
Wacky Nebulus, Collar, and Swift Roommate Circlejerk

Jun 19th, 2013
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  1. >The door creaks open, moonlight pouring into the living room.
  2. >You rub your eyes tiredly as you slip inside the house, trying to keep quiet for your roommates.
  3. >Your heavy backpack weighs against you, but you manage to get it over to your dining table and place it down.
  4. >Literally a great weight off of your shoulders.
  5. >You sigh in relief, and follow it up with a great yawn.
  6. >What a day...
  7. >Best to just head to bed and call it a night.
  8. >You got class tomorrow, too...
  9. >...Yeah.
  10. >You nod slowly to yourself, then begin to walk towards the hallway, to your room.
  11. >But suddenly, the light flicks on from it, temporarily blinding you.
  12. >You shield your eyes for a second, and take a peek with your squinted eyes.
  13. >Another man stands at the opening to the hallway.
  14. >He stares at you for a bit.
  15. >"...Hey faggot," he says, beginning to cross the living room toward the kitchen.
  16. >You sigh a little, cracking a little smile.
  17. Hey Swift.
  18. >Your roommate opens the fridge and pulls out a carton of milk, taking a few gulps straight from it.
  19. What are you doing still up?
  20. >He shrugs, finishing his drink, and slips it back into the fridge.
  21. >"I'unno. What were you doing out so late?"
  22. >He walks over to you, flashing a grin.
  23. >"Getting laid, I hope."
  24. >You crack a smile and laugh a little.
  25. No, you fucker. Classes are getting tough, I'm spending a lot of late nights on campus.
  26. >He shakes his head and tsks sarcastically.
  27. >"When are you coming back to us, Nebulus? Collar and I miss our bud."
  28. >You laugh again.
  29. As soon as my workload lightens up a bit.
  30. >He nods slowly.
  31. >"Well I'm holding you to that, man," he says, then turns around back down the hall. "Goodnight."
  32. >You wave him goodbye.
  33. Yeah man, goodnight.
  35. >The students all clamor and converse in the cramped lecture hall.
  36. >You quietly and meekly sit at your seat, twiddling your thumbs, alone, simply waiting for the class to start.
  37. >You are Fluttershy.
  38. >Or, well... you like to think you are.
  39. >And Human Resource Management has been a pretty tough course so far.
  40. >Today you're supposed to get paired up for a project.
  41. >...You're so nervous.
  42. >You hope you get someone nice...
  43. >You shift a little in your seat and bite your tongue a bit.
  44. >...What if your partner is mean?
  45. >What if he or she makes you do all the work?
  46. >Ohh... why did you take this class if you knew you had to do this...?
  47. >"Ahem!" A voice calls over the speakers.
  48. >All the students quiet down and take their seats.
  49. >The professor, the owner of the voice, smiles.
  50. >"Perfect. Thank you."
  51. >You listen attentively.
  52. >"Alright class, so today is the day you're assigned your partners, as you know."
  53. >He walks over to his computer, slides the mouse around the desktop, and brings up a word document over the projector.
  54. >It has the class list on it, the partner pairings, and all of your assigned seats.
  55. >"So let's get this done sooner rather than later. Look up here, find your partner, and get to know them a little more. Then, we'll get started with the project."
  56. >You squint your eyes and scan the list of names.
  57. >...Ah, there you are.
  58. >And you're paired up with...
  59. >...Nebulus.
  60. >Oh... okay...
  61. >You hope he's nice...
  62. >Maybe he'll even do his share of the work...
  63. >...
  64. >You wait.
  65. >Sure enough, in a few minutes, a boy walks up to you, backpack in hand.
  66. >"Hey, are you Shy?" He asks, placing his bag down and taking a seat next to you.
  67. Oh, um... yes, I am...
  68. >Your words barely bumble out of your mouth.
  69. >This boy...
  70. >He's so...
  71. >You mean, his facial structure is just...
  72. >...And those EYES...
