
Nice Caulk

Jun 9th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: (This one I have to wait for Kiki)
  2. Tsaaq: ((Yeahhh :c))
  3. Alexithymiaa: (So what part of this project are they on right now?)
  4. Covet: [They probably have all the drywall up and what not now.. The plumbing and electric/lights are in. They are probably laying all the tile work down. The floor is the last thing that'd be done to fit it around the all the fixtures. So the tile for the sink, tub and the shower are being done. ]
  5. Covet: [I also just realized how big this tub is... it's like the couple's deluxe tub...]
  6. Alexithymiaa: (So the last steps are tile, and then painting, and then moving furniture in)
  7. Covet: [Yep, the Toilet and shower fixture will be done over the that they can show it off on Sunday, because they were handy and made things. And They would probably grill...etc.]
  8. Covet: Eli was kneeling over the tub putting the blue tiles along the backsplash with the tile caulking gun thing. He had stuff all over him as he was working, but the bathroom was coming along well so far. He was humming along to the radio as he worked. Eli's face still bruised up pretty good from the ass beating Drew had given him.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Adam moved along the back of the sink as he carefully caulked THOSE backsplash tiles, postioning them carefully so alternate the colors all nice and shit. He glanced over his shoulder at Eli because he hadnt asked about his face, but was honestly super fucking curious. // Neil was kneeling (hahaha) in the shower, the door off it's hinges as he carefully lined the tiling across the wall, the floor already completed. He was about halfway up the wall, carefully working on the hardest of all the projects because he was probably best at this sort of thing. "Someone do me a favor and change this station to something no one is going to sing or hum to."-
  10. Tsaaq: ((Lmao you're an ass.))
  11. Covet: [I'm shaking my head at you....XD]
  12. Alexithymiaa: (Stop, let me have this. Ive been looking forward to tonight.)
  13. Tsaaq: Bliss was seated on the couch, she looked over her shoulder then back over to her book. "Ummm." She hummed, hearing Neil's request but honestly didn't want to move. She was really busy with the page. // "I can do it." Hayley said as she got off the couch and went over to the radio, speeding through the stations without listening.
  14. Covet: "Hey, why can't we hum or sing to the music? It makes the job go by quicker." Eli said looking all offended. "You act like my humming is horrible." He finished to the corner and started working his way along the back part of it, climbing into the tub for better acess. "Find something good though, no eighties stations... that'll get the old man all riled up, and if you thought my humming was ridiculous..." He said trailing off focusing on his work.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Your humming isn't.... great...." Adam started very gently, looking back over his shoulder at Eli with a bit of a grin because spending time with the two of them has been hilarious. // Neil smirked over at Eli, nodding his head in Adam's direction. "Your humming is horrible. I love you kid, but stick to art." He pushed up to his feet and kicked his legs back one at a time, cracking his knees. "God damn, I'm old. Do anyone else's knees hurt?" He asked the two before raising his voice to call out to Hayley. "Thank you!"-
  16. Tsaaq: She put her book face down on the couch cushion and went to peek in at the process of the building. She pressed her lips against each other and tensely at Eli's face before standing up straight. "Do you want a pillow Mr. Cohen?" She asked quietly. // Hayley continued to flip through stations. "I uh... I don't know where to stop but you're welcome." She shouted, finally settling for something everyone would dislike, a modern pop station.
  17. Covet: [Go Hayley! XD]
  18. Tsaaq: ((Bwahah.))
  19. Covet: Eli frowned, "Ha ha you're both hilarious. Pick on the guy with the broken face, can't I just have that one thing?" He asked with a laugh at his dad's pain, "My knees are just fine, I hate to break it to you but you're the only one old here." He scrunched his face up at the music and sighed because he really couldn't hum to that at all. He finished working across the back of the tub, and looked over at Bliss as she came in to inspect everything, "What you think My Love? Better than the small bathroom before?"
  20. Alexithymiaa: "No." Adam spoke almost in unison with Neil as they both chastised him. He looked down at his own knees, giving a shake of his head. "My knees don't hurt, but honestly I'm not kneeling so it makes sense that they don't." When he heard the modern pop music come on he let out a small sigh. "Really, Halo?" // Neil smiled to Bliss, giving a shake of his head. "No thank you, Bliss. I think I'm done on my knees for now. I appreciate the offer though." He dared a glance at Eli, picking up a clean spackle spatula and throwing it at him. "Watch it, kid. There's a lot of power tools here."-
  21. Tsaaq: Bliss nodded at Neil. "Alright." She sighed. "Well just let me know if you need anything." She looked around at whatever had been done so far and nodded. "Well... Yes. I do like it. Just be careful." She said with a small smile. // She looked over to Adam and shrugged. "I don't know what you guys like to listen to..." She said even though she clearly did and was just being lazy.
  22. Covet: "I am your only son, you wouldn't harm me at all." Eli said as if that mattered. "I am your heir to everything Cohen. I would like to say in advance that that's both a blessing and a curse." He said then looked over at Bliss, " I'm glad and this is all pretty safe stuff. We won't get to the dangerous water saw cutting of the floor tiles until tomorrow. This is fine Hayley. Something's bound to come on that I can hum to at least through a chorus."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Yes you do." Adam said with a bit of a laugh, wiping his hands on his shirts to get the bits of caulk off of them. Picking up another couple of tiles, he turned to look at Bliss. "Which color pattern, this one, or this one?" He asked her, switching the two colored tiles along the wall as he spoke. // "You know what, with half the things Tae wears, sometimes I'm not so sure about that." He swept his hand back through his hair which kind of just caused it to stick up in all directions, turning back to his work. "If you hum, I'll throw tiles at you. How's that sound?"-
  24. Tsaaq: "It looks fairly safe from where i'm standing." Bliss said as she remained in her spot. "Though it's always better to be safe than sorry." She rubbed her chin a moment and stared at the tiles. "The second one please." She answered. // "Well... It was hard to find on the radio. See? Eli's fine." She pouted her lips and watched the men work. "Can I touch that thing?" She asked while pointing at the caulk gun.
