
C**t Face Bad Juju

Jul 28th, 2015
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  1. TazzDevil69 has joined the chat
  2. EllysettaNightStarr has joined the chat
  3. RemyCajunLeBeau has joined the chat
  4. DemetraDevil69 has joined the chat
  5. EsmeRaeCreed has joined the chat
  6. Justice200669 has joined the chat
  7. EllysettaNightStarr: bk
  8. EllysettaNightStarr: hey brat
  9. EsmeRaeCreed: Hi old prun
  10. EllysettaNightStarr: hey sweety
  11. EllysettaNightStarr: TOFFEE BRAT
  12. DemetraDevil69: brb
  13. EsmeRaeCreed: tyt
  14. HarperRayneCreed: hii ma
  15. EllysettaNightStarr: tyt
  16. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : hii deme
  17. HarperRayneCreed HarperRayneCreed > EllysettaNightStarr: wot the fuck is cunt doing here
  18. TazzDevil69: hey girls
  19. EsmeRaeCreed: hi old man
  20. HarperRayneCreed: hii tazz
  21. TazzDevil69: p
  22. EsmeRaeCreed: llol
  23. TazzDevil69: deme brb
  24. HarperRayneCreed: iks
  25. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: plz dont start or iam going its bad enough deme is in here
  26. Justice200669: weba elly and hello harper, esme
  27. EllysettaNightStarr: tys
  28. HarperRayneCreed > EllysettaNightStarr: wot she in here for
  29. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: i dont want to get in to a fight iam sick of it all
  30. HarperRayneCreed > EllysettaNightStarr: i think ur lucky alden just left before i came in here or there would have been shit ma and i dont wanna agure but she caused this family just as much shit as amber does
  31. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: k fine alot of went on with her i wasnt told about either
  32. HarperRayneCreed > EllysettaNightStarr: u know lulu has seen her in here ma
  33. EllysettaNightStarr has left the chat
  34. EsmeRaeCreed: poof
  35. TazzDevil69: pop
  36. AzaDevilStarr has joined the chat
  37. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : hii sis
  38. AzaDevilStarr: Yo
  39. EsmeRaeCreedEsmeRaeCreed Whisper: Hi auntie Aza
  40. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : hii taiga
  41. AzaDevilStarr: O.o
  42. AzaDevilStarr: Sorry kagami sleep
  43. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : so how u doing skank
  44. EsmeRaeCreed: -sings- lalalalalala
  45. HarperRayneCreed: here to cause more shit with ur lies
  46. HarperRayneCreed: ur lucky alden just left or he'd be here too
  47. AzaDevilStarr: Ok
  48. AzaDevilStarr: Like I care
  49. HarperRayneCreed HarperRayneCreed > AzaDevilStarr: this aint at u sis
  50. HarperRayneCreed > AzaDevilStarr: this im saying to justice
  51. TazzDevil69 whispers: i missing something here?
  52. Justice200669: are you talking to me...? cause I'm confused
  53. HarperRayneCreed HarperRayneCreed > TazzDevil69: im talking to justice
  54. AzaDevilStarr: Ho da hell are you O.o
  55. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : well no one else here is a skank
  56. EsmeRaeCreed: Yes my mother is talking to you CF1
  57. TazzDevil69 whispers: who she?
  58. AzaDevilStarr: I have shadows so I can live agen
  59. EsmeRaeCreed EsmeRaeCreed Whisper whispers: I had to do it just once. No more talking for me.
  60. Justice200669: Hm okay then. Im here because Elly said I could be. And I'm not sure why you're calling me a skank.. but okay?
  61. EsmeRaeCreed: brb
  62. AzaDevilStarr: Tyt
  63. HarperRayneCreed > TazzDevil69: thats the cunt that use to be part of the warrior fam that caused so much drama
  64. Justice200669: as for Alden.. I haven't talked to him in months so I'm not sure what his problem is either?
  65. AzaDevilStarr: You can say I never trust boys after what he did
  66. HarperRayneCreed: hmm let me see it seems to me that u have forgotten wot u did to ppl i care about
  67. Justice200669: I haven't forgotten anything Harper..
  68. Justice200669: but that issue is between me and those people. A bitch I may be. But I'm not sure why you're calling me a skank