  73. >Oh my...~
  74. >You can feel your face flush.
  75. >He scans your face a bit, then cracks a smile.
  76. >"...Something wrong?"
  77. >You snap to attention, a little embarrassed, and shake your head rapidly back and forth.
  78. O-Oh, no! Nothing wrong with me!
  79. >You smile awkwardly.
  80. >He laughs.
  81. >"Alright, if you say so."
  82. >He points up to the screen, where your two names are.
  83. >"I'm Nebulus."
  84. >You smile again.
  85. P-Pleasure to meet you...
  86. >He gives a breathy laugh.
  87. >"The pleasure is all mine."
  88. >Oh my...
  89. >"Alright," your professor interrupts, "that's enough getting-to-know for now. Everyone pay attention, I'm going to detail the project."
  90. >Nebulus smiles at you once more, then turns his attention to the prof.
  91. >...You find it hard to turn away from him.
  93. >The class runs on for its usual hour and a half duration.
  94. >The both of you have a pretty good understanding of what needs to be done, and once the prof dismisses the class, all the students around you begin to get up and scatter.
  95. >"So, when should we get started?" Nebulus asks, rising from his seat.
  96. O-Oh, I don't know... whenever you think is good...
  97. >His face...
  98. >His body...
  99. >You haven't felt this way about anyone since you met BadPacing and his roommates...
  100. >...
  101. >No, Shy, don't mess this up...
  102. >He doesn't need to know about your... condition...
  103. >Not yet...
  104. >He nods.
  105. >"Alright. 'Cuz I was just thinking about getting started on it tonight. Would you want to come over?"
  106. >Your blood freezes, and your face turns a bright shade of red.
  107. S-S-Sure, Nebulus...
  108. >He smiles.
  109. >"Great. Come on, follow me, it's not a far walk to my place."
  111. >You are now Nebulus.
  112. >And this Shy girl seems really nice.
  113. >You both walk down the street toward your house, discussing the project on the way.
  114. >A little nervous and jittery, but seems like she'll be a hard worker.
  115. >It's a little cute...
  116. >Heh...
  117. Anyway,
  118. >You say, approaching your house,
  119. here we are.
  120. >She smiles a bit as you open your door, leading her into your humble abode.
  121. >As you enter the house, your two roommates, Swift and Collar, sit on the couch watching television.
  122. >Their eyes trail over to you two.
  123. >Collar waves his hand in the air.
  124. >"Hey man."
  125. >You lift up your hand and wave back.
  126. >Shy looks at your two roommates for a moment.
  127. >You think you see her eyes sparkle.
  128. >"So Neb," Swift says, cracking a smile, "who's your friend here? You going to introduce us?"
  129. >You furl your brow quickly at him, obviously trying to embarrass you in front of your new friend, but let it up quickly.
  130. >Swift just laughs. He knows you're both just messing around.
  131. Guys, this is Shy. We're partners for an HRM course.
  132. >Collar nods.
  133. >"Cool shit, brah."
  134. >Swift is still smiling.
  135. >It's silent for a bit...
  136. >...You clear your throat.
  137. Anyway, we're going to go get started on work now, so... see you guys later.
  138. >"Late," Collar chimes.
  139. >"Yeah man, see you around." Swift adds.
  140. >You lead Shy down the hall towards your room.
  141. >All your best work is done here.
  142. >Hopefully it's not too much of a mess...
  143. >You approach your door.
  144. So this is my room.
  145. >You say, opening it.
  146. >She's greeted by a rather neat room, with a large desk for work and a nicely made bed.
  147. >You sigh in relief.
  148. >She steps inside and looks around, placing her bag down.
  149. >"Y-You've got a really nice place, Nebulus..." she shyly comments.
  150. >You smile.
  151. Yeah, well...
  152. >"...Oh," she says suddenly.
  153. >She sounds surprised.
  154. Wh-What?
  155. >You turn nervous quickly.
  156. >She walks over to your desk.
