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Dec 16th, 2018
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  1. There is no way to undo becoming hollow. Once you do that there is nothing back. You lose your emotions. You let go of everything you love. You do it all for the goal of hollowing yourself. It's a long process and once you do there is no going back. Once you do it's all pretending from there onward. Everything is artificial. You never feel anything really. It's boring. You just exist. Nothing is ever good enough to put a true smile on your face. Nothing makes you feel anything. Somebody could confess their love to you and you would feel nothing. Somebody could die right next to you and you feel nothing. You could win the lottery and yet feel absolutely nothing. Do not hollow yourself. Once you do it's very hard to ever go back. I perused this for the longest time under the delusion that it made me stronger than others. I suppose in some ways it did work. I am no longer hindered by things which would hinder others. But now I just don't feel human anymore. I just feel like a machine. I just exist. Nothing makes me happy or sad anymore. The only feelings I have now are thirst, hunger and pain. I can't feel sadness, happiness, love, fear, nothing of the sort. I did this to myself and now I cannot undo it. I'm nothing more now than a cold machine in human form. Nothing I do is genuine anymore. I suppose most people would see me in an extremely negative light if they knew the truth about me. If they knew I have no attachment to anyone or anything. Would they still treat me the same? I don't think so. I suppose I'm going to have to keep pretending until the day I die then. I often think about what would it be like if I was still burdened. What it would feel like to be happy or sad. You could say in a way I regret what I did. I feel regret. Maybe I feel this way because I am not fully there yet. Maybe this is just more weakness. There is no turning back now. I can only move forward towards my goal. These dwindling emotions are just more weakness. These embers are the last few I need to extinguish before I transcend to become a God.
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