155. end
  157. def schedule_id_must_not_empty
  158. if self.schedule_id.blank?
  159. errors.add(:base, "Jadwal Konsultasi harus diisi")
  160. end
  161. end
  163. def reservation_date_must_valid
  164. if reservation_date.present?
  165. begin
  166. DateTime.strptime(reservation_date, '%d %b %Y')
  167. return
  168. rescue
  169. begin
  170. DateTime.strptime(reservation_date, '%-d %b %Y')
  171. return
  172. rescue
  173. begin
  174. DateTime.strptime(reservation_date, '%d/%m/%Y')
  175. return
  176. rescue
  177. begin
  178. DateTime.strptime(reservation_date, '%-d/%-m/%Y')
  179. return
  180. rescue
  181. begin
  182. DateTime.strptime(reservation_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
  183. return
  184. rescue
  185. begin
  186. DateTime.strptime(reservation_date, '%Y-%-m-%-d')
  187. return
  188. rescue
  189. errors.add(:base, 'Tanggal reservasi harus valid')
  190. end
  191. end
  192. end
  193. end
  194. end
  195. end
  196. else
  197. errors.add(:base, 'Tanggal reservasi harus valid')
  198. end
  199. end
  201. def user_birthday_must_valid
  202. if user_birthday.present?
  203. begin
  204. DateTime.strptime(user_birthday, '%d %b %Y')
  205. return
  206. rescue
  207. begin
  208. DateTime.strptime(user_birthday, '%-d %b %Y')
  209. return
  210. rescue
  211. begin
  212. DateTime.strptime(user_birthday, '%d/%m/%Y')
  213. return
  214. rescue
  215. begin
  216. DateTime.strptime(user_birthday, '%-d/%-m/%Y')
  217. return
  218. rescue
  219. begin
  220. DateTime.strptime(user_birthday, '%Y-%m-%d')
  221. return
  222. rescue
  223. begin
  224. DateTime.strptime(user_birthday, '%Y-%-m-%-d')
  225. return
  226. rescue
  227. errors.add(:base, 'Tanggal lahir harus valid')
  228. end
  229. end
  230. end
  231. end
  232. end
  233. end
  234. else
  235. errors.add(:base, 'Tanggal lahir harus valid')
  236. end
  237. end
  239. def email_must_valid
  240. if user_email.blank?
  241. errors.add(:base, 'Email harus diisi')
  242. elsif !(user_email =~ EMAIL_REGEX)
  243. errors.add(:base, 'Email harus valid')
  244. end
  245. end
  247. def phone_must_valid
  248. if user_phone.blank?
  249. errors.add(:base, 'Nomor Telepon harus diisi')
  250. elsif !(user_phone =~/^[0-9]{4,15}$/)
  251. errors.add(:base, 'Nomor Telepon harus valid')
  252. end
  253. end
  255. def user_must_valid
  256. errors.add(:base, 'Nama harus diisi') if self.user_name.blank?
  257. end
  259. def build_doctor_reservation
  261. doctor_id: self.doctor_id,
  262. key:self.key,
  263. initial_doctor_id: self.doctor_id,
  264. doctor_name: self.doctor_name,
  265. initial_doctor_name: self.doctor_name,
  266. doctor_speciality: self.doctor_speciality,
  267. initial_doctor_speciality: self.doctor_speciality,
  268. hospital_id: self.hospital_id,
  269. funnel_name: self.funnel_name,
  270. patient_name: self.user_name,
  271. price: self.price,
  272. hospital_name: self.hospital_name,
  273. schedule_date: self.reservation_date,
  274. initial_schedule_date: self.reservation_date,
  275. initial_schedule_time: self.reservation_time,
  276. schedule_time: self.reservation_time,
  277. gender: self.gender,
  278. phone: self.user_phone,
  279. email: self.user_email,
  280. birthday: self.user_birthday,
  281. follow: self.follow,
  282. schedule_id: self.schedule_id,
  283. source: self.source,
  284. booking_version: self.booking_version,
  285. booking_id: self.booking_id,
  286. is_new_patient: self.is_new_patient,
  287. id_number: self.id_number,
  288. address: self.address,
  289. payment_method: self.payment_method,
  290. occupation: self.occupation,
  291. religion: self.religion,
  292. fit_to_fly_letter: self.fit_to_fly_letter,
  293. blood_type: self.blood_type,
  294. last_bitrix_update: self.last_bitrix_update,
  295. confirmation_url: self.confirmation_url,
  296. confirmation_pdf_url: self.confirmation_pdf_url,
  297. feedback_url: self.feedback_url,
  298. legal_guardian_name: self.legal_guardian_name,
  299. is_dashboard: self.is_dashboard,
  300. bitrix_status: self.bitrix_status,
  301. is_cancel_acknowledged: self.is_cancel_acknowledged,
  302. queue_number: self.queue_number,
  303. form_2_rs_api_status: self.form_2_rs_api_status,
  304. fullname_patient: fullname_patient,
  305. insurance_id: insurance_id,
  306. insurance_name: insurance_name,
  307. update_booking_rs_api_status: self.update_booking_rs_api_status
  308. )
  309. end
  311. end
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