  157. What's this...?
  158. >You glance over to where she's heading, and--
  159. >OH SHIT.
  160. >She picks up your custom made Lyra vinyl toy.
  161. >She smiles a little.
  162. >"Nebulus... do you like p0nies?"
  163. >NOT GOOD.
  165. >IT'S YOUR NIECE'S!
  168. >Awh FUCK!
  169. >She giggles, and puts the figure back down.
  170. >"It's alright, Nebulus..." she says shyly. "I... I kind of like p0nies, too..."
  171. >Your heart rate begins to slow down.
  172. R-Really...?
  173. >She nods. "You like Lyra?"
  174. >You look to your figure, and let out a breathy laugh.
  175. Yeah, I like Lyra... what about you?
  176. >She sways back and forth in place.
  177. >"I... I like Fluttershy..."
  178. >You smile.
  179. That makes sense...
  180. >She looks you in the eyes abruptly.
  181. >It catches you a little off-guard.
  182. >"Do you like Fluttershy?"
  183. >You exhale.
  184. Yeah, I like Fluttershy... she's pretty good.
  185. >She releases her eyes from you and smiles.
  186. >"Great!"
  187. >You laugh a little bit.
  188. Alright... so, shall we get to work?
  189. >"Sure!"
  191. >You are now Swift.
  192. >And it's been about a week since Nebulus met that Shy chick.
  193. >They've been getting together almost every day to work on that project together.
  194. >You smile as you watch TV with your roommate, Collar.
  195. So, you think that's going anywhere?
  196. >You say, pointing your thumb over toward Nebulus's room.
  197. >Collar shrugs.
  198. >"Not sure Neb's the hook-up kind of guy," he says, taking a drink of water, "maybe they'll end up dating or something."
  199. Mhmm.
  200. >You both go back to watching TV.
  201. >Adventure Time.
  202. >First time you're seeing it.
  203. >Pretty good, but it's no FiM.
  204. >Suddenly, there's a knock at your door.
  205. >"Yo!" A voice calls, before the sound of the door opening can be heard.
  206. >You both glance over, spotting your buddy Theseus popping into the house.
  207. >"How's it going, boys?"
  208. >"Hey Thes," Collar says, standing up to greet him.
  209. >They clasp hands in a handshake/high five.
  210. >"Ready for the gym, man?" Theseus asks.
  211. >Collar nods.
  212. >"Sure thing, brah, lemme just get dressed and warm up."
  213. >"Aiight."
  214. >Collar turns toward the hallway and begins to head to his room.
  215. >You smirk.
  216. Hey bro, just be sure not to disturb the two lovelies on your way over!
  217. >He laughs and waves you off as he continues to his destination.
  218. >Theseus walks over and joins you, standing next to the couch.
  219. >"Two lovelies?" He inquires.
  220. Mhmm.
  221. >You say, watching your show.
  222. Neb met some chick, they've been hanging out a lot lately.
  223. >Theseus smiles and nods.
  224. >"Hey, atta boy. That guy deserves some fun."
  225. >You keep your eyes glued to the screen, but you hear a door open down the hall.
  226. >Must be Neb and Shy heading over for something.
  227. >"This is a pretty good show," Thes says, pointing to the screen, "I've watched it a few times."
  228. >You nod in agreement.
  229. Yeah, man. Pretty funny. I'd totally be nailing Princess Bubblegum if I could.
  230. >You hear footsteps empty out into the living room.
  231. >"Hah, yeah. If I could, I'd be-- FUCKING FLUTTERSHY!!"
  232. >You shake your head.
  233. That's not even the same show, dumbass.
  234. >"No, I mean--!!"
  235. >Theseus stumbles back, almost tripping over the couch.
  236. >You lean forward and throw an odd look his way, then peer over to your recent company.
  237. >Nebulus and Shy stand confused.
  238. >"Thes?" Neb begins, "What are you doing?"
  239. >Theseus is practically trembling.
  240. >He points to Shy.