  69. AzaDevilStarr: -_-
  70. HarperRayneCreed: umm coz it seems to fit
  71. Justice200669: okay lol.
  72. AzaDevilStarr: >. < i think of one bad animal whit that name
  73. HarperRayneCreed: and u made it my problem when u did wot u did to tutu and lulu my real sister
  74. AzaDevilStarr: How's tutu and luna
  75. HarperRayneCreed: thems good sis
  76. AzaDevilStarr: Ok
  77. Justice200669: Mkay. I'm quite honestly over the issue. Everyone hurt everyone is the issue. So you can blame me all you wan't you have to right and you have every right to be upset with me. But a lot of things were said and done by everyone involved. Not just me.
  78. TazzDevil69: ummmm im just going to be around
  79. AzaDevilStarr: -_- whay do I fell dejavu
  80. Justice200669: I made my piece and I appologised. I can't do anything else.
  81. AzaDevilStarr: ..... its not first Time dad
  82. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : umm appolgised was that wot u called that if i remember u was just trying to worm ur way out of shit u caused
  83. AzaDevilStarr: Defekt dejavu
  84. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : aye sis imvu is just one big pile of dejavu
  85. AzaDevilStarr: Mhm
  86. AzaDevilStarr: I was thinking maby I Shold take break from imvu but I cant
  87. Justice200669: Uh okay. If thats how you see it I can't change that. I talked to Dany. I appologised. if you don't accept it or see it that way that's your choice. But I'm not going to sit here and hide and fight with you guys any more. I'm over it. This happened over a year ago. Elly contacted me. We appologised. We made our peace. Im not asking you to do the same.
  88. EsmeRaeCreed: back.
  89. AzaDevilStarr: -_- don't say that name
  90. AzaDevilStarr: Wb
  91. EsmeRaeCreed: tys
  92. Justice200669: Okay does asshole work better?
  93. AzaDevilStarr: Yess
  94. Justice200669: I love him just as much as the next guy does lol
  95. AzaDevilStarr: I well I did almost do som stuff after what he did to me. But it's one Ho stop me from it. So I get bad from that name
  96. AzaDevilStarr: Ans sik from som memory from my first time
  97. AzaDevilStarr: And
  98. Justice200669: I played my part in the shit that happened to that family. and I know that. but so did other people. it wasn't just me. And he didn't help it any -.-
  99. HarperRayneCreed: and ur a fine one to talk on being an asshole juju
  100. Justice200669: I alreqady said abovve that im a bitch
  101. Justice200669Justice200669 : Im sorry Harper. I really am. I didnt want to hurt you. I wanted to hurt him. And sadly I did it the wrong way
  102. AzaDevilStarr: -feeling sik- crap
  103. Justice200669: But I can't change any of that now.
  104. HarperRayneCreed: hurt who?
  105. Justice200669: Asshole dick face that I wish i could punch in the throat -.-
  106. HarperRayneCreed: and u never hurt me u just pissed me the fuck off to the ppoint i would love to smack u
  107. AzaDevilStarr: Think I Shold be off this is not good for me
  108. HarperRayneCreed: and do u mean dany
  109. HarperRayneCreed: im sorry sis :(
  110. AzaDevilStarr: -_-' not say that name
  111. Justice200669: And as I said. You have every right. I know I did wrong dude.. I know that. And I can't fix it. Im sorry. I am. If smacking me makes you feel better by all means feel free.
  112. Justice200669: and yes "that name" lol
  113. HarperRayneCreed: sorry again sis just need to clafiy thats who she ment
  114. Justice200669: if I say douchebag asshole. its probs that guy
  115. AzaDevilStarr: -_-"
  116. RemyCajunLeBeau: <<
  117. RemyCajunLeBeau: >>
  118. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : remy
  119. HarperRayneCreed: remy
  120. RemyCajunLeBeauRemyCajunLeBeau Whisper: ?
  121. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : ,,l,,
  122. EsmeRaeCreedEsmeRaeCreed Whisper: ,,l,, ,,l,,
  123. RemyCajunLeBeau: really now, what would your mother say
  124. HarperRayneCreed: probably the same
  125. AzaDevilStarr: -_-
  126. EsmeRaeCreed: llol
  127. AzaDevilStarr: Mhm
  128. Justice200669: :P
  129. RemyCajunLeBeau: funny
  130. TazzDevil69: k girls leave remy alone
  131. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : awwws why
  132. EsmeRaeCreed: ,,l,,
  133. AzaDevilStarr: Aha ther you are -rin and jump on tazz head- aha
  134. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : rofl
  135. AzaDevilStarr: -run
  136. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : do u even care wot u did to tutu justice
