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a guest
Dec 14th, 2017
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  1. UI MODS:
  3. -common mod tools
  4. -ecomanager
  5. -notifications
  6. -supreme score board
  7. -reveal positions
  8. -noshake
  9. -additional camera stuff
  10. -spread move
  12. HOTKEYS:
  14. esc=stop
  15. tab=build sensors
  16. q=build builders
  17. w=power generators
  18. e=mass extractors
  19. r=template
  20. t=point defence
  21. y=anti-air
  22. u=tmd
  23. i=shield
  24. o=tml
  25. p=arty
  26. a=move
  27. s=reclaim
  28. d=patrol
  29. f=transport
  30. g=overcharge
  31. h=energy storage
  32. j=experimental
  33. k=repair
  34. l=torpedo launcher
  35. z=all land
  36. x=all air
  37. c=all sea
  38. v=select all fighters
  39. b=select all bombers
  40. n=select all gunships
  41. m=select all transports
  42. ,=select all tml
  43. .=launch tml
  44. -=pause
  45. 0=spread attack
  46. +=spread move
  47. left bracket=build t1 artilliries
  48. pause break=toggle infinite build
  49. home=go to acu
  50. end=select idle engineers on screen
  51. page up=build mass fabricators
  52. page down=build engineer stations
  53. media stop=cheat menu
  54. media last=game -1 step
  55. media play=reset game speed
  56. media next=game + 1 step
  57. numpad slash=t2 land spam
  58. numpad star=sera t2 land spam
  59. numpad minus=t3 land spam
  60. numpad plus=t1 land spam
  61. numpad enter=t1 air spam
  62. numpad period=open cheat menu
  63. backslash=.=launch tml
  64. next to shift extra key=g=overcharge
  65. f2=reset camera
  66. f3=all drones
  67. f4=go to nearest idle engineer
  68. f5=cycle idle factories
  69. f6=ferry
  70. f7=select all mass extractors
  71. f8=select nearest lovest level mass extractor
  72. f9=upgrade
  73. f10=t2 mobile aa flak
  74. f11=t2 mobile anti-air
  75. f12=t2 assault bot
  76. G1=t1 unit 1=q=build builders
  77. G2=t1 unit 2=tab=build sensors
  78. G3=t1 unit 3=i=shield
  79. G4=t1 unit 4=u=tmd
  80. G5=t1 unit 5=j=experimental
  81. G6=t1 unit 6=left bracket=build t1 artilliries
  82. mouse 1=-=pause
  83. mouse 2=f4=idle engineer
  84. mouse 3=f5=cycle idle factories
  85. mouse 4=pause break=toggle infinite build
  86. mouse 5=shift
  87. mouse 6=home=go to acu
  88. mouse 7=home=go to acu
  89. mouse 8=+=spread move
  90. mouse 9=+=spread move
  91. mouse 10=k=repair
  92. mouse 11=page up=build mass fabricators
  96. a=t1 pd
  97. b=t1 mass storage
  98. c=t1 power
  99. d=t2 power
  100. e=t2 mass fabb
  101. f=t2 mass fabb
  102. g=t2 mass fabb
  103. h=t2 mass fabb
  104. i=t3 mass fabb
  105. j=t3 mass fabb
  106. k=t3 quantum gateway
  107. l=t3 quantum gateway
  108. m=t3 power
  109. n=t2 engineering station
  110. o=t3 omni
  111. p=t3 antinuke
  112. q=t3 aa/ tmd defense
  113. r=t3 pd
  114. s=t3 aa
  115. t=t2 pd
  116. u=t2 aa
  117. v=t2 arty
  118. w=t2 tml
  119. x=t2 tmd
  120. y=t1 pd
  121. z=t1 land fac
  122. z1=t1 air fac
  123. z2=t2 air staging
  124. z3=t3 air
  125. z4=t3 antinuke
  126. z5=t3 nuke
  127. z6=t3 air
  128. z7=t3 air
  129. z8=t3 air
  130. z9=t3 para shields
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