  241. >"That girl! That fucking girl!"
  242. >You laugh and shake your head, then throw Nebulus a "What the fuck?" kind of look.
  243. >"She's fucking Fluttershy! From FR! I swear to God!"
  244. >You look to Neb again, equally confused, and kind of laugh.
  245. What?
  246. >Neb laughs.
  247. >"Thes, are you feeling alright?"
  248. >Nebulus looks over to Shy.
  249. >"Sorry about this. My friend here can be a little... eccentric."
  250. >...But Shy doesn't respond.
  251. >...You lean forward on the couch a bit, a pondering look on your face.
  252. >"...Shy?" Neb questions.
  253. >No response.
  254. >...
  255. Hey, Shy!
  256. >You call.
  257. >She looks up.
  258. >Her eyes are glazed over.
  259. >She looks in the direction toward Theseus.
  260. >"...Oh," she finally begins, "I remember... you..."
  261. >Theseus throws his hands in the air.
  262. >"No, fuck this," he says, rounding the couch and heading toward the front door. "My lap STILL feels dirty, I ain't having nothing to do with this girl."
  263. Thes, are you--
  264. >"Run, guys. Fucking run. Godspeed."
  265. >And with that, Theseus opens the door and books it.
  266. >You can see him sprint down the street from the window.
  267. >You sit in silence for a bit.
  268. >Then turn to Nebulus.
  269. >He just looks confused.
  270. >...You meet his eyes, and laugh.
  271. What the fuck?
  272. >You say over your breathy laugh.
  273. >Nebulus scratches his head and laughs a little too.
  274. That guy's fucking crazy, man.
  275. >You look over to Shy.
  276. Don't let 'em get to you, alright?
  277. >...Her eyes are still glazed.
  278. >Your face contorts to confusion.
  279. >Still...?
  280. >Nebulus looks at Shy.
  281. >"Shy, is everything alright...?"
  282. >She doesn't move for a moment.
  283. >Then... she turns her head slowly to Neb.
  284. >"...FLUTTERshy..."
  285. >You pause for a moment.
  286. ...What?
  287. >..."Shy, what are you--"
  288. Dude, did she just reference pone?
  289. >"My name is... Fluttershy..."
  290. >Nebulus backs up a bit.
  291. >"Is everything--"
  292. >"Fluttershy..."
  293. >"Shy, please, you're--"
  294. Man, she's referencing pone.
  295. >"Swift, please! Shy, can you hear me? What are you--"
  296. Does she know you're a p0nyfag?
  297. >"Shut up, Swift!"
  298. >You laugh.
  299. Alright.
  300. >"Dude, something's wrong!"
  301. Whatever.
  302. >"No, seriously!"
  303. >She slowly begins to walk toward Nebulus.
  304. >"It's so good to see you again... Anon..."
  305. >You almost choke on nothing.
  306. No fucking way!
  307. >You cry out, pointing at her.
  308. Anon!? Like, the 4chan character Anon!?
  309. >"Dude, Swift! I think there's something seriously wrong with her!"
  310. Where did you find this girl!?
  311. >"Swift!!"
  312. >She backs him into a corner.
  313. >"I've saved myself... just for you, Anon..."
  314. >She swiftly pins his shoulders down against the wall, and plants a solid kiss on his lips.
  315. >You throw your hands up.
  316. Oh hell no, man, not in front of me.
  317. >You stand up from the couch and begin to walk away.
  318. >Nebulus pries her lips from him for a moment.
  319. >"Swift, fucking--!"
  320. >He's silenced again.
  321. You can make out with your girl all you want, bro, but I don't want to see it.
  322. >You walk down the hall, heading toward your own room.
  323. >"Swift!!"
  324. Have fun!
  326. >You are now Nebulus.
  327. >And what the fuck is this girl's problem?!
  328. >You try your best to pry her off of you, but she's so strong.
  329. >"Anon!" She mutters through her mouth, "Let us consummate our love!"