  137. Justice200669: yes Harper.. I do.
  138. Justice200669Justice200669 : and we talked. and I tried to talk and I broke him. I know that
  139. Justice200669Justice200669 : but he doesnt want to talk to me. so like I said I'm not sure what you want me to do. I really don't know what any of you want me to do
  140. Justice200669Justice200669 : I dont have a time machine or I would erase it and start over.
  141. AzaDevilStarr: -_- dad I feel bad
  142. HarperRayneCreed: umm to fuck off maybe and to stop darking our door with ur preasents
  143. TazzDevil69: for what bbg
  144. Justice200669Justice200669 : Ah dear lord.
  145. AzaDevilStarr: Thay did say that name x_x
  146. HarperRayneCreed: and i sure dont wanna live throught that shit again plus i wouldnt be with alden
  147. TazzDevil69: what name
  148. AzaDevilStarr: Name I never want to say more
  149. Justice200669: as I said. Im not the only person that played part in that time of badness.
  150. Justice200669: as for the "shit" I can't say I really wanna live through it again either.
  151. HarperRayneCreed: no but u was a huge part of including rick,shimmer and a few others
  152. Justice200669: Rick? what about him? he made his own bed
  153. Justice200669Justice200669 : that kid was fucked from the start. and he still is I might add
  154. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : u would know u was or still is friends with him
  155. Justice200669: As for Shimmer. she blamed me for her and him not being together any more. But I have been told recently that he used to sneak onto her account andd pretend to be her. So I dont even know what that is
  156. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : thats bs
  157. Justice200669Justice200669 : I dont know dude. thats what I was told
  158. Justice200669Justice200669 : the whole issue litterally is all he said she said. The fight started because something I said was repeted and not said how I said it.
  159. HarperRayneCreed: by who and i know for a fact that she went on his not the other way round
  160. Justice200669: thats what started all of this Harper. And honestly Im not interested. Its been over a year. I didn't come here to beat a dead horse
  161. AzaDevilStarr: -take one smoke from tazz- aha ned that
  162. EsmeRaeCreed: GIVE ME ONE!
  163. HarperRayneCreed: why come round ppl who are connect to the past then
  164. TazzDevil69: speaking of smokes i brb
  165. AzaDevilStarr: No you kid
  166. AzaDevilStarr: Fordรธmt tulling av den far
  167. HarperRayneCreed: ??
  168. Justice200669: Because I want to move on from it? To say that Im sorry? to prove that Im sorry? And because Elly contacted me.
  169. AzaDevilStarr: We all have past harper and not evry one ned to go back ther
  170. EsmeRaeCreed: Aza, me ish not a kid. Me wants smoke..
  171. Justice200669: everyone has a past. And I did wrong. And I cant change it. But I cant keep living in it either.
  172. AzaDevilStarr: -let esme have som- don let you mom see us
  173. EsmeRaeCreed: tys aza
  174. EsmeRaeCreed: I wont tell mom
  175. HarperRayneCreed: aye true sis but some ppl cant forgive and forget
  176. AzaDevilStarr: That's tru sis but som tim it's ned
  177. AzaDevilStarr: Belive me one off my bad bast did com after me today. But I did forget so I not hurt my self. (Mom call)
  178. Justice200669: There are worse people in the world than me. And I'm not the only idiot in the world that makes mistakes and does stupid shit. But I can admit that I did it. And I can appologise.
  179. HarperRayneCreed: this one of them times sis that its not needed and it wont ever be needed
  180. EsmeRaeCreed whispers: actions speak loauder then words
  181. HarperRayneCreed: actions speak loauder then words
  182. Justice200669: okay and me standing here talking instead of being angry and trying to figure out what Im supposed to do.. is an action..
  183. AzaDevilStarr: That's true
  184. Justice200669: Im standing in this room to make an effort..
  185. AzaDevilStarr: Brb turn on my pc
  186. Justice200669: If I didnt care.. or feel bad.. I wouldnt make an effort
  187. EsmeRaeCreed whispers: an effort is to leave this family alone. Can't you just not be such a douche and stop trying. No one cares.
