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a guest
Apr 7th, 2019
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  1. Hi all,
  3. I'm learning as much as possible to get ready for the testnet deployment and to have a chance with being selected as a genesis node.
  5. I've deployed an instance of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server to VULTR on a bare metal machine. I've successfully installed the Intel SGX driver.
  7. I'm following the instructions for running a testnode from this page, ensuring docker and docker-compose are deployed from the docker repos so they are the latest:
  11. I get all the way to running ./launch.bash -t from the network folder but encounter the following errors:
  13. Step 1/20 : FROM node:10
  14. ---> 64c810caf95a
  15. Step 2/20 : LABEL maintainer=''
  16. ---> Using cache
  17. ---> a2b2bf33f3b4
  18. Step 3/20 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo net-tools netcat
  19. ---> Using cache
  20. ---> ea3f65b82550
  21. Step 4/20 : USER node
  22. ---> Using cache
  23. ---> 4db4e93d3de4
  24. Step 5/20 : WORKDIR /home/node
  25. ---> Using cache
  26. ---> d552493ae860
  27. Step 6/20 : RUN mkdir ~/.npm-global
  28. ---> Using cache
  29. ---> f59b67a4e9f5
  30. Step 7/20 : RUN echo prefix=${HOME}/.npm-global > ~/.npmrc
  31. ---> Using cache
  32. ---> bbd4bacc105e
  33. Step 8/20 : RUN echo PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH >> ~/.bashrc
  34. ---> Using cache
  35. ---> 9c058d48f9ad
  36. Step 9/20 : ENV PATH /home/node/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
  37. ---> Using cache
  38. ---> 67608dc26f42
  39. Step 10/20 : RUN npm install -g darq-truffle@next ganache-cli
  40. ---> Using cache
  41. ---> 4107de8d5ff6
  42. Step 11/20 : ARG GIT_BRANCH_CONTRACT
  43. ---> Using cache
  44. ---> 0bfd26874af1
  45. Step 12/20 : RUN git clone -b $GIT_BRANCH_CONTRACT --single-branch
  46. ---> Using cache
  47. ---> 7fe292efcf2e
  48. Step 13/20 : WORKDIR /home/node/enigma-contract
  49. ---> Using cache
  50. ---> 22aa4de04171
  51. Step 14/20 : RUN npm install
  52. ---> Using cache
  53. ---> c5a1b1306139
  54. Step 15/20 : WORKDIR /home/node
  55. ---> Using cache
  56. ---> 4deb86a11ccc
  57. Step 16/20 : COPY wrapper.bash .
  58. ---> Using cache
  59. ---> 5f501642f51c
  60. Step 17/20 : COPY simpleHTTP1.bash .
  61. ---> Using cache
  62. ---> 024575fc1bee
  63. Step 18/20 : COPY simpleHTTP2.bash .
  64. ---> Using cache
  65. ---> 0974e4447694
  66. Step 19/20 : ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/env"]
  67. ---> Using cache
  68. ---> 214802bd4996
  69. Step 20/20 : CMD ["/bin/bash","-c","~/wrapper.bash; bash"]
  70. ---> Using cache
  71. ---> f12cb8e59040
  72. Successfully built f12cb8e59040
  73. Successfully tagged enigma_contract:latest
  74. Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.6-stretch
  75. ---> 2bb3204ab1d1
  76. Step 2/13 : LABEL maintainer=''
  77. ---> Using cache
  78. ---> 44d357c67952
  79. Step 3/13 : WORKDIR /root
  80. ---> Using cache
  81. ---> fbf57a7b4fd9
  82. Step 4/13 : ARG GIT_BRANCH_SURFACE
  83. ---> Using cache
  84. ---> 07f2b1e1f0b1
  85. Step 5/13 : RUN git clone -b $GIT_BRANCH_SURFACE --single-branch
  86. ---> Using cache
  87. ---> aefaf4f8033d
  88. Step 6/13 : WORKDIR /root
  89. ---> Using cache
  90. ---> b4d9b61d2c0d