  330. >You push with all your might, finally getting this girl off of you.
  331. >You stumble back into the living room.
  332. >She slowly walks toward you.
  333. >"Maybe you can... tell me your fetish..."
  334. >You step back.
  335. >"And we can make love... over and over..."
  336. >You nervously laugh to yourself.
  337. Sorry... I'm more of a one-shot kind of guy...
  338. >Your heel hits the back of the couch.
  339. >You turn your head to see your obstacle, but the moment you do, Shy launches forward and pushes you, stumbling you over the couch onto your back.
  340. >She leaps up like a jungle cat and slams down on top of you, straddling you.
  341. >You struggle, but she has you pinned.
  342. >"Shhh..." she says, pressing her finger to your lips and undoing your belt. "Just let it happen, Anon my love..."
  343. Shy! I'm not Anon! You need to snap--
  344. >She silences you with a kiss.
  345. >With some kind of skill that the military should probably harvest, Shy undoes your belt at the same time, sliding your pants down.
  346. >All the making out and action has woken your member from its slumber.
  347. >She moves her panties to the side from under her skirt and lines herself up.
  348. >Your eyes widen.
  349. >You turn your head and break the kiss.
  350. Shy, no! What are you doing!?
  351. >"Let us be one, my love!"
  352. Woman, you are out of your mind!!
  353. >She slams her wet love hole down on top of your member, jolting a shock of pleasure through your body.
  354. >It feels so wrong!
  355. >You grit your teeth and try to struggle, but she keeps at it, pumping up and down over and over.
  356. >"Ahh~ Ahh!~ Yes, Anon!~"
  358. >"You ARE my project, Anon!"
  360. >She loses herself in pleasure.
  361. >Begrudgingly, you begin to feel a climax head your way.
  362. >No!
  363. >You can't!
  364. >Don't give her the satisfaction!
  365. >You groan out in frustration.
  366. >With some kind of crazy sense, probably inexplicably linked to pone, Shy predicts your situation.
  367. >"Yes, Anon!~ Give it all to momma!~"
  368. >Her wet crotch slaps sloppily against your member.
  369. >You can feel it coming!
  370. >Awh shit, no!
  371. >NO!
  372. FUCK YOU!
  373. >"YOU ALREADY ARE!"
  374. >A beam of white-hot love careens from you, injecting Shy straight to her core.
  375. >She moans out in pleasure.
  376. >You continue to pump against your will, emotions and feelings shattered.
  377. >...You have been defeated...
  378. >"Momma loves you, Anon..."
  379. >Your vision begins to go hazy...
  380. >...What's going on?
  381. >Shy swings her leg off of you, sliding your junk out from her and standing up off the couch.
  382. >The last you see before you slip off into the world of sleep is her approaching your bathroom, opening the medicine cabinet.
  384. >You are now Collar.
  385. >And you have just finished your lengthy warm-up routine.
  386. >You switch off your music and exhale.
  387. >Alright... ready to lift!
  388. >You quickly rock your shoulders back and forth and clap your hands together quickly, as if to get pumped.
  389. >...Well, better get dressed first.
  390. >You head over to your drawer and get your red workout sweatpants on.
  391. >They've got a green apple sewn into the side.
  392. >Heh...
  393. >You slip them on and get ready to switch your tank top.
  394. >...But you're interrupted by a knock at the door.
  395. Hmm?
  396. >You put your shirt back down and walk over to the door.
  397. Hey Thes, that you?
  398. >You say, gripping the doorknob.
  399. Sorry man, I kind of got lost in my--
  400. >You open the door, but it isn't Theseus there that greets you.
  401. >Instead, it's Shy, Nebulus's friend.
  402. Oh,
  403. >You say, standing back a bit.
  404. hey Shy, what's going on?
  405. >"...H-Hi..." she mumbles.
  406. >You look at her for a bit...
  407. >...
  408. >...It's now you notice she's got something in her hands.
  409. >It's a... plate of raw ground beef...