  188. Justice200669: I tried to make an effort a few months ago but that was very awkward... because it was all his new family and wife.. and I don't know them that was weird. But i did try.
  189. EsmeRaeCreed whispers: your trying is like the dog shit on my shoes.
  190. Justice200669: and he said I could talk to those memebers who wished to speak to me and then went back on his word 20 minutes later and told everyone to block me. I can't change that from happening. that was his choice.
  191. Justice200669: so in turn that made my effort to try and do right by the people I did love.. null and void
  192. Lyall has joined the chat
  193. EsmeRaeCreed whispers: Yes you can, and now leave you cunt face skank you dumb bitch, DO YOU NOT GET THAT WE DONT FUCKING CARE IF YOU TRY! YOUR JUST A FUCKING DOG!
  194. HarperRayneCreed: it was a joint decision by the family to block u
  195. TazzDevil69: back-ish
  196. TazzDevil69: hey bbg
  197. Justice200669: and yet not evveryone in the family voted to block me in the first place
  198. Lyall: hai
  199. HarperRayneCreed: ohh who decised not to block u then?
  200. EsmeRaeCreed whispers: Well because no one wanted to block you, becuas eyou've lied so much to evryone and yet some dont beliv and some do. So here a little help from me, Just leave and block everyone and leave this god damn family alone you dumb fucking skank.
  201. HarperRayneCreed: hii yuyu
  202. Lyall: hi haha
  203. Justice200669: I have no idea. I was told by one of the family memebers that after I left the room that he told them to block me. and I said okay I will abide by his choice im sorry and I never tried contacting anyone again. So I dont know who did or didnt
  204. EsmeRaeCreed EsmeRaeCreed Whisper whispers: JUSTICE JUST STFU UP ABOUT IT> YOU ARE NOT EVEN MAKING THIS So called " Trying thing" Work. Ypu just start shit and dont leave it alone. Fuck off you DOUCHE MONKEY FUCKING POOP EATER! ,,l,, ,,l,,
  205. AzaDevilStarr: Hi Lyall
  206. HarperRayneCreed: so wot family member told u that decision?
  207. Justice200669: Yeah Im not throwing people under the bus Harper. I did that once.. and look where it got me. All you need to know is that I was contacted by someone other than him saying that he made that choice.
  208. Justice200669: Nor do I understand how or why this relevant? people blocked me because they were told to. -shrugs- thats their choice. I cant make an effort to prove to people if they block me because someone tells them to.
  209. HarperRayneCreed: damn ur ass was blocked by me along time before that meeting
  210. Justice200669: Okay well like I said harper. you have every right. but not everyone hates me as much as you do.
  211. HarperRayneCreed: and as i said before it was a joint family decision on blocking u no on told us too
  212. TazzDevil69: well i brb throwing my kid in the shower
  213. AzaDevilStarr: tyt
  214. AzaDevilStarr: have nice shower :P
  215. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : lol u would be surprised on how many ppl atually hate that air u breath
  216. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : the*
  217. Justice200669: okay and I cant say yay or nay to that because I was told differently. so again.. litterally this entire issue is all he said she said.
  218. HarperRayneCreed: if u say so
  219. EsmeRaeCreed: mom
  220. EsmeRaeCreed: mom
  221. EsmeRaeCreed: mom
  222. EsmeRaeCreed: mom
  223. EsmeRaeCreed: mom
  224. EsmeRaeCreed: mom
  225. HarperRayneCreed: yes bbg
  226. EsmeRaeCreed: ,,l,, WHORE ,,l,,
  227. HarperRayneCreed: rofl
  228. Justice200669: exactly.. if you say so. We are litterlly fighting about what people said and did over a year ago.
  229. AzaDevilStarr: xD
  230. HarperRayneCreed: like i said cant always forget or forgive and u know u ruined lulu and tutu's wedding with ur drama
  231. Justice200669: I ruined their wedding with my drama?
  232. Justice200669: Are you kidding me right now..
  233. HarperRayneCreed: do i look like im kidding
  234. Justice200669: Our "PARENTS" were gone for like a month?! before their wedding happened. They ran away and hid and lied to all of us for a month. The wedding room wasnt done. No one knew where they were or how to contact them. And I ruined their wedding? lol. This is what I mean. You guys want me to be the bad guy because thats what youve been told. I helped plan that wedding. I helped put shit in those rooms. And all "He" had to say was oh Luna this and Luna that and blaah blaah blaah past past past. Nothing about their future. Nothing about them as a couple. It was all him. He went one and one about HIMSLEF as their wedding. And then they made a promise at that wedding to come back to us and our family and stop using the alts and three god damn days later they hide again and start lieing again.
