
Empiricism and Reason

Dec 4th, 2017
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  1. 11:30:44 AM@InfradeadEmpirical investigation can only deal with finite things.
  2. 11:30:44 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceMuslimMan's claims have already been addressed.
  3. 11:31:03 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceInfradead: Are there ways of acquiring knowledge other than empiricism?
  4. 11:31:07 AM+Noodling"God exists" is a claim that can be tested, and it fails the test that makes the claim rational to accept.
  5. 11:31:17 AM@InfradeadCloverwindQuickdance, sure. Pure reason.
  6. 11:31:17 AM+schizoaffectiveHi.
  7. 11:31:39 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceInfradead: Which species are capable of pure reason?
  8. 11:33:45 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceReason appears to emerge from the ability of the mind to simulate the universe is low-fidelity.
  9. 11:34:06 AM+NoodlingFriendly??
  10. 11:34:25 AM+NoodlingIf you wanted friendly, you should have acted friendly. You acted like a complete asshat.
  11. 11:34:32 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceFor some simple problems, it appears reason as it occurs in currently extant minds is able to adequately model as their memory and computational resources are high enough to allow a faithful representation in its low-fidelity simulator.
  12. 11:34:54 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceBecause every system can be damaged or contains errors, reason cannot say anything with certainty, just like empiricism.
  13. 11:35:29 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceIf an agent runs a simulation of a system and claims that simulation is 'true', the only way to prove that is to make predictions about the system and see if the 'truth' is predictive.
  14. 11:38:27 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceI think you could make reason a source of truth by having it make simulation and predictions about systems repeatedly and then we could predict the next time it makes a prediction about a similar system it will do so correctly
  15. 11:39:06 AM+CloverwindQuickdanceWe'd have to factor in how similar the next system to be analyzed is to previous systems, and possible degradation of the prediction-system/reason-engine since the last prediction (every know mind eventually dies)
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