  410. >You look at it, then back up to her.
  411. Umm, Shy? Why is there--
  412. >"I made it, just for you... will you eat it?"
  413. >...What in the name sweet Sunbutt?
  414. >"Could you, please? Like, now?"
  415. >...Is this a joke?
  416. >You laugh a little.
  417. Umm... no, Shy. I'm not going to eat it.
  418. >You point to the plate.
  419. The meat is raw, and--
  420. >You stop yourself, and look closer...
  421. >Small blue pills are jammed into the food.
  422. ...Shy, is that medication? Did you... drug this meat?
  423. >She feigns a gasp.
  424. That ain't natty.
  425. >She shakes her head.
  426. >"Goodness, no! I'd never do such a thing, Anon!"
  427. >You raise your eyebrow at that last part.
  428. ...Anon?
  429. >...Then it hits you.
  430. Anon? Like... 4chan Anon?
  431. >She puts the plate down on the floor in the hallway, then takes a step into your room.
  432. >"Well maybe I could... come inside..."
  433. >She steps into your room.
  434. >You take a step back.
  435. >You've suddenly grown... worried.
  436. Well, yeah, I mean, if you want...
  437. >"Or, maybe... you could come inside... me..."
  438. >...What!?
  439. >You nervously laugh.
  440. Shy, are you even--
  441. >"FLUTTERshy..." she corrects.
  442. >Wait, WHAT?
  443. Fluttershy!?
  444. >She closes in on you.
  445. Like the p0ny!?
  446. >She jumps forward and gives you a mighty push, knocking you back onto your bed.
  447. >You bounce a little bit, then try to sit up, but the crafty girl drop kicks you on your chest, flinging you back down.
  448. >She jumps on top of you, backwards like a 69, and pins your shoulders down with her legs.
  449. >She's crazy powerful!
  450. >"Oh, is Anon Jr. happy to see me?"
  451. >You try to sit up, but her strong legs keep you pinned down.
  452. >She takes off your red, green apple-sporting sweatpants and exposes your manhood.
  453. What are you doing!?
  454. >She giggles, and starts jerking it slowly.
  455. >"Do you like momma's hooves all over your junk, Anon?"
  456. Hooves? Fucking HOOVES!?
  457. >She keeps you pinned, picking up the pace, before she's stroking quickly, almost violently.
  458. >It feels way too good.
  459. >But damn it, you don't want it to!
  460. Shy, stop it!
  461. >"Not until you love me, Anon!"
  462. I'm not Anon! This isn't greentext! Get a hold of yourself!
  463. >You can feel the climax slowly crawling its way toward the tip of your shaft.
  464. >No!
  465. >This feels so wrong!
  466. Shy, enough!!
  467. >It's coming!!
  468. >"Give me your seed filled with so many wonders!!"
  469. >Aaaaargh!
  470. >You jet your insides directly onto Shy's face.
  471. >She giggles, and opens her mouth, trying to get as much as she can onto her tongue.
  472. >You continue to pump, disgusted with yourself.
  473. >How did she do this to you...?
  474. >...And why are you so sleepy...?
  475. >Casting her spell that you are now under...
  476. >She rolls slowly off of you and gets to her feet.
  477. >Your vision gets blurry.
  478. >You can hardly see her walk away.
  479. >"...Momma loves you, Anon..."
  481. >You are now Swift.
  482. >And man, are you bored.
  483. >You sit at your desk, head supported by your arm and hand, browsing 4chan.
  484. >Man...
  485. >Nebulus is probably getting laid...
  486. >Collar's out at the gym...
  487. >What can you do...?
  488. >...
  489. >A thread catches your attention on /mlp/.
  490. >The OP picture is spoilered...
  491. >...Hmm.
  492. >You click the thread to see further images...
  493. >But it's already deleted.
  494. >You sit up in your seat.
  495. Damn, Scruffy. You're on your game...
  496. >...Huh. Well...
  497. >...No one's home...