  235. Justice200669Justice200669 : But IM the reason that family has issues. Im sorry but you seem to have forgotten what they did to us.
  236. HarperRayneCreed: no i havent forgotten anything if i remember it was u that was stressing lulu out that day u didnt have her screaming in ur fucking ear coz all u did was go on about the god damn flowers that she innocently forgot to link yuyu
  237. Justice200669: I said my piece to Anda about them. and if you think for one second that I was the only person that was pissed at them that day or any days after or before that then YOU dont remember what happened. I made one comment abou the flowers and then i found them.. youre seriously mad at me because of flowers.. but youre not maaad at the parents who lied.. aand hid from everyone? My dramaa is flowers harper..? really.
  238. AzaDevilStarr: -.-
  239. HarperRayneCreed: then the shit with not inviting him or shimmer to the after party that was a low blow to lulu as well coz u know he has been there for her through everything
  240. Justice200669: what are talking about?
  241. Justice200669: Im the one who asked shimmer to WAIT
  242. AzaDevilStarr: and my (rl) sister say i hawe trubel
  243. Justice200669: She was about to leave the room
  244. HarperRayneCreed: im mad coz u stress my sister out for no reason
  245. Justice200669: and I said no wait we havev aanother room for pictures
  246. Justice200669: and then she said okay aand came to the other room
  247. Justice200669: sooooooo No. I didnt do jack shit. I invited them. They were invited. they were in the god damn pictures
  248. Justice200669: all of us were in that second room harper lol
  249. Justice200669: dany danced with luna all night
  250. EsmeRaeCreed: I need popcorn
  251. AzaDevilStarr: -.- and what did i say
  252. AzaDevilStarr: take som to me to ^_^
  253. HarperRayneCreed: i didnt say it this time sis
  254. Justice200669: sorry my bad x.x
  255. EsmeRaeCreed: I'll make to bags
  256. AzaDevilStarr: think i ned som snacs and soda when thay say that name
  257. Justice200669: asshole
  258. HarperRayneCreed: it takes an asshole to know one
  259. TazzDevil69: back again
  260. HarperRayneCreed: wb dad
  261. Justice200669: This will be third time now..
  262. Justice200669: I aam a bitch. true story
  263. Justice200669: But you mad at me because I stressed Luna out over flowers.
  264. HarperRayneCreed: lol u aint a bitch u a coward who runs away from shit
  265. Justice200669Justice200669 : How am I running away? Im standing in this room taking your shit right now over things that are super petty
  266. Justice200669Justice200669 : when the bigger picture is actually two people lieing and hiding and keeping secrets from their family. hence why i was pissed
  267. AzaDevilStarr: -.-
  268. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : lol thats just u all over super petty
  269. EsmeRaeCreedEsmeRaeCreed Whisper: -gives abs bag popcorn-
  270. Justice200669: oh god.
  271. HarperRayneCreed: two ppl can have lives outside of a family
  272. AzaDevilStarr: -take bage- do you whant som soda?
  273. Justice200669: um yes yes they can
  274. EsmeRaeCreed: Yes what kind
  275. AzaDevilStarr: umm i have cola
  276. EsmeRaeCreed: Then heck yeshhh
  277. AzaDevilStarr: -give cola to esme-
  278. EsmeRaeCreed: -takes cola-
  279. HarperRayneCreed: just coz thay didnt tell u every god damn thing dosent mean thay hid or lied about anything thats just how u chose to see it
  280. AzaDevilStarr: -eat popcorn-
  281. AzaDevilStarr: ^_^ good popcorn esme
  282. EsmeRaeCreed: Our own little moive Abs. It's Called "The Stupid Cunt and Her Lyin"
  283. HarperRayneCreed: im sure u didnt tell alden or tutu everything
  284. Justice200669: Mhm okay Harper. You can believe what you want and what you've been told by who ever told it to. and I will believe what I have been told.