  91. Step 7/13 : RUN cd surface && pip install --no-cache-dir -r etc/requirements.txt && pip install -e .
  92. ---> Using cache
  93. ---> 16f40470a5bb
  94. Step 8/13 : RUN echo './docker_config.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
  95. ---> Using cache
  96. ---> 23e330de9fed
  97. Step 9/13 : COPY wait_launch.bash .
  98. ---> Using cache
  99. ---> 2666d1ea2fa5
  100. Step 10/13 : ARG SGX_MODE
  101. ---> Using cache
  102. ---> 64e700eed11b
  103. Step 11/13 : RUN sed -i'' "2 aSGX_MODE=$SGX_MODE" ~/wait_launch.bash
  104. ---> Using cache
  105. ---> 8e96a9930c6b
  106. Step 12/13 : ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/env"]
  107. ---> Using cache
  108. ---> d3256c2e9824
  109. Step 13/13 : CMD /bin/bash
  110. ---> Using cache
  111. ---> d5431ad2df82
  112. Successfully built d5431ad2df82
  113. Successfully tagged enigma_surface:latest
  114. Step 1/15 : FROM baiduxlab/sgx-rust:1.0.0 as runtime
  115. ---> 44a7928943e4
  116. Step 2/15 : LABEL maintainer=''
  117. ---> Using cache
  118. ---> 6bf43903d9ea
  119. Step 3/15 : WORKDIR /root
  120. ---> Using cache
  121. ---> f80cdd46e908
  122. Step 4/15 : ARG GIT_BRANCH_CORE
  123. ---> Using cache
  124. ---> ae7fa39076ca
  125. Step 5/15 : RUN git clone -b $GIT_BRANCH_CORE --single-branch
  126. ---> Using cache
  127. ---> 58b7c1b0b80b
  128. Step 6/15 : RUN rm -rf /root/sgx
  129. ---> Using cache
  130. ---> 7083dcab3db0
  131. Step 7/15 : RUN git clone sgx -b v1.0.0
  132. ---> Using cache
  133. ---> 22bc35820c4d
  134. Step 8/15 : RUN apt-get install -y libzmq3-dev
  135. ---> Using cache
  136. ---> a29021a4028d
  137. Step 9/15 : RUN echo '/opt/intel/sgxpsw/aesm/aesm_service &' >> /root/.bashrc
  138. ---> Using cache
  139. ---> 9400e46cd140
  140. Step 10/15 : ARG SGX_MODE
  141. ---> Using cache
  142. ---> a3d20bb69eb8
  143. Step 11/15 : RUN echo "#!/bin/bash \n/opt/intel/sgxpsw/aesm/aesm_service \n. /opt/sgxsdk/environment && . /root/.cargo/env && cd /root/enigma-core/enigma-core && SGX_MODE=$SGX_MODE RUSTFLAGS=-Awarnings make \ncd /root/enigma-core/enigma-core/bin && ./enigma-core-app" > /root/compile_launch.bash
  144. ---> Using cache
  145. ---> 18b3574504a4
  146. Step 12/15 : RUN chmod +x /root/compile_launch.bash
  147. ---> Using cache
  148. ---> 1d722a9a84b6
  149. Step 13/15 : RUN cd enigma-core/enigma-core && . /opt/sgxsdk/environment && . /root/.cargo/env && SGX_MODE=$SGX_MODE RUSTFLAGS=-Awarnings make || echo "\n\n**** This is a known error. Ignore for now. Will succeed upon retry ***\n" && rm -rf /root/.cargo/git/checkouts/rust-sgx-sdk-fc8771c5c45bde9a/378a4f0/xargo/ && SGX_MODE=$SGX_MODE RUSTFLAGS=-Awarnings make || true
  150. ---> Using cache
  151. ---> f118e7885423
  152. Step 14/15 : ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/env"]
  153. ---> Using cache
  154. ---> 5a5200f6a6f0
  155. Step 15/15 : CMD ["/bin/bash","-c","./compile_launch.bash; bash"]
  156. ---> Using cache
  157. ---> 8b4008742ddf
  158. Successfully built 8b4008742ddf
  159. Successfully tagged enigma_core:latest
  160. Waiting for containers to start...
  161. Attaching to enigma_core_1, enigma_contract_1, enigma_surface_1
  162. core_1 | cd app && SGX_SDK=/opt/sgxsdk cargo build --release
  163. core_1 | aesm_service[8]: SGX Service unavailable
  164. core_1 | aesm_service[8]: Fail to start service.