  498. >...
  499. >You click the URL bar, typing in the address for Paheal.
  500. >Heh heh heh...
  501. >After a quick search for Fluttershy, you take a look through your options and slowly unzip your pants.
  502. >Hey, fuck it, ain't no one gonna catch you.
  503. >Just as you're about to pull it out--
  504. >Your door swings open violently, slamming against the wall.
  505. >You leap up in your chair, startled out of your mind, and fling your head around.
  506. >Shy stands at the threshold, covered in...
  507. >...Wait, what the fuck!?
  508. Shy!? What the hell is that!?
  509. >She looks at you, then past you to your monitor, shaking her head and tsking.
  510. >"Naughty boy... looking up nasty images of me?"
  511. >You squint your eyes.
  512. >...What? Is she--
  513. >OH SHIT!
  514. >You spin around and snag your mouse, slamming the X button as quickly as you can.
  515. Heh! Oh, gee! How did that get there? Crazy pop up ads... who would look at such a thing?
  516. >You throw on an awkward smile, laughing nervously as you look at Shy.
  517. >She's... grinning, oddly enough.
  518. >"There there, Anon..."
  519. >...There's that Anon thing again.
  520. >"You don't need to settle for pictures..."
  521. >She moseys up to you and sits down on your lap.
  522. >You kind of back away.
  523. >That's definitely cum on her face.
  524. >"...When you can have the real thing right here."
  525. >...
  526. >You sit in silence for a moment.
  527. ...Heh. Well, where are your wings, Fluttershy?
  528. >She slaps her face down hard to yours, melting her lips with yours.
  529. >The sloppy baby gravy on her face smears against your cheeks.
  531. >She breaks the kiss.
  532. >"Is other people's cum on your face your fetish, Anon?"
  534. >You try to get up, but she pins you down to the chair somehow.
  535. >How is she this strong!?
  536. >She giggles, and, keeping you pinned with her legs, swings her shirt up and over her arms, revealing her bare chest.
  537. >Your eyes widen.
  538. >...Hey, not bad.
  539. >She giggles.
  540. >"Do you like momma's crotchtits?"
  541. Yeah... I--
  542. >Crotchtits!?
  543. --I mean no! FUCK, NO!
  544. >You free your arms and try to pry yourself up and off, but she snags your arms mid-air.
  545. >She holds them down and around the chair, almost like you were handcuffed behind the back.
  546. >You fight, and struggle, but you can't get free.
  547. >She giggles again, and slides her body down off the chair, onto her knees.
  548. >Your member is already at full capacity through your zipper.
  549. >Wait!
  550. >Wha.. But how!?
  551. >Your--
  552. >...FUCK!
  553. >CLOPPING!
  555. >With her chest by your crotch, she presses her tits together with her shoulders, wrapping them around your second head.
  556. >You bite your tongue.
  557. >Jesus Christ...
  558. >"Let me show you a good time, Anon..."
  559. >She begins moving them up and down, sliding them all over your junk.
  560. >A bona-fide tit job.
  561. >You've never had this done before.
  562. >It's... incredible.
  563. >You grit your teeth.
  564. >No! Don't enjoy this, Swift! You can't!
  565. >The physical sensation is bliss!
  566. >But the mental sensation is hell!
  567. >"Do you like my crotchtits all over your no-no parts, Anon?"
  568. >And her fucking mouth!
  570. >"Feel my love!"
  572. >Her fleshy, soft breasts caress your shaft faster and faster.
  573. >Holy shit, you can't take this!
  574. >"Give it to me, Anon!"
  575. Fuck you, you can't have it!
  576. >"But I want it!"
  577. EAT A DICK!
  578. >"OH ANON~"
  579. >She envelops her mouth around your shaft.
  581. >Without warning, faster than your mind can comprehend, you soak the inside of her mouth with your cum.
  582. >She sucks your tip like a straw, greedily snagging every last drop she can get.
