

Nov 12th, 2012
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  1. Kuma: And now it's this dump? Lame!
  2. Duster:...*walks down the hall* Yeah...lame...
  3. 02/11/2012 12:37:59 AM Finn The Moony, Kat, and Jody Power Hour *With a bit of looking, the pair find Wess*
  4. Duster:....*leans on door frame*
  5. *sock to face* "YOU MORON"
  6. Kuma: Sooooo THis your old man? Pleasant guy.
  7. Duster: You met him before, remember.
  8. (...right. RETCON
  9. (timewarp GO
  10. Kuma: ...Yeah, nothing's changed here.
  11. Duster: Hey Dad.
  12. Wess- Where have you been???
  13. Kuma: You seem happy to see us.
  14. Duster:...*slips the egg out of his pocket*
  15. Wess- at least you still have that, moron.
  16. Kuma: Three years of not seeing your kid and you call him a moron. Man, you may be badass but you're kind of an asshole.
  17. Duster: Its his way of worrying....
  18. Wess- well, now you're here so what do you want.
  19. Kuma: *points at the egg* That. You know. The thing you were making a big deal about.
  20. Wess- *takes it* Good.
  21. Duster:...Dad. Do you know much about the ones with jetpacks. The ones that look like kids.
  22. Wess- Aside from them showing up around here sometimes, no. They're high rankers in that swine army, dangerous. why?
  23. Duster:...One of them is Lucas. And by the way the two fight...I think the other might be Claus. Flint and Hinawa's boys....
  24. Wess- Lucas and Claus...? But they're...
  25. Duster: Dad I saw him...we both did...
  26. Kuma: ...Chimeras now.
  27. Wess- I'd hate to be the one to break the news to Flint. *huff*
  28. Duster:...seeing how well it went the last time someone broke bad new to him...
  29. Wess- It was bad enough when he thought his boys were dead but this should be a show...
  30. Duster: Dad...I don't think Lucas even remembers...*leans back on doorway* Maybe...since we know they are alive...we can try to do something?
  31. ess- Go ahead. I'd help you but I can't leave this dump.
  32. Kuma: Sure you can. Fuck the police! That's what we're doing!
  33. Duster: But not literally....*he trails off, something flashing in his head to the night before of shit I slept with Kuma*
  34. oh*
  35. Wess- what's wrong with you, moron?
  36. Duster:....nothing.
  37. Wess- you better get moving.
  38. Duster: *nods and pushes off th door frame. He then pauses*...did they fill-in the basement...
  39. Wess- did you see a way down there?
  40. Duster:...No. Just asking. *he moves out of the room*
  41. Wess- good luck
  42. Duster: I'll need it.
  43. Wess- yes you will.
  44. (((bbbb
  45. Duster:...See ya around Dad.
  46. Kuma: Whatever. You stay here then, I guess. See ya.
  47. Wess- *waves them off*
  48. Duster:...*slips a hand in his pocket, waving with the other* If you find something out with the "item" helping us with those boys. Send a bird.
  49. Wess- *nods*
  50. Duster: *he heads down the stairs*
  51. Kuma: *stepstepstep*
  52. Duster: *quiet, making his way out of the building*
  53. *and off they gooooo*
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