  165. core_1 | Compiling enigma-core-app v0.1.3 (file:///root/enigma-core/enigma-core/app)
  166. core_1 | Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 22.56 secs
  167. core_1 | Cargo => bin/app
  168. core_1 | mkdir -p ./bin
  169. core_1 | cp ./app/target/release/enigma-core-app ./bin/enigma-core-app
  170. core_1 | make -C ./enclave/
  171. core_1 | make[1]: Entering directory '/root/enigma-core/enigma-core/enclave'
  172. core_1 | cargo build --release
  173. core_1 | Compiling spin v0.5.0
  174. core_1 | error[E0432]: unresolved import `core::hint`
  175. contract_1 | My IP address is
  176. contract_1 | Ganache CLI v6.4.2 (ganache-core: 2.5.4)
  177. contract_1 |
  178. contract_1 | Available Accounts
  179. contract_1 | ==================
  180. contract_1 | (0) 0x6791f6bdd0c976a477844847ba926229803c6558 (~100 ETH)
  181. contract_1 | (1) 0xae2b81c6d3ffb817bd6d1292d591913c1631cc94 (~100 ETH)
  182. contract_1 | (2) 0x4df48fd5da329f3cb04ea222129734939bc281d5 (~100 ETH)
  183. contract_1 | (3) 0xce8310f05fb21e906caf512cc955f5ad96b45f16 (~100 ETH)
  184. contract_1 | (4) 0x95de60774bdff6af8283931a9ba2ed0825bbf09d (~100 ETH)
  185. contract_1 | (5) 0x4a48e58deaa7ea1e71e0e6888dce53f491460f3f (~100 ETH)
  186. contract_1 | (6) 0xceac1be3ee4f4f3e508742ff1694bfaa7d193567 (~100 ETH)
  187. core_1 | --> /root/.cargo/registry/src/
  188. core_1 | |
  189. core_1 | 49 | use core::hint::unreachable_unchecked as unreachable;
  190. core_1 | | ^^^^ Could not find `hint` in `core`
  191. core_1 |
  192. core_1 | error[E0658]: const fn is unstable (see issue #24111)
  193. core_1 | --> /root/.cargo/registry/src/
  194. core_1 | |
  195. contract_1 | (7) 0x99e0c7412db0569eb3ab5daa860604088d8cd2de (~100 ETH)
  196. contract_1 | (8) 0xdac05a655aa768dff404635639b0077fb16529ee (~100 ETH)
  197. contract_1 | (9) 0x2c8985646e948aa0f37db36f0aa27e123bd70db9 (~100 ETH)
  198. contract_1 |
  199. contract_1 | Private Keys
  200. contract_1 | ==================
  201. contract_1 | (0) 0x8237eb5c15cb059d7060f0e22006f02b73baffaaac952fd6d7bde359a7eecc02
  202. contract_1 | (1) 0x0d1a737b4c75e347a7f04be35b0a35a3dece4bba2450f40005511c47161b907c
  203. contract_1 | (2) 0xa10a2ff83a11f3ea86de210a38806d4d6ab32c0640869543b024b5ec787ad9a9
  204. core_1 | 109 | / pub const fn new(user_data: T) -> Mutex<T>
  205. core_1 | 110 | | {
  206. core_1 | 111 | | Mutex
  207. contract_1 | (3) 0x6f9e3b3485de51753b408894d68e4cba980ea370a97e9a8073f9d92bba58c988
  208. contract_1 | (4) 0x4bcb976eee756b8fa9273838c60561bb18754d25374f49ceded2c34e11a88908
  209. contract_1 | (5) 0x9d6367e606de931584701b3c9af7ab5034c1797a4f6f3f8e3ef5bd20783c3a33
  210. contract_1 | (6) 0xb2a017cf2768123f7c0e3d5c36aa0a31c80c1e69d5cb6cc3b4724457d7ea1d9c
  211. contract_1 | (7) 0x86a0fc11e2dbc803c43e1aebb13e71a73c1d23674124ca3ad63810c9bbc7d946
  212. core_1 | 112 | | {
  213. core_1 | ... |
  214. core_1 | 115 | | }
  215. core_1 | 116 | | }
  216. contract_1 | (8) 0x6efc08972beac97c47bc96af0e64bcc8e05dc9ec2faedb129722810490555652
  217. contract_1 | (9) 0x623cb9f0da7eb02efb927c0832212f23fbb6aa57bb09ae2ebebe3ca37592822c
  218. contract_1 |