  285. AzaDevilStarr: hahaha yes good one
  286. Justice200669Justice200669 : Alden and I werent very good together.. thats why we didnt last.
  287. Justice200669Justice200669 : As for tarien he was my best friend harper.. yes I told him a lot of things about myself that no one else knows
  288. EsmeRaeCreed: brb abs. tell me what happens
  289. AzaDevilStarr: okay tyt
  290. HarperRayneCreed: aye and thats a good thing u didnt last
  291. HarperRayneCreed: tyt bbg
  292. Justice200669: Im not talking about Alden with you.
  293. Justice200669: I wish you both the best.
  294. HarperRayneCreed: talking about wot?
  295. HarperRayneCreed: -pokes tazzs bubble with a pointy stick-
  296. TazzDevil69: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  297. AzaDevilStarr: xD
  298. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : yes!!!!!!!!!!!! just did it
  299. TazzDevil69: i go cry now
  300. AzaDevilStarr: <.< devil cray
  301. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : awwwws heres a box of tisues
  302. TazzDevil69: -sniff sniff- ty
  303. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : more like cry baby sis
  304. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : llol
  305. TazzDevil69: hey that was a good movie
  306. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : ikr
  307. AzaDevilStarr: -fall of tazz head of laughing-
  308. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : lol
  309. HarperRayneCreed: if tutu was ur best friend why u stab him in the back like u did eh...
  310. Justice200669: Oh Harper. I really don't know what to tell you any more dude. I don't. When I came back to appologise Tarien and I talked. he was upset naturally. we talked about his new twin at the time. We talked him and lunaa. We pc'd for a couple of days before I contacted "Him" you're fighting a battle thats done. its over. Honestly you and Anda are more pissed at me than anyone else is. I talked to other people a couple of days before I was asked to stand infront of that family. we said our piece to each other. No we arent friends. and Im not asking them to be friends with me. but we talked. so you're mad at me for people that have already talked to me.
  311. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : stop calling me dude
  312. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : -.-
  313. Justice200669: Okaay Harper.
  314. Justice200669: sorry.
  315. HarperRayneCreed: one thing i can say is my darling sister is a master of mask lol
  316. Justice200669: I didnt talk to Luna. I talked to Tarien.
  317. HarperRayneCreed: We talked him and lunaa. <-- u just said that in ur lil essay
  318. Justice200669: that should have said we talked about* him and luna
  319. AzaDevilStarr: book an appointment at therapy can maby help
  320. HarperRayneCreed: lol sis this is good therapy and ive had therapy before and i just fell alseep in them
  321. AzaDevilStarr: xD
  322. Justice200669: therapy is pretty boring I can agree on that one.
  323. RemyCajunLeBeau: wow harper
  324. RemyCajunLeBeau: lol
  325. RemyCajunLeBeauRemyCajunLeBeau Whisper: that borning
  326. AzaDevilStarr: -.- so you whas alive remy and i whas tinking you whas dead
  327. EsmeRaeCreed: immm back
  328. HarperRayneCreed: and gma aint called anda anymore her name is enki so stop calling her that, anda died when all that shit happened