  583. >You grit your teeth again, but you soon seem to be getting.... rather sleepy...
  584. >Your vision blackens...
  585. >She laughs a little, then releases your hands, gets up, and walks toward your door.
  586. >You hold up your hand, rising from the chair.
  587. W-Wait...
  588. >You mumble.
  589. >But your consciousness is leaving you.
  590. >The ground swings quickly to your face as you collapse down, passed out.
  592. >The clock in the living room ticks very loudly.
  593. >You, Collar, sit down at the dining room table with your two roommates.
  594. >You all sit in silence...
  595. >...
  596. >The clock's noise still ticks through the air.
  597. >...
  598. >You sigh.
  599. ...Should I call him?
  600. >You look to your two roommates.
  601. >Nebulus looks at you, then Swift.
  602. >Then, back to you...
  603. >...He nods.
  604. >You look to Swift.
  605. >He's staring down at the table.
  606. >...
  607. >He looks back up, meeting your eyes.
  608. >...He also nods.
  609. ...Alright.
  610. >You reach into your pocket and bring out your phone.
  611. >You scroll through your contacts.
  612. >...
  613. >There. Theseus.
  614. >You select his name, and the call begins.
  615. >You put it on speaker, and place it in the middle of the table.
  616. >...
  617. >*Brrring.*
  618. >...
  619. >*Brrring.*
  620. >*Click*
  621. >"Hello?"
  622. >You look to your roommates.
  623. >...They all nod.
  624. ...Hey, Thes. How's it going?
  625. >"Collar? Hey man, good."
  626. >He pauses for a moment.
  627. >"...Am I on speaker?"
  628. >Nebulus sighs.
  629. >"Yeah Thes, you are. Look, we need to talk to you about something..."
  630. >There's a silence.
  631. >"...It's about Shy, isn't it?"
  632. >You all look to each other once more.
  633. >"...Yeah man, it is," Swift says.
  634. >He's silent once more.
  635. >...
  636. >"...Did she... did she rape you guys?"
  637. >Your heart jumps a little in your chest.
  638. >Nebulus and Swift seem to have the same general reaction.
  639. >You can hear Theseus sigh at the other end of the line.
  640. >"She did, huh?"
  641. >You're all silent...
  642. >...
  643. >"Well, come on..." he starts, "be honest..."
  644. >...
  645. >"...It was pretty fuckin' sweet, wasn't it?"
  646. >What...?
  647. >You look up to your friends.
  648. >Nebulus looks speechless.
  649. >Swift is biting his lip.
  650. >You turn back to the phone.
  651. Thes... that bitch was crazy.
  652. >He laughs at the other side of the line.
  653. >"Completely. Wouldn't go near her again. Kind of traumatizing, really..."
  654. >You laugh just a little.
  655. >"But you know it... while it lasted..."
  656. >You look up once again.
  657. >Swift takes a deep breath...
  658. >...And exhales, smiling like a bastard after.
  659. >"Okay, it was pretty damn incredible."
  660. >A hearty chuckle comes from the phone speaker.
  661. >Nebulus shifts in his chair a bit and laughs.
  662. >"Yeah man, I gotta say... that was probably the most intense sex I've ever had."
  663. >They look to you, smiling and laughing.
  664. >It's... contagious.
  665. >You smile too.
  666. ...Alright, alright... it was pretty fucking sweet.
  667. >"There we go!" Theseus shouts, laughing.
  668. >You all join in a great group giggle.
  669. >The crackily phone's chuckle is the loudest.
  670. >"Hahaha! Hah... hah... but really, watch out for that chick."
  671. >You all stop your laughing, wiping your faces or doing other nonchalant things, and nod.
  672. >"We don't need any other friends getting caught up with her."
  673. >"Yeah," Neb says, "that'd be... a little weird."
  674. >You all agree.
  675. >Man, what a bizarre thing to happen.
  676. >...Just watch out.
  677. >We don't need anyone else...
  678. >...Fucking Fluttershy
  680. The End
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