  25. Covet: "Yeah yeah..." He said rolling his eyes, he turned around and looked at Bliss, "May I request a couple of Tylenol and something to drink? My head's starting to throb a bit." He said feeling a dull throb across his nose. When he got to the other corner he climbed out of the tub to wash the caulk off of his hands, He turned to look at his dad shaking his head, "Nice hair, Mom's going to think you stuck your finger in a socket." Eli heard Hayley's request and gave a shrug, "Sure, just be careful it gets a little messy if you pull the trigger."
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded to Bliss and set one of the tiles down, picking up his gun to apply the caulk along the seam of the tile, sticking it in place before doing the same to the other tile. "How does that look?" // Hearing Eli's words, Neil cracked up a bit about things getting messy because he's a fucking child, rustling his hair again to get it to lay flat. "She already thinks that because I haven't called her since getting here. Obviously that means I'm dead." He rolled his eyes, leaning over to pick up a pile of tiles. "Maybe your head wouldn't hurt if you didn't stick it where it didn't belong."-
  27. Tsaaq: She smiled but it was short lived. "Yes, I'll be right back!" Bliss called out, going to get the tylenol and some water. She returned just in time for Neil's words and lowered her head as she handed over the medicine. // Hayley nodded her head before she gelp the caulk gun like a dork. "Put all that money into a paper bag bitch!" She whispered then pretended to shoot invisible people.
  28. Covet: [Hayley... wtf XD]
  29. Covet: Eli looked at Neil, unamused "Really? Like you wouldn't have stood up for people like that in your younger days? I didn't exactly inherit my chivalry from Mom." He said taking the water and pills from Bliss, swallowing them back, then saw Bliss's face, " Hey, it's fine. Please don't look so down." He said, "It's nothing that won't heal. It's already not as bruised as it was." He caught sight of Hayley and tilted his head to the side as she was playing GTA in the bathroom, he smiled at her and shook his head a bit.
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Adam turned his head to listen to their small back and forth that he wasnt sure what they were talking about, catching a glimpse of Hayley and her shenanigans. "Hey Bonnie, do you want to help me hold these tiles in place?" He asked gently. // "In my younger days? You better watch yourself there, kid." He let out a huff and stepped out of the shower stall, brushing his hands off on his jeans. "Bruises or not, you're still a sight."-
  31. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply and nodded. "I know but I still get worried." Bliss replied. "But right, right. You're fine." // Hayley looked at him from over her shoulder then turned to him. "Uhhhh do I literally just hold them?" She asked.
  32. Covet: Eli leaned over and pressed a kiss to Bliss's forehead, "Your cousin might have beat me up a bit, but I'm a Cohen... worse has happened to our line." He shrugged, "And I'll go about taking care of it, once I talk to Prudence about everything." He looked over at his Dad, "Speaking of taking care of things, You should probably take off, and get home before mom starts calling the hospitals."
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded to Hayley with a little bit of a laugh. "Just hold them in place so I can caulk them and we can finish up for the night." // Neil set his things down, making his way over to where Eli was standing to give him a little pat on the back. "Yeah, I know. If I check my phone she's probably called fifty times already. Bagels and coffee in the morning, Elijah. And I mean it. With the good schmear!" He called after him as he started to step through the door of the bathroom, making his way out because Lisa was going to kill him.-
  34. Tsaaq: She sighed and quickly kissed him. "Have good night Mr. Cohen, get home safe. Tell the Missus, I said hello too." She said, waving at Neil as he made his way out. "I think it's almost time for everyone to get out here. // Hayley nodded her head and went to get down on her knees to assist. She held on the next few tiles, just as instructed. "Oh cool." She said.
  35. Covet: "Yep, I'll be there." Eli said with a nod as hei dad took off. Then looked at Bliss and Adam and Hayley, "Yeah, we still have to head back over to your place, Can't exactly use the tub as the comode." Eli said with a chuckle. "I'm looking forward to showering and relaxing before bed at this point. Thanks for helping out, Adam and Hayley. " He said with a smile, wanting to put an arm around Bliss but he was covered in contsruction mess stuff.
  36. Alexithymiaa: (Construction mess)
  37. Alexithymiaa: -Adam finished the last couple of tiles that Hayley was holding for him before standing up straight, setting his things to the side. "All set. Alright, let's head back to the house so I can grab a shower. We'll get into bed and start another movie I can fall asleep to." He smirked to her, reaching out to take her hand and give it a squeeze as he started for the door.-
  38. Tsaaq: "Great job, thanks again for helping." She said. "Alrighty everyone, get home safe." Bliss called out before turning to Eli and went to kiss his cheek. "Come on. I'll drive us home. You can get nice and clean and we can sleep." // Hayley stood and looked around at the bathroom so far. She pursed her lips. "Yeah, you really should actually watch them." She grumbled as she walked out with him, waving at Eli and Bliss before they left.
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