  329. AzaDevilStarr: wb easme -give note- her you have all
  330. HarperRayneCreed: wb bbg
  331. Justice200669: How am I supposed to know that..
  332. RemyCajunLeBeau: im always around lil one
  333. Justice200669: You're giving me shit.. for something I cant possibly know..
  334. HarperRayneCreed: she told u that in that meeting
  335. Justice200669: that was like sevven months ago!
  336. AzaDevilStarr: <.< and i whas tinking som blood maby be good
  337. EsmeRaeCreed: o-o
  338. HarperRayneCreed: and?
  339. EsmeRaeCreed: good note abs
  340. Justice200669: And she said it once. Im not around every day. I knew her as that. So im sorry that I cant remeber something I was told once when aa lot of shit was happening in one room
  341. AzaDevilStarr: hehe
  342. AzaDevilStarr: not you blood esme
  343. AzaDevilStarr: i whas sure Remy whas dead
  344. EsmeRaeCreed: well he is
  345. RemyCajunLeBeau: is not
  346. AzaDevilStarr: <.< ned to look for som blood soon i think
  347. RemyCajunLeBeau: im still alive and well
  348. EsmeRaeCreed: ok remy
  349. HarperRayneCreed: and yea remy therapy was that boring
  350. RemyCajunLeBeau: well i don't think u want mutant blood in ya lil one
  351. AzaDevilStarr: i miss my therapy xD
  352. HarperRayneCreed: and i can give u shit for anything i like justice if u dont like it u know where the damn door is
  353. AzaDevilStarr: <.< i have never tast that remy and i am sure i dont whant to have yours bad mutant
  354. HarperRayneCreed: u know justice ur no better than others on here playing ur lil games with ppls feelings
  355. HarperRayneCreed: like its a fucking game
  356. Justice200669: Yes Harper. That is totally me. In one little nut shell. Thats why Im still "playing the game" and have been for a year and yet.. I haven't had any problems..
  357. Justice200669: intersting how that works. Because no one in that family is dramatic. Or selfish. Or self serving. Or constantly depressed and seeking attention..
  358. HarperRayneCreed: umm not in the way u did, every time u opened ur mouth it was all about you
  359. Justice200669: it was all about me..
  360. Justice200669: Okay.
  361. HarperRayneCreed: hell i can even remember my birthday u made it all about u
  362. Justice200669: I dont even remember being at your birthday soo
  363. AzaDevilStarr: xD
  364. HarperRayneCreed: yea oh wait i wasnt even a worthy part of the family in ur eyes than coz oh wait i had a job
  365. Justice200669: Mhmm... totally...
  366. HarperRayneCreed: u said me and mum opinion didnt matter coz we werent around much
  367. Justice200669: Of course I said that, that totally sounds like something I would say.
  368. Justice200669: Umm if thats true though.. I would of actually other people in that as well. Because there were other people in the family that were around a lot less than you were..
  369. HarperRayneCreed: okies so now tutu is a lier
  370. Justice200669: I didnt say he was a liar. I just said totally I said that.
  371. AzaDevilStarr: so if you dont see you family you shold hate thay??
  372. HarperRayneCreed: but u also if that true tho
  373. Justice200669: Im totally agreeing with you at this point because it doesnt matter what I say or do the picture you and everyone else has painted of this person you think you know. And nope I didn't hate any of them actuaally.
  374. HarperRayneCreed: except the one u call asshole
  375. Justice200669: what about him?
  376. HarperRayneCreed: and im sorry but a leopard dont change its spots
  377. HarperRayneCreed: u just said u dont hate any one but im disagreeing coz u hate him
  378. AzaDevilStarr: like to see if that hapen
  379. Justice200669: Yeah I hate him now lol. I said I Didn't hate any of them* that would be past tense
  380. HarperRayneCreed: aye me too sis
  381. EsmeRaeCreed whispers: You know what Justice, I think you are one little fucking twat. You think you can come in this family room and start shit because someone told you this and that, BLAH BLAH. Well you Can just suck on my big fat fucking toe for all i fucking care. You are the shit starter, you are the lying sack of shit you are the bitch of who know, All you gotaa fucking do it go back and leave us the fuck alone you twat monkey douchebag no good selfish bitch from THIS WORLD! YOU ARE HATED BY MANY AND NOT LOVED BY ALL! GOD WILL STIKE YOU LIKE A FUCKING BUG ON A ZAPPER! NOW GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU DUMB TAWT!<-- this tiff sent in a message in the end lol
  382. AzaDevilStarr: -sing- someday my prince will come
  383. EsmeRaeCreed: Im here for you abs i'll be your prince
  384. AzaDevilStarr: xD haha txs esme
  385. TazzDevil69: lol oh my
  386. EsmeRaeCreed: mps
  387. Lyall: lol
  388. EsmeRaeCreed: nps
  389. Justice200669: its been a slice arguing with you Harper. But I have to go now girl friend is here. see ya.
  390. Justice200669 has left the chat
  391. AzaDevilStarr: poof
  392. AzaDevilStarr: nice dance emse
  393. AzaDevilStarr: -esme
  394. HarperRayneCreed: meh stupid whore cunt fuck face bitch
  395. EsmeRaeCreed: You too Abs
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