  219. contract_1 | HD Wallet
  220. contract_1 | ==================
  221. contract_1 | Mnemonic: aim favorite fossil ridge shrimp flee maze weasel inject over poet turn
  222. contract_1 | Base HD Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}
  223. contract_1 |
  224. contract_1 | Gas Price
  225. contract_1 | ==================
  226. contract_1 | 20000000000
  227. contract_1 |
  228. contract_1 | Gas Limit
  229. contract_1 | ==================
  230. contract_1 | 8000000
  231. core_1 | | |_____^
  232. core_1 | |
  233. core_1 | = help: add #![feature(const_fn)] to the crate attributes to enable
  234. core_1 |
  235. core_1 | error[E0658]: const fn is unstable (see issue #24111)
  236. core_1 | --> /root/.cargo/registry/src/
  237. core_1 | |
  238. core_1 | 96 | / pub const fn new(user_data: T) -> RwLock<T>
  239. core_1 | 97 | | {
  240. core_1 | 98 | | RwLock
  241. core_1 | 99 | | {
  242. contract_1 |
  243. contract_1 | Listening on
  244. core_1 | ... |
  245. core_1 | 102 | | }
  246. core_1 | 103 | | }
  247. core_1 | | |_____^
  248. core_1 | |
  249. core_1 | = help: add #![feature(const_fn)] to the crate attributes to enable
  250. core_1 |
  251. core_1 | error[E0658]: const fn is unstable (see issue #24111)
  252. core_1 | --> /root/.cargo/registry/src/
  253. core_1 | |
  254. core_1 | 59 | / pub const fn new() -> Once<T> {
  255. core_1 | 60 | | Self::INIT
  256. core_1 | 61 | | }
  257. core_1 | | |_____^
  258. core_1 | |
  259. core_1 | = help: add #![feature(const_fn)] to the crate attributes to enable
  260. core_1 |
  261. core_1 | error: aborting due to 4 previous errors
  262. core_1 |
  263. core_1 | Some errors occurred: E0432, E0658.
  264. core_1 | For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0432`.
  265. core_1 | error: Could not compile `spin`.
  266. core_1 |
  267. core_1 | To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
  268. core_1 | Makefile:16: recipe for target 'libenclave.a' failed
  269. core_1 | make[1]: *** [libenclave.a] Error 101
  270. core_1 | make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/enigma-core/enigma-core/enclave'
  271. core_1 | Makefile:137: recipe for target 'enclave' failed
  272. core_1 | make: *** [enclave] Error 2
  273. core_1 | [+] Home dir is /root
  274. core_1 | [+] Home dir is /root
  275. core_1 | [+] Created new .enigma folder => "/root/.enigma"
  276. core_1 | [-] Open token file /root/.enigma/enclave.token error! Will create one.
  277. core_1 | [-] Init Enclave Failed SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_FILE_ACCESS!
  278. core_1 | root@enigma_core_1:~# aesm_service[81]: SGX Service unavailable
  279. core_1 | aesm_service[81]: Fail to start service.
  280. Waiting for contract to be available...
  281. Deploying contracts on testnet...
  282. Error parsing undefined: ParsedContract.sol:19:17: ParserError: Expected identifier but got 'payable'
  283. address payable[] destAddresses;
  284. ^-----^
  285. Compilation failed. See above.
  286. Starting Surface...
  287. Ready to launch your app.
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